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English, Grade:10 , Semester: 2

Unit/Module: 1 ( Alternative Energy)

Teacher: Ramadan Abdelrazek

Date Taught:

Learning Outcomes

Understand and interpret implied meaning in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular


Make predictions, inferences and generalizations of various listening texts.


Appropriately use common idioms, proverbs, Latin and Greek roots, figures of speech, and collocations


Use context (the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph or text; a word’s position or function in a
sentence) to correctly identify patterns of word changes and meanings.


Demonstrate awareness that culture values and practices require changes in vocab, register and tone, and
non-verbal behaviors, depending on situations.

Lesson Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1- interpret implied meaning in extended talk.
2- Make predictions from listening texts.
3- use common idioms.
4- practise require changes in vocab.
Grand Challenge (Module Theme):
Textbook & Resource Materials
SB, Posters, Speakers

Learning Activity 1 –Lead in (10 min.)

What are the Egypt grand challenges ?
What are the sources of energy ?
What are the sources of energy in Egypt ?

Learning Activity 1 Warm -Up (10 min.)

Explain the tittle of the unit .
Elicit what the proverb means .
What ss would expect to find in the unit ?
Ss look at the picture and say what can they see in the picture?
Work in pairs and thick of many words as they can which related to each one .
Learning Activity 1 – Pre-listening p.52, ex2 b (10 min.)
This aims at making a brainstorming about the tittle of the unit .
This Pre-listening aims at recognize the background and vocabulary background that the ss have .
This Pre-listening aims at presenting new vocabulary through oral discussions with the whole class and me ( the
teacher ) .
What are the benefits of knowing Egypt grand challenges ?
What is the relationship Egypt grand challenges and the sources of energy in Egypt ?

Learning Activity 2 – During-listening p.52, ex2 b (10 min.)

Ss will try to find the answers to the following topics :-
Ss will take notes while listening to cover the following topics
Ss will receive clear in structures simply.
1- find two adjectives to describe each energy .
2- find one benefit for each energy
3-Find two verbs using with each energy
4-find two nouns are related with each energy .

Learning Activity 3 Post-listening p.52, ex2 b (10 min.)

Ss will work individually then they share their ideas in pairs and present their ideas in front of the class
Divide the class into groups and each group has one speaker of the text to sum up his / her speech .
Ss will present their answers orally .
Ss will sump up the main point that the speakers say .
Ss will answer the question in SB individually and make sentences using the vocabulary in the questions then share
the answer with the partners
Learning Activity 4 – Planet Earth-p.54, ex5 (10 min.)
What do you know about the planet earth ?
I give each one a topic to speak about after they listen to the speakers .
I give each one in the class a number to answer the questions while they speak about their topics
presenting new verbs .
Learning Activity 5 – Planet Earth-p.54, ex6a (10 min.)
Ss will read aloud the topic and match these topics with environmental ploblems
Ss will do it orally ss who didn’t share in the last activity they will do this activity to cover a whole class to
participate in class .
Learning Activity 6 – Planet Earth-p.54, ex7a (10 min.)
Ss will work in pairs to discuss in the following
Ss will match the problems with their effects and their solutions .
Examples for discussions
Learning Activity 7 – Planet Earth-p.54, ex8,9 (10 min.)
Ss will work in pairs to work compound nouns
Ss explain these compound nouns
Ss make up sentences using them as following example
rubbish dump: a place where rubbish is left
The rubbish dump on the outskirts of town is an eyesore.
Learning Activity 7 – Planet Earth-p.58-59, ex24 (10 min.)
Ex 24 . I explain the exercise that works with appendix 1 at the back of the SB .
I check the answers and ss will explain the phrases .
Learning Activity 7 – Planet Earth-p.58-59, ex24,25,29and 30(20 min.)
Ex 25 . I explain the exercise that works with appendix 1 at the back of the SB .
I check the answers and ss will explain the phrases.
The s who take one item in exercise 24 won't take any items to answer in exercise 25 .
They will work orally and present their tasks in front of the class.
Students’ Reflection on Lesson / Feedback
Exit ticket
Notes for the teacher – Before Teaching
Evaluation Criteria
Speaking rubric and listening rubric
Ss will do ex.32and 36 on page 60 and 61

Notes for the teacher – After Teaching

Teacher Notes and Reflections

Three samples of Student Work (Exceeds expectations, proficient, needs work)

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