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Assignment Entrepreneur
The theory is that people are either left-brained or right-brained,
meaning that one side of their brain is dominant. If you’re mostly analytical and
methodical in your thinking, you’re said to be left-brained. If you tend to be more
creative or artistic, you’re thought to be right-brained.

This theory is based on the fact that the brain’s two hemispheres function differently.
This first came to light in the 1960s, thanks to the research of psych biologist and Nobel
Prize winner Roger W. Sperry.

The left brain is more verbal, analytical, and orderly than the right brain. It’s sometimes
called the digital brain. It’s better at things like reading, writing, and computations.

According to Sperry’s dated research, the left brain is also connected to:

 logic
 sequencing
 linear thinking
 mathematics
 facts
 thinking in words

The right brain is more visual and intuitive. It’s sometimes referred to as the
analog brain. It has a more creative and less organized way of thinking.

Sperry’s dated research suggests the right brain is also connected to:

 imagination
 holistic thinking
 intuition
 arts
 rhythm
 nonverbal cues
 feelings visualization
 daydreaming

We know the two sides of our brain are different, but does it necessarily follow
that we have a dominant brain just as we have a dominant hand?

A team of neuroscientists set out to test this premise. After a two-year

analysis, they found no proof that this theory is correct. Magnetic resonance
imaging of 1,000 people revealed that the human brain doesn’t actually favor
one side over the other. The networks on one side aren’t generally stronger
than the networks on the other side.

The two hemispheres are tied together by bundles of nerve fibers, creating an
information highway. Although the two sides function differently, they work
together and complement each other. You don’t use only one side of your
brain at a time.

Whether you’re performing a logical or creative function, you’re receiving

input from both sides of your brain. For example, the left brain is credited with
language, but the right brain helps you understand context and tone. The left
brain handles mathematical equations, but right brain helps out with
comparisons and rough estimates.

General personality traits, individual preferences, or learning style don’t

translate into the notion that you’re left-brained or right-brained.

Still, it’s a fact that the two sides of your brain are different, and certain areas
of your brain do have specialties. The exact areas of some functions can vary a
bit from person to person.
Right Brain and Left-Brain Characteristics

Left Hemisphere Style Right Hemisphere Style

Rational Intuitive
Responds to verbal instructions Responds to demonstrated instructions
Problem solves by logically and Problem solves with hunches, looking for
sequentially looking at the parts of things patterns and configurations
Looks at differences Looks at similarities
Is planned and structured Is fluid and spontaneous
Prefers established, certain information Prefers elusive, uncertain information
Prefers talking and writing Prefers drawing and manipulating objects
Prefers multiple choice tests Prefers open ended questions
Controls feelings Free with feelings
Prefers ranked authority structures Prefers collegial authority structures

Sequential Simultaneous

Is a splitter: distinction important Is a lumper: connectedness important

Is logical, sees cause and effect Is analogic, sees correspondences,
Event Planning on the Right Side of the Brain

Humans have extraordinary brains. There are more connections in

an average human brain than there are atoms in the universe, which means
that our biggest asset is the super-computer between our ears.

We process information using two very different but complementary

processing styles, commonly referred to as the right brain and left brain. The
left brain is characterized as logical, realistic and task focused. The right brain
is known to be creative, emotional and intuitive.
The left and right sides work in a close partnership and meeting planners
depend on this fine balance of creativity and logic. Yet, for many people one
mode of thinking often dominates.
Some people are logical, practical, organized and methodical. They can’t help
but see all the details and it’s difficult to settle on a plan until they know all the
facts. These people are left-brain thinkers.
By contrast right brain thinkers are big picture thinkers, they enjoy the
exploration and focus on the visual, emotional and social aspects of an event.
They don’t need to know all the facts to make a decision.
In this article, we look at how left versus right brained modalities affects the
way we think about and plan events.

Left Brained Planning

When it comes to planning an event, there are lots of essential skills that the
left side of the brain bring to the party.
The left brain is the organizer, it will gather together all the facts and create a
roadmap for the event. The left brain is excellent with reports and RFPs,
dealing with contracts and figuring out your return on investment. The left
brain will make sure you have your analytics and reporting structure in place
and will make decisions based on those reports.

Right Brained Planning

While the left brain plays a critical and necessary role in organization, left to its
own devices it will create rather dull events. When we bring the right brain into
the picture planning an event is no longer a series of milestones and tasks, it
is an expression of our ingenuity, creativity and imagination.
The right brain is not only the more imaginative half, it is also critical for
dealing with typical event planning challenges such as changes in schedule
and resources, incomplete information, dealing with new groups and new
Someone who is highly biased towards left brain thinking will freeze in the
face of breakdowns that take their carefully made plan off the rails.
The right brain is far superior when it comes to making decisions in chaotic
and unpredictable circumstances. While the left brain depends upon orderly
facts, the right brain can deal with incomplete and changing information. It is
more flexible and uses gut instinct to reach rapid conclusions. The right brain
can think on its feet, a critical skill when you are in the middle of an event.

The Emotional Brain

While we need the analysis and fact-finding powers of the left brain, when it
comes to motivating our team, ourselves and our attendees we need right-
brain thinking. We need to have an emotional connection to our events if we
are going to really enjoy our work. When we are connected to WHY we are
involved with an event, working late nights and pulling out all the stops is
natural. Without the WHY all you have is hard work.
Finding a compelling WHY or purpose is right brain work. Although the left
brain may be impatient to create milestones and action plans, if you take the
time to create an overall vision for your event you will motivate and empower
your team.
The left brain has goals and objectives. The right brain has passion and
purpose. The right brain asks why this event is important, what will be the
impact and how you will be of service to your attendees. The right brain is
concerned for the emotional impact of the event and how people will feel, not
whether you came in on budget. While budget, planning and goals are
important what gives an event human impact lies in the emotional domain of
the right brain.

The characterization of left and right brain thinking that we have used here is
an over-simplification. However, it can be useful to notice which mode
predominates for you. If you are a left brainer, do you find yourself crushing
creativity with your attention to detail? If you are a right brainer, what can do to
bring more focus and organization to your planning?
Which people on your team are left-brain thinkers and which are right-brain
thinkers? Sometimes mixing these modalities is like butting heads. Now that
you understand the strengths of each approach, how can you get the best out
of your team?
The best event planners are able to combine the imagination and flare of right
brain with the focus and organization of the left-brain. Nurturing both modes of
thinking and building teams that celebrate both styles can only lead to better


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