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LEADING ARTICLE Drug Safety 2000 Jun; 22 (6): 415-423


© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved.

An ABC of Drug-Related Problems

Ronald H.B. Meyboom,1,2 Marie Lindquist2 and Antoine C.G. Egberts3,4
1 Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Foundation LAREB, Goudsbloemvallei, MH ‘s-Hertogenbosch,
The Netherlands
2 The Uppsala Monitoring Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring,
Uppsala, Sweden
3 Department of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
4 TweeSteden’ Hospital, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Abstract The problems relating to the use of medicines are manifold. They may differ
in pharmacological, pathological, epidemiological and legal respects, and may
have different consequences, for example, as regards scientific study, regulation
or rational use. Pharmacovigilance is concerned with all such problems: adverse
effects and interactions as well as problems relating to ineffectiveness, inappro-
priate use, counterfeiting, dependence or poisoning.
Practically all medicine-related problems can be classified in one basic system,
taking into account their characteristics and distinctions. This system distin-
guishes between appropriate and inappropriate drug use, dose-related and dose-
unrelated problems, and types A (‘drug actions’), B (‘patient reactions’) and C
(‘statistical’) adverse effects. This classification may serve as an educational tool
and may be useful in when choosing a study method and for the design of effective
strategies in pharmacovigilance.

1. Background in man’.[1,2] In this definition the ‘normal dose’clause

distinguishes adverse reactions from poisoning,
By tradition pharmacovigilance, is primarily whereas the mechanism underlying the reaction is
concerned with the adverse effects of medicines. disregarded. Colitis during the use of an antibac-
Adverse effects are usually grouped together, in
terial may well be an adverse reaction to the drug,
data sheets, formularies or handbooks, as if they
even if it is caused by an identified bacterial toxin.
were a more or less uniform group of related dis-
A side effect is ‘a pharmacological effect other than
eases, such as viral infections or rheumatic dis-
the intended one’, and an adverse drug event is an
eases. On the contrary, medicine-induced disorders
constitute an extremely wide and heterogeneous ‘unintended noxious event occurring during drug
group of complaints, symptoms, disorders and syn- therapy’ which may or may not be drug-related.[2]
dromes, their only commonality the fact that at The precise wordings of the internationally agreed
some point in their development a medicine has, definitions are given in table I.[2] In many patients
directly or indirectly, played a role. Thirty years the relationship between an adverse reaction and
ago the World Health Organization (WHO) defined the drug is uncertain, however, and in pharmaco-
an adverse drug reaction as ‘one that is noxious vigilance case reports usually and characteris-
and unintended and occurs at doses normally used tically concern suspected adverse drug reactions.
416 Meyboom et al.

Table I. Definitions[2] in definitions or design. On the basis of pharmaco-

Side effect logical, pathological and epidemiological criteria a
Any unintended effect of a pharmaceutical product occurring at number of major categories of medicine-related
doses normally used in humans, which is related to the problems can be recognised.[6-9] These categories
pharmacological properties of the drug
can be placed in one integral classification scheme,
Adverse event as shown in figure 1. In this figure dose-related prob-
Any untoward medical occurrence that may present during
treatment with a pharmaceutical product but which does not
lems are placed above and dose-unrelated problems
necessarily have a causal relationship with this treatment below, whereas adverse effects occurring during
Adverse reaction
appropriate medicine use are on the right side and
A response to a drug which is noxious and unintended, and those resulting from inappropriate use are on the
which occurs at doses normally used in humans for the left. The distinction between these categories is not
prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy of disease, or for the
modification of physiological function
always sharp, however, and in practice medicine-
related problems may have aspects of more than
Unexpected adverse reaction
An adverse reaction, the nature or severity of which is not
one of these categories.
consistent with domestic labelling or market authorisation, or
expected from characteristics of the drug
2. Adverse Effects

A variety of pharmacological, immunological,

In this paper adverse reaction and adverse effect are metabolic or genetic mechanisms can underlie the
used as synonyms.
In line with the WHO definition and regulatory
legislative tradition, adverse effects and poisoning
have, for many years, been treated separately. How-
Type A adverse effects
ever, a ‘dose normally used in man’ is a less explicit (drug actions):
notion that it may seem. In many patients who have
Organ selective
experienced an adverse effect, the amount taken, Overdose injury
although below the maximal recommended dose, Late effects
was too high, because of impaired excretion or Carcinogenicity
some other reason. Untoward responses may occur Risk situations
when a medicine is not taken according to the in-
structions for use or with wrong expectations (for Inappropriate Interactions
instance because of unrealistic advertising). Adverse
effects, inappropriate use and poisoning are all ex- Type C adverse
Ineffectiveness effects
amples of medicine-related problems, where the (statistical
interaction between a patient and a medicinal prod- effects)

uct has for one or another reason lead to a disadvan- Type B adverse effects
tageous result, for the patient or for the community. (patient reactions)

In addition to adverse effects, medicines may

give rise to an array of problems, ranging from in-
effectiveness to poisoning, from counterfeit to ad- Fig. 1. The zodiac of medicine-related problems. In this figure
dose-related problems are placed above and dose-unrelated
ministration error. Recent research has confirmed
problems below, whereas adverse effects occurring during ap-
that such problems are a significant cause of mor- propriate medicine use are on the right side and those resulting
bidity, hospitalisation and even death.[3-5] Study from inappropriate use are on the left. The distinction between
these categories is not always sharp, however, and in practice
findings may be difficult to compare or to extrap- medicine-related problems may have aspects of more than one
olate, however, for instance because of differences of these categories.

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An ABC of Drug-Related Problems 417

Table II. Type A adverse effects (‘drug actions’): pharmacological effect may only develop after prolonged adminis-
adverse effects
tration of the drug. In the example of cough and
Common (>1%)
ACE inhibitors a clear dose response-relationship
Dose relationship
could not be demonstrated, suggesting the exist-
Suggestive time relationship
ence of a sensitive subpopulation. As is reviewed
below, a variety of pharmacological (‘type A’) ef-
fects occur mainly in special situations or patients
with increased susceptibility, for example, demo-
development of adverse effects of medicines and,
graphic determinants, pre-existent disturbances of
likewise, their clinical manifestations are extremely
drug handling, special physiological states, or con-
diverse and variable. In spite of their pluriformity,
comitant use of other medicines or drugs (interac-
3 major groups of adverse effects can be recognised,
tions) (table IV).
which are often referred to as types A, B and C.[6-9]
2.1.1 Organ Selective Injury
There are many medicines that are generally
2.1 Type A Adverse Effects: Drug Actions
well tolerated, but exert selective toxic effects on one
particular organ, tissue or structure, for instance
Type A effects are adverse effects in the true sense
because of accumulation or the production of toxic
of the word. They are pharmacological actions as
metabolic intermediates in the particular tissue.
much as therapeutic effects are; the essential dif-
Examples are aminoglycoside and ototoxicity or
ference being that they are unintended. Examples
chloroquine-induced retinopathy (‘bull’s eye’).
are constipation during the use of morphine for an-
algesia, or sedation caused by a hypnotic. Undoubt- 2.1.2 Late Effects
edly, type A effects are by far the most prevalent. There are many examples of type A effects that
As a rule there is a dose-response relationship: type take months or even years of drug use to develop
A effects are more frequent and more severe when (e.g. tardive dyskinesia induced by antipsychotics).
higher doses are taken (table II). There is often also Their detection may be difficult because of the ab-
a suggestive time relationship between exposure sence of a suggestive time relationship.
and effect, in accordance with the pharmacokinetic Carcinogenicity is a special form of late effect.
or pharmacodynamic properties of the drug. Be- Fortunately, many potential carcinogenic or muta-
cause of their pharmacological nature, type A ef- genic drugs are eliminated during preclinical test-
fects are comparatively easy to study (table III). ing. Nevertheless, there are several examples of
Clinical trials give information on efficacy and tol- medicines that were found to be associated with an
erability; the latter is largely determined by type A increased risk of the development of malignant dis-
adverse effects. In addition, type A effects can of- eases, for instance, diethylstilbestrol (vaginal car-
ten be reproduced and clarified in a variety of ex- cinoma after maternal exposure), oral contracep-
perimental tests (e.g. animal experiments or in vitro tives (hepatic carcinoma), phenacetin (carcinoma
studies). of the urinary tract), immune suppressants such as
Nevertheless, there are many possible reasons azathioprine or cyclosporin (malignant lymphoma),
why a predominantly pharmacological effect may
be less easy to demonstrate and may not be de- Table III. Type A adverse effects (‘drug actions’): methods of study
tected in a clinical trial. The delayed discovery of Clinical trial
cough induced by ACE inhibitors years after their Spontaneous reporting
introduction, is an example. A high background Experiments
frequency or unspecificity of the event may blur Hospital studies
the relation with the drug; the mechanism may be Prescription event monitoring
unrelated to the therapeutic action of the drug; the Follow-up studies

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418 Meyboom et al.

Table IV. Type A adverse effects occurring in special situations or 2.2 Type B Adverse Effects:
patients with increased susceptibility
Patient Reactions
Organ selective injury
Late effects The second major category, the type B adverse
carcinogenicity, mutagenicity
effects, refers to the phenomenon that a medicine
Risk situations:
is well tolerated by the (vast) majority of users, but
childhood occasionally elicits an ‘allergic’ reaction (allos =
the elderly different) (tables V and VI). Often and characte-
renal failure istically, type B effects are acute, unexpected and se-
haemodialysis vere. Often there is a characteristic sensibilisation
period of about 10 days, but a fairly long latency
period may also occur. Such reactions may be as
rare as 1 in 5000 or even 10 000 patients and yet
may be very important, for the merit of the medi-
or the contrast dye thorium dioxide (widely used in
cine and from the public health point of view. Type
the past and associated with renal carcinoma and B adverse effects are a major reason for withdrawal
leukaemia).[10] of medicines from the market. Characteristically,
there is little or no dose relationship: the reaction
2.1.3 Risk Groups
There are many different physiological or path- is not more frequent or more severe in patients us-
ological states that predispose to the development ing higher doses. Therefore, in figure 1, type B ef-
of basically pharmacological effects. Pregnancy, fects are depicted to be opposite type A effects.
Type B adverse effects are either immunological
lactation, childhood, elderly, decreased renal clear-
or nonimmunological forms of hypersensitivity
ance or haemodialysis, all have characteristic fea-
and occur in patients with an, often unknown or
tures which may allow medicines to exhibit effects
unrecognised, predisposing condition. Immuno-
that would otherwise be rare or could not occur.
allergic reactions may have complex pathology and
The notorious teratogenicity of thalidomide is a
take many forms, ranging from nonspecific rashes
clear example. Because trial patients are selected,
to specific reactions such as cholestatic hepatitis,
clinical trials are unlikely to yield information re- agranulocytosis or autoimmune syndromes (see ta-
garding such special populations. Other methods of ble VII). Several drugs are known directly – that is,
detection, for example those used for type B ad- without the involvement of an antigen-antibody re-
verse effects, may be needed. action – to release mediators of inflammation (no-
2.1.4 Interactions
Since many medicines may interact in many dif- Table V. Type B adverse effects (‘patient reactions’)

ferent ways, medicine-medicine, medicine-food or Immunoallergic reactions

Metabolic intolerance
medicine-drug (e.g. alcohol) interactions play an
important role in pharmacovigilance. Because of rare (<1%)
their pharmacological mechanism, interactions can unexpected
often be classified as type A effects. Sometimes causality uncertain
mechanism uncertain
drugs react physicochemically when exposed out-
no dose relationship
side the body, for example, when injected into an not reproducible experimentally
intravenous line. Although not a truly pharmaco- characteristic, serious
logical effect, this phenomenon of pharmaceutical suggestive time relationship
incompatibility is included here. low background frequency

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An ABC of Drug-Related Problems 419

Table VI. Type B adverse effects (‘patient reactions’): methods of 2.3 Type C Adverse Effects:
‘Statistical Effects’
Spontaneous reporting
Prescription event monitoring
Since the controversy regarding increased car-
Case control surveillance
Large databases/record linkage
diovascular mortality in patients with diabetes
mellitus using oral hypoglycaemic drugs emerging
from the prestigious University Diabetes Group
tably histamine) and elicit pseudoallergic reactions, Diabetes Program report in the early seventies, nu-
merous connections have been assumed to exist be-
for instance morphine-induced urticaria or aspirin
tween drug exposure and disease frequency.[13] An-
(acetylsalicylic acid)-mediated bronchospasm.
other example is the increased overall occurrence
The notion of ‘intolerance’ usually refers to pa-
of malignant diseases observed in clofibrate-users
tients with an excessive response to a normal dose
in a large multinational study of the prevention of
of a medicine, for example, because of a slow me- ischaemic heart disease.[14] Such type C adverse
tabolism. The response is qualitatively normal but effects can be defined as the increased occurrence
quantitatively excessive. In the case of idiosyncrasy of a given disease in patients using a particular
(a word indicating that the reaction is determined drug, as compared with the (relatively high) back-
by the constitution of the patient), on the other hand, ground frequency in unexposed patients (table
the response is also qualitatively different. Among
the many examples are haemolytic reactions in pa-
Table VII. Examples of immunological adverse drug reactions
tients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
(G6PD) deficiency and, possibly, phenylbutazone-
related aplastic anaemia. Type B adverse effects Maculopapular rash
are notoriously difficult to study experimentally Erythema nodosum
and often the mechanism is not known or not fully Eczema
clarified. Diagnostic tests are rarely available and Lichenoid eruptions
in the individual patient the connection often re-
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
mains unproved. There are several examples that a
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
medicine was withdrawn because of an idiosyn-
cratic reaction, whereas the underlying mecha- Thrombocytopenia
nisms was never elucidated (a striking example was Agranulocytosis
the practolol-associated sclerosing peritonitis). Haemolytic anaemia
That type B adverse effects, in spite of so much Aplastic anaemia
difficulty, are often readily detected, is explained Liver
by the situation that these effects often occur in a Cholestatic hepatitis
Hepatocellular hepatitis
suggestive time relationship with drug exposure,
are characteristic and have a low background fre- Kidney
Interstitial nephritis
quency. In this light it is understandable why spon-
taneous reporting, the major system used by na-
tional pharmacovigilance centres, has been found Pneumonitis (eosinophilic, alveolar, interstitial)
to be especially effective in detecting type B ad-
verse effects (table VI).[11] Other methods for study- Anaphylaxis
ing type B effects are prescription event monitor- Vasculitis
ing, case control surveillance and record linkage Serum sickness
(e.g. by using large automated databases).[9,12] Systemic lupus erythematosus

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420 Meyboom et al.

Table VIII. Type C adverse effects (‘statistical effects’) 3. Therapeutic Ineffectiveness

Increased frequency of ‘spontaneous’ disease
high background frequency The healing power of medicines is inherently lim-
less typical for a drug reaction ited and especially in chronic and serious diseases
no suggestive time relationship insufficient effectiveness is frequently encountered.
often long latency Sometimes ineffectiveness is dose related and
mechanism unknown sometimes it is not. Although perhaps not an ad-
difficult to reproduce experimentally
verse effect in the true sense of the word, ineffec-
tiveness is obviously an unintended and potentially
harmful response. About half of medicine-related
VIII). The association is essentially one of statisti- hospital admissions are because of ineffective-
cal disproportionality. The possibility of confound- ness.[3] Effect evaluation – especially for long term
ing is a notorious problem. Compared with type B use – is therefore undoubtedly one of the tasks of
adverse effects, type C effects have a higher back- pharmacovigilance.
Ineffectiveness, especially when unexpected, can
ground frequency and a less obvious time relation-
be secondary to inappropriate use (e.g. wrong dose,
ship. Type C adverse effects, like type B adverse ef-
wrong duration or wrong indication) (table X). Fur-
fects, are often difficult to study in experimental thermore, unexpected ineffectiveness can be an im-
models and (at first) the mechanism often is un- portant warning sign in pharmacovigilance, for ex-
known. Later on the mechanism may become un- ample, concerning an interaction, a pharmaceutical
derstood, as happened for example in the case of defect, a counterfeit product, tolerance or resistance
increased risks of biliary stones or thromboembolic development (table XI). The importance of alert-
disease in women using oral contraceptives. ness for counterfeit drugs can be illustrated by a
Because of the probability of coincidence and recent report of the WHO Data Base on Counterfeit
the absence of a suggestive time relationship or a Pharmaceuticals, in which 751 cases of counter-
feiting were reviewed, occurring in developing as
specific marker, in these patients the involvement
well as developed countries.[15,16] In rare instances
of the drug often remains uncertain or doubtful.
ineffectiveness is caused by metabolic insensitivity
Therefore, spontaneous reporting is of limited use of the patient (i.e. the opposite of intolerance), for
for the detection and study of type C effects (table example in the case of hereditary coumarin resis-
IX). Prescription event monitoring, on the other tance (a rare autosomal, dominant condition).
hand, may be of value, provided that the adverse
event collection takes place after the latency period 4. Noncompliance and
and the sample size is large enough. Inappropriate Use
Although follow-up (cohort) studies are theoret- As is indicated in the definition of the WHO,
ically the method of choice to study a medicine, the any type A, B or C adverse effect can occur during
required population size and study duration often entirely appropriate medicine use. This is a matter
pose scientific, logistic, ethical and financial prob- of bad luck or a calculated risk. The distinction
lems. Also, the acquisition of a suitable control pop-
ulation may be cumbersome. Although experiences Table IX. Type C adverse effects (‘statistic effects’): methods of
with case control surveillance and nested case con-
Follow-up studies (cohort)
trol studies using large linked databases are prom-
Case control studies
ising, the study of type C adverse effects remains a Prescription event monitoring
major challenge to pharmacovigilance and phar- Large databases/record linkages
macoepidemiology. Spontaneous reporting is of limited use

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An ABC of Drug-Related Problems 421

Table X. Therapeutic ineffectiveness as the cause of a problem, for example an inquiry

Pharmaceutical defects and counterfeit or a hospital study.
Inappropriate use (noncompliance)
Resistance 5. Dependence and Addiction;
Tolerance Tolerance and Rebound

Dependence in its various forms often can be

between appropriate and inappropriate use of a seen as noncompliance in the extreme: the indica-
medicine may be less obvious, however, than one tion is often not (or no longer) valid and there is a
might think. It is our experience, for example, that strong tendency to increase the dose beyond the
in the history of a patient with a serious adverse maximum and to a prolonged duration of use. The
reaction, with hindsight often a moment can be potential of inducing dependence is in many cases
found when an unfortunate decision was made, a an inherent feature of the drug, which should be
precaution disregarded or a warning sign over- included in pharmacovigilance. The triad depend-
looked. ence, tolerance development and withdrawal reac-
When medicine is not taken properly, the risk of tion is pharmacologically of special interest. A
adverse effects – type A in particular – is likely to withdrawal or a rebound reaction can be seen as a
increase, in frequency and in severity. Inappropri- virtual pharmacologic effect. The drug stimulates
ate medicine use (i.e. not or not fully in accordance the body to take counteractions which, during re-
with the approved instructions for use) may have adaptation after discontinuation of the exposure,
many different shapes and causes, ranging from un- may in turn have detrimental results. Mechanistic-
realistic promotion or a wrong attitude of the pa- ally, there is a similarity with the phenomenon of
tient, to ‘off-label’ use (common in children) or enzyme induction and what happens after the drug
medication error.[17-19] When a drug is used in a is stopped.
way that is contrary to the instructions for use, the As a rule, opioids and sedative drugs can cause
adverse effects may legally have a different posi- dependence. The fact that there was ignorance for
tion and therefore be difficult to deal with in drug a long time about the addicting properties of ben-
regulation. Regulatory management of analgesic zodiazepine derivatives, in spite of its far reaching
consequences, illustrates the importance of depen-
nephropathy, for example, has been delayed in sev-
dence as a focus of pharmacovigilance. Another
eral countries because it only occurs after inappro-
example, the question of whether deterioration in
priate use of the analgesic (excessive doses for ex-
a patient’s condition after stopping an antidepres-
cessive periods of time). In recent years it has
sive drug is a relapse of depression or is a mistaken
become understood that the vast grey area of sub-
withdrawal reaction, has still to be unravelled.[20]
optimal use of medicines is of great importance in
Dependence is not restricted to psychotropic drugs,
pharmacovigilance. Since about 50% of medicine-
related problems leading to hospital admission
were found to be avoidable,[3] there is much to be Table XI. Inappropriate drug use

gained from preventive measures in this area. In- Wrong dose

Wrong duration
appropriate medicine use, however, is often diffi-
Wrong route
cult to study (table XII). Sometimes the informa- Wrong indication
tion in the case reports sent to a spontaneous Wrong expectations
reporting system already suggest that there is ‘off label’ use and noncompliance
something wrong, for example, that too high a dose failure of information or monitoring
or a wrong indication is involved. Often active study neglect of precautions
is needed, however, to unmask inappropriate use medication administration error

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422 Meyboom et al.

Table XII. Inappropriate use: methods of study from therapeutic drug use and, also for legal rea-
spontaneous reporting sons, beyond the scope of drug regulation. Accord-
prescription event monitoring ing to Dutch law, for example, a medicine had to
be safe ‘when used as recommended’. Worldwide
cross sectional studies
there is now a tendency towards increased collab-
follow-up studies
oration or even integration of poison control and
however, but may – often unexpectedly – occur
with a variety of other medicines, such as nasal de- 7. ‘Indirect’ Adverse Effects
congestants (‘nose drop nose’), laxatives, or minor Apart from therapeutic administration, medi-
analgesics. Analgesic nephropathy, a sequel of the cines can, throughout the process of production,
prolonged abuse of the latter drugs, is still a major distribution and destruction, give rise to health haz-
concern of pharmacovigilance.[21] ards in a variety of ways. A production error could
Dependence is notoriously difficult to study. So lead to contamination of the environment with a
long as the patient gets the drug, the doctor pre- toxic intermediary or waste product. Widely used
scribes it and the pharmacist dispenses it, all seem drugs that are excreted unchanged or as an active
happy, until the addiction is out of control. In rou- metabolite may be traceable in the surface water.
tine monitoring of drug addiction, spontaneous re- Antibacterial use in, for instance the bioindustry,
porting plays a major role. For better information may lead to bacterial resistance development. These
to become available, active data collection is re- types of indirect harmful effects of medicines have
quired, which may be difficult because of the strat- not been included in the classification in figure 1.
egy of denial often built up by such patients.
8. Implications
6. Overdose and Poisoning
Drug related problems have a variety of differ-
From dependence, with the notorious associated ent causes, ranging from adverse effects and inter-
tendency of patients to increase the amounts taken, actions to ineffectiveness, inappropriate use, coun-
it is a small step further to overdose or poisoning. terfeiting, dependence and poisoning. Between the
Poisoning may be relative or absolute, may be re- appropriate use and overt misuse of medicines there
creational, iatrogenic, intentional or accidental, is a vast grey area of suboptimal use, which may
and may be acute or chronic. decrease safety. Pharmacovigilance is concerned
From poisoning, which constitutes excessive with all aspects of the use of medicines that have
pharmacological effects, it is only one step to the consequences with regard to safety, efficacy and
type A adverse effects where we started and thereby rational use.
we have come full circle. There is not one method that can be used to
In many countries, a national poison control sys- study all aspects of all medicines and there proba-
tem is operational, at the same time ensuring proper bly never will be. Traditionally there are 2 major sys-
treatment of poisoning and monitoring the toxic tems for ongoing ‘open question’ vigilance: spon-
potential of new medicines. Acute poisoning can be taneous reporting (especially for the detection of
seen as an unintended human experiment, which type B adverse effects) and poison control (mainly
may be very interesting from the pharmacological concerned with acute poisoning). Different prob-
point of view. There are several examples of med- lems often need different methods of study. As a
icines that were found to exert a toxic effect in rule such studies need to be specifically designed
overdose, which was predictive of an adverse ef- for the question or purpose and are limited in scope,
fect during chronic therapeutic use. In many coun- size and duration. There is a limited number of
tries, poisoning was originally regarded as separate methods available for the study of marketed med-

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An ABC of Drug-Related Problems 423

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Correspondence and offprints: Dr Ronald Meyboom, The
18-45 Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Stora Torget 3, S-75320 Uppsala,
7. Inman WHW, editor. Monitoring for drug safety. 2nd ed. Lan- Sweden.
caster: MTP Press, 1986 E-mail:

 Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Drug Safety 2000 Jun; 22 (6)

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