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Psychosomatics 2016:]:]]]–]]] & 2016 The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Original Research Reports

Cyberchondria: Parsing Health Anxiety From Online


Emily R. Doherty-Torstrick, Ph.D., Kate E. Walton, Ph.D., Brian A. Fallon, M.D., M.P.H.

Background: Individuals with questions about their determine variables contributing to distress during and
health often turn to the Internet for information about after Internet checking. Results: Severity of illness
their symptoms, but the degree to which health anxiety anxiety on the Whiteley Index was the strongest
is related to online checking, and clinical variables, predictor of increase in anxiety associated with, and
remains unclear. The clinical profiles of highly anxious consequent to, online symptom-searching. Individuals
Internet checkers, and the relationship to checking with high illness anxiety recalled feeling worse after
behavior itself, have not previously been reported. online symptom-checking, whereas those with low ill-
Objective: In this article, we test the hypothesis, derived ness anxiety recalled relief. Longer-duration online
from cognitive-behavioral models, that individuals with health-related use was associated with increased func-
higher levels of illness anxiety would recall having tional impairment, less education, and increased anxiety
experienced worsening anxiety after reassurance-seek- during and after checking. Conclusion: Because indi-
ing on the Internet. Method: Data from 731 volunteers viduals with moderate-high levels of illness anxiety
who endorsed engaging in online symptom-searching recall experiencing more anxiety during and after
were collected using an online questionnaire. Severity of searching, such searching may be detrimental to their
health anxiety was assessed with the Whiteley Index, health. If replicated in controlled experimental settings,
functional impairment with the Sheehan Disability this would suggest that individuals with illness anxiety
Scale, and distress recall during and after searching with should be advised to avoid using the Internet for illness-
a modified version of the Clinician's Global Impairment related information.
scale. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to (Psychosomatics 2016; ]:]]]–]]])

C yberchondria is a term used to refer to searching

the web excessively for health care information.1
More recently, it was defined as a pattern of excessive Supported in part by an NIH grant to Dr. Fallon (RO1MH071456)
and by the New York State Psychiatric Institute, NYC NY/USA.
and repetitive behavior of symptom-checking on the
Previously presented in part as a poster at the American Psycho-
Internet and purported to be related to underlying logical Association annual conference, Honolulu HI/USA,
health anxiety and nonreassurability2; this is a concept July 2013.
not yet investigated in an Internet population. A recent Received August 26, 2015; revised January 30, 2016; accepted February
follow-up perspective3 highlighted the need to parse 1, 2016. From Department of Psychology, St. John's University, Queens,
NY (ERDT, KEW); Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University,
the relationship of health anxiety from that of online New York City, NY (BAF). Send correspondence and reprint requests to
symptom-checking behavior. This is a concerning Emily R. Doherty, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, St. John's
subject given that approximately 89% of American4–6 University, 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11439; e-mail:,
and 75% of international web users2 search for health & 2016 The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Published by
information online. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Psychosomatics ]:], ] 2016 1

Cyberchondria: Parsing Health Anxiety From Online Behavior

Health anxiety is a term for mild-severe presen- associated with increased reassurance-seeking behav-
tations of illness worries, reported among 19.8% of ior.23 As reassurance seeking in obsessive-compulsive
patients attending British specialty clinics,7 and 3.4% disorder increases distress rather than reduces it,24,25
of Australians in a large community survey.8 About cognitive-behavioral models now posit that reassur-
4–6% of patients in American primary care sam- ance-seeking is a maintaining factor in health anxi-
ples9,10 exhibit pathologic levels of illness worry of ety7,26; based on these models, we hypothesized that
sufficient severity to meet criteria for the DSM-IV high levels of illness anxiety would predict a recall of
diagnosis of hypochondriasis.11 Although hypochon- worsened anxiety during and after symptom-checking
driasis itself as a diagnosis was removed from DSM- on the Internet.
5,12 health anxiety now forms a central feature of Research related to these lines of inquiry has been
both Illness Anxiety Disorder and Somatic Symptom somewhat limited by the use of a primarily college-
Disorder. aged sample—a research approach the scientific com-
Concern about illness—regardless of actual pres- munity has more recently questioned27—and by the
ence of illness—has been found to predict increased use of a healthy rather than a more severely ill sample
ratings of disability, help-seeking behavior, and num- of individuals with illness anxiety. Despite the many
ber of somatic symptoms reported.13 Health worry is negative emotional and behavioral consequences
also associated with attentional bias to illness-related associated with clinically severe levels of illness anxiety
stimuli in both clinically-hypochondriacal popula- and the widespread use of the Internet, there is a dearth
tions14 and in nonclinical populations with baseline of information about the effect of the Internet upon
somatic preoccupations,15 even after controlling for these individuals. The present study was conducted to
state anxiety. begin to address this gap in the literature, using an
Additionally, the Internet as an informational Internet population.
medium may exert uniquely effective pressure on
those with health anxiety. Information from the web METHODS
is often of unregulated accuracy,16 where benign
symptom inquiry into a search engine is likely to This survey, entitled “Cyberchondria: a survey for
return a disproportionately high rate of statistically people who check symptoms online,” was posted
unlikely explanations, such as a life-threatening ill- online from 2008–2012. This 19-item survey was
ness.6 In general, users are unlikely to be skeptical developed by the authors and approved by the Institu-
about the quality of information obtained17 or attend tional Review Board of the New York State Psychi-
to base rates of illnesses.18 Those with worries about atric Institute.
illnesses are even less likely to attend to source
validity19 and are more frightened of what they Aims
see.20 Further, moderate levels of anxiety and
increased checking within nonclinical samples have We hypothesized that higher illness anxiety meas-
been found to be related to increased number of ured continuously with the Whiteley Index (WI) would
medical appointments,21 increased likelihood of feel- predict a recall of increased anxiety both during and
ing “frightened” of health-related online informa- after symptom-checking on the Internet. Similarly,
tion,20 and worsening of health anxiety.22 when the WI was assessed dichotomously, we pre-
Excessive checking behavior is also related to dicted that individuals with high illness anxiety would
health anxiety. A study, with a large number of recall greater anxiety during and after Internet check-
participants, reported illness concern as “escalated” ing than those with low levels of illness anxiety. Our
over time during Internet health searches6; however, null hypothesis was that illness anxiety would not be
this Internet study did not use psychometrically- associated with a recall of worsening anxiety at either
validated clinical instruments, making it unclear time point. Our secondary hypothesis was that high
how to evaluate the severity of illness anxiety or a illness anxiety among Internet health information-
change in anxiety with Internet usage and making it seekers would be associated with greater functional
challenging to compare with other published studies. impairment. Finally, an additional aim of this study
Other data suggest “pathological Internet use” is was to characterize the participants who reported high

2 Psychosomatics ]:], ] 2016

Doherty-Torstrick et al.

vs low levels of illness anxiety and long-duration vs in this article as “high” illness anxiety. To test our
short-duration checking, based on age, sex, years of hypotheses, we analyzed this criterion set of illness
education, presence of a medical disorder, advanced anxiety (WI scores) as both a continuous and dicho-
degree in health education, frequency of checking, and tomized independent variable (i.e., Whiteley High
functional disability. [WH] vs Whiteley Low [WL] groups). Self-report of
distress was rated using a 7-point Likert clinical
Participants change scale30 used in numerous clinical trials and
shown to have good reliability with the clinician-
Participants were self-selected and received no rated Clinical Global Improvement scale31,32 recalled
compensation for completing the survey so as to for 2 points in time. Functional impairment was
minimize selection bias and secondary gain. To assessed using the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS), a
recruit individuals with higher levels of illness anxi- reliable and valid self-report measure assessing
ety, an invitation to participate in the study was impairment on 3 domains (work, social, and family),
posted on our Columbia Illness Anxiety informa- each using a 10-point visual analog scale; higher
tional website. To enroll healthier individuals, we scores indicate greater impairment.33,34
recruited community and student volunteers. The
community volunteers were targeted through adver- ANALYSES
tisements on a volunteer-job recruitment website
(“Craigslist”) covering 6 major U.S. cities. Student All analyses were conducted using SPSS 17.0. Cases
volunteers were recruited through a one-time sub- missing more than half of WI items were excluded
mission on an e-mail list-serve for psychology grad- from the regression analyses (n ¼ 11). Multiple
uate students. A one-time post was put on each regression was used to examine relationships among
website/e-mail list-serve for community and student selected predictor variables and change of anxiety
volunteers. The post on the Illness Anxiety website before and after checking, as well as with functional
remained on the home page for an extended interval, impairment, with all variables entered simultaneously.
thus ensuring that the study sample also included a When testing our hypotheses, we included age, sex,
substantial number of individuals with higher levels ethnicity (dummy coded into White and nonWhite
of illness anxiety and concerns. At the request of the dichotomous groups), years of education, medical
institutional review board, no Internet Protocol data stability (based on patient report of physician assess-
pertaining to source direction or location data—nor ment), duration of checking (i.e., “most time” spent
specific referral source information—was collected to checking on a day in the past month), and severity of
ensure anonymity. health anxiety (WI). For regression models, we ana-
lyzed the respondents' data both continuously and
MEASURES categorically, using a binary high vs low WI that was
grouped based on the previously defined cutoff values.
Severity of hypochondriasis was assessed using The For analyses of long vs short-duration Internet users,
WI, a reliable and valid 14-item self-report question- survey respondents were dichotomized into those
naire measuring hypochondriacal attitudes and whose symptom-search is less than 1 hour/day on
behaviors on a 5-point Likert scale.28,29 The mean the worst day of the prior month vs those who check
Whiteley score for our sample was 50.4 (standard for greater than 3 hours/day on the worst day,
deviation [SD] ¼ 13.2). We identified a cutoff on the representing the upper and lower quartiles of partic-
WI of 30 or below as “low” illness anxiety. This cutoff ipant spread.
was chosen as it represents a score of at least
2 standard deviations below the group mean (49.4, RESULTS
SD ¼ 9.6) of a research sample of 195 patients in our
recent clinical trial meeting DSM-IV criteria for Characterization of the Sample
hypochondriasis ( Scores
above 30 on the WI would be consistent with A total of 731 volunteers completed the clinical
moderate-high illness anxiety, hereon abbreviated survey online, of whom 720 provided sufficient

Psychosomatics ]:], ] 2016 3

Cyberchondria: Parsing Health Anxiety From Online Behavior

information to be included in the analyses. The mean predicted anxiety during checking (continuous: R² ¼
age of respondents was 33.01 years (SD ¼ 12.08); 0.14, F (7, 618) ¼ 14.24, p o 0.01; dichotomous: R² ¼
65.6% were female. The sample identified primarily as .08, F (6, 618) ¼ 7.33, p o 0.01) on the Clinical Global
White (78.7%), and 82.4% reported living in the Improvement scale. Continuous WI scores were a
United States. The mean education level was some significant predictor of anxiety during online checking
college (M ¼ 15.48 years, SD ¼ 2.69). Of the sample, (Table 1). Higher WI scores predicted increased
80.8% reported having health insurance; 14.1% anxiety during checking as hypothesized (β ¼ 0.34,
reported having received some formal health p o 0.01). When considered dichotomously, WI again
education. significantly predicted anxiety during online checking
Although our study sample represents a wide (β ¼ 0.19, p o 0.01). Of the control variables, age was a
range of health anxiety levels, most of the respond- significant negative predictor of anxiety during check-
ents reported high levels of illness anxiety on the WI. ing for both the continuous and dichotomous regres-
For the 720 participants, WI sum scores ranged from sion models, meaning older participants were less
14–70 points, out of 70 possible points (M ¼ 50.37; likely to experience worsening anxiety during checking
SD ¼ 13.15); the mean illness anxiety score for this than younger participants. In the continuous regres-
Internet-based sample was comparable to that found sion model, being medically stable was negatively
in a clinical research sample of 195 individuals with associated with worsening anxiety after symptom
DSM-IV hypochondriasis who participated in our checking. In the dichotomous regression model, the
NIH-funded treatment trial (M ¼ 49.5; SD ¼ 9.7) duration of time spent checking on a day in the last
( Using the previously speci- month was a significant predictor of worsening during
fied criteria, 8 times as many survey participants met symptom checking on the Internet.
the criteria for high illness anxiety (WH; 88.9%, n ¼
640) vs low illness anxiety (WL; 11.1%, n ¼ 80). After Online Symptom Checking
During the worst day of checking of the prior month,
25.7% reported having spent less than 1 hour check- The predictor variables collectively predicted anxi-
ing health information online, 43.0% spent 1–3 hours, ety after checking (continuous: R² ¼ 0.21, F (7, 618) ¼
19.4% spent 3–5 hours, and 11.8% spent more than 23.40, p o 0.01; dichotomous: R² ¼ 0.13, F (7, 618) ¼
5 hours. Although more than two-thirds (68.7%) 13.10, p o 0.01). Continuous WI scores were a
reported having had their current symptoms checked significant predictor of anxiety after online checking
by a physician, almost one-third (27.9%) reported (Table 1), where higher WI scores predicted increased
they avoided going for a medical evaluation because anxiety after checking (β ¼ 0.41, p o 0.01). When
of fear of what the doctor might find. Among those considered dichotomously, WI again significantly
who were evaluated by a physician, 71.1% reported predicted anxiety after checking (β ¼ 0.26, p o
they were told they worried excessively; of these, 0.01). Of the control variables, age was again a
50.2% denied any discernible medical problem, significant negative predictor of anxiety after checking
whereas 20.9% reported a stable medical condition. in both the continuous and dichotomous regression
A total of 25% said that the doctor was uncertain as to models. Duration of most hours spent checking on a
whether a medical illness was the cause of the day in the last month was also a significant predictor of
problem; 3.9% were told that they had an unstable anxiety after checking for both models. Lastly, for the
medical problem. continuous model only, being medically stable was
negatively associated with worsening anxiety after
Anxiety worsening (Clinical Global Improvement)

During Online Symptom Checking The predictor variables collectively predicted func-
tional impairment on the SDS (continuous: R² ¼
The overall model was statistically significant, 0.27, F (7, 356) ¼ 18.80, p o 0.01; dichotomous:
indicating that the predictor variables collectively R² ¼ 0.15, F (7, 356) ¼ 9.08, p o 0.01). Continuous WI

4 Psychosomatics ]:], ] 2016

Doherty-Torstrick et al.

TABLE 1. Regression Analysis Results of Influence of Key Variables on Change in Anxiety and on Functional Impairment†
Model Predictor Variables β sr²
Anxiety during online symptom checking (CGI)
Continuous R² ¼ 0.14* WI scores* .34 .09
Age* .09 .01
Sex .05 .00
Ethnicity .06 .00
Years of education .04 .00
Medically stable* .08 .01
# hours/day/month .03 .00
Dichotomous R² ¼ .08* WH vs WL* .19 .03
Age* .10 .01
Sex .04 .00
Ethnicity .07 .00
Years of education .04 .00
Medically stable .06 .00
# hours/day/month* .11 .01
Anxiety after online symptom checking (CGI)
Continuous R² ¼.21* WI scores* .41 .14
Age* .08 .01
Sex .02 .00
Ethnicity .03 .00
Years of education .05 .00
Medically stable* .10 .01
# hours/day/month* .10 .01
Dichotomous R² ¼ .13* WH vs WL* .26 .06
Age* .85 .01
Sex .02 .00
Ethnicity .03 .00
Years of education .05 .00
Medically stable .07 .00
# hours/day/month* .18 .03

Functional impairment (SDS)

Continuous R² ¼ 0.27* WI scores* .41 .15
Age .04 .00
Sex .06 .00
Ethnicity .03 .00
Years of education .05 .00
Medically stable* .12 .01
# hours/day/month* .18 .03
Dichotomous R² ¼.15* WH vs WL* .17 .03
Age .04 .00
Sex .09 .00
Ethnicity .06 .00
Years of Education .06 .00
Medically Stable* .10 .01
# hours/day/month* .27 .07

p o 0.05

WI ¼ Whiteley Index; WH ¼ above 30 points on the WI; WL ¼ 30 or below points on the WI; “# hours/day/month” ¼ Total number of
hours spent checking physical symptoms online on the “worst day in the past month”; SDS ¼ Sheehan Disability Scale; CGI ¼ Clinicians
Global Impressions-Improvement scale; Regressions including WI df ¼ 618, regressions including SDS df ¼ 356.

scores were a significant predictor of increased func- clinical variables, duration of most hours spent check-
tional impairment (Table 1), with higher WI scores ing on a day in the last month and the presence of
associated with increased functional impairment in uncertain or unstable medical diagnosis were both also
the continuous model (β ¼ 0.41, p o 0.01) and the associated with functional impairment on the SDS in
dichotomous model (β ¼ 0.17, p o 0.01). Of the both models.

Psychosomatics ]:], ] 2016 5

Cyberchondria: Parsing Health Anxiety From Online Behavior

SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS elevation (above 5 points) as compared with WL

participants: Work d ¼ 1.07; Social d ¼ 1.29; Family
WH vs WL: Illness Severity Characteristics d ¼ 0.93. WH participants also reported checking
their symptoms for more hours on the worst day in
When compared with WL participants (30 or lower the last month (d ¼ 1.10), and with greater frequency
on the WI), WH participants were more likely to be (d ¼ 1.21) when compared with WL participants
male but were similar in age, ethnicity, and endorse- (Table 2).
ment of having health insurance (Table 2). When WH participants also recalled increased anxiety
similarly compared, WH participants reported less during online reassurance seeking (M ¼ 5.01, SD ¼
education (WH: M ¼ 15.37, SD ¼ 2.76 vs WL: M ¼ 1.67; when compared with WL participants: M ¼ 3.78,
16.33, SD ¼ 1.97, d ¼ 0.36) and worried about more SD ¼ 1.64; Cohen d ¼ 0.74), as well as after ceasing
diseases (WH: M ¼ 4.92, SD ¼ 3.66 vs WL: M ¼ 1.83, reassurance seeking (M ¼ 5.02, SD ¼ 1.64 when
SD ¼ 1.82; d ¼ 0.88). The WH group also reported compared with WL participants: M ¼ 3.49, SD ¼ 1.61;
significantly more functional impairment than the WL Cohen d ¼ 0.96). When these items were dichotomized
group on the SDS (WH: M ¼ 17.99, SD ¼ 7.58; WL: to characterize “worsening” of anxiety, as indicated by
M ¼ 7.92, SD ¼ 6.10; d ¼ 1.34). Similarly, within each a score of “slightly-” to “significantly more anxiety”
of the 3 subdomains on the SDS, WH participants (i.e., a 5, 6, or 7 on the Clinical Global Improvement
were more likely to report scores indicating clinical during and after items), 68.3% of WH participants

TABLE 2. Descriptors of Respondents With High (430) vs Low (r30) Levels of Illness Anxiety
High Whiteley (WH) Low Whiteley (WL) t p Value Effect Size (d)
M (SD) M (SD)
Age 32.87 (11.83) 33.93 (13.70) .74 .46 .18
Years of education 15.37 (2.76) 16.33 (1.97) 3.00* o.01 .36
Number of diseases feared 4.92 (3.66) 1.83 (1.82) 7.45* o.01 .88

Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) Total Score 17.99 (7.58) 7.92 (6.10) 4.74* o.01 1.34
SDS work 5.86 (2.78) 2.90 (1.73) 3.36* o.01 1.07
SDS social 6.45 (2.76) 2.91 (2.21) 4.22* o.01 1.29
SDS family 6.31 (2.66) 3.82 (2.99) 3.05* o.01 .93

Duration of checking (most time/day in the 2.28 (.93) “1-3 hours” 1.30 (.49) “Less than 9.13* o.01 1.10
past month) 1 hour”
Frequency of checking (worst day/past year) 3.39 (1.12) “2-4 Times per 2.06 (.91)“1 Time per day” 10.11* o.01 1.21
Anxiety during Internet checking 5.01 (1.67) “Slightly more 3.78 (1.64) “No change in 6.12* o.01 .74
anxious” anxiety”
Anxiety after Internet checking 5.02 (1.64) “Slightly more 3.49 (1.61) “Slightly less 7.80* o.01 .96
anxious” anxious”
WH WL v² value p Value Effect size (rΦ)
Sex (female) 64.8% 76.9% 4.59* .03 .08
Ethnicity (White) 78.8% 73.8% 1.11 .29 .04
Health insurance 80.3% 82.5% .22 .64 .02
Health education 13.2% 21.8% 4.23* .04 .08
Medically stable 72.5% 56.9% 6.89* o.01 .10
Anxiety during Internet checking (endorsed 68.3% 40.0% 25.05* o.01 .18
Anxiety after Internet checking (endorsed 67.2% 28.8% 45.03* o.01 .23

p o 0.05
† “
Worsening” as defined as a score of 5, 6, or 7 on the CGI indicating “Slightly-“ to “Significantly More Anxiety”; n WH ¼ 640, except
for SDS scores where n ¼ 399; n WL ¼ 80, except for SDS scores where n ¼ 13.

6 Psychosomatics ]:], ] 2016

Doherty-Torstrick et al.

(vs 40.0% of WL) reported worsening during checking “short” duration use (see Table 3). Compared to
(rΦ ¼ 0.18), and 67.2% of WH (vs 28.8% of WL) long-duration Internet users, short-duration users
reported worsening after checking (rΦ ¼ 0.23). Inter- were similar in age, ethnicity, health insurance, and
estingly, more WH participants reported medical medical stability.
stability (as diagnosed by a physician) when compared Long-duration Internet users were significantly
with WL participants (72.5% vs 56.9%; rΦ ¼ 0.10), more functionally impaired on the “family” domain
whereas more WL participants endorsed having of the SDS as compared with the short-duration
received some health education (21.8% vs 13.2% of Internet use group (d ¼ 0.72). There was a similar
WH participants; rΦ ¼ 0.08) (Table 2). trend of increased impairment across the other
domains, though these did not reach statistical
Long (43 Hours) vs Short (o1 Hour) Duration significance (SDS total d ¼ 0.80; SDS work d ¼
Characteristics 0.65; SDS social d ¼ 0.70; SDS family d ¼ -0.72).
Long-duration Internet users who reported less
As both continuous and dichotomous regression education (d ¼ 0.28) were more likely to be male
models (Table 1) indicated the duration of Internet (rΦ ¼ 0.34), reported less formal training in health
checking behavior on a day in the last month as a education (d ¼ 0.11), and reported more frequent
significant predictor of most outcomes, we calcu- checking on the worst day in the past year (d ¼ 1.67).
lated the lower and upper quartile of Internet Long-duration Internet users who reported their
checking use on the worst day in the last month degree of hypochondriacal fears, as indicated by
with “43 hours” as “long” use, and “o1 hour” as WI scores (d ¼ 1.30) and number of diseases feared

TABLE 3. Descriptors of Long (43 Hours) vs Short-Duration (o1 Hour) Internet Symptom Searchers
High Use (43 Hours/Day) Low Use (o1 Hours/Day) t p Value Effect Size (d)
M (SD) M (SD)

Age 33.53 (12.40) 32.95 (12.97) .46 .65 .05

Years of education 15.19 (2.99) 15.96 (2.36) 2.82* o.01 .28
Number of diseases feared 5.38 (4.29) 3.43 (2.82) 5.30* o.01 .53
Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) total 20.13 (7.04) 14.18 (7.86) 5.86 .12 .80
SDS work 6.50 (2.67) 4.64 (3.03) 4.62 .12 .65
SDS social 7.11 (2.55) 5.23 (2.86) 5.04 .10 .70
SDS family 6.94 (2.45) 5.08 (2.91) 5.03* .02 .72

Whitely total score 56.26 (8.63) 41.13 (15.00) 12.70* o.01 1.30
Frequency of checking (worst day/ 4.01 (.93) “5 Of more times per 2.34 (1.08) “1 Time per day” 16.74* o.01 1.67
past year) day”
Anxiety during Internet checking 5.14 (1.60) “Slightly more 4.37 (1.83) “No change in 4.54* o.01 .45
anxiety” anxiety”
Anxiety after Internet checking 5.28 (1.55) “Slightly more 4.17 (1.83) “No change in 6.63* o.01 .66
anxiety” anxiety”
v² Value p Value Effect Size (rΦ)
Sex (female) 56.2% 75.0% 14.69* o.01 .34
Ethnicity (White) 75.7% 66.2% 0.28 .60 .03
Health insurance 77.0% 80.0% 0.54 .46 .03
Health education degree 10.8% 18.7% 5.12* .02 .11
Medically stable 72.5% 68.3% 0.79 .37 .05
Anxiety during Internet checking 72.1% 51.9% 17.87* o.01 .21
(endorsed worsening†)
Anxiety after Internet checking 71.7% 46.0% 28.1* o.01 .26
(endorsed worsening†)

p o 0.05
† “
Worsening Anxiety” as defined as a score of 5, 6, or 7 on the CGI indicating “Slightly” to “Significantly More Anxiety”; n low Internet
use ¼ 185, except for SDS scores where n ¼ 76; high Internet users n ¼ 226, except for SDS scores where n ¼ 161.

Psychosomatics ]:], ] 2016 7

Cyberchondria: Parsing Health Anxiety From Online Behavior

(d ¼ 0.53), were far greater than that of the short- being overwhelmed and disempowered by the infor-
duration Internet users. mation they find. Similarly, long-duration Internet
Consistent with our hypothesis, those with long- users were less likely to have health education when
duration checking were more likely to feel worse compared with short-duration users; thus, symptom
during (d ¼ 0.45) and after checking (d ¼ 0.66) than checking on the Internet may indicate a thirst for
those with short-duration checking. Approximately knowledge about symptoms—one with harmful con-
72.1% of long-duration Internet users reported wor- sequences if conducted with a fearful mindset and
sening during checking (vs 51.89% of short-duration without a time limit.
Internet users; rΦ ¼ 0.21), and 71.7% of long-duration Those who showed resilience were individuals
Internet users reported worse anxiety after symptom with low levels of illness anxiety, although they did
checking (vs 46.0% of short-duration Internet users; not differ in terms of distress change during checking,
rΦ ¼ 0.26) (Table 3). reported feeling relieved after symptom checking on
the Internet. This highlights the importance of iden-
DISCUSSION tifying the mechanisms that enable low health anxiety
individuals (WL) to make productive use of the
The current inquiry examined the experiential corre- Internet— such as better tolerance for, or ability to
lates of online symptom-searching using validated mitigate, the discomfort of searching—as there is
clinical measures and data from a large, self-selected, limited prior research in this regard.21
anonymous Internet population sample who endorse This study adds to prior work in several ways.
checking their physical symptoms online for reassur- First, participants were recruited directly from the
ance. Our primary hypothesis—that individuals with Internet and were drawn from multiple sources,
higher levels of illness anxiety would be more likely to whereas prior research has largely focused solely on
recall higher distress during and after online checking— university students. Second, our sample size (n ¼ 731)
was supported. Internet-using individuals with higher was substantially larger than those of prior studies of
levels of illness anxiety also reported fearing more Internet-related health anxiety.20–22 Third, although
diseases and having greater functional impairment, but our sample was not derived from a clinical setting, the
paradoxically these individuals also reported being less mean WI score in our Internet-based sample repre-
likely to have a medically confirmed unstable physical sents moderate-to-severe levels of health anxiety
illness. Correspondingly, longer-duration Internet use comparable with levels associated with the clinical
was related to increased functional impairment and a diagnosis of hypochondriasis, whereas in earlier stud-
recall of increased anxiety both during and after online ies most individuals had only mild or subclinical levels
symptom-checking. These results may enhance a clini- of illness-related worry. Fourth, our study included a
cian's work with hypochondriacal patients given that standardized measure of functional status to assess the
these patients turn to the Internet in the hope that association between illness anxiety, health-related
checking would reduce their anxiety. The clinician's Internet usage, and functional impairment. Fifth,
recommendation to the patient to avoid Internet our survey inquired about the respondents' underlying
checking may be more persuasive with the data in medical status as assessed by a physician, whereas past
hand from this study indicating that checking online for research had not included this variable.
reassurance by an individual with high levels of illness Although our sample should not be considered
anxiety does more harm than good. Although our study unbiased, our findings provide an initial character-
is clearly not proof of this phenomenon, it is highly ization of individuals experiencing a cyberchondria-
suggestive and consistent with the cognitive-behavioral related pattern of checking, where severity of illness
models that theorize that reassurance seeking maintains anxiety on the WI was the best predictor of variance; a
health anxiety. small effect, but likely a reliable one considering our
Interestingly, the WH group demonstrated higher large sample size. Likewise, the strongest effect was
medical stability, but lower medical education as noted after checking as compared to findings related to
compared with the WL group, perhaps indicative of recall during reassurance seeking. This may be related
a tendency to seek reassurance of stability without to “nonreassurability”2 or may be a product of the
critically appraising source data, leading to a sense of recency effect.

8 Psychosomatics ]:], ] 2016

Doherty-Torstrick et al.

Although there were a greater proportion of uniquely dangerous environment for those predis-
females in this Internet sample than males, we think posed to worry about their health. Future search
it highly unlikely that this had a significant effect on our engines should incorporate ranking algorithms in
primary hypothesis testing; in the regression analysis, medical domains,38 iterative intelligent medical
sex was not a significant predictor of increased anxiety search engines,39 and classifiers to indicate when a
before or during Internet use. Rather, the greater user is using a search engine as a probabilistic
proportion of females in our Internet study sample is diagnostic system,6 such that accurate base rates of
consistent with prior research with college-age students illness are more accessible to symptom-searchers on
suggesting that females are more likely to seek health the Internet. On the human side, those with illness
information online than males.35 worries may consider installation of blocking soft-
Although the results of our large sample-size study ware to prevent anxiety-provoking health searches,
highlight a potentially problematic aspect of health as such an approach has been effective for other kinds
information checking, the study design has inherent of pathologic checking.40–44 Similarly, increasing
limitations. Most relevant is the problem of recall bias health literacy45 may help to reduce Internet-
as, although self-reports may at times be better in related escalations of distress among those with
estimating behavioral outcomes,36 those who are cur- illness anxiety, as such a strategy may enable indi-
rently anxious may be more likely to have a negatively viduals to discriminate better between trustworthy vs
colored memory of prior health-related Internet checking. untrustworthy information sources.20 Future studies
To avoid variables affecting historical recall, a controlled of the effect of the Internet on education as we
experimental design or measuring with real-time data included in this survey may also measure health
collection strategies (e.g., ecological monitoring with text literacy and treatment-seeking behavior46 as these
messaging reminders to self-rate at random intervals)37 are critical variables affecting outcome.
would be the logical next step. To address generalizability Although these findings warrant replication,
and possible selection bias, future in vivo and Internet- avoiding symptom-searching on the Internet and
based studies should clarify the referral source and long-duration searches appears critical for patients
delineate clinical and nonclinical samples, a question that with moderate-severe health anxiety. Overall, the vast
was not asked in our study. Future studies would also resource of medical information available on the
benefit from assessment of comorbid psychopathology— Internet seems problematic for individuals with high
possibly accounting for additional variance in distress and illness anxiety—a hidden effective price for using a
functional disability scores—as a means to further parse cost-effective informational source.
factors exacerbating a cyberchondria-pattern of checking.
In addition, the combination of human and Disclosure: The authors disclosed no proprietary or
computer inattention to base rates of serious illnesses commercial interest in any product mentioned or con-
during symptom checking on the Internet may create a cept discussed in this article.

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