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‘BUENA VISTA UNIVERSITY GRADUATE PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING FIELD PRACTICUM. PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELOR ‘SCHOOL COUNSELING PRACTICUM PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORM EVALUATION PERIOD: ugaSt 2001. Maurls 1816 awe or counsetor: Causa Gormenf sono: eile Blas ban = SD EvaLuAToR: S78eé_p/ob/e we: Mt Zhe Arete COUNSELOR EVALUATION FORM ‘AND JOB DESCRIPTION ‘The professional school counselor evaluation form willbe used by the graduate tudent asa self-audit guide tothe field practicum experience. it will also be used by supervisors to evaluate the student-counselor’s performance inthe field practicum. IRECTIONS FOR FORM COMPLETION |THE RATING SCALE: Please wre the appropriate number the space provided Deside each fem. Mark the space NIO ifyou nad no opportunity to observe andlor toevaluate. The rating scale le: Performance is clearly outstanding Performance consistenly excaeds standards Perfomance consistently meets standards Performance is below expecilions; consultation is required, ‘and improvement is needed in specie eas Performance is unsalisactory or lacking, and itl o no Improvement has resuited from consultation No + No opportunity o observe andor evaluate Il. COMPLETING THE EVALUATION FORM: Numerical ratings ae tobe assigned to ‘2c indestor. Te indicator ratings are averaged to rive a the role average ofthe counselor's performance. An NO rain is not calculate inthe role average. Its not necessary forthe evaluator to comment on each indetor however, comments sre encouraged for some areas where exceptional srengih is indicated (Le, a4 or ‘ating is earned) o for areas which require improvement (8,8 10:2 rating is ened), PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT ROLE 4: PROGRAM MANAGEMENT ‘A. PLANS, IMPLEMENTS, AND EVALUATES A (COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM OF PROFESSIONAL ‘SCHOOL COUNSEING, INCLUDING COUNSELING SERVICES. 1. Uses a planing process to define neds, pres ‘and program objectives. No 1 23 4 @? 2. Implements a comprehensive and balanced program. NO 1 2 3 4 G7 3. Evaluates the effectiveness of individual activites and the coveral progrem inmeeting desired student outcomes. NO 1 2 3 4 G7 4. Educates the schoo staff, parents and the community about the guidance program through a public information ora No 12 3 4 ‘ADD ScORES_22 ROLE AVERAGE_S— ROLE2: CURRICULUM |A. TEACHES THE SCHOOL DEVELOPMENTAL SCHOOL COUNSELING (CORE CURRICULUM, Srdtaored tothe specie bung evel needs, wo 1234 2. Teaches coursing core cuiodum wnisefecve. NO 1 2 3 4 @? op scores_/o 8, ASSISTS TEACHERS IN THE TEACHING OF SCHOOL COUNSELING SeLATEO CURRICULUM 4. Consus wth administers and teachers regarding tho tacher'sarss of esponnbayn teaching the development schol counseing core criculm No 1 23 4¢D 25 2. Supports teachers in teaching of a school counseling core curcuium oe witch ee dvespmerialy bed NOt 2 3 4 app scores__/2” C. GUIDES INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS OF STUDENTS Sanouon THe DEvELorwen? OF EDUGATIONAL PLANS AND CAREER AWARENESS 1. tvves stunts in personalized educational and career awareness. wo 12348 2. Presents relevant ivomaton acutely and witout bias, no 12348 oo scores_/” ROLE AVERAGE__§~~ ROLES: COUNSELING |A. COUNSELS INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS WITH PRESENTING NEEDSICONCERNS 1. Provides counseling systematically. No 1 23 4 @ 2. Responds to students individually, No 1 23 4 a ‘oo scores_/2 8. COUNSELS SMALL GROUPS OF STUDENTS WITH PRESENTING NEEDSICONCERNS 1. Provides counting in groups as appropri. No.1 2344 2. Provides group counseling systeratialy NO 12340 ADD SCORES__/7” . USES ACCEPTED THEORIES AND TECHNIQUES [APPROPRIATE TO SCHOOL COUNSELING 1. Uses scceped thors No 1234 2. Use fective techniques No 12948 avo scores_/2 ROLE AVERAGE_S— 26 ROLE 4: CONSULTATION A. CONSULTS WITH PARENTS, TEACHERS, ADMMIISTRATORS. {AND OTHER RELEVANT INDIVIDUALS TO ENHANCE THEIR WORK WITH STUDENTS, . Proves potesonaepuie colservey. = NO 1284 2. terres womation ad ees fete. wor23s469 3. Advocates staens wot 234 @ soo scones_/- ROLEAVERAGE_S ROLE COORDINAT 'A. COORDINATES WITH SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY PERSONNEL, ‘TO BRING TOGETHER RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS. 1, Maintains a communication system that effectively collects ‘and cisseminats information spout students to other tse m pperae wo 1234@ 2. Devetgs an msn postive worn elatorstins with other school professionals. NWO 1 2 3 4 47 2. Davep end sain paiva wating elaoratips ‘itnropreseraies of eommuntyeouates Nor, sae ADD SCORES_/5— 8, USES AN EFFECTIVE REFERRAL PROCESS FOR ASSISTING STUDENTS AND OTHERS TO USE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES. 1. Accu ssseses tens’ and he aes needs fren wo t12340 2. Participates actively in the process fr referral of students te schooldtict special programs andiorsevices. = NO 1 2 3 4 3. Uses an effective referral proces for assisting students fad ones to use AEA and communty agencies and services. No 1234@ ‘ADD scores_~ ROLE AVERAGE_<— 27 ROLE6: ASSESSMENT. A 8 PARTICIPATES IN THE PLANNING AND EVALUATION OF ‘THE SCHOOL GROUP STANDARDIZED TESTING PROGRAM. 1. Isknowledgeable inthe principles of testing and ‘measurement which underle standardized testing program development wo 123 4 2. Collaborates in the planing and evaluation ofthe group standardized testing program No 12349 App scores_/27 INTERPRETS TEST AND OTHER APPRAISAL RESULTS ‘APPROPRIATELY. 1. Gorey applies principles of test and messurement to {ests and oer appraisal resus terpretaton. No123 46 2. lnerres test and other appraisal resus to school personel No1234@ 5. lelergres test and other apprsial esuts to students rd thee parents No 123 4a? 4, Uses other sources of student data as assessment tool forthe purpose of eucatonal planing No12 3468 5. Maintains the contdentiaityf student assessment. WO 1 2 3 4 6. Ensues thatthe uses of student record ae forthe benef of students and personnel working wih hose stat No 123 4@D ‘apo scores_ 32 ROLE AVERAGES ALIS ‘A. ADHERES TO ETHICAL AND LEGAL STANDAROS 1. Observes ethical standards ofthe ova and the ‘American School Counselor Associaton. NO 12 3 4c 2, Onseres relevant legal standards wo123 4657 ‘ADO ScORES_Z= 28 ADHERES TO PROFESSIONAL DISTRICT STANDARDS Pursues continuous professional growth and ROLE AVERAGE_$ dewopment no 123 497 2. Keeps abreast of curet and innovative procedures and practices inthe fek’s of schoo couneling andin education No 1234 3. Sebets counselor interventions appropiate to tudes’ neues and creumstanens. No 12 34@ 4 Creates an atmosphere in which confidence, uneertanding and respect resultn helping felts, No 12 34 5. Maniaine postive workin relationships wih otter ‘counselors. No 12 34&/ 6. Maintains professional records. NO 12 3447 7. Respects the integrity ofthe student NO 12 34 ann scores_“S¢- 28 WORKSHEET FOR FIGURING FINAL EVALUATION RATING ROLE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT GUIDANCE ‘COUNSELING ‘CONSULTATION COORDINATION ASSESSMENT PROFESSIONALISM ADD SEVEN ROLE SCORES DIVIDE BY SEVEN TO OBTAIN OVERALL RATING To ‘SUMMARY EVALUATION For this evaluation period, the overall appraisal ofthis counselor's performance is given below. itreflects an average ofthe ratings by role with an indicator. —X___4550 Performance is leat oustanding, 35-449 Performance consistent exceeds standart, 25249. Perlamance consstenty meets standards 1.82.49. Perlrmance i below expectations: consultation ie requred and improvements needed specs 4.0-1.49 Performance is unsatisfactory or lacking, and litle ‘ro improvement has resulted ffom consultaton. DWT Jyunasade 3-21-18 COUNSELOR'S SIGNATURE DATE 30

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