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Buckling Analysis of Multiwalled

Carbon Nanotubes Under

Torsional Load Coupling With
Temperature Change
Xiaohu Yao
The buckling of multiwalled carbon nanotubes under torsional load coupling with tem-
Qiang Han1 perature change is researched. The effects of torsional load, temperature change, sur-
e-mail: rounding elastic medium, and van der Waals forces between the inner and outer nano-
tubes are taken into account at the same time. Using continuum mechanics, an elastic
Department of Engineering Mechanics, multishell model with thermal effect is presented for buckling of a multiwalled carbon
College of Traffic and Communications, nanotube embedded in an elastic matrix under thermal environment and torsional load.
South China University of Technology, Based on the model, numerical results for the general case are obtained for the thermal
Guangzhou, 510640, P.R. China effect on buckling of a multiwalled carbon nanotube under torsional load. It is shown
that the buckling torque of a multiwalled carbon nanotube under a certain value of
temperature change is dependent on the wave number of torsional buckling modes, and a
conclusion is drawn that at room or lower temperature the critical torsional load for
infinitesimal buckling of a multiwalled carbon nanotube increases as the value of tem-
perature change increases, while at temperature higher than room temperature the criti-
cal torsional load for infinitesimal buckling of a multiwalled carbon nanotube decreases
as the value of temperature change increases. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2203102兴

Keywords: nanotube, buckling, van der Waals force, thermal effect, torsional load

1 Introduction rently limited to very small length and time scales and cannot deal
with the large-sized atomic system due to the limitations of cur-
The discovery in 1991 of carbon nanotubes has attracted world-
rent computing power. Moreover, at the nanoscale, experiments
wide attention in many areas of science and industry and stimu-
are extremely difficult and expensive to conduct. As a result, the
lated extensively experimental and theoretical studies 关1,2兴. Nu-
continuum mechanics models are expected for the theoretical
merous studies showed that carbon nanotubes possess
analysis of buckling behavior of carbon nanotubes. Yakobson et
extraordinary physical properties, such as high stiffness-to-weight
and strength-to-weight ratios and enormous electrical and thermal al. 关6兴 introduced an atomistic model for axially compressed buck-
conductivities over any other known material. Carbon nanotubes ling of single-walled nanotubes and also compared it to a simple
are cylindrical macromolecules composed of a highly ordered continuum shell model. They found that the continuum shell
sheet of carbon atoms in a periodic hexagonal arrangement rolled model could predict all changes of buckling patterns in the atom-
into a tube. This uniform structure gives carbon nanotubes the istic molecular-dynamics simulations. However, the existing con-
unique properties and wide range of possible uses. Many believe tinuum shell model cannot directly be applied to investigate me-
that carbon nanotubes may provide the ultimate reinforcing mate- chanical behavior of multiwalled nanotubes 共MWNTs兲 due to the
rials for the development of a new class of nanocomposites 关3,4兴. presence of the van der Waals forces in multiwalled nanotubes
Their potential applications led to many investigations into mea- 关10–13兴.
surements of mechanical properties of nanotubes, using tech- Ru 关14兴 presented an elastic double-shell model for infinitesi-
niques such as transmission electron microscopy 共TEM兲 and mal buckling of a double-walled carbon nanotube embedded in an
atomic force microscopy 共AFM兲 关5兴. elastic medium under axial compression. He studied the effect of
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes 共MWCNTs兲 are composed of van der Waals forces on axial buckling of a double-walled carbon
concentric layers of single-walled carbon nanotubes. When sub- nanotube and derived a simple formula for the critical axial strain,
jected to a compressive force, multiwalled carbon nanotubes bend which indicated the role of the van der Waals forces between the
at large angles and may start to elastically ripple, buckle, and form inner and outer nanotubes. His studies showed that the critical
kinks. Recently, large strain deformation of single-walled or mul- axial strain of the embedded double-walled nanotubes is lower
tiwalled carbon nanotubes involving compression, bending, and or than that of an embedded single-walled nanotube under otherwise
torsion has been the subject of numerous experiments and mo- identical conditions 关15兴. Wang et al. 关16,17兴 extended the Ru’s
lecular dynamic simulations 关6–9兴. Basically, there were two the- continuum shell model to the case of multiwalled carbon nano-
oretical approaches to understanding the behavior of carbon nano- tubes under radial pressure and combined loading. Han and Lu
tubes: atomistic molecular-dynamics simulations and continuum 关18兴 examined the torsional buckling of a double-walled carbon
mechanics. Molecular-dynamics simulations have provided abun- nanotube embedded in an elastic medium. The effects of sur-
dant results for the understanding of buckling behaviors of carbon rounding elastic medium and van derWaals forces between the
nanotubes. However, molecular-dynamics simulations are cur- inner and outer nanotubes are taken into consideration. The criti-
cal buckling load can be predicted, and the simplified analysis is
also presented to estimate the critical torque for torsional buckling
Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Materials Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF
of the double-walled carbon nanotube. At the same time, Han et
ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received June 11, 2005; final al. 关19兴 studied the instability of a double-walled carbon nanotube
manuscript received December 20, 2005. Review conducted by Min Zhou. embedded in an elastic medium under pure bending. Their results

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show that buckling may occur. A simplified analysis is carried out Nxy = K共1 − ␯兲␧xy 共2兲
to estimate the moment causing bifurcation instability of the
double-walled carbon nanotube. where K = Eh / 共1 − ␯2兲, ␣1 and ␣2 are thermal expansion coeffi-
Jiang et al. 关20兴 developed an analytical method to determine cients in the axial and circumferential directions, respectively.
the coefficient of thermal expansion 共CTE兲 for single-walled car- 共Nx , NyNxy兲 and 共␧x , ␧y , ␧xy兲 are the associated total membrane
bon nanotubes 共CNTs兲. They found that all CTEs are negative at forces and strains. NxM , NyM express the membrane force caused
lower and room temperature and become positive at higher tem- by mechanical loads, NxT , NyT express the membrane force caused
perature. Wei et al. 关21兴 showed that the tensile yield strain has by the thermal loads.
linear dependence on the activation energy and the temperature, For the post-buckling configuration, we have
and has a logarithmic dependence on the strain rate. Pipesa and Nx = N0x + N1x
Hubertb 关22兴 studied the effective axial, transverse, and shearing
coefficients of thermal expansion of the array. The coefficients are
Ny = N0y + N1y
determined in terms of the degree of twist, number of layers,
properties of the carbon nanotube, and surrounding polymer ma- 0
Nxy = Nxy 1
+ Nxy 共3兲
trix. It is indicated that temperature change has great influence on
the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. However, most of
W共x,y兲 = W0共x,y兲 + W1共x,y兲
the investigations of buckling problems of carbon nanotubes
based on the continuum shell model have not considered the ther-
q共x,y兲 = P0共x,y兲 + P共x,y兲 共4兲
mal effect. Thus, the investigations of thermal effect on critical
buckling load of carbon nanotubes should be interesting and nec- where superscript 0 pertains to the prebuckling status, and super-
essary. script 1 means infinitesimal increments of the corresponding pa-
This present paper examines the torsional buckling analysis of rameters during buckling. In Eq. 共4兲, P0共x , y兲 is the normal pres-
multiwalled carbon nanotubes subjected to thermal load. The ef- sure prior to buckling and P共x , y兲 denotes the additional normal
fects of temperature change, surrounding elastic medium, and van pressure after buckling.
der Waals forces between the inner and outer nanotubes are taken For the prebuckling status, the following Donnell’s equation is
into account. Using continuum mechanics, an elastic multishell true:
model with thermal effect is presented for torsional buckling of a
multiwalled carbon nanotube embedded in an elastic matrix under 1 ⳵ 2W 0 0 ⳵ W
2 0
⳵ 2W 0
Dⵜ4W0 − N0y = N0x 2 + 2Nxy + N0y 2 + P0 共5兲
thermal environment. Based on the model, numerical results for r ⳵x ⳵x ⳵ y ⳵y
the general case are obtained for the thermal effect on torsional
After buckling, the Donnell’s equation is changed into the follow-
buckling of a multiwalled carbon nanotube. It is shown that the
ing form.
buckling torque of a multiwalled carbon nanotube under thermal
loads is dependent on the wave number of torsional buckling 1 ⳵ 2W ⳵ 2W ⳵ 2W
modes. A conclusion is drawn that at room or lower temperature Dⵜ4W − Ny = Nx 2 + 2Nxy + N y 2 + P0 + P 共6兲
r ⳵x ⳵x ⳵ y ⳵y
the critical load for infinitesimal buckling of a multiwalled carbon
nanotube increases as the value of the temperature change in- Combining Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲, the buckling displacement is found as
creases, while at a temperature higher than room temperature the ⳵ 2W 1 0 ⳵ W ⳵ 2W 1
2 1
critical load for infinitesimal buckling of a multiwalled carbon Dⵜ4W1 − N1y = N0x 2 + 2Nxy + N0y 2 + P 共7兲
nanotube decrease as the value of the temperature change in- r ⳵x ⳵x ⳵ y ⳵y
creases. According to the shell theory, the stress function ␸共x , y兲 is intro-
duced to define the membrane forces
⳵ 2␸ ⳵ 2␸ ⳵ 2␸
2 Elastic Shell Model N1x = , 1
Nxy =− , N1y = 共8兲
⳵ y2 ⳵x ⳵ y ⳵ x2
Consider a cylinder shell with a middle radius R and thickness
where the stress function ␸共x , y兲 has to meet the compatibility
h to be used to simulate a single-walled carbon nanotube. Me-
chanical properties of carbon nanotubes are denoted by Young’s condition
modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ␯. The linear Donnell’s equilibrium Eh ⳵2W1
equation in the normal direction can be given in terms of W共x , y兲 ⵜ 4␸ = − 共9兲
r ⳵ x2
as follows:
For simplification, let W1共x , y兲 be replaced with w共x , y兲. The
1 ⳵W 2
⳵W 2
⳵W 2
buckling governing equation and the compatibility condition are
Dⵜ4W − Ny = Nx 2 + 2Nxy + Ny 2 + q 共1兲
r ⳵x ⳵x ⳵ y ⳵y rewritten in the following form:
where D is the effective bending stiffness of the shell, and x and y
denote the axial and circumferential coordinates of the shell, re-
Dⵜ4w −
1 ⳵ 2␸
r ⳵ x2
− N x 冋
0⳵ w

⳵ x2
+ 2N 0 ⳵ w

⳵x ⳵ y
+ N 0⳵ w

⳵ y2
= P 共10兲 册
spectively. W共x , y兲 is the radial displacement of the middle surface
of the shell along the normal direction, q is the total inward nor- Eh ⳵2w
mal pressure, and 共Nx , Ny , Nxy兲 denote the total membrane forces. ⵜ 4␸ = − 共11兲
r ⳵ x2
Because carbon nanotubes have high thermal conductivity, it
may be considered that the temperature change T is uniformly Using Eq. 共11兲 to eliminate the stress function ␸共x , y兲 in Eq. 共10兲,
distributed in the carbon nanotube. The total membrane forces in one obtains a single equation for the additional displacement due
the thermal environment are described as to buckling w共x , y兲, which is called the buckling modes,

Nx = K共␧x + ␯␧y兲 −
T = NxM + NxT Dⵜ8w +
Eh ⳵4w
r ⳵x
4 0⳵ w
4 − ⵜ Nx

冋 0 ⳵ w
2 + 2Nxy

⳵x ⳵ y
⳵ 2w
+ N0y 2 = ⵜ4 P共x,y兲

Eh␣2 Equation 共12兲 can be applied to discuss the axial compression,
Ny = K共␧y + ␯␧x兲 − T = NyM + NyT
1−␯ bending, torsion, and radial compression buckling of cylindrical

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pk0共k+1兲共x,y兲 = G共␦0兲 共16兲
where pk共k+1兲 共x , y兲
is the van der Waals force of the kth tube prior
to buckling; it is defined as the value of G at the initial interlayer
spacing ␦0 between the inner wall of the 共k + 1兲th tubes and the kth
tube. After buckling, the pressure caused by the van der Waals
forces at any point 共x , y兲 on the kth tube in the present analysis
pk共k+1兲共x,y兲 = pk0共k+1兲 + c关wk+1共x,y兲 − wk共x,y兲兴 共17兲
where c is a constant. Note that the equilibrium distance between
a carbon atom and a flat monolayer is around 0.34 nm 关24兴, the
van der Waals force between the inner and outer tubes is zero if
the interlayer spacing is 0.34 nm. In this case, any increase 共or
decrease兲 in the interlayer spacing at a point will cause an attrac-
Fig. 1 Multiwalled nanotube embedded in an elastic medium
tive 共or repulsive兲 van der Waal interaction at that point, and then
c should be a positive number. According to the data given in
Saito et al. 关26兴, one can find
shells embedded within an infinite elastic medium. Although some 320 ⫻ 10−3 J/m2
studies found that elastic properties of carbon nanotubes might c= = 9.918667 ⫻ 1019 N/m3 共18兲
depend on their geometry, in what follows, it is assumed that the
inner and outer nanotubes have the same thickness and effective where d = 1.42⫻ 10−10 m.
material constants. Thus, the pressure pk共k+1兲 caused by the van der Waals forces is
related to the deflections of tube k and tube k + 1 due to buckling
3 van der Waals Force Between Adjacent Nanotubes p12 = c共w2 − w1兲
The van der Waals force between any two carbon atoms can be
described by the Lennard-Jones model. Using the method de- p23 = c共w3 − w2兲
scribed in Refs. 关23–25兴, the van der Waals force exerted on any
atom on a tube can be estimated by adding up all forces between ¯¯ ¯ ¯¯
the atom and all atoms on the other tube.
Figure 1 shows a multiwalled nanotube embedded in an elastic p共k−1兲k = c共wk − wk−1兲 共19兲
medium. Subscripts k, k + 1, and n denote the quantities associated Using Eqs. 共17兲 and 共19兲, the pressure exerted on each tube of the
with the kth tube, the 共k + 1兲th tube and the outer tube, respec- MWNTs can be found as
tively. The nth tube is embedded in the elastic medium.
For the nth tube, the normal pressure pn consists of two parts, p1 = c关w2 − w1兴

冋 册
which can be described as follows:
pn = pVn + pW
n 共13兲 p2 = c w3 − w2 − 共w2 − w1兲
where pVn is the van der Waals force between the 共n − 1兲th and nth
tube, and pW ¯¯ ¯ ¯¯
n denotes the interaction pressure due to the elastic

冋 册
For the other tubes, the pressure pk共k+1兲 expresses the van der rn−2
pn−1 = c wn − wn−1 − 共wn−1 − wn−2兲
Waals force between the outer wall of the kth tube and the inner rn−1
wall of the 共k + 1兲th tube. And the pressure pk共k+1兲 exerts on the
outer wall of the kth tube due to the 共k + 1兲th tube. The pressure pn = c 共wn−1 − wn兲 + pW
n 共20兲
p共k+1兲k expresses the van der Waals force between the inner wall of rn
the 共k + 1兲th tube and the outer wall of the kth tube. And the The interaction pressure due to the elastic medium, pW
n , can be
pressure p共k+1兲k exerts on the inner wall of the 共k + 1兲th tube due to given in the following form:
the kth tube. Because the interaction forces between the two ad-
n = pn0 − dwn共x,y兲,
pW after buckling 共d ⬎ 0兲 共21兲
jacent tubes are equal and opposite, the pressure pk共k+1兲 and p共k+1兲k
exerted on the corresponding points on the tube k and k + 1, re- where d is the Winkler-type spring constant, which is determined
spectively, should be related by by the material properties of the elastic medium and the radius of
the outer tube.
rk pk共k+1兲 = − rk+1 p共k+1兲k k = 1,2, . . . ,n − 1 共14兲
where rk and rk+1 are the radii of the kth and 共k + 1兲th tubes,
4 Critical Buckling Condition
The pressure caused by the van der Waals forces at any point Now, we are now able to study elastic buckling of MWNTs
共x , y兲 on the kth tube could be assumed to be a function of the under thermal load, torsion, and van der Waals forces and the
distance between the adjacent tubes at that point, denoted by pressure due to the elastic medium. For each of the multiwalled
␦共x , y兲, namely, carbon nanotubes, one can use the Eq. 共12兲 and then obtain the
linear equations of the buckling modes under thermal loads

冋 册
pk共k+1兲共x,y兲 = G关␦共x,y兲兴 共15兲
Eh ⳵4w1 0 ⳵ w1
0 ⳵ w1
⳵ 2w 1
Dⵜ8w1 + 4 − ⵜ Nx1 + N0y1 2
where G共␦兲 is a nonlinear function of the intertube spacing ␦, the 2 + 2Nxy1
r1 ⳵ x
⳵x ⳵x ⳵ y ⳵y
details of which can be found in Refs. 关14,15兴
In the prebuckling situation, ␦共x , y兲 ⬅ ␦0, Eq. 共16兲 becomes = cⵜ4w2 − cⵜ4w1

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Dⵜ8w2 +
Eh ⳵4w2
r2 ⳵ x
4 0 ⳵ w2
4 − ⵜ Nx2

冋0 ⳵ w2
2 + 2Nxy2

⳵x ⳵ y
⳵ 2w 2
+ N0y2 2
册 tube is denoted by M 1, and the torque applied to the ith tube is
denoted by M i; analogically, the torque applied to the nth tube is

冋 册
denoted by M n, namely,
r1 4
= c ⵜ 4w 3 − ⵜ 4w 2 − 共ⵜ w2 − ⵜ4w1兲 M = M1 + M2 + ¯ Mn 共29兲
Furthermore, the torque M i are dependent on the radii of the ith
... ... ... ...
0 0 0

Nxy1 :Nxy2 : ¯ Nxyn = r1:r2: ¯ rn
Eh ⳵ wn−1 4
⳵ wn−1 ⳵ wn−1 2 2
Let N0xy = N0xy1, then
Dⵜ8wn−1 + 2 − ⵜ4 Nx0共n−1兲 0
+ 2Nxy 共n−1兲
rn−1 ⳵ x4 ⳵ x2 ⳵x ⳵ y

r2 0 rn 0
⳵ 2
Nxy2 = 0
N , . . . ,Nxyn = Nxy 共31兲
+ N0y共n−1兲 r1 xy r1
⳵ y2 Combining the Eq. 共29兲 and 共30兲, the bending moments M 1, M 2,

= c ⵜ wn − ⵜ wn−1 −
4 rn−2 4
共ⵜ wn−1 − ⵜ4wn−2兲 册 and M n can be obtained as follows:
M 1 = 2␲r21Nxy1

Dⵜ8wn +
Eh ⳵4wn
r2n ⳵ x4
− ⵜ 4
N 0 ⳵ wn

⳵ x2

+ 2N 0 ⳵ wn

⳵x ⳵ y
+ N 0 ⳵ wn

⳵ y2
册 M 2 = 2␲r22Nxy2

... ... ... ...

rn−1 4
=c 共ⵜ wn−1 − ⵜ4wn兲 − dⵜ4wn 共22兲 M n = 2␲r2nNxyn
Equation 共22兲 can be rewritten

冋 册
where the bending stiffness D is the same for each tubes having
the same effective material constants and thickness. It is clear that Et ⳵4w1 0 4 ⳵ w1
Eh␣1T ⳵2 4
the van der Waals interaction makes the Eqs. 共22兲 coupled through Dⵜ8w1 + 4 − 2Nxy ⵜ + ⵜ w1
r1 ⳵ x
⳵x ⳵ y 1 − ␯ ⳵ x2
parameter c.
Furthermore, it is found from normal equilibrium condition 共5兲 Eh␣2T ⳵2 4
that + ⵜ w1 = cⵜ4w2 − cⵜ4w1
1 − ␯ ⳵ y2
N0yi = − pi0 共i = 1,2, . . . ,n − 1兲 共23兲
冋 册
Et ⳵4w2 0 r2 4 ⳵ w2
Eh␣1T ⳵2 4
Dⵜ8w2 + 4 − 2Nxy ⵜ + ⵜ w2
r2 ⳵ x
r1 ⳵x ⳵ y 1 − ␯ ⳵ x2
N0yn = − 共pVn0 + pW
n0兲rn 共24兲
where pVi0 is the initial van der Waals forces acting on the ith tube
prior to buckling, pVn0 and pW n0 are the initial van der Waals forces
Eh␣2T ⳵2 4
1 − ␯ ⳵y

2 ⵜ w2 = c ⵜ w3 − ⵜ w2 −
4 r1 4
共ⵜ w2 − ⵜ4w1兲 册
and pressure due to the elastic medium acting on the nth tube.
Note that all of the forces are caused by mechanical loads and ... ... ... ...
the thermal loads. For a multiwalled carbon nanotube, the change
of the interlayer spacing due to the torsional loads is zero or
negligible prior to buckling; that is to say, the van der Waals force
Dⵜ8wn−1 +
Eh ⳵4wn−1
rn−1 ⳵ x4
− 2N 0 rn−1 4 ⳵ wn−1


⳵x ⳵ y
冋 册
of the ith共i = 1 , 2 , . . . , n兲 tube caused by mechanical loads is zero
Eh␣1T ⳵2 4 Eh␣2T ⳵2 4
2 ⵜ wn−1 + ⵜ wn−1
or negligible prior to buckling. And for a similar reason, one can +
assume that there is no pressure between the nth tube and the 1 − ␯ ⳵x 1 − ␯ ⳵ y2
elastic matrix caused by axial compressive loads prior to buckling.
However, because that the temperature can make all of the tubes
expand or contract in the normal direction, the van der Waals

= c ⵜ4wn − ⵜ4wn−1 −
rn−2 4
共ⵜ wn−1 − ⵜ4wn−2兲 册
force of each tube and the pressure between the outer tube and the
elastic matrix prior to buckling caused by the thermal loads should
not be neglected. In the absence of mechanical loads, it is found
Dⵜ8wn +
Eh ⳵4wn
rn ⳵ x
0 rn 4 ⳵ wn
4 − 2Nxy ⵜ

⳵x ⳵ y
冋 册
Eh␣1T ⳵2 4
1 − ␯ ⳵ x2
ⵜ wn

from normal equilibrium condition 共5兲 that

Eh␣2T ⳵2 4 rn−1 4
+ 2 ⵜ wn = c 共ⵜ wn−1 − ⵜ4wn兲 − dⵜ4wn
N0yiT = − pi0
ri0, 共i = 1,2, . . . ,n − 1兲 共25兲 1 − ␯ ⳵y rn
N0ynT = − 共pVn0 + pW
n0兲rn 共26兲
This represents an essential feature of torsion buckling of mul-
Note that N0yiT = −关Eh␣2 / 共1 − ␯兲兴T 共i = 1 , 2 , . . . , n − 1兲, we have tiwalled nanotubes embedded in an elastic medium under thermal
environment. In the absence of temperature change and setting,
Eh␣2T the number of walls of MWCNTs to be 2, the result in paper 关18兴
N0y1 = N0y2 = ¯ = N0yn = − 共27兲 can be gained.
Buckling, on the other hand, leads to a periodic, low-amplitude
The axial strain and stress induced by thermal loads are uni- rippling of the shell wall. Let us assume the buckling modes are as
formly distributed over the cross section so that the membrane follows:

冉 冊
forces exerted on each tube are
m␲x ny
Eh␣1T wk = f k sin − 共34兲
N0x1 = N0x2 = ¯ = N0xn =− 共28兲 L rk
The expression indicates that the nanotubes have the buckling
On the other hand, M expresses the total torque applied to the modes with sinusoidal wave shape both in the axial and circum-
each nanotube consists of n pares. The torque applied to the first ferential directions, where rk are the radii of the kth nanotubes,

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respectively, L is the length of the nanotube, f k real constants, m det G = 0 共38兲
and n two positive integers, and m, n are the wave numbers in the
Solving Eq. 共38兲 yields the buckling load of the multiwalled
axial and circumferential directions, respectively.
CNTs under thermal loads relative to the wave number of m
We assume first that the nanotube is so long that constraints at
the edges do not greatly affect the magnitude of the critical stress and n.
and the exact boundary conditions are therefore immaterial.
Substituting Eq. 共34兲 into Eqs. 共33兲, one can obtain

再 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊
f1 D
2 4
Et m␲
r21 L
− 2Nxy
5 Numerical Analysis
The numerical analysis will be presented for a MWCNT with

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
five pairs, and for the sake of briefness, the value of the medium
m␲ 2
n 2 2
Eh␣1T m␲ 2
m␲ 2
n 2 2
spring constant d is set to zero, namely, n = 5, d = 0. Then,

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊
+ − +

Eh␣2T n

冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冎 m␲ 2
2 2
m␲ 2
2 2 G11 = D
2 4
Et m␲
r21 L
− 2Nxy冉 冊冉 冊

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊册
− + +c +
1 − ␯ r1 L r1 L r1
m␲ 2 2 2
Eh␣1T m␲ 2
m␲ 2 2 2

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
n n
m␲ 2
n 2 2 ⫻ + − +
L r1 1−␯ L L r1

冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冋冉 冊 冉 冊册
= f 2c +
L r2
Eh␣2T n 2
m␲ 2 2 2
m␲ 2 2 2

再 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊
n n
− + +c +
m␲ 2
n 2 4
Et m␲ 4
rk m␲ n 1 − ␯ r1 L r1 L r1

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冋冉 冊 冉 冊册
fk D + + − 2Nxy
L rk r2k L r1 L rk
m␲ 2 2 2
m␲ 2 2

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
n r1 n
m␲ 2
n 2 2
Eh␣1T m␲ 2
m␲ 2
n 2 2 G12 = − c + , G21 = − c +
⫻ + − + L r2 r2 L r1
冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊
L rk L L rk

冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
m␲ 2
n 2 4
Et m␲ 4
r2 m␲ n
Eh␣2T n 2
m␲ 2
n 2 2
G22 = D + + 0
− 2Nxy
− + L r2 r22 L r1 L r2
1 − ␯ rk

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冎 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
L rk
m␲ 2
n 2 2
Eh␣1T m␲ 2
m␲ 2
n 2 2
rk + rk−1 m␲ 2
n 2 2
⫻ + − +
+c + L r2 1−␯ L L r2

冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
rk L rk

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 Eh␣2T n m␲
2 2 2 2
m␲ 2
n 2 2
− +
= f k+1c + 1 − ␯ r2 L r2

冉 冊冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
L rk+1

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 m␲ 2 2 2
r1 n
rk−1 m␲ 2
n 2 2
+c 1+ +
+ f k−1 c + r2 L r2
rk L rk−1

再 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊
fn D
2 4
Et m␲
+ 2
rn L
− 0 rn
G23 = − c 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
2 2
, G32 = −
c 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册

2 2

Eh␣1T m␲
1−␯ L
2 2
G33 = D 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊
2 4
Et m␲
r23 L
− 2Nxy冉 冊冉 冊
r3 m␲
r1 L

− 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
Eh␣2T n
1 − ␯ r1
m␲ 2
n 2 2
⫻ 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉
2 2

Eh␣1T m␲
1−␯ L
冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
2 2

冉 冊冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冎
L r1

2 2
− 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
Eh␣2T n
1 − ␯ r3
2 2

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
= f n−1
n 2 2
共35兲 +c 1+ 冉 冊冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
2 2

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
Thus, we give a set of equations that can be written as
m␲ 2
n 2 2
r3 m␲ 2
n 2

f1 G34 = − c + , G43 = − c +
L r4 r4 L r3

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊
G共m,n兲n⫻n =0 共36兲 m␲ 2
n 2 4
Et m␲ 4
r4 m␲ n
⯗ G44 = D + + 0
− 2Nxy
L r4 r24 L r1 L r4

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
where m␲ 2
n 2 2
Eh␣1T m␲ 2
m␲ 2
n 2 2
⫻ + − +

冤 冥
L r4 1−␯ L L r4

冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
G11 G12 0 ¯ 0
G21 G22 G23 ¯ 0 Eh␣2T n 2
m␲ 2
n 2 2
− +
1 − ␯ r4 L r4
⯗ ⯗ ⯗ ⯗ ⯗ 共37兲

冉 冊冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
G共m,n兲n⫻n =
0 ¯ Gn−1n−2 Gn−1n−1 Gn−1n r3 m␲ 2
n 2 2
+c 1+ +
0 0 ¯ Gn−1n Gnn r4 L r4
Thus, the existence condition of a nonzero solution of f k共k
= 1 , 2 , . . . , n兲 is G45 = − c 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
2 2
, G54 = −
c 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology JULY 2006, Vol. 128 / 423

Downloaded 29 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Fig. 2 Distribution of torsional buckling load of multiwalled
carbon nanotubes under single torsional load „T = 0 K…, for the
wave numbers „m , n…

G55 = D 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊
2 4
Et m␲
r25 L
− 2Nxy
r5 m␲
r1 L

⫻ 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
2 2

Eh␣1T m␲
1−␯ L
2 2

− 冉 冊 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
Eh␣2T n
1 − ␯ r5
2 2

+c 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
2 2

Numerical results for the general case are obtained using the
condition for a nonzero solution of Eq. 共38兲 and are presented in
this section for the thermal effect on torsional buckling of a mul- Fig. 3 Distribution of torsional buckling load of multiwalled
tiwalled carbon nanotube. The critical buckling loads with the carbon nanotubes under torsional load and temperature
axial and circumferential wave number m,n for a multiwalled change at lower temperature environment „T = 100 K , 200 K…,
CNT under different thermal load are calculated amply. for the wave numbers „m , n…: „a… T = 100 K at a lower tempera-
The parameters used in calculations are shown as follows: L ture environment and „b… T = 200 K at a lower temperature
= 10rn, rn = 3.12 nm and ␯ = 0.3 关27兴, D = 0.85 eV and Eh
= 360 J / m2 关6,15兴, c = 9.918667⫻ 1019 N / m3.
At temperature equal to or lower than room temperature, ␣1 =
change on torsional buckling of a multiwalled carbon nanotube
−1.6⫻ 10−6, ␣2 = −0.5⫻ 10−6, the values of temperature change
gradually increases as the axial half wave number 共m兲 of buckling
considered are T = 0 K, T = 100 K, and T = 200 K. At temperature
modes increases for the wave numbers 共m兲 less than the value of
higher than room temperature, ␣1 = 1.1⫻ 10−6, ␣2 = 0.8⫻ 10−6, the
values of temperature change considered are T = 0 K, T = 100 K, m corresponding to the minimum critical torsional load, while the
T = 200 K, T = 400K, and T = 600 K. effect of temperature change on torsional buckling of a multi-
walled carbon nanotube gradually decreases as the axial half wave
Figure 2 expresses the effect of the wave numbers 共m , n兲 on
number 共m兲 of buckling modes increases for the wave numbers
elastic torsional buckling of a multicarbon nanotube under single
axial load 共T = 0 K兲. Figures 3 and 4 give the distribution of buck- 共m兲 greater than the value of m corresponding to the minimum
ling load of a multiwalled carbon nanotube at lower temperature critical torsional load.
and higher temperature, respectively. From Figs. 2–4, it is seen For all of cases, the wave number 共m , n兲 corresponding to the
that torsional buckling load a multiwalled carbon nanotube is de- minimum critical torsional load is 共20,6兲. Figure 6 shows the de-
pendent on the wave numbers 共m , n兲 of buckling modes, and we pendence of the critical minimum torque on the temperature
can see that the wave numbers corresponding to the minimum change at the lower-temperature and higher-temperature environ-
torsional buckling load is unique for a multiwalled carbon nano- ment, respectively. It is shown that the increases of temperature
tube under thermal environments, which coincides with the classic change can make the critical torsional load of a multiwalled car-
result of torsional buckling of elastic thin shells. bon nanotube heightened at lower temperature environments,
Figure 5 describes the distribution of critical torsional buckling while the increases of temperature change can make the critical
load of a multiwalled carbon nanotube for the different values of torsional load of a multiwalled carbon nanotube fall markedly at
higher temperature environments.
temperature change under the wave number 共m , 6兲 of buckling
modes at lower temperature and higher temperature, respectively.
From Fig. 5, a phenomena can be seen that when the circumfer- 6 Conclusion
ential wave number 共n兲 is taken as the value corresponding to the The torsional buckling analysis of multiwalled carbon nano-
minimum torsional buckling load, the effect of temperature tubes subjected to thermal load is studied in this paper. The effects

424 / Vol. 128, JULY 2006 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 4 Distribution of torsional buckling load of multiwalled carbon nanotubes under torsional load and temperature change at
higher temperature environment „T = 100 K, 200 K, 400 K, 600 K… for the wavenumbers „m , n…: „a… T = 100 K at a higher temperature
environment, „b… T = 200 K at a higher temperature environment, „c… T = 400 K at a higher temperature environment, and „d… T
= 600 K at a higher temperature environment

of temperature change, surrounding elastic medium, and van der critical torsional load for infinitesimal buckling of a multiwalled
Waals forces between the inner and outer nanotubes are taken into carbon nanotube increases as the value of temperature change
account. It is shown that the effect of temperature change on tor- increases, while at higher temperature the critical torsional load
sional buckling of a multiwalled carbon nanotube must be consid- for infinitesimal buckling of a multiwalled carbon nanotube de-
ered. creases as the value of temperature change increases. 共v兲 For the
Using continuum mechanics, an elastic multishell model with value of the circumferential wave number 共n兲 corresponding to
thermal effect is presented for torsional buckling of a multiwalled the minimum torsional buckling load, the effect of temperature
carbon nanotube embedded in an elastic matrix under thermal change on torsional buckling of a multiwalled carbon nanotube
environment. The analysis is based on a Winkler model for the gradually increases as the axial half wave number 共m兲 of buckling
surrounding elastic medium and the Lennard-Jones model for the
van der Waals forces between the inner and outer nanotubes. modes increases for the wave numbers 共m兲 less than the value of
Based on the model, numerical results of the general case are m corresponding to the minimum critical torsional load, while the
presented for the thermal effect on torsional buckling of a multi- effect of temperature change on torsional buckling of a multi-
walled carbon nanotube. Some conclusions can be drawn from walled carbon nanotube gradually decreases as the axial half wave
numerical results illustrations: 共i兲 The torsional buckling load of a number 共m兲 of buckling modes increases for the wave numbers
multiwalled carbon nanotube under thermal loads is dependent on 共m兲 greater than the value of mcorresponding to the minimum
the wave numbers 共m , n兲 of torsional buckling modes. 共ii兲 The critical torsional load.
effect of the wave numbers 共m , n兲 on torsional buckling of a mul- The present model is true only for torsional buckling of a mul-
tiwalled carbon nanotube under temperature change is similar to tiwalled carbon nanotube under temperature change. To investi-
that of the wave numbers 共m , n兲 on torsional buckling of a multi- gate the effect of temperature on the buckling of carbon nano-
walled carbon nanotube under single torsional load. 共iii兲 The wave tubes, the bending, torsion, and radial compression buckling of a
numbers corresponding to the minimum torsional buckling load is double-walled carbon nanotube and multiwalled nanotubes under
unique for a multiwalled carbon nanotube under thermal environ- temperature change have to be studied. Furthermore, to investi-
ments, which coincides with the classic result of torsional buck- gate the post-buckling behavior of double-walled and multiwalled
ling of elastic thin shells. 共iv兲 At room or lower temperature, the nanotubes involving compression, bending, and torsion, nonlinear

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology JULY 2006, Vol. 128 / 425

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temperature change at lower temperature and higher tempera-
ture environments: „a… at a lower temperature environment and
Fig. 5 Distribution of torsional buckling load of multiwalled „b… at a higher temperature environment
carbon nanotubes under torsional load and temperature
change, for the wavenumbers „m , 6…: „a… at a lower temperature
environment „T = 0 K, 100 K, 200 K… and „b… at a higher tempera-
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