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ht. J. Engng. Sci. Vol. 1, pp. 309-321. Pergamon Press 1963. Printed in Great Britain.




University of Turin, Italy

Abstract-The author considers the problem of determining the velocity and the magnetic field in an
electrically conducting incompressible fluid moving in a tixed vessel with perfectly conducting metal walls,
on the assumption that the distribution of vortices and conduction currents is given at every point inside.
In the particular ease of an ellipsoidal vessel, and with the hypothesis that the vortex lines and current lines
are straight, the problem can he solved by quadrature. It is shown that this problem is equivalent to that of
the motion of a solid with a fixed point, whereby the particles of the solid are each attracted to a fixed plane
with a force proportional to the distance of the particle from the plane.


IN THISpaper we consider the problem of determining the velocity and the magnetic field in
a conducting incompressible fluid moving in a fixed, simply convex vessel with perfectly
conducting metal walls. The conduction current and vortex are assumed given at each point
of the volume enclosed by the vessel for each instant. The condition that the magnetic field
and the velocity are tangent to the surface bounded by the vessel ensures the uniqueness of
the solution. It will be demonstrated how this problem can be reduced to a Neumann
problem of a harmonic function. The conditions which must be satisfied by the conduction
current and the vortex in order that the magneto-hydrodynamic problem may be solved are
given. These conditions consist of two differential vector equations with partial derivatives
of the first order, one of which is derived from Maxwell’s field equations and the other from
Euler’s equations of motion.
The case in which the current lines and vortex lines are always straight (but in general
not parallel) is considered in particular. It is shown how in this case the conduction current
and the vortex depend only on the time and not on the point. The results obtained are
applied to the case in which the volume enclosed by the vessel is an ellipsoid. In this case the
intensity of the magnetic field and the velocity are linear functions of the co-ordinates of the
point, with coefficients solely depending linearly on the components of the conduction
current and of the vortex. These equations ultimately result in a system of six ordinary
differential equations of the first order with the same components of the conduction current
and of the vortex, and their derivatives with respect to time. These equations, which admit
of four first quadratic integrals, define the components mentioned as functions of time by


The following elegant theorem is proved :

There exists a magneto-hydrodynamic motion of an electrically conducting incompressible
fluid in a fixed ellipsoidal vessel with perfectly conducting walls in which the current lines and
vortex lines are straight. This motion, which is determined by quadrature, is equivaIent to the
motion of a solid with afixedpoint, whereby a particle of the solid is attracted to a fixedplane
with a force proportional to its distance from the plane (De Brun’s problem).

By the hypothesis that the fluid is incompressible and that the displacement current may
be neglected in contrast with the conduction current, the hydromagnetic equations to be
considered are, in the usual notation,
curl B = I, (1)

curlE = --z,

i = D (E+vxB),

div B = 0,
St+curl VXY = !IxB-grad(k p+iJ++v’),
div v = 0. (6)

Moreover, if it is assumed that the fluid moves in a fixed vessel, which occupies a simply
convex volume r, with perfectly conducting walls, the boundary conditions will be
B-n = 0 (7)
vn = 0 (8)
where n is the unit vector {internal) normal to the wall E of the vessel.
The problem considered involves the determination of the vector B of the magnetic
field at each internal point and at every instant, the conduction current I being given at each
point of the field and at every instant in such a way that on the limiting surface X equation
(7) is satisfied.
Further, it is necessary to determine the velocity Yof the fluid particles when the vortex
distribution $ w is given, i.e.
curl v = w (9)
must be true, and condition (8) must hold on the limiting surface 2
The vectors I and w must obviously obey the conditions
div I = 0 (10)
div w = 0. W)
It can be verified easily by the usual methods that the problem can have only one solu-
tion. If there had been two solutions (B, ,vi) and (B2, vJ for equations (1) and (9), we would
have had
curl (B, -B2) = 0, curl (vi -vz) = 0
On the magneto-hydrodynamic motion of an electrically conducting fluid 311

and likewise from (4) and (6)

div (B, -B,) = 0, div (vr -vJ = 0.
Consequently there must exist two harmonic functions 4 and Ic/for which
B1--B2 = &rad 4, vr-v2 = grad I/I
grad 4.n E ‘-!$= 0, grad li/.n E Fn= 0
on the limiting surface Z. The functions 4 and $ must be constant, so that the solutions
would coincide.

To determine the magnetic field B we begin by considering a harmonic function @

inside the volume r, the normal derivative of which assumes on the surface 2 values of
1-n. Thus,
v20=0, inr; (11)


This function cf, is determined, as is known, by solving the Neumann problem. The integral

e dE is easily calculated as follows from the divergence theorem and from (10):

Jz$dZ=[f*ndI= -jdivldr-0.

We now consider a vector B, such that

curl B, = grad @. (12)
Obviously there is an infinite number of vectors B, which satisfy (12). If one of these is
supposed to be determined, from (11’) it follows that
curl Bi.n = Ian, on E.
The vector field B, will not in general be solenoidal, i.e.
div B, = H # 0 (13)
in general.
If we now put
J = I-curl B1 = I-grad Cp (14)
with J considered known, we shall have
div J = 0, in z (1%
J*n = 0, on C. (15’)
B = Br+B* (16)

we have
div B* = -div Bl = -H (17)
with the function H known. In addition,
curl B* = curl B-curl B, = I-curl B, = J
and from (7)
B**n = B*n--B,*n = -B,*n on C.
The problem is thus reduced to determining the vector B* which satisfies the conditions
curl B* = J, in r, (18)
B**n = -Ben, on Z (18’)
with Jan = 0 on C. Let
B* = curl S+grad F w
with the function F unknown and vector S to be determined with the use of the condition
div S = 0. (20)

On substituting (19) in (18) we have curl curl S = J. Hence, from (20), V2S = -J.
Now if r is the distance of the point P at which the vector S is considered from a variable
point M in the volume r, it can be deduced from the theory of potential that

s =

4n,s s
1 JWdT = L
r 471,

It can be seen immediately that (20) is satisfied. In fact,



. J(M) dz = -t grad, i *J(M) dt

sr 0

=- 1 -J(M)andC+ G1 ;1 dlv,
4ns r r sI

the last term of which is identically equal to zero because of (15) and (15’). The function F
now has to be determined. Taking the divergence of (19) and taking (17) into account, we
V2F = -H. (22)
Further, putting
K=l_ H(M>dt=l G ’ ’
;divB,dr (23)
4rls ~ I sr

F= F,+K (24)
we obtain V2K = -H, V2F1 = WF-V2K = 0.
On the magneto-hydrodynamic motion of an electrically conducting fluid 313

On the surface I: we shall then have

- = grad F1 *n = (grad F-grad K)*n
= (B*-curl S).n-grad K-n
= -(B,.n+curl S*n+grad Ken).
The problem is thus finally reduced to determining the function F,, harmonic in the volume
z, the values of the normal derivative of the function of the limiting surface I: being known.
This can be done by solving by one of the known methods the new Neumann problem. Then,
bearing in mind (16), (19) and (24) we have
B = B,+curl S+grad F,+grad K (25)
with S given by (21) and R by (23).
The expression for the vector B depends only on the given values of the density of the
current I and the form of the volume z. The latter satisfies all the required conditions of the
problem. Although it contains the vector B,, which is not uniquely determined and contains
arbitrary elements, the arbitrariness of the vector B1 can be made use of to make the cal-
culations simpler, as the problem has a unique solution.
Thus, if the vector B, is chosen such that div B, = H = 0, we shall also have K = 0.
The function PI coincides with F, which now satisfies the conditions

V2F=0,inz; - = -(B,~n+curl S-n), on E.
If from (I) we know a particular solution, which we indicate by b such that curl b = I,
we shall have
curl (B-b) = 0, B = b+grad F, V2F = -div b
and on the surface 2:
- b.n.
d7; =

Now every time a particular solution b of (1) is known, the determination of the vector B of
the magnetic fieid is reduced to the determination of the function F such that

V2F = -div b, in 5; -b-n, on Z.

We now observe that on taking the curl of both sides of (3) and eliminating curl E by using
(2) we obtain the condition

z +curl (B xv) +i curl I = 0 (26)

which must be satisfied by the vector B of the magnetic field and the velocity v of the fluid
particles. When the velocity v is also determined, equation (3) solved for E will directly give
the electric field, assuming (26) to be true,


We have equations (5) and (6) for the determination of the velocity. We put curl v = w,
where w is the vector assigned at each point of the volume r with div w = 0. If the curl of
both sides of (5) is taken, we obtain

x +curl (w x v) = i curl (I x B) (27)

which is another condition that must be satisfied by the vectors B and v.

Using a method similar to that given in the preceding section we find that, if 4 is a
harmonic function the normal derivative of which assumes on the surface C values of won
such that
= 0, in r; grad 4-n = w.n, on Z
and if we determine a vector v1 for which
curl vi = grad 4 (28)
curl v,*n = grad 4-n = w-n, on E.
The function 4 is also given by solving the Neumann problem, and the vector v1
satisfying (28) can be determined in such a way that
div vi = 0. (29)
Next, putting
v = v*+v, (30)
we obtain
div v* = div v-div vi = 0 (31)
curl v* = curl v-curl vi = w-grad 4. (32)
div (w-grad 4) = div w-V2$ 5 0. (33)
Moreover, on the boundary C we have from equation (8)
v**n = vsn-v,*n = -vl.n. (34)
v* = curl s+gradf (35)
and taking (32) into account we have

1 w -grad4dt
‘=G sr r

From (31) we also have

div v* = div grad f = 0.
Thus, the function f is harmonic. From (34) and (35) we have

df= v**n-curl s*n = -(vi *n+curl s*n), on Z.

On the magneto-hydrodynamicmotion of an electricallyconductingfluid 315

The function f is thus determined by solving another Neumann problem. When this
function is obtained, we shall have finally
v = v1+curl s+grad f (37)
where the vector s is given by (36). Using simple transformations we get

curlrs = d,
- grad, ix (w-grad c$)~ dr

= L
4x sI:

where the last expression is the sum of the potential vector of a simple surface and the
potential vector of a volume. The vortex w which is taken as given must satisfy the condition
(27). When this happens, the pressure is obtained from (5) by quadrature.
To sum up, once the intensity B of the magnetic field is determined as a function of the
conduction current I, and the velocity v of the fluid particles as a function of the vortex w,
with the conditions assigned at the limits in the manner indicated in the previous sections,
the given problem of magneto-hydrodynamic motion is solved if the vectors I and w satisfy
conditions (26) and (27).
We now consider the special case in which the current lines and vortex lines are always
straight, but not parallel in general, i.e. suppose that the field lines of the vector I and those
of the vector w are straight. In this case the vector I, as well as the vector w, will depend only
on the variable t and will be independent of the point P.
In fact the differential equation of the current lines in the vector form is Ix dP = 0 and
in order that they may be straight this must be satisfied on putting P = Q+ma, where Q
defines a fixed point, a is an arbitrary constant vector, and m is a scalar parameter. It follows
that Ix a = 0, and therefore I = na, where n is a real scalar function of P. However, the
condition div I = 0 implies that grad n-a = 0, which must be satisfied whatever a may be.
Therefore, grad n = 0; hence, n will be independent of the point P, thus also of I.
In the same way it can be shown that the vortex w will be independent of the point and
will depend on time only.
We note that we now have the particular solution of the equation (1)
B, = +1x (P-Q). (38)
B = B,+grad F = +Ix(P-Q)+grad F (39)
we obtain div B = div grad F s V2F
and from (4) we have
V2F = 0. (40)
On the boundary we have from (7)
Ben = +I x (P-Q)*n+grad F-n = 0.
- = -tIx(P-Q).n, on Z (41)

Function F is therefore harmonic and its normal derivative has on the limiting surface the
values defined by (41). When the function F is determined, the vector B can be obtained
directly from (39).
The velocity v is determined in the same way. Since curl v = w (t)
v = $w x (P-Q)+gradf (42)

V*f=O,int; -df = -+wx(P-Q).n, on C. (43)


Since in the case under consideration

d grad F d grad f
curl(Bxv) = $v-$B = (~Ixv+ 7 v)-($wxB+-----
dP B,

d grad FI
curlIxB = --$:I= -~
dP ’

the conditions (26) and (27) can be reduced to the following

$$x(P-Q)+grad$$++(Ixv-wxB)+dqv-d*B = 0 (44)

dw d gradfw +A d grad FI = o
--p (45)
at dP e dP ’

Therefore the vectors I and w must be defined as functions of time in such a way that
the conditions (44) and (45) are satisfied.


As an application of the results of the preceding section we shall suppose that the vessel
in which the conducting fluid moves is ellipsoidal in form with semi-axes a, b and c (a > b > c).
The equation of the boundary I: with respect to the axes of the ellipsoid will then be

f#J(x,y, 2) E f$+; +g- 1 = 0. (454

If i, j, k denote the unit vectors of the axes, the normal to the ellipsoidal surface at a point
on it will be parallel to the vector

N = grad 4 = $i+gj+2$k. (46)

If the harmonic function F defined by (40) and (41) is taken as a homogeneous function
of the second degree in x, y, z, viz.
F = 3z4(~2-y2)+3B(y2-22)+t3C(z~-~2)+Dxy+Eyz+Hzx (46a)
On the rna~et~~y~~d~~c motion of an electrically conducting fluid 317

where coefficients A, 8, C, L), E, H are unknot func~ons of time to be determined, we

grad F = [(A-C)x+~~+Hz]i+rDxf(B-A)y+Ez]j+[~x+Ey+~C-~)z]k. (46b)
Then, since (41) can be written as
grad F*N = -+Ix{P-Q).N, on I;, (46~)
the folIowing is true identically
2 [(A-C)x+DyfHz]+$[Dx+(B-A)y+EzJ+@?x+Ey+(C-B)zJ


where I$, 12, 1, are the components of the vector I. Equating the coefficients of similar terms
on both sides of the equation we have

a’-b2 b2-C2 C2-U2

D = -t------
a2+b2i”9 E = -4b2+c2f’, u = -3c7q-$2. (464


Substituting in (39) we obtain, after simplifying


By a similar calculation we shall have for the harmonic function f the expression

f m- (49)

where w,, w2, w3 are the Cartesian components of the vortex vector w. The velocity Yof the
fluid particles then becomes

v=a (50)

If B,, B,, B3 are the Cartesian components of B and v,, z12,tr3 those of v, the conditions (26)
and (27) give rise to the following scalar equations

as,+Va = 0, (k = 1,233)
aY 3-z-- (51)
318 c.



auk -
-+w,~+w,~$ 11az+129+13_X
ay OY
= 0,(k= 1,2,3). (52)

Substituting in (51) the values of B, and vk obtained from (48) and (50) we have linear
homogeneous equations in X, y, z. Equating to zero the coefficients of these we obtain the
following equations :
I, ’ = tq2(W~I, - HVJJ

where prime (‘) indicates differentiation with respect to time, and where for simplicity we
have put

a2(bZ + c2) b*(c* +a*) c2(a’+b2)

ff: = (a2 +b2)@2 +c2j a: = (b2 +C2)(b2 +a2); 4 = (c2 +a2)(c2+b2)’ (54)

Similarly equations (52) lead to the following equations

2 c2-b2
w;+cG * 0
c +b2

, 2a2-c2 1
w*+a* 2
a +c* ( w,w,--131,
Q 1
= 0 (55)

w3+4 b +a* w1w,-~i,r2
2 =0.

Thus, in the case considered the components of the vector Iof the conduction current and the
vortex vector w, which are functions of time only, must satisfy the system of six ordinary
differential equations (53) and (55). This system has four prime integrals which can be easily
obtained as follows.
The first is obtained from (53) by multiplying the two sides of the first equations by
II/c& those of the second by I&,‘, those of the third by I& and then adding results.
This gives
z: zg 1;
_z+_i+_i = c011st. (56)
El a2 g3

To find the second primary integral we multiply the two sides of each of the equations (55)
by (b2-l-c2)w1/a:, (c2+a2)w,/& (a2+b2)w3/a: respectively and add up the sides. Then

b2 +c* c2 +a2 a2+b2

--i-wlw; + 7 w2w; + -w3w;
a1 a2 4

-~~.2~,(w,~,-w,~,~+b2~z~w~~~-wl13)+~2II(WI~2-w2~l), = o.
On the magneto-hydrodynamicmotion of an electricallyconductingfluid 319

Taking (53) into account we obtain

b2 +c2 c2+a2
--y-wiw; + 2 wzw; + (56b)
a1 x2

which on integration leads directly to

b2 +c2 c2 +a2
7w: + Tw; + = const. (57)
Xl x2

Multiplying the two sides of each of the equations (53) in turn by (b2+c2)w,@, (c2+a2)w2/
a$, (a2+b2)w3/cc: respectively, the two sides of each of the equations (55) by (b2+c2)1&~,
(c2+a2)12/a$ (a2+b2)13/c(: respectively, and adding, we obtain

yb;wl +Ilw;)+‘y(I;”+12w;)+‘y(l;w3
=0 (57a)

from which follows the third integral

b2 +c2 a2+b2
T_IlWI + c2
7 + a2*2w2 + ~I,w, = const. (58)
Ml a2 E3

The fourth integral is obtained by multiplying the equations (55) by (b2+c2)2wI/a~,

(c2+a2)2w2/& (a2+b2)2w3/ctz respectively and adding. We then have

(b2 +c~)~ wIwi +(.c2 +a2)2 w2wi +(a2 +b2)2

2 w3w;
ffl 4 4

- f [a41,(w213
- w,l,) + b412(w311- w,l,) +c41,(wl12 - w211)] = 0.

Taking (53) into account we easily obtain the integral

(b2 +c~)~ a412+b412+C412

2 = const. (5%
a1 c.C:l CX;2 CC:3

The four algebraic integrals found are independent of each other and we can easily see
that these are sufficient for reducing the integration of the system (53) and (55) to quadra-
tures. We shall now prove an elegant and important theorem from which it follows that the
magneto-hydrodynamic problem considered is equivalent to the problem of the motion of a
rigid body about a fixed point, the particles of the body being attracted to a fixed plane by
forces proportional to the particle distance from the plane.
Furthermore, on putting
A = b2+c2, B = c2+a2, C = a2+b2
WI = --cr,p, w2 = --cc,q, M’3 = -cljr
320 C. Acmm~~~u

4 = &l~,Y,, 12 = &~,Y,, 13 = &,y,, t = qa2@3 t (61)

where Ia is an arbitrary constant, the equations (53) and (55) become respectively

dy, dy, dy,

rT = y2r-y3q; z = y3p-ylr; dr = ylq-y2p (53’)

Az+(C-B)(qr-:y,y,) = Cl

Bz+(A-C)(rp-zy,y,) = 0 (55’)

cg+ (B-c)(Pq-~Y,Y2) = 0

which are Poisson’s and Euler’s equations for the motion of a rigid body about a fixed point
Q, the particles of which body are attracted to a fixed plane with forces proportional to the
distance (DeBrun’s problem) [ 11. In these, yl y2 and y3 are the direction cosines of the normal
drawn from the fixed point to the attracting plane, while p, q, r are the components of the
angular velocity with respect to the principal axes of inertia about the fixed point Q. A, B
and C then represent the principal moments of inertia with respect to the point Q.
On putting the constant of integration in (56) equal to 1,$ we obta’n

Y:+Y;+Y: = 1 (56’)
which is the integral of the direction cosines. Substituting from (60) and (61) and bearing in
mind (56’) equation (57) can be written as

Ap2+Bq2+Cr2+z(Ay:+Byi +Cy:) = h (const.) (57’)

and this is the integral of the energy. Similarly the integral (58) becomes
Apyi +Bgy,+Cry, = k (const.) (58’)
which corresponds to the integral of the areas.
Finally, taking into account the identity
a4y:+z+y;+c4y: = (C2+u2)@2+b%J: (58’a)



the fourth algebraic integral (59) becomes

A2p2+B2q2+C2r2-_% (BCyf +CAy: +ABy:) = 1 (const.). W’)

On the magneto-hydrodynamic motion of an electrically conducting fluid 321

The integrals (56’), (57’), (58’), (59’) are the integrals of the sysiem (53’), (55’). This
system is the analytical formulation of De Brun’s problem and, as is well-known, can be
integrated by quadrature.
To sum up, we have the following theorem: There exists a magneto-hydrodynamic
motion of an incompressible electrically conducting jluid in a fixed ellipsoidal vessel with
perfectly conducting walls in which the current lines and vortex lines are straight. This motion,
which is determined by quadrature, is equivalent to the motion of a solid with a fixed point,
the particles of which solid are attracted to a fixed plane with forces proportional to the
particle distance from the plane.


[l] P. APPEL, TruitCde Mkmique Rationelle,Vol. II, Chap. XXV, p. 499, Gauthier Villars, Paris (1931).

(Received 2 July 1962)

R&n&--L’auteur considbre le probleme de la determination de la velocite et du champ magnetique dans

un fluide conducteur d’tlectricite incompressible mouvant darts un vase fixe avec murs de m&al conducteurs
parfaits, pourvu que la distribution des vortex et des courants conducteurs soient don& a chaque point
de l’interieur. Pour le cas special dun vase ellipsoidal, don&e l’hypothtse que les lignes du vortex et les
lignes du courant soient droites, le probleme est a resoudre par quadrature. On demontre que ce probleme
est &gal a celui du mouvement d’un solide a point fixe oh les particules du solide sont attirees chacune sur
un plan fixe avec une force proportion& a la dtstance de la particule du plan.

Zusammenfassung-Der Verfasser betrachtet das Problem der Bestimmung von Geschwindigkeit unp
Magnetfeld in einer elektrisch leitenden und nicht zusammenpressbaren Fliissigkeit, die sich in einem
befestigten GefPss mit voll leitfahigen Metallwlnden bewegt, und zwar in der Annahme, dass die Verteilung
von Wirbeln und Leitstromen fur jeden Punkt bekannt ist. In dem besonderen Falle eines elipsoiden
Gefasses bei der Hypothese, dass die Wirbellinien und die Stromlinien gerade sind, kann das Problem durch
Quadratur gel&t werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass dieses Problem dem der Bewegung eines Festkorpers mit
einem festen Punkt gleich ist, wobei jedes Teilchen des festen Kiirpers von einer festen Ebene angezogen
wird mit einer Kraft, die der Entfernung des Teilchens von der Ebene proportional ist.

Sommario-Si considera il problema della determinazione della velocitii e de1 campo magnetic0 in un fluid0
incompressibile, elettricamente conduttose, mobile in un recipiente fisso con pareti metalliche perfettamente
conduttriei, nell’ assuozione the sia asseguata in ogni punto interno la distribuzione dei vortici e della
corrente di conduzione.
Nel case particolare di un recipiente ellissoidale e nell’ ipotesi the le lmee vorticose e le linee di corrente
siano rette, il problema si risolve mediante quadrature, dimostrando the esso e equivalente al problema de1
moto di un solid0 con un punto fisso le cui molecole sono attratte da un piano fisso con forze proporzionali
alla distanza.

AHHOTauHII - ABTOP pa6oTan HaA npo6neMoi OnpeAeneHUH CKOPOCTU U MarHUTHoro noan B

pemaCTCB KBanpaTypOU. IIOKa3aH0, HTO3Ta npo6nema 3KBUBaneHTHa npodneme ~UHteHuHTBepAOrO

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