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1. To what extent can constructivism be applied in Malaysian classroom? Justify your

answer with theory and examples.

2. Discuss how a teacher can use his/her knowledge on short term memory for him to
teach effectively.

3. Suggest ways on how a teacher can facilitate play.

4. Suggest ways on how a teacher can enhance remembering.

5. Compare and contrast between teacher-centered and student-centered strategy.

6. Discuss five teaching implications according to Gagne’s Theory.

7. Discuss teaching implications for Social Learning Theory.

8. Discuss teaching implications for Humanistic Theory.

9. Discuss teaching implications for Behavioral Theory.

10. Discuss the importance of a teacher to know about learners’ learning styles.

11. Discuss on how a teacher could motivate learners to learn.

12. Elaborate the principles of Constructivist Theory.

13. Discuss how a teacher can carry out cooperative learning in the classroom.

14. Discuss how a teacher can carry out mastery learning in the classroom.

15. Discuss the importance of students’ readiness to their learning.

16. Discuss the strentghs of brainstorming technique to the students.

17. Suggest ways on how a teacher can help students to learn by take into consideration
their individual differences.

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