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7, JULY 2011 1709

Generalized Methods for the Design of Quasi-Ideal

Symmetric and Asymmetric Coupled-Line
Sections and Directional Couplers
Slawomir Gruszczynski and Krzysztof Wincza

Abstract—Generalized methods for the design of quasi-ideal where , —characteristic impedances of terminating
symmetric and asymmetric coupled-line sections have been pro- lines and 2) inductive and capacitive coefficients are equal
posed. Two cases of coupled-line sections, in which the inductive
coupling coefficient is either greater or smaller than the capacitive (2)
coupling coefficient, have been separately considered. To com-
pensate for the coupling coefficients’ inequality, a combination It is important to remember that symmetric coupled lines
of lumped capacitors and short coupled-line sections has been
introduced into the coupled-line section. The proposed methods are the special case of more general asymmetric coupled lines,
allow for designing quasi-ideal coupled-line sections in nearly therefore, the conditions of ideal asymmetric coupled-line sec-
arbitrarily chosen dielectric media and for arbitrarily chosen tion realization are more general and apply also for the case of
coupling. The theoretical analyses have been verified by the design symmetric coupled-line sections.
and measurement of three compensated coupled-line directional In practice, coupled-line sections are realized in various di-
couplers illustrating application of the proposed methods in
different dielectric structures. electric structures and coupled-line cross-sectional geometries.
In some special cases, such as homogeneous stripline coupled
Index Terms—Capacitive and inductive coupling coefficients,
compensation techniques, coupled-line sections, directional cou-
lines or inhomogeneous stripline edge-coupled lines for which
plers. the thicknesses of the top and bottom layers are identical, the
conditions of ideal coupled-line section realization are always
fulfilled, and therefore, it is theoretically possible to design a
I. INTRODUCTION directional coupler having perfect impedance match and ideal
isolation at all frequencies. It is, however, often necessary in
D ESIGNING OF coupled-line directional couplers has
been a subject of study over the past decades [1]–[7].
In general, two types of coupled-line sections can be distin-
practice to utilize other types of coupled-line structures in which
the conditions of ideal coupled-line section realization are not
guished, i.e., symmetric and asymmetric ones. In the design of met, among which a microstrip technique is the best example
symmetric coupled-line sections, described, for example, in [2] since this technique is broadly used due to its simplicity.
and [8], a modal approach is used in which two normal modes A number of techniques have been reported over the years to
are considered, namely, even and odd modes. Realization of allow for realization of directional couplers having improved
ideal symmetrical coupled-line sections requires that two con- return losses and isolation by equalization of even and odd
ditions have to be fulfilled, which are: 1) a product of even and mode phase velocities (in case of symmetric couplers) and
odd mode characteristic impedances of coupled lines equals inductive and capacitive coupling coefficients (in case of asym-
the square of a terminating impedance and 2) modal phase metric ones). The known techniques can be divided into the
velocities are equal. In the design of asymmetric coupled-line following four groups.
sections, two modes, the mode and mode, propagate in the 1) The compensation technique in which equalization of cou-
structure [3]. It was shown in [4] that for such a coupled-line pling coefficients is achieved by a proper choice of dielec-
section, the conditions for an ideal coupler realization are: tric layers and coupled-line geometry [8]–[17]. In [8] for
1) the ratio of self-inductance and self-capacitance of the line example, an edge-coupled section with a slot in a ground
equals the square of the terminating impedance plane has been presented, which allows for equalization of
the even and odd mode phase velocities. Similarly in [9]
(1) and [10], the multilayer edge-coupled microstrip lines have
been presented. In [11], a two 10-dB directional coupler
has been presented in which equalization of phase veloci-
Manuscript received January 24, 2011; revised March 23, 2011; accepted
March 26, 2011. Date of publication May 02, 2011; date of current version July ties of even and odd modes has been achieved with the di-
13, 2011. This work was supported in part by the National Center for Research electric overlay technique. Similar overlay technique has
and Development under the Lider Program.
been shown in [12] for application in a three-strip interdig-
The authors are with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Automatics,
Information Technology and Electronics, AGH University of Science and Tech- itated coupler. Comprehensive studies have been presented
nology 30-059 Cracow, Poland (e-mail:; in [13] and [14] where a number of different asymmetric coupled-line geometries has been shown with the possi-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at bility of coupling coefficients compensation followed by
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2011.2138155 [15]–[17].
0018-9480/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

2) The compensation technique in which lumped elements are been addressed in the literature. In [29], the authors present the
connected to coupled lines [16], [18]–[30]. In [18], the au- asymmetric coupled-line coupler compensated with lumped ca-
thors presented a possibility of edge-coupled-line coupler pacitors, but their analytical approach is based on modal param-
compensation with a single capacitive element connected eters used for description of symmetric couplers (i.e., even and
between coupled lines. Similar investigation has been de- odd mode characteristic impedances and even and odd mode
scribed in [19]. In [20], a single capacitive or inductive el- phase velocities). Moreover, the results obtained in [29] have a
ement compensation has been presented and appropriate resonant nature improving the coupler’s parameters in a narrow
formulas allowing to calculate values of compensating el- frequency range.
ements have been shown. The presented method assumes The presented theoretical investigation has been illustrated
equalization of even and odd mode phase velocities for with a design of three different coupled-line directional cou-
the center frequency only and the frequency characteris- plers: a symmetrical edge-coupled 11-dB directional coupler (in
tics deteriorate in a wider frequency range. A number of which ), an asymmetric multilayer 3-dB directional
papers describes a single or multiple element compensa- coupler in a dielectric structure having , and finally,
tion technique presented in [20] with modifications on a an asymmetric multilayer 3-dB directional coupler in a dielec-
type, placement, and a number of compensating elements tric structure having . The presented results prove the
(i.e., lumped capacitors, lumped inductors, step-impedance possibility of designing high-performance directional couplers
transformers, complex impedances, coupled spur lines, in- using the proposed compensation technique.
terdigital capacitors, feedback transmission-line sections)
[21]–[30]; however, the techniques give, by the principle II. COMPENSATED SYMMETRIC COUPLED-LINE SECTION
of deriving compensating element values, a resonant fre-
Let us first consider a simple case of a symmetric coupled-line
quency response.
section in which , which is typical for realization of
3) The compensation technique in which coupled lines are
coupled-line directional couplers in the edge-coupled microstrip
modified periodically resulting in modal phase velocities’
technique. Due to the fact that the inductive coupling coefficient
equalization or coupling coefficients’ equalization. Such
is greater than the capacitive one, the mutual capacitance has to
a technique was first proposed in [31] and extended in
be increased in order to increase the capacitive coupling coeffi-
[32] where a wiggly-line coupler has been introduced. In
cient. However, by increasing the mutual capacitance, the char-
[33], a compensation technique has been shown in which
acteristic impedance of coupled lines is decreased, which has to
additional coupled floating conductors have been placed
be taken into account to achieve ideal return losses and isolation.
along coupled lines improving the isolation of the cou-
Therefore, an iterative procedure, similar to the one presented
pler. In [7], the authors have proposed a capacitive com-
in [7], could be proposed for designing high-performance di-
pensation that allows for coupling coefficients equalization
rectional couplers in structures for which . However,
in a suspended stripline technique. In this method, com-
to avoid the iterative procedure, an additional degree of freedom
pensating elements are equally distributed along coupled
can be introduced by varying the value of self-inductance, which
lines allowing for an appropriate decrease of the capaci-
leads to the structure shown in Fig. 1, where a coupled-line sec-
tive coupling coefficient to the value of the inductive one.
tion has been shown with equally spaced lumped elements
The proposed procedure is iterative since it is also desired
and . This allows one to design an ideal coupled-line section
to achieve appropriate impedance of coupled lines. The
for arbitrarily chosen coupling and particularly chosen dielec-
method has been also applied for the design of the broad-
tric structure of coupled lines for which the condition
band three-section directional coupler shown in [34].
4) Other compensation techniques such as compensation with (3)
the use of delay lines [35], compensation with the use of
stepped-impedance sections [36], or compensation using is met. Let us consider the coupled-line section for which the
corrugated ground planes [37]. condition (3) is fulfilled. Having found the even and odd mode
In this paper, a generalized approach to the design of cou- characteristic impedances and effective dielectric constants for
pled-line sections and directional couplers is described. The pro- a particular dielectric structure and particular coupling , even
posed methods allow for compensating symmetric and asym- and odd mode capacitances can be found as follows:
metric coupled-line sections in which the inductive coupling co-
efficient is either greater or smaller than the capacitive one (4)
by far extending the idea presented in [7], where a single
compensating element was considered, which allowed for ful- (5)
filling only one of the two conditions of ideal coupler realization
and, therefore, the iterative procedure involving recalculation where are even and odd mode effective permittivities. Self-
of coupled-line geometry was required. The hereafter proposed capacitance and mutual capacitance and per unit length
methods allow for arbitrary choice of coupling and is not itera- of the coupled lines can be calculated as follows:
tive, therefore, does not demand for multiple recalculation of the
initially selected coupled-line geometry. Moreover, the paper (6)
proposes a compensation of asymmetric coupled-line sections
with the use of lumped compensating elements that has never (7)

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the symmetric coupled-line section compensated

with n equally spaced lumped compensating capacitances C and inductances
L .

and the capacitance and inductance matrices can be found. Now

let us introduce correcting values and per unit length,
which modify the self-inductance and the mutual capacitance.
The modified inductive and capacitive coupling coefficients can
be written as
Fig. 2. Calculated return losses of an uncompensated and compensated cou-
pled-line section having Z = 73 66

: ,Z = 34 05

: = 7 127
," : ,
and " = 5 724
: for which compensating values C = 20 1 =
: pF=m, L
(8) 30 5
: nH=m have been found and have been divided into n =123 4 ; ; ; and

From the conditions of ideal coupler realization, one can ob-




By solving this set of equations, the expressions for and

can be found


Fig. 3. Calculated isolation of an uncompensated and compensated coupled-
line section having Z = 73 66

: ,Z = 34 05
= 7 127
: ," : , and " =
Similar to the method presented in [7], the compensating capac- 5 724
: for which compensating values C = 20 1 = 30 5
: pF=m, L : nH=m
itance per unit length and inductance per unit length can be re-
=1 2 3 4
have been found and have been divided into n ; ; ; and subsections.
alized as lumped capacitors and inductors equally spaced along
the coupled lines. The values of the compensating capacitances

(14) Section II describes the most simple case of the symmetric

coupled-line section. Now let us consider a general asymmetric
(15) coupled-line section shown in Fig. 4(a) for which we make
the assumption (the opposite case is presented in
Fig. 1 presents the idea of compensation with the use of Section IV). Initial values of and matrices are calculated
equally spaced compensating elements along the coupled lines. (denoted and ) for the chosen coupled-line geometry
Figs. 2 and 3 show, respectively, the calculated return losses and and dielectric stratification, with a numerical software such
isolations of the uncompensated coupled-line section and com- as [38], to meet the conditions (1) (for a chosen value ,
pensated one with and . It is seen that the method typically equal 50 for both lines) and the following:
provides significant improvement even for . It is impor-
tant to note that the improvement obtained with the proposed (16)
method is observed within the entire operational bandwidth and
opposite to the method described in [19] does not feature a reso- where is a required coupling value.
nant character. For as low as 4, the achieved return losses and Two conditions of ideal coupler realization (1) and (2) re-
isolation are nearly ideal. quire that the values of and matrices should fulfill the

following set of equations:


Due to the fact that the values of and matrices do

not meet condition (2), a set of four independent variables is
introduced, i.e., , , , , to find a solution of (17),
which leads to

Fig. 4. (a) Generic schematic of an asymmetric coupled-line section, (b) com-

pensated section of asymmetric coupled lines divided into n subsections, and
(17a) (c) equivalent circuit of a single subsection of compensated asymmetric cou-
pled-line section.


where is understood as of the corresponding capaci-

tance matrix throughout the scope of this paper.
By solving (17), one can calculate
where is the length of shortened section of coupled lines de-
scribed by and matrices, is the length of compen-
(18) sating section of coupled lines described by and ma-
trices, and is the initial length of the section of
(19) coupled lines described by and matrices. The length
(20) of the compensating section shall be chosen in such a way to
ensure the positive value of and feasibility of physical real-
(21) ization of the section.
In the next step, the compensating section needs to be de-
where signed to have the inductance matrix equal to with the use
. of a numerical software, e.g., [38]. After the section is designed,
Since (18) provides correctional value for the mutual capaci- the capacitance matrix of the section is known. Shortening
tance of coupled lines, the feasibility of physical realization re- the main section described by the matrices and has de-
quires to be positive. Hence, a positive value of the two is creased the total capacitance, which has been increased by the
chosen for further calculations. Fig. 4(b) shows a schematic of capacitance of the compensating section. However, the balance
a compensated coupled-line section where values of compen- of the total capacitance is positive, meaning that there is still ca-
sating elements , , , and are calculated from pacitance missing, which can be calculated as follows:
(14) and (15) analogically, as shown in Section II. Since the cou-
pling is chosen arbitrarily between and , the calculated
value of can be either positive or negative. In order to find
physical realization regardless of , it is necessary to divide
where the matrix is the matrix representing the compen-
each subsection into two subsections that in total accommodate
sating capacitance found from (18) and can be expressed as
the necessary values of , , and as it is shown in
Fig. 4(c).
In the next step, the inductance matrix of the compen- (26)
sating section is found as follows:
The compensating capacitances represented by need to
(22) be realized as lumped capacitors connected to coupled lines, as

shown schematically in Fig. 4(c), and the values of compen-

sating capacitors are calculated as follows:



The problem of compensation of coupled-line sections in
which can be approached in a similar way that was
proposed in Section III. Due to the fact that the inductive
coupling coefficient is smaller than the capacitive one, the com- Fig. 5. Generic schematic of compensated section of asymmetric coupled lines
divided into n subsections in which k < k .
pensating elements could be chosen as , , , and
with the being negative. This approach, however, would
lead to the structures with no physical realization. To overcome
this difficulty, we propose an alternative set of compensating
elements, which are , , and with the condition that
. As a starting point, a section of coupled lines has to be
designed for which the following three conditions hold:




where is the final terminating impedance of both lines of

compensated coupled-line section. It is important to underline Fig. 6. Calculated frequency characteristics of an uncompensated (dashed
that if the conditions (30)–(32) are fulfilled, all the compen- lines) and compensated (solid lines) coupled-line section having Z =
68 47

: ,Z = 37 13
= 1 83 = 1 6
: ," : ," : for which compensating
sating capacitances are positive, which ensures further physical values C = 66 = 81
: pF=m, L : nH=m have been found and have been
realization. For the section for which , (32) simpli- =4
divided into n = 0 0315
sections (C = 0 0387
: pF, L : nH).
fies to


Once the coupled-line section is appropriately designed (i.e.,

the inductive coupling coefficient of the section is equal to the
required coupling and (31) and (33) hold), the compensation ( = 22:5 ) of edge-coupled microstrip
Fig. 7. Layout of a short section 
lines with added compensating elements.
can be provided by introducing a set of lumped capacitances,
as shown in Fig. 5. It is worth mentioning that all values of
compensating capacitances are necessarily positive. The values V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
of compensating capacitances per unit length can be expressed
as The analyses presented in Sections II–IV prove the possibility
of improvement of symmetrical and asymmetric directional
(34) couplers; however, the assumed quasi-static approach does not
take under consideration two important aspects in the design
of coupled-line circuits, which are: 1) dispersion and 2) dis-
continuities arising from physical realization of compensating
elements. Therefore, the presented theoretical considerations
(36) are a very good starting point, but need to be followed by a
full-wave analysis using 3-D electromagnetic simulators to
Values of lumped compensating elements , , and design and optimize the compensating elements, as well as take
are calculated analogically, as shown in Section II from (14). under consideration dispersion and other discontinuities usually

= 0 051
" = 3 4 = 0 02
: ,h : mm, "= 3 38 = 1 27
: ,h = 10 2
: mm, " :
AND w = 0 62
: mm, w = 0 35 = 02
: mm, o : mm FOR THE MAIN
SECTION AND w= 0 23 = 02
: mm, w = 0 29
: mm, o : mm

Fig. 8. Frequency characteristics of the designed edge-coupled microstrip

11-dB directional coupler. The comparison between electromagnetically
simulated frequency characteristics of the uncompensated (doted lines) and
compensated (dashed lines) directional coupler (a). The comparison between
electromagnetically simulated (dashed lines) and measured (solid lines)
frequency characteristics of the compensated directional coupler (b).

Fig. 9. Photograph of the manufactured compensated edge-coupled microstrip

11-dB directional coupler.

Fig. 11. Calculated frequency characteristics of an uncompensated (dashed

lines) and compensated (solid lines) coupled-line section for which k > k .

Fig. 10. Cross section of the dielectric structure used for the design of asym- directional couplers using the MicrowaveOffice package for
metric coupled-line directional couplers. electromagnetic calculations in which all compensating ele-
ments could have been designed and optimized, and parameters
occurring in directional couplers design such as connection of complete directional couplers could have been calculated.
between coupled and uncoupled lines. In our procedure, we To verify the theoretical analysis, three different directional
have first designed the coupled-line geometry with the use of couplers have been designed and manufactured. First, an 11-dB
numerical transmission line calculators using the spectral-do- edge-coupled microstrip directional coupler has been consid-
main approach or finite-difference approach (both techniques ered. The coupler has been designed on a laminate substrate
are interchangeably exploited in our research) and designed the having thickness mm and dielectric constant

Fig. 12. Frequency characteristics of the designed multilayer microstrip 3-dB

directional coupler for which k > k . (a) The comparison between electro- Fig. 13. (a) Layout and (b) photograph of the manufactured compensated mul-
magnetically simulated frequency characteristics of the uncompensated (doted tilayer microstrip 3-dB directional coupler in which k > k .
lines) and compensated (dashed lines) directional coupler. (b) The comparison
between electromagnetically simulated (dashed lines) and measured (solid
lines) frequency characteristics of the compensated directional coupler.
comparison with the electromagnetic calculations of both un-
. The geometry of coupled lines has been found with the compensated and compensated coupler are shown in Fig. 8. It is
use of [38], the strip widths mm and the slot width seen that the isolation of the manufactured directional coupler
mm for which , , has been improved by over 10 dB in comparison with the un-
, and . The calculated frequency characteristics of compensated coupled-line section. Fig. 9 shows a photograph
the compensated and uncompensated coupled-line section are of the manufactured coupled-line directional coupler.
shown in Fig. 6. The compensation has been achieved with the The method proposed in Section III for the design of asym-
lumped capacitors and inductors found from (12)–(15) and with metric coupled-line directional couplers in which has
the number of subsections . A significant improvement been experimentally verified by the design of a 3-dB directional
has been obtained, both return losses and isolation have been coupler in the dielectric structure shown in Fig. 10 in which
improved by over 30 dB. The obtained values of compensating mm, , mm, ,
elements equal pF and nH. The mm, and . The geometrical dimensions
compensating capacitances have been realized as interdig- of the coupled-line section have been numerically found
ital capacitors, whereas series inductors have been realized as mm, mm, mm for which values of
slits in the coupled conductors (made simultaneously with the and matrices are presented in Table I. The capacitive cou-
interdigital capacitors). The physical realization of the direc- pling coefficient for such a section equals , whereas
tional coupler requires the connection of input and output trans- the inductive coupling coefficient equals . The cou-
mission lines to the coupled-line section, which introduces par- pler’s coupling has been chosen . For these values,
asitic reactances deteriorating coupler’s performance [5], [6], the compensating elements per unit length have been found and
[39]; therefore, the final circuit needs to be optimized to min- are listed in Table I. It is worth noticing that the required mu-
imize the performance deterioration due to parasitics. Fig. 7 tual inductance is negative due to the fact that the chosen cou-
presents the layout of the designed directional coupler’s sub- pler’s coupling is lower than the inductive coupling coefficient.
section. Measurement results of the manufactured coupler in Having found the compensation elements per unit length, the

: mm,
" =34
: ,h = 0 06
: mm, " = 3 38
: ,h = 0 787
: mm, " = 2 05
: ,
w = 0 61
: mm, w = 0 54
: mm, o =05 : mm

Fig. 14. Calculated frequency characteristics of an uncompensated (dashed

lines) and compensated (solid lines) coupled-line section for which k < k .

number of subsections has been assumed and the induc-

tance matrix has been calculated for the chosen mm,
which ensured physical realization ( positive). In the next
step, the geometrical dimensions of the coupled-line section that
realizes the matrix have been found to be mm,
mm, and mm. For this section, the ma-
trix has been found and the final values of compensating capac-
itances have been calculated with the use of (25)–(29). Results
of circuit analyses of the uncompensated and compensated cou-
pled-line section are shown in Fig. 11. The proposed method al-
lowed for over 40-dB improvement of return losses and isolation
in wide frequency range while achieving the required coupling
. The designed directional coupler has been analyzed electro-
magnetically, manufactured, and measured. Results of both sim-
ulations and measurements are presented in Fig. 12 and are in
a good agreement. The improvement of the isolation and re-
turn losses of the measured directional coupler reaches 10 dB
in comparison with the uncompensated coupled-line section.
Fig. 13 shows the layout and the photograph of the manufac-
tured coupler.
Similarly the method of designing asymmetric directional
couplers in which has been verified experimentally
by the design of a 3-dB directional coupler with the use of the
dielectric structure shown in Fig. 10 having mm, Fig. 15. Frequency characteristics of the designed multilayer microstrip 3-dB
, mm, , mm, and directional coupler for which k < k . (a) The comparison between electro-
magnetically simulated frequency characteristics of the uncompensated (doted
. The geometrical dimensions of the coupled-line lines) and compensated (dashed lines) directional coupler. (b) The comparison
section having and are mm, between electromagnetically simulated (dashed lines) and measured (solid
mm, and mm. It is worth noting that the ter- lines) frequency characteristics of the compensated directional coupler.
minating impedances of the section are about 55 . The values
of the compensating capacitances are shown in Table II. Fig. 14
shows the results of circuit analysis of the uncompensated (for about 30 dB. The measurement results in comparison with the
which the condition (1) is met) and compensated directional electromagnetic calculations of both the uncompensated and
coupler. The improvement of return losses and isolation is compensated coupler are presented in Fig. 15, in this case, the

a way to meet two conditions stated in Section IV (31) and

The approach presented in Section III is general for designing
couplers in which the inductive coupling coefficient is greater
than the capacitive coupling coefficient and can also be used
for couplers considered in Section II. However, the simplified
theory presented in Section II has been additionally shown due
to the fact that it directly applies to the very often practically
used microstrip edge-coupled directional couplers.
The presented methods are general since they are based upon
the conditions of ideal coupler realization (1) and (2) unlike the
methods in which the circuit approach is used and evaluation is
always taken at the center frequency, which leads to narrowband
The theoretical investigation has been proven with the design
and measurements of the three coupled-line directional cou-
plers. In each case, improvement to both isolation and return
losses has been achieved when comparing the parameters of un-
compensated coupled-line sections to the results of measure-
ments. It is needed to comment that the physical realization
of coupled-line sections requires connection of signal lines in-
troducing parasitic reactances [5], [6]. The effect of parasitics
is strong in the case of 3-dB couplers masking the improve-
ments to the coupled-line sections, therefore, the experimen-
tally obtained results show smaller improvement than theoret-
ically obtained from circuit and electromagnetic calculations of
Fig. 16. (a) Layout and (b) photograph of the manufactured compensated mul-
coupled-line sections analyzed without the connection of signal
tilayer microstrip 3-dB directional coupler in which k < k . lines. The presented theory allows for the design of nearly ideal
coupled-line sections, which can be used in the design of more
complex circuits such as multisection directional couplers, cou-
isolation has been improved by over 10 dB. Fig. 16 shows the pled-line phase shifters, and other.
layout and photograph of the manufactured coupler.
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multi-section microstrip directional coupler with the high directivity,” Poland, on December 14, 1976. He received the
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Dec. 2006, pp. 678–681. From 2001 to 2006, he was with the Wroclaw
[23] R. Phromloungsri, S. Kumpang, and M. Chongcheawchamnan, “De- Division, Telecommunications Research Institute,
sign high directivity parallel-coupled lines with step impedance trans- where he was involved in numerous projects for
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2008, pp. 1–4. of Telecommunications, Teleinformatics and Acous-
[24] J. Muller and A. F. Jacob, “Complex compensation of coupled line tics, Wroclaw University of Technology, becoming an Assistant Professor in
structures in inhomogeneous media,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. 2006. In 2009, he joined the Faculty of Electronics, AGH University of Science
Symp. Dig., 2008, pp. 1007–1010. and Technology, Cracow, Poland. He has coauthored 58 scientific papers,
[25] S. Kumpang, R. Phromloungsri, and M. Chongcheawchamnan, “De- including journal, European Microwave Conference, and IEEE Antennas and
sign high-directivity parallel-coupled lines with step impedance trans- Propagation Symposium papers.
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[26] R. Phromloungsri and M. Chongcheawchamnan, “A high directivity
coupler design using an inductive compensation technique,” in Proc. Krzysztof Wincza was born in Walbrzych, Poland,
Asia–Pacific Microw. Conf., Suzhou, China, Dec. 2005, pp. 1–4. on May 27, 1979. He received the M.Sc. degree and
[27] S. F. Chang, J. L. Chen, Y. H. Jeng, and C. T. Wu, “New high direc- Ph.D. degree in electronics and electrical engineering
tivity coupler design with coupled spurlines,” IEEE Microw. Wireless from the Wroclaw University of Technology, Wro-
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[28] Y. D. Wu, M. L. Her, Y. Z. Wang, and M. W. Hsu, “Stepped-impedance In 2007, he joined the Institute of Telecommunica-
directional coupler with enhanced isolation using interdigital capaci- tions, Teleinformatics and Acoustics, Wroclaw Uni-
tance compensation,” Electron. Lett., vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 598–599, May versity of Technology. In 2009, he joined the Faculty
2005. of Electronics, AGH University of Science and Tech-
[29] S. Al-taei, P. Lane, and G. Passiopoulos, “Design of high directivity di- nology, Cracow, Poland, where he is currently an As-
rectional couplers in multilayer ceramic technologies,” in IEEE MTT-S sistant Professor. He has coauthored 54 scientific pa-
Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., 2001, pp. 51–54. pers.
[30] J. L. Chen, S. F. Chang, and C. T. Wu, “A high directivity coupler Dr. Wincza was the recipient of The Youth Award presented at the 10th Na-
with feedback compensation,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., tional Symposium of Radio Sciences (URSI) and the Young Scientist Grant
2002, pp. 101–104. awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science in 2001 and 2008, respectively.

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