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46 Philippine Conditions, 1946-1990

stood the pressures ~of both government control and communist infil- ..
tration. As democratic and moderate reformists, they struggled to 3
broaden workers' trade union and political rights, and advance social
reforms envisioned by the Catholic Church.
In the 1960s, the Christian Churches inspired other progressive el- Emphasis and Perception
ements which were profoundly influential in shaping the character of
various sectoral groups: Christian Social Movement under Raul
of Issues
Manglapus; Young Christian Workers (YFW); Khi Ro, mainly comprised
of Catholic student and youth activists under the guidance of Fr. de Ia
Torre; National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP); Student
Catholic Action (SCA); Lakasdiwa (Strength-Spirit); and Kapulungan ng
mga Sandigang Pilipino (KASAPI); and many others (KDSP 1972).
T he TUCP, KMU, and FFW articulated four types of issues: the
work-related, those focused on the trade union, the sectoral,
and the national. Work-related. issues-wages, job security, and job
Concluding Observations rights-are both economic and noneconomic (e.g., .workers' participa-
tion and industrial democracy). The trade unions discussed these is-
Economic underdevelopment-marked by massive unemployment, sues extensively during collective-bargaining negotiations, but also ar-
widespread poverty, and intense labor repression-gave birth to and ticulated them in public in reaction to such national events as oil-pr~ce
shaped the development of Philippine trade unions. Trade-union ten- hikes, widespread unemployment, and. the widening income gap.
dencies are of five distinct types: (1) the revolutionary, which abhors Issues focused on the trade union are those related to the basic rights
capitalism and works for the establishment of socialism; (2) democratic of workers to. form, structure, and administer unions; bargain collec-
or political, which advances trade-union freedom and workers' partici- tively; and stage concerted activities. Sectoral issues affect sectors other
pation in the affairs of the enterprise and society; (3) the econolnist than labor, but are nonetheless raised by trade unions for varied rea,
and traditional, engrossed in factory-focused and economic-issues; (4) Aons. The issues may concern students (e.g., tuition hike, academic
the moralist, whose religious values give unions a reformist posture; and freedom), the urban poor (e.g., housing, resettlement), peasants and
(5) the defensive and protective, which all labor groups express in vary- farmers (e.g., land reform), and drivers or operators ofjeepneys, taxis,
ing degrees since they are concerned with the protection and defense and buses (e.g. oil-price hike).
of workers against the ill-effects:· of the economic system and the abuses Finally, national issues are those that affect all sectors of society, such
of some employers and labor racketeers. as foreign debt, foreign investments,.. U.S. military bases, dictatorship,
graft and. corruption, and ineffitient. delivery of basic social services.
The issues raised by the TUCP, KMU, and FFW were classified by year
based on Mark Perlman's five categories (cf. appendices A, B, C) and
used as the basis for comparing and analyzing trade•union behavior. A
principal finding of this study is that the three labor groups vary largely
in their emphasis and perception {)f the above issues. These difference$
are mai,lifested in a variety of ways.

TUCP: _Largely Economist I • .

/From its founding in 1975 to 19S3, rle TUCP emphasized economic-
oriented issues, particularly those rela~;d to wages and working condi-
tions (see appendix A). Its actions wete uricontroversial, in the sense
that they generally reflecte~ the basi~ demands of workers and other .
48 Issues Raised lry Trade Unions Issues Raised by Trade Unions 49

trade unions. The TUCP also raised national economic issues during this although it took critical stands against specific issues, such as policies
period, but did not discuss them very much in public. TUCP pronounce- resu·icting public-sector unionism (TUCP 1990, 2).
ments attacked the country's social structure as capitalistic and feudal - The TUCP also began to shift its emphasis back to economic issues;
(1 977k, 39), and pressed for economic reforms that would strictly regu- its 1 May 1990 manifesto emphasized:wage increases, job security, wide-
late private ownership (1 980, 32-33). spread unemployment, improving the social benefits of workers, and
The TUCP also raised democratic and political issues largely reflect- rationalizing the taxation system (TUCP· .1990). At the same time, it
ing the government's views. From the very start, it defended the started to confront controversial national issues, such as the foreign
government's restructuring policy, even when other labor groups de- debt and U.S. military bases. The TUCP (1986g) stood for
nounced it as restrictive of the workers' basic rights. Democrito
Mendoza (1978a, 29)justified the TUCP'sdecision: "IfPhilippine trade equitable renegotiation of debt payments; recommending the limi-
unions opted not to protest against some of the seeming restrictions tation of debt service payments to not more than 10 percent of
that somehow contravene their fundamental rights relative to freedom the country's merchandise exports. ~emoval of all foreign mili-
of association it is because they are convinced that the envisioned end .tary bases, facilities, nuclear weapons, and troops from all co tin-
would give them more of these rights in the future." tries of the world. Honor the present Philippine-US mutual de-
By the mid-1980s, however, there was a systematic shift in the TUCP's fense treaty until its expiration i~ 1991. ~~anwhile, there should
be an immediate nationwide study and discussion of the issues
emphasis and perception of issues; the alliance began to articulate
involved, the results ofwhich shall form a basis of Philippine policy
democratic issues more aggressively by criticizing what it now described
as the restrictive provisions of the Labor Code. The TUCP also became in 1991.
more vocal and aggressive about national and political issues: it attacked The TUCP, however, continued to belie~e in free enterprise and strict
the government for being autocra•ic, stifling individual initiative, pro- regulation of property rights (1987b,- 5); within this framework, it was
moting social injustice and inequity, being graft-ridden and corrupt, all willing to work with the government in instituting structural reforms.
of which it claimed fostered resentment among the workers and farm- The TUCP did not, therefore, advocate dismantling the economic and
ers (1 984a, 2). Later, the TUCP attributed labor's problems to political order, and its criticism of the government remained directed
government's inability to solve the country's economic crisis (TUCP only against specific anomalies or irregularities like graft and corrup-
1985, 5, 12; Mendoza 1985a). It also started to express its concern over tion (TUCP 1990, 2) .
the growing dominance of foreign powers in the country's internal • In the mid-1980s, as its emphasis and perception of issues gradually
affairs; foreign domination, the TUCP said, obstructed the country's I shifted, the TUCP underwent organizational adjustment. One faction,
development and caused the marginalization of the vast majority-the identified with Mendoza and Herrera, both of the Associated Labor
poor (l984a, 1; 1985, 5, 12). Union (ALU), expressed dissatisfaction over the failure of the TUCP
The TUCP continued to emphasize democratic issues, maintaining assemblymen to pursue the interests of organized labor in the National
its critical posture when President Corazon Aquino came to power in Assembly, and decided to stop supporting the ruling party. I
1986. It even demanded "workers' participation in decision-making and
in program implementation at all levels" and the "immediate lifting of
The transformation of the TUCP may have been due to the follow-
ing: the TUCP's growing di~~tisfaction with the performance of the
the restrictions on the right to organization, collective bargaining, and Marcos administration; th';JlSSassination of former Senator Benigno
concerted action" (TUCP 1986a, 11). The TUCP had a chance to repeal Aquino Jr. in 1983; and die challenge posed by the radical groups,
the restrictive provisions of the Labor Code when its secretary-general which were aggressively articulating their opposition to the repressive
Ernesto Herrera was elected to the Senate in 1987. To the consterna- regime of then President Ferdinand Marcos. Once the Marcos admin-
tion of many in the trade-union circles, however, the Herrera-sponsored istration was toP.pled, however, the TUCP reverted to its orilrjl)-al pos-
Senate Bill No. 530, which was consolidated with House Bill 11524 and ture of emphas~ing job-related and factory•oriented issues, and gen-
signed into law as Republic Act 6715 on 2 March 1989, did not eradi- erally supporting government labor policies, .while re~aining critical
cate the offending provisions, particularly B.P. Nos. 130 and 227. With of government on specific issues, such as corruption and inefficient
the law's passage, the TUCP stopped criticizing the new Labor Code, delivery of basic services.
50 Issues Raised fly Trade Unions Issues Raised by Trade Unions 51

While the mid-1980s witnessed the TUCP's general transformation, pression of academic freedom, and what the students described as the
some affiliates chose to maintain the TUCP's original posture. This corrupt system of education; the struggle of media people against what
conservative bloc consolidated its forces and organized in support of they perceived as violation of press freedom; the jeepney drivers'
Marcos's 1986 candidacy. While the center was moving in a new direc- struggle against the plan to create a public-utility-vehicle monopoly
tion, therefore, the TUCP's organizational outlook was hardly uniform. (198le, 5). .·
Some eneral characteristics of the TUCP deserve to be highlighted. The KMU's perception of these. issues had fc;~ur essential features: ~
First~' if the TUCP was pre ominantly economist during 1975-83, it was radical view of social reality; adh~rence to the revolutionary view on
also defe~sive, protecting workers from sodal injustice and abuse by eradicating social conflict; and alih'erence toJ.'farxist principles of class
some employers. From the mid-1980s, the TUCP began to shift from struggle, nationalist industrialization; and ifie ultimate goal of estab-
economism to a greater concern for dem'ocracy and political issues, lishing a socialist state. The KMU's views reflect a comprehensive, clearly
especially those that would strengthen unions as democratic and po- defined ideological orientation, as they possess social analysis, vision,
litical forces. It became vocal about broadening workers' participation and program. Rather than discuss the ideology of the KMU, however, I
at the workplace, and started to criticize the government. Although will show what issues the KMU raised; I will then argue that the trade-
democratic and political issues were not completely absent from the union alliance projected Marxist and revolutionary beliefs;
TUCP's unionism before the mid-1980s, they were much less prominent The KMU used the radical approach as defined by G.o,ldthorpe
than economic issues. (1981): going to the root of the probler.l. It traced the origin of the
Under the Aquino administration, howiver; spedfi.cally after the four main issues directly to the structures of so,ciety. It identified a
passage of the new Labor Code, the TUCP reverted to its original pos- broader issue affecting all other union issues-foreign monopoly con-
ture of emphasizing economic issues at the factory level. This time, it trol over the country's resources, aggravated"by what the KMU perceived
gradually stressed workers' democratic rights at the workplace. The as the connivance and collusion of the country's ruling elites; the big
TUCP also toned down its critidsm of the government's polides, espe- domestic capitalists b" ers, government, military, and what the
cially those relating to union ri§hts and freedom. KMU called th ellow leadershi in the labor movement (1981e, 1).
While these general patterns were developing within the TUCP, an- The KMU's percepuon o social reality is reflected in the handbook
other range of behavior deviating from the overall posture emerged. it uses in its educational drive:
While the TUCP pursued a general direction, therefore, there were a
variety of tendencies within the organization.
t The concentration of the natural resources in the hands of a
Finally, the TUCP had a pra~atic and opportu_nist outlook, in the few is at present the basic problem of the workers in the Philip•
sense that Perlman and Hoxie used the terms. The shift in emphasis pines.
and the openly critical stance of the mid-1980s were significant because These resources are controlled by American monopoly capi-
they diverted the attention of the TUCP affiliates. to the more basic talists. They are the principal owners of the biggest .and most
concern of instituting political reform, and gradually enabled the TUCP important businesses in the country. They are instrumental in the
to give up its predominantly progovernment posture. The TUCP slowly export of raw materials and agricultural products and from the
established a new image in the Philippine labor movement that allowed beginning have opposed land reform. They are controlling the
it to survive the change of government, and even become the main goverpment so that it might serve their interests. For a great part
labor base of the new administration. .......- ¥11-i "'o/""' ~(
they form the view of the citizenry by their hold on education and
mass media. In short, American monopoly capitalism and its lo-
cal cronies are the root cause of the destitution and enslavement
KMU: Highly Revolutionary of the Filipino workers and citizens (EILER 1988, 26-27).

Its documents reveal that the KMU addressed the same issues as the The KMU strongly tended to express and perceive all other issues
TUCP. The KMU, however, focused on, emphasized, and perceived is- within the context of foreign domination. For example, it atu·ibuted
sues much differently (see appendix B.) It supported a number of low wages to the government's cheap-labor strategy to attract and pro-
sectoral struggles: the students' protest against tuition-fee hikes, sup- mote foreign investments (1982b, 5), a policy the KMU claimed wa~

52 Issues Raised l7y Trade Unions Issues Raised by Trade Unions 53
dictated by multinational corporations through the International Mon- While the general character of the KMU was revolutionary, some of
etary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) in their bid to extract huge its affiliates preferred to focus on the economist, democratic, and po-
profits (KMU 1982b, 4). The KMU blamed union repression on the litical (as defined by Flanders), and saw trade unions mainly as 'defen-
subservience of both the union leadershi'p and government to the in- sive or protective. The major affiliates that preferred this orientation
terests of American monopoly capitalists (1981c, 1-2). According to the were National Union of Workers in the Hotels, Restaurants & Allied
KMU, the government used its powers to legislate laws favorable to the
interests of foreign investors, rather than to the welfare of the exploited
working class (CENTRUM 1983, 17). Government readily extended in-
1 Industries (NUWHRAIN), Union of Workers in the Garments, Textiles,
Cordage and Allied Industries (GATCORD), United Lumber and Gen-
eral Workers of the Philippines (ULGWP}, Southern Philippines Fed-
centives in the form of low wages and suppression of trade-union rights eration of Labor (SPFL), and National Federation of Labor (NFL).
(KMU l982b, 4). Within these federations, however, there were individuals and groups
The KMU tended to perceive the workers' struggle as a conflict be- that followed the KMU's general direction. On the other hand, the
tween the working and the capitalist classes. 2 According to the KMU, National Federation of Labor Unions (NAFLU), Pagkakaisa ng mga
the interests of the capitalist class were centered on amassing huge Samahan ng Tsuper Nationwide (PISTON), Alliance of Nationalist.and
profits, and pursued by exploiting the country's resources and bring- Genuine Labor Organizations (ANGLO/, Association of Democratic
ing wages down to the barest minimum. The KMU therefore linked the Labor Organizations (ADLO), Organized Labor Association in Line
trade-union struggle to what it claimed was the Filipino people's Industry and Agriculture (OLALlA), and other regional KMU councils
struggle to rid the country of foreign capitalist domination. Its revolu- generally favored revolutionary unionism. The KMU'S overall organi-
tionary view explained the KMU's battle cry: "genuine freedom, democ- zational spectrum, therefore, included varying shades of unionism,
racy, and nationalism."3 ranging from the conservative to revolutionary.
But the KMU's perception of the democratic struggle of workers was
different from that of the democratic and political school of thought.
It used the term "democratic struggle" to mean eradicating the struc- FFW: Primarily Democratic and Political
tures of capitalist control (i.e., dictatorial, fascistic or militaristic re-
gimes) and the instruments of foreign domination (U.S. military bases The various issues raised by the FFW revealed some general patterns
and multinational corporations).4 ~ (see appendix C). First, the FFW articulated economic, democratic, and
The KMU Founding Manifesto (1980) articulated the four major issues, political issues, depending on external conditions. When it was founded
and demanded nationalist industrialization and Filipino ownership of in 1950, for example, the FFW was more vocal about democratic issues.
multinationals. At the time; the KMU alone raised national issues pub- In 1953, however, when the Industrial Peace Act assured labor of free-
licly. Ten years later, it expressed other equally vital national issues even dom and indefendence, the FFW shifted its focus to economic issues.
more vocally. In preparation for the 1990 Labor Day celebration, it Second, the FFW's perception of the democratic and political char-
asked its regional councils to make the following nontraditional union acter of unions was similar to that of Flanders. Democracy, for the FFW,
demands: included free and ~ndependent unions. The FFW saw the political role
of unions as one of active involvement in the continuous struggle for
1. Immediate dismantling of the U.S. military bases and all broadening the rights of workers in the workplace, industry, and
foreign installations in the country; economy.
2. Put an end to total war! Dismantle fascism! Third, the FFW tended to be radicaL It rejected capitalism as the
3. Increase wages and lower prices of basic commodities; framework for development; however, it offered no clear alternative to
4. Fight for the implementation of a genuine and comprehen- the system it rejected, and did not possess a comprehensive vision,
sive land reform program; model, and program of sodety. When faced with specific issues, such
5. Nationalize strategic and vital industries; advance the estab- as land reform, foreign debt, multinationals, and U.S. bases, the· FF\V
lishment of a nationalist type of industrialization; and tended to become incoherent and muddled. The FFW's views on union
6. Put an end to the U.S.-Aquino regime and establish a "Na- involvement in politics were also ambivalent, unclear, and confusing to
tionalist Democratic Coalition Government. "5
its members, especially during national elections.
54 Issues Raised lTy Trade Unions Issues Raised lTy Trade Unions 55

On the whole, however, the FFW primarily exhibited a democratic pation in the political campaign for the opposition candidates, includ-
and political character, and secondarily, an economist and protective
posture. While its view of society was somewhat radical, it was never
' ing· Benigno Aquino Jr. and Alex Boncayao, president of an FFW affili-
ate. Although the issue of democracy was at stake, the FFW Governing
revolutionary. On the contrary, the FFW exhibited the conservative and Board vacillated, shelved the matter and left the affiliates to their own
traditional behavior of economist unions. devices. 8 The FFW's position on the 14 May 1984 elections was even
From the beginning, the FFW primarily focused on four major issues more muddled and incoherent. The FFW leaders officially and unani-
confronting workers and the labor movement: widespread poverty, mously agreed at a conference that the ~ should "particip~_te, sup-
which manifested itself in the form of inadequate housing, undernour-
• port, and work for clean and honest elections" {FFW 1984a, 5). How-
ishment, and poor education; rampant racketeering by unscrupulous ever, when the delegates were later asked to indicate their individual
labor leaders who took advantage of the weakness of the workers; grow- opinion in a questionnaire, the majority (56.1 percent) were for abso-
ing dominance of communist-infiltrated unions over the labormove- lute boycott, and only 30.5 percent were for absolute participation; only
ment; and government attempts to control the entire labor movement. 6 12.2 percent opted for conditional participation, and a negligible 1.2
The FFW was most vocal about trade-union freedom and indepen- percent were noncommittal. Although the results of the survey were
dence. During the Quirino administration (1946-53), it vehemently ·announced before the conference, there was no attempt to reconcile
attacked government officials who used the unions to further their own the divergent results (1984a, 4).
political ambitions. David Wurfel noted that during the 1950s, the FFW The FFW was careful in raising issues directed at the government.

was the most outspoken critic of Labor Secretary Jose Figueras and his When forced tq make pronouncements, it usually conformed with and
attempt to dominate the labor movement (1959, 405) .. With the pas- supported government programs. For instance, during the early years
sage of the Industrial Peace Act in 1953, however, the issue of external of martial law, the FFW praised Marcos's "New Society," claiming that it
control subsided, and the FFW shifted its focus to economic issues. The had "effectively begun the reorientation of political authority and in
FFW organizers, however, ventilated these issues mainly at the factory many dramatic instances propelled a progressive development program"
level during collective-bargaining negotiations; the FFW was not, there- {FFW 1975h, 6). A few days before the February 1986 People Power
fore, active at the national level from the late 1950s to the late 1960s. Revolution, the FFW issued a statement on what it thought had marred
In the 1970s, however, the FFW had an opportunity to revive its the presidential "snap" elections, but worded it so that it neither cat-
struggle against government interference when martial law was pro- Ill
egorically supported Aquino nor attacked Marcos, in spite of public knowl-
claimed. The new regime mandated the restructuring of the country's edge that his administration had cheated massively in vote-counting.
labor movement along industrial lines, which the FFW saw as a viola- It is high time that the FFW should now come out of its shell
tion of the right of workers to organize unions. The FFW publicly at- and openly manifest its stand to the public .... That the issue is
tacked the government officials for using "the labor movement as their not either to support Mr. Marcos or Mrs. Aquino, but what is
political base in the country's political processes," and for trying to whip beneficial to the Filipino people .... ThatFFW condemns evil, not·
the labor movement into line. 7 It also filed a case with the Supreme the evildoer {FFW 1986q, 2).
Court to inhibit the government from restructuring the labor move-
ment. The FFW publicly released its statement a month after Aquinq took
Throughout the remaining years of the Marcos regime, the FFW be- over the reins of government and then published it in its official news-
came more vocal in opposing laws·that restricted the free exercise of paper in May that year (See FFW l986p, 2 for the full text). But the
union freedom. When the Aquino government, in spite of strong la- FFW was never systematically critical· of the martial-law regime and
bor representation in Congress, failed to repeal the Labor Code's re- Marcos, or of the Aquino administration. The rare instances when the
pressive provisions, the FFW publicly and vehemently objected in a pro- FFW attacked the government occurred only after the administration
nouncement addressed to Aquino {FFW 1989). being addressed had been dislodged from power. The FFW waited un-
While the FFW was consistent on union matters, however, its positions til Aquino became President, for example, to denounce the Marcos re-
on broader issues, especially those requiring confrontation with the gime as authoritarian and dictatorial (FFW 1986p,l; 1989d, 4).
government, were indecisive and confusing. For example, prior to the During the early years of martial law, the FFW expressed its views on
l the economy at a series of government conferences discussing tlle find·
7 April 1979 national elections, some the FFW affiliates urged partici-
56 Issues Raised by Trade Unions Issues Raised by Trade Unions 57

ings of the International Labor Organization (ILO) study headed by noninterference by multinationals in the internal affairs of any coun-
Gustav Ranis. The FFW was highly critical of the country's economic try. A year later,. the issue was again deliberated and, again, the delegates
structure, and rejected pure capitalism as the country's policymaking
framework because of its heavy reliance on the free and unregulated
interplay of the market forces, rather than the active and collective
1 could not decide if they should go along with .the government's policy
of attracting foreign investors, ban foreign investors and nationalize
industries owned and controlled by foreigners, or allow but strictly
intervention of labor, management, and the government (FFW 1975a, I regulate multinational investment in the country (FFW 1987b, 7-8). The
2; I975c, I; I975e, I). Fr. Walter Hogan echoed this anticapitalist view:

issue was resolved only two years later when the FFW delegates adopted
the third view, and enjoined the government "to regulate the activities
Looking back, our possible weakness was that we thought we could of multinational corporations" (1989b, 10).
reform capitalism. I doubt this now. I think we need some kind
The FFW's position on the issue of U.S. military bases was just as
of collective ownership of major industries, some kind of economic
ambivalent. In 1987, the FFW followed the government in respecting
socialism. 9
the R.P.-U.S. military bases agreement until 1991, but proposed ana-
During the Aquino administration, the FFW began to speak of the tionwide educational campaign to prepare for a possible referendum
need to change the highly capitalistic structures of the ·country: on the fate of the bases (FFW 1987a, 10; 1987b, 6; 1989c, 7). During
the FFW's seventeenth national convention in 1989, however, the del-
The type and brand of economic and political structures we have egates hotly debated the same issue, again arriving at no definite posi-
established in the past have become ineffective in solving, or even tion. One camp favored the dismantling of the foreign bases after 1991;
minimizing, the basic problems confronting our people today. We another camp defended the retention of the bases, but on better terms
cannot continue to work and formulate plans for programs purely
within those discredited economic and political frameworks. We
• and conditions. Still another group argued that the issue should be
decided by referendum. The issue was not subjected to a vote and. re-
can do much better if the present highly-capitalistic social struc- mained unresolved. The delegates compromised, however, and ag·reed
tures are radically altered (Tan 1986a, 7). to elevate the issue ·to the Governing Board, which could then "study
and propose in more concrete details a definitive stand of the FFW"
The above pronouncement would make the FFW seem highly radi- (FFW 1989b, 13).· In 1990, the FFW leaders again passed a ·resolution
cal and even revolutionary; however, other statements on specific is- mandating the Governing Board "to come up with a position paper on
sues-such as foreign investments and multinational corporations-are the U.S. bases" (FFW 1990b, 61).
inconsistent with the FFW's radical posture. Before the FFW's fourteenth On the whole, th.e FFW was unsure of how to translate its radical
national convention in 1979, the preparatory committee proposed two economic posture into action. Its perception of national issues th~re­
resolutions to the Governing Board: Filipinization of basic industries, fore, frequently hovered between outright conformism and total oppo-
and phasing out of multinationals. The Board did not endorse the sition or rejection, leading to ambivalence and incoherence. The FFW
resolutions, contending that no coherent stand against multinationals also had a propensity for distancing itself from national and political
could be adopted as there was no common perception of the problems issues, and projecting an image of neutrality by favoring no one. As a
posed by multinationals in the country (FFW 1979d, 16). Instead, the result of its conflicting behavior, the FFW suffered from undue delays
Board approved a resolution establishing a commission to monitor the and obstruction of the decision-making process, almost total indiffer-
effects and performance of multinationals. The resolution was then ence to broader issues, and an absence of definitive and timely politi-
passed to the convention and later adopted by the delegates (Cristobal cal positions when it did manage to shake off its lethargy;
1979). More than ten years later, no such commission had been formed, Yet the FFW's democratic and political nature appears to be more
and no study conducted to assess the impact of multinationals on the dominant than ·its economist and defensive character because of its
lives of the workers. overall tendency to articulatt! issues that concern workers' political and
When the FFW discussed the same issue a decade later, therefore, its trade-union rights. Some of its affiliates tried to push the FFW in a more
stand remained ambiguous and confused. After the People Power Revo- radical direction; they were usually heavily influenced by the radical
lution, the FFW (1986e, 7) issued a position so general that it could Church, the many underground and shadowy revolutionary movements
apply to all countries hosting multinationals, invoking the principle of that proliferated in the labor movement, and the democratic·sociaJist
58 Issues Raised by Trade Unions

forces. 10 The new breed of young, aggressive leaders who often strongly Table 5. Comparative trade-union character as reflected in the
expressed radical, even revolutionary views, also wanted the FFW to take issues unions raised and their perception of these issues
clear stands on various national and political issues, II
The FFW's spectrum includes varying drientations, and its survival
hinges primarily on the leadership's ability to sustain a delicate and Elements
precarious balance between two polarized groups: the ultraconserva-
tives, and the radical and revolutionary groups.
Comparative Findings Issues Focuses on job- Emphasizes the Equal emphasis
Raised oriented issues with demo.cratic and given to the four
The TUCP, KMU, and FFW differ greatly in their emphasis and per- strong emphasis on political issues of types of isues: job-
ception of issues (see table 5). The TUCP is predominantly economist the economic aspect; unionism. Also related, union,
but also raises articulates job- sectoral and
with its focus on work-related issues; but it also projects a defensive democratic and related issues, national.
posture and, occasionally, a democratic and political outlook. It traces political. whether economic
labor problems to inappropriate government measures. To solve these or political.
problems, it is willing to cooperate with government within the frame-
work of a regulated free-enterprise economy. Perception Views issues as an Traces problems to Attributes the origin
The KMU equally emphasizes all types of issues; but its perception of offshoot of the capitalist of issues to
Problems unbridled capitalism structure of the worsening foreign .
of these issues is radical and revolutionary, as it advocates the disman-
aggravated by the economy. monopolies and
tling of capitalist structures and the establishment of socialism.
The FFW, on the other hand, has a predominantly democratic and 't" T
. , ..I
inability of
government to
capitalist domination
over the country's
political posture, with its strong concern for broadening workers' po- institute appropriate resources & internal
litical rights and trade-union freedom. At the same time, it is econo- and effective affairs, perpetrated
mist, defensive, and protective. Its positions on national and political economic policies. by the collusion of
issues are largely ambivalent and incoherent. The FFW is not critical of domestic elites.
the government; on the contrary, it strongly tends to support the
General Against laissez-faire Rejects free, perfect Rejects capitalism;
government's developmental programs. The FFW's supportive charac- Stand capitalism and competition; proposes an
ter, however, is concealed ·by its tendency to remain silent for long proposes more proposes an economy that is
periods of time, and project isolationism, neutrality, and i:odifference. aggressive welfare economy managed nationalist and
The TUCP favors foreign investments, but with tighter controls than reforms by the State; thru tripartite democratic within a
now exist. It left the responsibility of resolving the issue of U.S. mili- also favors free consultation. socialist perspective.
tary bases to the Filipino people. The KMU vehemently opposes foreign enterprise but with
strict re_gulations on
investments and demanded the immediate dismantling of U.S. bases in
the right to private
the country. The FFW's position on major national issues is similar to property.
that of the TUCP.
Trade unions, therefore, exhibit significant differences even as they In this context, it is Still unclear about
operate within the same socioeconomic and political milieu. Yet while I willing to work and its political role in
I cooperate with society.
a group may generally tend toward a certain direction, it is possible, as
in the case of the TUCP, that it will swing in the opposite direction and government.
back. Furthermore, an affiliate may deviate from its labor federation
or center. Varying shades of outlook and persuasion may, therefore, Continued on next page
exist within a particular group.
Table 5 - Continued
comparison Trade Union Action and
Foreign Favors foreign Recognizes the need Strongly rejects
Organizational Linkages
investments investments; but for foreign foreign investments;
proposes tighter investments; but proposes the
government proposes strict nationalization of
controls. regulations. industries owned by

u.s. Honors US-RP Respects US-RP Total and immediate

military bases
agreement; proposes
a nationwide
military agreement;
proposes to submit
the issue to the
(1985k,4; LACC,
P hilippine trade unions espouse forms of action ranging from
·the most traditional and conservative to the confrontational
and combative. Traditional and conservative forms of action include
discussion to decide Filipino people in a collective bargaining, tripartism, and arbitration; sometimes they also
on the issue. national include strikes, pickets, mass leaves of absence, and mass-media and pro-
referendum. paganda campaigns. Cooperativism, mutual aid and assistance, as well
as parliamentary and electoral involvement are traditional and conser-
Character Predominantly Predom in an tly Revolutionary and
vative forms of action. Confrontational and combative pressure meth-
economist, but also democratic and conflictual.
projects a defensive political, but also ods, on the other hand, include nationwide strikes, demonstrations,
and democratic economist and rallies, advertisements in the media, and boycotts.
character. defensive. On occasion, and despite their divergent tendencies and choice of.
action, they also have linkages with other groups within and outside the
labor sector, which reinforce their views, although the extent to which
they have tapped the energy of other organizations differs.

TUCP: Traditional

From its founding to the mid-1980s, the TUCP favored traditional

methods of action, preferring collective bargaining, tripartism, and the
occasional strike and picket line (Mendoza 1978b, 3 7; TUCP 1975;
1978s, 29; 1986b, 7). The rare mass action was usually in celebration
of festivities, such as Labor Day and founding anniversaries. Resolutions,
position papers, and press releases sometimes found their way into the
mass media, usually on the occasion of national conventions, tripartite
gatherings, Labor Day celebrations, and oil-price hikes. By the mid-
1980s, however, as the TUCP became more vocal about non-union
matters, it used mass media more frequently and aggressively.
Under the Aquino regime, the TUCP became more confrontational,
threatening to wage welga ng bayan (nationwide strikes) against the oil-
price hike and for wage increases. The TUCP's announcements attracted
62 Organizational Linkages Organizational Linkages 63

media attention, encouraging it to be more aggressive in threatening continued to collaborate with the Marcos regime. The pro-Marcos
mass actions. It is too early to say whether such aggressiveness will even- group, led by the TUCP vice-presidents Israel Bocobo and Andres
tually become a dominant pattern; the threats to go nationwide strike Dinglasan, organized the National Labor Coalition (NLC) a few.days
are relatively recent and seldom acted out. Perhaps the TUCP was only before the 6 February 1986 presidential "snap" elections to support
responding to the challenge of militant labor groups like the KMU. Marcos's candidacy.!! The NLC founding meeting was attended by,
Nonetheless, the TUCP demonstrated the potential to change from a among others, the General Maritime Stevedores' Union of the Philip-
traditional organization to one that is confrontational and combative. pines (GMSU), National Congress of Unions in the Sugar Industry of
From the start, the TUCP participated in government labor programs. the Philippines (NACUSIP), Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions
It cooperated in restructuring and developing a labor-relations system (PAFLU), National Harbor Labor Federation (NHLF), and National
that would offer substitute mechanisms for strikes (ibid.). Closely asso- Labor Union (NLU). The group criticized the TUCP's affiliation with
ciated with government, the TUCP aggressively lobbied for government NAMFREL, which Jacinto Tamayo called an opposition party. 4 The pres-
positions and participated in electoral politics; the labor center was ence of divergent tendencies shows that while a trade-union center may
highly visible in the legislative and executive branches of government. change drastically, some of its affiliates may stray in other directions.
During the martial-law years, it endorsed the Marcos party, the Kilusang
Bagong Lipunan (KBL), under which many TUCP officers ran for of- KMU: Confrontational and Combative
fice (1978s, 15; 1978q, 7). The other TUCP leaders who did not join
the electoral competition were appointed by Marcos as labor represen- The KMU, on the other hand, has always been highly critical. of tra-
tatives in tripartite agencies. The TUCP did notbelong to any nonlabor ditional methods. During the Marcos years, k refrained from attend·
group besides KBL, although it was affiliated with the International ing tripartite gatherings, and while it acknowledged the value of col-
Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) .. lective bargaining, it.maintained that the method could not solve
In the mid-1980s, the TUCP distanced itself from the government broader problems (KMU 1981, 3; 1982f, 19). The KMU also resisted
when the Associated Labor Union (ALU), the dominant the arbitration, believing the government to be biased toward foreign and
TUCP, started to question the center's ability to pursue workers' inter- domestic capitalists. The KMU preferred confrontational and combat•
ests in the National Assembly and worried about the deterioration of ive extraparliamentary methods.
basic services. This reassessment was influenced by the democratic-so- The KMU radicalized strikes and picket lines by broadening their
cialist forces, radical Church, various new underground forces, and stu- scope, staging them outside factory grounds, and ventilating nonfactory
dent activist groups-which were all involved in the TUCP and which and nontrade~union issues. It picketed the Supreme Court, Department
pushed the TUCP into an·aggressive and confrontational posture. Fur- of Labor, US Embassy, Malacaiiang Palace, as well as police headquar-
thermore, with the appointment of the TUCP secretary-general Ernesto ters and military camps. Streamers denouncing US imperialism, fascism,
Herrera to the Agrava Commission (which investigated the assassina- the US-Marcos dictatorship, feudalism, military atrocities, and other po•
tion of former Senator Benigno Aquino Jr.) and his siding with three litical and national issues that other labor groups would not touch were
other commission members in contradicting the government position, familiar features in the KMU strike areas and picket lines (RP 1985, 87).
and the commission chair's official report, the TUCP signa!led its dis- The KMU waged sti:ikes against groups of companies by area (1984b,
sociation from the government. 6). In June 1982, for example, the KMU led a zone-wide strike at the
In 1985, the TUCP tried to refurbish its image as a government creation. Bataan Export Processing Zone protesting the arrest of leaders who had
For the first time, it did not invite Marcos to speak at its Labor Day cel- led the workers in a strike a month. earlier. Workers from different
ebration.! It denounced B.P. Nos. 130 and 227, and joined the National unions stopped working for four days and denounced exploitation,
Movement for Free Elections (NAMFREL), a private organization that in- repression of unions, as well as imperialis.n and military brutalities. 5
tended to ensure peaceful, clean, and honest elections.2 Participating in The KMU drew into its strikes and picket lines workers from· various
this nationwide political exercise through the pro-Aquino body, the TUCP industries and individuals from other organizations, who were not di-
clearly showed its dissatisfaction with the Marcos government. rectly affected by issues raised at the striking firm. The "outsiders" made
While the TUCP as a whole headed toward the use of nontraditional the KMU strikes more aggressive since they presented other equally
methods and allied with prodemocratic forces, some of its affiliates pressing issues not necessarily related to the cause of the strike. At the

,. -·
~ ~---··-~--~----~=~=b~-~~- ----
64 Organizational Linkages Organizational Linkages 65

same time, they brought factory-focused issues into the public eye. elections, the KMU supported the Partido ng Bayan (PnB), which was
Despite the potency of its strikes and picket lines, however, the KMU controlled by the revolutionary groups. PnB formed a tactical ailiance with
considered these methods ineffective to realize workers demands (KMU the Liberal Party and fielded several candidates nationwide (1988i, 4).12
1982c, 8). It preferred mass actions where political and national issues While the KMU engaged in confrontational and combative action,
could be raised more freely. 6 Even in its earlier days, the KMU orga- some ofits affiliates adopted traditional methods. These affiliates in-
nized protest marches against "the fake lifting of martial law" and boy- cluded NUWHRAIN, GATCORD, ULGWP, and PANALO (which later broke
cotted the "bogus presidential elections" (1981e, 4); these protest ac- away from the KMU), and "nonrevolutionary" factions ofmM, SPFL, NFL,
tions allowed the KMU to expose Marcos's "dictatorial and fascistic rule" NAFLU, ANGLO, and ADLO. The KMU has a wide spectrum of unions
(1984j, 1), US imperialism (1984a, 12), military atrocities (1984a, 10), espousing methods other than those advanced by the main group..
poverty, and unemployment (1985a, 13-4).
The KMU waged aggressive, confrontational, and agitational propa- FFW: Traditional
ganda campaigns. It expertly attracted the mass media's attention,
harnessing it to project the KMU positions. In addition, the KMU main- The FFW. relied greatly on collective ·bargaining and tripartism, ex-
tains numerous publications with international circulation. pressing its views primarily in resolutions and position papers, usually
Meanwhile, the KMU forged alliances with other organizations within only during conventions held every three years. The FFW never succ;ess-
or outside the labor movement. 7 It is not a member of ~y international fully used the mass media despite its numerous attempts to make its
organization, but is more interested in linking up with revolutionary views public.
forces nationwide. In 1985, it reported a total of eighteen regional Although the FFW freely used the strike. method-in 1982, it had the
alliances. 8 By 1990, the number had more than doubled. While the largest number of strikes (RP 1983a, 20)-unlike the KMU, it expressed
number of their members is uncertain, there is no doubt that the alli- only work-related and .trade-union demands. The more politically ori-
ances do marshal workers and other groups all over the country. The ented affiliates of the FFW, such as the. Aranzamendez and the Auxil-
alliances-which government said were loose and informal and not iary Leaders and Action Brigade (ALAB) factions, often joined the KMU-
registered with the Labor Department-engaged primarily in mass ac- led strikes, such as the BEPZ. work stoppage in 1982. Participation of
tions, and were more militant and critical of government policies than these local union affiliates, however, was spontaneous and not organized
the traditional unions.9 Amelita King (1985) wrote that the alliances within the formal structures of the FFW (Macaraya 1988).
could afford to be highly militant as they had no legal personality, did Rarely, the FFW adopted more open and confrontational methods of
not operate within the parameters of labor laws, and were not bound action, and then only to ventilate national issues that directly affected.
by the possibility of legal ·sanctions. the economic condition of the workers. In 1970, for .example, it dem-
The KMU has links with organizations believed to be communist onstrated once in front of Congress for a higher minimum wage; such
fronts or communist-dominated.l 0 At the 1986 Labor Day rally held activity was never repeated during .the entire Marcos regime. Labor Day
jointly with the TUCP and FFW, KMU displayed on the stage a red ban- events were celebrated as indoor luncheon meetings. In 1986, the FFW
ner sporting a hammer and sickle; when the official ceremony was occasionally conducted mass actions either on its own or jointly. with
closed, the KMU members sang "Internationale." CPP founder Jose Ma. other labor groups in the Labor Advisory and Consultative Council
Sison and former NPA chief Dante Buscayno were present. At the KMU's (LACC)-usually on the instigation ofthe more militant labor groups.
Third National Congress on 20--21.December 1986, Antonio Zumel read Some of the more radical factions of the FFW, like the PDSP,influ"
a message from the Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions (RCTU), enced groups, joined other cause-oriented groups in protest demon-
the NDF workers' arm (KMU 1986r, 11). strations. For example, during the 1979 Batasang Pambansa elections, ·
During the Marcos years, the KMU never allied with traditional po- when Senigno Aquino Jr. and .Alex Boncayao ran in the opposition, the
litical parties or participated in any of the elections. Under Aquino, radicals within the FFW joined the massive political campaign, guarded
however, the KMU changed its strategy: in the 1987 congressional elec- the polls, and later marched against what it considered a fraudulent··
tions, it fielded candidates under the newly organized Alliance for New exercise. The protest. march was intercepted by the military and many
Politics (ANP), a political group whose goals media observed to be FFW members were among the 500 arrested and jailed. The marchers,
congruent with those of the CPP. 11 During the 18January 1.988 local however, had joined outside. the formal structures of the FFW.
66 Organizational Linkages Organizational Linkages 67

Shortly after the mass arrest, the other FFW members at the march (UOEF). CULMPHIL was intended primarily to unify the labor movement
went into hiding and became the target of a massive manhunt by the based on the principles of freedom and democracy; but it was short- ·
military; many were eventually arrested and jailed. The radicals' mili- lived since .it was taken over by the. Philippine Labor Coordinating
tancy continued in the 1980s. Today, they have grown in number and Center (PLCC), hastily formed on 30 April1975 to lead the restructur-
become stronger and more organized because of their close links with ing of the labor movement. The FFW sent representatives to the go_v-
the radical Church, PDSP, and other multisectoral groups. ernment-dominated PLCC, withdrew a few days before the latter was trans-
The FFW recognized the vital role of organizational linkages in pur- ~:,J.•
formed into the TUCP, and lost interest in union alliances for a time ..
suing issues in public. &ut it established links primarily With Church- Under the Aquino administration, however, the FFW revived its links
based or Christian-democratic groups. Thus, during the 1960s, it linked with other labor groups when it joined the government-initiated but
up with the Christian Social Movement (CSM) of Raul Manglapus, where KMU-dominated Labor Advisory Consultative Council (LACC), under
the FFW president juan Tan was an executive-board member. Through which it has become more confrontational.
CSM, the FFW once more struggled to build a Christian society. When
CSM became inactive, in 1985, the FFW joined BANDILA, a multisectoral Attempts at Trade U~ion Unity
movement of liberal, social, and Christian democrats. The FFW also
maintained close links with the Bishops-Businessmen's Conference The three labor groups attempted several times to act together on
(BBC), which conducts regular discussions on national issues. At the issues directly affecting workers. They sometimes formed a united front,
international level, the FFW is affiliated with the European World Con- sometimes took a common stand or undertook joint actions. Unity,
federation of Labour (WCL). however, was fleeting. When the new Labor Code was promulgated in
Although the FFW criticized control of trade unions by politicians, 1974, for example, the government brought together major labor fed-
political parties, and government, it was vacillating and inconsistent in erations to form the PLCC; in December that year, the FFW and NAFLU
its dealings with political parties and the government. The FFW first withdrew because of conflicts in principles and interests. On 16 Octo-
became active in politics in the 1953 national elections, when it sup- ber 1983, the Labor Party of the Philippines (LPP) was launched by
ported the candidacy of Ramon Magsaysay. When Magsaysay won, the prominent labor leaders: Cipriano Malonzo of the KMU; Ramon Jabar
FFW, like many other labor groups during this period, helped formu- of the FFW; and Antonio Diaz of the former TUCP affiliate, the Philip-
late and lobby for the passage of the Industrial Peace Act or Magna pine Social Security Labor Union (PSSLU). Although they acted in their
Carta of Labor (Salazar 1990; Fabros 1983, 151). At the time, the FFW personal capacities, they brought into LPP a co'ffiplex variety of ideo• .·
also joined the pro-Magsaysay NAMFREL (Wurfel1988, 104-5). logical positions; members were united on .the issu'e.s of national s ver·
However, the FFW could not sustain the aggressiveness of the early eignty, national patrimony, "Philippines for the ·Filipinos," and "Fi pino
1950s and kept away from politics. Under the martial-law regime, the First Policy." 18 As LPP was put up primarily to\field candidates n the
FFW cooperated with government efforts to restructure the Philippine 1984 national elections, it died quickly after it failed to par~· pate in
labor movement; but sensing that the process was undemocratic, it the electoral process. · -'"·--/'
withdrew its support and thereafter remained passive, although it con- In 1986, the Labor Department initiated the formation of LACC. 14
tinued to attend tripartite gatherings and its president sat on the ex- LACC united, if only for a while, the·TUCP, KMU, and FFW. the TUCP
ecutive board of the National Manpower and Youth Council. In the withdrew because of differences on the issue of representation. In 1988,
Aquino administration, FFW officials were appointed as labor represen- the KMU attempted to unite the labor movement under the All Philip-
tatives to the legislative and executive branches of government. pines Labor Assembly (KMU 1988c, 4) but failed.
The FFW attempted to link up with other labor groups. For example, Not all attempts at unity resulted in the formation of organizations.
prior to the formation of the government-initiated PLCC, on 9 May Sometimes the labor groups took common stands on specific problems,
197 4, the FFW led the formation of the Council for a United Labor such as the 1989 wage-priee issue. LACC and the TUCP proposed ad~
Movement of the Philippine (CULMPHIL) which brought together big justments to the minimum wage to offset high inflation; the TUCP ral~
federations, such as the Philippine Confederation of Trade Unions lied the workers to support a 25-peso increase, while the KMU and FFW
(PHILCONTU), Pagkakaisa ng Manggagawang Pilipino (PMP), National wanted a 36-peso wage hike. 15 When the Labor Department offered a
Labor Union (NLU), and the Union de Obreros Estivadores de Filipinas wage increase of 15 pesos a day in Metro Manila and 6 pesos in the
68 Organizational Linkages Organizational Linkages 69

provinces, and while Congress toyed up with the idea of offering a 20- Yet .while the groups prefer particular methods, their affiliates, for
peso increase nationwide, the TUCP, KMU, and FFW refused· the offers varied reasons, have strayed in other directions. Thus, when ALU steered
and demanded a 30-peso daily increase. 16 When their proposal was the TUCP towarda confrontation with the Marcos government,:some
rejected, they threatened a nationwide strike, which was averted when affiliates resisted and continued supporting the government. While
the government granted a 25-peso wage hike.l 7 Then labor unity dis- some KMU affiliates-NAFLU, .PISTON, OLALlA, ANGLO, PISTON, ADLO,
integrated as quickly as it was formed. and the many shadowy, but revolutionary groups-were radical and
All these events indicate that despite divergent tendencies, unity is combative, others-NFL, SPFL, PANALO, ULGWP, NUWHRAIN, and
possible on issues directly related to workers and their trade unions. GATCORD-were more traditional. The more militant affiliates of the FFW,
especially those influenced by PDSP, (such as the MALAYA faction), and
Comparative Findings those under the new breed of young and idealistic leaders, (such as ALAB
Table 6 presents comparative union tendencies insofar as forms and and the Aranzamendez wing), were open to confrontational methods.
methods of action are concerned. Generally, the TUCP and FFW are tradi- Union behavior can therefore vary widely even under exactly the
tional and conservative, while the KMU is revolutionary and combative. same conditions of economic underdevelopment and political repres-

Table 6. Comparative forms of trade-union action


Methods Extensive use of dialogue and Extensive use of dialogue and Heavy reliance on mass and political
negotiations. negotiations. actions.

Dominant Strategies Collective bargaining, cooperativism, Collective bargaining, cooperativism, and Open, confrontational and combative.
tripartism. tripartism.

Limited use of parliamentary politics. Heavy involvement in parliamentary Occasional use of parliamentary politics;
politics. heavy use of extraparliamentary methods.

Form of Trade Union Great reliance on the traditional forms of Great reliance on the traditional forms of Suspicious and critical of the use of
actions. actions. traditional forms of actions.

Strikes are mainly staged'at the factory Strikes are mainly used at the factory- Strikes and picketing are used even
level. level. outside factory confines and used to
ventilate non-industrial issues.

Mass actions are occasional and mainly to Mass actions are rare and mainly to Heavy reliance· and extensive use of
pursue economic interests o(members. celebrate annual labor festivities. protest marches and demonstrations.

Links with non-labor groups known to Allying with political parties. Links with national democratic forces.
espouse Christian democracy.

Behavior Marked tendency to be conciliatory; Highly traditional, conservative and ·Highly aggressive, coercive,· adversarial as
more willing to compromise than go on conformist; tendency to be collaborative well as combative.
strikes or engage in more open and and compromising. ,
confrontational forms of mass action.
70 Organizational Linkages

sion. Unions that concentrate more on economic and factory-oriented

issues tend to adopt traditional methods of trade-union action, as did
the predominantly economist TUCP and the democratically inclined 5
FFW. On the other hand, unions that view labor problems as rooted in
the social structures tend to be more combative and confrontational,
as was the revolutionary KMU. Early Beginnings and Ideological

W hy do trade unions that operate under the same conditions

emphasize different issues? Why are' some organizations
revolutionary an~ combative? Why are others reformist and conciliatory?
Four internal vanables may explain. divergeJ1t
. trade-union behavior:
r '
I. Origin and background;
2. Ideological orientation;
3. Leadership background, association, beliefs, and styles of decision-
making; and
4. Membership composition, structure, and degree of participation in
oii trade-union activities.

TUCP: Government Brainchild and Social Democrat

/ The TUCP was shaped by three features. First, it was a brainchild of

the government, which wanted th~ active support oflabor for the
martial-law regime. Second, it was also beholden to the US, whieh sup-
ported it through the American-Asian Free Labor Institute (AAFLI).
Third, it started out as economist, then, from the mid-1980s on, turned
democratic and political, concerned with broadening workers'job and
trade-union rights, and establishing a society based on social justice,
r freedom, and democracy.
The Philippine Labor Coordinating Center (PLCC) prepared· the
government's labor-restructuring policy (TUCP 1977b, 30; PLCC 1975a).
At the first meeting of PLCC, the members acknowledged the Secretary
of Labor as "the moving spirit in the unification of the Philippine trade
j union movement" (PLCC 1975b, 2). Thus, when the TUCP was officially
established on 15 December 1975, it immediately worked with the gov•
72 Ideological Orientation Ideological Orientation 73
ernment in unifying the Philippine labor movement along industry The statement came when the country as embroiled in political
lines. A manifesto passed during its founding convention mandated the turmoil brought about by the assassinati of former Senator Benigno
TUCP to restructure the labor movement in accordance with the La- Aquino Jr., the worsening economic cr· is, and the peoples' intensify-
bor Code of the Philippines and in close coordination with the Depart- ing attacks against the Marcos a · · · he TUCP leadership was
ment of Labor (Gonzales 1975). The government donated land and a also deeply involved with the rava Commissio and the activities of
building to the federation. the National Movement for Free Elections (NAMFREL). More impor-
The American-Asian Free Labor Institute (AAFLI), on the other hand, tantly, the TUCP welcomed the involvement of former democratic-so-
proposed that the TUCP establish a research and education arm. The cialist and even. revolutionary youth and student activists· who once
TUCP immediately agreed and has regularly received US funds ever aggressively defied the Marcos regime. One of these was Nilo Tayag,
since (PLCC 1975h, 1-2). In 1986, the TUCP was reported to have re- now pro-Marcos, a former leader of Kabataang Makabayan (National-
ceived huge assistance not only from AAFLI, but also from the National ist Youth, KM), organized by Jose Ma. Sison in the late 1960s. Some
Endowment for Democracy which is believed to be backed by the US TUCP leaders suggested that Tayag and the socialist groups of ALU
Central Intelligence Agency. 1 formulated TUCP's "working-class ideology." -
From the very start, the TUCP's orientation was highly economist. These external factors and militant groups' orientation,ntributed
The goals of its founding constitution were the promotion of social to the federation's radical, even revolution . he TUCP
justice through mutual assistance and collective bargaining: (19 a, began to em an ~dismantling of politicallordism an'd
present semi-feudal and tlnJ;lr,rled capitalist system which have cor-
(c) To promote activities designed to effect mutual assistance
rupted free enterprise." It also advocated political action as "there are
among its affiliates, beneficial to all workers in general and to its
desirable things which cannot be obtained through collective bargain-
members in particular; (d) To help achieve a stable economy for
ing, but can be pushed by broader organizid action on industry,
the country through the medium of peaceful and profitable la-
sectoral and national levels" (ibid., 5). However, the TUCP accepted the
bor and capital relations; ... (f) To promote industry-wide col-
free-enterprise system while maintaining that socialju~tice was impera-
lective bargaining with employers' association and to assist its
tive to regulate the right of property (1987d, 6). The TUCP believed
members in bargaining for better terms and conditions of employ-
that labor and capital are partners in production, stating that "labor
ment; ... (h) To foster the role of development unionism in all
and capital are partners towards a common goal" and "labor-manage-
aspects of overall national economic growth to ensure the continued
ment relations in the Philippines are better pursued in the Filipino
implementation of development and justice (TUCP 1975, 1-2).
value-system of consultation, consensus and compromise, rather than
By the mid-1980s, however, the TUCP (1984a, 2-3) began to stress the ad\'ersarial and confrontational orientation" (TUCP 1986c, 1).
the democratic and political role of trade unions. The shift occurred This is not to say that the TUCP's orientation did not contain demo-
when the TUCP adopted its "working-class ideology," which the TUCP cratic and political elements from 1975 to 1983; the TUCP's founding
(1984a, 1) called the "basis for the struggle to make workers' organi- constitution aimed to assist "the maintenance of free, responsible and
zations purposeful agents of national development and to strengthen democratic trade unions." But the group's association with the Marcos fE)
the country's democratic institutions." TUCP (1984a, 5) documents admtmstration-an association that pushed the TUCP to focus on less
called for freedom and democracy through direct participation in tri- controversial issues, like wages-hampered its attempts to realize this Jt;.v.v
partite government agencies. One document (1984a, 6) expressed the objective. With the adoption of its new orientation·document, however,
new orientation: the TUCP departed from econom'ism and emphasized the democratic
side of unionism. However, it. viewed the democratic and political
/ Vlorkcrs and peasants must be represented and participate in the ] oJJ struggle as a means of improving the economic conditions of society,
decision-making processes from the plant or enterprise level to the '/ and not ofachievipg reyp!ntjpparyrhane· The goal of its 1986 consti-
national ... done through ... representation in the tripartite gov- "1. tution was "to .;dlieve a dynamic economy ... througli' full participa-J ~.
ernment agencies, as well as in the highest policy-making and co- tion of workers in all aspects of the country's economic and political ~
ordinating bodies of the land. life" (TUCP 1986d, Art. Jl, Sec. 1-d, 3). · · 2..
74 Ideological Orientation Ideological Orientation 75

/The TUCP owed its existence to the martial-law regime, which ex- We believe that the labor force is decisive in the basic trans-
plains its generally progovernment stance. Some labor federations formation and development of society....
maintained that the TUCP was merely an adjunct of the government We also believe that the labor force can only develop and
bureaucracy, while others regarded it as the government's "company perform its role in changing and developing society if it is totally
union. "2 The TUCP's close ties with AAFLI partly explain why it favored free from exploitation.
the continued presence of US military installations and multinational We further believe that the liberation of the labor force from
corporations in the country. poverty and exploitation could be attained through the unity not
While the TUCP exhibited a predominantly economist orientation, only of Filipino workers but also of all workers of the world (KMU
it occasionally projected a democratic and political outlook. While it 1980a, 1; 1986k, 49; and 1986z, 1).
expressed some radical and revolutionary views, it essentially believed
in free enterprise founded on social justice, freedom, and democracy.
KMU: Socialist and National Democrat

The KMU emerged in its early days after several attempts by revolu-
tionary groups to establish a national-democratic united front in the
labor sector. Its goals, social beliefs, perception of social reality, social
programs, and methods all reflected a distinctly Marxist and revolution-
ary ideology. · ·
I he KMU was born of the efforts of national-democratic forces to As a labor center, the KMU carries a political belief which is ori-
forge a core group within the trade-union movement. On 1 May 1975, ented towards effecting radical change in the socioeconomic and/
the national democrats formed Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino political structures of society. Because of this political orientation,
(Solidarity of Filipino Workers, BMP} whose aggressive defiance of the it is the long-range program of the K.MU to mold the class .con-
martial-law regime attracted huge membership in Metro Manila. The sciousness of all the Filipino workers and to unite them under one
highly militant group was declared illegal in 1977. 3 Then, on 1 May trade union center so that they can effectively exercise their revo-
1978, the national democrats formed another nationalist trade union, lutionary role. of drastically dismantling the colonial structures of
Kapatirang Anakpawis ng Pilipinas (Brotherhood of Filipino Working- society. 5
men, KAP}, which brought together eighteen local union leaders from The KMU saw its anti-imperialist struggle as part of a "national demo-
Metro Manila, Cavite, and Laguna. The group vowed to fight for "the cratic" program, whieh is summarized in a seven-point program of
creation of a true worker's organization that shall not only fight un- government. The program contains both· destructive and constructive
compromisingly for the interest of labor but also for the advancement components. Foreign control of the country is to be dismantled and
of the Filipino people's struggle for national liberation and social eman- replaced with nationalist industrialization and genuine agrarian reform.
cipation" (Yu 1987, 167-68). KAP and other militant mass organizations Economic reconstruction is to be overseen by a national-democratic'
became deeply involved in the 1979 national elections. KAP leaders were coalition government and defended by a nationalist and dem.ocratic
arrested by the military as the government cracked down on militant army. The new society will. give rise to a nationalist and democratic
unionism, and the organization died. culture and education. Beltran spelled out the seven-point alternative
The national democrats finally established a revolutionary labor fed- program as follows:
eration-KMU-on 1 May 1980, under the leadership of Felixberto
Olalia Sr. Like its short-lived predecessors, the KMU believed in the (1) Opposition to all forms of external control and domina-
revolutionary potential of the workers as reflected in the preamble of tion, especially US imperialism, over the country's economic,
its founding constitution: political and social affairs;
76 Ideological Orientation Ideological Orientation 77

(2) Dismantling of all the military instruments of US imperi- substance. The fleshing out of many concepts and principles-as well
alism in the country as well as abrogation of the US-Philippine as· program details-were left to the ordinary workers, who adapted
Military Defense Pact; them to their respective localities' conditions. As a result, I found it
(3) Adoption of a comprehensive agrarian reform program; difficult to analyze the K.MU's orientation.
( 4) Implementation of a genuine, comprehensive and nation- It is safe to say; however, that the KMU is influenced by Marxism-
alist industrialization; · Leninism-Mao-Tse-tung thought and other revolutionary ideologies, a5
(5) Advancement of the political struggle to establish a form can be seen in the following beliefs: (1) that socialism is State owner-
of government that is genuine, nationalist and democratic in form ship and control of economic power and full control by the people Qf
and content and the formation of a 'National Democratic Coali- State power; (2) that workers and capitalists have inherently conflict-
tion Government' vested with the power to implement the entire ing and mutually antagonistic interests; (3) that industry should be
program of national democracy; nationalized; (4) that the political and revolutionary role of trade
(6) Radical transformation of the Armed Forces of the Philip- unions is to eradicate the structures of imperialist domination, and
pines so that it truly serves the genuine interests of the Filipino establish socialism; (5) that trade unions should emphasize non-factory
people, while at the same time projecting a nationalist and demo- issues; (6) that trade unions should be revolutionary, conflictual, and
cratic character; and combative; and (7) that trade unions should organize towards
(7) Promotion and advancement of a culture and education movementism. 7
that is scientific, mass-based, nationalist and democratic. Leaders expressed some of these beliefs, while the KMU's constitu-
tion stipulated others:
These points expanded on the KMU's 1980 program, although there (1) That the natural wealth of the Philippines is owned by the.
is no single document that contains all the points. Beltran publicly Filipino masses and the use and development of such wealth is the
presented the program ori 1 May 1986 at a Labor Day rally also attended sole right of the Filipino masses for their own benefit;
by the FFW and TUCP. Thereafter, the KMU more often and openly (2) That in developing such wealth, capital in the form of
articulated its program at, for instance, regional meetings, meetings modern machinery,· factory or whatever other form it takes, and
with other labor organizations; seminars, and other public gatherings. modern technology are but tools of labor in creating goods
However, the program said nothing about how to achieve the program's needed by society and not as a means to exploit the labor force
objectives. and enrich a few;
The KMU emphasized that national democracy is not the ultimate (3) That as creators of surplus value, workers ... should-be
goal, but merely part of a s·trategy to free the country from imperialist given enough strength in order to see to it that what they produce
control, and a precondition for socialism. As Beltran put it: is equally distributed among the Filipino masses in order to
achieve genuine equality, freedom and democracy;
The national democratic agenda is necessary in view of imperial- ( 4) That the KMU stands against any form of exploitation by
ist control and exploitation of the Filipino people ... but (it) is man against man or by one country against another (KMU 1980a,
only an interim arrangement prior to the ·establishment of social- 2; 1986z, 1-2).
ism in the country.6
The KMU's programs closely resemble those espoused by the national-
I attempted to uncover detailed d~finitions of the KMU's jargon and democrati.c forces and other revolutionary groups. (See table 7 for a
terminology (e.g., national democracy, socialism, nationalist industri- .comparison of programs.) They share the following: ·
alization, State ownership, people's control), and find .out how the
federation hopes to achieve its broad goals (e.g., establishing a national 1. Hatred of "fascist dictatorial regimes," a mission to dismantle the US-
democratic coalition government, a national democratic army, genu- backed Marcos and Aquino governments, and the desire to establish
ine land reform). However, the KMU documents were of little help and a "nationalist and democratic" government;
discussions with the leaders and members fruitless. The KMU leaders 2. A bias against foreign domination and control; a commitment to
were masters of generalities, but showed little interest in details or dismantle all .structures of "U.S. imperiali~m," including U.~. mili·
Table 7. Comparative views: BAYAN, PnB, NDF, KMU


Nature Multi-sectoral ma~s/people's

Political party Umbrella organization Trade-union
movement of various groups organization

Beliefs/Principles National liberation and National democracy National democracy

Nationalist and democratic
democracy (1986a, 1). (1973; 1985). (1980a, 3; 198le, 6;
1984a, 9; 1987b, 6).

Objectives To advance the struggle To complete and win To promote a genuine,

To push forward the people's
for national freedom the total victory in the democratic and
struggle to attain the full
and democracy in revolutionary struggle nationalistic unionism by
realization of national freedom and
politics, in the economy, for national liberation representing both the
democracy (1986a, 28).
in culture and in and genuine democracy economic and political
international relations (1985, 4). aspirations of the working
(1986a, 1). class ( 1980a; 1982a, 2).

To wage all forms of To build a broad unity To organize and

Strategy To unite with all democratic
legal struggle, including of patriotic and mobilize workers
political forces struggling for
electoral (1986a, 1). progressive classes, together with other
national freedom democracy on the
groups, and individuals sectors in the mass
basis of specific issues such as anti-
for the purpose of struggle for national
imperialism, antifascism, and
overthrowing US independence and
an tifeudalism ( 1986a, 29).
imperialism and fascist democracy (1981e, 6;
dictatonhip of the 1987f, 3).
Mar.cos regime (1973, 1).
To strengthen ties and
relations w/ all other
oppressed sectors in
society (1982a, 3).

Establish a nationalist Establish a democratic Push forward the

Program (Government) Establish a nationalist and popular and democratic coalition government political struggle to
democratic government and a people's establish a form of
government (1986b, 2).
representative of the people. democratic republic to government that is
Struggle for a nationalist and genuine, nationalist and
On the basis of allow the free interplay
democratic constitution. Expose of national and democratic in content.
nationalist and pro-
and oppose continued US people army, police and · democratic f01:ces.
domination and intervention in the citizens' armed Formation of a
Philippines. Removal of the US · Integrate the "National Democratic
organizations, establish
military bases and other military a system of national revolutionary armed Coalition Government~
installations; abrogation of all forces into a single to implement the
defense that will ensure
unequal treaties.
:·: .
.. ,,
effective sovereignty. national revolutionary
army under the
program of national

Continued on next page

·t·· .
; '
} "t

Table 7 - Continued
~ .
Elements BAYAN PnB NDF KMU ·
Program (Government) Remove all US military democratic coalition Radical transformation
bases and facilities; government to safeguard of the armed forces to
abrogate all one-sided national soveriegnty and establish a genuine
treaties with foreign territorial integrity. Armed Forces of the
~ Philippines that t~ly
Unite the Filipino serves the interests of
people to overthrow the the Filipino people
tyrannical rule of US while projecting a
imperialism and the nationalist and
local reactionaries democratic character.
Opposition to all forms
Terminate all unequal of external control
relations with the US especially US
and other foreign imperialism.
Dismantle all military
... instruments of US
imperialism and
abrogation of the
Philippine-US Military
Defense Pact.

(Economy) Development of a self-reliant Develop a self-reliant Carry out national Implementation of

economy thru national ; economy based on industrialization as the genuine, comprehensi\'e,
industrialization and modern national industrialization leading faCtor in and nationalist
agriculture. Genuine land reform. by placing all strategic economic development. industrialization
and monopolistic program.
enterprises under state Complete the process of
ownership and control. genuine land reform, Adoption of a
raise cooperation and comprehensive and
Carry out a genuine and modernize agriculture. genuine agrarian reform
comprehensive agrarian program.

(Education, science, culture) That which promotes nationalist Promote and instill a Promote a patriotic, Promotion of a culture
and democratic aspirations of the truly national and scientific,· and popular and education that are
people democratic. popular culture. culture, and ensure free scientific, mass-based,
public education. nationalist, and
democratic (1986a, 17).

82 Ideological Orientation
Ideological Orientation 83
tary installations, to abrogate all unequal treaties between the Phil-
ippines and the US, and implement nationalist industrialization and We joined the KMU because of its militancy in raising and pursu-
genuine agrarian reform; and ing the demands of the. workers· ·even if this meant confronting
3. A belief that they should organize individuals, groups, and social the government and military authorities. At the same time, how-
classes into a broad alliance or movement that will wage parliamen- ever, we made it clear that our sympathy was only insofar as worker-
tary/legal or extraparliamentary struggle for national democracy. related and trade union issues were concerned ..And for this, I, in
consultation with the executive board (of NUWHRAIN), was even
I concluded the following about the KMU's beginnings and orienta- willing to speak on these issues during rallies and demonstrations.
tion: (1) the KMU emerged as a result of the national-democratic forces' However, for all other issues like. U.S. imperialism, U.S. military
efforts to establish a labor arm; (2) the KMU's social beliefs are Marx- bases, and other political issues, we made it very clear that we have
ist and revolutionary; and (3) the KMU's ideological orientation is simi- our reservations and that we could .not commit the organization
lar to the orientation of the national-democratic forces. These features (NUWHRAIN) to abide by the organizational views .and stand of
lend credence to military accusations that the KMU is the legal labor the KMU on these matters. 12
front of the CPP, which also advances the national-democratic orienta-
tion that the KMU espouses. 8 In 1988, the military revealed video tapes According to Desierto, NUWHRAIN left the KMU in 1985 wh_en'"\ve
of the lectures delivered by former CPP chairman jose Maria Sison and felt we were being gradually directed to other issues and act}Yitl;s which
his wife Juliet, who admitted the linkages between the CPP and the KMU, no longer directly affect the workers and their trade un(ons" (ibid.).
as well as with other cause-oriented groups such as Partido ng Bayan Finally, in 1988, Godofredo Paceno, leader of ULG\.YP, also split from
(People's Party, PnB), Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (New Nationalist the KMU because of the federation's "increasing political nianeuverings"
Alliance, BAYAN), General Assembly Binding Women (GABRIELA), and "hidden. objectives." He explained that ULGWP's "principles and ob-
Kilusan ng Magsasakang Pilipino (Movement of Filipino Fanners, KMP), jectives have become incompatible with the KMU's political agenda. "13
Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), League of Filipino Students Then intelligence reports indicated that the CPP received regular
(LFS), and. the Kabataan Para sa Demokrasya at Nasyonalismo (Youth funding partly through the aid received by the KMU from Europe:
for Democracy and Nationalism, KADENA). The Sisons reportedly Between 1982 and 1989, the KMU reportedly received funding from the
claimed that the CPP "shares common objectives and approaches with lnte,rnational Church Coordination Commission for Development
these existing organizations which are part ... of the 'national demo- Projects (ICCO), a Protestant-Catholic aid group that dispenses a large
cratic movement'." 9 amount of the Dutch government aid grants to the Third World. At least
The TUCP also accused the KMU of being communist-dominated or 20 pe~cent, or around 47.4 million pesos, ofaid from the Dutch gov-
having a communist agenda. For example, Herrera accused the KMU ernment and Holland-based groups meant for Philippine labor unions
of being a CPP front and planning to destabilize the Aquino govern- was diverted to tl1e CPP-NPA for arms purchases through the NDF and
ment; the timing of the attack, however, suggested that the TUCP was local "legal left" groups like the the KMU (Lawson 1990, 4). An earlier
trying to gain the government's favor and influence the country's la- report stated that ICCO financial suppo~·t for the IO.:IU since 1982 to-
bor movement. 10 taled 3.5 million guilders, or 42.52 million pesos in current value.l 4
On the _,o'ther hand, former affiliates also attacked the KMU. For Villar replied, none too convincingly, to the accusations:
example, {eonardo Agting, president of PANALO, one of the KMU's
founding members, decided to leave the KMU on 6 September 1982, From the very start, the KMU had already been branded as a legal
because he believed communist elements were infiltrating his labor front of the Comt1iunist Party of the Philippines (CPP). Maybe this
federation, "deceiving and utilizing legitimate labor groups to advance is due to the similarity of the .IO.:IU's alternative.program with that
their cause of sowing violence and unrest. "11 oftheCPP. For example, among otllers, the KMU strongly pursues··
NUWHRAIN, another KMU founding member, agreed. Leonardo the establishment and implementation of a genuine and compre-
/Desierto, its president, while acknowledging the KMU's militancy, re- hensive· land reform program and works for the immediate dis-
vealed that the KMU imposed several conditions on NUWHRAIN: mantling of US military bases in the country. These political vie,Y.s
are. very close to that of CPP's.
84 Ideological Orientation Ideological Orientation 85

In addition, historically, the CPP which was then operating as men, the moral imperative to show concern for the less privileged,
a legal organization was founded by militant labor leaders and social justice, and the dignity of labor:
during the war it organized an arm component which fought
against the Japanese. This pattern is repeated today. Finally, the Free Workers acknowledge God as the Fatller of all
But we cannot just abandon our political position on agrarian men and each man as their brother. In each man, whether worker
reform, U.S. military bases, etc., much less remain silent on these or owner, employer or employee, they see not poverty or wealth
vital issues, just so we may not be branded as communists. This but the dignity, tlle sacredness .and the eternal destiny of the
would be undemocratic.... The colonial and feudal structures human person. Work is man's privilege as well as his duty. And
are responsible for the problems of society today. It is thus our tlley see in all work, manual as well as mental, a great dignity and
firm conviction that the workers and their trade unions have the nobility. The worker finds special comfort and inspiration in tllis:
duty and responsibility to fight against all forms of imperialism THAT HE SHARES HIS TOIL WITH CHRIST, THE CARPENTER.
and to fight for the adoption of a genuine land reform program,
and more importantly, work for the radical transformation of the The FFW's concept of social justice included tlle right of tlle worker
feudal and colonial structures at work in Philippine society today. 15 to receive in exchange for his labor at least the following:

In summary, our discussion thus far indicates the following: (a) decent food, decent clothing, and a good home for himself
and his family; (b) means to secure proper education for his chil·
1. The attempts of the national-democratic forces to establish a formal dren; (c) wholesome family recreation; (d) a fund for sickness,
unity within the labor movement found their expression in the KMU; emergency and old age; and (e) a pool of savings which will en-
2. The KMU espoused Marxist and revolutionary social beliefs that are able him to become an owner of property (ibid.).
closely parallel to those espoused by the national-democratic forces; and
3. This revolutionary orientation of the KMU was the primary reason Shortly before tlle FFW's founding, a US mission headed by Daniel
why some of its affiliates withdrew their membership. Bell studied tlle country's economic conditions as well as the labor
movement. The mission recommended measures tllat would free trade
FFW: Church-inspired and Christian Democrat unions from the control of communists, .employers, a~d politicians, as
well as train trade-union leaders. The mission suggested "instituting a
The FFW was born of the Jesuits' concern for building a just social labor-relations system patterned after that of the US and sending of US
order based on the social teachings of the Church. In 1946, American labor leaders to train Filipino trade unionists in tlle pril)ciples and me-
Jesuit Fr. Walter B. Hogan and his former student, Juan Tan, joined the chanics. of free and democratic unionism (Bell Mission Report, May 1950).
labor movement and crusaded "to reduce ti1e papal social encyclicals This mission significantly influenced not only tlle country's labor
to practice." Their work started with discussions witll workers at facto- movement, but the FFW's orientation. The FFW's goal, for example, was
ries, picket lines, and even courtrooms. The Jesuits then founded the to build a new kind of unionism, a new form of labor movement, and
Institute of Social Order (ISO) on 30 July 1946 to apply the Church's a new type of industrial-relatio.ns system. The union's vision was ex-
doctrines to Philippine conditions.l 6 At first, ISO offered lectures, semi- pressed in its founding slogan: "Free from racketeers, free from com-
nars, and night classes to both workers and management. munist influence, free from company domination, free from politics and
According to Hogan, the only genuine, responsible, and honest la- politicians, free from government control." It was remarkably similar
bor organization at the time was the communist-influenced CLO. Hogan to tlle Bell Mission's recommendation to·establish trade unionism that
and Tan soon realized that they had to organize a labor federation that would be ''free from Communist influence, domination by tlle Govern-
would guide the labor movement along the lines of Christian social ment, interference by management, and racketeering by labor le!lders"
doctrine (Fa bros 1988, 37-38). That federation was the FF\\1, born on (Bell Mission Report 1950, 71). · .
15June 1950. The FFW started out as predominantly democratic and political, as
The FFW's founding constitution states that "the earth is a storehouse its constitution (Al·t. Ill) shows:
given by God for the use of all men." 17 It speaks of the brotherhood of

Ideological Orientation 87
86 Ideological Orientation

Section 3. It is the natural right of all men to enter into asso- T Section 4. To secure for all ·workers, agricultural and urban,
ciations of their own choosing for good purposes· and f1·eely to opportunities to own property;
elect their officers to represent them. It is immoral for employers Section 5. To secure legislation which will promote and safe-
or the State to interfere with or attempt to 'control legitimate guard the economic security and social welfare of the workers of
association of workers; the Philippines and to use all other reasonable means to protect
Section 4. Mutually profitable relations between workers and
employers are best achieved through agreements freely entered
into after free collective bargaining;
Section 5. In a democracy, free men must be free to strike for
• and extend our democratic institutions and civil rights and liberties,
and thus perpetuate the cherished traditions of true democracy.

Nevertheless, the FFW of the 1950s was mainly democratic and po-
a just cause. For ultimately, it is the right t<;>' strike which gives the litical as it was most concerned with trade-union freedom and democ-
workers equality with the employer in collective bargaining. racy. Once the Magna Carta of Labor was passed, assuring workers of
their freedom and independence, the FFW shifted to the economic side
The FFW crusaded. for trade-union freedom and independence. It of unionism, especially as the new law encouraged collective bargain-
lobbied for the passage of the 1953 Magna Carta of Labor, whose in- ing, grievance handling, and arbitration.
troduction and passage were well-known to be supported by the US In the 1970s, however, martial law revived the FFW's democratic
government. The FFW was thus Catholic-inspired and US-influenced, concerns. Tll.e unio~ now stood for industrial and economic democ-
less because Hogan helped found it than because the federation col- racy, workers' participation in production decision-making, distribution
laborated with the US plan in the early 1950s to free the labor move-
ment of communism, racketeering, and politics. This collaboration
... of goods, and economic planning (FFW 1976a, 1-6). Its 1988 Constitu-
tion mentioned political democracy (FFW 1988, Art. VII, Sec. 17).
continued into the 1960s through the FFW's regional federation, BATU, The FFW's character was thus largely influenced by the following: (1)
of which Mr. Tan is also president. An observer noted: '/i
the Jesuits' concern' to apply the papal social encyclicals to Philippine
society; (2) the Christian democratic orientation which eventually
The AFL-CIO is also influential with the Brotherhood of' Asian emerged and developed within the consciousness of the federation; (3)
Trade Unionists (BATU), of Catholic.inspiration, an affiliate ofthe the desire of the US to free trade unions from communist influence,
World Labour Confederation, which, like the AAFLI, is based in ~ management interference, government domination, and labor rack-
the Philippines and has some small but active liaison groups in eteering; and ( 4) the passage of the Magna Car.ta of Labor, which
Thailand and Hongkong (Cox 1972, 35). pressed trade-union orientation into an e.::onomist and defensive mold.
The FFW was only set:ondarily economist and defensive.
The US association presumably continued in the 1970s and 1980s;
the US labor attache was sometimes present at major FFW gatherings.
This is not to say that the FFW neglected the economic aspect of Comparative Findings
unionism during the 1950s. Its constitution focused on the living wage
and its battle cry, "the living wage for the Filipino workers," established The events that led to the founding of the three labor groups, as well
the FHV as "a powerful federation that would actively champion th'e cause as the groups' social beliefs, partly explain why the trade unions em-
of social justice for the workers." 18 The economist as well as protectionist phasize certain issues over others; and why their perceptions differ. (See
objectives of the FHV are pronounced in the constitution (Art. II): table 8 for a comparative presentation.) The TUCP's beginnings and its
AAFLI connection largely account for its generally progovernment and
Section 2. To unite the working men and women of the Phil" .pro-American stance, while its highly economist orientation accounts
ippines into an organization for effective common action for their for its strong interest in factory-oriented issues and its preference for
mutual aid and protection; traditional methods of conflict resolution. The TUCP's defensive char-
Section 3. Through collective bargaining, to secure the family acter can also be explained by its commiunent to protect and promote
living wage for all heads of families, whether actual or potential; workers' economic rights. In the mid-1980s, one of its missions was to
Table 8. Comparative ideological orientation of Philippine trade unions

Social beliefs
Beginnings Government-initiated and supp9rted. Closely associated with the national- Church-initiated but exhibiting
Strong support from the American democratic forces. parallel interests with the US
ICITU and AFFLI. government and labor movement.
Ideological orientation Social democracy National democracy with a socialist Christian democracy
Human nature Stresses the free exercise of civil Stresses that social equality will be Stresses the spiritual and material
liberties and equality of opportunities achieved if society's wealth is equally content of human development.
to ensure total human development. shared by all.

Democracy Viewed as workers' /peasants' Viewed as nationalization of the Viewed as workers' and peoples'
participation in the formulation, industries now controlled by foreign participation in determining economic
decision-making, and implementation capitalists; state control of the and political systems and processes.
of plans at all levels of society; also as economy, and control by the people of Supreme authority resides in the
pluralism in society achieved through state power. people, subject to the principle of
majority rule and respect for the majority rule.
rights of the minority.

Socialism Viewed as social justice or that which Understood· as state ownership and Expressed as social justice which is
assures everyone of a just and control of the factors and means of viewed as equality of opportunities,
equitable share of society's income production and services, especially in social, and responsible ownership,
and of a progressive rise in standard basic and vital industries. distribution, and use of the means and
of living. fruits of production and exchange.

Nationalism Viewed as patriotism and love of Viewed as total dismantling of the Expressed in the principle of n.ational
country; also as nationalist-oriented structures of foreign control and sovereignty and defined as the Filipino
industrialization where indigenous exploitation-US military bases, US peoples' exclusive right to shape·and
resources are heavily utilized and MNCs; total control by the Filipino structure their future and destiny.
whose objective is serving the needs of people of economic and political
the domestic market. power.

Trade union To strive for the establishment and To establish and defend national To liberate the workers and the
promotion of a humanist, social- democracy within the perspective of people from economic exploitation
democratic society. socialism by struggling against foreign and free the labor movement from
monopoly capitalism and its domestic external control, within the context of
allies. a Christian democratic outlook.

90 Ideological Orientation

broaden the democratic rights of.workers within and outside the fac- 6
tory, explaining its involvement with government and in political affairs.
Still, it is difficult to explain why during both the early Marcos re-
gime and the Aquino government the TUCP was indifferent to the is- Leadership Profile
sue of trade-union freedom. Although the mid-1 ~80s witnessed a more
critical TUCP, the federation reverted to acquiescence under the Aquino
administration. Perhaps it was part of the TUCP's strategy to maintain
its influence over the legislative and executive branches of the govern-
ment; and, soon enough, the TUCP once more became the govern-
ment's bastion of labor. But its failure to repeal the restrictive Labor
Code and criticize the government put in doubt the TUCP's ability to
pursue the democratic and trade-union rights of workers.
The KMU's character, on the other hand, can be explained by the
revolutionary federation's links with national-democratic forces and its
belief that workers and their trade unions must dismantle the structures
L eadership significantly shaped the trade unions' views and
emphasis of issues. But the impact and direction of leader-
ship traits-career background, links with other organizations, social
of foreign domination and control. The conflictual and combative beliefs, and styles of decision-making-vary widely.
character of the KMU was also influenced by Marxist tenets: the primacy
of labor over capital; the inherently antagonistic interests of labor and
capital; nationalist industrialization, and the like. The KMU therefore TUCP: Largely Economist
aligned with other socialist forces in preparation for the seizure of
political power and the establishment of a Marxist socialist State. In the early days, key positions in the TUCP's Executive Council were
Yet while it was mainly revolutionary and combative, the KMU was held by lawyers working as government b.ureaucrats or politicians be-
also economist, democratic, and protective, and aggressively pursued fore the TUCP was founded. 1 Some officers were still in government
workers' economic and democratic interests. when the TUCP was born; others captured government positions by
Finally, the FFW's Church-inspired and US-influenced beginnings virtue of their TUCP connection (TUCP 1977b, 13; 1978a, 11-13). As
partly explain its moral and ethical stance, as well as its democratic and of this writing, many TUCP leaders were in the executive and legisla-
political character. Its avowed mission was to institute moral reforms tive branches of government .
based on the papal social encyclicals, while the US labor movement . From the start, the TUCP leadership aggressively espoused its belief
provided the FFW a model for its democratic and political orientation. that unions should promote growth and development within the frame-
On the other hand, the FFW fought for a living wage. The work of free enterprise. Democrito Mendoza (1978c, 17) said, "Labor,
federation's economist orientation was strengthened by the passage of in order to become a relevant force in society, must play a role, a re-
the Magna Carta of Labor, which encouraged unions to adopt collec- sponsible role, in national development" (italics mine). Within the con-
tive bargaining and arbitration as primary means for pursuing their text·of 'responsible unionism,' Mendoza ascribed to leadership a role
interests. The FFW was protective as it defended and promoted both similar ;to that described by Michael Shanks: to discourage union mem-
the economic and trade-union rights of the workers. bers•from demanding high wages and persuade them to increase pro-
The TUCP, KMU, and.FFW differed in their social beliefs. While they ductivity for the sake of national development.
often raised the same issues, their perceptions of the issues varied. ,.,
Although no major differences exist between the TUCP and FFW-save Trade unions cannot be one-sided. They have certain obligations
for their concepts of man and the role of trade unions-the two fed- to fulfill the national goal. They must not only have in view the
erations are significantly different from the KMU. advantage. of their own group but also of the general public. In
such accase, they have to considerthe investment and growth (of)
the whole economy. By demanding too high a share of employ-
92 Leadership Profile Leadership Profile 93

ers' profits or of the national product, they might in fact eventually Mendoza reaffirmed the political function of unions when he said
destroy any possible general growth. They may even further offer to that the "TUCP is willing to work together with any administration so
raise the productivity standards of the workers by persuading and that through its intervention the interests of the workingman are .prop-
encouraging the workers to produce more (Mendoza 1978c, 21).2 erly protected. ,4
The TUCP's views partly explain why the TUCP supported the early
For Roberto Oca, the TUCP's founding president, the role of "respon- Marcos government, and why it endorsed the KBL, Marcos's political
sible unionism" was to attain "a considerable degree of sophistication party (Mendoza 1978c, 17). The TUCP cooperated with the Aquino
and professionalism" in order to produce well-educated, competent government and supported Aquino's political party for the same rea-
labor executives and highly motivated, productive, and docile workers son. In elections during both administrations, the TUCP fielded candi-
(TUCP 1977, 30-1). "Responsible" labor leaders would pursue labor's dates under the ruling party.
interests through collective negotiation and by "motivating the mem- The TUCP leadership aggressively spoke out on national issues di·
bership to increase their capacity to produce." rectly·affecting workers' economic interests, such as wages. The lead-_
Mendoza (1978c, 17, 21) saw trade unions as workers' defenders ership normally initiated discussions ·in the Executive Board, a policy-
against the abuses of some employers. He said, "The employers whose making body .that decided by a consensus or simple majority vote and
preoccupation is profit, are likely to be distant and deaf to the needs met every month; The board's decision was automatically adopted as
of the workers." He also thought of trade unions as instruments for the TUCP's official position and handed down to affiliates for compli-
ensuring a maximum e~oyment of the benefits of capitalism or help- ance. In case the general membership dissented, the issue was brought
ing "ameliorate the social standards of the workers" (ibid.). The TUCP back to the board for further deliberation, although Mendoza claimed
leadership, in keeping with its economist view, preferred collective that "there had been no cases in the past that the decision of the Ex-
bargaining; but Oca tried to transcend collective bargaining by engag- ecutive Board was questioned, much less overruled by the general
ing in cooperativism and various types of mutual services. Cooperative membership."5 .
movements, he said, represented a "chance to establish for ourselves On national issues that were not purely economic, such as land re-
the needed economic foundations for our people-especially for those form and the US military bases, the leadership used the TUCP~s vari-
who are residing in the rural areas (Oca 1977, 31). Ernesto Herrera, ous consultative structures to gather the membership's views. The lead-
also a TUCP leader, advocated other forms of mutual assistance, such ership met with local union leaders through the National Consulta.tive
as "family planning, health clinics, free legal counseling to unorganized Meeting (NCM) at least once a year. National conventions were held
workers and the community and basic livelihood projects." 3 every three years. NCM decisions were then adopted as the organiza-
Herrera, however, emphasized both the economic and political roles tional position of the TUCP.
of trade unions, which could be achieved "by engaging in direct ser- The top leadership, therefore, merely handed down organizational
vicing with their members, and by actively participating in society's positions onjob-related economic issues. On other n~tional issues,
political processes" (ibid.). Herrera elaborated: however, the leadership solicited the participation of local leaders to
arrive at a consensus.
In the field of politics, trade unions being democratic institutions I observed that individuals from the TUCP's lower echelons shaped
have the role of promoting the interests of the workers by lobby- some organizational positions, especially in the mid-1980s. They were
ing for the passage of favorable policies, laws, and legislations. former student activists influenced by the radical Church and demo-
Thus, trade unions must actively participate in the activities of cratic-socialist forces. While their influence has not been sustained, their
both the executive and legislative branches of government. The radical views found thei:o;- way into the TUCP's orientation.
active presence and participation of trade unions in these govern- In summary, the TUCP is characterized by the following:. (1) the
mental functions likewise makes credible the operation of demo- dominance of professionals, notably lawyers, who simultaneously .held
cratic processes in the country. In this respect, TUCP as an insti- government positions as labor representatives; (2) a strong belief in
tution which operates within the present constitutional framework capitalism; (3) a tendency to concentrate on e.conomic issues and adopt
is indeed aggressive in lobbying for governmental positions and factory-focused ·methods; ( 4) a preference for cooperation with the
even in participating in electoral competition . government through participation in tripartite agencies, support for a

. "'! "~-~·~ ·~-~.-·~~-~---·--·_,-~=-==--=-=~=~~~.~~··-----~---·---------

94 Leadership Profile /'' Lea-~ership Profile 95
I '
political party, and even participation in electoral politics; (5) aggres-
nized the Union de Chineleros y Sapb6s, from which the CPP drew
siveness in deciding on national economic issues, but the tendency to
some of its members. 8 Olalia was also an organizer of the communist-
consult membership and build consensus on sensitive political issues;
dominated CLO in 1945, SPP in 1963, MASAKA in 1964, and many other
and (6) the presence of "outsiders" who introduced radical ideas.
national-democratic groups during his short term with the KMU (Muang
The dominance of professionals in the TUCP leadership suggests a
1970, 14-16; Trinidad 1970, 18-19). He admitted to being "a Marxian
high degree of organizational bureaucracy, in the sense that Weber and socialist basically fighting against the exploitation of man by man. ,g
Michels defined it: complex differentiation of functions which, in the
Mter his death in 1983, his son Rolando, a lawyer, took his place.
Philippines, was brought about by the growing demand for more spe- He was brutally murdered in 1986. Beltran; who succeeded him, was a
cialized technical skills and roles in unions as well as an increasingly member of the Movement for the Advancement of Nationalism (MAN),
industrialized society. 6 The TUCP is highly centralized on issues relat- a nationalist group founded by Jose Ma. Sison in 1966 and said to be a
ing to wages and prices. 7 It is decentralized, however, with respect to precursor of today's NDF (Abaya 1991, 4). Beltran's views were revolu-
non-economic issues, particularly land reform and US military bases, tionary and socialist. (See chapter six.) On the other hand, Cipriano
encouraging the general membership to discuss them. Malonzo, the KMU's first national vice-chairman and president of NFL,
The leadership plays the role of what Flanders and Shanks called a was also an avowed socialist; he reportedly joined Pedro Abad Santos
police force "to keep the chaps in order and the wheels of industry who organized in 1929 the Socialist Party of the Philippines (Abad
turning," stopping members from demanding higher wages or engag- 1983). In 1989, however, President Aquino appointed him commissioner
ing in strikes and other "antisocial" behavior. The leadership instead of the Social Security System {SSS).
tries to create a skilled, highly motivated, productive, and responsible The KMU leadership became closely associated with such groups as
membership. BAYAN, NDF, PnB, and even with some personalities of the CPP and NPA.
Finally, the TUCP leadership aggressively pursues what Crouch called The younger Olalia had earlier served as the national vice-president of
the substantive or money goals of unionism. The leadership also tries to BAYAN, a multisectoral movement for national democracy organized in May
capture political power to ensure trade-union participation in legislation 1985 (KMU 1986v, 31) and chaired PnB in 1986, while Beltran was national
affecting workers. The TUCP leadership seeins to think that the best strat- executive vice-president. 10 KMU leaders were often seen in the company
egy for pursuing the workers' interests is to cooperate with the' government, of such personalities as Sison and former NPA chief, Bernabe Buscayno. 11
support a political party, and run in elections. The leadership's penchant There were also "shadowy" individuals in the KMU leadership hold-
for working with the government, however, makes the TUCP look like just ing no official position and not representing any union; nonetheless,
another government agency to the other trade unions. they exercised tremendous influence in shaping and advancing KMU
positions. Those who know them claimed that during the Marcos years,
these individuals were working "underground" and deeply involved in
KMU: Highly Revolutionary extraparliamentary struggles. I observed that they also exercised con-
siderable power and influence not only in formulating and advocating
When it was founded, the KMU had only two lawyers. Unlike the issues, but also in running the organization.
TUCP, the KMU leadership refrained from associating with government During the Marcos years, the KMU leadership maintained no formal
and politicians. Its aloofness was not, however, a coherent position of organizational ties with the conservative blocs in the labor movement,
the leadership, whose policy on parliamentary methods continues to such as the TUCP and HW, because the latter groups refused to join
be indeterminate. During the Marcos years, the KMU never allied with the revolutionary activities of the KMU. Under the Aquino administra-
any political party. For the 1987 national elections, however, the KMU lilf:,,
tion, however, the Labor Department, then headed by Augusto Sanchez,
joined the electoral struggle under the PnB. Crispin Beltran ran for a famous human-rights lawyer and a vocal critic of the Marcos r"egime,
senator, but lost even in areas where the KMU and the national-demo- initiated a move for unity of the .labor movement, which led to the
cratic forces were strong. formation of the Labor Advisory Consultative Committee {LACC). Since
The majority of leaders have close links with revolutionary or nation- then, the leadership of the KMU became more visible, while manyof
alist groups. Founding president, Felixberto Olalia Sr.'s involvement in the "shadowy" individuals began to surface and engage in "above-
the labor movement, for example, began in the 1930s when he orga- ground" activities. ·

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96 Leadership Profile Leadership Profile ''97

The KMU leaders aggressively took positions on a wide range of is- tional-democratic forces; the presence of highly influential individuals
sues. They deliberated the issues at the National Council level. Upon without positions in the organization; adherence to revolutionary and
arriving at a position, the leadership presented it to the· general mem- socialist beliefs; aggressiveness in initiating and advancing organiza-
bership through the Regional Councils or National Congress. If a thor- tional positions; and aggressiveness in using organizational structures
ough discussion failed to persuade dissenters to appreciate the merits to mold its members' consciousness.
of a set position, membership voted on the issue (Beltran 1990). In most The presence of non-members behind the KMU scene brings to mind
cases, the leadership's decision prevailed. the. concept of "outsiders" advanced by Lenin, Blanqui, and Galenson.l 4
The KMU's December 1986 National Congress illustrates the group's Lenin referred to them as "an elite party of professional revolutionar-
decision-making process. 12 The issue was whether to vote in favor or ies"; Blanqui described them as "a highly conspiratorial clique" who
against the ratification of the proposed Constitution of the Philippines. push the revolution "on behalf of the ignorant and impotent masses";
Before the congress, the leadership had decided to reject the Consti- Galensonidentified them as "middle-class professionals and intellectu-
tution for several reasons: (1) the Constitution's inability to reflect the als (who) have gone into the labor movement out ofpolitical idealism,
basic interests of the people; (2) its tendency to preserve the existing seeking to bring about a radical transformation of society through. the
unjust order; and (3) its inability to eradicate widespread poverty, po- mass organizations of workers.".
litical repression, and social injustice. A committee prepared a resolu- The KMU leadership's socialist and revolutionary beliefs and links
tion for adoption in the National Congress. Leto Villar sponsored the with national-democratic and revolution~ry forces show that the KMU
resolution before the floor. views the trade-union str~ggle as part of the broader struggle for na-
The early interventions tried to clarify certain points or regarded tional democracy and, eventually, socialism.
tactics. One delegate asked about possible scenarios should the Con- Even as the KMU leadership militantly advocates organizational po-
stitution be rejected by the Filipino people. Another feared that the sitions, it also aggressively tries to create a revolutionary working-class
KMU would blunder the way it did when it boycotted the February 1986 consciousness.
presidential elections; he proposed that the KMU vote "yes" and later
work for constitutional amendments. One delegate thought the KMU
should postpone its rejection of the Constitution as the federation was FFW: Predominantly Democratic and Political
demanding the reinstatement of the recently relieved Sanchez. Another
delegate suggested that it was more vital for the KMU to press for po- Several people oversaw the birth of the FFW, most of them Jesuits
litical settlements with the government, as had been done by the NDF. bent on applying the social doctrines of the Church to Philippine soci-
A representative from Negros, however, declared that the majority ety. Jesuit superior Fr. Leo Cullum instructed Fr. Hogan to put the papal
of his union's members took the "critical yes" position. He requested encyclicals into practice. Superior-General Fr.Joannes B.Janssens in-
the national officers to send a delegation to Negros to persuade his structed Philippine Vice-Provincial Fr. Vincent Kennally to e_stablish a
union to reject the Constitution. A large number of unionists veered social action center. This instruction might have been taken lightly had
toward support for the government, citing two major arguments: con- Fr. Horacio de Ia Costa not stressed the urgency of establishing such
stitutional amendments could be made later, and dictatorship could be an institution. IS All these men's efforts led to the formation of the ISO
revived should the constitution be rejected. from which the FFW eventually emerged.
After over two hours of deliberation, the issue was thrown to the body But it was Fr. Hogan's pioneering work that inspired students, em-
for a decision. Since less than ten delegates opposed rejection, the body ployers, and workers to work for society's less fortunate. Among the
adopted the original resolution.I3 many idealistic students was Juan Tan. The commitment of Fr. Hogan and
The above account demonstrates the extent to which the leadership the Ateneo de Manila students molded the FFW. As Meliton Salazar said:
influences the KMU; I observed similar procedures at other meetings.
The aggressiveness with which the KMU leadership pursued its goals FFW was our expression of activism. Its orientation attracted a lot
allowed it to dominate LACC discussions and activities. of students from Ateneo and sensitized many of us, who were also
The KMU leadership is characterized by the following features: the .quite known. Many students, being high-profiled, were constantly
dominance of individuals directly linked with revolutionary and na- in touch with the right people who were prominent individuals·

98 Leadership Profile Leadership Profile 99

and national leaders. With the students' presence, FfW became From then on, the leadership stayed out of politics and kept away from
known in the higher strata of society which at that time was not politicians and political parties.
really interested in labor issues. What we do and say gets into the Shortly thereafter, the Catholic hierarchy, which argued that· Fr..
newspapers .... All these factors contributed to the dynamism and Hogan's work created intense conflicts and friction among Catholics,
fame of FFW during that period. 16 forbade the priest to speak publicly on social questions (Fabros 1988,
74). Fr. Hogan continued to advise the FFW, but his involvement with
Most of the early FFW leaders were Christian idealists and student the union slowed down and completely stopped when he left the coun-
activists· from the Jesuit-run and elitist Ateneo de Manila.I7 They en- try in 1961. Most Ateneo students also eventually left the FFW; Tan
gaged in union organizing, administration, and labor-dispute settle- remained, but the absence of Fr. Hogan and the other students created
ment. Later, Tan accepted the Americans' invitation to take a workers' a temporary lull in the activities of the FFW.
training course in the US, which George Meany of the AFL-CIO also In the 1970s, the FFW saw the involvement of another youngJesuit
attended. This and subsequent labor training gave the FFW its organi- priest, Fr. Romeo Intengan, and a new batch of Ateneo students espous-
zational expertise. ing a democratic socialism. They founded the Philippine Democratic
Fr. Hogan and the Ateneo students, possessing only their militancy Socialist Party (PDSP). While no .one from the group became a mem-
and knowledge of Christian social doctrines, sought to wrest the labor ber of the Executive. Board of the FFW, the democratic socialists con-
movement from the control of the government, which maintained its siderably influenced the FFW. They reactivated the Young Free Work-
own labor federation, NACTU. According to Tan, government denied ers {YFW) and formed trade federations, lectured at 'FFW seminars,
registration certificates to unions that refused to affiliate with NACTU. introduced democratic socialism, and even. prepared the messages and
Labor Department representatives conducted background checks on speeches of the FFW president. Some joi~ed as staff of either. the. FFW
unions-a process greatly abused, as it was done on the premise of or BATU. Today, they are largely responsible for sustaining the FFW's
suspicion. democratic and political struggle.
For Tan (1966, 53), the democratic and political goals of unionism In the 1970s, the .FFW was led by an entirely new crop of leaders
were viewed in the context of improving the working and living condi- mostly from the ranks of FFW affiliates. Of the original Ateneo batch,
tions of workers: only Salazar continued to be involved with the FFW, as an occasional
lecturer at FFW and BATU leadership seminars. When martial law was
It would be superfluous to underline and emphasize the neces- imposed in 1972, the new leadership was greatly divided on the issue
sity of freedom for the workers, that is, in the pursuit of the ob- of political participation.
jectives of trade unionism, the workers must be free to form, join Under martial law, there were three national elections, the last of
or assist labor organizations of their own choosing as provided for which occasioned the People Power Revolution of February 1986. The·
in Section Three of our labor law. For certainly, if the organiza- leadership was consistently divided on Jhe issue of partisan politics
tion is not controlled and run by the workers themselves but despite the clamor by its membership to participate in the elections and
dominated by outside influences or pressures, the purpose for campaign for the opposition.
which the labor union was organized-to improve the living and For example, during the national elections of 7 April1979, the fac-
working conditions of the workers-cannot materialize and can- tion led by Efren Aranzamendez, composed mostly of unions influenced
not be fulfilled. by the democratic-socialist bloc and young Executive Board members,
recommended that the FFW actively participate in the national elections
The FFW leadership thus supported the Magna Carta .of Labor, which and openly cap1paign for the opposition. 19 But the top leadership
aimed to establish an industrial-relations system that would promote the thought otherwise, arguing that the FFW's moral conviction to dissoci-
free exercise of trade-union organization, collective bargaining, and ate p.olitics from the trade~union. movement would be compromised.
voluntary arbitration, as well as free trade unions from government and The top leadership of the FFW from 1970 to 1986 was composed of the
communist controL The leadership also supported Ramon Magsaysay president (Tan) and the executive vice-president (alternately Raman
for President, believing that he was committed to democracy and against Jabar or Aranzamendez). I observed, however, that the president·ulti-
communism. 18 It was the last time the FFW joined the electoral fray. mately decided on national and political i~~ues.
100 Leadership Profile Leadership Profile 101

Jabar contended that Tan was playing safe in case the FFW's party or During Marcos regime, Tan accepted an appointment as labor repre-
candidates lost. Members thus simply followed their consciences and many sentative, a position he still holds. In 1987, Jabar was appointed labor
union officers campaigned in local elections or even ran (and won) as representative in Congress (with Tan's grudging support), while another
councilmen or barangay chairs. But they participated in the elections as official was appointed labor representative in a government agency,
individuals and made no mention of the FFW during their campaigns. The FFW's leadership is characterized by the following: (1) the strong
The FFW leadership also expressed no public position .that would influence of the Jesuits through .Fr. Hogan in the 1950s, and of the
favor any political party or politician. When compelled to take a stand, democratic-socialist groups through Fr. lntengan from the 1970s to the
however, as it was shortly after the February 1986 presidential "snap present, which nurtured the FFW's ethico-moral and democratic-politi-
elections," the FFW remained highly ambivalent and non-committal. cal character; (2) a strong belief in the democratic and political role
Unlike the KMU or TUCP, when the FFW fails to reach a consensus, of independent trade unions; (3) adherence to political methods sup-
the leadership does not take charge, despite a Constitutional provision portive of government programs, while independently participating in
that allows a decision to be made through a simple-majority vote. In- governmc:nt tripartite bodies or taking political positions without nec-
stead, board meetings were a cacophony of inconclusive discussions with essarily supporting political parties or candidates or even participating
the president unable to bring the deliberations to a successful conclu- in electoral politics; (4) the inability to adopt a coherent political stand,
sion. Then, according to Jabar, individual members and their local even on matters as important as democracy; and (5) the president's
unions resolved matters on their own while the leadership remained disproportion~tely great control over decision-making.
silent or was insensitive to members' decisions. Aranzamendez noted:
I have yet to recall during my entire stay with FFW that the Gov-
erning Board arrived at definite positions on national and politi-
Comparative Assessment
cal issues. While it is true that democratic structures and processes
While leadership significantly shaped the three labor groups, their
are established to facilitate decision making, these structures ...
influence varied according to background, beliefs, and styles of deci-
are utilized precisely in order not to arrive at definitive positions sion-making. (See table 9 for a comparison of trade union leadership.)
or to avoid organizational positions since in most cases delibera- "Outsiders" were common to all groups. In the TUCP, they came from
tions never reached any consensus. 2° both the revolutionary and democratic-socialist groups in the mid~l980s.
Issues were endlessly tabled for future discussion. Unanimous deci- In the KMU, they were. the professional revolutionaries of Lenin,
sions were reached only after years, even decades. The FFW's democratic Blanqui, and Galenson. In the FFW, they were democratic socialists.
structures did not function as a forum for consensus-shaping and deci- "Outsiders" in the TUCP and the FFW drew the groups' attention to
sion-making. Jabar admitted that "there is no clear-cut position of FFW structural problems and advocated peaceful change; in the KMU, they
insofar as national issues are concerned. "2 1 kept the organization on the revolutionary path.
Not all the FFW officers, however, eschewed politics. For example, All these groups have government links. The TUCP's are very strong:
in 1983, Jabar joined the Labor Party of the Philippines (LPP) which the· federation supports government programs, accepts membership in
fielded candidates in the 1984 national elections; his participation, tripartite agencies and posts in Congress, supports the ruling political party,
however, was not officially endorsed by the president.Jabar justified his and joins elections. The FFW's links are strong, as the group also supports
political involvement, saying that trade unions, while maintaining their government programs and accepts membership in tripartite agencies of
independence, should actively participate in the political affairs of government and posts in Congress. But it does not publicly support any
society. "FFW," he said, "should be visible in the electoral processes and political party or candidate, much less participette in electoral politics.
be involved in the political affairs of society as long as it is not being ,,! T)le KMU leadership, on the other hand, lets its officers; such as

used by any political party or politician." In 1984, over the strong ob- Malonzo, take government positions, although it does not lobby for
jections of Tan, Aranzamendez became a member of the executive government posts. The KMU joins in electoral competition only for
board of NAMFREL. 22 tactical purposes, when the group believes the candidate will win; but
Yet while the FFW's leadership shied away from politics and political it has never viewed electoral participation as the best strategy to insti-
parties, it did not stop members from accepting government posts. tute revolutionary change.

.T .. . ....
-~·-«~··~ ·-~-- ..-~ ·=------._.,~·==-===-=·~-==·~·=-~-~----·---~~------------ -
Table 9. Comparison of trade-union leadership


Composition Professionals, notably lawyers Tra'de unionists Professionals

Association Strongly associated with government Strongly associated with the national- Strong association with the Catholic
and politics democratic forces Church, notably with the Jesuits

Strong association with government

Relations w/ government Many are holders of government Only one official holding a Top key officers hold appointive posts
positions; a few officials are holding government post in government and .Congress
elective or appointive posts in Congress

Political stand Favors supporting a political party and Alliance with revolutionary political Refrains from officially supporting a
candidates; participates in electoral parties and national-democratic political party or candidate, but does
competition movements not prohibit its officers from running
for office or campaigning
Active and direct participation in Tactical and dependent on objective
parliamentary politics conditions Non-partisan; iilsue-oriented

Stand on non-economic issues Tendency to support and follow Marked tendency to toe the line of Ambivalent, incoherent, confusing
government positions the national-democratic forces

Character Aggressive and decisive; active in Aggressive and decisive; active in Passive and indecisive
shaping and initiating organizational r initiating organizational positions.

Styles High degree of centralization on non- High degree of centralization but High degree of centralization but with
purely economic issues, with utilizes the structure for consensus- strong monarchic tendencies
tendencies to decentralize on political making with strong oligarchic
issues tendencies

The majority of the KMU leaders have close links with several national-
democratic and socialist groups whose political lines the KMU also espouses.
~ li: the democratic and political role of trade unions in winning higher
wages and better working and living conditions. The KMU leadership

Thus, the KMU is also anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist and prefers con- i~V is clearly Marxist socialist. ·
frontational, combative mass action to factory-focused methods. ,:!IV,;: Finally, the TUCP leadership is highly centralized when it decides on

The TUCP leaders believe in the principles of capitalism and that national economic issues, but decentralized when dealing with lion-
trade unions must achieve maximum benefits from the capitalist sys-
.1:. ' economic issues like US bases and agrarian reform. In the KMU, deci-
sions regarding all types of issues are centralized and dictated largely

tem. The FFW leadership shares these beliefs, although it emphasizes
104 Leadership Profile

by the group's revolutionary beliefs and radical analyses. The

leadership's position is handed down to the membership, although 7
consultation and discussion sometimes take place in the regional coun-
cils. The FFW leadership is so highly centralized that the president
decides all political issues. If the TUCP and KMU have oligarchic incli- Membership Profile
nations, the FFW has strong monarchic tendencies. Moreover, the FFW
is vacillating, incoherent, and at times confusing; its ambivalence and
indifference is sometimes interpreted as independence, isolationism,
and non-partisanship.

D o the trade unions have significantly different memberships?

Do members mold their trade unions? If so, how? These
questions guided my study of the labor movement:, J.Jnfortunately, how-
ever, there is little data on union membership. There is nothing at all
on the number of white-collar and blue-collar trade-union members.
No one h~s yet classified unionized workers according to income
bracket. I cannot, therefore, infer with any degree of accuracy the in-
fluence of workers' income status on the behavior of trade unions.
There are data, however, on the industrial and regional distribution of
membership, as well as on organizational structures and processes.
Scanty as the information is, it gives a good idea as to how trade-union
members make their views known to their leaders.
Table 10 presents 1983 Labor Department statistics on TUCP, KMU,
and FFW membership. The three groups represent close to 90 percent
of the country's total unionized labor force. The total employed labor
force that year was around 18.474 million; unionized wQrkers, includ-
ing organized farmers, comprised 25.6 percencof the employed. labor
force, while industrial workers. accounted for 11.5 percent. TUCP is the
biggest of the three groups.
However, the Labor Department based its figures on unverified .re-
ports submitted by labor unions. FFW, for example, reported a total of
400,000 members and 230 affiliates, or an average membership per local
union of around 2,00(). The figures make no sense, however, since most
members are in the marginal and non-labor-intensive enterprises em-
ploying less than 500 workers. TUCP and KMU figures are.just as fraught.
with discrepancies;
Then there is the problem of defining union membership. Does. it
refer to dues-pafing members only? Or only those who enjoy the ben-
efits of collective bargaining? Does it include non-industrial workers-,-
th~, u.rban poor, the non-working youth, women, 3tudenu, the ~elf··
106 Membership Profile MembershipProfile 107

Table 10. Comparative trade-union membership: TUCP, KMU, ~~mi~istration. The TUCP started to employ the mass leave, although
FFW (1983)
tlle,scanty data make it imJ1ossible to measure membership participa-
tion. FFW led one march to Liwasang Bonifacio and another to the
Senate to press for higher wages; but the marchers did not exc.eed 1,000.
Center /Federation Mfiliates Membership
--- The three labor groups, however, held regular meetings that allowed,
m~mbers to take part in decision-making. While there is no data about
A. Center
hpw many members attended meetings, an analysis of the organizational
1. TUCP 22 !1,687,294 structures and my own observations allow insights on member partici-
2. KMU 8 270,000 pation in· discussions and decision-making.

B. Federation TUCP: Low Degree of Membership Participation

1. FFW 400,000 Two big federations dominate the TUCP: the peasant-based FFF and
C. Total industrial- and Cebu-based Associated Labor Union, or ALU (appendix
D lists affiliates of TUCP). The FFF was organized on 25 .October 1953,
D. Total industrial an offshoot of the Jesuits' social activism (Fabros 1988, 44-50).. Its
unions 4,7!10,000 founders included Jeremias Montemayor, a graduate of the Ateneo d¢
Manila Law School and lecturer then at the ISO, and Fr. Hogan. But
E. C/D 0.89 ISO assigned Fr. Hector Mauri to be full-time chaplain ofFFF. In 1982,
FFF and seven other Central Luzon peasant organizations formed the
National Congress of Farmers' Organizations (NCFO), which reported
BASIC SOURCES: DOLE, Trade Union Directory of the Philippines, 198!1, Vol.
II; some are also cited in Business Day, 7 March 1986, p. !l. a total membership of 2.6 million in 1983 (table 10) or 70.5 percent
of TUCP's total membership. The FFF-led NCFO still shapes TUCP's views
NOTE: The TUCP includes the 2.6 million National Congress of on agrarian issues; FFF has formulated TUCP's position on land reform
Farmers' Organization (NCFO). and other peasant issues (TUCP 1975k, 39; 1984a, 5; 1987a).
, AI,U, organized on 2July 1954, and headed by Democrito Mendoza,
dominates TUCP with its reported membership of 300,000 (RP 1983a).
employed, small landowners, tenants, peasants-who, for one reason or ALU ,won four of the National Executive Board seats at TUCP's found-
another, joined labor groups? Does it include the workers' family mem- ing meeting; in 1977, when R,oberto Oca died, Democrito Mendoza took
bers? The trade unions themselves are unsure. his place as TUCP president. In 1983, Mendoza was reelected president
Despite the obvious inaccuracies, the Labor Department figures are while ALU officer Ernesto Herrera was elected secretary-general, giv-
official and can indicate trends in trade-union membership. I measured ing ALU control over the two highest positions of tUCP. As one trade
membership participation by observing how members' direct involve- unionist remarked: "The TUCP is the ALU. "1
ment in union activities influence organizational positions. Members' The ALU and non-ALU factions had a showdown at the 1983 TUCP
involvement may be in the form participation in mass actions elections. The non-ALU group, mainly the faction of Roberto Ocajr.,
and meetings. Only the KMU aggressively conducted mass actions dur- PTGWO members who were representatives to the Batasang Pambansa,
ing both the Marcos and Aquino administrations. The KMU recorded FFF, and one faction of PAFLU all supported Oca's bid for executive vice-
its activities and estimates of the number of participants (see table 13). president and Ruben de Ocampo of the Federation of Filipino Civil-
On the other hand, the FFW and TUCP refrained from demonstrat- ian Employees Associations in U.S .. Facilities in the Philippines (FFCEA)
ing during the Marcos years. A typical FFW mass action then was a Labor for secretary-general. ALU prevailed, however, and the power balan~e
Day or annual founding-anniversary banquet. Meanwhile, the TUCP in- within TUCP shifted.
vited Marcos (but only until the mid-1980s) to speak at Labor Day cel- ALU will probably continue to dominate since FFF has left the TUCP.
ebrations. The FFW and TUCP changed their styles during the Aquino Moreover, the ALU bas a total of thirteen industrial federations, now
108 Membership Profile Membership Profile 109

emerging as a powerful bloc. ALU is also rich: in 1983, it reportedly tion, which acts as the supreme authority and meets every three years;
collected 8 million pesos in annual dues and another 3 million pesos and the General Council, which meets every three months; and the
from its hospital, radio station, and cooperatives.2 It receives funding Executive Board, which meets every month (TUCP 1986d, Arts. VI, VII,
from AAFLI. Only ALU can pay TUCP membership dues months in ad- VIII). Below these three echelons are the Federation Affiliates, the
vance. respective Local Unions and the General Membership. Since 1986,
Two other labor groups, whose memberships are negligible com- there has been an intermediary body between the National Convention
pared to ALU or FFF, influenced TUCP to push for the retention of the and the National Council-the National Consultative Meeting (NCM).
US military bases in the country: the National Trade Union of Workers Although not a constitutional body, the national leadership consults
in the US Bases of the Philippines (NTUWUSBAP) and FFCEA. Their local union leaders through it in order to decide on national issues. 3
combined membership, which accounted for around half the Filipino The NCM, however, convenes only once a year. In between meetings,
base workers, was well-organized, and they articulated wage and job-se- the rank and file express their views to the Executive Board, which
curity issues. meets every month and is composed only of federation presidents who
FFF, ALU, NTUWUSBAP, and FFCEA strongly influenced TUCP's views. are either elected or appointed by the president (TUCP 1986d, Art. VIII,
FFF shaped TUCP's positions on land reform, as did ALU, which wielded Sec. 2). Ordinary members must, therefore, go through the various
its considerable financial and political power to control TUCP; levels of bureaucracy before reaching the Executive Board. I observed,
NTUWUSBAP and FFCEA won the sympathy of other affiliates on the however, that members seldom use these channels due to several fac-
issue of US bases. tors: (1) the complexity of government or bureaucracy; (2) frequency
TUCP's membership can be classified by industry, region, occupation, of meetings; (3) type of issues; and ( 4) degree of autonomy and self-
even conglomerate line. The distinctions are superficial, however, since reliance enjoyed by the national federation or local union.
the membership-except for ALU's industrial affiliates-cuts across ·Ordinarily, rank-and-file members' first level of contact is the shop
these boundaries. Nonetheless, the restructuring efforts TUCP began steward who serves as the "little president" at the shop-floor level. In-
in the 1970s may yet achieve industrial unionism. Table 11 gives an idea dividual members express their views directly to the shop steward, who
of how enthusiastically TUCP pursued organizing along industry lines. then brings the matter to the executive officers of the local union. From
General unionism decreased by more than half and industrial union- the local .level, the issues are then elevated to the federations where
ism increased by more than 50 percent over the past few years. Still, the executive officers or Governing Board members act on them, be-
participation continues to be determined by membership to ALU, FFF, fore. the matter is finally endorsed to the center level. If followed to
NTUWUSBAP, and FFCEA. the letter, the process can take up tremeqdous time, effort, and re-
Theoretically, member.ship participation in the center's national sources. Most locals schedule membership meetings every three -months
activities is coursed through the organizational structures: the Conven- and board meetings monthly. Federations schedule board meetings
quarterly, while local presidents meet once a year. The long months
between meetings dampen the enthusiasm of the general membership. 4
The type of issues affects membership involvement in national-cen-
Table 11. TUCP federation affiliates by type of membership ter activities. Members are gen·erally most interested in economic issues,
which affiliates can address; the local can. get by on assistance from its
mother federation without having to ask for the services of TUCP. Al-
Type General Industrial Total %Inc.
(Dec.) though TUCP was formed in 197 4, many of its affiliates were founded
as early as the 1950s and have long histories of autonomy and self-re-
1974 15 8 23 liance; few depend on TUCP for their survival. All TUCP had to do was
1982 19 16 35 34.3 bring all these small, but financially stable unions under one industrial
1990 8 33 41 14.6 umbrella.
The affiliates function well on their own: they maintain pools of
lawyers and paralegal aides, and their education and research depart-
BASIC SOURCES: TUCP (1978n; 1978o, 3-4; 1978s, 19-20; 1983a, 18; 1986f, 1); RP
ments train members in collective bargaining. Mo~t important, they
(1983a); interview with C. Bagtas, 1990.
110 Membership Profile Membership Profile 111

have a secure income as their collective-bargaining contracts stipulate Table 12. KMU affiliates by type of membership: 1980, 1985,
a system of remitting dues both to the local and national federation. 1990
TUCP membership is characterized by the followin_g: (1) the presence
of both industrial workers and peasants; (2) ALU dominance over the
running and management of the national center; (3) strong FFF and Type 1980 1985 1990
NTUWUSBAP/FFCEA influence over TUCP's positions on .land reform
and US bases, respectively; and ( 4) a low degree of participation in the General 4 11 10
activities of the national center.
Industrial 4 5 6
KMU: Very High Degree of Membership Participation alliances 2 17 !14
Luzon 8 25
There are four dominant organizations under KMU: NAFLU, the Visayas 2 2
National Federation of Labor (NFL, formerly the Mindanao Federation Mindanao 7 7
of Labor), ULGWP, and SPFL, of which NAFLU and NFL are considered Conglomerate 2 2
the most militant because of their leadership's socialist and revolution-
Totals 10 !15 52
ary leanings (see appendix E). SPFL, ULGWP, and NFL seldom partici-
pate in KMU's national activities as most of their members are in %increase 176;9 48.6
Mindanao. They do, however, articulate issues and lead mass actions (decrease)
where they are based, as does the Negros-based NFSW. In Metro Ma-
nila, KMU mass actions are fueled largely by the leading jeepney driv-
ers' association, PISTON, and the national-democratic ADLO and
ANGLO. They provide the main base ofjeepney strikes against oil-price members, were given by KMU leaders and are probably inaccurate.
increases. NUWHRAIN, GATCORD, and NSU-the conservative and Nevertheless, even assuming that 50 percent of the estimates are true,
economist bloc within KMU-left KMU in the mid-1980s. Leonardo KMU's member participation was much greater than other labor
Desierto of NUWHRAIN, admitted, however, that many of his union's groups . Membership participation in KMU mass actions is phenomenal
members chose to remain with KMU under the Genuine Labor Orga- in the history of the Philippine labor movement.
nization of Workers in Hotel, Restaurants and Allied Industries Some factors explain the high degree of membership participation:
(GLOWHRAIN). 5 (1) the level of government and degree of bureaucracy; (2) the pres-
Although tiny when it started in 1980, KMU had more than doubled ence of regional associations and alliances; (3) the militancy of both
its membership by 1985 (see table 12). KMU organized along geographi- the.national and regional leadership in molding, instigating, and sus-
cal lines, apparently uninterested in the industrial side of unionism. taining the revolutionary class consciousness of members, and in mo-
Regional organizing generated active membership participation; it al- bilizing them; and ( 4) financial resources.
lowed closer contact, easier communication, and members' direct in- Unlike TUCP, the structure ofKMU is straightforward. The Congress,
volvement in national activities without having to go to Manila. the highest governing body, meets every three years. Under it are the
KMU organized several regional associations nationwide. The asso- National Council, which meets every three 'months, and the Executive
ciations are loosely organized, and include non-unionized workers and Board, which meets every month. Below these structures are the vari-
members of other unions. Non,workers who are actively involved in ou~ National Federations and Regional· Councils, their respective Lo-
trade-union activities may be members. Other sectoral groups, such as cal Union affiliates, and the General Membership. The Regional Coun-
those of the urban poor, students, and women, are involved in regional cils take over the leadership and functions of the Executive Board in
KMU activities. The exact number of members cannot, therefore, be their respective areas of jurisdiction with the resources, autonomy; arid
ascertained. power to respond to their members' needs. Although the executive
It is possible, however,·to estimate KMU membership participation officers are based in Manila, the regional officers ensure general
in mass actions (see table 13). The figures, which include non-KMU membership's continuous participation.
Table 13. Mass actions launched or participated in by KMU: 1980-87 t. Table 13 -Continued

Date/Year Mass action Participation Source(s)

.' ·:.:: Date/Year Mass action Participation Source(s)

May Demonstration 25,000 l981e, !I;
' ;ii. : 9 Feb
(Araneta Col.) 1982f, 18 17 Protest rallies at
Liwasang Bonifacio 1984a, 11
17 Jan Protest rally 1981e, 3 1 May Demonstration !10,000 1984a, 12
1 Feb Protest rally 1981f, 1
1!1 Feb Protest rally 1982f, 19 12 Aug Picket in front of
19 Feb Protest rally the Labor Ministry 1984a, 12
1 May Demonstration 40,000 1981e, !I;
(Araneta Col.) 1982f, 19 11 Nov Protest rally 1984a, 12
31 May Demonstration 12,000 1981e, 4;
(Liwasang 1982f, 19 27 Nov Demonstration 1984a, 12
19,000 1982f, 19 L Burial march of
Felixberto Olalia, Sr. 1984a, IS

11 Dec Picket in front 2,000 1982f, 20 1984

of Camp Aguinaldo f jan Nationwide boycott

1982 5 Feb March-rally at
1 May Demonstration 20,000 1982c; Liwasang Bonifacio 15,000 1984a, 15-14
at the Araneta 1982d
Coliseum 1-7 Mar People's March 1984j

Women's march-rally
June Four-day Zone-wide
· strike
13,000 1982f
I 8 Mar
at Mendiola Bridge
.•. 1984£

22 Aug March-rally 2,000 1984a, 3 1 May Demonstration 280,000 1985a,4

31 Aug Picket at the !10 Nov March-rally in

Supreme Court !1,000 1984a, !I front of the
US Embassy 1985a,4
21 Sep March-rally 1984a, 10
21 Oct March-rally at
1984a, 10
t 1 May


Barricade ·at
50,000 1986g, 2

1983 Feb
24Jan March-rally at 1984a, 11 ·l Mendiola bridge 1986g, !I

') .~...
Continued on next page

' ...: . Continued on next page

Membership Profile 115.

Table 13 - Continued I attended ALF the .first quarter of 1990. The KMU .lead-
ership was enthusiastic about two national issues: gen·uine agrarian
reform and US military bases. Beltran spoke at length about KMU's
Date/Year Mass action Participation Source(s) seven-point alternative program of government and six basic demands.
The meetings awakened and heightened the revolutionary class con-
1 May Participated in the sciousness and combativeness of KMU members. The nationwide simul-
demonstration at taneous regional meetings were conducted on weekends or after work
Luneta 1986g, 3-4 and although workers derived no benefits from attending these meet-
14 Nov March-rally at Camp 1986u, 24; ings-meals, allowances, lost time pay, etc., which are freely offered by
Aguinaldo 2,000 1986r, 13 other labor groups-membership participation was high.
Support from other national-democratic groups partly accounts for
17-20 Nov Nationwide strike 2,000 1986g, 7; the KMU membership's enthusiasm, as do the organization's consider-
(death of Rolando 12,000 1986v, 30; able resources. KMU's activities are numerous, public, and nationwide,
Olalia) 600,000 1986r, 13 requiring huge financial outlays. As the KMU collects a mere. twenty-
1987 five to fifty centavos monthly per member, and not even very strictly, I
3-4Jan Protest-rally 1,500 do not believe that KMU finances its activities on its own. .
1987h, 2
at the Labor 10,000 The very high degree of participation by members in mass.actions
Ministry then and regional meetings of KMU can be accounted for by the following:
to Mendiola (1) the aggressiveness of the leadership in instilling and sustaining a
bridge revolutionary class consciousness among members, in leading ·mass
actions and other regional activities, and in inspiring its members to
22 Jan March-rally at participate directly in these activities; (2) the presence of dynamic rec
Mendiola bridge 1986c, 1
gional structures which mobilize members, arid_translate their collec-
1 May Demonstration tive strength into coordinated and sustained mass actions; and (S) the
availability of financial resources.
17 Aug Jeepney strike at
Metro Manila with
BAYAN 1986c, 2 FFW: Very Low Degree of Membership Participation
26 Aug Nationwide strike 1986c, 2 Unlike TUCP and KMU, FFW is a national federation, and its. ~ffili­
12-l60ct Refusal to go to work, ates are composed of local unions. (See table 14 for the industrial dis-
general/industry tribution of FFW affiliates.) Over. 22 percent of FFW members are con-
strike 1988c, 3 centrated in the metals/ electricityI equipments industries. The service
sector, including hospitals and schools, employs the next largest group
of FFW members. In the 1970s, FFW had a sizable following. in the la-
bor-intensive textile/garment and fo,od/ tobacco industries.,Most of its
KMU also maintains All Leaders' Forums (ALF), non-constitutional affilia_~es in the seCtor, however, broke\ away over the years, as didtl_lOse

bodies composed of local presidents within a given area. For example, iri mining and quarrying.
regional, federation, and local leaders in the National Capital Region On the other hand, there was .a dramatic rise in membership from
(NCR) make up ALF-NCR. ALF is especially active before Labor Day and the commercial sector-department stores, supermarkets, drug stores,
KMU's "summer offensives." ALF are intervening bodies between the banks, insurance companies, and other enterprises engaged in the trad-
National Council and the Congress and, while they do not meet regu- ing of goods or services. There was also a big leap in membership in the
larly, on the average they do meet at least once a month. chemicals/petroleum/gas and forestry/logging/pulp/paper sectors.
Membership Profile 117
Table 14. Membership of FFW, by industry: 1974, 1989 Attempts to formally federate local unions by industry started in the
early 1970s. As of today, however, only two industrial federations are
Industry formally organized: the petroleum/ chemicals/ drugs industry group and
1974 1989
No. the commercial sector. These two trade federations are slowly becom-
% No. % ing self-reliant. They can perform basic trade-union functions without
depending on the national federation. The rest of the affiliates, how-
01 -Agriculture 4 2.8 3 1.7 ever, remain unorganized, indicating th;;lt FFW's structure is still pre-
dominantly patterned along non-industrial lines.
02- Mining/Quarrying 2 1.4 Table 15 gives the regional distribution of FFW's affiliates: they are
03- Food/Beverage/ concentrated in Luzon, particularly in Metro Manila, and thinly distrib-
Tobacco 19 13.4 12 6.9 uted in Visayas and Mindanao. The Visayan affiliates are sparsely spread
04- Textile/Footwear/ across Bohol, Cebu, Negros, and Iloilo. A full-time staff member in
Wearing Apparel/ Cebu coordinates activities. In Mindanao, members ar'e concentrated
Leather /Rubber in Cagayan, lligan, Surigao, and Davao, but FFW maintains offices only
Products/Plastics 25 17.6 15 8.6 in Davao and Cagayan, and aJull-time staff in Iligan. However, only one
full-time lawyer based in Cagayan takes care of the legal needs of the
05 -Chemicals/ affiliates in Cagayan, lligan, Surigao, Davao, and even Cebu.
Petroleum/Gas 4 2.8 21 12.0
Table 15. Regional distribution of FFW membership
06 - Metals/Electricity
Equipments 32 22.5 39 22.3
07- Forestry/Logging Year Luzon Visayas Mindanao Total
Lumber /Construction
Wood/Pulp/Paper 11 7.7 24 13.7 1978 199 18 37 254
1985 189 6 18 203
08 - Commercial 12 8.5 33 18.9 1989 150 8 31 175

09 - Transport/Storage BASIC SOURCES: FFW (1978; 1985b; 1989e).

Communication 14 9.9 9 5.1
The regional branches are not self-sustaining. Union dues from the
10 - Services 19 13.4 31 17.7 locals are remitted directly to the national headquarters; then the
branches receive monthly financial assistance from the national office.
Totals 142 100.0 175 100.0 Some affiliates have tried to minimize their dependence on the
national office: Iligan and· Davao organized a council of leaders; in
BASIC SOURCES: LCC (1974); FFW (1973); FFW (1989e). Manila, several area alliances emerged in the mid-1980s on the initia~
tive of the democratic socialists. The national leadership was less than
NOTE: In 1983, FFW had a total of 230 local union affiliates as reported by DOLE, supportive and even viewed the moves with suspicion, especially dur-
(1983), Vol. II. FFW's membership list for this
Trade Union Directory of the Philippines ing elections of national officers. In Manila, the conservative bloc mis-
period has a different industry classification. trusts local unions identified with the democratic socialists. Thus, in-
stead of promoting unity, regional efforts to become self-reliant were a
source of conflict and rivalry, straining national-regional relationships.
Compared with TUCP and KMU, the structure of FFW is simple. The
highest goveniing body is the National Convention, which meets every
three years, followed by the Governing Board, which meeu every quar·
118 Membership Profile ':
Membership Profile 119

ter (FFW 1988c: Art. VIII, Sec. 31). Below these two echelons are sev-
eral consultative bodies: the trade federations; the local-presidents
meeting, which meets at least once a year; and the various commissions,
r education. This dependency is cemented by the highly paternalistic
leadership, which demands unwavering loyalty and unshakable obedi-
ence, and fosters a passive, indifferent, and clientelist membership.
which meet every two months (FFW 1988c, Art. XII, Sec. 31). Below Closer coordination and direct contact between the national leader-
these are the local affiliates and the general membership. However, the ship .and the locals are relatively difficult and at times impossible, es-

l pecially for the far-flung unions. For some time, the Davao locals re-
flow of authority and relationships among these bodies are vague and
confusing. Sometimes all the local presidents may be called to a meet- .
fused to remit their dues unless the national office provided them with
ing; sometimes trade-federation officers convene separately or with the ;)! a full-time organizer and lawyer.
local presidents; or the various commissions may work on certain issues. These bureaucratic and. dependent tendencies are deeply rooted in
In all these cases, the order of authority aild flow of communications the historical development of FFW's structure. Unlike TUCP and KMU,
are unclear. FFW started as a small organization with less than 10 locals, which had
Further complicating matters, national or regional conferences are no history of self-government or autonomy. Slowly, new structures, of-
sometimes conducted in order to consult the views of provincial affili- ficers and subordinate officials, staff, and unionsjoined FFW, but with
ates. On the whole, consultation and decision-making can become responsibilities and au~orities already defined and dictated by the
highly confusing. The results of the multiple discussions are then for" highest echelons and pow~r-holders. As the organization grew, struc-
warded to the Governing Board which, according to the constitution, tures and responsibilities became more complex, requiring a greater
decides on the issue through a majority vote. But Governing Board degree of specialization; officers and staff had to develop new exper-
meetings are more often than not indecisive, since there are_ no clear- tise and skills.
cut policies to guide decisions on national and political issues. 6 Meet- Tan guided all these developments as co-founder and president of

ings degenerate into a confusion of unresolved issues and endless dis- the union. Under his leadership, new unions came into the federation;
cussions. The structures and processes of decentralization are ineffec- he personally inducted their officers and backed new officials. Formerly
tive as consensus-builders. weak and small, FFW became strong and stable, but also highly central-
li ized, bureaucratic, paternalistic, even authoritarian.
If consultation begins from the rank and file, it is even more tedious.
The views of individual members are normally channeled through the iji Smaller than TUCP and KMU, FFW has less than 200 dues-paying
local officers or regional branches and the various constitutional bod-
ies. While the hierarchical order may be clear, a member can only hope
~ locals. Another major breakaway, such as the 1986 split-when sev:eral
officers representing sixty-four locals, led by Aranzamendez, stormed
that his views will eventually reach the top. This strenuous process is out of the National Convention-could spell disaster (FFW 1986q).
further aggravated by the equally complex and intricate bureaucracies Yet many unions join or continue to stay with FFW because of the
and red tape that have become deeply entrenched over the years. numerous amenities it offers: seminars, travel abroad, scholarships, etc.,
Thus, the various structures have not promoted active participation which are awarded every now and then to loyal officers and members.
by the rank-and-file members, much less facilitated the democratic More important, FFW dues are not exorbitant. These same attractions,
~- .
operation of FFW. Several local affiliates confirmed my observations however, continue to nourish the ~mion's paternalism, 'since these ben-.
from long exposure to and participation in meetings and conferences: efits are doled out for personal reasons rather than merit.
relations are extremely strained between the national leadership and Financially, FFW can barely maintain its three-storey building. Many
locals. Meetings of local presidents, trade-federation officers, and com- of its locals pay monthly dues of 2 pesos per member, although its
missions only serve to heighten factional rivalries, with the president constitution stipulates one-half percent of an individual's gross income.

precariously walking the tightrope between opposing groups and care- Moreover, because there are no checks and balances, union affiliates
ful not to take sides. can lie about their membership. It is difficult to imagine how FFW:can
In addition, while the locals are highly autonomous in administer- finance its operations or pay its regular staff. As with TUCP and KMU,

ing themselves, they are also dependent on the national federation for however, external funding keeps FFW going.
basic union functions and services. This is especially true of the finan- Yet while outside funding has helped FFW affiliates, it has also dam-
cially weak unions and those on remote-islands. Many cannot even af- aged the unity of the leadership. As Salazar pointed out:
ford to hire lawyers and are inexperienced in research, negotiation, and .,..,

120 Membership Profile Membership Profile 121

The external funding which partly explained the dynamism of FFW Comparative Assessment
during the 1950s has also become the source of gripes and quar-
rels. Partly because of the presence of the young students, exter- Table 16 compares the structures and memberships of TUCP, KMU,
nal assistance began to pour in. But there was also financial assis- and FFW. TUCP's multilevel structures have created a passive member-
tance which came in more because of Tan himself than because ship indifferent to the national center. Meetings of the NCM are held
of the Federation. Because he was personally instrumental in get- annually, while the National Convention meets only every three years.
ting most of the assistance, to a large extent, he was the best natu- oi Moreover, the structures' ability to draw out the rank-and-file is mini-
ral leader as he was also willing to devote his full time in the la- mal. Meetings are so infrequent that members leave most decisions to
bor movement. But other people don't agree; they also want to the national leadership and are satisfied. with periodic reports. The
become president. 7 majority of affiliates were autonomous and self-reliant long before TUCP
emerged, which explains why rank-and-file members do not feel com-
Aranzamendez claimed that only the president knew where the pelled to express their views through organizational structures.
money came from and where it was going. Even the Governing Board KMU's militancy was primarily shaped by the organization's regional
seldom discussed finances except to complain about non-payment of structures, the aggressiveness with which the leadership uses these struc-
dues. Some alleged that the president has been personally subsidizing tures and mobilizes the members for mass actions, and the ability of
the needs of the federation, including the salaries of its staf£.8 the organization to finance mass actions. The regional structures al-
FFW exhibits the following features: (1) a general type of member- lowed direct contact among members, igniting and sustaining their
ship; and (2) a low degree of membership participation due to four revolutionary class consciousness and combativeness.
factors: (a) the presence of several committees whose authorities and + The ability to finance large and frequent mass actions both at the
national and regional levels coupled with the leadership's aggressive-
responsibilities are not clear; (b) the national leadership's lack of in-
terest in local initiatives; (c) a high degree of centralism and paternal- ness in consolidating the rank and file's collective strength and politi-
ism; and (d) highly dependent locals.
.. .
cal will created an aggressive and adversarial membership .

Table 16. Comparative trade-union membership: TUCP, KMU, FFW

Profiles TUCP ~u Frn

Composition Wage-earners and agrarian/peasant Wage- and non-wage-earners in the Purely comprised. of wage-earners.
workers. services sector; presence of individuals
belonging to other sectoral groups.

Structure Marked tendency toward industrial

r Marked tendency towards regional Marked tendency towards the general
type of unionism. type as well as towards movementism. type of unionism.

Membership is sparsely distributed in Membership is evenly distributed in Membership is largely concentrated in

all the industries all over the many key cities and islands of the Metro Manila.
archipelago. archipelago.

Membership Membership link to the national Membership link to the national Membership link to the fe.deration is
participation center proceeds along three stages !'
center is coursed through the regional· through the local union presiden't and
starting from the local union level alliances and then directly to the the regional offices of the
then to the national federation and national center. organization.
finally to TUCP level.

Continued on next page

122 Membership Profile

Table 16 - Continued

Low degree of participation by the Very high degree of membership Very low degree of participation by'
rank and file members to the activities participation to /the activities of the the members to the activities of the
of the center. center. federation.

Degree of automony High degree of autonomy enjoyed by High degree of autonomy enjoyed by High degree of local autonomy
federation affiliates because of federation affiliates, but autonomy is relative to internal management, but
capability to program and finance exercised within the framework of the also high degree of dependence by
their own activities even without any plan prepared by the national center. the weak unions relative to basic
support from the national center. services as ·lawyering, research,
Absence of bureaucracy but possessing negotiation, education.
High degree of bureaucracy and some degree of cc;ntralism.
tendency towards oligarchy and , High degree of bureaucracy,
centralism. centralism, and tendenty towards

Character Highly submissive and supportive. Highly aggressive, assertive and Passive and indifferent to federation
militant; willing to undertake and join activities.
non-traditional trade-union action
even if they are confrontational and
conflictive. ·;,.

Stability Marked by periodic disaffiliations. Marked by occasional disaffiJiations. Marked by occasional factional

Leader-member Business-like, client-patron Largely based on ideological Largely based on personal loyalties
relationship relationship. considerations; professional. and personal convenience. as well as
familial and paternalistic.

The FFW's relatively simple structure, on the other hand, failed to forced by the leadership and the union's capacity to fund activities, such
inspire membership participation in the affairs of the federation. In- a structure helps develop the class consciousness of members. The
stead, it created a highly dependent, clientelist, and indifferent mem- membership character that ultimately prevail,s, however, is highly de-
bership. Members have no concern for the activities of the national pendent on the leadership.
federation, depend on the national leadership for their basic needs, and On the other hand, industrial and general unionism-and their in-
disregard their basic responsibilities, especially payment of union dues, herently limiting physical and geographical conditions~are less en-
attending meetings, and participating in mass actions. couraging to active involvement and direct participation by the general
membership. In addition, existing industrial-relations structures favor
Conclusions unions' regional and national participation: tripartite bargaining over
Union membership plays a minor role in molding the views of trade wages and other employment terms is done on the national rather than
unions. More important are three internal factors that influence the industrial level; the regional tripartite economic councils require trade-
character of trade-unions: type of structures; how leadership uses these union representation along regional rather than industrial lines; re-
structures; and the ability of the organization to finance its activities. g.ionallabor-management consultative councils (LMCCs) are the emerg·
The KMU's structure, which allows close contact, communication, and ing trend; and government, labor, and business ·sectors are promoting
easy mobilization, encourages an active general membership. Rein- regional minimum wages.

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