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Albemarle Road Middle School

7E Lesson Plan Template

Name: Asraiel Harewood Date: 10-12-17 Class/Block: Social Studies/All


6.C.1.1, 6.G.1.1 ● Cave art provides clues about what
See Elicit life was like in prehistoric times.
OBJECTIVE: Students will examine ● Paleolithic cave art has certain
the significance of Paleolithic Cave Art common features.
by completing guided notes, reading ● There are many ideas about the
comprehension activities and taking significance of cave art.
virtual tour.

ELICIT (access prior knowledge): MATERIALS

Teacher will: Include the following on student’s weekly do-now sheet SMART Board
1. What is a nomad?
a. A person that settles by a river Guided Worksheet
b. A person that hunts and gathers food
c. A person that moves from place to place without settling Warm Up Sheet
d. A person that changes their environment
History Alive Textbook
2. What is the greatest discovery of the Paleolithic Era?
a. fire
Writing Utensil
b. hominids
c. Stone tools
d. farming

3. How can you give information without using words?

Students will: Respond to the questions on their do-now sheet and volunteer responses

ENGAGE (get students’ minds focused on the topic (short; picture or question))

Teacher will: Show image of “Wouded Bison Attacking a man”

Students will: describe what they see in the painting – colors, shapes, complexity/simpicity

EXPLORE (provide students with a common experience)

Teacher will: Show the following image of Cave Painting (Google cave art, 18th result)
Students will: Create a caption (max 7 words) for the image with partner

EXPLAIN (teach the concept; should include teacher-student interaction)

Teacher will: Conduct presentation on the significance of Cave Art and embed opportunities for
students to respond and interact with presentation.
Students will: Complete guided notes worksheet and respond to embedded questions.
ELABORATE (students apply information learned in the EXPLAIN)

Teacher will: Instruct students to use the textbook to generate questions about prehistoric works
of art
Students will: Read the passages and generate questions with a partner

EVALUATE (how will you know students learned the concept?)

Teacher will: Ask exit ticket question - What is animism?

Students will: Respond to exit ticket question in their notebook

EXTEND (deepen conceptual understanding through use in new context)

Teacher will: Assign students a section of Lascaux to be “Expert Archaeologist” on (either Left or
Right wall of the Axial Gallery) and explain that entering the website captures the experience of
the young French students who discovered it from their HW. Then show students virtual tour of
Lascaux Caves in France, stopping and allowing students to view Axial Gallery

Students will: Take notes during/after and turn/talk with partner on what they saw in the cave
and what it could mean when they put their sides together. Write journal entry of their findings.

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