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A ES TTI BULLETIN NO. TEH-975 Replaces Manual 6100. REVISION 1 HYDRONIC ZONE CONTROL WITH PRIMARY-SECONDARY PUMPING TRAINING & EDUCATION DEPT. I TT FLUID HANDLING DIVISION INDEX THE NEED FOR ZONE CONTROL .. CONVENTIONAL METHODS OF ZONE CONTROL. 6 Zoning with valves 6 Zoning with pumps 6 Zone control in large systems. 7 THE B&G METHOD OF ZONE CONTROL with PRIMARY & SECONDARY PUMPING pocaceenogo0n 8 General advaneages oe a 8 PeMeEHL OEY eee ecccsettcatens cn, 8 PRIMARY SECONDARY PIPING. et) Primary piping Secondary piping Controlling secondary zones PRIMARY-SECONDARY DESIGN ..... Design advantages .. Designing the primary circuit Designing the secondary zone , Desigaing the common piping ....... AS Determining mean water temperatures coo ee rig SUMMARY .... 19. INTRODUCTION Were it not for the ever increasing versatility of the circulated water system, modern architecture might Grell be far diferent than we know it today. The ability To circulate water for Jong distances, through small pipes or tubing, and in closely controlled remperatute anges, makes it the ideal medium for modern con- struction of all types. Large buildings of today are rarely withour heat: ing, cooling and ventilating loads in varying quantities the year “sound, The larger the structure, the more Critical the need for zone control. In many areas, it fs possible to have heating required in one part of a building and at the same time have cooling required in another. THE NEED FOR Zone conttol is becoming increasingly important in the heating industry because of changes in living habits and building construction, Not too many years ago it was customary to weat layers of heavy clothing all chrough the winter. Heavy cloth, worn indoors, provided a primary means of con frol of body heat loss. Room to room temperature” Could vary considerably because of clothing that pro- vided heavy insulation of the body. “Today, relatively light clothing is worn all year ‘round, Room air and radiant temperatures are much sore important today than in the past, because people dre no longer insulaced against temperature variations. Tn order to be comfortable, all room air and radiant temperatures must be closely controlled. While the aced for greater temperature control has incressed, trends in building construction have made the contcol problem increasingly difficule. These con- tinving trends are cowards large windows, more spread Gun, less compact buildings and cowards multi-level residences. TLarge windows complicate the control. problem be: cause sun loads (heat gain) and wind Toads (heat foscos) affece windows much more chan walls. Increased Obviously, a completely automaric system for year ‘round temperature control of a large muldi-zoned building can present the designing engineer some in- teresting problems. The solution of these problems is therefore the purpose of this book. ‘This is by no means a new method of design for cir culated water systems, as the simple fundamental prin- cipal presented here first appeared in the B&G Fa- gineering Manual in 1954. Called “Primary-Secondary Zone Contcol” (PSZC) it offers design engineers un- Timited versatility in che selection of zone control sys tems, regardless of size. ZONE CONTROL vse of insulation in walls and ceiling has added to the problem because proportionally ess heat is lost chrough Pras, Spread out construction also affects cemperatare Tontrol because sun load may increase the tempera: fore in one room while a high wind may decrease the femperazure in a remore goom; both at the same time. Ta addition to being affecced by wind and sun, the multilevel residence is subject to overheated upper Tevels and cold drafty lower levels due 0 air stratifica- tion; a condition most in evidence with one zone con- vection heating systems “The problem of heat balance can best be solved by zone control, A zone may be defined as an area in chich the temperature is co be controlled separately from any other area in che buildiag. Zone control provides that the correct amount of heating oF cooling PI be delivered to the proper location, when needed. ‘A strveture may be zoned by rooms, by room groups oF by levels. “The hydronic* system offers unique advantages over other forms of systems because of its adaptability to gone control, The water heating or cooling system can Geliver water at any femperacure, ia any Amount, 10 any zone, at any time and for any size system. heating oF cooling with water CONVENTIONAL METHODS OF ZONE CONTROL ‘There are two basic methods of providing zone con- tzol in water heating or cooling systems: by control valves, o by pumps. The valves may be either 2-way oF Beway units, “The sketch below shows « typical method of zoning a small, compact building, using 2-way, open or closed valves. The successful operation of the system requires that relatively few zones be used and the control valves ZONE*S FLO-CONTROL VALVES muse close tightly. If the valves do not close tightly, leakage will destroy zone control effectiveness. Unless low head pumps and few zones are used, water flow noise may occur. This is because the full water flow developed by the pump may at times be forced through only one zone. In the system illustrated here, zoning with 2-way valves does not usually offer eco nomic advantages over zoning with pumps. &—CONTROL VALVES RETURN HEADER, Fig. 1. Zoning with 2avay valve Three-way valves, either two position or modulating, may be used to overcome the objections to the 2-way valve system. 3-way valves allow water flow to pass either through the zone or through a bypass. This type of valve is used for control of panel heating sys- tems where the boiler is maintained at a higher tem- ZONE#3 Ga ZONE Pues perarure than that required for panel water. ‘A more economical and trouble-free method of zoa- ing a small building is with pumps and is shown in the sketch below. To prevent inter-zone water flow in pumped zoned systems, flow control valves should be installed in each zone. FLO-CONTROL ZL vawwes ZONE*! RETURN HEADER ® 9 Fig.2. Zoning with pumps A system zoned with pumps is not subject to the limitations of che system controlled by open-or-shut valves. Any number of zones may be used and additional zones installed without trouble. The zones may use pumps of greatly differing heads and capacities, providing that the supply and return headers are sized for low pressure drop at maximum flow conditions. This important point cannot be stressed to emphatically. 9 & ~ ZONE CONTROL IN LARGER SYSTEMS As systems become larger, the trend is away from loc 1g zone controlling valves and pumps at che boiler. This is because of the extra piping required to reach distant zones. Schools, office buildings, housing projects and industrial plants illustrate this type of system. To reduce piping costs, some large systems have been installed using 2-way zone control valves as illustrated below. eae CONTROL VALVES VALVE OPEN g eae rey J = me "| [= + —pume ig. 3. Large system zoned with 2acay valves. Because the systems are large, high head, high capac- ity pumps are used, with the pumps generally sized for full flow through all zones. As the heat require: ments in some zones becomes satisfied and the zone control valves close off, water flow increases through the remaining open z0né valves with possibility of }water flow (velocity) noise, Since the valves are re- quired co operate at higher than normal pressure drop, service problems may become important. Pump troubles may also develop because of operation under continually changing pump heads and flows. 2 way ‘CONTROL VALVE ea! method has been generally unsatisfactory because of noise created by excessive flow and pressure drop at the bypass control valve. ‘The system, now largely obsolete, is shown below. (ig. 4) ey nef 3 way CONTROL VALVE aT BeSSSUnE, DIEFERENTIAL BY PASS VALVE Fig. 4. System using 2way valves and pump bypets. PUMP By Pass. Some attempts have been made to remedy the troubles inherent in this system by installing a bypass around the pump, with the amount of bypass water ‘governed by a pressure differential control valve. This 10 pune Fig. 5. Constant water flow obteined with 3-way bypass valved. ‘The touble associated with systems using large numbers of zone control valves may be relieved by using more cosy 3-way bypass valves instead of 2-way open-or-closed valves. The 3-way bypass valve allows water (0 flow either through the radiation or through che bypass, thus permicting constant water flow. (See Fig. 5 above) For larger installations, B&G has devised @ system of primary and secondary pumping, which eliminates the disadvantages of zone control by means of valves. THE B&G METHOD OF ZONE CONTROL WITH PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PUMPING ‘The B&G method of primary and secondary pump- ing was devised to supply a simple but practical meth- ‘od of zone control. It provides perfect control wich all the varied circuit arrangements occurring in modern system design. The system is easy to understand, sim- plifies application and offers an wausual combination of benefits. SECONDARY PUMPING OFFERS THESE ADVANTAGES— 1. Ic offers a degree of control difficult and costly to achieve with valves alone. 2. Ie permits reduced pump and pipe sizes by allowing increased temperature drops in the main piping. 3. Perfect hydraulic and heat transfer balance ia conjunction with highly economical operation. 4, Generally reduces total pumping horsepower. 5. It permits delivery of water at the correct temperature, ia aay amount, £0 any zone, at any 6. Ie often costs less than other control systems. GENERAL THEORY ‘The B&G Primary and Secondary Pumping Concrol System is simple in theory and practice. Irs operation COMMON PIPING is based on chis simple rule: When two piping circuits are interconnected, flow in one will cause flow in the other, to a degree depend- ing upon the pressure drop in the piping common to botb. ‘The B&G Monofio ciccuit operates on this principle. ‘The Monofto Fitting, with its fixed orifice which causes pressure drop is in the main piping between the radia- tion risers. The piping becween the radiation risers is common to both the Monoflo main and the radiator riser circuit. Because of this pressure drop, flow in the radiation circuit is caused by flow in the Monoflo If the Monoflo Fiteing were removed, the riser tees moved close together and water velocity reduced, there would be practically no flow ‘through the radiation circuit, because there would be practically no pressure dcop in the pipiag common to both circuits. ‘The above simple rule can therefore be re-stated: When two cireaits are interconnected, flow in one will NOT cause flow in the other if the pressure drop in the piping common to both is eliminated. ‘The simple, practical and foolproof basis for the BAG method of zone control by primary and secondary pumping is illustrated below: SECONDARY PUMP. — PRIMARY CIRCUIT LI ~ A pniwany PuMP FLO-CONTROL VALVES Fig. &. Fundamental circuit of BEG system of zone control. In the sketch above, operation of the primary pump will essentially cause a flow of water in the primary circuit only, because of low pressure drop in the com: mon piping A-B. Low pressure drop is provided by keeping common piping A-B as short as possible and che same size as the primary pipe. ‘To prevent gravity flow and the small flow which would be induced by the stight pressure drop in the common piping, Flo-Control Valves are used in the secondary zone supply and return piping. A flow of wacer from the primary circuit to the secondary zone will occur only when che secondary pump operates, Since the secondary pump is under its own set of controls, its operation will govera input into its zone. Any number of separately controlled sec- ‘ondary zones may be connected to the primary circuit. PRIMARY-SECONDARY PIPING PRIMARY PIPING CIRCUITS The primary circuit may be “practice, the primary pump continuously ther one pipe, two pipe direct return or two pipe reverse recurn. In normal sulates water through the primary citcuit. ONE PIPE PRIMARY CIRCUIT: SECONDARY ZONE, COMMON PIPING: - He PRIMARY PUMP | SECONDARY PUMP _ _ Fig. 7. A one pipe Primary Circuit. ‘The one pipe primary circuit shown above is similar to the conventional Monoflo System in that tempera- tare drops should generally not exceed 20°F. If greater temperature drops are used, compensation in radiation sizes must be made to provide for decreased ‘mean water temperature at the end of che primary circuit. The common piping ia this system is a pare of the main, The system does not require balancing. .e the Monofio system, a one pipe primary main will be less costly to install than a two pipe primary ~ SECONDARY ZONE FLO-CONTROL VALVE Seger wl PUMP. ~ I ~ main; based on the same design temperature drop. ‘The two pipe direct return primary circuitry shown below differs from the one pipe circuit in that the ‘common piping is located in a zone bypass line. This line connects the supply main with the recurn main, ‘Whether or not the zone is calling for input, the same amount of water continuously flows through the by- pass. Individual zone bypass lines must be balanced. If care is not taken ia the pipe sizing, balance valves must be used. ~ eS MON PIPING zone sv-pass———+| SSreinane roe \ 2-PIPE DIRECT RETURN AC — BALANCE VALVE PRIMARY CIRCUITRY Fig. 8. Two pipe direct return ciecuitry. )}_ Unlike the one pipe system, design temperature drop {in the primary main may exceed 20°F. / Two pipe reverse return circuits are generally/pre ferred to two pipe direct return circuits. In thé two pipe reverse recuen primary ciscuitry shown below the problem of balancing the pimary circuit is lessened, because all bypass circuits are approximately equal ia length. ‘SECONDARY: ZONE Y — Lous. SECONDARY PUNP- FLo-con oes TROL momen, | ie common pipine { 2-PIPE REVERSE RETURN PRIMARY CIRCUITRY ro \ PRIMARY PUMP. ™SgALaNce VALVE > ~ Fig. 9. Typical system with two pipe reverse return primary circuitry. SECONDARY ZONE PIPING ARRANGEMENTS ‘The piping used in secondary zones may be aay of the presently accepted variations—Monoflo, two pipe direct or reverse return, panel, series loop or to serve heat exchangers for providing domestic hot water or snow melting in areas remote from che boiler, Examples of some secondary zones which can be used are illustrated below. MONOFLO SERIES 2 PIPE peek PANEL syow sr waveRT ee eon | boot Fig. 10. Many types of secondary zonet may be used. A single primary main may simultaneously supply heat for a low water temperature panel zone, a medium temperature domestic water system and a high tempera- ture radiation zone. This is because continuous cireula tion of the primary main provides a continuous source of heat at the common piping. The common piping of each zone can be considered as a boiler or chiller, $0 that individual zones may be treated as though they were individual heating or cooling systems. CONTROLLING SECONDARY ZONES to thermostatic control. Primary main water tempera- Intermittent Pump Operation tures may be maintained ac a relatively high tempera- ture or may be modulated. Modulated primary main The secondary zone may use intermictent secondary _ water temperature will permit long secondary. pump \._ pump operation as a means of control operation and, consequently, almost continuous con. ‘The secondary pumps operate intermittently subject ‘folled heat input into each zone, INTERMITTENTLY OPERATED SECONDARY PUMP Po Mi) 4. INTERMITTENTLY OPERATED a SECONDARY PUMP A — ‘rto-controt BALANCE ZONE BY-PASS VALVE, { ‘VALVE. ‘COMMON ~ So PIPING COMMON PIPING ‘PRIMARY SUPPLY MAIN ONE PIPE PRIMARY TWO PIPE PRIMARY paiiany neTuRN. Fig. 11. Control with intermittent recondary pump: Continuous Pump Operation Flo-Control Valves cannot be used on piping in which flow continuously changes due to modulated flow conditions. Ic is still importane to prevent gravity Constant secondary pump operation, using valves circulation in the secondary zone riser, This can be to modulate secondary zone water temperature may done by dropping the risers below the primary cir- also be used and is illustrated below: cuit as shown in figure 13. CONSTANT CIRCULATION SECONDARY PUMPS ~ 7 3 WAY OPEN-CLOsE: CONTROL VALVE A BALANCE VALVE FLO-CONTROL: VALVE et FLO-CONTROL, ‘2 WAY OPEN-CLOSE VALVE ‘CONTROL VALE COMMON: common PIPING: PIPING ONE PIPE PRIMARY OR. ‘TWO PIPE PRIMARY ZONE BY-PASS LINE Fig. 12. Continuous operation with open-clored vale ONE PIPE PRIMARY OR COMMON “ne ‘TWO PIPE PRIMARY ZONE ‘COMMON nHeN ~ BYPASS LINE S~2 way MODULATING VALVE. 3 way MooULATING VALVE ( CONSTANT CIRCULATION SECONDARY PUMPS ) Fig. 13. Continuous operation with modulating valves Typical Control Arrangements ‘The sketches below show a few of the many control arrangements which may be used for domestic water heaters and snow melting and for conversion of higher temperature hot water co lower temperature water by means of convertors. The combinations of trouble-free control methods that can be arranged are limited only by the designer's ingenuity. C] (eS nnnes [rere ‘ 4 Ls t fo | a Fig. 14. Instentancous Domestic Hot Water Heating System. Fig. 16. Snow Melting Systom. Heating Cooling System It is often desirable to inter-connect boilers and chillers co the same water distributing main primary CHILLER SECONDARY PUMP. 7k FLO-CONTROL—¥———~r VALVES commer a PRIMARY PUMP COMMON PIPING (MIXING TANK) BOILER SECONDARY BOILER Fig. 15. Semi Tankless Domestic Hot Water Heating System. Fig. 17. Panel Heating System. circuit. This is easily accomplished by placing the boiler and chiller on individual secondary pumped suits as shown below. PRIMARY CIRCUIT HEAT OR COOL PUMP Fig. 18, Interconnecting boiler and chiller. 10 Boiler and chiller may be widely separated co satisfy space or noise requirements as illustrated below: HEAT OR COOL PRIMARY CIRCUIT CHILLER SECONDARY CIRCUIT BOILER SECONDARY CIRCUIT. BOILER PUMP ~soiter cnr Fig. 19. Chiller and boiler may be widely separated. ‘When only zone cooling is desired, chillers may be connected co individual zones as shown below: RADIANT PANEL HEAT-COOL HEAT ONLY Tou Jone vomestic snow = =, waren Bens Viele common ] Cry PIPING FLo-covrRow Cc siacves ) “ ZONE BYPASS LINE — BALANCE. yO NALVES A, Fig. 20, Chiller connected to individual zone To maintain water velocity, provide flexible control and prevent coil freezups secondary pumping may be used for air-handling units in the control methods shown below. AiR vent e > HEATING STACK AIR TEMP. CONTROL, CUTS IN PUMP a SECONDARY PUMP QC, x Fig. 21. Air handling wit arrangements. COMMON PIPING un PRIMARY-SECONDARY DESIGN DESIGN ADVANTAGES OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PUMPING ‘The fact chat all zones in a primary and secondary pumped system operace completely independent of fone another may be used co advantage in solving some of the problems confronting designers. HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT Ic is often desirable to maintain certain design flow rates through heat transfer equipment to insure that design heat transfer will always take place. It is evi- dent from the sketch below that flow rates through all heat cransfer units are affected each time any control valve operates. CONTROL VALVES T=") HEAT TRANSFER, BOILER, CHILLER, CONVECTOR Fig. 22. 2-way control valves cause changiveg flow rates. ‘The sketch below shows che difference when the heat exchange equipment is installed on secondary pumped zones, Flow rates through all units are main- tained at design, regardless of different zone load ce quirements, Utilizing this advantage, it now becomes possible co take large temperature drops in the primary main, ceducing primary pump and pipe sizes while still maintaining requited flows through the heat exchange equipment. "The designer can produce the best overall system di siga because the factor of individual unit flow pletely under his control. Design of the primary secondary system is simple, Each zone operates in- dependently, permitting seemingly complex projects to be broken down into a series of simple zone desigas. HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT [ho 7 WHEAT TRANSFER, BOILER, CHILLER, CONVE! ATOR, DESIGNING THE PRIMARY CIRCUIT One Pipe System ) ~ Ee : Fig. 24, One pipe system. Design of the one pipe primary main follows exactly the same procedure as the design of-a Monoflo system 1, Determine coral load. 2. Make piping layout. 3, Determine GPM based on cotal load and design temperature drop, 4, Select pump. 5. Size one pipe main based on circuit length, available pump head and required GPM. ‘Two Pipe System RETURN MAIN ZONE BY-PASS fie) Fe oy bt on + 4 TWO PIPE DIRECT RETURN PRIMARY oe oe oe SUPPLY MAIN ZONE BY-PASS pam Eee + _ + 1 SUPPLY MAIN ~ RETURN WAIN TWO PIPE REVERSE RETURN PRIMARY Fig. 25. Two pipe system Design of che ewo pipe primary main follows exact the same procedure as conventional ewo pipe main design, 1. Determine total load. 2. Make piping layout. 3. Determine GPM based on total load and design temperature drop. 4. Select pump. 5. Size pipe. (a) Size supply and return main, based om circuit lengeh, available pump head and required GPM for each section of supply and retura main, (b) Size zone bypass lines. (1.) Two pipe direce rotura—based on available pressure drop across the bypass line at the required flow. (2.) Two pipe reverse retuca—based ) on the design milinch pressure } drop per foot at the required How. (c) To simplify balancing problems, Flo-in- icator may be used om zone bypass lines, DESIGNING THE SECONDARY ZONE Each secondary zone is designed, hydraulically, ex- actly as though it was 2 completely independent heat- ing or cooling system. 1. Determine load. 2. Make piping layout, 3. Determine GPM based on total load and on desiga temperature drop. Select pump. 5. Size pipe. DESIGN OF COMMON PIPING ‘The common piping berween primary circuits and secondary zones should be sized so that a minimum pressure drop is produced. Minimum pressure drop in common piping is assured by reducing common piping Jength and, if necessary, by increasing common piping “Wiberanrrrrrererrerrereeererrerererrrenmrerrc DETERMINING COMMON PIPING FLOWS AND MEAN. WATER TEMPERATURES IN SECONDARY ZONES Design mean water temperatures in secondary zones may be less than, equal co or greater than design mean ‘water temperature in the primary main, These tem peratures are under the designers control and simple to determine. Secondary Zone Mean Water Temperatures— with one-pipe primary main ‘When the one-pipe primary heating is designed for Secondary Zone Mean Water Temperature—With Two ipe Primary Main, Primary and Secondary Temperature Drops Equal \¢ mean water temperatures of both secondary zone ‘and primary circuit are the same when design primary and secondary temperature drops are equal, For example: ‘Assume that ewo-pipe primary main circuit is de- : a _ bt oe CRANE ~ Gxroylorey eu i F Maser pages DFS Bhawne cwour wean waren rnp 10 GPM Ar 2200 10 GPM AT 220° 100 GPM AT 2202 IMARY MAIN 20° temperature drop or less, the secondary zone mean temperature is usually considered to be the same as the mean temperature of the primary main, When the primary main temperature drop exceeds 20°, or when chilled water circuits ate to be used, or for unusual circumstances, it may be necessary to eval- uate the actual mean water temperature at desiga conditions for individual secondary zones, oe, 4h Fe pe 432 Pe = (Pe 311%) signed to carey 1,000,000 BTU/he. at a 20° temperature drop. Maig flow is therefore 109 GPM. Water enters ‘the main'at 220° and returns at 200°, The first sec- ondary zone off che main is designed for a 20° tem- perature drop and for its load of 100,000 BTU/hr. requires 10 GPM flow. The zone bypass is also sized for 10 GPM flow. Secondary zone mean water temperature and water flow in the common piping are to be evaluated, Joo 035 10 GPM AT 2008 aypass FLOW IN COMMON Pirino? Fig. 30. Diagram of design conditions, Flow ia the common piping will change, depending fon whether or not the secondary zone is withdrawing water frem the zone bypass. Flow in the common pip- ing is evaluated by considering that f wacer ‘into a tee must equal the flow of wat y ic. When the secondary zone requires heat, 10 GPM into the secondary flows from the side outlet of tee “ zone. The 10 GPM flowing, away from the tee equals the 10 GPM entering che te from the zone bypass. Under these conditions there is theoretically no flow in the common piping. ‘When the secondary zone does not require heat, there is no flow from the side outlet of tee "A". All of the flow through the zone bypass therefore passes through the common piping. 4 10 oP ~. ayPass ZONE No FLOW IN COMMON PIPING Fig. 31, Secondary Cire calling for beat. Secondary Zone Mean Water Temperature— ‘Two-Pipe Primary Circuit. Primary and Secondary Temperature Drops Different. Design mean water temperatures in-secondary zones will vary from mean water temperatures ‘in primary circuit if design temperature drops in the two'are differenc. For example: ‘A tworpipe primary main is designed for a 60° tem perature drop, with water entering the mains at 250° and leaving at 190°. For a secondary zone requiring 150,000 BTU/hr, the design flow rate across the zone bypass is 150,000 ~~ 30,000 or 5 GPM. The secondary zone is designed for a 20° temperature drop requiring > 150,000 + 10,000 or 15 GPM. SECONDARY CIRCUIT SUPPLY 15. GPM @ 7 °F ZTONE BYPASS SUPPLY 5 GPM AT 250° No FLOW IN SECONDARY CIRCUIT x. 10 GPM FLOW IN COMMON PIPING. Fig. 32. Secondary Circuit satisfied. Whac is che design temperature of the secondary zone and what are the flow conditions in the common piping? When the scondary zone is satisfied, there is 20 draw of water from the common piping into the sec: ondary zone. Therefore a flow of 5 GPM will occur through the zone bypass and common piping without any drop in water temperature, ‘When the secondary zone requires heat, 15 GPM will flow into ie through the secondary zone supply tee, Flow in the zone bypass piping will not be affected bur flow will be affected in the common piping. Since the secondary zone is now withdrawing heat from the primary ciccuit, the desiga temperature drop will take place across the zone bypass line if design conditions occur. {F7 meqmer once tren orn © ZONE BYPASS RETURN Lo 3 OPH AT 190er tee -* Nee _ zone COMMON PIPING FLOW & TEMPERATURE? oe Fig. 33. Diagram of design conditions. | in the common piping can be easily determined. Since the amount of water flowing into a tee must equal the amount flowing away from it, flow conditions { 15 GPM TO SECONDARY | cincurr suPeLy 5 GPM FROM ZONE BYPASS SUPPLY 10 GPM FROM COMMON PIPING uy nee Fig. 34. Flow conditions st Tee "A". # Lf 15 GPM flows into the secondary zone from the Aside outlet of tee “A” and only 5 GPM enters the tee from the zone bypass line then an additional 10 GPM must enter the tee from the common piping. Water flow in the common piping is then 10 GPM and the flow direction is from B to A. ‘Temperature conditions in the common piping and in the secondary zone can be determined by similarly simple observations. ‘The initial design is based on 60° temperature drop across the zone bypass. Therefore the 5 GPM flowing. through the bypass return must be 250° —60°, or 190° at design conditions. The 5 GPM in the zone bypass return is a part of the 15 GPM flowing into the cee at "B” from the sec- ondary zone, The water in the secondary zone return SECONDARY CIRCUIT SUPPLY 15 GPM @ 710%F TONE BYPASS SUPPLY 5 GPM @ 250% must therefore also be 190° F. The 10 GPM flowing away from tee "B" into the common piping must also be 190°F., since it is the remaining part of the 15: GPM entering the tee. € Since the secondary zone is designed for a 20° tem- perature drop, the 15 GPM entering the secondary zone must be 20° higher chan the leaving water tempera- cure, Secondary circuit entering water cemperature is then 190° 4-20° or 210°F. SECONDARY CIRCUIT Grea leral SECONDARY CIRCUIT MEAN TEMP, = 210 +170 — nope ZONE BYPASS RETURN 5 GPM @ 1908 XQ ‘COMMON PIPING 10 GPM @ 1909 Son ZONE BYPASS Fig. 35. Temperature and flow at design conditions. ‘Temperature conditions at the secondary zone supply could also be determined by the fact that the heat entering a cee must equal the heat leaving the tee. 15 GPM @ TO | SECONDARY CIRCUIT SUPPLY 5 GPM @ 2500 10 oPK @ 190°" | zone weds srr Connon nee | eee ; Fig 36, Heat blocs of Toe" By # hesr balance 15 GPM x Ty = 5 GPM x 250 + 10GPM x 190 12 = 1250 + 1900 = 1, = 20°F, | SUMMARY ‘The B&G system of primary and secondary pumping offers a practical and foolproof method of controlling combinations of many different types of heating, cool- ing, of process situations. For example, a single primary main may simultaneously supply a low temperacure panel zone, a medium temperature domestic water system, and a high temperature radiation zone. ‘An almost infinite variety of combinations are pos sible. Piping in the secondary zones caa be any of the accepted variations; Monoflo, series loop, 2 pipe direct or reversed retuen, radiant panels, forced coavection tir units, of for heat exchangers serving process equip- ment, domestic hot water, or snow melting systems. Possible combinations ate limited only by the em genuity of the designes. Yer the method is simple ia theory and easy to apply in peactice TRAINING & EDUCATION DEPT. FLUID HANDLING DIVISION BELL/& GOSSETT BULLETIN NO. TEH-1165 » 9 Basic System Corniirol and Valve Sizing Procedures Price $7.50 TRAINING & EDUCATION DEPT. I TT omar comronaion FLUID HANDLING DIVISION 6 ct sagas ata att : | BELL & GOSSETT © BULLETIN wo'veu.Aes > aN Basic System Control | and | Valve Sizing Procedures Price $7.50 7 TRAINING & EDUCATION DEPT. I TT FLUID HANDLING DIVISION scenes: yas camanea re ncacersecapcsceDBes Introduction... . 7... Design Conditions: Control Objectives System Flow Rates ......... a 50 Direct Return System Piping Reverse Return System Piping Malti- ype Piping Arrangements ......... Pump Selection ... Flow Rate Variation ........e sees eee Temperature Variation. .......eee sees Two-Way Control Valves... .. Three-Way Control Valves... ..-- eee eee ee CEEEELTH Ge0qc00d0q0q500000G050500000 Common Control Arrangements. .........-005 Design Example #1... sees eee cece cee e ees Design Example #2 ....... Design Example #3 ....... Design Example #4 ....... Design Example #5 66... eee e cee eee eee d iTeooeenron \ System control has always been an important facet of any Hydronic design. Its relative importance, however, has increased very rapidly in recent years. This has occurred because of several basic changes in construction techniques as well as a change in the basic economic structure of our society. Types of control that were unobtainable or were economically unsound even a few years ago are quite common- place today. Not so long ago theaters would advertise the fact that they were air conditioned with signs as large as the title of the picture that was playing. Today these "Air Cooled" and "Air Conditioned" signs have disappeared as theater air con- ditioning has moved from novelty status to a standard, commonplace stature. Air conditioning in any commercial structure has become necessary to attract and keep the required business volume. > Currently, many office buildings are constructed ina sealed manner with no movable window panes. Improper heating or air conditioning control can render “Ie these buildings virtually uninhabitable with considerable tenant displeasure. Proper control of heating and cooling in high rise apartment buildings has become more of a problem as the trend to glass curtain wall construction grows. Engineering studies have revealed that instantaneous changeover heating and cooling systems are best suited for many applications. Building construction and tenant comfort criteria re- quired one Chicago high rise to make available both hot and chilled water seven months of the year. System control is becoming more important in all types of buildings. Final control of systems using water as the primary heating and cooling medium, can generally be accomplished from either the air side or the water side of a particular terminal heat transfer unit or, a combination of air side and water side control may be employed. This discussion will deal principally with water side control. Design Condition The words "design condition" are universally used to connotate the period of maximum system loading. The actual design condition is somewhat obscure and @@ its determination is affected by a number of points. Geographical location, wind velocity, building construction, occupancy, lighting, and ventilation requirements are only a few of the factors which are involved in the determination of a true design condition. Since design engineers and available design data are generally conserva- tive in the estimation of each of these factors, and since load diversification invariably exists, the actual design condition rarely, if ever, occurs Even though the design condition may never even occur, it is of extreme importance as it serves as a basis for the sizing of all system components. Boilers, chillers, terminal units, pumps, valves, and piping are all sized on the basis of this rather obscure and certainly rare condition. Total System Operational Time Operational Operational Time at Design Time at Less Condition ‘Than Design Condition FIGURE #1 - System Operational Time Although the system is required to operate nearly year-around (in. an ever increasing number of systems year-around), the vast percentage of time, the system will operate at partial capacity. (See Figure #1). The design engineer is then placed in the rather peculiar position of designing a system which must operate at maximum | or near maximum efficiency when operating at less than the design load. To comer) s\ )sate for this fact, it is necessary to set up a series of control objectives and then design a control system which will meet these objectives. Control Objectives In order to create a properly controlled system, two basic points must be kept in mind. 1, Establish the control objectives. Design a control system that will be as simple as possible, consistent with the control objectives. The control objectives that can be established will vary in accord with the system. It may be desirable, in a typical small residential application, to main- tain a fairly close regulation of air temperature, but it may not be necessary to provide separate temperature control in each room or each area of the structure. In a larger spread out ranch style or multi-level residence, it may be very necessary to provide separate area or zone control to achieve a maximum comfort level. A small apartment building might require individual temperature control of various apartments but rely on a maintenance man to change the system from a heating to an air conditioning mode. A larger deluxe apartment building may provide zone control for each apartment and afford the individual tenant the choice of heating or air conditioning through an instantaneous changeover system. An office building ) divided into external and internal areas may require cooling year-around for internal sections, and heating or cooling of external areas depending on the season and sun cond: A typical industrial plant application may have numerous control require- ments. Individual, instantaneous changeover for the executive offices, heating or air conditioning for the general offices, caréful cooling and humidity control of data processing equipment rooms, stable temperature control of research areas, and the’ heating of manufacturing and warehousing areas are some of these possibilities. While simplicity in a control arrangement is a characteristic which 4, 2 should always be tenaciously sought after, it must never be obtained by compromising the control objectives which are previously established. The control objectives must always be a realistic appraisal of the actual heating and cooling needs of the structure, with the basic economics of the project kept firmly in mind. System control should never be viewed as a mere assortment of controllers and controlled devices tied to a piping system, but must be seen as an integrated unit with the action of one device affecting the operation of each and every other device i xying degree. The following discussion will point up these inter-relating actions, their importance, and the methods that may be used to achieve overall system control. System Flow Rates Establishment of a system flow rate will generally follow the basic load calculation on any particular design. The basic system flow rate can be determined from the equation: GPM = way TAT ey = Load in BTU's/Hr. d = Density of Water (Generally assumed for low temperature systems constant at §,3Jbs. /Gal.) WHER, h = Specific Heat of Water (Generally assumed constant at 1. 0) AT = Temperature Difference Supply to Return 60 = Min, Per Hour direct Return System Piping 8 ‘After the flow rate has been established, it is essential to carry through a design that will permit this flow rate to occur. The choice of a particular piping arrangement can affect the flow rates that will exist in each circuit of a system. Coils a 2 3 4 5 6 7 System Pump Balance Valves FIGURE #2 - Direct Return System Assume a design that requires seven coils, each ona separate circuit and each requiring 50 GPM. This system might be piped as shown in Figure #2. e ) Piping of the units using the direct return method illustrated in Figure #2 will induce balance problems that may prove unacceptable. Even though the unit > GPM requirements are identical, the circuit pressure differentials vary as no two circuit lengtRs are identical. Use of the direct return piping system requires the installation of balance devices to even out the flow distribution. As the circuit length increases and higher pump heads are applied to the system, the balance prob- lem becomes even more acute. A high pump head will require the balance valve on circuit #1 to be set in an almost closed position. At this position the velocity through the reduced port area may be high enough to cause objectionable noise. This noise in turn may be noticeable throughout the system. System Pump FIGURE #3 - Reverse Return System ‘The two-pipe reverse return system will generally be preferred over the) direct return system as it provides relatively even flow distribution to the coils by equalizing supply and return circuit lengths. This is illustrated in Figure #3. If a design requires varying design flow rates through the coils, i.e., 50 GPM Coil #1, 90 GPM Coil #2, 30 GPM Coil #3, etc., the designer should select or specify internal coil circuiting which will produce equal coil pressure drops at the varying design flows. This will help to maintain the balance characteristics of the it reverse return piping system. This point if overlooked, can completely wreck any balance advantage obtained through the use of the reverse return piping circuit. Multi- Type Piping Arrangements Many times a system will consist of main distribution piping set up in a two-pipe reverse return arrangement with direct return branch cizeuits feeding @ #4. ber of units, This is illustrated in Figur Direct Return yom / Rise Bay System Pump. “N=Rreverse Return e + Distribution Piping FIGURE #4 - Multi-Type Piping Arrangement This piping arrangement is found in apartment buildings quite often as the direct return arrangement simplifies the riser piping. Although the two-pipe reverse return main distribution piping will tend to balance the system and aid in establishing refined control, the smaller direct return riser circuits will tend to upset overall riser balance. Figure #5 illustrates a single such direct return branch circuit. Mains FIGURE #5 - Direct Return Branch Circuit | a In order to limit flow imbalance with this arrangement, the pressure drops of the individual circuits (AB, AB), A,B) should not vary more than 25% and should be designed at a high percentage of the total riser circuit pressure drop. (Pressure drop of AC + AB + BD) This will serve to drive the water flow out to the end sub-circuit (AB). The riser pressure drop (pressure drop of AC + pressure drop of BD) should generally not exceed 50% of the sub-circuit pressure drop (pressure drop of AB) to obtain even flow distribution. In other words, the pressure drop of AB (or A,B, or A,B,) should be approximately twice that of (AG + BD. AB & 2CAcy BD) BB) 2Caca BD) ' Pump Selection A correct pump selection in addition to the piping guide lines noted pre- sly will aid in establishing overall design system balance. @ Substantial ift Ability Limited Drift Ability D Proper Improper FIGURE #6 - Pump Selections @ sho» The system pump itself should exhibit a flat curve characteristic and the selection should generally be in the area from the center of the curve to the left Portion of the curve. The flat curve characteristic coupled with good initial control valve selection will tend to permit relatively stable control conditions. Selection fo the center or left of center will enable the pump to drift to the right on its curve which will aid in overcoming system imbalance. See Figure #6. ) e "Flat curve" and "steep curve"! are rather nebulous terms which have little, meaning when looking at a single pump curve. They can, however, be used to place different pump manufacturers on an equal basis by specifying a range of pump operation. By selecting one condition to the left and one to the right of the actual design operating condition and applying a 10% variation, the designer estab- lishes a satisfactory range of pump operation and guards against "end point" pump submittal. See Figure #7. This pump meets design but does not meet specified selection range. Design Point Used to Establish Selection Range Both Pumps Meet Design and Fall Within Specified Selection Range. FIGURE #7 - Pump Selection Range A variation in built-up pump efficiency of a few percentage points should not be considered of major importance in the selection of a pump to be applied on a stem employing valve control. Since the actual point of operation will be in con- tinhal flux, the design condition and design efficiency will rarely be encountered. A }correct pump selection is many times more important. Flow Rate Variation Two basic methods can be used to accomplish coil output control from the water side, Control may be obtained by the variation of water temperatures avail able to the coil or control may be established by a variation of the quantity of constant temperature water that is available to the coil. A combination of water temperature control and quantity control might constitute a third control method. While each con- trol method has definite advantages, the design engineer must decide which arvange- ment accomplishes the desired results while maintaining a reasonable cost level. 100 8 2 g ~ 3 s 8 iS 8 8 8 % OF DESIGN HEAT TRANSFER S ° 0 10 20°30 40 50 60 70 8090 100 ‘2 OF DESIGN FLOW RATE FIGURE #8 - Effects of Flow Variation on Heat Transfer For a 20° Design Temperature Drop The establishment of design flow rates is a desirable setp in the quest for S0od system control. The actual influence of the flow rate on overall system per- formance is of considerable interest. Figure #8 illustrates the affect of variations )rom the design flow rate for a heating system designed on a 20° temperature drop. ‘S From Figure #8 it can be seen that variations from the design flow rate down to approximately 50% of the design requirement have a relatively negligible affect on the overall heat transfer or system performance. The reason for this phenomenon is that as the water flow decreases the corresponding velocity decrease keeps the water in the coil for a longer time, This in turn allows the water to give up more heat with a corresponding increase in the actual temperature drop that will occur across the coil. From this illustration it can be seen that flow rate variations from design requirements must be substantial on the 20° T. D. heating system design before real trouble will occur. If the piping design and equipment selection allow substantial system imbalance however, the coil receiving much less than its design flow rate will be operating on the steep portion of the curve and extremely unstable output will occur along with poor coil control. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 % OF DESIGN HEAT TRANSFER 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % OF DESIGN FLOW RATE FIGURE #9 - Fifects of Flow Variation on Heat Trans‘er For Increased Design Temperature Drops As system design temperature drops increase (40°T. D., 60°: D., ete.) the heat transfer curve becomes more linear. This is illustrated in Figure #9. Chilled water systems will also exhibit relatively linear heat transfer - flow characteristics. Heating systems designed on a high temperature drop - low supply water temperature basis, and chilled water systems designed on a high 4 "yess rise - high initial water temperature basis, are especially critical ses. These types of systems must be designed with care to insure design flows in all terminal units in order to obtain stable control characteristics. Temperature Variation 100 |Z 90 80 70 60 50 40 x" 6 20 % OF DESIGN HEAT TRANSFER 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of Design AT Between Air Side and Water Side FIGURE #10 - Effects of Water Temperature Variation "on Heat Transfer ¢ Capeeitity — ‘The heat transfer ability of a particular unit is directly related to the temperature difference which exists between the air side and the water side of the unit, This is illustrated in Figure #10. From this illustration, it is easy to see that the variation of water temperature represents an effective and accurate method of heat transfer control. Water temperature control should be used whenever possi- ble as it offers a relatively accurate method of control, Water temperature control @ DecldonQeae dias (atieemr eaten eenceettnemedne et re er eer tee of water flow quantity is generally less expensive. 12 Two-Way Control Valves To correctly appl: to understand the internal construction of each valve. y the numerous types of control valves, it is necessary tet Bi aa FIGURE #11 - Single Seated Two-Way Valve The two-way valve is constructed in two basic styles. The single seated wo The single seated valve ve is the most common and is illustrated in Figure #11. the flow dir- val whether its action is modulating or two position must be installed with ection opposing the closing action of the valve. This prevents the differential press- ure build-up from slamming the valve closed with conse’ enerally recommended when high quent noise and water ‘The double seated two-way valve is g: hammer. whis valve is illustrated in Figure #12. differential pressures are encountered. T) Outlet 12 - Double Seated Two-Way Valve FIGURE The flow direction through this valve tends to close one port while opening the other port. This design creates a balanced thrust condition which enables the valve to close off smoothly without water hammer regardless of the differential press~ ‘The valve is not recommended where tight shut- s may force one seat open. ure which may occur. off is design dictated, as expansion of the stem portion between the seat: ) Its use on heating systems should be checked carefully on the basis of the “'Flow-Heat Transfer" graph illustrated in Figure #8. Three-Way Valves MIXING VALV! DIVERTING VALVE 6 note vO? FIGURE #13 - Three-Way Valves Three-way valves are generally classified as either mixing valves or diverting valves. This terminology refers to the particular valves internal construc- tion only. The mixing valve is generally classed as having two inlets and one outlet while the diverting valve has one inlet and two outlets. Either valve may perform a mixing or diverting suction depending on its location ina system. The two types of valves are illustrated in Figure #13, Note that in both configurations, the valve @ huts off in an opposing direction to the flow pattern, This again will promote smooth operation and eliminate water hammer noise possibility. Return Supply Return ply ae valve Diverting Valve \ Coil Coil FIGURE #14 - Three-Way Valve Installations Controlling Unit euuuumecummece lows ates _ Figure #14 illustrates an installation of a mixing valve and a diverting valve, The function adédmnplished by either valve however, is the variation of water @ Jow quantity supplied to the coil. 4 Compression a Air Separator ve Pump a Mixing Valve \ Diverting Valve Figure #15 illustrates an installation of a mixing valve and a diverting valve applied to a boiler. The function accomplished by either valve in this case is the variation of water temperature supplied to the system. The relative location of the air separator, and the control valves should be noted as this arrangement allows full system water flow to pass through the air separator. Locating the air separator immediately at the pump suction will also insure proper system pressurization. A high pressure drop control valve should never be placed between the pump suction and the point of air separation. 15 C,, Ratings Control vaive sizing is generally based on the C_ rating of the valve. The C,, rating of a valve is a numerical value which corresponds to the flow rate occurr- 6 3g at a1 PSI pressure differential across the valve. A valve with a C. rating of 10 would have a pressure drop of 2. 3 ft. or 1 PSI when 10 GPM passed through it, The higher the C_ the lower the pressure drop for a given valve, Since a direct mathematical relationship exists between flow rate change and corresponding pressure drop charge, the C_, rating can be used to determine the actual pressure drop which will occur for any flow rate through a given valve. This relationship may be set up on a slide rule quite simply. Set the required valve pressure drop (in Ft. Hd.) on the "A" scale. Immediately below Ais value set the required flow rate othe "G"' scale, Read the proper valve C., on the "C'' scale directly opposite 2. 3Ft. Hd. on the "A" scale, (SQUARE ROOT) SCALE—HEAD get Known Head Opposite Known Flow Rate 4 567091 3 456789 @ ers 2 a | sores { Read Required Valve C, "Cr SCALE- G.P.M. Opposite 2. 3! Cy = e FIGURE #16 - Slide Rule C,, Determination ~~ As an example, assume a design requiring a valve which will produce a 12" pressure drop at 40 GPM. The slide rule manipulation illustrated in Figure #16 shows that a valve with a C, rating of 17.5 would be required. Various C, ratings may be offered in a given line size valve by the substitution of larger or smaller Ports. This permits the selection of a control valve which will closely meet the requirements of a particular system. 16 Control valves have three basic types of seat-plug configurations or shapes, which produce different performance characteristics. The quick opening > style of seat-plug relationship will produce wide free port areas with a relatively small percentage of total valve stem stroke. 100: Quick Opening 90) 8o| 70 60| 50) 40 30 % OF FULL FLOW AT CONSTANT PRESSURE DROP 20 19 Equal Percentage 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of Full Valve Stem Travel FIGURE #17 - Control Valve Characteristics The linear seat-plug configuration will produce free port areas that are directly related to the increments of stem stroke, i.e., 10% stroke - 10% free port area. 20% stroke - 20% free port area, etc. The equal percentage type of seat-plug configuration is such that each equal increment of stroke will produce an equal percentage increase in the free port area. The relationships between the three types of configurations are illus- trated in Figure #17. 7 ‘The control valves which are placed in the equipment room to supply varying water temperatures to the system or to govern hot or chilled water flow should generally be selected at low (10' or less) pressure drops. This will reduce overall pump head and permit the pump to aid in establishing design or near desigr flow rates at the terminal units. Common Control Arrangements System Pump SS Room Units Control Valves FIGURE #19 - Typical Two-Way Valve Application One of the basic control arrangements that is used quite often in conjunc- tion with fan-coil units is a two-pipe system (either direct or reverse return) with two-way valves acting as the unit controls. The two-way valves on a system of this type, may be of modulating or two position construction. The operation of the valve may be governed by a space thermostat or an air stream bulb sensing the unit inlet air temperature, See Figure #19. While this basic arrangement may prove suitable for small systems employing a limited number of units, it has several dis- tinct draw-backs which become painfully evident as the system size increases. 19 Pump Curve Low Load Condition L Design Condition Control Valve PD. @ Desiga ~ Control Valve P.D. @ NP Reduced Flow HD, FT. Piping P.D. @ Design Flow Piping P. D. @ Reduced low GPM FIGURE #18 - Applied Control Valve Operation The important fact to understand and keep in mind is that the performance ristics outlined previously are obtained by a manufacturer's test which gen. «, subjects the particular valve to a constant differential pressure. In terms of actual_ system application, the differential pressure will rarely remain constant Iustrated in Figure #18, throughout all phases of system operation. This fact is ‘As the differential pressure applied to the valve increases, more and more flow will be forced through the valve. This may result in an unbalanced heat transfer condition at the terminal unit. This will require the valve to use more of its control stroke to reduce flow even further, and as this occurs, the differential pressure increases once more and the cycle continues. For this reason the designer should select the terminal unit control valves at relatively high initial pressure drops. This will limit the ratio of differential pressure increase that can occur. e drops for smaller systems are 25% of the total pump head Accepted initial press: with a minimum of 10', Larger systems may be designed with initial control valve pressure drops equal to the pressure drop of the terminal unit circuit. (Total press~ ure drop of coil, runouts and fittings.) It is stressed, however, this rule is aimed at terminal unit controls and not necessarily at equipment room control valves. ‘The installation of a pressure differential bypass valve as illus- trated in Figure #21 would be of questionable value as its press- ure limiting action does little more than simulate the condition that would exist if a flat curve pump were initially installed. This is illustrated in Figure #22. (7 Steep Curve Pump _— -— ‘The bypass valve while not actually changing the pump curve, will limit the head that the pump can produce with a resultant characteristic much like that of a * flat curve pump. FIGURE #22 Effect of Bypass Valve As some of the valves go to shut-off the differential pressure across the remaining open valves, increases and may eventually rise to the point where the valves cannot close. To overcome this problem, the valves maximum rated shut-off differential pressure should exceed the pump's shut-off head. This is illus- trated in Figure 423. a Control Valves FIGURE #20 - Zone Pumping 1. As some of the valves go to shut-off, more and more water is forced through the remaining open valves and units. This will lead to heat transfer imbalance and the possibility of velocity noise. Aids which may be used to help overcome this condition would be to minimize the number of units in the design or to zone pump as illustrated in Figure #20, In addition the designer can help in overcoming this problem by the establishment of correct distribution main-terminal unit pressure drop relation- ships ae illustrated on page 7. This is of particular importance @ if a direct return piping arrangement is used. Correct selection of the control valves as outlined in the following design examples will aid in minimizing this problem. Pressure Differential Bypass Valve Opens to \ Prevent High Pressure Build-up Across Control Valve Control Valves ntial Bypass Valve Installation 20 Control Valves Maximum Rated Shut-off Pressure — System Pump ff Pressure Rating FIGURE #23 - Correct Valve Shu When the valves shut off, the unit flow stagnates and a freeze-up possibility is created. This type of control is not recommended for a water system when the unit is handling outside air unless appropriate freeze protection is provided. Only a single water temperature is available to the units. This limits the design flexibility and may be troublesome when related to the "Flow-Heat Transfer" graph. See Figure #8. The correct selection of equal percentage valves in combination with a reset boiler water temperature may aid in overcoming this problem however. 22 ‘The valved bypass line will permit enough flow to prevent the possibility of main freeze-up. A line size of 3/4" is generally adequate. * FIGURE #24 - Main Freeze Protection Under certain conditions, the pump may be working against a dead-end shut-off condition, While not detrimental to the pump in installations employing small, low head pumps, this is un- desirable and must be prevented in larger installations. In addition, dead-end shut-off operation subjects the distribution mains to a freeze possibility. To protect against this possi- bility a valved bypass may be used. See Figure #24. 2B SR a RS SERED Air Handling ‘Control Valve Units System ‘amp Circuit Balance Bypass Balance Valve Valve FIGURE #25 - Three-Way Two Position Control Valve Installation Another common type of installation employs three-way, two position valves. This is illustrated in Figure #25. These valves are either open to the coil side or to the bypass. This system has the advantage of eliminating the prob- lem of varying flow rates as some of the units become satisfied. As the load is @ tisfied, the valves will switch the flow from the coil and direct it through the by- pass. The pump will not sense any change in the system pressure drop, nor will it increase or decrease system flow provided the bypass balance valve is adjusted to simulate the coil pressure drop. In addition, an installation of this type will prevent dead-end shut-off pump operation. While this type of installation does ach to improve control valve and system operation, it accomplishes very little in terms of improving the end control result or improving system flexibility. This system still possesses some of the disadvantages of the two-way valve cont arrangement. 1. When the valves go to bypass, unit flow stagnates and the {reeze-up possibility is created. This type of control is not recommended for a water system when the unit handles out- side air unless appropriate freeze protection is provided, 24

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