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Evaluation of calculated arc energy heat input in

MMAW processes
Zoran Sterjovski

John Norrish
University of Wollongong,

Rian Holdstock

Glen Sloan

David J. Nolan
University of Wollongong,

Publication Details
Sterjovski, Z., Norrish, J., Holdstock, R., Nolan, D. J. & Sloan, G. (2005). Evaluation of calculated arc energy heat input in MMAW
processes. Australasian Welding Journal - Welding Research Supplement, 50 42-48.

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Evaluation of calculated arc energy heat input
in MMAW processes

Zoran Sterjovski, John Norrish, Rian Holdstock, Glen Sloan and David Nolan

The ability o f m anual m etal arc welders to reach target heat In MMAW, the arc efficiency is 70-85% , situated som ew here
input (HI) values between 1.3 kJ/m m a nd 2.9 kJ/m m by vary­ betw een that for subm erged arc w elding (SAW) w here the arc
ing.w eld travel speed was examined. Weld process data was is covered by a flux, and gas tungsten arc w elding w here 20%
collected during the dow nhand and overhead w elding o f 6 o f arc energy is lo st by radiation. In addition to w eld process
highly restrained quenched and tem pered (QT) steel plates and factors, jo in t preparation and m aterial type also have an effect
the results show ed that the m easured average H I values were on arc efficiency.
closely m atched to the target HI. However, there w as consider­
able scatter, particularly at higher H I targets, which warranted
investigation. The frequency at which welders achieved their
target H I (or travel speed) decreased a t higher H I values, but w here H I is heat input in kJ/m m , V is voltage (V), I is current
nonetheless the standard deviation (SD) fro m the average H I (A) and S is travel speed (m m /m inute).
was less than 10% fo r all target H I values, w hich is w ell within H I target values are typically specified in qualified weld
the average 15% deviation allow ed fo r a qualified w eld in the procedures for steel w ith the intention of producing a w eld
Australian Pressure Vessel Standard, A S3992-1998. that satisfies m inim um m echanical property requirem ents and
The effect o f localised variations in voltage on H I w as also is free o f defects; in particular hydrogen assisted cold cracking
considered. Even though voltage fluctuated by as m uch as 40% (HACC). However, control o f H I alone does not guarantee weld
during the deposition o f an electrode, the overall im pact on quality and is usually accom panied by m inim um preheat treat­
arc energy H I w as considered negligible because o f the short m ent and m axim um interpass tem perature in w eld qualification
duration a t these ‘extreme ’ voltages. Moreover, it w as fo u n d procedures. As a result, a means of microstructural (cooling rate)
th a t the levels o f diffusible hydrogen m arginally decreased as control is achieved, as is increased tim e at higher tem peratures
H I increased, which lends support to the fa c t that H I is a con­ for diffusible hydrogen to diffuse/effuse from the w eldm ent.
tributor to w eldm ent cooling rate. Additionally, differences in The recom m ended H I ranges for the M M AW o f quenched
m icrostructure and hardness were also observed betw een low and tem pered (QT) grade steels, akin to the steel investigated
(1.3 kJ/m m ) and high (2.9 kJ/m m ) H I values in the diffusible (BIS812 EM A), varies from 1.25 kJ/m m to 5.0 kJ/mm. Selection
hydrogen test (bead on plate) sam ples. o f the appropriate nom inal H I w ithin this range is dependent
on plate thickness, as are the selection of preheat treatm ent
Keywords and interpass tem perature ranges2. M inim um H I values are
typically specified as p art o f a H A CC risk m itigation strategy
H eat input, m anual m etal arc w elding, diffusible hydrogen,
and m axim um H I values are specified to ensure that strength
travel speed, hardness, quenched and tem pered steel.
requirem ents are met.
C ooling rate, w hich is a function o f m aterial, geom etric and
process param eters, is m ore critical than H I alone in influencing
T he heat input (HI) equation is com m only used to define the w eldm ent m icrostructure and, in turn, m echanical properties.
com binations of voltage, current and travel speed in arc welding Therefore it w ould appear that a cooling rate (or heat output)
processes that w ill result in fit-for-purpose w elds. Studies of param eter w ould b e m o re beneficial than a H I param eter.
heat flow in arc welding have found that for a given process, However, cooling rate is difficult to quantify w ithout directly
and for travel speeds w ithin the usual range for typical w eld­ m easuring it. M ost attem pts to correlate w eld cooling rate with
ing procedures, the arc energy per unit length o f w eld (or HI) H I have been unsuccessful, except for sm all ranges o f current,
is a useful param eter to correlate w ith w eldability resu lts1. In voltage and travel speed in M M A W and SAW p ro cesses1.
this paper, the sensitivity and reliability o f the H I param eter D ifficulties in establishing a correlation betw een cooling rate
for use in m anual m etal arc w elding (M M AW ) processes is and H I exist because cooling rate is not only controlled by HI,
investigated. but also by m any oth er variables such as w eld geom etry, plate
The HI equation (Equation 1) calculates the total pow er o f thickness, m aterial type, preheat/interpass tem peratures and
the arc m ade available per unit length o f w eld. It is not the total w elding location. Furtherm ore, cooling rate is also dependent,
H I absorbed by the metal, as often inferred, because consider­ on the specific values o f I, V and S that produce a given HI
able heat can be lost by radiation, convection, conduction and because they affect w eld bead shape and volum e3.
sp atter1. It is reported that arc w elding processes are able to T h e m ain p roject, w hich is bein g u ndertaken u nder the
capture the arc energy input as heat to the extent o f 20-85% C au sp ices o f th e C o o p erativ e R e sea rch C en tre fo r W elded
Structures, focuses on the follow ing issues w ith respect to
The authors are respectively: Research Fellow, Professor, M M A W w eldm ents jo in in g BIS 812 E M A m aterial in subm a­
PhD student at the University o f W ollongong, N S W 2522; rine structures4:
P rincipal Subm arine Technical A uthority a t A S C Pty Ltd, 1. Determ ination o f welding param eter tolerance levels against
G PO B ox 2472, Adelaide, SA 5001; a nd Senior L ecturer a t the initiation o f H A CC in highly restrained w eldm ents and
the U niversity o f Wollongong, N S W 2522. the suitability o f m itigation strategies.
2. Evaluation o f current non-destructive testing (NDT) methods Table 1: N um ber o f w eld runs and num ber o f electrodes
and their ability to detect HACC. required f o r P lates 1-6.
3. R e s e a rc h in to th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f a lte r n a tiv e N D T

Total Electrodes
No. Downhand

Total No. Runs

Run (Average)
Electrodes per
No. Overhead

Target HI
4. R esearch into the influence o f segregation in w eldm en t


m icrostructure to the initiation o f H A CC, and the variation Plate
of the m icrostructure in relation to w elding HI.
5. M easurem ent o f residual stresses during and after the w eld­
ing o f a highly restrained butt joint.
1 1.3 19 16 35 6 210
6. Variation in the toughness o f w eld m etal w ith respect to the
position of welding and investigation into correlation between 2 1.7 15 13 28 7 196
Charpy im pact test results and fracture toughness. 3 2.0 12 11 23 9 207
The aim o f this paper is to present results o f initial investiga­ 4 2.2 13 13 26 9 234
tions o f the suitability o f the H I approach and its relationship
w ith cooling rate in MMAW. This has been done by assess­ 5 2.5 10 10 20 12 240
in g data acquired from the M M A W o f 6 highly restrained 6 2.9 9 13 22 15 308
Q T plates, w hich are prim arily being used for the m ain body
o f the research w ork detailed above, coupled w ith diffusible Table 2: A verage m easured travel speed, voltage and current
hydrogen test results undertaken at the sam e heat inputs as the f o r each p la te in the 1G and 4G positions.
h ighly restrained plates. Consequently, results show ing the

Voltage (V)
1G C urrent

4G C urrent
relationships betw een HI, hardness, m icrostructure and levels

1G and 4G
(m m /m in)
4G Travel
(m m /m in)
1G Travel

o f diffusible hydrogen are presented and discussed.


Experimental method
Welding of te s t plates
1 176 167 132 122 24
A total o f 6 highly restrained test plates w ere w elded at various
h eat inputs betw een 1.3 and 2.9 kJ/m m in both the overhead 2 143 170 106 124 24
(4G ) and dow nhand (1G) positions, as show n in Table 1. Each 3 127 170 95 130 24
test panel consisted o f tw o 1600 m m x 500 m m plates w ith a
4 116 175 85 129 24
“2/3 1/3” w eld preparation along the 1600 m m length. A gril­
lage of transverse and longitudinal bracing w as interm ittently 5 95 169 71 123 24
w elded to the plates on the “ 1/3” preparation (or 1G) side for 6 84 166 60 122 24
longitudinal and transverse restraint. A dditional longitudinal
restraint was achieved by initially w elding 300m m lengths at
each end, w hich resulted in a final test w eld length o f 1000 boxes prior to use. Two w elders w orked on each plate and they
m m . The test plate and strongback m aterial used was 35 m m alternated after each electrode. Figure 1 shows photographs of
thick BIS 812 E M A QT steel. the test plate and w elders w elding in the 1G and 4G positions.
B etw een 5 and 15 electrodes (or rods) w ere required to Table 2 lists the average recorded travel speeds in the 1G and
com plete the 1000 m m w eld length, depending on the target HI. 4G positions for each plate.
T he w eld consum able, an E12018-M 2 low hydrogen electrode,
was 3.2 m m in diam eter for w elding in the 4G position and 4
Monitoring weld process param eters
m m in diam eter for w elding in the 1G position. T he m inim um T he A rcw atch™ w eld m onitoring system was used to collect
preheat treatm ent tem perature, 120°C, w as achieved by using voltage (V) and current (A) data for an interval o f 64 seconds
electric resistance heating pads, and the interpass tem perature for 1 to 3 electrodes in each w eld run. The data collected were
w as m a in ta in ed below 175°C . T he w eld p re p a ra tio n w as verified w ith a calibrated m ulti-m eter that m onitored voltage
ground to rem ove paint, oxidation and other potential sources and current throughout the entire w elding process. Voltage and
o f hydrogen. A ll consum able w ere baked and placed in hot current w as m easured at the w elding m achine and w eld lead

Figure 1. (a) O verhead a nd (b) dow nhand M M A W o f the Q T plate.

losses w ere approxim ately 1-2 volts. Travel speed (m m /m in) Results
w as m easured from the run-out length (ROL) and run-out tim e
o f the electrode. The weave am plitude was also m onitored and
at all tim es less than 3 tim es the electrode diameter. Figures 2-7 show the scatter in HI resulting from variations
in w elding travel speed for Plates 1 to 6. F igure 8, w hich is
Diffusible hydrogen levels as a function of HI a p lo t o f target HI versus the calculated average HI, shows
T he levels o f diffusible hydrogen were m easured by the inert that the calculated average H I closely m atched the target HI.
gas h ot extraction m ethod on sam ples w elded in the 1G po si­ Figure 9 is a plot o f the average HI, standard deviation (SD)
tion. Sam ples were prepared, and tested, as specified in AS/NZS and range for each test plate, and F igure 10 shows the H I
3752:1996, “W elding - M ethods for determ ination o f the dif­ frequency distribution curves at each target input. The latter
fu sib le hydrogen content o f ferritic w eld m etal produced by figure reiterates the presence o f scatter in m easured H I values
arc w elding”. Average diffusible hydrogen levels taken from 3 despite w ell-m atched target and average H I values, and also
sam ples w ere plotted as a function o f average HI. It should be highlights other trends, w hich are discussed later, in relation
noted that the diffusible hydrogen test is carried out on a bead to an increasing target HI.
on p late sam ple and gives an indication o f the level o f diffus­
ible hydrogen (mL/lOOg) to com e from an electrode during the Figure 11 shows the typical voltage profile during the deposi­
d eposition o f a w eld bead at a particular HI. tion o f an electrode and the im pact o f this profile on localised
HI. F or exam ple, at m axim um voltages the localised H I w ould
M icrostructure and hardness as a function of HI increase by as m uch as 40% (assum ing current and travel speed
O ptical m icroscopy and Vickers hardness testing was carried rem ained constant). Figure 12, a plot o f m easured levels o f dif­
out on the w eld bead o f diffusible hydrogen tests sam ples fusible hydrogen fo r a range o f heat inputs, shows the levels
w elded at heat inputs o f 1.3 kJ/m m and 2.9 kJ/m m , in order to o f diffusible hydrogen m easured in the w eld bead m arginally
determ ine the effect of H I on m icrostructure and hardness. The decrease as H I increases. Figures 13, 14 and 15 respectively
results presented are prelim inary and sim ply from the diffusible show the effect o f H I on m acrostructure, m icrostructure and
hydrogen test piece samples. hardness o f diffusible hydrogen w eld test sam ples.

2 .5
-T a rg e t HI (1 .3 k J /m m )
2 .3 2 .3 -
_ ■ H I (p e r e le c tro d e ) - 4G E 2.1 -
■ A HI (p e r e le c tro d e ) - 1G E
~3 1.9 -
Q . 1 i ! = ■, l 1 -5 i
1.3 ' l . S i ' 1 ■1 ■■■ ■ A A
£ 1 .3 -
05 1.1 (8 1.1 -T a rg e t HI (1 .7 k J /m m )
CD 0
X 0 .9 ■ I 0 .9 H I (p e r e le c tro d e ) - 4G
0 .7 ■
0 . 7 -j H I (p e r e le c tro d e ) - 1G
0 .5 0.5
0 2 4 6 8 1012141618202224262830323436 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Run No. Run No.
Figure 2. C alculated heat inputs in each w eld run f o r Figure 3. C alculated heat inputs in each w eld run fo r
P late 1. H I calculations are based on variations in travel P late 2. H I calculations are b a sed on variations in travel
speed, average voltage an d constant current. The target H I speed, average voltage and constant current. The target H I
w as 1.3 kJ/mm. was 1.7 kJ/mm.

3 .0 3.0
-T a rg e t H I (2 .0 k J /m m )
2.8 _ 2.8
E 2.6 HI (p e r e le c tro d e ) - 4 G
| 2.6 -I
E H I (p e r e le c tro d e ) - 1G
2 .4 2 .4
2.2 2.2 _ 4 i_ :
Q. 2.0 I 2.0- » i *i
_c 1.8 £ 1.8
03 1.6 -T a rg e t H I (2 .2 k J /m m )
0 I 1 ‘6
X 1.4 X 1.4 H I (p e r e le c tro d e ) - 4G

1.2 1.2 -I H I (p e r e le c tro d e ) - 1G

1.0 1.0
0 2 4 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 2 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Run No. Run No.

Figure 4. C alculated heat inputs in each w eld run f o r P late Figure 5. C alculated h ea t inputs in each w eld run fo r Plate
3. H I calculations are based on variations in travel speed, 4. H I calculations are based on variations in travel speed,
average voltage a nd constant current. The target H I w as 2.0 average voltage and constant current. The target H I was 2.2
kJ/m m . kJ/mm.
XT. 3.2
= 3.0
£ 2.8
15 2.6 ■
I 2.4 ■
— Target HI |2.9 kJ/mm) ■ HI (per electrode)-4G ^a HI (per electrode)-1G
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
R un No. R un No.
F igure 6. C alculated heat inputs in each w eld run fo r Figure 7. C alculated heat inputs in each w eld run fo r
P la te 5. H I calculations are based on variations in travel Plate 6. H I calculations are based on variations in travel
speed , average voltage and constant current. The target H I speed, average voltage a n d constant current. The target H I
w as 2.5 kJ/mm. was 2 .9 kJ/mm.

E 2.75 ^ 4.1 □ A v e ra g e
5-2.50 | 3.6 R ange

q.2.25 3 3.1
3 2.00 12.6
x 1.75 Z 2 -1
§,1.50 S 1.6
g 1.25 1.1
< 1.00 0.6
1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 2 3 4
Target H eat Input (kJ/m m ) P late No.
Figure 8. A verage H I versus target H I fo r all o f the test Figure 9. Average HI, SD a n d range f o r P lates 1-6. H I
plates. Average H I calculations are based on variations in calculations are based on variations in travel speed, average
travel speed, average voltage and constant current. voltage a n d constant current.




1 °-35

1 0.25
H 0.20
| 0.15

^ 0.10


HI (kJ/m m )

Figure 10. H I fre q u en c y distribution curves f o r Plates 1-6. Frequency is norm alised by dividing the num ber o f events in the
range m edian by the total num ber o f events, a nd the H I values (x axis) represent values w ithin ± 0.05 kJ/mm. H I calculations
are ba sed on variations in travel speed, average voltage a nd constant current.


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
T im e (sec) H eat Input (kJ/m m )

Figure 11. A typical p lo t o f voltage versus time fo r constant Figure 12. M easured diffusible hydrogen levels versus HI. Sample
current M M A W process fo r both the 1G and 4G positions. size f o r each H I was 3 a n d the error bars represent SD.

Figure 13. Weld m acrograph o f the diffusible hydrogen test sam ples f o r a H I o f (a) 1.3 kJ/m m a n d (b) 2 .9 kJ/mm. Travel speed
was the variable param eter. Sam ple w idth is 15 mm.

fig u re 14. P hotograph o f w eld m etal m icrostructure fro m the centre o f the w eld bead in diffusible hydrogen test sam ples fo r a
H o f (a) 1.3 kJ/m m and (b) 2.9 kJ/m m . Travel speed w as the variable parameter. E rror bars represent 10 microns.


The H I param eter, together with preheat treatm ent and interpass □ 1.3 kJ/m m
° 275
tem perature control, has been used successfully for a num ber
> 2.9 kJ/m m
o f years as a m eans of controlling w eldability in steels. T hese
variables, w hen com bined, attem pt to avoid hardenability and ^ 250
h eat affected zone H A CC by controlled cooling. O ther factors w
w hich also influence w eldability are: consum able handling; £
■§ 225
consum able baking procedures; clean w elding preparation;
and h eat treatm ents such as outgassing and p ostw eld heat
treatm ent. % 200
Steel and w eld consum able m anufacturers direct end-users
toward quality w elding by recom m ending a broad range of
process param eters, usually current and voltage, or HI. W eld
qualification procedures are then undertaken to facilitate a
vveld that com plies w ith either a military, structural or pressure 150
/essel standard. A com pliant w eld has a m inim um acceptable Figure 15. Average Vickers hardness a n d SD (error bars) fo r
evel o f d isco n tin u ities and the rig h t blen d o f m ech an ical the deposited W M fro m the diffusible hydrogen test sam ples
troperties. H ow ever, an appreciable change in arc w elding fo r a H I o f 1.3 kJ/m m and 2.9. kJ/mm. Travel speed w as the
:onditions (current, voltage and travel speed) to those used only variable parameter.
or qualification results in the need for re-qualification5. The
evel o f variation in current, voltage and travel speed allow ed
3 quantified in the A ustralian Structural and Pressure Vessel length o f the w eld, w hich required uniform filling to ensure
Itandards6’7. A m axim um average deviation o f 15% fo r travel successful deposition o f ensuing w eld runs. W elders w ere also
peed, 15% fo r current and 15% for voltage from the qualified acclim atising to the required travel speed in the root run.
alue is specified in AS 1554.4-2004 for M M AW processes6. In
T he m agnitude o f digression from the target H I increased
te unlikely event that all three param eters are near the lim iting
w ith rising H I due to the increased sensitivity o f w eld travel
alues this is an extrem ely liberal constraint. In contrast, the
speed at shorter ran out lengths. T he A ustralian Structural and
taxim um deviation allow ed in the pressure vessel w elding
Pressure Vessel Standards do cater for this by expressing the
andard (A S3992-1998) is 15% from the average arc energy
allow able variation in voltage, current, travel speed or H I as a
>r H I) input that was qualified, w hich is considerably stricter6,
percentage. Therefore w hen attem pting to establish HI related
hese specifications outlined in the A ustralian S tandards do
trends or m anipulating w eldm ent properties a significant gap
Dwever provide a benchm ark for assessing the H I data from
e current project. (7>30% ) betw een potential H I target values is required. It is
also im portant to be accurate w ith pre-heat and interpass tem ­
T he cu rrent project involved investigating the effect o f vari- peratures as they also influence w eldm ent cooling rate.
ions in arc energy H I (by varying w eld travel speed) on the
sceptibility to H A CC and various m echanical properties. A Figures 2-7 also show that the w elding position did not have
11 range o f H I values (1.3-2.9 kJ/m m ) were selected to estab- an effect on the am ount and m agnitude o f scatter in H I, and for
h w hether they w ere susceptible to H A CC under conditions the 1.3 kJ/m m plate (Plate 1) m ost o f the m easured H I values
high restraint. N on-destructive testing by various m ethods, w ere slightly above the target H I suggesting that the w elders
fluding conventional ultrasonic testing, phased array ultra- w ere near their m axim um travel speed limit.
nic testing, acoustic em ission m onitoring and radiography,
er extended periods (up to 210 days) verified that the w elds F igures 8-10 are ‘sta tistica l’ plots o f the data b ased on
:re o f acceptable quality in term s o f defects. This suggests m easured travel speeds, average voltage and constant current
it the heat inputs investigated were appropriate, although recordings. Figure 8 shows that the average HI for each weld was
: to be verified by destructive means. Similarly, it should be closely m atched to the target HI. These averages were calculated
ted that the m echanical properties o f the test plates are yet from 9 8 ,7 3 ,4 4 ,2 3 2 ,2 4 8 , and 250 HI (voltage, current and travel
be verified. speed) m easurem ents for Plates 1-6, respectively. Furtherm ore,
F igure 9 shows the SD and range for the m easured H I values at
Table 1 illustrates the relationship between HI and the num ber
each target HI. A large range in m easured H I values is seen for
veld runs required in the 1G and 4G positions, and the aver-
each plate and this is m ainly due to the H I deviations observed
; num ber o f electrodes required to com plete a w eld run. A s
in the root run for reasons previously discussed. Nevertheless,
increases the num ber o f runs required to com plete the w eld
the SD was less than 10% for target HI, e.g., the SD w as ±0.13
reases due to the increase in deposition volum e associated
kJ/m m for Plate 1 and ±0.28 kJ/m m for Plate 6. It should be
h a higher H I (Figure 13). A lso, the num ber o f electrodes
noted how ever that the w elding was carried out in laboratory
aired for w eld com pletion increased w ith an increase in
conditions and a higher deviation from the target HI in fabrica­
w hich is prim arily due to the w elder consum ing less o f the
tion w elds m ay be encountered, particularly w hen w elding in
:trode due to the physical effects o f excessive heat.
confined space or w hen access is obstructed.
figures 2-7 show the H I values calculated from the recorded
age, current and travel speed data from the vast n um ber o f F igure 10 plots the H I frequency distribution curves for
trades used to weld Plates 1 to 6. The location of the majority each test plate. The frequency is norm alised to allow direct
te data points, irrespective o f w elding position, lie w ithin com parisons betw een the target heat inputs. A general increase
MMAW variation lim it (±15% ) considered acceptable for in the w idth o f the distribution curve and a general decrease in
n A S3992-19987 and travel speed in A S1554.4-20046. A s the norm alised frequency as H I increases are observed, w hich
suit, the average H I was close to the target HI (Figure 8). highlights the difficulty experienced by w elders in achieving
greatest deviation from nom inal H I was generally recorded the correct travel speeds at higher heat inputs. Even so, the
ng the w elding o f the first root run (in the 4G position), quality o f the w elds was not affected as verified by ultrasonic
fly as result o f the differences in the root gap along the and radiographic exam ination.
N f ; R p q p A R T I - l Q IID D I c m c m t
The preceding discussion was w ith respect to HI variations average H I in AS3992-1998, albeit using experienced w eld­
resulting from changes in travel speed. T he follow ing discus­ ers and close supervision.
sion focuses on the effects o f voltage and travel speed on local­ • T he frequency at w hich w elders can achieve their target
ised HI, and the effect o f H I on cooling rate, m icrostructure travel speed (and HI) decreased at higher heat inputs.
and hardness. Figure 11 shows a plot o f voltage against tim e
• Variation in localised HI can be up to approxim ately ±35%
during electrode deposition, revealing localised H I variations
due to localised fluctuations in voltage, but the effects are
due to voltage fluctuations, w hich are caused by fluctuations
considered negligible due to the short durations o f these
in electrode arc length and m achine characteristics (high speed
variations and the therm al inertia o f the process.
oscillation). The voltage recorded peaked at - 3 4 V and dipped
to - 1 6 V (disregarding short circuits), F igure 11. T he im plica­ A dditionally, the follow ing conclusions w ere draw n from
tions of these voltage variations are a localised H I increase by the investigation o f bead-on-plate diffusible hydrogen tests at
- 4 0 % and a decrease by -3 3 % from the target HI. The im pact 1.3 and 2.9 kJ/m m:
o f this is uncertain, but it is likely to be insignificant due to • From the resulting m icrostm cture and hardness it is evident
th e short duration at these voltages and the w eaving technique that HI has an effect on cooling rate. Low H I values promoted
u sed by the w elders. However, local variations in travel speed a m icrostructure that was predom inantly acicular ferrite.
th at were observed, but could not be quantified, may be more • Low H I values also increase the W M hardness and produce
significant. To explain, the w elders m ark their ROL and a w eld­ m arginally higher levels o f diffusible hydrogen.
ing supervisor keeps them aw are o f the tim e, so that they are
able to significantly adjust their travel speed during deposition. Future Work
Consequently, the travel speed (and H I) for significant portions
The rem ainder o f the test program is currently being im ple­
o f the electrode can differ. M oreover, w hen the w elders travel
m ented and w ill soon be finished. D estructive exam ination
speed was incorrect (too fast or too slow ) occasionally they
o f the w elds by m illing and m agnetic particle inspection will
w ould over-correct w ith the ensuing electrode to ‘im prove’ the
verify the accuracy o f the N D T experim ents. C haracterisation
average HI. This was particularly a problem at high heat inputs
o f the test w eld m icrostm cture (opposed to the bead on plate
(Figures 5-7). It should be stated that the w elders w ere highly
m icrostructure) and m echanical test results will shed further
skilled and accustom ed to close control o f HI.
light on the sensitivity o f HI. T he results from this project will
T he levels o f diffusible hydrogen w ere m easured by the hot also com plim ent results from other relevant projects outlined
extraction m ethod at the sam e arc energy heat inputs as Plates by Sloan4.
1-6. Figure 12, w hich is a plot o f diffusible hydrogen levels
versus m easured H I, shows a m arginal decrease in diffusible Acknowledgements
hydrogen levels w ith increasing HI. This trend, how ever slight,
is expected as higher average heat inputs result in slower cooling T he current w ork was conducted as part o f projects sponsored
rates w hich aid the diffusion o f hydrogen aw ay from the w eld­ by the Cooperative R esearch Centre for W elded Structures and
m ent. It should be noted that the diffusible hydrogen levels for the A ustralian Subm arine Corporation (ASC Pty Ltd). CRC-W S
each H I are low and greatly influenced by consum able handling was established and is supported by the A ustralian Governm ent
procedures, w hich is identical to the procedures used by these Cooperative Research Centres Program. The authors would also
particular w elders in the fabrication o f the subm arine hull. T he like to acknowledge the in-kind support received from Bluescope
effect o f H I on m icrostructure is evident in F igure 14, w hich at Steel, A N STO and DSTO. The authors w ould especially like to
1.3 kJ/m m the ferrite is predom inately acicular (Figure 14(a)) thank Jennifer Kelly, Dave Anderson, Bob Miller, Abe Erasmus,
and at 2.9 kJ/m m the m icrostructure consists o f ferrite grains Chris M edcalf, Barry N ixon and M ick Fenby from A SC for the
(Figure 14(b)). T he ferrite m orphology is dependent on intra- m aterials, equipm ent and w elding expertise associated w ith the
g ranular particles present (oxides, sulfides etc) that can act as m anufacture o f the test welds.
nucleation sites for acicular ferrite and the cooling rate o f the
w eldm ent8. O bviously in this case, the higher H I (2.9 kJ/m m )
slow ed the cooling rate sufficiently to prom ote grain bound­ 1. G .E . Linnert, W elding Metallurgy- Volume 1, American Welding Society,
ary nucleation and growth o f ferrite at the expense o f acicular 4th Edition, GM L Publications, South Carolina, USA, 1994.
ferrite the nucleation o f acicular ferrite. E ven so, the hardness 2. B isalloy Pty. Ltd., 2000, “W elding of Bisplate Q uench and Tempered
Steels”, Technical Brochure.
o f the low er HI w eld is only slightly higher (Figure 15), again
due to the faster cooling rate associated w ith low er heat inputs. 3. N. U. Ahm ed and B. L. Jarvis, “The effect o f welding conditions on the
thermal cycles in single electrode submerged arc welding”, Australasian
T hese observed trends are supported by R udolph9, w ho reported
W elding Journal, 4 3 ,3 , 1998, pp 40-47.
that m icrostructural changes and hardness decreases as H I is
4. G. W. Sloan, “Structural Integrity o f Submarine Pressure Welds”, Proceed­
increased during the M M AW o f Fe alloys. ings of the 7th Interantional Conference o f W elding Research, 2005.
5. Standards A ustralia, “AS 1210:1989 - SA A Unfired Pressure Vessels
Conclusions Code”, Standards Australia, Sydney, 1989.
T he follow ing conclusions have been draw n for the range of 6. Standards Australia, “AS/NZS 1554.4:2004 Structural steel welding - Weld­
heat inputs (1.3-2.9 kJ/m m ) m easured during the M M A W of ing of high strength quenched and tem pered steels” , Sydney, Australia,
35 m m thick Q T plate: 2004.
• T he num ber of w eld runs required decreased with increasing 7. Standards Australia, “AS/NZS 3992:1998 - Pressure Equipment: Welding
HI. and Brazing” , Sydney, Australia, 1998.
8. J. E Lancaster, “M etallurgy o f Welding”, 6th Edition, Abington Publishing,
• Scatter in m easured H I values increased as the target H I
Cambridge, England, 1999.
9. G. Rudolph, “The influence o f weld energy input on microstructure of
• T h e SD of HI was less than 10% and the m ajority o f H I Nicrofer 6020 hM o - and Nicrofer 3127 LC-shielded metal arc butt weld­
m easurem ents fell w ithin the 15% deviation allow ed for m ents”, Praktische M etallographie, 24(9), pp 416-430, 1987.


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