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Cold-Formed Steel Framing

Aqueles que assistem "Steel-Doing It Right" aprender que a SFC não é o que você "madeira" pensar

Por: Don Proctor

Dores de crescimento nunca são divertidos. Qualquer um que trabalhou com isolamento pelo exterior e sistemas de
acabamento algumas décadas atrás sabe disso muito bem. Problemas de percepção definido que a indústria de volta
em seus saltos em seus anos de formação, e levou anos para se reagrupar com o marketing educacional para construir o
seguinte sólida que tem hoje. O frio de aço formados a indústria de enquadramento (CFS) espera evitar muitos desses
tipos de dores de crescimento. É por isso que a Associação da Indústria de parede e de teto e da Aliança Steel Framing
uniram para fornecer a indústria com a Aço-Fazer programa It Right. O objetivo é educar e alertar os alunos para o tipo
de armadilhas que podem enfrentar com CFS.

"Tivemos os mesmos tipos de (instalação) problemas com EIFS que estamos vendo no [aço] da indústria, mas não
resolver os problemas EIFS após os erros começaram a aparecer e toda a indústria deu um mergulho por causa dela, ",
explica Pat Boyd, um dos dois de Aço-fazendo-Direita instrutores." Estamos tentando estar à frente da curva em
estruturas de aço. "

Boyd, um engenheiro e proprietário exclusivo de Patrick J. Boyd Consulting Engineers, Garland, Texas, diz que a
ignorância contratante sobre CFS é generalizada. Muitos contratantes simplesmente não percebem como é diferente a
partir de molduras de madeira. Uma das distinções importantes entre a madeira e a frio, estruturas de aço na maioria
das aplicações residenciais e comerciais é que o último requer um conjunto de desenhos de engenharia produzidos por
um engenheiro da especialidade.

"Não há tabelas de carga e coisas dessa natureza para o aço na maioria das condições que a pessoa média (contratante)
pode descobrir", explica Boyd. "Eles precisam de um engenheiro especializado para fazer isso, e as respostas que
recebem dele são provavelmente muito diferente do que estimado ".

Faça certo, Licitação Vagas de emprego

Molduras de madeira, em comparação, é um pedaço de bolo. Muitos códigos de construção fornecer especificações
detalhadas sobre vários produtos de madeira para que o contratante não exige um engenheiro. O que é mais, é mais
fácil trabalhar com. Leva muito mais tempo para cortar um a frio, membro estruturas de metal, e fixação requer
soldagem ou parafusos, explica David

Wells, um estudante de recente no programa Aço-Doing It Right. Wells, estimador para o Liverpool, NY baseado Truax &
Hovey Ltd., diz que enquanto ele sabia o valor de um engenheiro estrutural especialidade antes de ele tomar o curso, os
instrutores martelada como é importante. "Nós já recusei trabalhos devido à falta de adequado planejamento,
informações e desenhos. Mas por causa do seminário, agora sabemos como abordar esse problema."

Pode parecer uma dor de cabeça e meio, mas as vantagens do aço a frio, muitas vezes superam as bases extra
necessária. Por exemplo, estruturas de aço podem subir mais rápido, especialmente quando é Panelized, e pode ser
construído para alturas maiores do que a madeira, explica Larry Williams, presidente da Aliança Steel Framing.

"Com custos mais elevados da terra, os desenvolvedores estão tentando obter o máximo retorno sobre o investimento
possível", diz ele.

Williams diz que é uma das principais razões por que o programa de Aço-Fazer It Right foi juntos. "É um esforço para
tentar preparar e habilitar os construtores e empreiteiros para responder à oportunidade que está decolando na
construção midrise. Eu não acho que haja nada [no midrise] que pode competir com ele."

Muito a aprender, muitos benefícios

Boyd diz que seus alunos costumam perguntar-lhe como se deve construir um projeto, quando os planos
(especialmente em trabalhos comerciais) não incluem informações detalhadas, como tamanho e espaçamento dos
elementos de aço. Ele diz que a manutenção de um engenheiro estrutural especialidade impede estimar erros que
poderiam deixar um empreiteiro com um caso grave de "choque da etiqueta."

Erros na instalação também pode criar grandes problemas. Se uma armação de aço a frio, não é reforçada
correctamente, a capacidade de carga diminui substancialmente. "Quando você põe em alguma ponte, bloqueando e
órtese, na verdade aumenta a capacidade de carga dos membros de uma quantidade significativa", ressalta, observando
a "três Bs" são enfatizadas na classe.

Ao final de cada curso 2,5-dia, ele espera que seus alunos sabem quando vai precisar de um engenheiro para ajudá-los
através de um trabalho complexo. "O curso não vai ensinar-lhes tudo. Faz-los cientes dos problemas e conhecimento de
um lugar para encontrar uma solução. Dá-lhes uma compreensão dos códigos e os órgãos de governo, e onde esta
informação é publicada no caso de topar com um inspetor de obras que diz que eles estão fazendo algo de errado
quando eles sabem que não são ", explica Boyd.


Além de não compreender métodos de projeto e instalação, os contratantes muitas vezes não percebem que eles
enfrentam grandes problemas de responsabilidade civil para os problemas do sistema ou falhas, diz Boyd. "Se eles não
lêem o contrato devidamente e não entendem completamente os documentos de construção, eles não vão entender a
responsabilidade que assumiram."
Durante a última década ou assim, o ônus da responsabilidade passou para o contratante para instalação e design. Boyd
diz que é assustador é que muitos empreiteiros não percebem isso: "Estamos tentando deixar claro para nossos alunos
que eles estão assumindo a responsabilidade e os riscos para alguns esta formulação eo desenho."

No passado, um arquitecto ou engenheiro foi responsável por desenhos detalhados para a frio, trabalho de aço em
projetos comerciais, mas agora provavelmente 90 por cento dos projetos comerciais / residenciais estão nas mãos do
contratante por meio de especificações de desempenho, diz Boyd.

"Estimadores está olhando para estes trabalhos, mas eles não sabem o tamanho ou espaçamento que fazer e como
conectá-lo ao edifício, e ainda assim eles continuam a estimar esses projetos e colocar para fora as ofertas todos os
dias", diz ele.

Além disso, os contratantes podem inconscientemente assumir a responsabilidade por erros outro contratante
simplesmente tentando seguir a estrutura que está fora do quadrado ou prumo. Boyd diz que "ao tentar ocultar ou
corrigir esses problemas que você pode obter-se em apuros." Por exemplo, chanfrar ou um dos flanges de um pino de
aço a frio, destrói 90 por cento da capacidade de flexão do membro.

De carga enquadramento CFS está a ganhar uma quota de mercado considerável em edifícios até oito andares, tais
como instalações de vida assistida e hotéis midrise, porque não é combustível, aponta Williams. E em grande parte
porque não é combustível, os contratantes podem esperar economias de seguro taxa de entre 25 e 75 por cento. As
taxas de seguro mais baixos são parte de um programa da SFA foi desenvolvida com a indústria de seguros. O seguro
cobre tudo, desde a pioneira a completar fora do edifício. O SFA está olhando para descontos de seguro de outros
pacotes também.

Boyd diz empreiteiros familiarizados com aço não deve pensar que é uma garantia que não irá encontrar problemas
estimando um emprego ou construí-la. Entre os graves problemas resultantes da má concepção / instalação incluir
rachaduras na casca. Reparações poderia exigir estabilização e reforçando a estrutura de dentro do edifício.

"Você pode ter falha total do edifício em construção midrise se você não fazê-lo corretamente", diz Boyd. "Essa
possibilidade existe se eles vão lá e começar a instalá-lo como eles fazem de madeira e eles não entendem as
consequências. Isso é o que estamos tentando evitar com este curso. "

Projetado para a perfeição

Tim Boyd, um estimador de Buffalo sistemas baseados Mandon construção, Inc., fizeram o curso de aço-fazendo-a
direita no final de abril / maio. Ele diz que atingiu a marca com os contratantes questões drywall estão enfrentando nos
dias de hoje com o aço. Ao longo dos últimos anos, os desenhos tornaram-se "vaga" como arquitetos transferir a
responsabilidade para os contratantes do drywall.

Boyd, que há relação com instrutor Pat Boyd, aponta que, enquanto um estimador pode assumir um palpite no cálculo
dos requisitos para um trabalho de aço conformados a frio, um palpite é tudo o que é. Uma vez que um engenheiro
calcula todos os fatores, incluindo questões como cargas de vento, palpite que o estimador poderia ser
significativamente fora da marca.

Mandon aprendeu essa lição da maneira mais difícil cerca de uma década atrás, em um trabalho para um dormitório da
faculdade. O tamanho ea espessura dos pregos e faixas foram subestimados e os métodos apropriados de fixação não
foram tidos em conta. Fazê-lo direito adicionados cerca de 30 por cento, para os materiais e os custos trabalhistas do
emprego. "Nós já estávamos no contrato que estava em uma especificação para desenhos de oficina, então não havia
nada que pudéssemos fazer", diz Boyd.

A maioria dos trabalhos Mandon com CFS é cortina de vidro, incluindo um projeto atual para um hotel, que inclui CFS
enchimento. A estrutura é paredes de blocos de prancha e pré-moldado. O estudante diz que os proprietários estão
dentro para um choque quando vêem citações drywall estes dias por causa das taxas adicionais necessários para que os
contratantes mantêm um engenheiro estrutural especialidade.

Boyd diz e em torno de Buffalo, CFS não for especificado tanto para trabalhos de suporte de carga, pois é na Costa
Oeste, onde a construção midrise explodiu. Em um trabalho de hotel na área de Buffalo, o contratante tentaram em vão
convencer o arquiteto para mudar de bloco de suporte de carga e pré-moldado para CFS. Enquanto os custos do aço
foram ligeiramente superiores, a ereção teria sido muito mais rápido.

"Uma vez que você tem as suas fundações, você poderia provavelmente ter dois terços do edifício em cerca de seis
semanas (uma história a cada semana)", diz Boyd. "Eu não sou um pedreiro, mas eu acho que levaria dois a três vezes
mais em bloco e pré-moldado. "

Encontrar o caminho certo

SFA pontos de Williams para fora de que os contratantes devem manter um engenheiro em qualquer especialidade de
suporte de carga do aplicativo, mesmo que seja uma história-estrutura não-residencial transportar uma carga telhado.
No entanto, para residências de até três pisos elevados, os contratantes podem comprar um manual da SFA, que lhes
permite desenvolver seu próprio conjunto de planos. O manual é um método prescritivo para a concepção de estruturas
de aço formados a frio.

Williams diz que, indo para o site do Cold-Formed Aço Engenheiros do Instituto Web ( e clicar sobre o
"Engenheiro CFSEI Finder" guia, um contratante pode localizar engenheiros registrados no estado do projeto. Muitos
dos engenheiros , listada no catálogo incluem um currículo que abrange a sua experiência do projeto.
Boyd concorda que CFSEI é uma boa maneira de começar a encontrar o engenheiro direito. O CFSEI tem centenas de
membros estruturais de engenharia e profissionais de design de outros que estudam formas de produzir projetos
seguros e eficientes para estruturas comerciais e residenciais com a frio, de aço. Para os engenheiros e designers, o
instituto oferece as informações mais recentes técnicas e padrões da indústria.

"É um bom ponto de partida, mas você ainda precisa entrevistar o engenheiro para se certificar de que ele realmente
sabe o que está fazendo", diz Boyd. "Se eles nunca estiveram no campo para ver como essa coisa vai junto, que eles
podem acabar fazendo um monte de coisas com um lápis e um sistema de CAD que não pode ser construído no campo
". Boyd informa contratados para orientar clara de engenheiros, que minimizam possíveis complicações.

"Há muito para isso", diz ele. "É um negócio muito lucrativo. Você não pode simplesmente dizer que você quer fazer
dentro e não fora em alguns desses trabalhos de cortina de vidro.

"Não é aceitável. Ou você ficar com a adaptação no interior, ou você começar a entender como CFS tudo correr juntos.
Com um bom engenheiro você vai economizar mais do que sua taxa, porque ele irá detalhar de uma forma que você
pode construí-lo. "


Boyd esperado Aço-Doing It direito a ser mais de um how-to-build-with-aço claro do que era. Foi um pouco de um
choque ver a ênfase colocada sobre os perigos de assumir um trabalho sem acesso aos materiais de referência e
conservação de uma especialidade engenheiro estrutural.

"Ele nos contou sobre todas as coisas escondidas que não são mostrados nos desenhos (arquitetura), tais como órteses,
clipes, etc, que quase adicionar um terceiro para o custo do trabalho", diz Boyd. "Esse foi o abridor de olho grande para
muitos estudantes. "

Mesmo projetos, aparentemente simples, hoje muitas vezes exigem desenhos de engenharia. Um caso em questão é
um pequeno trabalho de retrofit soffit instrutor Boyd é a engenharia em um banco onde o teto curvo soffit inicial
falhou. No passado, um empreiteiro não exigem desenhos de engenharia para instalar o enquadramento membros e
bares suspensos, mas os tempos mudaram.

"Agora eles querem cálculos e desenhos de engenharia," diz Boyd. "Neste trabalho, o empreiteiro está puxando seu
cabelo para fora, porque não existem tabelas de carga para alguns dos membros Ele pensou que poderia usar, e não há
nenhuma maneira para ele provar para os Poderes Que como enquadrá-lo do jeito que originalmente começou a
moldá-la. "
Boyd diz que a solução que será aplicada envolve "velhos tempos" métodos de cálculo: "O problema é que o
contratante tenha sido apanhado no meio entre o fabricante eo arquiteto, com uma exigência em suas especificações
que exige essa engenharia que ele didn ' t entender que ele assumiu a responsabilidade. "

Embora as vezes ditam nunca foi mais importante para que os contratantes mantêm engenheiros, diz Boyd poucos
engenheiros estão bem versados na elaboração CFS.

"Cold-formed aço não é ensinada em qualquer curso de graduação nos Estados Unidos, e não é em qualquer
licenciamento de engenharia examina," diz Boyd.

Então, para aproveitar todos os benefícios e vantagens que a frio, de aço oferece sobre a madeira, você deve ter a
assistência de um engenheiro de estruturas, e você precisa fazê-lo direito. Para começar a fazer isso direito, se você é
um "Olde madeira framer" ou pensa que sabe tudo sobre o aço, vá para / aço para aprender mais sobre
Aço-Doing It Right.
Designing Homes using Cold-Formed Steel Framing
January 2001

By Nader Elhajj, P.E., NAHB Research Center

The primary objective of this article is to offer residential (and light commercial) designers some practical design advice and technical resources
when considering the use of cold-formed steel (also called light gauge steel). A basic overview is also provided for those who may be
completely unfamiliar with this increasingly popular building technology (see photo of steel house, Fig. 1). Future articles will give greater
details on specific topics of interest.

What is Cold-Formed Steel?

Cold-formed steel (CFS) members are made from structural quality sheet steel that are formed into shape either through press-braking blanks
sheared from sheets or coils, or more commonly, by roll forming the steel through a series of dies. No heat is required to form the shapes
(unlike hot-rolled steel), and thus the name cold-formed steel. Cold-formed steel members and other products are thinner, lighter, easier to
produce, and typically cost less than their hot-rolled counterparts. A variety of steel thickness is available to meet a wide range of structural and
non-structural applications. Figure 2 shows typical cold-formed steel shapes.

Why consider CFS?

Cold-formed steel framing has gained some consumer appeal and market share in recent years for several reasons. In fact, over 50% of
housing starts in Hawaii are CFS homes. There are several reasons for this increased interest in steel framing. CFS framing for floors and
interior walls are very competitive with lumber and engineered wood products. Several time-and-motion studies have shown that cost
premiums for experienced CFS users are typically in the neighborhood of 2 to 5 percent of the total house cost, depending on the style of the
house. CFS also offers tight dimensional tolerances. For those in termite-prone areas, it offers a solution to the termite threat. There is no
reason to suggest that there should be a design cost premium with the resources that are now available to assist designers, including direct
manufacturer technical support. Second, CFS framing provides builder and consumers flexibility in design option that can not be economically
accommodated using traditional framing materials (i.e., larger open space, longer spans, higher ceilings, arched ceilings and doorways).

Advantages of CFS Framing

Some of the unique qualities and benefits of steel framing are:

 Availability: Cold-formed steel members are readily available at local distributors or drywall supply house.
 Price Stability: Steel prices have been relatively consistent over the past two decades.
 Consistent Quality. Steel does not contain knots, twists, or warps that are commonly found in lumber. It is always dimensionally
correct and manufactured to very strict tolerances.
 Code Compliance. Cold-formed steel framing is code approved (IRC, IBC, CABO and ICC). Its non-combustibility and high strength
allow its use in buildings up to 6-story high.
 Design Flexibility. CFS members come in a variety of sizes enabling the designer to meet specific load requirements economically
and achieve longer spans.
 Light Weight. Steel members weigh as much as 40% less than conventional lumber, reducing total building and seismic loads.
 Ease of Installation. Holes are preformed simplifying the installation of plumbing, electrical, and mechanical lines and components.
 Fewer Call- Backs. CFS members are fastened with screws, which virtually eliminate nail pop-outs.
 Common Appearance. Once exterior and interior finishes are installed, a wood and a steel building are indistinguishable from each
 Resistance to Termites and Pests. Cold-formed steel members are impervious to termites and other wood-destroying insects.
 Noncombustible. Steel does not burn and prevents the spread of fire. Steel framing can be easily designed to meet code fire rating

When specifying CFS framing members, the universal designator system is typically used. The "STUF" designation identifies any common CFS
member using:

 Web Depth (D), expressed in 1/100 inches,


 Flange width (B), expressed in 1/100 inches,


 Minimum Base Metal Thickness (t), expressed in mils (1/1000 inches), and the following designators:

Example: Designation for a 5-½"-16 gauge C-shape stud with 1-5/8" flanges: 550S162-54

CFS members are typically labeled with manufacturer's identification or logo, minimum uncoated steel thickness, minimum yield strength and
coating designation (if other than minimum) at a minimum spacing of 48 inches along the length of the member. For users that are accustomed
to the old "gage" system of steel thickness, the following conversions may be useful.

Mil to Gauge Conversion

Steel Steel
Thickness Thickness
(mils) Gauge
18 25

27 22

33 20 White
43 18 Yellow

54 16 Green

68 14 Orange

97 12 Red

Do Steel Homes Corrode?

Homeowners expect their homes to last for a lifetime or more. Therefore, it is critical that framing materials have the proper protection to
provide this longevity. With steel, this protection comes in the form of galvanizing. Steel members located in an indoor atmosphere (such as
wall and floor framing) have a very low rate of corrosion. Studies showed that typical G40 zinc coated steels, in such an environment should
last for more than 100 years. All structural-framing members have a minimum metallic coating of G60 (or equivalent). Non-structural framing
members have a minimum metallic coating of G40 (or equivalent). It is essential not to install CFS joists in contact with copper. CFS members
do not react with dry wood, drywall, insulation products, or dry plaster or mortar. In particularly severe climates, such as coastal, G90 coating
should be specified for protected framing members. as is common in Hawaii where corrosion, termites, earthquakes, typhoons and tsunamis
are significant concerns.

Material Requirements

The C-shape section is the most commonly used shape in CFS framing. A typical C-shaped member consists of a web, a flange, and a lip and
comes with or without holes (punchouts). Flat straps, angles, plates, furring channels, and hat channels are also available. Member thickness is
specified in mils (1 mil=1/1000 inch), although the gauge designation is still widely used (the higher the gauge the thinner the thickness. Steel
has the largest strength-to-weight ratio among construction materials.

CFS framing members are cold-formed to shape from structural quality sheet steel complying with the requirements of one of the following:

 ASTM A 653: Grades 33, 37, 40, & 50 (Class 1 and 3); or
 ASTM A 792: Grades 33, 37, 40, & 50A; or
 ASTM A 875: Grades 33, 37, 40, & 50 (Class 1 and 3); or
 Steels that comply with ASTM A 653 except for tensile and elongation requirements shall be permitted provided the ratio of tensile
strength to yield point is at least 1.08 and the total elongation is at least 10 percent for a two-inch gage length or 7 percent for an
eight-inch gauge length.

Availability and Handling.

CFS is generally supplied through steel framing distributors, drywall supply houses or steel-framing manufacturers. NASFA publication NT5-99
provides a comprehensive list of steel suppliers. Steel components come in bundles or on pallets. A forklift can handle most unloading jobs
quite easily. Planning your cut list carefully can simplify the job. The SteelXpert software is an excellent tool for planning a cut list efficiently. It is
also recommended that you order at least 10% additional material as is customarily. To get a copy of NT5-99 or the SteelXpert program,
please visit the Steel Framing Alliance's website at

Fasteners for CFS Members

Self-drilling, tapping screws (or self-piercing screws) are the most prevalent fasteners. Other connection technologies, such as pneumatically
driven fasteners, powder-actuated fasteners and crimping (fastenerless) can also be used.

 Steel-to-Steel Connections. No.8½-inch pan head screws are commonly used to connect studs/joists and tracks together. No.10-
3/4" hex-head, self-drilling screws are used on thicker steel materials. Self-drilling screws with low profile heads are used when
rigid sheathing or finishing materials are installed on top of the screw head. Screws should be installed with a minimum edge
distance and center to center spacing of ½ inch.
 Wood-to-Steel Connections. No.8 self-drilling screws with pilot points are generally used to fasten wood sheathing to steel
members. Self-drilling screws with bugle heads are designed to countersink slightly in the wood surface without crushing or tearing
the material. Wafer head screws are typically used to connect soft materials to steel joists. Flat head screws are designed to
countersink and sit flush without causing finishes to splinter or split. A sheathing screw should penetrate the sheathing and steel
framing first before engaging the threads to pull the sheathing material tight towards the steel.
 Gypsum Board-to-Steel Connections. Gypsum board is fastened with No.6, sharp point, bugle head screws (known as drywall
screws) Use a depth-setting nosepiece to avoid damaging the gypsum board. For steel thicker than 43 mils, self-drilling bugle head
screws should be used.
Manufacturer Resources

National and regional manufacturers, roll-formers, suppliers, and distributors of cold-formed steel can be found on
the website by the Steel Framing Alliance. Manufacturers can offer detailed product information, including
options, dimensions, design tables, and specifications. The Steel Stud Manufacturers Association (SSMA) provides a unified and
comprehensive catalog of most of the residential and light commercial steel products available today. A copy of this catalog can be obtained
from a local distributor.

Choosing a manufacturer or a roll-former that provides the technical support and a product with the desired attributes (such as specialty shapes
for unique architectural or structural features) is an important issue. There are also issues that are important to construction efficiency that must
be considered, though this factor is usually resolved through personal experience or by discussions with a knowledgeable contractor. It should
be recognized that there is a "learning curve" that must be overcome in becoming efficient with any new technology. But, with a good approach,
the proficient adoption of a viable new technology can pay great dividends in business profits and diversity.

Technical Information Resources

Technical information on cold-formed steel framing can be found on the North American Steel Framing Alliance
website,, which also links to other sites such as the Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association
website, Both sites contain helpful publications for designers, builders, and code officials who are interested in learning
more about CFS. Cold-formed steel framing is also recognized with detailed prescriptive design and construction provisions in the International
Residential Building Code, 2000 Edition, published by the International Code Council.

Regional Steel Alliances

Eight regional steel alliances were set-up (in addition to the national one) to enable and encourage the widespread, practical, and economic
use of CFS in residential and light commercial construction. The alliances also help educate builders, contractors and designers on steel
framing. Many of these alliances have their own web page, newsletter and conduct regular meetings. Regional alliances can be a great place
to meet local suppliers, contractors, builders and designers. The Mid-Atlantic Steel Framing Alliance (MASFA) for example, covers the states of
Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. It has over 27 members representing various industries,
a quarterly newsletter, and a website, To join MASFA, call (410) 787-7020 or (301) 430-6281.

Designing a home with CFS Framing

There are basically three resources available to guide the design of a typical CFS home application:

1. Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing, 2000 Edition;

2. Sections R505, R603 and R804 of the International Residential Code, 2000 Edition; and,
3. Manufacturer technical data.

Other publications and technical bulletins are also available for specific components or design methodology
( and For example:

1. Design Guide for Cold-Formed Steel Trusses

2. Shearwall Design Guide
3. Low-Rise Residential Construction Details
4. Durability of Cold-Formed Steel Members
5. Builder's Stud Guide
6. L-Shaped Header Field Guide
7. Builder's Guide to Residential Steel Floors
8. Inspection Checklist for Cold-Formed Steel Framing
9. Shear Transfer at Top Plate: Drag Strut Design
10. Vertical Lateral Force Resisting System: Boundary Elements
11. Lateral Load Resisting Element: Diaphragm Design Values
12. Screw Fastener Selection for Light Gauge Steel Frame Construction

For unique conditions, it may be necessary to use the AISI Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.

Armed with the above information, most design decisions regarding CFS can be easily resolved by following prescriptive span tables and
straightforward connection details. However, there are a few "design tips" that may be valuable to the first-timer or novice user:

1. A team approach involving the contractor-builder-manufacturer-designer-owner is encouraged. This means that the entire team
should be included in the process as soon as possible and during the design concept stage if possible.
2. Make sure that the contractor understands appropriate steel framing methods and practices. A poorly planned construction endeavor
can reflect badly on the CFS technology as well as the designer.
3. Always follow applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines and safety requirements.
4. All structural members shall be aligned vertically (in-line framing) to transfer all loads to the foundation, unless horizontal load
distribution members are specified.
5. When connecting steel to steel members, drilling tools should drive screws at low speeds of 2500 rpm to prevent improper
6. Keep plumbing in the slab and route through floor and interior wall cavities to the greatest extent possible.
7. Avoid locating plumbing in exterior walls because of potential interruption of structural members and a reduction of the thermal value
of the wall.
8. Don't forget web stiffeners for bearing points of floor joists. These are essential components. Stiffeners can be installed on either side
of the joist's web.
9. Consult the Thermal Design Guide ( for the proper insulation thickness.
10. Snap-in plastic insulators, grommets, conduits, or other approved wire protection methods should always be used to protect the
plastic sheathing on electrical cables and wires when passing through holes in CFS members.
11. Ensure that copper pipes are always separated from the steel framing by using plastic insulators or other approved methods.
12. Fire rated steel assembly details can be found in the UL's Fire Resistance Directory, the Gypsum Association's Fire Resistance
Design Manual or other publications.
13. All load-bearing studs shall be seated in the tracks with a maximum gap of 1/8 inch between the end of the stud and the web of the

Finally, there is no substitute for doing your own homework—explore the resources mentioned in this article and become informed in the
various attributes of CFS systems.

Figure 1. Photos of a Steel Houses

Figure 2. Basic Shapes of CFS

What is Light Steel Frame Building?
Light steel frame building consists of structural wall frames and roof trusses, manufactured from cold-formed light gauge galvanized steel sections.

Cladding can consist of a single skin brick wall or fibre cement board, fixed to the wall frames.

Electricity and plumbing – are installed in the wall cavity created by the light steel frames, as is the insulation material. Gypsum board, fixed to the light
steel frame, is typically used for internal wall cladding and ceilings.

Light Steel Frame Building offers a wide range of benefits when compared with conventional building or other framing materials, in terms of quality, cost,
durability and speed.
Reduced wastage, lower logistical costs and reduced time of construction could offer cost savings of 20% or more, compared with conventional building.


 Complies with the rational design requirements of the National Building Regulations.
 Tried and tested – has been in use in Australia, Europe and America for decades.
 Each structure is signed off by a structural engineer.
 Only quality certified materials are used.
 Frames are assembled under controlled factory conditions.
 In the case of poor foundation conditions, steel framed buildings can accommodate some movement in foundations without cracking.
 Thermal insulation can be specified to be superior to conventional brick and mortar buildings.
 Professional finishes are readily achievable.
 SASFA, the industry association, will act as a quality watchdog, and system-competent frame erectors and builders will be accredited.

Cost Efficiency

 Speed: time saving is estimated to be more than 30%, compared with conventional building.
 Accuracy: the steel frame dictates a high degree of accuracy of building dimensions.
 Light weight: a steel framed wall clad with fibre cement / plaster board offers a mass saving of 90% compared with a double skin brick wall.
 Lighter foundations are made possible due to the low mass of walls.
 Sloping sites: the building method lends itself to column foundations and suspended floors, reducing the cost of building on uneven sites.
 Minimal wastage.
 Energy efficient.
 Flexibility: horizontal and vertical additions can be effected easily, in stages.
 Extra floor space (some 4%) due to reduced thickness of external walls compared with a double skin brick wall.
 Services are installed in wall cavities without chasing of walls.
 Earlier beneficial occupation of buildings.
 Accurate cost budgets. Sustainability Light Steel Frame Building offers designers and building owners the opportunity to minimize energy
wastage during building operations as well as during the life of the building.

The primary steel industry worldwide has in recent times vastly improved production processes to minimize energy consumption and pollution.
Furthermore, a large percentage of all scrap generated is re-used in electric arc furnaces to produce new steel, resulting in significant energy savings
and a reduction of pollution. As Light Steel Frame Building is an engineered building method, use of materials is optimized offering savings in energy
used to produce the materials.

The mass of a wall in a Light Steel Frame Building is less than 10% of that of a double skin plastered brick wall. It follows that significant energy savings
are achieved merely in the transport of the materials to the building site.
Furthermore, wastage of materials on site is minimized, again reducing energy wastage by obviating the need to remove truck loads of building rubble
after completion of the building process. However, the most significant energy saving is achieved over the life of the building.
Light Steel Frame Buildings can be optimally insulated for each type of building, in the different geographic regions in Southern Africa, resulting in
reduced energy wastage for heating and cooling.
All the above factors combine to render Light Steel Frame Buildings energy efficient, and sustainable.

Steel Framing can be used for:

 Residential Units
 Complexes/Estates
 Apartments
 Garages/Storage Units
 Floor Trusses Steel Framing is cost efficient, easily constructed and produces quality homes.

How d

How does steel compare to Brick house?

* Behavior in fire :

Walls are classified type FR (non-combustible).

External and internal walls are assessed as having a 30 minute fire-resistance rating.

* Thermal Performance :

The thermal performance without insulated ceilings will be inferior to that of the Standard Brick House.

Light Steel Frame houses are building with 75 mm Isotherm, insulated in ceilings that will perform better than the Standard Brick House. The energy
required to heat a Light Steel Frame house without ceiling insulation will be up to 1,5 times that required to heat the Standard Brick House, however with
75 mm of Isotherm fitted energy heating requirements could drop to about half that required to heat the Standard Brick House.

* Condensation :

When uninsulated ceilings are fitted, condensation performance will be similar to that found in the Standard Brick House, However when 75
mm Isotherm insulation is fitted above ceilings performance will be superior to that expected to occur in the Standard Brick House.

* How does steel compare to wood? :

This is easily the most commonly asked question. First of all, wood is an organic material. It was a living organism. When wood is cut, the wood begins
to decompose. During this drying process, wood may warp or twist affecting the structural integrity of your home.

Did you know that it can take as long as 5 years for a piece of wood to complete dry out?
Steel, on the other hand, is a mineral. Its strength and dimensions are absolutely consistent. Steel will stay where you put it, for as long as you leave it
there. Since steel is lighter, stronger, and consistent, your home will last for generations.
It is unfair to compare wood framing to a Light Steel Home.

Wood frame homes are not engineered to withstand earthquakes of Seismic Zone 4. Wood frame homes do not have 8-inch exterior walls or R-30
insulation. Simply put, steel is a stronger and more durable material than wood.

* Does the Steel Transfer Heat & Cold? :

Yes. Insulation companies performed energy efficiency on steel framing and found that when a steel home is insulated properly, the transfer can be
reduced or eliminated. One of the important differences between Light Steel framing systems and prescriptive steel framing that replaces wood studs
with steel studs is that the Light Steel homes have 8-inch thick walls and can use 9-inch, R-30 insulation.

Also, because the Tri-Steel steel framing system uses 4-foot and 8-foot centers rather than the 16-inch to 24-inch centers of prescriptive steel framing,
thermal transference is not a problem for us. Additionally, we recommend using house wrap to enhance the building envelope even further. In short,
your Light Steel home will not have a problem with heat and cold transfer.

* Is Steel Energy Efficient? :

In short, yes. Light Steel Home owners experience significant reductions in their heating and air conditioning bills. Many find that once their homes are
heated or cooled, it takes much less energy to keep the home at a desirable temperature.

*Does the Steel interfere with Radio & TV Reception? :

The short answer is NO. If you understand the electronic properties of Radio and TV waves, you know that they pass right through.

*Do steel homes attract lightning? :

No. Actually steel homes are safer in a lightning storm than a wood frame home. Wood is a poor conductor of electricity, offering so much resistance to
passage of electricity that a part of the current from a lightning strike may flash out and strike any nearby object. Since wood can not conduct electricity
effectively, it tends to superheat the moisture still resident inside the framing causing an explosion or fire. That is why it isn't safe to stand beneath a tree
in a thunderstorm. Steel framed homes from Light Steel are grounded and offer a perfect path for lightning to pass harmlessly to the ground.

The Lightning Protection Institute, which assesses the risk of lightning striking a building, concludes that a steel framed structure which is electrically
continuous from roof to frame is "highly unlikely to suffer lightning damage, while a wood-framed house with a wood roof would be at greatest risk."

*Will my home look different than the rest in my development? :

No. In fact, because of steel's strength you can design your home with larger open spaces. With a steel frame, the walls will remain straight and true
and can be finished with the same materials traditionally used.

*Will my home look different than the rest in my development? :

No. In fact, because of steel's strength you can design your home with larger open spaces. With a steel frame, the walls will remain straight and true
and can be finished with the same materials traditionally used.

*What about cost? :

The price of steel has been relatively constant over the last decade. While the price of traditional framing materials has been erratic and growing at a
rate much faster than inflation, steel prices have only experienced small quarterly adjustments. Builders interviewed nationwide have affirmed that
framing with steel is commonly less expensive than traditional framing.

*Will my home rust? :

The use of Red Oxide painted and galvanized steel frame components protect your home against rust. Mittle also gave 50 year warranty if your house is
500 meters from the see.

*Will I be able to remodel my home? :

Yes, since steel framing allows for larger spans, a home can be designed without interior load-bearing partitions, making it easier for homeowners to
complete alterations without affecting the structure.

*How do I attach pictures to the wall? :

It is very easy to attach pictures and artwork inside a Light Steel home. The most common approach is to use mollies and screws. And it is quite easy to
find the studs using a magnet.

*How do I put up molding and trim? :

Molding and other trim is easily attached to the wall with screws and glue-adhesive.

*Will I be able to sell my home? :

Your home does not need to look any different than your neighbors and should sell just as easily. Because of steel's high strength and durability your
home should last and retain its value for a long time. In fact, if you take advantage of steel's strength and flexibility by designing wide open spaces, you
will have additional selling features.

*Can I invest in Light Steel House? :

Light Steel is a growing company with many different business opportunities. If you have a serious investment interest, please contact us by telephone
at 082 876 0474

*Benefits of Steel :
If you’re like most people, a home is a large and important purchase decision. At Light Steel Frame Houses, our mission is to help protect the largest
investment of your lifetime.
Light Steel Homes use steel instead of wood for the structural system. The result is an attractive home with a strong, safe framework that is built to last.
Because of the unique properties of steel, our homes provide added protection from mould, termites and natural disasters including tornadoes,
earthquakes, fires and hurricanes.

You can count on Light Steel Frame Houses to be pre-engineered and manufactured to exact specifications. With a Light Steel Home, you will enjoy
unique design options, substantial savings in energy and maintenance costs, often higher resale value, and the peace of mind that your largest
investment is well protected

*Benefits of Steel :

Before After

*Light Steel Frame Houses Insulation :

*Cladding :
*Roofing :

*Innovative home building

Building your own home is far more stressful than buying one. However, there are several construction products on the market that can make the
process easier and more cost-effective. Here are four alternatives to conventional bricks and mortar.

Any construction project is a significant investment in time, materials and resources. This is why more owner-builders are educating themselves about
alternatives. At the same time, builders and property developers are also recognizing that, by continuing to use the same materials and methods that
have always been used, they are not addressing the problem of high building costs. The ideal alternative material offers design flexibility,

environmental responsibility, energy efficiency, long-term structural integrity, durability and lower home-operation costs. It is along these criteria that we
have isolated the following methods. Apart from timber-frame houses, maintenance costs and requirements for the other three methods are similar to
those for conventionally built homes. Foundations are standard across all processes.


Right: Lightweight steel-frame housing has evolved to be the dominant means of construction for domestic housing in many countries, including
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States.

Lightweight steel-framed housing was developed in the United States during the 1970s in response to similar issues as those currently affecting the
South African building industry: productivity, quality control and availability of skilled trade labour. Even though lightweight steel framing is widely used in
half a dozen countries, it is a relatively new process in South Africa. A completed home utilizing an internal steel frame is virtually indistinguishable from
homes erected using standard methods. The quality of construction can, in most cases, be superior to that of bricks-and-mortar structures.

Steel-frame housing involves modular construction in which sections of a complete home are built in the factory and then erected on site, often without
the need for cranes. Houses are then clad with face brick, plastered brick (single- or double-brick layers), plasterboard, timber or corrugated steel.

Steel-framed homes can be produced and built to precise specifications in a controlled environment using computer-assisted design and manufacturing
technology. These homes can therefore be custom designed to include almost any variety of features or architectural preferences. Once the homes
have been transported to the site, walls can be erected within hours. Unlike the problems that occur in bricks-and-mortar homes, walls will not only be
perfectly straight and square, they will also be precisely positioned according to drawings. This will make it easier and quicker to lay tiles accurately and
complete internal carpentry work, thus representing major savings in labour.

Often building sites have inherent problems such as extreme gradients. Steel-frame structures offer greater structural integrity in these instances.

Comparative savings
Steel-frame building could represent a 10% saving on the overall project cost and a 14% saving on the builders' cost. Unlike a conventional home, a
steel-frame home can be erected in 40% less time, using 40% less labour. This is largely due to concurrent trade activity: follow-on trades (plumbers,
carpenters) can work under cover sooner. You will save somewhere around 15% on building a single-storey home and as much as 25% on a double-
storey home. The reduced contract duration, site resources, supervision and labour costs could end up representing a saving of around R85 000 on a
R600 000 home.

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