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Journal of Business Ethics (2009) 88:351–366  Springer 2008

DOI 10.1007/s10551-008-9968-9

Determinants of Corporate Social

Responsibility Disclosure Ratings
by Spanish Listed Firms Carmelo Reverte

ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to analyze whether with contributing to economic and technological
a number of firm and industry characteristics, as well as progress have been criticized for creating social
media exposure, are potential determinants of corporate problems. Issues such as pollution, waste, resource
social responsibility (CSR) disclosure practices by Spanish depletion, product quality and safety, the rights and
listed firms. Empirical studies have shown that CSR dis- status of workers, and the power of large corpora-
closure activism varies across companies, industries, and
tions have become the focus of increasing attention
time (Gray et al., Accounting, Auditing & Accountability
Journal 8(2), 47–77, 1995; Journal of Business Finance &
and concern. In this context, companies have been
Accounting 28(3/4), 327–356, 2001; Hackston and Milne, increasingly urged to become accountable to a wider
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 9(1), 77–108, audience than shareholder and creditor groups. As a
1996; Cormier and Magnan, Journal of International Finan- matter of fact, public awareness and interest in
cial Management and Accounting 1(2), 171–195, 2003; Cor- environmental and social issues and increased
mier et al., European Accounting Review 14(1), 3–39, 2005), attention in mass media have resulted in more social
which is usually justified by reference to several theoretical disclosures from corporations in the last two decades
constructs, such as the legitimacy, stakeholder, and agency (Deegan and Gordon, 1996; Gray et al., 1995;
theories. Our findings evidence that firms with higher Hooghiemstra, 2000; Kolk, 2003). In the European
CSR ratings present a statistically significant larger size and Union context, the publication of the Green Paper
a higher media exposure, and belong to more environ- (2001) by the European Commission launched a
mentally sensitive industries, as compared to firms with
wide debate on how the EU could promote cor-
lower CSR ratings. However, neither profitability nor
leverage seem to explain differences in CSR disclosure
porate social responsibility (CSR). Although there is
practices between Spanish listed firms. The most influen- still no universal definition of CSR (Godfrey and
tial variable for explaining firms’ variation in CSR ratings is Hatch, 2007), most definitions describe it as a con-
media exposure, followed by size and industry. Therefore, cept whereby companies integrate social and envi-
it seems that the legitimacy theory, as captured by those ronmental concerns in their business operations and
variables related to public or social visibility, is the most in their interaction with their stakeholders on a
relevant theory for explaining CSR disclosure practices of voluntary basis. By acting in a responsible way to the
Spanish listed firms. variety of social, environmental, and economic
pressures, companies respond to the expectations of
KEY WORDS: corporate social responsibility disclosure, the various stakeholders with whom they interact,
Spain such as employees, shareholders, investors, con-
sumers, public authorities, and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs).
Introduction Companies usually inform of their CSR activities
in the annual report or in separate social reports
Over the last few decades there has been a growing (CSR Report or Sustainability Report). However,
public awareness of the role of corporations in there is no standardization or uniformity in terms
society. Many of the firms which have been credited of the items reported, or the way of reporting.
352 Carmelo Reverte

Consequently, various NGOs have started devel- been generally adopted by Spanish listed firms in the
oping models or frameworks for reporting on CSR, last years as the benchmark for CSR reporting. As a
such as the ISO 14001 (Internationally Standards result, CSR disclosures by Spanish firms in our
Organization), World Resources Institute (WRI) sample period are much more richer and extensive as
and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). compared to previous studies in the Spanish context
With regard to the empirical research on CSR, in which that information was very scarce and
three types of empirical studies characterize the anecdotical. Moreover, our measure of CSR not
research in this field. The first one relates to only captures environmental issues but also a number
‘descriptive studies,’ which report on the nature and of social aspects included in the latest developments
extent of CSR with some comparisons on countries in CSR worldwide, specially those stemming from
and periods. The second one is related to ‘explicative the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and the
studies,’ which focus on the potential determinants United Nations Norms on the Responsibilities of
of social and environmental reporting. The third one Transnational Corporations and Other Business
is interested in the ‘impact of social and environ- Enterprises with regard to Human Rights. Third, in
mental information’ on various users, mainly on contrast to the understanding of CSR from common
market reaction. Our study adopts the second law English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada,
orientation, as it is focused on analyzing whether a UK, US), the determinants of CSR in Continental
number of firm and industry characteristics, as well Europe are still relatively unknown. Therefore, our
as media exposure, are potential determinants of main goal is to analyze whether the specific features
CSR disclosure practices by Spanish listed firms. of Spain regarding its capital market and companies’
Empirical studies have shown that CSR disclosure financing structure result in a significant difference
activism varies across companies, industries, and time between the factors influencing CSR disclosure
(Gray et al., 1995, 2001; Hackston and Milne, 1996). practices of Spanish listed firms when compared to
They have also shown this behavior to be impor- firms from other different institutional contexts. In
tantly and systematically determined by a variety of particular, Spain is less capital market oriented than
firm and industry characteristics that influence the other EU countries and financing policies are bank
relative costs and benefits of disclosing such infor- oriented.
mation (Belkaoui and Karpik, 1989; Cormier and The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
Magnan, 2003; Cormier et al., 2005; Hackston and lows. In the following section, the theoretical
Milne, 1996; Patten, 2002a, b). framework used is presented. Section ‘‘Determinants
This paper is focused on the Spanish setting for of CSR disclosure: development of hypotheses’’
three reasons. First, most of the present literature is discusses the determinants of CSR disclosure prac-
based on Anglo-American countries (US and UK) tices. Section ‘‘Data and method of estimation’’
and evidence should be added about other institu- focuses on the methodology and data. Section
tional contexts. Second, there is scarce empirical ‘‘Results’’ presents the main results of our empirical
research on CSR determinants by Spanish compa- analysis. Finally, some conclusions are drawn.
nies. Previous studies (Archel, 2003; Archel and
Lizarraga, 2001; Carmona and Carrasco, 1988;
Garcı́a-Ayuso and Larrinaga, 2003; Moneva and A multi-theoretical framework for CSR
Llena, 1996, 2000) have mainly focused on one disclosure
dimension of CSR such as environmental disclosure,
and the sample periods analyzed in these papers were Despite widespread academic and business interest in
previous to the first compulsory regulations in Spain the issue, a comprehensive theoretical framework of
in the area of environmental disclosure (i.e., the the underlying determinants of corporate social and
Royal Decree 437/1998 and the Resolution enacted environmental reporting is still elusive. The empir-
on March 25, 2002 by the Institute of Accounting ical investigations of CSR practices have produced a
and Auditing – ICAC-). Our sample period follows very diverse body of academic literature which
the previous mandatory regulations and also the GRI engages different theoretical perspectives in support
Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, which have of corporate social reporting, such as the agency
Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure 353

theory, the legitimacy theory, and the stakeholder legitimacy as a generalized perception or assumption
theory, among others. that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or
For instance, there is extensive evidence that appropriate within some socially constructed system
social and environmental information is useful of norms, value, beliefs, and definitions. Although
for decision-making by financial stakeholders firms have discretion to operate within institutional
(Blacconiere and Northcut, 1997; Blacconiere and constraints, failure to conform to critical, institu-
Patten, 1994; Graham et al., 2000; Richardson and tionalized norms of acceptability can threaten the
Welker, 2001). However, with its financial stake- firm’s legitimacy, resources, and, ultimately, its sur-
holders’ focus, it fails to provide a comprehensive vival (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983; Oliver, 1991;
theoretical foundation to explain CSR disclosure, Scott, 1987). Meyer and Rowan (1977) assert that:
especially since most of that disclosure is non- ‘as the issues of safety and environmental pollution
financial. In response to this conceptual gap, other arise, and as relevant professions and programs
alternative explanations for CSR disclosure have also become institutionalized in laws, union ideologies
been offered in the literature. Following its emer- and public opinion, organizations incorporate these
gence as an explanatory model for corporate finan- programs and professions’ (Meyer and Rowan,
cial reporting (Watts and Zimmerman, 1986), 1977, p. 345). Jennings and Zandbergen (1995)
economic agency theory (or positive accounting the- argue that the type of institutional pressure, be it
ory) became an appealing proposition as a rationale coercive, mimetic, or normative, influences the rate
for CSR disclosure (Belkaoui and Karpik, 1989). at which sustainable development practices diffuse
Agency theory views the firm as a nexus of contracts among firms. Reinforcing the previous arguments,
between various economic agents who act oppor- many prior studies on corporate disclosures have
tunistically within efficient markets. In this context, provided evidence that firms do voluntarily disclose
social and environmental disclosure may prove use- information in their annual reports as a strategy to
ful in determining debt contractual obligations, manage their legitimacy (Campbell, 2000; Deegan
managerial compensation contracts, or implicit and Rankin, 1996; Hutchings and Taylor, 2000;
political costs. However, as indicated by Cormier Nasi et al., 1997; Patten, 1991; Woodward et al.,
et al. (2005), agency theory’s focus on monetary or 2001). Thus, CSR disclosure can be viewed as a
wealth considerations among agents who trade in constructed image or symbolic impression of itself
informationally efficient markets does limit the scope that a firm is conveying to the outside world to
of relevant social and environmental disclosure as control its political or economic position (Neu et al.,
well as its intended purpose, insofar as many 1998).
potential users of this kind of information may not Finally, the stakeholder theory explicitly considers
act in these markets at all (e.g., pressure groups such the expectations impact of the different stakeholder
as Greenpeace). groups within society upon corporate disclosure
In contrast to agency theory, the legitimacy theory policies. Under the managerial branch of stakeholder
provides a more comprehensive perspective on CSR theory, the central thesis that emerges is that cor-
disclosure as it explicitly recognizes that businesses porate disclosure is a management tool for managing
are bound by the social contract in which the firms the informational needs of the various powerful
agree to perform various socially desired actions in stakeholder groups (employees, shareholders, inves-
return for approval of their objectives and other tors, consumers, public authorities and NGOs, …).
rewards, and this ultimately guarantees their con- Managers use information to manage or manipulate
tinued existence (Brown and Deegan, 1998; Dee- the most powerful stakeholders in order to gain their
gan, 2002; Guthrie and Parker, 1989). Gray et al. support which is required for survival (Gray et al.,
(1995) and Hooghiemstra (2000), among others, 1996). In relation to the overlap between legitimacy
argue that most insights into CSR disclosure ema- theory and stakeholder theory, Deegan (2002,
nate from the use of this theoretical framework p. 295) state that ‘‘both theories conceptualise the
which posits that social and environmental disclosure organisation as part of a broader social system
is a way to legitimize a firm’s continued existence or wherein the organisation impacts, and is impacted
operations to the society. Perrow (1970) defines by, other groups within society. Whilst legitimacy
354 Carmelo Reverte

theory discusses the expectations of society in gen- information (Belkaoui and Karpik, 1989; Cormier
eral (as encapsulated within the ‘social contract’), and Magnan, 2003; Cormier et al., 2005; Hackston
stakeholder theory provides a more refined resolu- and Milne, 1996; Patten, 2002a, b). The theories
tion by referring to particular groups within society that seem to have been most successful in explaining
(stakeholder groups). Essentially, stakeholder theory the content and extent of social and environmental
accepts that because different stakeholder groups will reporting are system-oriented theories, above all
have different views about how an organisation legitimacy and stakeholder theories (Gray et al.,
should conduct its operations, there will be various 1995; Milne, 2002). According to these theories,
social contracts ‘negotiated’ with different stake- social disclosure is in first hand used in order
holder groups, rather than one contract with society to guard corporations’ reputation and identity
in general. Whilst implied within legitimacy theory, (Hooghiemstra, 2000). Both Adrem (1999) and
stakeholder theory explicitly refers to issues of Cormier et al. (2005) argue, however, that disclo-
stakeholder power, and how a stakeholder’s relative sures are a complex phenomenon that cannot be
power impacts their ability to ‘coerce’ the organi- explained by one single theory. As pointed out by
sation into complying with the stakeholder’s Gray et al. (1995), if the aim of the study is to ex-
expectations.’’ plain an empirical phenomenon, it could be a
While there are some similarities, the previous problem when theories are looked upon as com-
three alternative theories essentially differ on the petitive instead of complementary. Hence, in this
basis of fundamental assumptions. Unlike the agency study we have an eclectic approach and use a multi-
or positive accounting theory, legitimacy theory and theoretical framework in order to explain the dif-
stakeholder theory make no assumption of rational, ferences in CSR disclosure practices between
wealth-maximizing individuals operating within the Spanish listed firms. Next, we discuss each of the
environment of efficient capital markets. On the explanatory factors analyzed.
other hand, while Woodward et al. (1996) have
shown that both legitimacy theory and stakeholder
theory consider an organization to be part of the Size
wider social system, legitimacy theory looks at
society as a whole, whereas stakeholder theory The public pressure perspective of legitimacy theory
recognizes that some groups within the society are is concerned with public and, consequently, gov-
more powerful than others. We posit that the ernment intrusions into the activities of organiza-
alternative theories which are of value in studies of tions that are deemed to violate their social contract.
CSR disclosure policies focus upon distinct per- This perspective parallels Watts and Zimmerman’s
spectives of the same issue. Hence, the different (1986) political cost hypothesis in that larger com-
theories outlined should not be seen as competing panies are deemed to be more highly exposed to
perspectives, but rather as alternative ways of com- public scrutiny. Watts and Zimmerman (1986) argue
prehending and studying organizational decisions to that large companies are more visible to the public,
disclose different kinds of information to the public. have more market power, and are more newswor-
thy. Hence, they are more likely to be subject to
public resentment, consumer hostility, militant
Determinants of CSR disclosure: employees, and the attention of government regu-
development of hypotheses latory bodies. Large corporations do have a bigger
effect on the community, and therefore normally
Empirical studies have shown that CSR disclosure have a bigger group of stakeholders that influence
activism varies across companies, industries, and time the corporation (Hackston and Milne, 1996; Knox
(Gray et al., 1995, 2001; Hackston and Milne, 1996). et al., 2006). Hence, voluntary disclosures can be
They have also shown this behavior to be impor- explained as an effort to avoid regulations and reduce
tantly and systematically determined by a variety of political costs (Adams et al., 1998; Clarke and
firm and industry characteristics that influence Gibson-Sweet, 1999; Gray et al., 1995; Ness and
the relative costs and benefits of disclosing such Mirza, 1991). Dowling and Pfeffer (1975) argue that
Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure 355

larger firms are more politically visible, thus they are H2: There is a positive significant relationship be-
expected to engage more heavily in legitimating tween industry environmental sensitivity and
behavior. From an empirical perspective, various CSR disclosure.
studies have found that there is a positive relation-
ship between CSR disclosure and firm size or
political visibility (Adams et al., 1998; Cullen and
Christopher, 2002; Hamid, 2004; Haniffa and Profitability
Cooke, 2005; Hossain et al., 1995; Neu et al., 1998;
Patten, 1991). Hence, the discussion above leads us There are several studies, mainly based on the
to the hypothesis that: stakeholder theory, that suppose a positive relation-
ship between social disclosure policy and profit-
H1: There is a positive significant relationship ability (Belkaoui and Karpik, 1989; Cowen et al.,
between firm size and CSR disclosure. 1987; Ismail and Chandler, 2005; Roberts, 1992;
Ullmann, 1985), although it should be noted that the
empirical results do not always confirm that positive
relationship (Archel, 2003; Brammer and Pavelin,
Industry sensitivity 2008; Carmona and Carrasco, 1988; Garcı́a-Ayuso
and Larrinaga, 2003; Moneva and Llena, 1996;
In previous research, industry, together with size, is Roberts, 1992). According to Belkaoui and Karpik
the most common variable in order to explain the (1989), the underlying cause of a positive relation-
content and extent of social and environmental dis- ship between social disclosure policy and profit-
closures (Adams et al., 1998; Cowen et al., 1987; ability is management’s knowledge. A management
Gray et al., 1995). The results from these studies show that has the knowledge to make a company profit-
that corporations from industries whose manufac- able also has the knowledge and understanding of
turing process has a negative influence on the social responsibility, which leads to more social and
environment disclose and report considerably more environmental disclosures. In the context of the
information than corporations from other industries. agency and political cost theories, Giner (1997)
In general, corporations from the mining, oil, and points out that management in very profitable
chemical industries emphasize information regarding corporations provide more detailed information in
environmental, health, and safety issues (Clarke and order to support their own position and compensa-
Gibson-Sweet, 1999; Jenkins and Yakovleva, 2006; tion. Ng and Koh (1994) point to the fact that
Line et al., 2002; Ness and Mirza, 1991), while the profitable corporations are more exposed to political
finance and service industries in general seem to pressure and public scrutiny, and therefore use more
report more regarding social issues and philanthrop- self-regulating mechanisms, for instance voluntary
ical deeds (Clarke and Gibson-Sweet, 1999; Line disclosure of information, in order to avoid regula-
et al., 2002). A body of empirical literature associates tion. The most obvious and explicit explanation
the metals, resources, paper and pulp, power gener- might be that profitable corporations have the nec-
ation, water, and chemicals sectors with high envi- essary economical means – the so-called organiza-
ronmental impacts (Bowen, 2000; Hoffman, 1999; tional slack (Cowen et al., 1987; Hackston and
Morris, 1997). In contrast, other industries, particu- Milne, 1996; Pirsch et al., 2007). In a corporation
larly newer manufacturing industries and the service with less economical resources, management will
sector, have significantly lower environmental probably focus on activities that have a more direct
impacts and are associated with fewer visible envi- effect on the corporation’s earnings than the pro-
ronmental issues. Therefore, companies in these duction of social and environmental disclosures
industries are expected to be subject to significantly (Roberts, 1992; Ullmann, 1985). However, from a
less stakeholder pressure regarding their environ- legitimacy theory perspective, profitability can
mental performance, and so would be expected to be regarded to be either positively or negatively
display a lesser degree of disclosure activism. Hence, related to CSR disclosure (Neu et al., 1998). As
the discussion above leads us to the hypothesis that: these authors point out, where the organization is
356 Carmelo Reverte

profitable, environmental disclosures would, for evidence, in the context of environmental infor-
those stakeholders who value the environment, give mation, that having greater ownership concentration
confirmation that profit has not been at the expense makes a firm less likely to disclose an environmental
of the environment. Conversely, in periods of rela- policy. Thus, we hypothesize that:
tive unprofitability, these same disclosures might be
either directed at convincing financial stakeholders H4: There is a negative relationship between CSR
that current environmental investments will result in disclosure and concentrated ownership.
long-term competitive advantages or at distracting
attention from the financial results. Thus, we do
not make any a priori assumption about the sign International listing
of the association between CSR disclosure and
profitability. According to Cooke (1989), when a firm is listed on a
foreign exchange, it will disclose more detailed
H3: There is a significant relationship between information since it may need to observe the disclo-
profitability and CSR disclosure. sure rules of two or more stock exchanges, and it will
attract more analyst coverage. In this respect, disclo-
sure serves to limit the monitoring and agency costs
Ownership structure resulting from the existence of a greater number of
shareholders. Reinforcing the previous arguments,
The degree to which ownership of company stock is Singhvi and Desai (1971), Cooke (1989), Hossain
concentrated in the hands of a few large investors or et al. (1994, 1995) and Robb et al. (2001) find
dispersed among many has been proposed as an international listing status to be a significant deter-
influence on disclosure policy (Roberts, 1992; minant of the voluntary disclosure level. Thus, we
Ullmann, 1985). Opportunistic management hypothesize that:
behavior and conflict of interests between agents and H5: There is a positive significant relationship
principals are more likely to occur in corporations between CSR disclosure and international listing.
with more dispersed ownership. In a widely held
company, voluntary disclosure can act as a bonding
and monitoring tool reducing agency conflicts
between managers and shareholders (Jensen and Media exposure
Meckling, 1976). Evidence suggests that ownership
dispersion across many investors contributes to Legitimacy theory research extends to examining the
increased pressure for voluntary disclosure (Cullen role media coverage plays in increasing the public
and Christopher, 2002; Ullmann, 1985). Hence, policy pressures faced by companies (Patten, 2002b).
corporations with many owners are in general The total amount of media coverage raises the firm’s
expected to disclose more information than corpo- visibility, inviting further public attention and scru-
rations with concentrated ownership in order to tiny. The media can play an important role in
reduce information asymmetries between the orga- mobilizing social movements such as environmental
nization and its shareholders (Prencipe, 2004). Firms interest groups. In doing so, it becomes part of the
whose shares are widely held are more likely to institution-building process, shaping the norms of
improve their financial reporting policy by using acceptable and legitimate CSR practices. According
their CSR disclosure in order to reduce these to Simon (1992), the media is the main source of
asymmetries. On the contrary, firms with a con- environmental information. The media not only
centrated ownership structure are less motivated to plays a passive role in shaping institutional norms,
disclose additional information on their CSR, insofar but also a more active one by choosing the stories
as the shareholders of these firms can obtain infor- worth reporting and framing them to reflect editorial
mation directly from the firm. Reinforcing the values. Empirical studies have shown that the media
previous arguments, Brammer and Pavelin (2008) has been particularly influential on corporate envi-
Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure 357

ronmental responses (Bansal and Clelland, 2004; IBEX35 index, which comprises the largest 35 firms
Bansal and Roth, 2000; Bowen, 2000; Henriques in terms of market capitalization. Each of the cov-
and Sadorsky, 1996). Based on these arguments, the ered firms is assigned a numerical rating (ranging
following hypothesis is tested: from 0 to 4 in a continuous scale) based on the
adherence of their CSR disclosures to the following
H6: There is a positive significant relationship rules/recommendations: (a) Global Reporting Ini-
between CSR disclosure and media exposure. tiative (GRI)’s Guidelines (G2 and G3); (b) United
Nations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transna-
tional Corporations and Other Business Enterprises
Leverage with Regard to Human Rights [U.N. Doc. E/
CN.4/Sub.2/2003/38/Rev.2 (2003)]; (c) AA1000
Within the context of the agency theory, Jensen and Accountability Principles issued by the Institute of
Meckling (1976) argue that more highly leveraged Social and Ethical AccountAbility); (d) New Eco-
firms disclose voluntary information in order to nomics Foundation (NEF) Principles and (e) Cor-
reduce their agency costs and, as a result, their cost of porate Governance recommendations issued by the
capital. However, Brammer and Pavelin (2008) Spanish stock market regulator and, in the case of
sustain that a low degree of leverage ensures that US cross-listed firms, the Sarbanes-Oxley Law. We
creditor stakeholders will exert less pressure to focus on the following three ratings reported by the
constrain managers’ discretion over CSR activities, OCSR:
which are only indirectly linked to the financial a) Total CSR score (TCSR), which captures the
success of the firm. Purushothaman et al. (2000) also overall adherence of a firm’s CSR disclosure
predict a negative relationship between leverage and practices to the previous rules/recommenda-
CSR disclosure in that companies with high leverage tions;
may have closer relationships with their creditors and b) CSR Content Rating (CR), which evaluates
use other means to disclose social responsibility the concordance of the information provided
information. Thus, we do not make any a priori by a firm to the recommendations reported in:
assumption about the sign of the association between
CSR disclosure and leverage. The following • GRI Performance Indicators section related
hypothesis is thus tested: to:
H7: There is a significant relationship between • economic perfomance
CSR disclosure and leverage.1 • environmental performance
• social performance

– human rights
Data and method of estimation – labor practices and decent work
– society
CSR ratings: the dependent variable – product responsibility

Our data on CSR disclosure ratings come from the • United Nations Norms on the Responsibili-
Observatory on corporate social responsibility ties of Transnational Corporations and Other
(OCSR). This is an association integrated by four- Business Enterprises with Regard to Human
teen organizations that represent civil society, Rights (especially in the fields of protection
NGOs, trade unions, and consumer organizations. It of consumer rights and corruption);
is a network that fosters participation and coopera-
tion between social organizations that, from different c) CSR Management Systems Rating (MSR),
points of view, are interested in CSR. The OCSR which evaluates the adherence of the pro-
issues each year a very exhaustive report on CSR cesses and management systems in the CSR
disclosures by Spanish listed firms included in the area to those outlined in:
358 Carmelo Reverte

• GRI’s Profile section. literature, the following ‘‘more sensitive’’ sectors are
• GRI’s Principles (relevance/materiality, identified: mining, oil and gas, chemicals, forestry
stakeholder inclusiveness, reliability/audit- and paper, steel and other metals, electricity, gas
ability, neutrality, sustainability context, distribution, and water. All others are considered as
accuracy, comparability, clarity, complete- ‘‘less sensitive.’’ A one/zero variable is used to des-
ness, timeliness, transparency). ignate companies from these industries: one if the
• AA1000 Principles (completeness, material- company is from a more sensitive industry and zero
ity, regularity and timeliness, quality assur- if it is from a less sensitive industry.
ance, information quality, embeddedness,
continuous improvement, accessibility). International listing
• NEF’s Principles (inclusivity, completeness, International listing is measured by the number of
comparability, embeddedness, disclosure, foreing stock markets in which the firm is listed.
external verification, continuous improve-
ment, evolution). Company size
Following prior research, size is measured as the
natural logarithm of market capitalization.3

Explanatory variables measurement Ownership concentration

This variable is measured from data concerning
Media exposure significant shareholdings from 2005 and 2006 annual
To develop a measure of the companies’ media reports of the sample companies. Thus, if a firm has a
exposure, the number of articles in the two main majority shareholder we assign it a value of 1 and if
Spanish business newspapers (‘Expansión’ and not it is assigned a zero value.
‘Actualidad Económica’) was counted. Company
exposure was measured by using the search facilities Leverage
present on the web pages of those newspapers for This variable is measured as long-term debt/book
each of the 2 years analyzed (2005 and 2006).2 value of equity (Cormier et al., 2005).4

In order to measure corporate performance, either Sample
accounting- or market-based measures can be used.
In contrast with accounting-based measures, market- Our sample comprises those firms covered by the
based measures are less subject to bias by managerial OCSR report, i.e., Spanish firms listed on the
manipulation and they do not rely on past perfor- Madrid Stock Exchange and included in
mance (McGuire et al., 1988). However, they are the IBEX35 index. However, due to the fact that
based on investors’ viewpoints on company perfor- most of our explanatory variables are based on
mance, thus ignoring other important stakeholder accounting data, we have excluded financial firms
groups. This is the main reason for adopting an because of the particular characteristics of their
accounting-based variable in our paper, such as accounting system. Moreover, since all firms under
return on assets (ROA) (Belkaoui and Karpik, 1989; study present consolidated accounts and they had
Bewley and Li, 2000; Brammer and Pavelin, 2008; to be prepared in accordance with International
Cormier et al., 2004; Patten, 1991). Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the
IASB from 2005 onward – Regulation 1606/2002 of
Industry sensitivity the European Commission – we have chosen fiscal
In this study, ‘‘more sensitive’’ industries are con- years 2005 and 2006 so as to ensure comparability in
sidered to be those with more risk of being criticized accounting data. After eliminating firms with
in CSR matters because of their activities involving extreme values for some of the explanatory variables,
higher risk of environmental impact. Based on prior the final sample comprises 46 observations.5
Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure 359

Empirical models mean differences in the explanatory variables

between both groups of firms, we perform a t-test (if
The statistical analysis conducted in this study the variable is normally distributed) and a Wilcoxon
includes the use of linear regression models to ana- signed-rank test (if the variable is non-normally
lyze the relationship between CSR ratings and each distributed). It can be observed that firms with a
of the influencing factors referred to in the previous total CSR rating higher than the median operate in a
section. The three estimated models differ in their more environmentally sensitive industry (p = 0.008),
dependent variables: Total CSR (TSCR), CSR have a higher media exposure (p = 0.000), a larger
Content Rating (CR), and CSR Management Sys- size (p = 0.010), and a less concentrated ownership
tems Rating (MSR). The approach adopted in the (p = 0.004), as compared to those firms with a CSR
empirical analysis is summarized by the following rating lower than the median. However, although
general form of the models: firms disclosing more on CSR activities are listed on a
higher number of foreign stock markets, have a lower
CSR ratingi ¼ b0 þ b1 MEi þ b2 ILi þ b3 INDi
leverage and are more profitable, these differences are
þ b4 SIZEi þ b5 OWNERi not significantly different, at a 5% level, between
þ b6 ROAi þ b7 LEVi þ ei both groups of firms. It should be noted that the
results are generally consistent across the other two
where, ME: media exposure; IL: International list- CSR ratings.
ing; IND: Industry environmental sensitivity; Table IV reports the results of regressing the
SIZE: Firm’s size; OWNER: Ownership concen- explanatory factors on the various CSR ratings. The
tration; ROA: Profitability (return on assets); LEV: first rows of each panel present the results of
Leverage. regressing the explanatory factors one by one on the
CSR ratings, while the last row combines all the
explanatory variables together. When considered
Results individually, it can be seen that firms with higher
CSR ratings present a statistically significant larger
Table I reports the descriptive statistics of the size, and a higher media exposure. Also, firms with
dependent and independent variables considered in higher CSR ratings belong to more environmentally
our study. It can be seen a high variability in CSR sensitive industries, and are listed in a higher number
practices across Spanish listed firms, as the total CSR of foreign stock markets. As regards ownership
rating varies from 0.170 to 1.940. As the maximum structure, firms with higher CSR ratings have a less
value is 4, we can assert that the degree of infor- concentrated ownership. However, neither ROA
mation on CSR by Spanish listed firms is still rather nor leverage seem to explain differences in CSR
low. disclosure practices between Spanish listed firms. In
Table II reports the correlation coefficients among terms of R2, the most influential variable for
our set of independent variables. It can be seen that explaining firms’ variation in total CSR ratings is
some correlations are statistically significant at a 1% media exposure (R2 = 0.338), followed by size
level, such as those between size and media exposure (R2 = 0.186) and industry (R2 = 0.164). When
(q = 0.599), industry and leverage (q = - 0.465) and pulling all the explanatory factors together, they
leverage and return on assets (q = - 0.526). How- explain between 42.9% and 47.5% of the variation of
ever, none of the variance inflation factors (VIFs) the several CSR ratings. The variables that are sta-
– not reported – exceed the critical value of 10. Thus, tistically significant for all the CSR ratings are those
it can be said that multicollinearity is not a serious related to public or social visibility (i.e., size, media
problem in our study. exposure, and industry environmental sensitivity).
Table III reports the mean values of the explan- According to these results, it seems that the legiti-
atory variables under analysis across the several CSR macy theory is the most relevant theory for
disclosure ratings for both firms with a rating higher explaining CSR disclosure practices of Spanish listed
than the median and those with a rating lower than firms. Thus, Spanish firms report on CSR activities
the median. To test the statistical significance of the in order to respond to public pressures and build or
360 Carmelo Reverte

Descriptive statistics for the dependent and independent variables

Variable Mean Median SD Minimun Maximum

Dependent variables
TCSR 1.150 1.245 0.485 0.170 1.940
CR 0.835 0.855 0.491 0.020 1.670
MSR 1.194 1.315 0.614 0.020 2.210
Independent variables
ME 69.369 43.000 57.047 6.000 268.000
IL 5.783 6.000 3.039 1.000 12.000
IND 0.456 0.000 0.504 0.000 1.000
SIZE 15.935 15.965 0.936 14.280 18.190
OWNER 0.283 0.000 0.455 0.000 1.000
ROA 0.052 0.047 0.033 0.003 0.174
LEV 3.804 3.032 2.769 0.659 13.789

Notes: TCSR: Total corporate social responsibility index; CR: CSR Content rating; MSI: CSR Management Systems
rating; ME: Media exposure; IL: International listing; IND: Industry environmental sensitivity; SIZE: Firm’s size;
OWNER: Ownership concentration; ROA: Return on assets; LEV: Long-term debt/book value of equity. See variables
measurement in the text.

Correlation coefficients among independent variables


ME 0.345* 0.370* 0.599** -0.307* 0.018 -0.071

IL -0.021 0.325* 0.045 0.062 0.076
IND 0.063 -0.381** 0.035 -0.465**
SIZE -0.093 0.317* 0.059
OWNER 0.043 0.302*
ROA -0.526**

Notes: ME: Media exposure; IL: International listing; IND: Industry environmental sensitivity; SIZE: Firm’s size;
OWNER: Ownership concentration; ROA: Return on assets; LEV: Long-term debt/book value of equity. See variables
measurement in the text.
*Significant at a 5% level, **Significant at a 1% level.

sustain corporate legitimacy. In this regard, CSR CSR disclosure practices by Spanish listed firms.
disclosure can be viewed as a constructed image or Empirical studies have shown that CSR disclosure
symbolic impression of itself that a firm is conveying activism varies across companies, industries, and
to the outside world to control its political or eco- time (Gray et al., 1995, 2001; Hackston and
nomic position (Neu et al., 1998). Milne, 1996). They have also shown this behavior
to be importantly and systematically determined
by a variety of firm and industry characteristics
Concluding remarks that influence the relative costs and benefits
of disclosing such information (Belkaoui and
The goal of this study is to analyze whether a Karpik, 1989; Cormier and Magnan, 2003;
number of firm and industry characteristics, as well Cormier et al., 2005; Hackston and Milne, 1996;
as media exposure, are potential determinants of Patten, 2002a, b).
Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure 361

Differences in the value of the explanatory variables between firms with higher and lower CSR ratings

Variables Firms with TCSR > median Firms with TCSR < median Difference (p-value in parentheses)

Panel A: Total CSR rating (TCSR)

ME 98.522 40.217 58.305 (0.000)
IL 6.304 5.261 1.043 (0.076)
IND 0.652 0.261 0.391 (0.008)
SIZE 16.287 15.583 0.704 (0.010)
OWNER 0.087 0.478 -0.391 (0.004)
ROA 0.057 0.047 0.010 (0.095)
LEV 3.016 4.592 -1.576 (0.191)

Variables Firms with CR > median Firms with CR < median Difference (p-value in parentheses)

Panel B: CSR Content Rating (CR)

ME 102.261 36.478 65.783 (0.000)
IL 6.739 4.826 1.913 (0.031)
IND 0.739 0.174 0.565 (0.000)
SIZE 16.302 15.568 0.734 (0.007)
OWNER 0.217 0.348 -0.131 (0.331)
ROA 0.055 0.049 0.006 (0.286)
LEV 3.468 4.139 -0.671 (0.448)

Variables Firms with MSR > median Firms with MSR < median Difference (p-value in parentheses)

Panel C: CSR Management Systems Rating (MSR)

ME 99.087 39.652 59.435 (0.000)
IL 6.304 5.261 1.043 (0.250)
IND 0.696 0.217 0.479 (0.001)
SIZE 16.274 15.596 0.678 (0.013)
OWNER 0.087 0.478 -0.391 (0.004)
ROA 0.057 0.047 0.010 (0.062)
LEV 2.742 4.865 -2.123 (0.063)

Notes: ME: Media exposure; IL: International listing; IND: Industry environmental sensitivity; SIZE: Firm’s size;
OWNER: Ownership concentration; ROA: Return on assets; LEV: Long-term debt/book value of equity. See variables
measurement in the text.

Our findings evidence that firms with higher CSR related to public or social visibility, is the most rele-
ratings present a statistically significant larger size and vant theory for explaining CSR disclosure practices
a higher media exposure, and belong to more envi- of Spanish listed firms. Thus, Spanish firms report on
ronmentally sensitive industries, as compared to firms CSR activities mainly to act and be seen acting within
with lower CSR ratings. However, neither profit- the bounds of what is considered acceptable accord-
ability nor leverage seem to explain differences in ing to the expectations of stakeholders on how their
CSR disclosure practices between Spanish listed operations should be conducted.
firms. The most influential variable for explaining Moreover, the results of this study suggest that
firms’ variation in CSR ratings is media exposure, factors which influence CSR practices of Spanish
followed by size and industry. Therefore, it seems that listed companies are not significantly different than
the legitimacy theory, as captured by those variables those which influence CSR of companies in other
Regression results of CSR ratings on the explanatory factors 362


Panel A: Total CSR Rating (TCSR)

0.807 (0.000)* 0.005 (0.000)* 0.338
0.874 (0.000)* 0.048 (0.034)** 0.090
0.972 (0.000)* 0.390 (0.003)* 0.164
-2.418 (0.028)** 0.224 (0.000)* 0.186
1.240 (0.000)* -0.318 (0.022)** 0.089
1.071 (0.000)* 1.521 (0.500) 0.010
1.242 (0.000)* -0.024 (0.360) 0.019
-1.899 (0.095)*** 0.003 (0.046)** 0.023 (0.142) 0.253 (0.053)*** 0.172 (0.016)** -0.122 (0.212) 1.015 (0.706) 0.010 (0.762) 0.429
Panel B: CSR Content Rating (CR)
0.486 (0.000)* 0.005 (0.000)* 0.342
0.632 (0.00)* 0.035 (0.099)*** 0.047
0.627 (0.000)* 0.456 (0.000)* 0.218
-3.264 (0.003)** 0.257 (0.000)* 0.240
0.816 (0.000)* -0.286 (0.022)** 0.070
0.769 (0.000)* 1.289 (0.574) 0.007
0.923 (0.000)* -0.023 (0.388) 0.017
Carmelo Reverte

-3.136 (0.006)*** 0.002 (0.082)*** 0.006 (0.379) 0.355 (0.011)** 0.236 (0.001)* 0.040 (0.392) 0.062 (0.980) 0.008 (0.806) 0.475
Panel C: CSR Management Systems Rating (MSR)
0.765 (0.000)* 0.006 (0.000)* 0.329
0.907 (0.000)* 0.049 (0.065)*** 0.060
0.949 (0.000)* 0.536 (0.000)* 0.193
-2.847 (0.048)** 0.253 (0.002)* 0.149
1.318 (0.000)* -0.442 (0.004)* 0.107
1.110 (0.000)* 1.606 (0.574) 0.007
1.343 (0.000)* -0.039 (0.238) 0.009
-2.327 (0.108) 0.003 (0.037)** 0.020 (0.231) 0.331 (0.049)** 0.203 (0.023)** 0.166 (0.198) 0.844 (0.806) 0.004 (0.918) 0.475

Notes: The Table reports the results from regressing the several CSR ratings on the various explanatory factors. The first seven rows of each panel report the results
from regressing the several CSR ratings on the explanatory factors one by one, while the last row of each panel reports the results from the following model:
CSR ratingi ¼ b0 þ b1 MEi þ b2 ILi þ b3 INDi þ b4 SIZEi þ b5 OWNERi þ b6 ROAi þ b7 LEVi þ ei , where, ME: Media exposure; IL: International listing;
IND: Industry environmental sensitivity; SIZE: Firm’s size; OWNER: Ownership concentration; ROA: Return on assets; LEV: Long-term debt/book value of
equity. See variables measurement in the text.
Figures in parentheses represent the p-values. When there is heteroscedasticity according to the White test, p-values based on White-adjusted t-statistics are reported.
*Significant at a 1% level, **Significant at a 5 % level, ***Significant at a 10 % level.
Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure 363

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