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Membuat Termometer

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Oleh oliveoile
Tags: PENGETAHUAN, Praktek Sains, sains


Seorang teman jauh menceritakan kepada saya kalo putranya yang sedang duduk di kelas
5 SD lagi senang-senangnya ber-experimen tentang Sains. Menurutnya, si anak menjadi
lebih paham dengan melakukan praktek langsung. Trus teman saya ini meminta saya
untuk mencarikan artikel-artikel tentang praktek-praktek sains. Tapi jangan kirim via
imel, tulis saja di blog, agar bisa saling share katanya.

Bagi saya saran tersebut sangat bagus, dan Alhamdulillah saya merasa mendapat ilmu
baru tentang suatu pembelajaran. Kemudian saya mencoba mencari bahan-bahan
berkaitan dengan praktek Sains di perpustakaan. Alhamdulillah saya menemukan
beberapa dan salah satunya yang saya tulis ini. Praktek yang lainnya insya Allah
menyusul. Saya belum tanya ke paman Google. Kalo ada yang tahu info tentang praktek
Sains, mau dong dishare
Buat si “calon proffesor” semoga praktek yang sangat sederhana ini bermanfaat


Bahan :
Botol plastik (aqua) bening 330 ml
Plastisin/tanah liat
Pewarna makanan

Cara membuat :
Isi ¼ bagian botol dengan jumlah yang seimbang antara air dan alkohol. Tambahkan
beberapa tetes pewarna makanan.
Masukan sedotan ke dalam botol, tetapi jangan sampai menyentuh dasar botol.
Gunakan plastisin atau tanah liat untuk menahan sedotan di leher botol sehingga sedotan
tetap pada tempatnya. (pastikan sedotan tidak menyentuh dasar botol).
Letakkan tanganmu di dasar botol dan amati larutan bergerak naik melalui sedotan

Mengapa bisa begitu ?

Seperti termometer pada umumnya, larutan akan mengembang bila dipanaskan. Hal ini
membuat larutan tidak lagi cukup ruang di dasar botol. Ketika alkohol mengembang,
cairan berwarna bergerak naik melalui sedotan. Jika botol dalam keadaan sangat panas,
kemungkinan cairan tersebut akan naik ke atas dan tumpah melalui ujung sedotan.

“Bersahabat dengan cuaca” (Buku pintar Sekolah Dasar)

Conducting Solutions

Pure water does not conduct electricity very well. However, when certain substances are
dissolved in water, the solution does conduct electricity. You can make a simple device
that shows how well a solution conducts electricity. This device uses a flashlight bulb to
indicate how well the solution conducts electricity. The better the solution conducts
electricity, the brighter the bulb will glow.

Conductivity Tester

To construct the conductivity tester you will need:

● a 12-volt AC adapter
This converts the 110-volt electricity from a wall socket to safer 12-volts. It must be 12
volts AC, not DC, because DC will not work for this. You may have a suitable adapter
around the house from an old device you're no longer using, or you may get one from an
electronics store (e.g. Radio Shack, catalog number 273-1631).
● an audio cable with a 1/4-inch or 1/8-inch monaural plug on one end
The plug will become the probe for testing conductivity. You may have an unused cable
around the house. What is on the other end does not matter because it will be removed.
You may also get a suitable plug-and-cable assembly from an electronics supply store
(e.g., Radio Shack, catalog number 42-2381).
● a 12-volt flashlight bulb and socket
The bulb will provide a visible indication of how well a material conducts electricity.
You can get these from an electronics store (e.g., Radio Shack, catalog numbers 272-
1143 for the bulb and 272-357 for the socket).
● a block of wood about 4 by 4 by 1 inch
The electrical connections will be made on this block, and the lamp will be mounted on
it, too.
● two 1-inch wood screws
These hold the lamp socket to the block of wood.
● one 3/4-inch round-headed screw and washer
These will be used to make an electrical connection.
● wire cutter and wire stripper
These are used to prepare the electrical connections.
● a screw driver

Cut the plug from the end of the cord of the AC adapter. Separate about four inches of the
cord into its two conductors. Remove about 1 inch of insulation from each of the

Cut the cord of the audio cable about 2 feet from the plug. Remove about four inches of
insulation from the cut end of the cable. This will expose bare stranded wire wrapped
around insulation that covers a center wire. Unwrap the stranded wires from the
insulation and twist the strands together to make a single bundle. Strip about 1 inch of the
inner insulation from the center wire.

Electrical connections

Use wood screws to attach the lamp base (socket) to the block of wood. Put the washer
on the round-head screw and screw it into the block next to the lamp base, but do not
tighten the screw yet.

Wrap one wire from the AC adapter (it doesn't matter which) around the screw above the
washer. Wrap the end of the bundled wire from the audio plug around the same screw.
Tighten the screw to fasten the two wires together.
Attach the remaining wire from the AC adapter to one of the terminals of the lamp base.
Attach the remaining wire from the audio plug to the other terminal of the lamp base.

Screw the 12-volt flashlight lamp into the lamp base.

To make the connections more secure, you can use a heavy staple to hold each of the two
wires to the wooden block.

The conductivity tester is now complete and ready to use. To test that it works properly,
plug the AC adapter into an AC outlet. The lamp will not light. Touch the audio plug
sideways to a piece of metal, such as a coin. When the two metal conductors of the plug
are shorted by the coin, the lamp will glow brightly. The bright glow indicates that
current is easily flowing through the piece of metal.

Testing a solution

Put some water into a cup. Insert the end of the audio plug into the water. If you use
distilled water, the lamp will not glow. If you use tap water, the lamp may glow dimly, if
at all. If it glows, it shows that the tap water conducts electricity only poorly. Add some
table salt to the water and stir the mixture. The lamp will glow brightly when the plug is
put into the solution, because salt solution conducts electricity very well, almost as well
as metal.

You can investigate different materials from around your house to see how well they
conduct electricity when mixed with water. Some things to try, in addition to salt, are
sugar, baking soda, shampoo, laundry detergent, rubbing alcohol, and antacid tablets.
Anything that dissolves in water can be tested. In order to avoid mixing the materials
you're testing, be sure to rinse the plug in water and dry it before testing a different
substance. Do not put the plug in a solution for more than 10 to 15 seconds, because
doing so will cause the plug to corrode rapidly. Keep a record of which substances
conduct electricity well, which conduct poorly, and which do not conduct at all.

Sometimes, mixtures of substances conduct differently than the separate substances. As

an example, test the conductivity of vinegar. Then test the conductivity of laundry
ammonia. Then, pour a little ammonia into the vinegar and test the mixture. You will see
a big difference between the separate substances and the mixture!

An electric current is a flow of electrical charge. When a metal conducts electricity, the
charge is carried by electrons moving through the metal. Electrons are subatomic
particles with a negative electrical charge. When a solution conducts electricity, the
charge is carried by ions moving through the solution. Ions are atoms or small groups of
atoms that have an electrical charge. Some ions have a negative charge and some have a
positive charge.

Pure water contains very few ions, so it does not conduct electricity very well. When
table salt is dissolved in water, the solution conducts very well, because the solution
contains ions. The ions come from the table salt, whose chemical name is sodium
chloride. Sodium chloride contains sodium ions, which have a positive charge, and
chloride ions, which have a negative charge. Because sodium chloride is made up of ions,
it is called an ionic substance.

Not all substances are made up of ions. Some are mode of uncharged particles called
molecules. Sugar is such a substance. When sugar is dissolved in water, the solution does
not conduct electricity, because there are no ions in the solution.

Some substances that are made of molecules form solutions that do conduct electricity.
Ammonia is such a substance. When ammonia dissolves in water, it reacts with the water
and forms a few ions. This is why laundry ammonia, which is a solution of ammonia in
water, conducts electricity, but not very well.

Sometimes, when two different solutions are mixed, the substances they contain react
with each other and form ions. This is what happens when ammonia and vinegar are
mixed. An ammonia solution contains only a few ions, and it conducts electricity only
poorly. A vinegar solution also contains only a few ions and conducts only a little
electricity. But when these solutions are mixed, the ammonia reacts with the acid in
vinegar (acetic acid), and they form a lot of ions. This is why the mixture of ammonia
and vinegar conducts electricity very well.

How does a motor change electrical energy into motion? An electric current produces a
magnetic field. This magnetic field can be attracted to or repelled by a permanent magnet.
This attraction or repulsion can cause movement in a wire that carries an electric current.

You will need the following materials:

1 meter (3 feet) of 22-gauge or 24-gauge solid-core insulated wire
e.g. Radio Shack catalog # 278-1215
2 disk magnets
e.g. Radio Shack Catalog # 64-1888
2 insulated test cables with a clip on each end
e.g. Radio Shack catalog # 278-1157
(2 pieces of above insulated wire can also be used)
a plastic cup
two large rubber bands
two jumbo size (2-inch) paper clips
D-cell battery
wire strippers
waterproof marking pen
optional holder for D-cell
e.g. Radio Shack catalog # 270-403

Take the 3-foot piece of insulated wire. Starting about 3 inches from the end of the wire,
wrap it seven times around the D-cell battery to form a coil. Wrap the ends of the wire a
couple of times around the coil to hold it together.

Use the wire strippers to remove the insulation from the two ends of the coil.

Straighten the larger loops of two paper clips.

Turn the cup upside down and place a magnet on top in the center. Attach another magnet
inside the cup, directly beneath the original magnet. This will create a stronger magnetic
field as well as hold the top magnet in place.

Put two large rubber bands around the base of the cup.

Insert the straightened paper clips into the rubber bands, so they stand upright over the
bottom of the cup.

Rest the ends of the coil in the cradles formed by the paper clips. Adjust the height of the
paper clips so that when the coil spins, it just clears the magnets. Adjust the coil and the
clips until the coil stays balanced and centered while spinning freely on the clips. Good
balance is important in getting the motor to operate well.

Once you have determined how long the projecting ends of the coil must be to rest in the
paper-clip cradles, you may trim off any excess wire.

Attach one of the clip cables to each paper clip just above the rubber bands. You may
need to readjust the clips to make sure the coil still spins freely.

Hold the other ends of the clip leads against the two poles of the D-cell battery. If the coil
is well balanced on the clips, it will rotate to a near horizontal position. The magnetic
field created by the electric current in the coil aligns itself with the magnets.
The coil may not continue to turn, because the current continues to flow through the coil
its magnetic fields stays aligned with the magnets. To get the coil to continue rotating, the
current should be turned off when the coil is aligned with the magnets. This can be done
by coating part of one of the bare wire ends of the coil.

Remove the coil from the paper clips. Hold the coil vertically. Use the permanent marker
to paint the TOP HALF of one of the two end wires. Allow the ink to dry for a few
seconds, and apply a second coat. Allow several second again for the ink to dry, and then
hang the coil on the paper clips again.

Connect the D-cell battery again, and give the coil a gentle spin. If it doesn't keep
spinning on its own, check to make sure that the coil assembly is well balanced when
spinning, that the projecting end has been painted with black pen as noted, and that the
coil and the magnet are close to each other but do not hit each other. You might also try
adjusting the distance separating the cradles: This may affect the quality of the contact
between the coil and the cradles. With a little adjustment, your motor will spin rapidly
when connected to the battery. (A holder for the battery will allow you to make the
connections without holding them in place.)

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