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Chapter 7: Al A’raf

‫سورة العأراف‬

‫بمحسمم اللرمه الرحححمن الرمحيِمم‬

1. Alif, Lam, Meem, Saad.
(1) ‫الصم‬
2. This Knowledge (Book) of the reality
and sunnatullah that has been revealed
‫صحدمرحك حححرجج ممحنهت لمتِتتحنمذحر‬ ‫ب أتنحمزحل إملححيِ ح‬
‫ك فححل يحتكحن مف ح‬
‫كحتِاَ ج‬
‫م م م مم‬
(2) ‫ي‬ ‫بمه حوذحكحرىَ لحلتمحؤمن ح‬
to you, is for you to warn (the
unbelievers) and to advise the believers
(as to how and what to believe and
what to practice)... So, let there be no
more distress in you regarding this.

3. Follow what has been revealed to you

from your Rabb... Do not follow allies
‫اتربمعتوا حماَ أتنحمزحل إملححيِتكحم ممحن حربتكحم حوحل تحتِتربمعتوا ممحن تدونممه‬
(those who give external [information
(3) ‫أححولمحيِاَءح قحلميِلل حماَ تححذركتروحن‬
that leads you away from your divine
reality] and internal [ego based, carnal
information]) outside of your Rabb...
How little you remember and
contemplate in depth!

4. How many cities of people We have

destroyed; Our torment came to them
‫حوحكحم ممحن قحتحريحةة أححهلححكحناَحهاَ فححجاَءححهاَ بحأحتسحناَ بحتيِحاَلتاَ أححو تهحم‬
while they were sleeping at night or
(4) ‫قحاَئمتلوحن‬
during the day.

5. When Our torment came to them,

their exclamation was no other than,
َ‫فححماَ حكاَحن حدحعأحواتهحم إمحذ حجاَءحتهحم بحأحتسنحاَ إمرل أححن حقاَلتوا إمرناَ تكرنا‬
(5) ‫ي‬ ‫مم‬
‫حظاَلم ح‬
“We were indeed wrongdoers.”

‫م‬ ‫م م‬
‫فحتلحنححسأحلحرن الرذيحن أتحرسحل إملححيِمهحم حولحنححسأحلحرن الحتمحرحسل ح‬
6. Most certainly We will ask both those
to whom a Rasul has been sent and the
(6) ‫ي‬

‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫صرن حعألححيِمهحم بمعحلةم حوحماَ تكرناَ حغاَئبم ح‬
7. Surely We are going to reveal the
truth of the matter! We are not unaware
(7) ‫ي‬ ‫فحتحلنحتتق ر‬
(of what transpires) (He is the Batin and
the Zahir – The angelic forces
comprising manifestation are derived
from Our Names).

‫ت حمحوامزينتهت فحتأولحئم ح‬
‫ك تهتم‬ ‫حوالححوحزتن يحتحوحمئذ احلحقق فححمحن ثحتتقلح ح‬
8. The evaluation (of everything that
transpires) in that time is done in truth
(based on the creeds of Allah)... Those
(8) ‫الحتمحفلمتحوحن‬
whose scales (evaluations) weigh
heavy, they are the ones who will

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

overcome all obstacles and attain


9. And those whose scales (evaluations)

weigh light, they are the ones who will
َ‫ك الرمذيحن حخمستروا أحنحتتفحستهحم م حبا‬
‫ت حمحوامزينتهت فحتأولحئم ح‬
‫حوحمحن حخرف ح‬
have wronged Our signs and thus
(9) ‫حكاَنتوا بمحآحياَتمحناَ يحظحلمتموحن‬
become losers.

‫ض حوحجحعحلحناَ لحتكحم فيِحهاَ حمحعاَيم ح‬
‫ش‬ ‫حولححقحد حمركرناَتكحم مف احلححر م‬
10. Indeed We have established you
upon the earth and produced blessings
therein with which you sustain your
(10) ‫قحلميِلل حماَ تححشتكتروحن‬
livelihood. How little you evaluate!

11. In truth, We have created you and

given you form. Then We said to the
‫صروحرحناَتكحم تثر قتتحلحناَ لمحلحمحلئمحكمة احستجتدوا‬
‫حولححقحد حخلححقحناَتكحم تثر ح‬
angels, “Prostrate to Adam (in respect
) ‫س حلح يحتكحن ممحن الرساَمجمديحن‬ ‫مر م م‬
‫لححدحم فححسحجتدوا إل إبحليِ ح‬
of Adam being the manifestation of the
totality of Allah’s Names)”; so they all (11
prostrated (realized their nothingness in
the sight of the manifestation of Allah’s
Names), except for Iblis. He was not of
those who prostrated (He was of the
jinn; an ego-based existence).

‫م‬ ‫ك أحرل تححستجحد إمحذ أححمحرتت ح‬

‫ك حقاَحل أححناَ حخحيِتجر محنهت‬ ‫قحاَحل حماَ حمنحتحع ح‬
12. (Allah) said, “What prevented you
from prostrating when I commanded
you?” (Iblis) said, “I am better than him.
(12) ‫ي‬ ‫حخلححقتِحمن ممحن نحاَةر وحخلححقتِحهت ممحن مط ة‬
You created me from fire (radiation – a ‫ح‬
specific frequency based existence.
Note that the word fire [naar] in this
verse is the same as the word used in
reference to hellfire. This is worth
contemplating upon!) and created him
from clay (matter).”

13. (Allah) said, “Descend from your

rank, for this rank is not for arrogance
‫ك أححن تحتتِححكبرتحر فميِحهاَ فحاَحخترحج‬
‫قحاَحل حفاَحهبمحط ممحنتحهاَ فححماَ يحتكوتن لح ح‬
and feeling superior over others! Go!
(13) ‫صاَمغمريحن‬ ‫ك ممحن ال ر‬ ‫إمنر ح‬
Indeed, you have debased yourself.”

14. (Iblis) said, “Reprieve me until the

Day they are resurrected (after death).”
(14) ‫قحاَحل أحنحمظحرمن إمحل يحتحومم يتحتبتحعتثوحن‬

15. (Allah) said, “Indeed you are of

those reprieved.”
(15) ‫ك ممحن الحتمحنظحمريحن‬
‫قحاَحل إمنر ح‬
16. (Iblis) said, “Because You have led
me astray, (yudhillu man yashau –based
) ‫ك الحتمحستِحمقيِحم‬
‫قحاَحل فحبمحماَ أححغحويحتتِحمن حلحقحتعتحدرن حلتحم مصحراطح ح‬
on the reality that He leads astray
whom He wills), I shall most certainly sit

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

on Your straight path (sirat al-

mustaqim) to prevent them.”

17. “Then I will come to them from

before them (by provoking ambition in
‫ي أحيحمديمهحم حوممحن حخحلمفمهحم حوحعأحن أحححياَمنمحم‬
‫تثر حلحتميِحتنرتتهم ممحن بحت ح م‬
them and glorifying their sense of self
(17) ‫حوحعأحن حشحاَئملممهحم حوحل حمتتد أححكثحتحرتهحم حشاَكممريحن‬
[ego] to lead them to the denial of the
Truth) and from behind them (by
imposing delusive ideas in them and
leading them to disguised forms of shirq
[duality]) and on their right (by inspiring
them to do ‘good deeds’ that will take
them away from You) and on their left
(by beautifying misdeeds and making
the wrong appear as right)... And You
will find most of them as ungrateful to
You (unable to evaluate what You have
given them)!”

18. (Allah) said, “Leave my rank;

debased and distanced (from
‫ك ممحنتتهحم‬
‫قحاَحل احخترحج ممحنتحهاَ حمحذتءولماَ حمحدتحولرا لححمحن تحبمحع ح‬
‫م‬ ‫م‬
(18) ‫ي‬ ‫حلححمحلحرن حجحهنرحم محنتكحم أححجحع ح‬
experiencing your reality)! Whoever
follows you among them, I will surely fill
hell with you all.”

‫ك احلحنرةح فحتكحل ممحن حححيِ ت‬ ‫حوحياَ آححدتم احستكحن أحنح ح‬

19. “O Adam! Dwell, you and your
spouse, in Paradise... Eat and drink from
‫ث‬ ‫ت حوحزحوتج ح‬
‫مم‬ ‫م‬ ‫مم‬ ‫م‬
)‫ي‬‫شحئتِتحماَ حوحل تحتحقحرحباَ حهذه الرشحجحرحة فحتتِحتكوحناَ محن الرظاَلم ح‬
wherever you please, but do not
approach this tree (the body – the
consequences of accepting yourself as (19
the body)... Lest you be among the

20. Thereupon Satan whispered

َ‫ي حعأحنتتهحما‬ ‫م‬ ‫م م‬
suspicions to them to make them aware ‫ي حلتحماَ حماَ توور ح‬
‫س حلتحماَ الرشحيِحطاَتن ليِتحبد ح‬ ‫فحتحوحسحو ح‬
of their ego and corporeality... He said,
‫ممحن حسحوآحمتمحماَ حوحقاَحل حماَ نحتحهاَتكحماَ حربقتكحماَ حعأحن حهمذمه الرشحجحرمة‬
“The reason your Rabb forbids you from
this tree (experiencing your (20) ‫لاَلممديحن‬ ‫م‬
‫ي أححو تحتكونحاَ محن ا حح‬ ‫إمرل أححن تحتكوحناَ حملححك ح م‬
corporeality) is so you do not become
two angels (in the realm of forces) and
live eternally!”

‫مم‬ ‫م‬
‫حوحقاَحسحتهحماَ إمبن لحتكحماَ لحمحن النراَصح ح‬
(21) ‫ي‬
21. “And he swore to them, ‘Indeed, I
am from among the advisors’.”

‫هاَ بمغتتروةر فحتلحرماَ حذاحقاَ الرشحجحرةح بححد ح‬

‫فححدرل تح‬
22. Thus he deceived them (by
imposing deluding thoughts, making
َ‫ت حلتحماَ حسحوحآتتتتهحما‬
‫م م م‬ ‫م م‬ ‫م‬
َ‫هاَ حربتقتهحما‬‫حوطحفحقاَ حيحصحفاَن حعألححيِمهحماَ محن حوحرق احلحنرة حوحناَحدا تح‬
them think they are the physical body;
drawing their attention to their
corporeality). And when they tasted

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

that tree (sex; the mechanism of

reproduction) they became aware of
‫أححلح أحنحتحهتكحماَ حعأحن تمحلتكحماَ الرشحجحرةم حوأحقتحل لحتكحماَ إمرن‬
‫الرشحيِحطاَحن لحتكحماَ حعأتدو تمبم ج‬
(22) ‫ي‬
their corporeal-bodily selves! They
began to cover themselves with the
leaves of Paradise (they tried to
suppress their corporeality with the
forces of the Names present in their
essence)... Their Rabb called to them,
“Did I not forbid you from that tree and
tell you that Satan is an obvious enemy
to you?”

23. They said, “Our Rabb! We have

wronged ourselves... If you do not
‫قحاَحل حربترحناَ ظحلححمحناَ أحنحتتفحسحناَ حوإمحن حلح تحتحغمفحر لحنحاَ حوتحتحرححححناَ لحنحتكونحرن‬
forgive us and grace us we will surely
(23) ‫لاَمسمريحن‬ ‫محن ا حح‬
be among the losers.”

24. (Allah) said, “Descend (to the ‫ضتكحم ملبحتحع ة‬

‫ض حعأتدو حولحتكحم مف احلححر م‬
‫ض‬ ‫قحاَحل احهبمطتوا بحتحع ت‬
constricted lower state of bodily
existence from a life governed by pure
(24) ‫ي‬ ‫تمستِحتحقور وحمحتِاَعج إمحل مح ة‬
forces) as enemies to one another (the ‫ح ح‬
duality of body and consciousness)! And
for you on the earth (bodily state of
existence) is a set time of existence and
a set period, in which you will receive
your share of provisions.

25. He said, “You will live therein and

die therein and from it (the body) you
(25) ‫قحاَحل فميِحهاَ ححتيِحتحوحن حوفميِحهاَ حتتوتتوحن حوممحنتحهاَ تتححرتجوحن‬
will be brought forth.”

26. O Children of Adam... We have

indeed disclosed to you clothing
‫يحاَ بحمن آححدحم قححد أحنحتحزلححناَ حعألححيِتكحم لمحباَلساَ يتتحوامري حسحوآحتمتكحم‬
‫ت اللرمه‬ ‫ك ممن آحياَ م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م م‬
‫ك حخحيِتجر حذل ح ح ح‬ ‫س التِرتحقحوىَ حذل ح‬ ‫حوريلشاَ حولحباَ ت‬
(knowledge of the reality) to cover your
corporeality and as adornment (treats
from His bounty)... The clothing for (26) ‫لححعلرتهحم يحرذركتروحن‬
protection is surely the best... This is
from the signs of Allah, perhaps they
will think and take a lesson.

27. O Children of Adam! Do not let

Satan (your body) tempt you into
‫يحاَ بحمن آححدحم حل يحتحفمتِنحتنرتكتم الرشحيِحطاَتن حكحماَ أححخحرحج حأبحتحويحتكحم ممحن‬
provocation like he removed your
‫احلحنرمة يحتحنمزعت حعأحنتتهحماَ لمحباَحستهحماَ لمتمييحتتهحماَ حسحوآحمتمحماَ إمنرهت يحتحراتكحم‬
parents from Paradise by showing them
‫ث حل تحتحرحونحتتهحم إمرناَ حجحعحلحناَ الرشحيِاَط ح‬
‫ي‬ ‫تهحو حوقحبميِلتهت ممحن حححيِ ت‬
their corporeality and thus stripping
them of their clothes (angelic forces)!
For, he and his helpers (all satanic (27) ‫أححولمحيِاَءح لملرمذيحن حل يتتحؤممتنوحن‬
forces that serve the same function) see
you from a place where you do not see
them... We have made the devils

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

(corruptive forces – conditioned beliefs

based on the five senses) befriend the

28. Whenever they commit

indecency (an action or thought leading
َ‫حوإمحذا فحتحعلتوا حفاَمححشةل قحاَلتوا حوحجحدحناَ حعألححيِتحهاَ آححباَءححناَ حواللرهت أححمحرحنا‬
to duality or to the denial of the reality)
َ‫مبحاَ قتحل إمرن اللرهح حل يحأحتمتر مباَلححفحححشاَمء حأتحتتقوتلوحن حعأحلىَ اللرمه حما‬
they say, “We found our fathers doing
it, and this is what Allah ordered us to (28) ‫حل تحتحعلحتموحن‬
do”... Say, “Allah certainly does not
order indecency! Are you attributing to
Allah things about which you have no

29. Say, “My Rabb has ordered for you

to live justly; giving the due rights of all
‫قتحل أححمحر حربب بماَلحمقحسمط حوأحقميِتموا توتجوحهتكحم معأحنحد تكبل حمحسمجةد‬
(29) ‫ي لحهت البديحن حكحماَ بححدأحتكحم تحتتعوتدوحن‬ ‫مم‬
‫حواحدتعأوهت تمحلص ح‬
things... Set your faces (experience the
dissolution of your ego through
submission) in every masjid (place of
prostration) and pray only to Him by
specifying your understanding of
religion to Him alone... You will return to
Him in your initial state (the state of
Adam in Paradise).

30. A group of you He guided and a

group deserved to be in falsity! Indeed,
‫ضحللحةت إمنترتهتم ارتحتذوا‬‫فحمريلقاَ حهحدىَ حوفحمريلقاَ ححرق حعألححيِمهتم ال ر‬
they (those who went astray) had taken
‫ي أححولمحيِاَءح ممحن تدومن اللرمه حوححيحستبوحن أحنترتهحم تمحهتِحتدوحن‬ ‫م‬
‫الرشحيِاَط ح‬
the devils (the deviators) as allies
instead of Allah, and they consider (30)
themselves as rightly guided!

31. O Children of Adam, wear your

adornment in every place of
‫يحاَ بحمن آححدحم تختذوا مزينحتِحتكحم معأحنحد تكبل حمحسمجةد حوتكلتوا حواحشحربتوا‬
‫م‬ ‫حوحل تتحسمرفتوا إمنرهت حل تمي ق‬
(31) ‫ي‬ ‫ب الحتمحسمرف ح‬
prostration... Eat and drink (evaluate
these) but do not waste (do not
consume unnecessarily)... For, He does
not favor those who waste (misuse the
blessings they possess)!

32. Say, “Who has prohibited the

‫ت ممحن‬ ‫قتل من حرم مزينحةح اللرمه الرمت أحخرج لمعمباَمدمه والطريِبباَ م‬
beautiful things and the clean – pure ‫حح ح ح ح ح‬ ‫ح حح ح ح‬
‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م م مم‬
‫البرحزق قتحل هحي للرذيحن آححمنتوا مف احلححيِاَة القدنحتحيِاَ حخاَل ح‬
‫صةل يحتحوحم‬
provisions that Allah has brought forth
for His servants?”... Say, “They are for
those who believe during the worldly (32) ‫ت لمحقحوةم يحتحعلحتموحن‬ ‫صل احلحياَ م‬
‫ك نتتحف ب ت ح‬
‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫الحقحيِاَحممة حكحذل ح‬
life; and on Doomsday, it shall be theirs
exclusively.” Thus We detail Our signs
for those with comprehension.

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

33. Say, “The truth is, my Rabb has only

forbidden the following: Apparent and
‫ش حماَ ظححهحر ممحنتحهاَ حوحماَ بحطححن‬ ‫م‬
‫ب الححفحواح ح‬ ‫مر‬
‫قتحل إ حناَ ححرحم حربح‬
concealed indecencies, crime (in the
‫حوا حملحثح حواحلبحتحغحي بمغح حمي احلحبق حوأححن تتحشمرتكوا مباَللرمه حماَ حلح يتتنحتبزحل بممه‬
sight of Allah), oppression (aspiring for
the properties of others and desiring to (33) ‫تسحلحطاَلناَ حوأححن تحتتقولتوا حعأحلىَ اللرمه حماَ حل تحتحعلحتموحن‬
seize it), associating things about which
there is no proof of partnership, and
saying things about Allah that you do
not know.”

‫حولمتكبل أترمةة أححجلج فحمإحذا حجاَءح أححجلتتهحم حل يححستِحأحمختروحن حساَحعأةل‬

34. And for all people a specified term
(lifespan) is set. So when the end of
their time has come, they can neither
(34) ‫حوحل يححستِحتحقمدتموحن‬
delay it by a single moment, nor can
they hasten it.

35. O Children of Adam... When Rasuls

come from among you to relate and
‫يحاَ بحمن آححدحم إمرماَ يحأحتميِحتنرتكحم ترتسلج ممحنتكحم يحتتق ق‬
‫صوحن حعألححيِتكحم‬
explain Our signs to you, whoever
‫ف حعألححيِمهحم حوحل تهحم‬‫صلححح فححل حخحو ج‬ ‫آححياَمت فححممن اترتحقىَ حوأح ح‬
protects and corrects himself will have
no fear nor will they be grieved. (35) ‫ححيحزتنوحن‬
‫صححاَ ت‬ ‫حوالرذيحن حكرذبتوا بمحآحياَتمحناَ حواحستِححكبحتتروا حعأحنتحهاَ تأولحئم ح‬
‫ك أح ح‬
36. Those who deny Our signs (the
manifestations of the Names) and who
are arrogant toward them, they are the
(36) ‫النراَمر تهحم فميِحهاَ حخاَلمتدوحن‬
people of fire (Naar, a specific
wavelength, radiation)! They will abide
therein eternally.

‫ب بمحآحياَتممه‬ ‫م م‬ ‫م‬
‫فححمحن أحظحلحتم مرمن افحتتِحتحرىَ حعأحلىَ اللره حكذلباَ أححو حكرذ ح‬
37. Who does more wrong than he who
lies about Allah or denies His existence
‫ب ححرت إمحذا حجاَءحتحتتهحم‬ ‫صيِبتهم ممن الحمكحتِاَ م‬ ‫م‬ ‫تأولحئم ح‬
‫ك يحتحناَتلتحم نح ت ت ح ح‬
in His signs? They will attain their
portion of the Book (the revealed
knowledge)... When finally our Rasuls ‫ترتسلتنحاَ يحتتِحتحوفرتحونحتتهحم قحاَلتوا أحيححن حماَ تكحنتِتحم تححدتعأوحن ممحن تدومن اللرمه‬
come to them to take them in death,
they will say, “Where are those you ‫ضلقوا حعأنراَ حوحشمهتدوا حعأحلىَ أحنحتتفمسمهحم أحنترتهحم حكاَنتوا‬
‫قحاَلتوا ح‬
used to invoke besides Allah, those you
assumed existed?”... They will say, (37) ‫حكاَفممريحن‬
“They are lost and gone” and will bear
witness against themselves that they
were deniers of the reality.

38. (Allah) will say, “Enter among those

who had passed on before you of the
‫ت ممحن قحتحبلمتكحم ممحن احلمبن‬
‫قحاَحل احدتخلتوا مف أتحمةم قححد حخلح ح‬
‫ت أتحختِحتحهاَ ححرت‬ ‫س مف النراَمر تكلرحماَ حدحخلح ح‬
‫ت أترمةج لححعنح ح‬ ‫حوا حملنح م‬
jinni and mankind into the fire (Naar,
radiation, a searing environment of
َ‫ت أتحخحراتهحم ملتوحلتهحم حربترحنا‬ ‫م م‬
‫إمحذا ارداحرتكوا فيِحهاَ حجيِلعاَ حقاَلح ح‬
wavelengths)”... Every time a new
community enters, it will curse it’s close
‫ضقلوحناَ فححآمتمحم حعأحذابلاَ مضحعلفاَ ممحن النراَمر قحاَحل لمتكلل‬ ‫م‬
‫حهتؤحلء أح ح‬
ones with whom it shared the same
belief! Finally, when all of them have

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

entered, the latter group will say about

the former groups, “Our Rabb... They
(38) ‫ف حولحمكحن حل تحتحعلحتموحن‬
‫مضحع ج‬
are the one who corrupted us... So, give
them double the suffering of fire
(radiation)”... He will say, “For all of you
there is double, but you do not know.”

‫ت أتوحلتهحم ملتحخحراتهحم فححماَ حكاَحن لحتكحم حعألححيِتنحاَ ممحن فح ح‬

39. The former ones will say to the
latter ones, “You have no superiority ‫حوحقاَلح ح‬
over us... Taste the suffering brought by
(39) ‫ب م حباَ تكحنتِتحم تححكمستبوحن‬‫فحتذوقتوا الححعحذا ح‬
your own doings!”

40. Indeed, those who deny Our signs

and are arrogant toward them, the
‫إمرن الرمذيحن حكرذبتوا بمحآحياَتمحناَ حواحستِححكبحتتروا حعأحنتحهاَ حل تتت ح تِفرتح حلتحم‬
gates of Heaven (the observation of the
‫ب الرسحماَمء حوحل يححدتختلوحن احلحنرةح ححرت يحلمحج احلححملت مف‬ ‫حأبحتحوا ت‬
reality) will not be opened for them, nor
‫م‬ ‫م‬
(40) ‫ي‬ ‫ك ححنمزي الحتمحجمرم ح‬ ‫حسبم احلمحيِاَمط حوحكحذل ح‬
will they enter Paradise (the state of
experiencing the Names comprising
their essence) until a rob/camel enters
through the eye of a needle (i.e.
never)... Thus do We recompense the

‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫حلتحم ممحن حجحهنرحم ممحهاَجد حوممحن فحتحوقمهحم حغحواةش حوحكحذل ح‬
‫ك ححنمزي‬
41. They will have a bed from Hell and
coverings (curtains) over them (their
(41) ‫ي‬ ‫الرظاَلم ح‬
consciousness)... Thus do We
recompense the wrongdoers.

‫ف نحتحفلساَ إمرل‬ ‫صاَ م م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬

‫لاَت حل نتحكلب ت‬ ‫حوالرذيحن آححمنتوا حوحعأملتوا ال ر ح‬
42. As for those who believed and
performed the requirements of their
faith... We do not charge anybody with
(42) ‫ب احلحنرمة تهحم فميِحهاَ حخاَلمتدوحن‬ ‫ك أح ح‬
‫صححاَ ت‬ ‫توحسحعحهاَ تأولحئم ح‬
what is beyond their capacity; they are
the people of Paradise... They will abide
therein eternally.

43. We have removed all forms of

hatred and resentment from within
‫صتدومرمهحم ممحن مغلل ححتمري ممحن ححتتِممهتم‬ ‫حونحتحزحعأحناَ حماَ مف ت‬
them... Rivers flow beneath them...
َ‫احلحنحتحهاَتر حوحقاَلتوا احلححمتد لملرمه الرمذي حهحداحناَ ملححذا حوحماَ تكنرا‬
They will say, “That which has guided
‫م م‬
َ‫ت ترتسلت حربتحنا‬ ‫ي لححوحل أححن حهحداحناَ اللرهت لححقحد حجاَءح ح‬ ‫لنحتحهتِحد ح‬
us here belongs to Allah, HAMD (the
evaluation of the corporeal worlds
created with His Names, as He wills, ‫بماَحلحبق حوتنوتدوا أححن تمحلتكتم احلحنرةت تأومرثحتتِتتموحهاَ م حباَ تكحنتِتحم تحتحعحمتلوحن‬
belongs to Allah)! Had Allah not guided
us, we could not have attained this... (43)
Indeed, the Rasuls of Allah have come
in Truth. And they will be called, “This is
Paradise, which you have been made to
inherit due to the things you have

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

َ‫ب الرناَمر أححن قححد حوحجحدحناَ حما‬ ‫م‬

‫صححاَ ح‬ ‫ب احلحنرة أح ح‬ ‫صححاَ ت‬ ‫حوحناَحدىَ أح ح‬
44. The people of Paradise will call out
to the people of the fire, “We have
found what our Rabb promised us to be
‫حوحعأحدحناَ حربتقحناَ ححققاَ فحتحهحل حوحجحد تحت حماَ حوحعأحد حربقتكحم ححققاَ قحاَلتوا‬
true... Have you found what your Rabb
‫مم‬ ‫م‬
)‫ي‬ ‫نحتحعحم فحأحذرحن تمحؤذبجن بحتحيِتنحتتهحم أححن لححعنحةت اللره حعأحلىَ الرظاَلم ح‬
promised you to be true?”... They said,
“Yes.” Then an announcer among them
will announce, “The curse of Allah is (44
upon the wrongdoers.”

‫صقدوحن حعأحن حسبميِمل اللرمه حويححتبتتغونحتحهاَ معأحولجاَ حوتهحم‬ ‫م‬

‫الرذيحن يح ت‬
45. (They are the ones) who prevent
you from the way of Allah and who want
to lead you astray... They are the ones
(45) ‫بماَحلحمخحرةم حكاَفمتروحن‬
who deny the eternal life to come.

46. There is a curtain between the two ‫وبتيِتنحتهماَ محجاَب وعأحلىَ احلحعأرا م‬
‫ف مرحجاَجل يحتحعمرتفوحن تكقل‬
(Paradise and Hell)... And on A’raf (the ‫حح‬ ‫ح حح ت ح ح ج ح ح‬
‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫ب احلحنرة أححن حسحلمج حعألححيِتكحم حلح‬
‫صححاَ ح‬‫بمسيِحماَتهحم حوحناَحدحوا أح ح‬
state of those who have believed in
their essence, but have not yet duly
experienced its outcome) are men who (46) ‫يححدتختلوحهاَ حوتهحم يحطححمتعوحن‬
recognize each of them by the marks on
their faces... They will call out to the
people of Paradise, “Assalamu alaikum.”
They (these men) have not yet entered
Paradise, but they long for it.

‫صحاَ م‬ ‫م‬
‫ب الرناَمر قحاَلتوا حربترحناَ حل‬ ‫صاَترتهحم تحلحقاَءح أح ح ح‬ ‫حوإمحذا ت‬
‫صمرفح ح‬
‫ت أحبح ح‬
47. And when their eyes turn toward the
people of fire (Naar, radiation), they will
‫م مم‬
(47) ‫ي‬ ‫ححتحعحلحناَ حمحع الححقحوم الرظاَلم ح‬
say, “Our Rabb! Do not place us with
the wrongdoers.”

48. The people of the A’raf (those who ‫وحناَدىَ أحصحاَب احلحعأرا م‬
‫ف مرحجاَلل يحتحعمرتفونحتتهحم بممسيِحماَتهحم‬
have believed in their essence but have ‫ح ح ح ح ت حح‬
not yet duly experienced its outcome)
) ‫قحاَلتوا حماَ أححغحن حعأحنتكحم حجحعتتكحم حوحماَ تكحنتِتحم تححستِححكم تبوحن‬
will call out to men (of hell) whom they
recognize by their mark, “Of no avail to (48
you was your wealth or your

‫أححهتؤحلمء الرمذيحن أحقححسحمتِتحم حل يحتنحاَتلتتم اللرهت بمحرحححةة احدتخلتوا احلحنرةح‬

49. “Are these the ones whom you
swore that Allah will not embrace with
His grace?” (Whereas now they are
(49) ‫ف حعألححيِتكحم حوحل أحنحتتِتحم ححتحزتنوحن‬ ‫حل حخحو ج‬
told): “Enter Paradise! There is no fear
for you... And you will not be grieved!”

‫م م‬
‫ب احلحنرة أححن أحفيِ ت‬
َ‫ضوا حعألححيِتحنا‬ ‫صححاَ ح‬ ‫ب الرناَمر أح ح‬
‫صححاَ ت‬ ‫حوحناَحدىَ أح ح‬
50. The people of fire (Naar, radiation)
will call out to the people of Paradise,
“Pour upon us some of that water
َ‫ممحن الححماَمء أححو م رماَ حرحزقحتكتم اللرهت حقاَلتوا إمرن اللرهح ححرحمتهحماَ حعأحلى‬
(knowledge) or from whatever Allah has
provided you (the forces comprising (50) ‫الححكاَفممريحن‬
heavenly life)”... (They will be

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

answered): “Indeed Allah has made this

forbidden upon the deniers of the
knowledge of the reality.”

51. They are those who have turned

their religion (the knowledge of the
َ‫الرمذيحن ارتحتذوا مدينحتتهحم حلحلوا حولحعملباَ حوحغرتحتتهتم احلححيِاَةت القدنحتحيِا‬
reality and the System; sunnatullah)
‫فحاَلحيِحتحوحم نحتحنحساَتهحم حكحماَ نحتسوا لمحقاَءح يحتحومممهحم حهحذا حوحماَ حكاَنتوا‬
into an amusement and entertainment,
who have been deluded by the (vile) (51) ‫بمحآحياَتمحناَ ححيححتدوحن‬
worldly life... Just as they have forgotten
the meeting of this day and consciously
denied Our signs, We will forget them

‫صحلحناَهت حعأحلىَ معأحلةم تهلدىَ حوحرحححةل‬ ‫م‬

‫جئتحناَتهم بممكحتِاَ ة‬
‫ب فح ر‬ ‫حولححقحد ح ح‬
52. And certainly We have brought
them a source of information and
detailed it based on knowledge, as a
(52) ‫لمحقحوةم يتتحؤممتنوحن‬
signpost to grace and guidance to a
people who believe.

53. Do they wait only for its

interpretation (its absolute meaning)?
‫حهحل يحتحنظتتروحن إمرل تحأحمويلحهت يحتحوحم يحأحمت تحأحمويلتهت يحتتقوتل الرمذيحن‬
The time when its interpretation
‫ت ترتسلت حربتنحاَ مباَحلحبق فحتحهحل لحنحاَ ممحن‬ ‫م‬
‫نحتسوهت محن قحتحبلت قححد حجاَءح ح‬
becomes manifest, those who forgot
before will say, “Indeed the Rasuls of َ‫تشحفحعاَءح فحتيِححشحفعتوا لححناَ أححو نتتحرقد فحتنحتحعحمحل حغحيِتحر الرمذي تكرنا‬
our Rabb have brought the Truth... Will
‫نحتحعحملت قححد حخستروا أحنحتتفحستهحم حو ح‬
‫ضرل حعأحنتتهحم حماَ حكاَنتوا‬
there be any intercessors to intercede
for us or could we be sent back so that
we do differently to what we (53) ‫يحتحفتِحتتروحن‬
(previously) did!” They have indeed put
themselves into loss, and realized the
emptiness of what they assumed

ِ‫ض مف م ت‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫إمرن حربرتكتم اللرهت الرذي حخلححق الرسحماَحوات حواحلححر ح‬
54. Indeed your Rabb is Allah, the One
who created the heavens and the earth
‫أحرياَةم تثر احستِحتحوىَ حعأحلىَ الححعحرمش يتتحغشي اللرحيِحل النرتحهاَحر يحطحلتبتهت‬
in six stages, then established Himself
on the Throne (i.e. began to administer
‫ة‬ ‫م‬
‫س حوالححقحمحر حوالنقتجوحم تمحسرخحرات بمأححممرمه أححل لحهت‬ ‫ححثيِلثاَ حوالرشحم ح‬
them as He pleased)... He throws the
cover of the night over the day, which
(54) ‫ي‬ ‫احلححلق واحلحمر تحتباَرحك اللره ر ق م‬
‫ب الححعاَلحم ح‬
rapidly follows the night... The sun, the
moon, and the stars fulfill His ‫ت ح حت ح ح ت ح‬
command... Know without doubt that
both creation and judgment belong to
Him! Exalted is Allah, the Rabb of the
55. Pray to your Rabb beseechingly and
genuinely... Indeed He does not like the
) ‫ب الحتمحعتِحمديحن‬
‫ضقرلعأاَ حوتخحفيِحةل إمنرهت حل تمي ق‬
‫احدعأتوا حربرتكحم تح ح‬

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

56. And do not cause corruption on

earth after its reformation... Pray to him
َ‫صحلمححهاَ حواحدتعأوهت حخحولفا‬ ‫حوحل تتتحفمستدوا مف احلححر م‬
‫ض بحتحعحد إم ح‬
(56) ‫ي‬ ‫مم‬ ‫وطحمعاَ إمرن رححةح اللرمه قحمري م‬
‫ب محن الحتمححسن ح‬
with fear and with the belief that He will
respond. Indeed, the grace of Allah is ‫ج‬ ‫ح حل ح ح‬
near the doers of good (the grace of
Allah reaches you by the hand that
delivers it).

‫ي يححدحي حرحححتِممه ححرت إمحذا‬ ‫م م‬

‫حوتهحو الرذي يتتحرستل البرحياَحح بتحشلرا بحت ح ح‬
57. It is HU who discloses the winds as
good tidings before His grace... When
‫مم‬ ‫م ة ة‬ ‫م‬
‫ت حسححاَبلاَ ثحقاَلل تسحقحناَهت لبحتلحد حميِبت فحأحنحتحزلححناَ به الححماَءح‬‫أحقحتلر ح‬
the winds finally carry the heavy clouds,
We drive them to a dead land and
َ‫ك تنحمرتج الححمحوحتى‬ ‫فحأحخرجناَ بممه ممن تكل الثرمرا م م‬
‫ت حكحذل ح‬
disclose water from them and bring
forth all types of fruit therein... Thus We ‫ح ب حح‬ ‫حح حح‬
bring forth the dead... Perhaps you will (57) ‫لححعلرتكحم تححذركتروحن‬
contemplate on what this means!

‫ب حيحترتج نحتبحاَتهت بممإحذمن حربمه حوالرذي حخبت ح‬
‫حواحلبحتلحتد الطريِب ت‬
58. The vegetation of the clean and
good land emerges with the permission
‫ث حل‬
(Bi-izni RabbiHİ) of your Rabb... But
) ‫ت لمحقحوةم يححشتكتروحن‬
‫ف احلحياَ م‬
‫صبر ت ح‬ ‫ك نت ح‬
‫حيحترتج إمرل نحمكلدا حكحذل ح‬
from filth, nothing emerges other than
what is useless... Thus We diversify the (58
signs for a people who evaluate.

59. We had certainly revealed Noah to

his people and he had said, “O my
َ‫لححقحد أححرحسحلنحاَ تنولحاَ إمحل قحتحومممه فحتحقاَحل يحاَ قحتحومم احعأبتتدوا اللرهح حما‬
people, serve Allah... You have no deity
‫ب يحتحوةم حعأمظيِةم‬
‫ف حعألححيِتكحم حعأحذا ح‬ ‫لحتكحم ممحن إملحةه حغحيِتترهت إمبن أححخاَ ت‬
besides Him... Indeed, I fear for you the
punishment of a tremendous time.” (59)
‫ضحلةل تمبم ة‬ ‫م مم‬
(60) ‫ي‬ ‫قحاَحل الححمحلت محن قحتحومه إمرناَ حلنحتحراحك مف ح‬
60. The leaders in traditional opinion
among his people said, “Indeed, we see
you in clear error.”

‫ضحللحةج حولحمكبن حرتسوجل ممحن حر ب‬ ‫م‬

‫ب‬ ‫س مب ح‬‫قحاَحل حياَ قحتحوم لححيِ ح‬
61. Noah said, “O my people... There is
no error in my view... But I am a Rasul
(61) ‫ي‬ ‫م‬
‫الححعاَلحم ح‬
from the Rabb of the worlds.”

‫صتح لحتكحم حوأححعألحتم ممحن اللرمه حماَ حل‬ ‫م‬

‫تأبحتلبغتتكحم مرحساَحلت حربب حوأحنح ح‬
62. “I convey the message of my Rabb
to you... I talk in your favor (for) I know
(with the bestowed knowledge) from
(62) ‫تحتحعلحتموحن‬
Allah what you do not know.”

63. “Are you surprised that your Rabb

notifies you through a man among you,
‫أححوحعأمجحبتِتحم أححن حجاَءحتكحم مذحكجر ممحن حربتكحم حعأحلىَ حرتجةل ممحنتكحم‬
‫م م م‬
(63) ‫حوحن‬ ‫ليِتتحنذحرتكحم حولتِحتِرتتقوا حولححعلرتكحم تتتحر حت‬
who He has charged to warn you, so
that you may be protected and attain

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

64. But they denied him... So We saved

him and those with him in the ship...
‫ك حوأححغحرقحتحناَ الرمذيحن‬
‫فححكرذبوه فحأححنحيِتحناَه والرمذين معه مف الحتفحل م‬
‫ت ت ح ت ح ح ححت‬
‫م‬ ‫م‬
(64) ‫ي‬ ‫حكرذبتوا بمحآحياَتحناَ إمنترتهحم حكاَنتوا قحتحولماَ حعأم ح‬
And We drowned those who denied Our
signs (manifestations of the Names)...
Indeed, they were a people with no

65. And to (the people of) Aad, their

brother Hud... (He said) “O my people...
‫حوإمحل حعأاَةد أححخاَتهحم تهولدا قحاَحل حياَ قحتحومم احعأبتتدوا اللرهح حماَ لحتكحم‬
serve Allah... you have no deity besides
(65) ‫ممحن إملحةه حغحيِتترهت أحفححل تحتتِرتتقوحن‬
Him... Will you still not protect

66. The leaders among the disbelievers

of his people said, “We see you in
‫قحاَحل الححمحلت الرمذيحن حكحفتروا ممحن قحتحومممه إمرناَ حلنحتحراحك مف حسحفاَحهةة‬
‫م‬ ‫وإمرناَ لحنحظتنق ح م‬
(66) ‫ي‬ ‫ك محن الححكاَذبم ح‬
foolishness... and we presume you are a
liar.” ‫ح‬

‫س مب حسحفاَحهةج حولحمكبن حرتسوجل ممحن حر ب‬

‫ب‬ ‫م‬
‫قحاَحل حياَ قحتحوم لححيِ ح‬
67. (Hud) said, “O my people... There is
no foolishness in me... But I am a Rasul
(67) ‫ي‬ ‫م‬
‫الححعاَلحم ح‬
of the Rabb of the worlds.”

‫م‬ ‫م‬
(68) ‫ي‬ ‫تأبحتلبغتتكحم مرحساَحلت حربب حوأححناَ لحتكحم نحاَمصجح أحم ج‬
68. “I convey to you the messages of
my Rabb... I am a trustworthy advisor to

69. “Are you surprised that a man

among you has been advised by your
‫أححوحعأمجحبتِتحم أححن حجاَءحتكحم مذحكجر ممحن حربتكحم حعأحلىَ حرتجةل ممحنتكحم‬
Rabb to warn you? Remember, think!
‫لميِتتحنمذحرتكحم حواحذتكتروا إمحذ حجحعلحتكحم تخلححفاَءح ممحن بحتحعمد قحتحومم تنوةح‬
He appointed you vicegerents after the
people of Noah and increased you ‫حوحزاحدتكحم مف احلححلمق بححسطحةل فحاَحذتكتروا آححلءح اللرمه لححعلرتكحم‬
extensively in stature and provisions...
Remember and evaluate the blessings (69) ‫تتحفلمتحوحن‬
of Allah so that you may be liberated.”

70. They said, “Have you come to us so

that we serve Allah, the ONE, and
َ‫قحاَلتوا أحمجحئتِحتحناَ ملنحتحعبتحد اللرهح حوحححدهت حونححذحر حماَ حكاَحن يحتحعبتتد آححباَتؤحنا‬
(70) ‫ي‬ ‫فحأحتمناَ مباَ تحعمتدحناَ إمحن تكحنت ممن ال ر م م‬
‫صاَدق ح‬
abandon what our fathers have
worshipped? If you are speaking the ‫ح ح‬ ‫ح ح‬
truth, then bring us the thing with which
you threaten us (so that we see it)!”

‫ب‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬

‫ضج‬ ‫س حوحغ ح‬ ‫قحاَحل قححد حوقححع حعألححيِتكحم محن حربتكحم رحج ج‬
71. (Hud) said, “In truth, the hurricane
of your Rabb’s punishment and wrath
‫أحتتاَمدتلونحمن مف أح ح ة‬
‫ساَء حسرحيِتِتتموحهاَ أحنحتتِتحم حوآححباَتؤتكحم حماَ نحترزحل اللرهت‬
(the state of duality) has already
befallen you! Are you arguing with me ‫ح‬ ‫ح‬
about the unsubstantiated names you ) ‫مبحاَ ممحن تسحلطحاَةن حفاَنحتتِحمظتروا إمبن حمحعتكحم ممحن الحتمحنتِحمظمريحن‬
gave to the gods, you and your fathers,
for which Allah has not revealed any (71
evidence (in regards to their existence)?

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

Then wait; indeed, I am with you among

those who wait.”

72. So we saved him and those with

him by surrounding them with Our
‫فحأححنححيِتحناَهت حوالرمذيحن حمحعهت بمحرحححةة ممرناَ حوقحطححعحناَ حدابمحر الرمذيحن حكرذبتوا‬
‫مم‬ ‫م‬
(72) ‫ي‬ ‫بمحآحياَتحناَ حوحماَ حكاَنتوا تمحؤمن ح‬
grace... And We uprooted those who
denied our verses... They did not

73. And to Thamud (We sent) their

brother Salih... He said, “O my people!
‫لاَ حقاَحل يحاَ قحتحومم احعأبتتدوا اللرهح حماَ لحتكحم‬ ‫وإمحل حتثود أحخاَهم م‬
‫صاَ ل‬‫ح ح تح ح‬ ‫ح‬
Serve Allah... You cannot have a deity
‫ممحن إملحةه حغحيِتترهت قححد حجاَءحتحتكحم بحتيِبتنحةج ممحن حربتكحم حهمذمه نحاَقحةت اللرمه‬
besides Allah... Clear evidence has
come to you from your Rabb... This ‫ض اللرمه حوحل حتحقسوحهاَ بمتسوةء‬ ‫لحتكحم آحيحةل فححذتروحهاَ تحأحتكحل مف أححر م‬
female camel of Allah is a miracle for
you! So leave her to eat on Allah’s (73) ‫ب أحلميِجم‬ ‫فحتيِحأحتخحذتكحم حعأحذا ج‬
earth! Do not dare to ponder any harm
upon her! Lest you fall into a painful

74. “And remember when He made you

vicegerents after Aad and established
‫حواحذتكتروا إمحذ حجحعلحتكحم تخلححفاَءح ممحن بحتحعمد حعأاَةد حوبحتروأحتكحم مف‬
‫صولرا حوتحتحنمحتتِوحن احلمحباَحل‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫احلحر م م‬
‫ض تحتِترختذوحن محن تستهو حلاَ قت ت‬
you upon the earth... You obtain palaces
from it and carve its mountains to form ‫ح‬
homes for yourselves! Then remember ) ‫ض تمحفمسمديحن‬ ‫بتتتيِولتاَ فحاَحذتكتروا آححلءح اللرمه حوحل تحتحعثحتحوا مف احلححر م‬
and think about these blessings of Allah
and do not cause transgression on the (74
earth through corruption.”

‫ضعمتفوا‬ ‫قحاَحل الححمحلت الرمذيحن احستِححكبحتتروا ممحن قحتحومممه لملرمذيحن احستِت ح‬

75. The leaders among the people (of
Salih) who were arrogant said to the
‫لاَ تمحرحسلج ممحن حربمه قحاَلتوا‬ ‫لممن آحمن ممحنتهم أحتحتعلحموحن أحرن م‬
‫صاَ ل‬
weaker believers among them, “Do you
actually believe that Salih is disclosed ‫ح‬ ‫حح حح تح ح ت‬
by your Rabb?” They said, “We believe (75) ‫إمرناَ م حباَ أتحرمسحل بممه تمحؤممتنوحن‬
in what has been revealed through him
(as though it has been revealed to us).”

76. The conceited arrogant ones said,

“Indeed we are deniers of that which
(76) ‫قحاَحل الرمذيحن احستِححكبحتتروا إمرناَ مباَلرمذي آححمحنتِتحم بممه حكاَفمتروحن‬
you believe.”

77. Then they savagely slaughtered the

female camel and were disobedient to
َ‫صاَلمتح ائحتِمحنا‬ ‫م‬
‫فحتحعحقتروا الرناَقحةح حوحعأتِحتحوا حعأحن أححممر حرببحم حوحقاَلتوا حياَ ح‬
(77) ‫ي‬ ‫م‬ ‫م حباَ تحعمتدحناَ إمحن تكحن م‬
‫ت محن الحتمحرحسل ح‬
the command of their Rabb, and they
said, “O Salih... If you are of the Rasuls, ‫ح‬
then bring the punishment with which
you threaten us.”

‫م مم‬
‫صبحتحوا مف حدامرهحم حجاَث ح‬
(78) ‫ي‬ ‫فحأححخحذتحتتهتم الرحجحفةت فحأح ح‬
78. A harsh earthquake seized them...
They collapsed in their homes and died!

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

79. And he (Salih) turned away from

them and said, “O my people... Indeed I
‫فحتتِحتحورل حعأحنتتهحم حوحقاَحل يحاَ قحتحومم لححقحد حأبحتلححغتِتتكحم مرحساَلحةح حربب‬
(79) ‫ي‬ ‫مم‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫ت لحتكحم حولحكحن حل تتقبوحن الرناَصح ح‬ ‫صحح ت‬ ‫حونح ح‬
have conveyed to you the message of
my Rabb and advised you, but you do
not like those who talk in your favor.”

80. And remember when Lot said to his

people, “Do you commit immoralities
َ‫حوتلولطاَ إمحذ حقاَحل لمحقحومممه أحتحأحتتوحن الححفاَمححشةح حماَ حسبحتحقتكحم مبحا‬
‫م‬ ‫ةم‬ ‫م‬
(80) ‫ي‬ ‫محن أحححد محن الححعاَلحم ح‬
that no one before you in the world

81. “You leave women and sleep with

men! No, you are a transgressing
‫إمنرتكحم لحتِحأحتتوحن البرحجاَحل حشحهحولة ممحن تدومن النبحساَمء بححل أحنحتتِتحم‬
(81) ‫قحتحومج تمحسمرتفوحن‬
82. The answer of his people was only,
“Evict them from your city... For they
‫ب قحتحومممه إمرل أححن قحاَلتوا أححخمرتجوتهحم ممحن‬ ‫حوحماَ حكاَحن حجحوا ح‬
‫م م‬
(82) ‫س يحتتِحطحرهتروحن‬ ‫قحتحريحتِتكحم إنترتهحم أتحناَ ج‬
are men who are purified (from such
83. So We saved him and his people...
except his wife! She stayed behind and
(83) ‫ت ممحن الححغاَبممريحن‬ ‫فحأححنححيِتحناَهت حوأححهلحهت إمرل احمحرأحتحهت حكاَنح ح‬
was of those who were caved-in!

‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫حوأححمطححرحناَ حعألححيِمهحم حمطحلرا حفاَنحظتحر حكحيِ ح‬
‫ف حكاَحن حعأاَقبحةت الحتمحجمرم ح‬
84. We rained down upon them
suffering (a volcanic eruption according
to narration)! Have a look and see how
these criminals ended up!

85. And We sent (disclosed) their

brother Shuayb to Madyan. (He said):
َ‫حوإمحل حمحديححن أححخاَتهحم تشحعحيِلباَ قحاَحل يحاَ قحتحومم احعأبتتدوا اللرهح حما‬
“O my people, serve Allah; you do not
‫لحتكحم ممحن إملحةه حغحيِتترهت قححد حجاَءحتحتكحم بحتيِبتنحةج ممحن حربتكحم فحأححوفتوا‬
have a deity besides Allah... Clear
‫س أححشحيِاَءحتهحم حوحل‬ ‫م‬
‫الححكحيِحل حوالحميِحزاحن حوحل تحتحبحختسوا الرناَ ح‬
evidence has come to you from your
Rabb... So fulfill the measure and
weight properly... Do not deprive people ‫صحلمححهاَ حذلمتكحم حخحيِتجر لحتكحم إمحن‬ ‫ض بحتحعحد إم ح‬ ‫تتحفمستدوا مف احلححر م‬
of their due... Do not cause corruption
(85) ‫ي‬ ‫مم‬
‫تكحنتِتحم تمحؤمن ح‬
on the earth after its reformation... This
is better for you, if you are believers.”

‫م ة م‬
‫صقدوحن حعأحن حسبميِمل‬ ‫حوحل تحتحقعتتدوا بمتكبل صحراط تتوعأتدوحن حوتح ت‬
86. “Do not intercept the path of people
by threatening and preventing the
believers from the way of Allah and
‫اللرمه حمحن آححمحن بممه حوتح حتبتتغونحتحهاَ معأحولجاَ حواحذتكتروا إمحذ تكحنتِتحم قحلميِلل‬
wanting them to go astray! Have a
think, you were few, He made you (86) ‫ف حكاَحن حعأاَقمبحةت الحتمحفمسمديحن‬ ‫فححكثرتحرتكحم حوانحظتتروا حكحيِ ح‬
many... Have a look and see the end of
the corrupters!”

‫ت بممه حوحطاَئمحفةج‬ ‫م م‬ ‫م م‬
‫حوإمحن حكاَحن حطاَئحفةج محنتكحم آححمنتوا مباَلرذي أتحرسحل ت‬
87. “And if among you there is a group
who believes in the reality I have

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

‫صمبتوا ححرت ححيتكحم اللرهت بحتحيِتنحتحناَ حوتهحو حخحيِتتر‬ ‫م‬

‫حلح يتتحؤمنتوا فحاَ ح‬
brought and a group who does not
believe, then be patient until Allah
(87) ‫ي‬ ‫ا ح مم‬
‫لاَكم ح‬
judges between us... He is the best of
judges.” ‫ح‬
‫قحاَحل الححمحلت الرذيحن احستِححكبحتتروا ممحن قحتحومممه لحنتحخمرحجنر ح‬
88. The leaders among the people (of
Shuayb) who were arrogant said, “O
َ‫ك يحا‬
‫ك ممحن قحتحريحتِمحناَ أححو لحتِحتتعوتدرن مف‬ ‫م‬
‫ب حوالرذيحن آححمنتوا حمحع ح‬ ‫تشحعحيِ ت‬
Shuayb! Surely we will evict you and
those who are with you from our city, or
‫م‬ ‫مم‬
(88) ‫ي‬ ‫ملرتِحناَ قحاَحل أححولححو تكرناَ حكاَمره ح‬
you must turn to the religion of our
fathers”... (Shuayb said) “Even if we are

89. “We would surely have invented a

lie against Allah if we turned to your
‫قحمد افحتتِحتحريحتحناَ حعأحلىَ اللرمه حكمذبلاَ إمحن عأتحدحناَ مف مملرتِمتكحم بحتحعحد إمحذ‬
‫م م‬ ‫م‬
‫حرناَحناَ اللرهت محنتحهاَ حوحماَ يحتكوتن لحنحاَ أححن نحتتعوحد فيِحهاَ إرل أححن يححشاَءح‬
ancestral religion after Allah has saved
us from that baseless religious view... It
is not possible for us to turn to it! َ‫اللرهت حربتقحناَ حومسحع حربتقحناَ تكرل حشحيةء معأحللماَ حعأحلىَ اللرمه تحتحوركحلحناَ حربترحنا‬
Unless our Rabb, Allah so wills... Our
‫مم‬ ‫افحتتِحح بتيِتنحتحناَ وبت م‬
)‫ي‬ ‫ت حخحيِتتر الححفاَت ح‬ ‫ي قحتحومحناَ مباَحلحبق حوأحنح ح‬
Rabb has encompassed all things with
His knowledge... We have placed our
‫ح حح ح ح ح ح‬
trust in Allah (we believe the Name in (89
our essence will fulfill its function) Our
Rabb, join us and our people upon the
Truth... You are the best conqueror!”

90. The leaders among his people who

denied the knowledge of the reality
َ‫حوحقاَحل الححمحلت الرمذيحن حكحفتروا ممحن قحتحومممه لحئممن اترتبحتحعتِتحم تشحعحيِلبا‬
said, “If you follow Shuayb, you will
(90) ‫لاَمستروحن‬ ‫إمنرتكحم إملذا حح‬
surely be among the losers.”

‫م مم‬
‫صبحتحوا مف حدامرهحم حجاَث ح‬
(91) ‫ي‬ ‫فحأححخحذتحتتهتم الرحجحفةت فحأح ح‬
91. So the severe quake seized them...
They were left fallen upon their knees in
their homes.

92. Those who denied Shuayb were

(perished) as though they had never
‫الرمذيحن حكرذبتوا تشحعحيِبلاَ حكأححن حلح يحتحغنحتحوا فميِحهاَ الرمذيحن حكرذبتوا‬
resided there... Those who denied
(92) ‫تشحعحيِلباَ حكاَنتوا تهتم احلحاَمسمريحن‬
Shuayb became the losers.

93. (Upon this, Shuayb) turned away ‫فحتتِتورل عأحنتهم وحقاَحل ياَ قحتومم لححقحد حأبتلححغتِتكم مرساَحل م‬
‫ت حربب‬
from them and said, “O my people! ‫ح ت ح ح‬ ‫حح ح ت ح ح ح ح‬
Indeed, I had conveyed the message of
(93) ‫ف آححسىَ حعأحلىَ قحتحوةم حكاَفممريحن‬ ‫ت لحتكحم فححكحيِ ح‬
‫صحح ت‬ ‫حونح ح‬
my Rabb to you... I had advised you...
But how can I grieve for people who
deny the knowledge of the reality?”

94. And to whichever community We

have revealed a Nabi We have surely
‫ب إمرل أححخحذحناَ أححهلححهاَ بماَلحبحأححساَمء‬ ‫ةم‬
‫حوحماَ أححرحسحلنحاَ مف قحتحريحة محن نحم ل‬

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

seized its people with hardship and

ailment (to rid them of their
‫ضرامء لححعلرتهحم يح ر‬
(94) ‫ضرتعأوحن‬ ‫حوال ر‬
egocentricity) so they might turn (to
their essential reality) with sincerity and

‫تثر بحردلححناَ حمحكاَحن الرسيِبئحمة احلححسنحةح ححرت حعأحفحوا حوحقاَلتوا قححد حم ر‬

95. Then We exchanged their hardship
with good... When they reached comfort
(of possessions and offspring) and
‫ضراءت حوالرسراءت فحأححخحذحناَتهحم بحتحغتِحةل حوتهحم حل يححشعتتروحن‬
‫آححباَءححناَ ال ر‬
prospered, they said, “Our fathers were
also touched by hardship and ease (so (95)
there is no lesson in this for us).” So We
seized them suddenly before they knew

96. If the people of those cities had

‫ت‬‫ولحو أحرن أحهل الحتقرىَ آحمنتوا واترتحقوا لححفتِححناَ عألحيِمهم بترحكاَ ة‬
believed and protected themselves, We ‫ح ح ح ح ح ح ح ح ح ح ح حح‬ ‫حح‬
would surely have opened blessings ‫ممحن الرسحماَمء حواحلححر م‬
‫ض حولحمكحن حكرذبتوا فحأححخحذحناَتهحم م حباَ حكاَنتوا‬
upon them from the heaven and the
earth... But they denied! So We seized (96) ‫يححكمستبوحن‬
them with what they earned with their

97. Did the people of those cities feel

secure from Our wrath coming to them
) ‫أحفحأحممحن أححهتل الحتقحرىَ أححن يحأحتميِحتتهحم بحأحتسحناَ بحتحيِاَلتاَ حوتهحم نحاَئمتموحن‬
one night while they were asleep?
‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫أححوأحمحن أححهتل الحتقحرىَ أححن يحأحتيِحتتهحم بحأحتسحناَ ت‬
98. Or did the people of those cities feel
secure from Our wrath coming to them
‫ضلحىَ حوتهحم يحتحلحعتبوحن‬
in the morning while they were at play?
99. (Or) were they secure from the plan
of Allah (that Allah will make them live
‫أحفحأحممنتوا حمحكحر اللرمه فححل يحأححمتن حمحكحر اللرمه إمرل الححقحوتم احلحاَمستروحن‬
the consequences of their deeds
without them even realizing, and hence,
thinking there is no consequence, they
will continue to engage in their
activities and sink further in failure)!
None can feel secure from the plan of
Allah but the people who are in loss.

100. Have they, the inheritors of those

who were destroyed, have (still) not
‫ض ممحن بحتحعمد أححهلمحهاَ أححن لححو‬ ‫ممم‬
‫أححوحلح يحتحهد للرذيحن يحمرتثوحن احلححر ح‬
realized the truth that if We will We
‫صبتحناَتهحم بمتذتنومبمحم حونحطحبحتع حعأحلىَ قتتتلومبمحم فحتتهحم حل‬
‫نححشاَءت أح ح ح‬
could afflict them with calamities and
lock their hearts (consciousness) so (100) ‫يححسحمتعوحن‬
they will not be able to perceive!

101. So We successively relate to you

the news of the dwellers of those
‫ك ممحن أحنحتحباَئمحهاَ حولححقحد حجاَءحتحتتهحم‬
‫صم حعألححيِ ح‬ ‫تمحل ح‬
‫ك الحتقحرىَ نحتتق ق‬

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

places... Indeed, the Rasuls had surely

come as clear proofs... (But) they did
‫ت فححماَ حكاَنتوا لميِتتحؤممنتوا م حباَ حكرذبتوا ممحن قحتحبتل‬
‫رسلتهم مباَحلبتيِبتحناَ م‬
‫تت تح ح‬
not believe (in light of the letter B) in
(101) ‫ب الححكاَفممريحن‬ ‫ك يطحبع اللرهت حعأحلىَ قتتتلو م‬
‫حكحذل ح ح ح ت‬
what they previously denied (religion)...
Thus Allah seals the hearts (locks the
consciousness) of those who deny the
knowledge of the reality.

102. And We did not find most of them

devoted to their promise... We found
‫حوحماَ حوحجحدنحاَ ملححكثحمرمهحم ممحن حعأحهةد حوإمحن حوحجحدحناَ أححكثحتحرتهحم‬
(102) ‫ي‬ ‫مم‬
‫لححفاَسق ح‬
the majority of them disobedient to the
103. Then, after them, We disclosed
Moses with Our proofs (manifestations
‫تثر بحتحعثحتحناَ ممحن بحتحعمدمهحم تموحسىَ بمحآيحاَتمنحاَ إمحل فمحرحعأحوحن حوحملحئممه‬
of Names) to the Pharaoh and the
(103) ‫ف حكاَحن حعأاَقمبحةت الحتمحفمسمديحن‬ ‫م‬
‫فحظحلحتموا بحاَ حفاَنحظتحر حكحيِ ح‬
leaders around him... But they did
wrong (by not heeding the signs)... Look
and see the end of the corrupters!

104. Moses said, “O Pharaoh! Indeed, I

)‫ي‬ ‫وحقاَحل موسىَ ياَ فمرعأوتن إمبن رسوجل ممن ر ب م‬
am a Rasul from the Rabb of the ‫ب الححعاَلحم ح‬‫حت ح ح‬ ‫ح ت ح ح ح حح‬
105. “I am truly obligated to not speak
about Allah except what is based on the
‫ححمقيِجق حعأحلىَ أححن حل أحتقوحل حعأحلىَ اللرمه إمرل احلحرق قححد مجحئتِتتكحم‬
Truth... I have indeed come to you as a
(105) ‫مببحتيِبتنحةة ممحن حربتكحم فحأححرمسحل حمعمحي بحمن إمحسحرائميِحل‬
clear sign from your Rabb... So, send
the Children of Israel with me!”

‫ت ممحن‬ ‫ة م م‬ ‫قحاَحل إمحن تكحن م‬

‫ت بمحآيحة فحأحت بحاَ إمحن تكحن ح‬
106. (The Pharaoh said): “If you have
come with a miracle, then bring it forth, ‫ت جحئ ح‬ ‫ح‬
(106) ‫ي‬ ‫ال ر م م‬
‫صاَدق ح‬
if you are true to your word!”

‫صاَهت فحمإحذا هحي ثتتحعحباَجن تمبم ج‬
‫فحأحلححقىَ حعأ ح‬
107. (Upon this) Moses released his
staff, and suddenly the staff appeared
(107) ‫ي‬
as a serpent!

108. And (Moses) drew out his hand,

and suddenly (his hand) appeared as a
(108) ‫ضاَءت مللرناَمظمريحن‬ ‫م‬
‫ع يححدهت فحمإحذا هحي بحتحيِ ح‬
‫حونحتحز ح‬
bright white light!

109. The eminent ones (priests) among

the people of Pharaoh said, “Indeed,
) ‫قحاَحل الححمحلت ممحن قحتحومم فمحرحعأحوحن إمرن حهحذا لححساَمحجر حعألميِجم‬
this is a learned magician”...
110. “He wants to expel you from your
land (status)”... (The Pharaoh asked)
(110) ‫يتمريتد أححن تيحمرحجتكحم ممحن أححرمضتكحم فححماَحذا تحأحتمتروحن‬
“What do you advise?”

111. They said, “Restrain him and his

brother... Send heralds to the cities.”
(111) ‫قحاَلتوا أححرمجحه حوأححخاَهت حوأححرمسحل مف الححمحدائممن ححاَمشمريحن‬

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

112. “Let them bring to you every

learned magician.”
(112) ‫يحأحتتوحك بمتكبل حساَمحةر حعألميِةم‬

113. And the magicians came to

Pharaoh... They said, “If we prevail,
‫حوحجاَءح الرسحححرةت فمحرحعأحوحن قحاَلتوا إمرن لححناَ حلححجلرا إمحن تكرناَ ححنتن‬
(113) ‫ي‬ ‫الححغاَلبم ح‬
there will indeed be a prize for us, will
there not?”
(114) ‫ي‬ ‫قحاَحل نحتحعحم حوإمنرتكحم لحمحن الحتمحقربم ح‬
114. (The Pharaoh said) “Yes”...
“Indeed, you are going to be of the
close ones to me.”

115. (The magicians said) “O Moses...

First you throw, then we will throw.”
‫قحاَلتوا يحاَ تموحسىَ إمرماَ أححن تتتحلمقحي حوإمرماَ أححن نحتكوحن ححنتن‬
(115) ‫ي‬ ‫م‬
‫الحتمحلق ح‬
116. (Moses said) “You throw”... When
they (the magicians) threw, they
‫ي الرناَمس حواحستِحتحرحهتبوتهحم‬
‫قحاَحل أحلحتقوا فحتلحرماَ أحلححقحوا حسححتروا أححعأ ت ح‬
bewitched the eyes of the people and
(116) ‫حوحجاَءتوا بممسححةر حعأمظيِةم‬
struck terror into them! They performed
a great magic.

‫صاَحك فحمإحذا هحي تحتحلحق ت‬
‫حوأححوحححيِتحناَ إمحل تموحسىَ أححن أحلحمق حعأ ح‬
117. And We inspired to Moses, “Throw
your staff”... And alas, it devoured their
َ‫ف حما‬
make-believe falsehood!
(117) ‫يحأحفمتكوحن‬
118. Thus the Truth was established and
what they were doing was abolished.
(118) ‫فحتحوقححع احلحقق حوبحطححل حماَ حكاَنتوا يحتحعحمتلوحن‬

(119) ‫صاَمغمريحن‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬

‫ك حوانحتحقلحبتوا ح‬
‫فحتغتلبتوا تهحناَل ح‬
119. They were overcome... They were

120. The magicians fell down as though

in prostration!
(120) ‫حوأتلحمقحي الرسحححرةت حساَمجمديحن‬

(121) ‫ي‬ ‫قحاَلتوا آحمرناَ بمر ب م‬

‫ب الححعاَلحم ح‬
121. They said, “We have believed in
the Rabb of the worlds...” ‫ح ح‬
122. “The Rabb of Moses and Aaron!”
(122) ‫ب تموحسىَ حوحهاَتروحن‬ ‫حر ب‬
123. Pharaoh said, “Have you believed
in Him without my permission? Surely
‫قحاَحل فمحرحعأحوتن آححمحنتِتحم بممه قحتحبحل أححن آححذحن لحتكحم إمرن حهحذا لححمحكجر‬
‫حمحكحرتتتوهت مف الححممدينحمة لمتِتحخمرتجوا ممحنتحهاَ أححهلححهاَ فححسحو ح‬
this is a plot, which you devised and
conspired, to drive the people out of the
city... But you will soon see (the (123) ‫تحتحعلحتموحن‬

‫صبلبحتنرتكحم‬ ‫م م ة‬ ‫م‬
‫حلتقحطبحعرن أحيحديحتكحم حوأححرتجلحتكحم محن خحلف تثر حلت ح‬
124. “I will indeed cut your hands and
feet on alternate sides and then crucify
(124) ‫ي‬ ‫أححجحع ح‬
you all.”

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

125. (The magicians who had believed

said) “Indeed, we will return to our
(125) ‫قحاَلتوا إمنراَ إمحل حربتحناَ تمحنتحقلمتبوحن‬

126. “You are avenging us because we

َ‫ت حربتحناَ لحرماَ حجاَءحتحتنحاَ حربترحنا‬‫وماَ تحتحنمقم ممرناَ إمرل أححن آحمرناَ بمحآياَ م‬
believed in the existence of our Rabb in ‫ح ح‬ ‫حح ت‬
(126) ‫ي‬ ‫صبتلرا حوتحتحوفرتحناَ تمحسلم ح‬
‫أحفحمرحغ حعألححيِتحناَ ح ح‬
His miracles (manifestations of His
Names)... Our Rabb, give us the
strength to persevere and let us die as
those who have submitted to You.”

127. The leaders among the people of

Pharaoh said, “Will you leave Moses and
‫حوحقاَحل الححمحلت ممحن قحتحومم فمحرحعأحوحن أحتححذتر تموحسىَ حوقحتحوحمهت لميِتتحفمستدوا‬
‫ك قحاَحل حسنتت ح تِقبلت حأبحتحناَءحتهحم‬ ‫م‬ ‫مف احلححر م‬
‫ض حويححذحرحك حوآحلتِح ح‬
his people so they cause corruption on
the earth and abandon you and your
gods?” (Pharaoh said) “We will kill their (127) ‫حونححستِحححميِي نمحساَءحتهحم حوإمرناَ فحتحوقحتتهحم حقاَمهتروحن‬
sons and keep their women alive... A
devastating power we have over them.”

128. Moses said to his people, “Seek

help from Allah (the continual
‫ض لملرمه‬
‫صمبتوا إمرن احلححر ح‬
‫م‬ ‫م مم م‬
‫قحاَحل تموحسىَ لحقحومه احستِحعيِنتوا بماَللره حوا ح‬
(128) ‫ي‬ ‫يومرثتتهاَ من يشاَء ممن معأباَمدهم والحعاَقمبةت لمحل تِ م‬
‫مرق ح‬
manifestation of the Names of Allah
from your essence due to His Uluhiyyah; ‫ت ح حح حح ت ح ح ح ح ح ت‬
from the forces of the Names
comprising your being) and have
patience... Indeed, the earth belongs to
Allah... He renders inheritors whom He
wills among His servants... The future is
for the protected ones!

129. (The people of Moses said) “We

have been tortured before you came to
‫قحاَلتوا تأومذيحناَ ممحن قحتحبمل أححن تحأحتميِحتحناَ حوممحن بحتحعمد حماَ مجحئتِحتحناَ قحاَحل‬
us and after you have come to us”... ‫ك حعأتدروتكحم حويححستِححخلمحفتكحم مف احلححر م‬
‫ض‬ ‫م‬
‫حعأحسىَ حربقتكحم أححن يتتحهل ح‬
(Moses said) “Perhaps your Rabb will
destroy your enemy and appoint you (129) ‫ف تحتحعحمتلوحن‬ ‫فحتيِحتحنظتحر حكحيِ ح‬
vicegerents on earth (in their stead) and
see how you will do.”

‫صم ممن الثرمرا م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬

‫ت‬ ‫حولححقحد أححخحذحناَ آححل فحرحعأحوحن بماَلبسن ح‬
‫ي حونحتحق ة ح ح ح‬
130. We have certainly seized the
people of Pharaoh with years of famine
and deficiency in produce that perhaps
(130) ‫لححعلرتهحم يحرذركتروحن‬
they would reflect on its reason.

‫م‬ ‫مم‬
‫فحمإحذا حجاَءحتحتتهتم احلححسنحةت حقاَلتوا لححناَ حهذه حوإمحن تت ح‬
131. But when a good came to them
they said, “This is our earning”... And
‫صبتتهحم حسيِبئحةج‬
when a bad came to them they saw it
‫يحطريِرتتروا م تبوحسىَ حوحمحن حمحعهت أححل إمرحناَ حطاَئمترتهحم معأحنحد اللرمه حولحمكرن‬
as an ill omen of Moses and those with
him... Be careful, what they take as an (131) ‫أححكثحتحرتهحم حل يحتحعلحتموحن‬
ill omen is with Allah alone... But most
of them cannot comprehend this!

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

‫حوحقاَلتوا حمحهحماَ تحأحتمحناَ بممه ممحن آحيحةة لتِححسحححرحناَ محباَ فححماَ ححنتن لح ح‬
132. And they said, “No matter what
miracle you bring to bewitch us, we will
(132) ‫ي‬ ‫م مم‬
‫بتحؤمن ح‬
not believe in you!”

133. So We sent upon them floods,

‫ع حوالردحم‬ ‫فحأحرسحلحناَ عألحيِمهم القطوحفاَحن واحلراد والحتقرمل وال ر م‬
locusts, lice, frogs and blood, as ‫ضحفاَد ح‬ ‫ح حح ح ح ح ح‬ ‫حح حح ت‬
‫م‬ ‫ت محف ر ة‬ ‫ة‬
)‫ي‬ ‫صحلت حفاَحستِححكبحتتروا حوحكاَنتوا قحتحولماَ تحممرم ح‬ ‫آححياَ ت‬
indicative signs! Yet they were arrogant
and became a guilty community.
134. When suffering befell them, they
said, “O Moses! Keep your word and
َ‫ك م حبا‬
‫حولحرماَ حوقححع حعألححيِمهتم البرحجتز قحاَلتوا حياَ تموحسىَ احدعت لححناَ حربر ح‬
‫ك‬‫ت حعأرناَ البرحجحز حلنتتحؤممنحرن لح ح‬ ‫م م‬
‫حعأمهحد عأحنحدحك لحئحن حكحشحف ح‬
pray to your Rabb... If you remove this
suffering from us we will surely believe
in you and we will send the Children of (134) ‫ك بحمن إمحسحرائميِحل‬ ‫حوحلنتتحرمسلحرن حمحع ح‬
Israel with you.”

135. But when We remove the suffering

from them, until the specified term We
‫فحتلحرماَ حكحشحفحناَ حعأحنتتهتم البرحجحز إمحل أححجةل تهحم بحاَلمتغوهت إمحذا تهحم‬
have given them comes to an end, they
(135) ‫يحتحنتكتثوحن‬
will break their word at once!

136. Hence We have vehemently made

them live the consequences of their
َ‫فحاَنحتتِحتحقحمحناَ ممحنتتهحم فحأححغحرقحتحناَتهحم مف الحيِحبم بمأحنترتهحم حكرذبتوا بمحآحياَتمحنا‬
(136) ‫ي‬ ‫مم‬
‫حوحكاَنتوا حعأحنتحهاَ حغاَفل ح‬
deeds, and We drowned them in the sea
for denying Our miracles and signs and
for being heedless of them!

‫ضحعتفوحن حمحشاَمرحق احلححر م‬ ‫حوأححوحرثحتحناَ الححقحوحم الرمذيحن حكاَنتوا يتحستِح ح‬

137. The people who had been scorned
and oppressed, We made them the
َ‫ك احلتحسحن حعأحلى‬ ‫ومحغاَمربتهاَ الرمت باَرحكناَ فميِهاَ وحتر م‬
‫ت حكلحمةت حرب ح‬
inheritors of the land, which We blessed
with abundance, in the east and the ‫ححح ح ح ح‬ ‫حح حح‬
west... The good word of your Rabb was ‫صنحتع فمحرحعأحوتن‬ ‫م م‬
‫بحمن إمحسحرائيِحل حباَ ح‬
‫صبحتتروا حوحدرمحرنحاَ حماَ حكاَحن يح ح‬
fulfilled for the Children of Israel
because of their patience. And We (137) ‫حوقحتحوتمهت حوحماَ حكاَنتوا يحتحعمرتشوحن‬
destroyed the things Pharaoh and his
people were producing and what they
were building!

138. We took the Children of Israel

across the sea... They came upon a
‫حوحجاَحوحزحناَ بمبحمن إمحسحرائميِحل الحبححححر فحأحتحتحوا حعأحلىَ قحتحوةم يحتحعتكتفوحن‬
community of people who were
‫صحناَةم حلتحم قحاَلتوا يحاَ تموحسىَ احجحعحل لححناَ إم حللاَ حكحماَ حلتحم‬ ‫حعأحلىَ أح ح‬
worshipping their idols. They said, “O
Moses... Make a god for us just like the (138) ‫آحملحةج قحاَحل إمنرتكحم قحتحوجم ححتحهتلوحن‬
gods they have” (Moses said) “Indeed,
you are so ignorant!”

139. “Surely their faith and application

will bring about destruction! What they
) ‫إمرن حهتؤحلمء تمتِحبرتجر حماَ تهحم فميِمه حوحباَمطلج حماَ حكاَنتوا يحتحعحمتلوحن‬
are engaging in is worthless/vain.”

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

140. “When he has chosen you (by
informing you of the reality of
‫ي‬ ‫م‬ ‫قحاَحل أححغحيِتحر اللرمه أحبحغميِتكحم إم حللاَ حوتهحو فح ر‬
‫ضلحتكحم حعأحلىَ الححعاَلحم ح‬
vicegerency) over the worlds (mankind),
shall I assume a god for you besides

141. And (remember) We had saved ‫وإمحذ أححنححيِتحناَتكم ممن آحمل فمرحعأوحن يسومونحتكم سوء الحعحذا م‬
you from the dynasty of the Pharaoh... ‫ح ح حت ت ح ت ح ح‬ ‫ح ح‬ ‫ح‬
‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫يتتحقتِبتتلوحن حأبحتنحاَءحتكحم حويححستِحححتيِوحن نحساَءحتكحم حومف حذلتكحم بححلءج‬
(Remember how) they were afflicting
you with the worst torment; they were
killing your sons and keeping your (141) ‫ممحن حربتكحم حعأمظيِجم‬
women alive... And in that there was a
great trial for you from your Rabb.

‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫ي لححيِتلحةل حوأححتححمحناَحهاَ بمحعحشةر فحتتِحرم ميِحقاَ ت‬
‫ت‬ ‫حوحواحعأحدنحاَ تموحسىَ ثححلث ح‬
142. We pledged thirty nights to
Moses... Then We added ten to it; thus
the time appointed by his Rabb was
‫ي لححيِتلحةل حوقحاَحل تموحسىَ ملحمخيِمه حهاَتروحن احخلتحفمن مف‬ ‫م م‬
‫حربه أححربحع ح‬
completed to forty nights... Moses said
to his brother Aaron, “Take my place (142) ‫صلمحح حوحل تحتِتربمحع حسبميِحل الحتمحفمسمديحن‬ ‫م‬
‫قحتحومي حوأح ح‬
among my people, reform, and do not
follow those who want to incite

‫ب أحمرمن‬‫حولحرماَ حجاَءح تموحسىَ لممميِحقاَتمحناَ حوحكلرحمهت حربقهت قحاَحل حر ب‬

143. When the period We appointed
was complete, and his Rabb called out
to him, (Moses) said to his Rabb, “My
‫ك حقاَحل لححن تحتحرامن حولحمكمن انحظتحر إمحل احلحبحمل فحمإمن‬ ‫أحنحظتحر إملححيِ ح‬
Rabb, show me Yourself, let me look at
‫ف تحتحرامن فحتلحرماَ حتحرلىَ حربقهت لحلحجبحمل حجحعلحهت‬ ‫احستِحتحقر حمحكاَنحهت فححسحو ح‬
You!”... (His Rabb said) “Never can ‘you’
(with your illusory self –ego) see
(comprehend) ‘Me’... (Absolute Reality,
Absolute ‘I’)... But look at the mountain
‫ت‬‫ك تتتحب ت‬ ‫صعملقاَ فحتلحرماَ أحفحاَحق حقاَحل تسحبححاَنح ح‬ ‫حدقكاَ حوحخر تموحسىَ ح‬
‫مم‬ ‫إملححيِ ح‬
(143) ‫ي‬ ‫ك حوأححناَ أحروتل الحتمحؤمن ح‬
(ego)... If the mountain remains in place
after I reflect Myself, then you shall see
Me!” When his Rabb reflected on the
mountain (ego), He destroyed it... and
Moses fell unconscious (freed from his
self, I’ness, ego)! When he woke up, he
said, “Subhan, You are (I exalt you)! I
have repented to You... I am the first of
the believers.”

144. He said, “O Moses! Indeed, I have

chosen you over the people with My
‫ك حعأحلىَ الرناَمس بممرحساَحلمت‬
‫صطححفحيِتِت ح‬ ‫قحاَحل حياَ تموحسىَ إمبن ا ح‬
messages and My words... So, take
(144) ‫ك حوتكحن ممحن الرشاَكممريحن‬ ‫حوبمحكحلممي فحتخحذ حماَ آحتحتحيِتِت ح‬
what I have given you and be among
the grateful (those who benefit)!”

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

145. We wrote in detail for Moses on the ‫وحكحتِبتحناَ لحه مف احلحلحوامح ممن تكبل حشيةء مومعأظحةل وتحتحف م‬
tablets, about the things from which ‫ح حح ح‬ ‫ح ح‬ ‫ح ح ت‬
َ‫ك يحأحتختذوا بمأححححسنمحها‬ ‫ة‬ ‫ة‬ ‫م‬
‫لتكبل حشحيء فحتخحذحهاَ بمتقروة حوأحتمحر قحتحوحم ح‬
they should refrain, and the things they
require for life... “Hold these firmly and
(145) ‫ي‬ ‫حسأتمريتكحم حداحر الححفاَسق ح‬
order your people to properly apply and
preserve them... I will show you the
home of those who are disobedient (to
these commands).”

146. I will hold away from my

‫ض بمغح حمي‬‫ف حعأحن آححياَمت الرمذيحن يحتتِححكبرتتروحن مف احلححر م‬ ‫صمر ت‬ ‫حسأح ح‬
miraculous forces those who are ‫ح‬
arrogant on the earth without right, for
‫احلحبق حوإمحن يحتحرحوا تكرل آحيحةة حل يتتحؤممنتوا مبحاَ حوإمحن يحتحرحوا حسبميِحل‬
whatever miracle they see, they will not
‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫القرحشد حل يحتِترختذوهت حسبميِلل حوإمحن يحتحرحوا حسبميِحل الحغحبي يحتِترختذوهت‬
believe! If they see the way of
consciousness, they will not adopt it as
‫مم‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
)‫ي‬ ‫ك بمأحنترتهحم حكرذبتوا بمحآحياَتحناَ حوحكاَنتوا حعأحنتحهاَ حغاَفل ح‬
‫حسبميِلل حذل ح‬
a way... If they see the way of
corruption, they will adopt it as a way...
This is because they have denied Our (146
signs (of the reality) and were heedless
of them.

‫م م م م‬ ‫م‬
‫حوالرذيحن حكرذبتوا بمحآحياَتحناَ حولحقاَء احلحخحرةم ححبمطح ح‬
‫ت أححعأحماَتلتحم حهحل‬
147. Those who have denied our signs
(of the reality) and the meeting of the
eternal life to come, their deeds have
(147) ‫تحيحزحوحن إمرل حماَ حكاَنتوا يحتحعحمتلوحن‬
become vain... Are they not living solely
the results of what they used to do?

148. And the people of Moses made,

after him (after his departure to Mount
‫حوارتححذ قحتحومت تموحسىَ ممحن بحتحعمدهم ممحن تحلميِبمهحم معأحجلل حجحسلدا‬
Sinai) a bellowing calf, from their
‫لحهت تخحواجر أححلح يحتحرحوا أحنرهت حل يتحكلبتمتهحم حوحل يحتحهمديمهحم حسبميِلل‬
valuable ornaments... Did they not
(148) ‫ي‬ ‫ارتحتذوهت حوحكاَنتوا حظاَلم ح‬
realize that the calf was neither able to
talk to them, nor guide them to a path?
They took it (as a deity) and became of
the wrongdoers (they wronged

‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫حولحرماَ تسمق ح‬

‫ط مف أحيحديمهحم حوحرأححوا أحنترتهحم قححد ح‬
‫ضلقوا قحاَلتوا لحئحن حلح‬
149. When they thought about (what
they were doing) and realized they had
(149) ‫لاَمسمريحن‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫يحتحرححححناَ حربتقحناَ حويحتحغفحر لحنحاَ لحنحتكونحرن محن ا حح‬
gone astray from the reality, they felt
regret and said, “If our Rabb does not
bestow His grace upon us and forgive
us, surely we will be among the losers.”

150. When Moses came back to his

people, angry and grieved, he said,
َ‫ضحباَحن أحمسلفاَ قحاَحل بمحئحسحما‬‫حولحرماَ حرحجحع تموحسىَ إمحل قحتحومممه حغ ح‬
“What wretched things you did behind
‫حخلححفتِتتمومن ممحن بحتحعمدي أححعأمجحلتِتحم أححمحر حربتكحم حوأحلححقىَ احلحلححواحح‬
my back! Could you not have waited for
the command of your Rabb?” Then he ‫حوأححخحذ بمحرأحمس أحمخيِمه حيتقرهت إملححيِمه حقاَحل ابححن أترم إمرن الححقحوحم‬
put down the tablets and held his

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

‫ب احلححعأحداءح‬ ‫ضحعتفومن حوحكاَتدوا يحتحقتِتتتلونحمن فححل تتحشم ح‬
‫ت مح‬ ‫احستِح ح‬
brother by his head and pulled him
toward himself... (Aaron said) “O son of
‫م مم‬
(150) ‫ي‬ ‫حوحل ححتحعحلمن حمحع الححقحوم الرظاَلم ح‬
my mother! Indeed, the people
reckoned me weak and powerless and
were nearly going to kill me... So, do not
let the enemy rejoice and do not hold
me equal with these wrongdoers!”

‫قحاَحل ر ب م‬
‫ب احغفحر مل حوملحمخي حوأححدمخحلحناَ مف حرحححتِم ح‬
‫ك حوأحنح ح‬
151. (Moses said) “My Rabb... Forgive
me and my brother and include us into ‫ح‬
(151) ‫ي‬ ‫أححرححتم الراح ح‬
Your grace... You are the most Rahim of
the Rahim (the One who manifests the
infinite qualities of Your Names with
Your grace).”

‫ب ممحن حرببمحم حومذلرةج‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬

‫إمرن الرذيحن ارتحتذوا الحعحجحل حسيِحتنحاَتلتحم حغ ح‬
152. Indeed, those who took the calf (as
god) will receive the wrath of their Rabb ‫ضج‬
(152) ‫ك ححنمزي الحتمحف حمتيحن‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫مف احلححيِاَة القدنحتحيِاَ حوحكحذل ح‬
and debasement in the worldly life...
Thus We recompense the slanderers.

153. But there are some who became

regretful after their misdeeds and
‫ت تثر تحاَبتوا ممحن بحتحعمدحهاَ حوآححمنتوا إمرن‬
‫والرمذين عأمملتوا الرسيِبئاَ م‬
‫ح‬ ‫ح ح ح‬
repented, and they believed... Indeed,
(153) ‫ك ممحن بحتحعمدحهاَ لحغحتفوجر حرمحيِجم‬ ‫حربر ح‬
your Rabb, thereafter, is the Ghafur the

154. When Moses’ anger subsided he

took the tablets... In that inscribed text,
‫ب أححخحذ احلحلححواحح حومف‬ ‫ضت‬ ‫ت حعأحن تموحسىَ الحغح ح‬ ‫حولحرماَ حسحك ح‬
there is guidance (comprehension of the
(154) ‫نتحسحختِمحهاَ تهلدىَ حوحرحححةج لملرمذيحن تهحم لمحرببمحم يحتحرحهتبوحن‬
reality) and grace from their Rabb, for
those who fear.

155. Moses chose seventy men among

his people to go to the appointed place
َ‫ي حرتجلل لممميِحقاَتمحناَ فحتلحرما‬ ‫م‬
‫حواحخحتِاَحر تموحسىَ قحتحوحمهت حسحبع ح‬
to repent... When a severe earthquake
‫ت أححهلححكتِحتتهحم ممحن قحتحبتل‬ ‫أحخحذتحتهم الرجحفةت حقاَحل ر ب م‬
‫ب لححو شحئ ح‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ح تت ح‬
seized them, (Moses) said, “My Rabb...
‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫ك‬‫ي حأتتتحهلتكنحاَ م حباَ فحتحعحل القسحفحهاَءت ممرناَ إمحن هحي إمرل فحتِتنحتِت ح‬ ‫م‬
‫حوإرياَ ح‬
Had You willed, You could have
destroyed both them and I (for covering
the reality) before! Will You destroy us ‫ت حولميِقتحناَ فحاَحغمفحر‬ ‫م‬
‫تتضقل بحاَ حمحن تححشاَءت حوتحتحهدي حمحن تححشاَءت أحنح ح‬
‫م م‬
now for the actions of the foolish
(limited in intellect) among us? This is (155) ‫ت حخحيِتتر الححغاَفممريحن‬ ‫لححناَ حواحرححححناَ حوأحنح ح‬
only your provocation (trial) with which
You lead astray whom You will and guide
whom You will... You are our (guardian).
Forgive us and bestow Your grace upon
us... You are the best of forgivers.”

156. “And decree good things for us

both in this world and the eternal life to
َ‫ب لححناَ مف حهمذمه القدنحتحيِاَ حححسنحةل حومف احلحمخحرمة إمرناَ تهحدحنا‬
‫حواحكتِت ح‬

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

‫م‬ ‫ك حقاَحل عأحذامب أتمصيِ م‬

‫ب بمه حمحن أححشاَءت حوحرحححمت حوسحع ح‬
‫ت‬ ‫إملححيِ ح‬
come... Indeed, we have turned to
You”... He said, “I afflict whom I will with ‫ت‬ ‫ح‬
My wrath... My grace encompasses all
‫تكرل حشحيةء فححسأححكتتِبتتحهاَ لملرمذيحن يحتتِرتتقوحن حويتتحؤتتوحن الرزحكاَحة‬
things! I will decree it for those who
protect themselves, who give alms, and (156) ‫حوالرمذيحن تهحم بمحآحياَتمحناَ يتتحؤممتنوحن‬
who believe in the reality, in Our signs.”

157. Those who follow the Rasul, the

Ummi (unlettered) Nabi (whose natural
َ‫ب احلتبمري الرمذي حميتدونحهت حمحكتتِولبا‬ ‫م‬
‫الرذيحن يحتِتربمتعوحن الرتسوحل النرم ر‬
disposition has not been corrupted and
‫ف حويحتحنتحهاَتهحم‬ ‫معأحنحدهم مف التِرتورامة وا حمل حمنيِمل يأحمرهم مباَلحمعرو م‬
original purity is preserved) who has ‫ح تت ت ح ح ح ت‬ ‫حح ح‬ ‫تح‬
been stated in the Torah and the Gospel ‫ث‬ ‫عأمن الحمحنحكمر وتميقل حلم الطريِبباَ م‬
‫ت حوتيحبرتم حعألححيِمهتم احلححباَئم ح‬
in their hands... He orders what is ‫ح ت ح تت ح‬
‫ت حعألححيِمهحم‬
‫صحرتهحم حواحلححغحلحل الرمت حكاَنح ح‬ ‫ضتع حعأحنتتهحم إم ح‬‫حويح ح‬
favorable (positive) according to Allah
and forbids what is unfavorable
(negative) he makes the clean things ‫صتروهت حواترتبحتعتوا القنوحر الرمذي‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫فحاَلرذيحن آححمنتوا بمه حوحعأرزتروهت حونح ح‬
lawful and prohibits the filthy and ugly
things, he relieves them of the heavy (157) ‫ك تهتم الحتمحفلمتحوحن‬ ‫أتنحمزحل حمحعهت تأولحئم ح‬
burdens on their backs and unshackles
them from their chains (the ties
preventing them from turning to
Allah)... Those who believe in him,
respect (support) him, help him and
follow the Nur (Quran) that has been
revealed to him, they are the ones who
will attain liberation!

‫م م‬ ‫م‬
‫س إمبن حرتسوتل اللره إملححيِتكحم حجيِلعاَ الرذي لحهت‬ ‫قتحل حياَ أحيتقحهاَ الرناَ ت‬
158. Say, “O people... I am indeed a
Rasul of Allah who has come to you all...
‫م‬ ‫ك الرسماَوا م‬
‫ت‬‫ض حل إملحهح إمرل تهحو تحيميِي حوتييِ ت‬ ‫ت حواحلححر م‬ ‫تمحل ت ح ح‬
To HU belongs the sovereignty of the
heavens and the earth! There is no god
‫ب احلتبمبي الرمذي يتتحؤممتن بماَللرمه‬ ‫مم‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫فححآمنتوا مباَللره حوحرتسوله النرم ب‬
(deity) only HU! He gives life and
causes death! So believe in Allah,
whose Names comprise the essence of (158) ‫حوحكلمحماَتممه حواتربمتعوهت لححعلرتكحم تحتحهتِحتدوحن‬
your being, and his Rasul, the Ummi
(unlettered) Nabi, who believes in Allah,
the essence of his self, and what He
disclosed... Follow him so that you may
be lead to the reality.”

159. There is a group among the people

of Moses who informs the reality based
) ‫حوممحن قحتحومم تموحسىَ أترمةج يحتحهتدوحن بماَحلحبق حوبممه يحتحعمدتلوحن‬
on the Truth, and as the requirement of
living the reality, performs all things
duly and justly!

160. We have divided them into twelve

communities... And We inspired Moses,
َ‫حوقحطرحعحناَتهتم اثحتنح ح حت حعأحشحرةح أححسحباَلطاَ أتحلماَ حوأححوحححيِتحناَ إمحل تموحسى‬
‫صاَحك احلححجحر فحاَنحتبححجحس ح‬ ‫ب بمحع ح‬ ‫ضمر ح‬ ‫إممذ احستِححسحقاَهت قحتحوتمهت أحمن ا ح‬
when his people asked for water from
him, “Strike the stone with your staff

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

(by integrating the staff with the forces

within your essence)”... and there
َ‫ممحنهت اثحتنححتِاَ حعأحشحرةح حعأحيِتلناَ قححد حعألمحم تكقل أتحناَةس حمحشحربحتتهحم حوظحلرحلحنا‬
gushed forth twelve springs... Every
‫حعألححيِمهتم الحغححماَحم حوأحنحتحزلححناَ حعألححيِمهتم الححمرن حوالرسحلحوىَ تكلتوا ممحن‬
group of people knew their way (their
drinking place). And We shaded them ‫ت حماَ حرحزقحتحناَتكحم حوحماَ ظحلحتموحناَ حولحمكحن حكاَنتوا أحنحتتفحستهحم‬ ‫طحيِبباَ م‬
with clouds and disclosed for them ‫ح‬
manna (power) and quails... (We said) (160) ‫يحظحلمتموحن‬
“Eat from the clean and pure things
with which We have provided you”...
They did not do wrong to Us, but they
wronged their own selves.

‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫حوإمحذ قيِحل حلتتم احستكنتوا حهذمه الححقحريحةح حوتكلتوا ممحنتحهاَ حححيِ ت‬
‫ث مشحئتِتحم‬
161. And (mention) when it was said to
them, “Dwell in this city and eat from it
wherever you will... Say, ‘Forgive us’
‫ب تسرجلدا نحتحغمفحر لحتكحم‬ ‫م‬
‫حوتقولتوا حطرةج حواحدتخلتوا الححباَ ح‬
and enter through its gate by
‫مم‬ ‫م م‬
(161) ‫ي‬ ‫حخطيِحئاَتتكحم حسنحمزيتد الحتمححسن ح‬
experiencing the meaning of
prostration, so that We may forgive your
mistakes... We will increase it even
more for the doers of good.”

162. Those among them who did wrong

in deed, changed the words to a
‫فحتبحردحل الرمذيحن ظحلحتموا ممحنتتهحم قحتحولل حغحيِتحر الرمذي قميِحل حلتحم‬
statement other than that which was
) ‫فحأححرحسحلحناَ حعألححيِمهحم مرحجلزا ممحن الرسحماَمء م حباَ حكاَنتوا يحظحلمتموحن‬
said to them... This is why We sent
down suffering from the sky as the (162
consequence of their wrongdoing.

‫ت ححاَمضحرحة الحبحححمر إمحذ يحتحعتدوحن‬ ‫م‬

‫حواحسأححلتحم حعأمن الححقحريحة الرمت حكاَنح ح‬
163. Ask them about the town by the
sea!... How they had transgressed on
Sabbath (by going fishing on a
‫ت إمحذ تحأحتميِمهحم محيِتِحاَنتتتهحم يحتحوحم حسحبتِممهحم تشرلعأاَ حويحتحوحم‬
‫مف الرسب م‬
Saturday)... Because the fish increased
‫ك نححتبتتلوتهحم م حباَ حكاَنتوا يحتحفتستقوحن‬‫حل يححسبمتتِوحن حل تحأحتميِمهحم حكحذل ح‬
in number and revealed themselves on
Sabbath but disappeared on other days!
We tried them like this because they (163)
were given to transgression.

164. And when a community among

them said, “Why do you give advice to
‫ت أترمةج ممحنتتهحم ملح تحعمتظوحن قحتحولماَ اللرهت تمحهلمتكتهحم أححو‬
‫حوإمحذ قحاَلح ح‬
people who Allah will destroy or punish
‫تمحعبذبتتتهحم حعأحذالباَ حشمديلدا حقاَلتوا حمحعمذحرةل إمحل حربتكحم حولححعلرتهحم‬
with a severe suffering?”... They said,
“To be absolved from our responsibility (164) ‫يحتتِرتتقوحن‬
in the sight of our Rabb; and so that
perhaps they may protect themselves.”

165. When they forgot the advice given

to them, We saved those who tried to
‫فحتلحرماَ نحتسوا حماَ ذتبكتروا بممه أححنححيِتحناَ الرمذيحن يحتحنتحهحوحن حعأمن القسومء‬
prevent wrongdoing, and seized the
) ‫س م حباَ حكاَنتوا يحتحفتستقوحن‬ ‫وأححخحذحناَ الرمذين ظحلحموا بمعحذا ة‬
‫ب بحئميِ ة‬
wrongdoers with a wretched suffering, ‫ح ت ح‬ ‫ح‬
because of the mistaken deeds they

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

were doing.
‫ي‬ ‫مم‬ ‫م‬
‫فحتلحرماَ حعأتِحتحوا حعأحن حماَ نتتتهوا حعأحنهت قتتحلحناَ حلتحم تكونتوا قحرحدلة حخاَسئ ح‬
166. And when they became arrogant
and transgressed that which was
forbidden, We said to them, “Become
despised apes (creatures who live in
imitation of one another, who cannot
use their intellect).”

167. And your Rabb has declared, He

will certainly manifest those who will
‫ك لحححيِبتحعثحرن حعألححيِمهحم إمحل يحتحومم الحمقحيِاَحممة حمحن‬
‫حوإمحذ تحأحذرحن حربق ح‬
‫ب حوإمنرهت‬ ‫ك لحسمريع الحعمحقاَ م‬ ‫م م‬
‫يحتسوتمتهحم تسوءح الححعحذاب إرن حربر ح ح ت‬
inflict themselves with the worst
torment until Doomsday... Indeed, your
Rabb is Sari’ul Iqab (instantly forms the (167) ‫لحغحتفوجر حرمحيِجم‬
consequences of misdeeds)... Indeed,
He is the Ghafur, the Rahim.

168. We have divided them into factions

‫لوحن حوممحنتتهحم تدوحن‬ ‫ض أتحلماَ ممحنتهم ال ر م‬
‫حوقحطرحعحناَتهحم مف احلححر م‬
on the earth... There are some among ‫صاَ ت‬ ‫تت‬
them who are righteous (those who live
) ‫ت لححعلرتهحم يحتحرمجتعوحن‬
‫ت والرسيِبئاَ م‬
‫ك حوبحتلححوحناَتهحم بماَحلححسحناَ ح ح‬
‫حذل ح‬
according to the requirements of having
faith in the reality)... And there are (168
some among them who are of an
inferior level... We have tried them with
good and bad that perhaps they will
turn to the reality.

‫م‬ ‫مم‬
‫ب يحأحتختذوحن‬ ‫ف حومرثتوا الحكحتِاَ ح‬ ‫ف ممحن بحتحعدهحم حخحل ج‬
169. And following them were new
generations who inherited the ‫فححخلح ح‬
‫ض حهحذا احلححدحن حويحتتقوتلوحن حسيِتتحغحفتر لححناَ حوإمحن يحأحتحم حعأحر ج‬
‫ض‬ ‫حعأحر ح‬
knowledge of the reality... They were
living to attain the wealth of this base
worldly life and were claiming, “We will ‫ب أححن حل‬‫ممثحتلتهت يأحتختذوهت أححل يتحؤحخحذ حعألححيِمهم مميِحثاَتق الحمكحتِاَ م‬
be forgiven anyhow.” If they were ‫ح‬ ‫حت‬ ‫ح‬
offered an equal amount of worldly
goods, they would have taken that too...
‫يحتتقولتوا حعأحلىَ اللرمه إمرل احلحرق حوحدحرتسوا حماَ فميِمه حوالرداتر احلحمخحرةت‬
Was a covenant not taken from them (169) ‫حخحيِتجر لملرمذيحن يحتتِرتتقوحن أحفححل تحتحعمقتلوحن‬
that they would not say things about
Allah not based on the Truth? Did they
not take a lesson from it and study what
is in it? The eternal life to come is better
for the protected ones... Will you not
use your reason?

170. As for those who adhere to the ‫صحلحة إمرناَ حل نت م‬

‫ضيِتع‬ ‫والرمذين تيحبستكوحن بماَلحمكحتِاَ م‬
‫ب حوأححقاَتموا ال ر‬
knowledge of the reality (Book) and ‫ح ح‬
(170) ‫ي‬ ‫أحجر الحم م م‬
‫ص لح ح‬
perform salat (prayer; experience their
essence), indeed, We will not leave ‫حح ت ح‬
those who are reformed and those who
reform without a reward.

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

171. And (mention) when We had raised

the mountain above them as if it was a
‫حوإمحذ نحتتِحتحقحناَ احلحبححل فحتحوقحتتهحم حكأحنرهت ظتلرةج حوظحنقوا أحنرهت حواقمجع مبمحم‬
canopy, and they thought it was going
) ‫تختذوا حماَ حآتحتحيِتحناَتكحم بمتقروةة حواحذتكتروا حماَ فميِمه لححعلرتكحم تحتتِرتتقوحن‬
to fall upon them and destroy them...
“Hold firmly what We have given you, (171
reflect upon what is therein and
remember it so that you may be

172. And (mention) when your Rabb

took from the children of Adam, from
‫ك ممحن بحمن آححدحم ممحن ظتتهومرمهحم ذتبريترتِحتتهحم‬ ‫حوإمحذ أححخحذ حربق ح‬
َ‫ت بمحربتكحم قحاَلتوا بحتحلى‬ ‫م‬
‫حوأححشحهحدتهحم حعأحلىَ أحنحتتفسمهحم أحلححس ت‬
their loins (semen, genes), their
descendants and made them testify to
‫مم‬ ‫م م‬
‫حشمهحدحناَ أححن تحتتقولتوا يحتحوحم الحقحيِاَحمة إمرناَ تكرناَ حعأحن حهحذا حغاَفل ح‬
their own selves, asking them, “Am I not
your Rabb?” and they said, “Yes, indeed
we bear witness!” (Of this we remind (172
you) – lest you say on the day of
Resurrection, “We were cocooned
(unaware of this knowledge) of this”
(This refers to man being created upon
the natural disposition of Islam).

173. And so that you don’t say, “Our

fathers lived only as dualists, and we
‫أححو تحتتقولتوا إمرحناَ أححشحرحك آححباَتؤحناَ ممحن قحتحبلت حوتكرناَ ذتبريرةل ممحن‬
are their descendants (the continuation
(173) ‫بحتحعمدمهحم أحفحتتِتتحهلمتكنحاَ م حباَ فحتحعحل الحتمحبمطتلوحن‬
of their genetic coding) so will You
destroy us because of our fathers’
denial of the Truth?” (i.e. This is an
invalid excuse as everyone is created
upon the natural disposition of Islam,
but their understanding of religion
derives from the environmental
conditionings they receive).

174. Thus We explain in detail the

proofs – signs – that perhaps they will
(174) ‫ت حولححعلرتهحم يحتحرمجتعوحن‬
‫صل احلحياَ م‬
‫ك نتتحف ب ت ح‬
‫حوحكحذل ح‬
return (to their essential reality).

‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬

‫حواتحلت حعألححيِمهحم نحتبحأح الرذي آحتحتحيِتنحاَهت آححياَتحناَ فحاَنححسلححخ محنتحهاَ فحأحتحتبحتحعهت‬
175. Give them the news of the man to
whom We have given Our signs, yet he
detached himself from the knowledge
(175) ‫الرشحيِحطاَتن فححكاَحن ممحن الححغاَمويحن‬
and left it (forgot the reality and
pursued a life based on ego-identity)...
(Then) Satan (accepting one’s self as
only the body) made him a follower (of
this belief, until finally) he became of
the astray ones.

176. Had We willed, We would have ‫شئتحناَ لححرفحتحعحناَهت مبحاَ حولحمكنرهت أححخلححد إمحل احلححر م‬
‫ض حواترتبححع‬ ‫حولححو م ح‬
elevated him with these signs... But

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

‫ث أححو‬ ‫ب إمحن ححتممحل حعألححيِمه يحتحلحه ح‬ ‫حهواهت فحمثحتلتهت حكمثحمل الححكحل م‬

(instead) he settled on earth (bodily life)
and followed his baseless impulses! So, ‫ح ح ح‬
his example is like that of a dog: if you
َ‫ك حمثحتل الححقحومم الرمذيحن حكرذبتوا بمحآيحاَتمنحا‬ ‫تحتحتِترحكه يتحله ح م‬
‫ث حذل ح‬ ‫تتحح‬
chase him he pants, if you leave him he
pants... This is what the people who (176) ‫صم لححعلرتهحم يحتتِحتحفركتروحن‬ ‫ص ح‬ ‫صم الححق ح‬ ‫ص م‬‫فحاَقح ت‬
deny Our signs look like! Relate this to
them, perhaps they will contemplate
upon it.

177. How wretched is the state of

people who deny Our signs
‫حساَءح حمثحلل الححقحوتم الرمذيحن حكرذبتوا بمحآحياَتمحناَ حوأحنحتتفحستهحم حكاَنتوا‬
(manifestations of Names) and (hence)
(177) ‫يحظحلمتموحن‬
do wrong to their selves!

‫من يتهمد اللره فحتهو الحمهتِمدي ومن ي ح م‬

‫ضلحل فحتأولحئم ح‬
‫ك تهتم‬
178. Whoever is enabled by Allah to
observe his innermost essential self, he ‫ح ح حح ت تح ت حح حح ح ت‬
is the one who reaches the reality! And
(178) ‫لاَمستروحن‬ ‫ا حح‬
whoever Allah leads astray, indeed they
are the ones who are in loss.

179. Indeed, We have created and

‫ب حل‬‫س حلتحم قتتتلو ج‬‫حولححقحد حذحرأححناَ ملححهنرحم حكثمليا ممحن احلمبن حوا حملنح م‬
increased in number the majority of the
jinn and mankind for the life of hell!
‫صتروحن مبحاَ حوحلتحم آححذاجن حل‬ ‫ي حل يتب م‬ ‫م‬
‫يحتحفحقتهوحن بحاَ حوحلتحم أححعأ ت ج تح‬
They have hearts (consciousness) with
‫ك تهتم‬‫ضقل تأولحئم ح‬ ‫يححسحمتعوحن محباَ تأولحئم ح‬
‫ك حكاَحلحنحتحعاَمم بححل تهحم أح ح‬
which they cannot understand (the
reality), they have eyes with which they
cannot evaluate what they see, they (179) ‫الححغاَفمتلوحن‬
have ears with which they cannot
understand what they hear! They are
like cattle (an’am), nay, they are even
less conscious of the right way: it is they
who are the truly heedless (living in
their cocoons)!

180. And to Allah belongs the most

beautiful Names (the qualities denoted
‫حولملرمه احلححسحاَءت احلتحسحن فحاَحدتعأوهت محباَ حوحذتروا الرمذيحن يتتحلمحتدوحن‬
by those Names reference the One and
(180) ‫ساَئممه حسيِتحجحزحوحن حماَ حكاَنتوا يحتحعحمتلوحن‬ ‫مف أح حح‬
the Absolutely Self-sufficient Allah,
hence these Names and their meanings
belong to Him alone and cannot be
defined by human concepts. As noted in
“Exalted (Subhan) is Allah beyond what
they attribute to Him”), so turn to Him
through the meanings of His Names.
And leave the company of those who
practice deviation (fall into duality)
concerning His Names. They will be
recompensed for what they have been

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

181. And among those We created there

is (such) a community, they guide to
(181) ‫حوممرحن حخلححقحناَ أترمةج يحتحهتدوحن مباَحلحبق حوبممه يحتحعمدتلوحن‬
the reality by the Truth, and they give
everything its due right!

‫حوالرذيحن حكرذبتوا بمحآحياَتمحناَ حسنححستِححدمرتجتهحم ممحن حححيِ ت‬
182. We will progressively lead those
who deny Our signs (pertaining to the
‫ث حل‬
reality) to destruction from where they
(182) ‫يحتحعلحتموحن‬
do not know (through a scheme).

‫م م‬ ‫م‬
‫حوأتحملي حلتحم إمرن حكحيِدي حمتِ ج‬
(183) ‫ي‬
183. And I will give them time to do
what they want... Indeed, My fine plan
is firm.

184. Did they not give thought? There is

no madness (mindlessness) in their
‫صاَمحبممهحم ممحن مجنرةة إمحن تهحو إمرل نحمذيجر‬‫أححوحلح يحتتِحتحفركتروا حماَ بم ح‬
(184) ‫ي‬ ‫تمبم ج‬
companion! He is only a clear warner.

185. Did they not look into the angelic

‫ض حوحماَ حخلححق‬‫ت حواحلححر م‬ ‫ت الرسماَوا م‬ ‫أحوحل يتحنظتروا مف ملحتكو م‬
realms (forces) of the heavens and the ‫حح‬ ‫ححح ت ح‬
‫م‬ ‫ة‬ ‫م‬
‫ب أححجلتتهحم‬‫اللرهت محن حشحيء حوأححن حعأحسىَ أححن يحتكوحن قحد اقحتتِحتحر ح‬
earth, to anything Allah has created,
and that perhaps their appointed time
(185) ‫ث بحتحعحدهت يتتحؤممتنوحن‬ ‫ي حمدي ة‬
‫فحبمأح ب ح‬
(death) has neared? So, (if they do not
take heed of this) what statement will
they believe in?

186. Whoever Allah leads astray, there

is no guide for him... He will leave them
‫ي لحهت حويححذترتهحم مف طتحغحيِاَمنمحم‬ ‫م‬ ‫من ي ح م‬
‫ضلمل اللرهت فححل حهاَد ح‬ ‫حح ت‬
in their transgression, wandering
(186) ‫يحتحعحمتهوحن‬

187. They ask you, “When will that hour

arrive?”... Say, “Its knowledge is only
‫ك حعأمن الرساَحعأمة أحيراَحن تمحرحساَحهاَ قتحل إمرحناَ معأحلتمحهاَ معأحنحد‬ ‫يححسأحتلونح ح‬
with my Rabb... HU is the One who will
‫ت‬‫ربب حل تيلبيِهاَ لموقحتِمهاَ إمرل هو ثتحتقلحت مف الرسماَوا م‬
reveal it when it is time! (Concepts such ‫حح‬ ‫تح ح‬ ‫ح ح ح ح‬ ‫ح‬
as time, place, object, and person ‫ك ححمفوي‬ ‫ك حكأحنر ح‬ ‫ض حل تحأحتميِتكحم إمرل بحتحغتِحةل يححسأحتلونح ح‬
‫حواحلححر م‬
cannot be conceived in regards to that
reflection)... It weighs heavy on the ‫حعأحنتحهاَ قتحل إمرحناَ معأحلتمحهاَ معأحنحد اللرمه حولحمكرن أححكثحتحر الرناَمس حل‬
heavens and the earth... It will come to
you unexpectedly.” They ask you as if (187) ‫يحتحعلحتموحن‬
you know it (through experience)... Say,
“Its knowledge is with Allah alone... But
the majority of the people do not know.”

‫ضقرا إمرل حماَ حشاَءح اللرهت حولححو‬ ‫قتل حل أحملم ت م م‬

‫ك لنحتحفسي نحتحفلعاَ حوحل ح‬
188. Say, “I cannot form any benefit or
any harm for myself, other than what ‫ح ح‬
‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫تكحنت أححعألحم الحغحيِب حلستِححكثحتر م‬
‫ت محن احلححي حوحماَ حمرس ح‬
Allah wills... If I had known (the
absolute) unknown, surely I would have ‫ت ت حح ح حت‬
multiplied all good and no harm would (188) ‫القسوءت إمحن أححناَ إمرل نحمذيجر حوبحمشيج لمحقحوةم يتتحؤممتنوحن‬
have touched me... I am merely a

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

warner and a bringer of glad tidings for

a people who believe.”

189. HU created you from ONE single

َ‫س حوامححدةة حوحجحعحل ممحنتحهاَ حزحوحجحها‬ ‫تهحو الرمذي حخلححقتكحم ممحن نحتحف ة‬
soul – I’ness (in the macro plan this is
‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫ت‬‫ت حححلل حخفيِلفاَ فححمر ح‬ ‫ليِححستكحن إملححيِتحهاَ فحتلحرماَ تحتغحرشاَحهاَ حححلح ح‬
known as the Reality of Muhammad and
the First Intellect, in the micro plan it is
َ‫لا‬‫بممه فحتلحرماَ أحثحتحقلحت دعأوا اللره ربترهماَ لحئمن آحتحتيِتِتناَ م‬
‫صاَ ل‬
known as the human consciousness and
the Grand Intellect) and from it, formed ‫ح ح ح ح ح ح ت ح ح حح ح ح‬
his partner (at the macro plan: the (189) ‫لحنحتكونحرن ممحن الرشاَكممريحن‬
universe; at the micro plan: the brain)
so that you dwell with her... And when
he covered her (his partner) she loaded
a light burden and carried it... When it
got heavy, they both prayed to Allah,
“Indeed, if You give us a righteous
(child) we will surely be among the
evaluators.” (This verse can be
understood both in terms of the
formation of the worlds and the
formation of humans).

‫هاَ فحتتِحتحعاَحل‬ ‫م‬ ‫فحتلحرماَ آححتاَتهاَ م‬

‫لاَ حجحعحل لحهت تشحرحكاَءح فيِحماَ آحتحاَ تح‬
‫صاَ ل‬
190. But when He gave them a
righteous (child) they associated ‫ح ح‬
partners with Him concerning what He
(190) ‫اللرهت حعأرماَ يتحشمرتكوحن‬
gave them... Exalted is Allah above
what they associate with Him.

191. Are they associating those who do

not create anything when they
(191) ‫أحيتحشمرتكوحن حماَ حل حيحلتتق حشحيِلئاَ حوتهحم تيحلحتقوحن‬
themselves are created? (There is a
reference in these two verses to the
tendency of mankind to conceive
natural events and creatures as
deities/gods besides Allah.)

‫صلرا حوحل أحنحتتفحستهحم يحتحن ت‬
(192) ‫صتروحن‬ ‫حوحل يححستِحطيِتعوحن حلتحم نح ح‬
192. (The deities they associate with
Allah) have neither the power to help
them, nor themselves!

193. If you invite them to guidance (the

realization of one’s essential reality)
‫حوإمحن تححدتعأوتهحم إمحل احلتحدىَ حل يحتِتربمتعوتكحم حسحواءج حعألححيِتكحم‬
they will not follow you... Whether you
(193) ‫صاَممتتِوحن‬ ‫أححدحعأحوتتتوتهحم أححم أحنحتتِتحم ح‬
invite them or remain silent, it is all the

194. Those to which you turn besides

Allah are merely servants like
‫إمرن الرمذيحن تححدتعأوحن ممحن تدومن اللرمه معأحباَجد أححمحثاَلتتكحم فحاَحدتعأوتهحم‬
(194) ‫ي‬ ‫فحتحليِستِمجيِبوا لحتكم إمحن تكحنتِم م م‬
‫صاَدق ح‬
yourselves! If you are persistent (in
your belief) call them and let them ‫تح ح‬ ‫ح حح ت ح‬

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

respond to you!

195. Do they have feet with which they

walk, hands with which they hold, eyes
‫أححلتحم أححرتجلج حيحتشوحن مبحاَ أححم حلتحم أحيحةد يحتحبمطتشوحن مبحاَ أححم حلتحم‬
with which they see, or ears with which
‫صتروحن مبحاَ أححم حلتحم آححذاجن يححسحمتعوحن محباَ قتمل احدعأتوا‬ ‫ي يتب م‬
‫أححعأ ت ج تح‬
they hear? Say, “Call your partners
(that you associate with Allah) and (195) ‫تشحرحكاَءحتكحم تثر كميِتدومن فححل تتحنمظترومن‬
conspire against me and give me no

)‫ي‬ ‫إمرن ولميِبي اللره الرمذي نحترزحل الحمكحتِاَب وهو يتتِحتورل ال ر مم‬
‫صاَل ح‬
196. Indeed, my Waliyy (guardian) is
Allah, the One who has revealed the ‫ح حتح ح ح‬ ‫ح ح ت‬
knowledge (Book) of the reality! He
befriends the doers of good.

‫م‬ ‫م مم‬ ‫م‬

‫حوالرذيحن تححدتعأوحن محن تدونه حل يححستِحطيِتعوحن نح ح‬
197. Those to whom you call upon (for
help) besides Him, have neither the
‫صحرتكحم حوحل‬
(197) ‫صتروحن‬ ‫أحنحتتفحستهحم يحتحن ت‬
power to help you nor can they help

198. If you call them for guidance they

will not hear... You will think they are
‫حوإمحن تححدتعأوتهحم إمحل احلتحدىَ حل يححسحمعتوا حوتحتحراتهحم يحتحنظتتروحن‬
‫ك وهم حل يتب م‬
(198) ‫صتروحن‬ ‫إملححيِ ح ح ت ح تح‬
looking at you but they will not see!

‫ف وأحعأمرض عأمن ا ح م م‬ ‫م م‬ ‫م‬

(199) ‫ي‬ ‫لاَهل ح‬ ‫تخذ الححعحفحو حوأحتمحر باَلحعتحر ح ح ح ح ح‬
199. Be forgiving, judge with positive
and useful things, and turn away from
the ignorant!

200. If an impulse comes to you from

Satan (if you are tempted towards
‫ك ممحن الرشحيِحطاَمن نحتحزغج فحاَحستِحعمحذ بماَللرمه إمنرهت حمسيِجع‬
‫حوإمرماَ يحتحنتحزحغنر ح‬
bodily desires and curtained from your
(200) ‫حعألميِجم‬
reality) immediately seek refuge in
Allah (the forces of the Names
comprising your essential reality)... For
He is the Sami the Aleem

‫ف ممحن الرشحيِطحاَمن تححذركتروا‬ ‫م‬

‫إمرن الرذيحن اترتحقحوا إمحذا حمرستهحم حطاَئم ج‬
201. As for those who are protected,
when an impulse touches them from
Satan (those who confine their
(201) ‫صتروحن‬ ‫فحمإحذا هم مب م‬
existence to their body alone) they ‫ت ح تح‬
think about and remember (their
essential reality)... They evaluate with

202. But their (devils’) brothers drag ‫وإمخوانتتهم حيتقدونحتهم مف الحغحي تثر حل يتحق م‬
(202) ‫صتروحن‬
them to emotionality and extremity... ‫ت‬ ‫ب‬ ‫تح‬ ‫ح حح ت ح‬
And they will not let them be!

203. When you do not relate a verse to

them, they say, “You should have made
َ‫حوإمحذا حلح تحأحمتمحم بمحآيحةة قحاَلتوا لححوحل احجحتِبحتحيِتِحتحهاَ قتحل إمرحناَ أحتربمتع حما‬

Chapter 7: Al A’raf

‫صاَئمتر ممحن حربتكحم حوتهلدىَ حوحرحححةج‬ ‫يوحىَ إم حر م‬

‫ل محن حربب حهحذا بح ح‬
one up!” Say, “I follow only what is
revealed to me from my Rabb... This ‫تح‬
(Quran) is an insight from your Rabb
(203) ‫لمحقحوةم يتتحؤممتنوحن‬
(enabling you to realize and
comprehend), it is a guide (to the
reality) and grace for a people who
believe (it elevates and matures

‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫حوإمحذا قتمر ح‬

‫ئ الحتقحرآحتن فحاَحستِحمعتوا لحهت حوأحنحصتِتوا لححعلرتكحم تتحر حت‬
204. When the Quran is recited, listen
to it and be silent so that you may
) ‫حوحن‬
receive grace.
205. Remember and contemplate in
depth your Rabb in your self, by
‫ضقرلعأاَ حومخيِحفةل حوتدوحن احلححهمر ممحن‬ ‫ك مف نحتحفمس ح‬
‫ك تح ح‬ ‫حواحذتكحر حربر ح‬
‫مم‬ ‫م‬
(205) ‫ي‬ ‫صاَمل حوحل تحتكحن محن الححغاَفل ح‬ ‫م‬
‫الححقحول مباَلحغتتدبو حواحلح ح‬
knowing your boundary, by feeling Him,
and in a modest, confidential way,
without raising your voice, in the
morning and evening! Do not be of the

‫ك حل يححستِححكم تبوحن حعأحن معأحباَحدتممه‬ ‫م‬

‫إمرن الرذيحن معأحنحد حرب ح‬
206. Indeed, those who are with your
Rabb never show arrogance and refrain
from servitude... They continue their
(206) ‫حويتحسبتحونحهت حولحهت يححستجتدوحن‬
existence through Him (tasbih) and
prostrate to Him (by feeling their
nothingness in the sight of His Might).
(This is a verse of prostration.)


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