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Interview Questions (Must Prepare):

1st round (telephonic)

- around 45 mins plus
- almost all about PCI express protocol
- at last about verilog
- what is parameters ?
- what is generic?
- what is package in VHDL ?
- what is generate statement?
- generic ? 
- difference between `define and params ? ifdefine ??

now all F2F round

2nd round:
- aound 1 hour
- designer ... 
- explain about one project
- how was FIFO build in that ?
- how data xfer was done ?
- grey code and its usage?
- bus synchronization
- write state machine
- write about edge detector
- write code for shown waveform (wave form was of posedge and negedge detector)
- synch FIFO or asych FIFO ? why to use grey code ? 
- what to do when there is post tapeout violations ?
- setup and hold equations
- verilog code for synch and asynch flops
- latch inference
- SoC architectures like .. AHB bus etc ...

3rd round 
- just 15 mins max 
- scripting expert 
- just asked me about an algorith of scripting
- told to develope algorith to grep something from one file .. and print line numbers ..
- print given line numbers from other file ..
- how do we exclude comments from counting keyword ..
- will this always work kind of questions ..
- than he made scenrio much complex ...  by asking in depth questions 

4th round
- around 45 mins plus
- tech lead
- asked about ALL of my project and each line of it
 - how do meet timing if there is chain of logic ?
- what to for CDC paths ?
- can we safely put CDC path as false paths ?
- what is CDC flops are lying at 2 corners of the chip ?

5th round
- around 45 mins plus
- manager
- class and its object
- what is differnece between caling constructor and writing new () etc etc ...
- write code to detect position of first one among 32 bits ..
- write synthesizable code ..
- what is DFT ?
- are 100% flops scanable?
- why few are not scale?
- under which conditions they are not scanble ?
- what is reset synch 
- draw its design
- how dos this work
- no ... reset synch u have drawn is wrong .. it is this way .. what do you say?
- how to verify metastability ?
- what to do for bus synchronization?
- and why ???

6th round
- manager,
- around 20 mins
- half of the time he spent in asking my interest and why am i chaing job
- setuo and hold equation 
- what if capture flops clock is inverted ?
- what happend during clock domain crossing ?
- how to do bus synchronization?
- what if valid signal is stable and data is changing during bus synch ??

7th round
- architect
- 1 hour
- few questoins from profile
- basic about state machine and digital truith table
- write SM code
- what happen if 2 inputs of mux are 1 .. but select is toggling ?
- optimiza FSM code .. 
- latch based design ? ever worked oni t ?
- write counter design 
- how do we make it using latch ?
- any 2 wire commmunication protocol .. like REQ and ACK  ..
- explain AHB protocol
- drwan some flops and clocks and made some connection  and asked me to do STA
- why to have reset ?? non-reetable flops are okay ?
8th round
- some BIG BOSS
- around 30 mins
- all HR related questiuns
- like what does integrity and ethics mean to you?
- how do you interact with US people?
- strengths ? and where u want to improve ?
- after 5 years where will u be ?
- what extra do you do?
- what kind of books u read and tell some learning from it ..
- why r u leaving ... and why only .............. (:-)) .. why not qualcomm, etc ...

9th round:
- 40 mins
- some PD engineer
- what is power saving tachniques
- cell delay calulation
- clock gating
- explain ..
- dran ckt and told me to reduce its power
- what is state retention?
- how does power islands work?
- state machince code ..
- problem in verilo code he had written ..
- blocking non-blocking
- top down or bottom up? complexity ? percentage wise how much on verification and how
much on design? 
- design -> edge detector
- ramdom, verification, task and function
- task based environment
- rate your self

- RC and EP connection, software perspecive, verilog delays, intra and inter assignment
delay, wire and cell delay, FPGA debugging, how do u come to conclusion, FPGA design

- lane and link, hex and binary and decimal and BCD conversion, BAR reading, enumeration,
BDF, CPL boundary, 1K of data in one completion? , multiple completion allowed?, max
payload size, max read request size, RCB ?? , 
- design, verilog, 4 bytes by 4 bytes than pack them into 8 bytes, write verilog code
- simulation dependancies, blocking and non-blocking assignments, graph etc, counter code
and block diagram
- expectation, why to leave
- lunch

- if reset is given, not given, sensitivity list is incomplete, VHDL configuration, VHDL flop
- digital, MUX, no of muxes, 8 to 1 mux from 2 to 1, how many muxes is required, LUT,
RAM, FPGA architect
- type of paths, clock gating, recently faced and solved issue, clock domain crossing, and
why? , buffer characteristics,  p&r, 
- why to leave, strong reason, why did u join tforce, expectation, 

- experience in various domains

- design, what design, why only in this way?, randomization, constrained rabdomization,
pulse stretcher, 
- memory verif, interrupt verif, arbiter verif, 

- sync flops, muti cycle, fasle, same path both violation, 

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