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[sic] – a Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation
ISSN 1847-7755


We appreciate your assistance in the peer review of this manuscript. Please read the
paper carefully and complete this form to the best of your knowledge and judgment
providing constructive comments that would be of service both to the authors and the
editors. Your contribution of valuable time and energy is much appreciated by the editors
and authors, as well as the readers of this journal.
If, for any reason, you feel you cannot review this manuscript, please contact us
immediately so that another reviewer can be selected.


Title of Paper: Auto/Biography of Hurt:

Representation and Representability of Rape in Feminist Performance Art

Reviewer’s Information:
Name: Mario Županović
Academic Title: PDF
ID# (if applicable): _________________________________
Affiliation: Department for iberoromance studies, University of Zadar

Article Category:

Please select one of the following categories to help us situate the article (underline):

a) original research paper

b) review
c) professional paper


Please indicate which of the following actions you recommend regarding the publication of
this article (underline):

a) accept and publish as is

b) minor revisions required
c) major revisions and a second peer review required
d) reject

Please use the following pages for more detailed comments to the author and the editors.

[sic] – a Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation Peer Review Form p. 1/3
Reviewer Blind Comments to Author:

Please use this page to include specific, detailed comments regarding the originality,
scientific quality, methodology, relevance to the field of this journal, and presentation.
Check the need for tables and figures, and the adequacy of the references.

Note that the authors will receive a copy of these specific comments, and a thorough
evaluation of the paper is most helpful for the identification of the work's strengths and
weaknesses, especially when a revision is necessary. Please be as specific as possible,
and indicate why a paper is (un)acceptable and what is required to make it acceptable.
Authors especially appreciate it if you cite references supporting your comments.

Since the paper examines performance art it would be necessary, in my opinion to include
visual documentation of the performances you are analyzing, especially because the acts
that you are concerned with are highly symbolic and therefor would be even more
receptive for the audience with included photos, visuals etc.

[sic] – a Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation Peer Review Form p. 2/3
Reviewer Confidential Comments to Editors:

Please use this page to include any confidential comments you wish to make. Make sure
that these are consistent with your comments to the author.

Please return your report before the deadline assigned by the editors. If you are not able
to meet the deadline, please contact us at .

Since the paper examines performance art it would be necessary, in my opinion to include
visual documentation of the performances that are analyzed in the paper, especially
because the acts that are elaborated are highly symbolic and therefor would be even
more receptive for the audience with included photos, visuals etc.

[sic] – a Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation Peer Review Form p. 3/3

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