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Phase 3 — Project Projection Expectations for Phase 3 (Dec. 1st – Jan.


Geography – Urban Sustainability

Learning Goals:
 Analyze how humans can influence the environment and vice versa
 Evaluate sustainable methods within communities
GROUP – Land Use City Map: Design and build a sustainable city using your understanding of land use
categories, immigration (Push/Pull Factors) and urban methods of sustainability.
GROUP: Critical Challenge: Land Use Issues. Once your map has been created, you will now have to
deal with a real-world issue that arises within your city. You will look at various real-world problems and
determine the best way to solve it.

Health – Healthy Eating pt. 2

Learning Goals:
 Develop insight into the controversial GMO debate
 Assess food guides and demonstrate understanding into nutrition
GROUP: Healthy Eating Inquiry. Choose a topic of your choice that relates with healthy eating. Develop a
BIG question (With Mr. Henderson) and take it through the Learning Process.

Science – Cells
Learning Goal:
 Determine the role viruses play within our world, organ systems and bodies
 Understand cell theory, organelles in a cell, as well as different types of cells
 Cell Osmosis and Diffusion
GROUP: Cell Build: using your understanding of cells, organelles and their structures, build a model of a
cell. Create a blueprint and materials list prior to building.
INDIVIDUAL: Scientist in the School Assignment.
INDIVIDUAL: Virus Wanted Poster: Choose a virus off the list provided. Create a wanted poster
illustrating the characteristics and history of that virus.

Learning Goals:
 Continue to develop power paragraph writing
 Continue to develop writing using the Writing Process
 Use media forms to present ideas on various topics (Geography, Health, Science)
INDIVIDUAL: Free Choice Inquiry. Chose a topic that relates with either Science, Geography, Math or
Health. Formulate a BIG question and take it through the Learning Process. Link the curriculum with your
interests to make this project special. It should be something you want to know about.

Math – Algebra & 2D Measurement

Learning Goals:
 Representing algebraic statements as expressions and equations
 Applying the golden rule of algebra when solving for a variable
 Solving for the area of 2-D shapes, particularly circles
Algebraic Expressions Measurement (3D)
GROUP: Animals / Apples sheet INDIVIDUAL: The Silo Problem
INDIVIDUAL: Working in the Real World INDIVIDUAL: Create a Creature
INDIVIDUAL: Quiz GROUP: Candles in a Box
Project Check List
December 2017 & January 2018
Language - Writing
Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
Journal Entry# 7 – Free Choice Write-up
Journal Entry #8 – Free Choice Write-up
Outsiders Movie/Novel Comparison Power Paragraph
Cell Organelles Write-up Power Paragraph
Persuasive Paragraph Power Paragraph
Free Choice Inquiry POL Sci/Geo/Health
Language - Reading
Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
The Outsiders Movie/Novel Comparison Paragraph
The Outsiders Plot Graph Plot graph
Language - Oral
Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
Conferencing Average Conference All
Language - Media
Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
The Outsiders Movie/Novel Comparison Paragraph

Math – Number Sense (Algebraic Expressions)

Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
Animals/Fruits sheet Assignment
Your Own Real-World Algebra Problem Word Problem
Working in the Real-World Activity POL
Quiz Quiz

Math – Measurement (2D)

Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
Circle Problems Sheet Assignments
Basketball Key Diagram
Blueprints Blueprints
Assessment Quiz

Science - Cells
Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
Cell Build Model Art
Scientist in the Schools Activity Lab
Organelles Paragraph Paragraph
Virus Wanted Poster Poster
Assessment Assessment

Geography – Sustainability
Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
Land Use City Map * Map
Land Use Issues POL
Health – Healthy Eating
Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
Healthy Living Inquiry *

Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
Actor’s theatre *

Task Presentation Type Curriculum Mark
Virus Poster
Land Use City Map *
Cell Build
* Whole Phase Assignments
Expiry Date: Jan. 26th

Individual Assignments: Pre-Winter Break Group Assignments: Pre-Winter Break

Journal #7 (LA) Land Use City Map (Rough Copy) (Geography)
Journal #8 (LA) Cell Build (Science)
Animals/Fruit Sheet (Math) Scientist in the School (Science)
Working in the Real-World (Math)
The Outsiders Movie/Novel Comparison (LA)
Organelles Paragraph (LA/Science)
The Outsiders Plot Graph (LA)

Individuel Assignements : Post-Winter Break Group Assignments: Post-Winter Break

Persuasive Paragraph (LA) Critical Challenge: Land Use Issues (Geography)
Journal #9 (LA) Actor’s Theatre (Drama)
Virus Wanted Poster (Science/Art) All Measurement Assignments (Math)

Whole Phase Group Assignments

Healthy Living Inquiry (Health)
Land Use Map & Pamphlet (Geography)
Free Choice Inquiry Project (Math/Science/Geography/Health)

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