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Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz

and Your Hero Within (part 1 of 4)

Part I: The Spells of a Wicked Agenda

A Braveheart Article

Journey with us to explore our stranger than fiction reality. Return home a more
informed and empowered person.

We live in a topsy-turvy world where humanity’s heroes journey is liken to that within the
famed Wizard of Oz story. Will we awaken from a cowardice dream that presently allows
misguided bullies to imprison, victimize us, our world and our families OR will we rise-up to
realize and express our great hero within and be known as the warriors of loving truth who
acted in turn, as we were destined to be?
The story’s heroine, Dorothy, is a young woman who along with her home is literally
swept up by a mystical tornado and then placed in a magical land far away. Unbeknownst to
Dorothy her home lands on top of and kills one of the wicked witches of the West.

Her wicked witch sister soon arrives and vows to revenge for this death. Bewildered by all of
the events Dorothy regains her composure and immediately begins her quest to discover the
truth about the people of this new world, the powers behind it, and ultimately, how to find
her way back home to her family farm in Kansas. From the beginning she is instructed by
midget-like mythical beings that in order to get back home she must ‘follow the yellow brick
Along the way Dorothy will meet and be guided by, Glenda, the good witch of the North. She
will also encounter and confront metaphorical characters that ultimately represent the fears
of her dark side and those of her undeveloped hero within. Soon on her journey she
discovers that the yellow brick road leads to a castle where there lives an all-powerful-
Wizard. The Wizard, as it turns out, possesses a pair of magical red shoes that are capable
of transporting Dorothy back home.

Once within the Castle she discovers that the Wizard projects an image of himself on a large
screen from where he remains hidden. There he twists special knobs and pulls levers to
controls the destiny of the magical world. The imagined Wizard of Oz story is ultimately
about Dorothy’s ability to face her deepest fears, overcome deception and return to the
truth of her truest home, that of her empowered self.
A woman
holds a sign which reads “Boycott Israel” in front of symbolic coffins while attending a
demonstration supporting Palestine, in Berlin August 1, 2014. Israel launched its Gaza
offensive on July 8 in response to a surge of rocket attacks by Gaza’s dominant Hamas
Islamists. Hamas said that Palestinians would continue confronting Israel until its blockade
on Gaza was lifted. REUTERS/Steffi Loos (GERMANY – Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) –
In the paralleled and real life challenges of each person’s heroes journey we will
encounter all manners of self-challenging and sabotaging characters. To succeed
we will learn to master the clarity of intuition, summon our greatest courage and
establish wisdom within our character. This process will test the essence of the
resolve and determination by which we achieve any of our chosen goals.

As we journey back home to the center of our true inner power, an empowerment that
operates beyond the limits of deceptive manipulation and/or our self-created fears, we will
find the home of sane perception. In this state of true reality our inner wisdom aligns with
love. Here, consciousness transcends the intuition into a state of “Knowing” that sees any
form of rationalized injustice or cruelty as a lie against the truth of love. Such brainwashing
lies are strategically designed, by an elite few, to keep humanity in a living hell.
In order for our world to regain its freedom and achieve a lasting peace we are must face
our darkest fears, confront and disarm the wizards who seek to both oppress and imprison
us. One of history’s greatest of perceptional wizards was that of Dr. Edward L. Bernays.
Considered the founding Father of Public Relations, he was also the nephew of famed
psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

Almost thirty years ago, when I began my journey, a friend arranged for me to meet and
spend an afternoon with Dr. Bernays. At the time the Internet did not exist so I had little
way to research who he truly was other than to understand he was a world famed Public
Relations expert. When we met my goal was to pick his brain on the subject of PR as it
pertained to promoting a series of humanitarian concerts that I envisioned could help
promote peace.

In his late 90’s at the time, he was kind and considerate with me as he served coffee and
crumb cakes and showed photos of himself with Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and numerous
US Presidents of this era that he had worked with. Over the course of the next 25 years I
would experience great pushback from various powers in achieving my plans and goals
towards peace. I went to great lengths to educate myself about why this could be and
ultimately learned of the real power and philosophies that drove the manipulative skills used
by Bernay.

Edward, as it turned out, worked on behalf of those who envisioned a New World Order:

“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely
by men we have never heard of… If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group
mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without
them knowing it…The conscious and intellectual manipulation of the organized habits and
opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who
manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is
the true ruling power of our country.” Dr. Edward Bernays, Founding Father of Public

With a resounding awareness and on April 27, 1961 John F. Kennedy delivered a speech
from before the American Newspaper Publishers Association (some two years before his
assassination) in an attempt to bring light to the reality of an elite group of lost souls who
orchestrated the monstrous intent of mind-controlling society towards their enslavement:
“We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on
covert means for expanding its sphere of influence —-on infiltration instead of invasion, on
subversion instead of election, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system
that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit,
highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific
and political operations…Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are
buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned,
nor rumor printed, no secret revealed.

It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war -time discipline no democracy would ever
hope or wish to match…That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any
citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First
Amendment -the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution —- not
primarily to AMUSE and ENTERTAIN not to emphasize the Trivial and the sentimental, not to
simply “give the public what it wants” -but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our
dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate
and sometime even anger public opinion.”

The intentional deception of our world’s modernized media machinery and its continual
stream of propagandized fake news is intended to obscure the pathways from which we
differentiate and choose a true path from a false one. Occasionally, and mostly due to a
poorly planned deception, we can glimpse behind the grand curtain of manipulation to see
the controlling agendas of certain secretive figures and organizations who twist the knobs
and pull the levers of power.

This is the
future! No more hatred!
Humanity, according to the Deep State and their prophesized business plan proclaims that
the masses are considered mentally inferior and are thus unable to run their own countries.
Therefore, their plan is to abolish such governments and replace them with a single New
World Order government controlled by the elite. They understand that this will take a long
time and are prepared to have millions die in the name of their cause.

In order to achieve this goal they will place their helpers and agents everywhere. They will
take control of the media and use it for propaganda. They will start fights and wars between
different races, social classes and religions. Use bribery, threats and blackmail to achieve
any and all objectives. Use the Secret societies like the Freemasons to attract large numbers
of accomplished business people and various public officials. Use all forms of flattery to
appeal to the egos of the most successful people. Appoint puppet leaders who can be easily
controlled through blackmail. Replace democratic rule with socialism, then communism and
then despotism.

Abolish all rights and freedoms other than those granted permissible by the Cabal. Plan to
sacrifice people, as necessary, including those who are deemed to be ‘the lesser of
brethren’. Eliminate religion and replace it with materialism and science. Control the
education system so as to destroy the intellect and disseminate deception. Rewrite history
so that it most favors the plans and deeds for control and domination. Use entertainment
industry to create distractions.

Corrupt the hearts and minds of people with perversion, violence, pornography and other
forms of filth. Create a state of distrust and encourage people and technology companies
spy on the public. Keep the majority of humanity in perpetual state of poverty and doing
physical labor. Take possession of all wealth and property, especially gold.

Our collective history, whether we choose to be aware of it or not, is guided and bound by a
linage of delusional elite whose psychopathic mentality is feed by insatiable appetite for
cruel indifference, ruthless greed and a monstrous desire to dominate and control all others.
They are known by many names, the Deep State, New World Order (NWO), the Cabal,
Khazarians, Illuminati and/or Ziocons. Their agenda for control and power is well
orchestrated, methodically camouflaged and strategically implemented.

Their global media machine of news agencies, print publications, radio and TV networks, the
Film, Music, Entertainment industries and the internet are all designed to control a
worldwide narrative and slowly steer the perception of consciousness and resulting actions
into a perverted status-quo where lies, sexuality and financial materialism power replace a
person’s spiritual center of goodness, love and truth.

People who have succumbed to the soul robbing entertainment/media/news narratives and
propaganda of the wizards live in a sleepwalking and zombie-like state. The lost soul
manipulators refer to such subordinated people as “Goyim,” a term meaning “cattle.”

These wizards who control perception from behind the massive curtain of the entertainment
industry shape certain narratives that clearly bend the truth and impregnate the public’s
subconscious with misdirects that intentionally inflict both confusion and suffering. Their
bending of love’s truth, which describes the large majority of all entertainment that is
created and then pointed at consumers for consumption, is considered a term called
“schadenfreude,” a German word meaning to “take pleasure from someone else’s suffering”.

At present, the Cabal’s media bombards each of us moment by moment. It strategically

leverages its unspoken parental-like authority over public opinion so to distract humanity’s
consciousness away from our inner truth of love and real sense of what defines justice.

As a result, this media narrative has invisibly shaped group-thoughts into a mainstream
acceptance of: ultra-violent fighting sports, all forms of perverted sexual
orientations/activities, music that promotes violence and defines women as sexual objects
and television and movie content that normalizes the torture and murder of others as
exciting entertainment.

Under the spell of such deception humanity is prone to loose its ability reason between what
is right from what is wrong, from what is loving from that which is indifferent/hateful and
from what is rational from what is insane. Ultimately though, this is the goal that the cruel
and lost souls of the Cabal have in store for our world.

In the present and topsy-turvy world that we live, delusion and perversion are becoming
more of a norm. The earth is being transformed into an insane asylum whereby one person
or group is easily propagandized into to fighting against and/or murdering another once they
have been labeled, by a respected authority figure, as “the enemy” (a term meaning “Not
High-profile false-flag fake-news propaganda stories is the go-to tactic to spark the thoughts
and actions of Goyim into the reactive “Lets get them”, robotic and mob-rules state of blind
patriotism. Ultimately such mindlessly reactivity is known to lead the good and unawake into
willing sacrificing their own lives, and those of the children they love, in the name of
methodically engineered false flag wars.

Yes, throughout history, there have been courageous whistleblowers who have alarmed the
truth however, the Cabal is quick to respond with a well planned, funded and orchestrated
campaign of ridicule that strategically squashes and labels the truth-teller as a conspiracy
theorist of the most foolish proportions. Journalists, celebrities or public figures of good
conscience who dare speak the truth, outside of the scripted narrative, quickly find their
careers and financial future in great peril through soft-lobbed phone calls of threatening
innuendo to either the person themselves or those who represent and/or manage them.

The controlling elite and the global media machine they own and operate assures that the
timing of any such awakened alarm-bell rarely reaches a critical mass in public perception
and concern. Instead, the strategy of character assassination serves to successfully defraud
the truth and foil any state of collective awareness. The results of such defamation places a
doubt in the mind of the public so as to create distance between an engineered false-flag /
pain-point-event and any thought of a righteous retaliation for the deception and social
harm accomplished.

The highly addictive and appetizing can-of-worms disinformation which is fed to the public,
and driven and given credibility through the media, is intentionally designed to keep
humanity hungry for a monstrous news agenda that is defined by “if bleeds it leads.” Under
the psychological spell and a collective trance of constant fear, public behavior is easily
prescribed and automated to work under the accord and will of the Cabal’s agenda of
enslavement through promoting government’s protective arm of big brother. Does such a
Cabal really exist ? The axiom, “follow the money” points to the answer:

“The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the
Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United
States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial
independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the
Rothschild’s prevailed… Therefore they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the
question of slavery and to open an abyss between the two sections of the Union.” – Otto
von Bismarck, German chancellor, 1865

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first
by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their
children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power
should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly
belongs.” Thomas Jefferson, America’s Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)
Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz
and Your Hero Within (part 2 of 4)
Part II: Wizards of the Scofield Reference Bible, Israel's Trojan
Horse of Christian Mind Control

A Braveheart Article
Journey with us further to explore our even stranger than fiction reality. You may
find yourself feeling shocked over how you and humanity have been and are being

Can we recover from this topsy-turvy world where humanity’s heroes journey is liken to that
within the famed Wizard of Oz story? Will we awaken from a cowardice dream that
presently allows misguided bullies to imprison, victimize us, our world and our families OR
will we rise-up to realize and express our great hero within and be known as the warriors of
loving truth who acted in turn, as we were destined to be?

Truth and love can set us free and melt away our fears so that we can return again to be as

(Author’s special note: As you read ahead please know that I work with many Jewish people
who I consider very close friends and who are some of the most wonderful, kind and loving
people I know. Jewish people and those of this beautiful faith, differ profoundly from
Zionism and/or Zionists who represent a political ideology that believes in the development
and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.)

The New Testament of the Bible identified the Jewish people as the persecutors of Jesus and
as those whose actions ultimately lead to his crucified death in Jerusalem.

John 7:1 “After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in
Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.”
John 7:13 “Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.”

As a result, and in part, the early World Zionist leaders ultimately sought to secure a new
and permanent homeland for Jewish people worldwide so as to escape persecution. This, as
it turned out, proved to an indigestible reality for Zionists who now sought to circumvent
their historical past and proceed now forward with an irrevocable agenda of befriending and
securing the support of American Christian churches in order to induce their cooperation in
moving to and occupying Jerusalem (Jesus’s proclaimed homeland), as their envisioned new

Therefore, in order to deflect this adverse narrative and strategically reorient the
deliberation of American Christian churches a brilliant idea was hatched, the Scofield
Reference Bible. Samuel Untermeyer, an attorney and the President of the Koren Hayesod,
an agent entity of the Rothschild/Zionist movement within America, would soon be
introduced to Cyrus I. Schofield, a civil war veteran, pastor and person who served
time in prison for criminal forgery.

As a result, Cyrus was chartered with the task of re-writing the King James Bible with a new
and pro-Zionist twist. In essence, the new Schofield Reference version would use highly
sophisticated forms of Talmudic “deception ideologies” to propagandize, subvert and
brainwash Christian academics and seminary school students who would soon become
ministers. Thus it was known that these young, enthusiastic and newly
indoctrinated ministers would unconsciously serve to proselytize the Zionist agenda
as Christian Zionist Evangelists.

Soon and with the advent of Television, ministers would leverage the might and reach of this
new technology to become Televangelists. This significantly, and almost instantaneously,
advanced the minister’s reach, of falsely designed partisan teachings, from small community
church congregations of hundreds of people to now millions of upon millions of people. In
essence, these new Evangelists served to give strategic credibility and tenability to falsified
true teachings of the Bible as it specifically related to the holy land and to whom its’ future
and sovereign governance would be historically accorded, secured and entitled.

Untermeyer, who, as it turned out, was instrumental in the preparations of the 1910 Federal
Reserve Banking law, would also help with the financing of the Scofield’s Reference
bible. Cyrus was able to successfully camouflage, strategically spell out and embed specific
pro-Zionist narratives throughout the texts of this new bible. This was accomplished by
creating the appearance that this new version provided new, insightful and easy to
understand scriptural interpretations to its readers from within the texts of the footnotes
and margins that laid between various verses and chapters of the book…mini Cliff notes like
sections, if you will.

This propagandized version of the King James Bible, now known as the Scofield Reference
Bible, first appeared in 1909. Published by, at that time, one of the world’s most prestigious
publishers, the Oxford Press University, it was also backed by an unlimited advertising and
promotion offensive campaign that landed it as the best-selling “Bible” in America. Since
then, and for 90 years, it has remained so.

More important and enlightening insights come from a new book by Laurent Guyénot, soon
to be published by Kevin Barrett, both of whom are writers with VT:

“Among the architects of the secret diplomacy leading to the Balfour Declaration,
Nahum Sokolow praises very specifically “the beneficent personal influence of the
Honorable Louis D. Brandeis, Judge of the Supreme Court.”[1] Louis Brandeis
(1856–1941), descended from a Frankist family (adepts of kabbalist Jacob Frank),
had been appointed to the highest level of the judiciary in 1916 by President
Wilson, at the demand of Wall Street lawyer Samuel Untermeyer who, as rumor
has it, blackmailed Wilson with letters to his mistress Mrs. Mary Allen Peck.[2]

Untermeyer would become president of the Keren Hayesod (Hebrew for “The Foundation
Fund”), a fundraising organization established at the London World Zionist Conference in
1920, to provide resources for the Zionist movement. Brandeis was, with Untermeyer, one
of the most powerful Zionist schemers, exercising an unparalleled influence on the White
House. Brandeis established a formidable tandem with his protégé Felix Frankfurter, who
would be his successor in exerting influence on Roosevelt.

“Working together over a period of 25 years, they placed a network of disciples in positions
of influence, and labored diligently for the enactment of their desired programs,” writes
Bruce Allen Murphy in The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection.[3][1] Nahum Sokolow, History
of Zionism (1600–1918), vol. 2, 1919, pp. 79–80, quoted in Alison Weir, Against Our Better
Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel, 2014, k. 387–
475.[2] Gene Smith, When the Cheering Stopped: The Last Years of Woodrow
Wilson, William Morrow & Co, 1964, pp. 20–23. [3] Bruce Allen Murphy, The
Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court
Justices, Oxford University Press, 1982, p. 10…

…The Judaization of American Christianity, and English Christianity to a lesser extent, has
not been a spontaneous process, but rather one controlled by skillful manipulation.

An example is the Scofield Reference Bible, published in 1909 and revised in 1917. It is
characterized by dubious and highly tendentious footnotes. For example, the promise of
Yahweh to Abraham in Genesis 12:1–3 merits a two-thirds-page footnote explaining that;

“God made an unconditional promise of blessings through Abram’s seed to the

nation of Israel to inherit a specific territory forever,” accompanied by “a curse
laid upon those who persecute the Jews,” or “commit the sin of anti-Semitism.”

In reality, at this point Jacob, who would receive the name of Israel and beget the Jewish
people, was not even born yet, nor was his father. The same note explains that “Both O.T.
and N.T. are full of post-Sinaitic promises concerning Israel and the land which is to be
Israel’s everlasting possession.”

…How was Cyrus Scofield, a lawyer without theological training, capable of publishing such a
work with the prestigious Oxford University Press? The mystery has been solved: Scofield
was only a front man for a project whose real sponsor was Samuel Untermeyer, a Wall
Street lawyer, Federal Reserve co-founder, devoted Zionist, and close associate of Woodrow
Wilson. As noted in chapter 7, Untermeyer called for a “holy war” against Germany in
1933.[1]” – Laurent Guyénot

The Grand Wizard of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, had this to say:

“The wealthy Jews rule the world; the fate of the governments lies in their hands.
They start wars between countries, and when they wish, the governments make
peace. When the wealthy Jews sing, the nations and their leaders dance along, and
meanwhile the Jews get richer!” (Published by Herzl in a German newspaper)

Respectively, most Christians and people of other faiths know little or nothing about the
mind controling prison that the Zionist philosophies have locked them behind. Firstly, it will
become an eye opener for Gentiles to learn that the Talmud, the holy book of the Zionists,
refers to them and other non-Jews as “Goyim,” a term inferred to mean “cattle.”

The Talmud is the holy book of the Zionists. According to it: “The decisions of the Talmud
are words of the living God. Jehovah himself asks the opinions of earthly rabbis when there
are difficult affairs in heaven. Rabbi Menachen, Comments for the Fifth Book: “Jehovah
himself in heaven studies the Talmud, standing: he has such respect for that book.”

Be forewarned, as you read further you will come face to face with a horrifying and painful
reality of how Zionist teachings and propaganda have brought both past and present day
Christians to turn against Jesus, their faith and themselves. One can only shake their head
in utter disbelief at the foolishness of how Christians, knowing what you’re about to learn,
could ever bow to the belief of proclaiming the Zionists as somehow being God’s Chosen

At the forefront of this herculean deception you’ll find the San Antonio Texas Evangelical
Christian minister John Hagee of Cornerstone Church. Hagee, aware or not, has
successfully misrepresented the Bible’s teachings and seduced his congregation into drinking
the Israeli cool aide of the Jewish Zionists somehow being designated as “the chosen one’s”
and then financially supporting the expulsion of Palestinians and apartheid through his
church’s funding of Israeli settlements.

John Hagee is known for having bamboozled his congregation into giving Israel tens of
millions of dollars while contributing virtually nothing to his hometown of San Antonio (a
good reason in general to deny his church and/or any other such church who follows in
these footsteps, their tax exemption status).

All this said, please prepare yourself for what Talmudic Rabbis say about Mother Mary, Jesus
and Christian Gentiles. And yes, this will comes across as blatant insanity and
blasphemous…and that is, because it is.

Oh a special thanks to and for the following references:


Insults Against Blessed Mary, Sanhedrin 106a: Says Jesus’ mother was a whore: “She who
was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters.” Also in
footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the “uncensored” text of the Talmud it is
written that Jesus mother, “Miriam the hairdresser,” had sex with many men.

“Jesus was a bastard born of adultery.” (Yebamoth 49b, p.324).

“Mary was a whore: Jesus (Balaam) was an evil man.” (Sanhedrin 106a &b, p.725).

“Jesus was a magician and a fool. Mary was an adulteress”. (Shabbath 104b, p.504).

Gittin 56b-57a: [Onkelos Bar Kalonikus] called up Balaam (JESUS) from the
dead. [Onkelos] asked: Who is honored in that world? [Balaam] replied: Israel. [Onkelos
asked:] What about joining them? [Balaam] replied: (Deut. 23:7) “You shall not seek their
peace or welfare all your days.” [Onkelos] asked: What is your punishment? [Balaam
answered]: In boiling semen.

[Onkelos] called up Yeshu (another name for JESUS) from the dead. [Onkelos] asked: Who
is honored in that world? [Yeshu] replied: Israel. [Onkelos asked:] What about joining
them? [Yeshu] replied: Seek their good. Do not seek their bad. Whoever touches them is
as if he touched the pupil of his eye. [Onkelos] asked: What is your punishment? [Yeshu
answered]: In boiling excrement. As the mast said: Whoever mocks the words of the sages
in punished in boiling excrement.

Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in “hot excrement.”


Johanan said: A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death, for it is written, Moses
commanded us a law for an inheritance; it is our inheritance, not theirs. Then why is this not
included in the Noachian laws? — On the reading morasha [an inheritance] he steals it; on
the reading me’orasah [betrothed], he is guilty as one who violates a betrothed maiden,
who is stoned. An objection is raised: R. Meir used to say. Whence do we know that even a
heathen who studies the Torah is as a High Priest? From the verse, [Ye shall therefore keep
my statutes, and my judgments:] which, if man do, he shall live in them. Priests, Levites,
and Israelites are not mentioned, but men: hence thou mayest learn that even a heathen
who studies the Torah is as a High Priest! — That refers to their own seven laws.

Yalkut 245c: Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth: Tob shebbe goyyim harog – Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should
be killed.
Sanhedrin 54b: Raba said. It means this: When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little
girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this [three years old], it is as if one puts the
finger into the eye; but when a small boy has intercourse with a grown-up woman he makes
her as ‘a girl who is injured by a piece of wood.’…

Sanhedrin 59a: To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be
equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would
kill us openly.

Libbre David 37: A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our
books contain anything against them.

Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the
nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them
and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces.
Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a
moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations.
Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!

Prayer said on the eve of Passover (Pranajtis: Christianus in Talmudae Judeorum, quotations
from: Synagoga Judaica)

The Feast of Tabernacles is the period when Israel triumphs over the other people of the
world. That is why during this feast we seize the loulab and carry it as a trophy to show that
we have conquered all other peoples, known as “populace”…

Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b: When the (Jewish) Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: Resh Lakish said: He who is observant of fringes will be
privileged to be served by two thousand eight hundred slaves, for it is said, Thus saith the
Lord of hosts: In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all
the languages of the nations shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying,
We will go with you, etc.
Mas. Shabbath 31b: On the house of the Goy [Goy means unclean, and is the disparaging
term for a non-Jew] one looks as on the fold of cattle.

Tosefta, Tractate Erubin VIII: When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go
to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be
ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first
Jew that passes has full right to seize it.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: If it can be proven that someone has given the
money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe
him off the face of the earth.

Choschen Hamm 388, 15: Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be
He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: “Their work is but
vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in
His wrath.” At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the
Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: “The Lord alone will
appear great on that day!…

Zohar, Vayshlah 177b: That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all
the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is
entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe
principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if
profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him,
otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.

Sanhedrin 58b: [In other words, if a non-Jew kills a Jew, the non-Jew can be killed.
Punching an Israelite is akin to assaulting God. (But killing a non-Jew is NOT like assaulting
God.] If a goy killed a goy or a Jew he is responsible, but if a Jew killed a goy he is not


Schulchan Oruch, Orach Chaim 14, 20, 32, 33, 39: A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he
can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.

Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: A Jew may violate but not
marry a non-Jewish girl.

Gad. Shas. 2:2: A boy-goy after nine years and one day old, and a girl after three years
and one day old, are considered filthy.

Pereferkowicz, Talmud t.v., p. 11: Raba stated: With reference to the Rabbinical statement
that [legally] an Egyptian [Gentile] has no father, it must not be imagined that this is due to
[the Egyptians’] excessive indulgence in carnal gratification, owing to which it is not known
[who the father was], but that if this were known it is to be taken into consideration; but
[the fact is] that even if this is known it is not taken into consideration…. Thus it may be
inferred that the All Merciful declared their children to be legally fatherless, for [so indeed it
is also] written, Whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of

Yevamoth 98a: [Trans.: A non-Jew is “legally fatherless,” regardless of whether or not the
father is known. Gentile children are essentially asses and horses, i.e., animals.]

[The daughters of the heathens] should be considered as in the state of

<>niddah [separation?] from their

Avodah Zarah 36b: They decreed in connection with a heathen child that it should cause
defilement by seminal emission so that an Israelite child should not become accustomed to
commit pederasty with him…. It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen girl
[communicates defilement] from the age of three years and one day, for inasmuch as she is
then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux. This is obvious!

Avodah Zarah 36b-37a: Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day
may be acquired in marriage by coition [intercourse], and if her deceased husband’s brother
cohabits with her, she becomes his. The penalty of adultery may be incurred through her; [if
a niddah] she defiles him who has connection with her, so that he in turn defiles that upon
which he lies, as a garment which has lain upon [a person afflicted with gonorrhoea].
Sanhedrin 55b: Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as
pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is
not treated as with a child above that.24 (24) I.e., Rab makes nine years the minimum; but
if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three
the minimum.

Jesus had these interesting things to say:

John 8:44: Jesus says to the Jews, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because
there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh if his own, for he is a liar and
the father of it”.

Revelation 3:9: “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are
Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet,
and to know that I have loved thee.”

Respective to the candidly unkind and even monstrously construed quotes from
the above Talmud verses, I am compassionately reminded and find comfort in the
words of Jesus’s dying words on the cross from Luke 23:34 where he said, “Father,
forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

From such wise insight, and other illuminated spiritual teaching, it is known and stated that
the true Creator God of Universe loves all, even those who appear greatly lost and have
forgotten their soul mission on earth, that of remembering and returning to here express
and BE only love. We pray that the Lord God will forgive and show mercy for any soul who
has thought, written and/or acted from or by the direction of such Talmudic teaching. We
pray that ALL will awaken to the truth of love, peace and forgiveness.

Now, and hopefully with more opened eyes and a wiser perspective, it is easier to
understand the two basic reasons and imperatives behind why the Zionist Cabal
have designed and implemented massive worldwide mind control:

1. No rational or sane person will submit to being labeled and/or treated as a Cattle-
2. In order to achieve its goal of total domination it must minimize any attempt by
individuals or groups of people to alarm humanity about the nightmare of
manipulated enslavement that presently imprisons them.

Therefore, the Cabal employees the greatest levers of mind-controlling and manipulatively
coercing powers presently known to humankind:

 Syndicated banking cartels that represent the Rothschild’s central banking

model. This model that precludes countries from freely and independently printing
their own sovereign currency which is backed by their own gold bullion reserves…i.e
within America, The US Federal Reserve, an entity owned and run by foreign
banking enterprises which prints our U.S. currency, determines the amount of it
circulation and then sets and controls the interest rates in which our overall
financial system works,
 The Media and Entertainment industries: Music, TV, Film, magazine / book
publications, pornography and the puppet master entertainment executives and
celebrities (musicians, actors, etc) who have been morally compromised and
manipulatively blackmailed through either promise of fame, money, power, sexual
compromise and/or whom have allowed themselves to be seduced into black-occult
practices, pedophilia and worst) and/or some combination thereof,
 Famed celebrities often serve, unknowingly or knowingly, as public
spokesman for the subliminal messaging machine of the Cabal. They use
special key words, wear special apparel or insignia and/or make secret hand
gestures to inform other cult members or subliminally program their fan base.
 Education and Medical systems which are philosophically propagandized and
financially manipulated through secret think-tank lobbying entities and
pharmaceutical companies that shape treatment protocols, government budgets
and expenditures,
 A judicial system which appears to shield and protect unconstitutional black-op
government agencies/criminal drug cartel enterprises, and/or U.S. police activities
(Municipality Police forces who have been flown to Israel, trained by the Israeli
Defense Force then taken into Palestine to engage in live combat interaction the
local civilian population – see Amnesty International Report) who now irrationally
and violently treat U.S. civilians as combative terrorists and turn basic interactions
into a cage fighting opportunity that often results in one of our citizens being
physically harm and/or killed.
 The US government’s globally manipulated control over the world’s oil
reserves through the US Petro dollar system (all world government / private
sector entities must use the US petro dollar to buy, sell or trade oil),
 A well funded US military industrial complex who manufactures and sells all
forms of weaponry such as: guns, bullets, missiles, jet aircraft, tanks and other
armored vehicles, war ships / submarines, conventional, nuclear and hydrogen
bombs to the highest bidder,
 A large scale, well organized and under-educated group of military
personnel who’ve been strategically brainwashed into marching lockstep to
any given command from its internal leadership ….a leadership, mind you, that
ultimately takes order from Government leadership and who in turn takes orders
from the invisible Cabal.

In essence, military forces (and more specifically our US military force), take on the role of
the Mafia strong-arm-debt-collecting thug organization. They serve to enforce the agenda of
the Deep State and/or the corrupted politicians who seek to control the chest board of world

resources as described in Richard Nixon’s book The Real War.

On this global game-board, leaders and the powers behind them, vie for control and
ownership over certain strategic resources such as oil, natural gas, water and important
metals like titanium, platinum, chromium, etc., (intentionally not mentioned where the
Poppy field/opium trade) and people who make up a given country’s workforce.

Countries who posses these strategic natural resources with the territories of their
continental soil have assets, power and leverage from which to bargain and exert power
within the chessboard game. Countries who do not have these assets or direct access to
them may be able to trade or bargain certain technological knowhow and/or manufacturing
capabilities to gain these resources.
Access to strategic resources are especially vital to countries whose economies are driven
from the manufacturing and production of military weaponry. Most are unaware or lack the
common sense to know that not every country on the planet has the ability to design,
manufacture, sell and distribute: guns, bullets, bombs, tanks, aircraft, war ships…etc.

On America’s game board of strategic resources, that which it is able to source from its own
sovereign soil, the US military complex finds little to zero strategic metals. As such and
without them, US military manufacturers can not manufacture jet aircraft engines,
intercontinental ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons and so on. Respectively, and from the US
Defense perspective, it is critical to keep these same strategic resources out of the hands of
“Other” political powers or groups who are perceived to have anti-western sentiments.

In order to fortify this stance the US utilizes diplomatic channels and economic-hit-man
make sure that the leadership of other countries, who have such resources, are placed in
financially vulnerable and compromised positions so as to leverage or extort access. This
may make clear why the U.S. has and maintains some 1000 military bases around the
world. On the other hand, Russia who is self-sufficient with most strategic resources
maintains only five military bases worldwide, four of which reside within the former USSR.

“Throughout the 1990s both the U.S. oil industry and the Pentagon had contributed to the
consensus that America would need full-spectrum dominance to guarantee access to oil and
other resources in the rest of the world…

…This program would require massive expenditures, perhaps as much as a trillion dollars,
and this could not be expected from Congress – except in response to an attack as massive
and frightening as Pearl Harbor. With respect to the events of 9/11 it is clear that the Bush
Administration’s settled goal of invading Iraq depended on the attack. What we have been
witnessing, to quote the Oslo researcher Ola Tunander is “the use of terrorism to construct
world order.” – Peter Dale Scott, considered the Father of ‘Deep Politics’, Berkley
Professor, Poet and former Diplomat.
Those who make up the Cabal and, in delusion, refer to themselves as the “Chosen
Ones” have engineered every possible way possible to financially indebt and/or
morally compromise key political, religious, civic, business leadership and
entertainment industry executives and talent within countries so as to continually
control and twist them into a propagandizing pulpit that brainwashes the pubic
into subverted state of:

 Feeling good about and/or rationalizing that their government spies on them so as
to supposedly protect personal and national security so as to protect the greater
freedom and good for all.
 Willfully substituting rational and deductive reasoning skills for an insatiable
addiction to mind numbing entertainment that methodically dumbs down civic
discourse to a level of trivialized gossip and/or the guerilla chest pounding of
boy/men who foolishness argue over the statistics of athletes or sporting events (so
as elevate their sense of machismo) rather than discuss relevant issues of public
and world concern and solutions for them.

 Willfully reacting to the perpetual threat of a ever present boogieman terrorists and
the Government generated false-flag operations that are disseminated by fake new
propaganda machine so as to instills a cycle of public hysteria that parasitically
feeds on the very fear it has created,
1. “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.” – Benjamin Franklin
2. “In order to bring a nation to support the burdens of maintaining great
military establishments, it is necessary to create an emotional state akin
to war psychology. There must be the portrayal of external menace.” –
John Foster Dulles secretary of state in the Eisenhower administration.
(Super Patriotism, Michael Parenti, p93) (1888 – 1959)
3. “The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a military
exercise that simulates the very attack you want to carry out … this is
exactly how government perpetrators in the US and UK handled the 9/11
and 7/7 “terror” attacks, which were in reality government attacks blamed
on ‘terrorists’… The “next 9/11′′ — constantly promised by officials and the
media — is likely to be carried out under the guise of future military
exercises.”– Captain Eric H. May, a former Army military intelligence and
public affairs officer (2008)
4. “All over the world, we know its well established, the State Department
and Intelligent Agencies engage in theater, its spy craft to create
spectacles and events that people may not realize are spectacles and
events, like the overthrow of Mosaddegh in Iran in the 50’s. They’ll funnel
money to protestors, fly people in to infiltrate protestors, they’ll create
fake newspapers and so on. So we know that this happens in countries
around the world. I believe there’s a law that’s been passed that is part of
the Defense Authorization Act that now makes it legal to propagandize
American citizens. What this means is that we’ve entered an era that it’s
not crazy to assess news events to see if they’re real or not real in the US
and as well overseas. In fact its kind of crazy not to. Now, there’s this sort
of reflexive vilification of anyone speculating about that because they
become a conspiracy theorist. Now that its legal to propagandize the US it
doesn’t surprise me that there’s more and more products coming up in
popular culture and events showing up in the news streams that appear to
be subsidized. – Naomi Wolf, Bestselling author, ‘The End of America:
Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot.’
5. “All that is necessary for success of “false flag” or “black ops” events is for
the government to have its story ready and to have a reliable and
compliant media. Once an official story is in place, thought and
investigation are precluded. Any formal inquiry that is convened serves to
buttress the already provided explanation.” Paul Craig Roberts, American
Economist, Journalist and former United States Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan in 1981.

Dark Secrets of the Wizards of Oz

and Your Hero Within (Part 3 of 4)

Part III: Wizards of Mind Control and Their Attempt at Full-

Spectrum Dominance

A Braveheart Article

Hang onto your hat Dorothy, journey bravely into the eye of the storm and
discover that knowledge and inner wisdom protects you with the power of love.
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as
serpents and harmless as doves.” the Jesus figure from Matthew 10:16

The New World Order (NWO)/Cabal and various Secret Societies employ what’s known
as Full-spectrum dominance to keep humanity asleep and under their near complete
control. The arrogance of their flagrant control stands in such obvious and plain sight that it
literally laughs in the face of humanity and dares the world to point it out and/or do
anything about it. Respectively I intend, through these series of articles, to make it
easier for you to be aware of the people, agencies and institutions that serve the
dark-force and how they operate. With this new awareness I believe its possible
to courageously unite and implement countermeasures that light ways to truth,
love and a lasting peace on earth.

Each of the Cabal’s mind-controlling methodologies and tactics are strategically designed to
act as litmus tests to identify and benchmark the trends for how asleep or awake humanity
appears at a given moment. The more asleep we appear to be the more the controls the
Cabal implements and the more freedom and power they take from us. The more awake
humanity appears to be the greater control and power we take back.

One of the most obvious and in plain sight examples of how asleep humanity
appears to be is the concern of the daily barrage of chemtrails or geo-engineering
that bombards each of us, our family and friends everyday. In the Cabal’s playbook
of control the tactic of distraction serves as the means by which the Wizards of Darkness
point the attention of humanity away from the truth of common sense and direct it towards
what they want the world to see and believe.

Think for a moment if the majority of people, who currently keeps their downtrodden
attention on their mobile device, were to instead look more regularly towards the sky and
see the obvious of a continual crisscrossing of chemtrails that are being strategically
delivered by jet planes. And if they did look up and notice this you might well imagine a
logical cascading series of questions that might occur: What is this? I’ve never noticed this
before…This appears to be different than a regular jetliner Contrail and if so….it looks like
they’re spraying something in the sky and on us ? What’s really going on here ? If its
happening here is this also happening in other states or countries ? And, why ? Am I in
some sort of danger ? Why aren’t more people aware of this? Is there a potential impact
on my health and that of my families or friends… and so on. And Yes, to put the
awareness of chemtrails in perspective, and in general, the fact that society has
not reached a 10% tipping point in conversational awareness about this subject
and/or other such issues like the realities of how our US Government and Mossad
agents clearly engineered 9/11, speaks volumes to the Deep State about the
current state of sleepwalking foolishness and powerlessness of humanity.

In zeitgeist of this larger brainwashed reality, those who make up the Cabal, the
Deep State, NWO and who in delusion refer to themselves as the “Chosen Ones”
have engineered every possible way possible to financially in debt and/or morally
compromise key political, religious, civic, business leadership and entertainment
industry executives and talent within countries so as to continually control and
twist them into a propagandizing pulpit that brainwashes the pubic into a
subverted and submitted state of Full-spectrum dominance.

According to Wikipedia the definition of Full-Spectrum Dominance or also known

as Full-Spectrum superiority, is a military entity’s achievement of control over all
dimensions of the battlespace, effectively possessing an overwhelming diversity of resources
in such areas as terrestrial, aerial, maritime, subterranean, extraterrestrial, psychological,
and bio- or cyber-technological warfare.

Full spectrum dominance includes the physical battlespace; air, surface and sub-surface as
well as the electromagnetic spectrum and information space. Control implies that freedom of
opposition force assets to exploit the battlespace is wholly constrained.

This brainwashed and subverted state of consciousness consists of:

 Feeling good about and/or rationalizing that their government spies on them so as
to supposedly protect personal and national security so as to protect the greater
freedom and good for all.
 “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.” – Benjamin Franklin
 Willfully substituting rational and deductive reasoning skills for an insatiable
addiction to mind numbing entertainment that methodically dumbs down civic
discourse to a level of trivialized gossip and/or the guerilla chest pounding of
boy/men who foolishness argue over the statistics of athletes or sporting events (so
as elevate their sense of machismo) rather than discuss relevant issues of public
and world concern and solutions for them.
 Willfully reacting to the perpetual threat of a ever present boogieman terrorists and
the Government generated false-flag operations that are disseminated by fake new
propaganda machine so as to instills a cycle of public hysteria that parasitically
feeds on the very fear it has created;
o “In order to bring a nation to support the burdens of maintaining
great military establishments, it is necessary to create an
emotional state akin to war psychology. There must be the
portrayal of external menace.” – John Foster Dulles secretary of
state in the Eisenhower administration. (Super Patriotism, Michael
Parenti, p93) (1888 – 1959)
o “The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a
military exercise that simulates the very attack you want to carry
out … this is exactly how government perpetrators in the US and
UK handled the 9/11 and 7/7 “terror” attacks, which were in
reality government attacks blamed on ‘terrorists’… The “next
9/11′′ — constantly promised by officials and the media — is likely
to be carried out under the guise of future military exercises.”–
Captain Eric H. May, a former Army military intelligence and public
affairs officer (2008)

“All over the world, we know its well established, the State Department and Intelligent
Agencies engage in theater, its spy craft to create spectacles and events that people may
not realize are spectacles and events, like the overthrow of Mosaddegh in Iran in the 50’s.
They’ll funnel money to protestors, fly people in to infiltrate protestors, they’ll create fake
newspapers and so on. So we know that this happens in countries around the world…

…I believe there’s a law that’s been passed that is part of the Defense Authorization Act that
now makes it legal to propagandize American citizens. What this means is that we’ve
entered an era that it’s not crazy to assess news events to see if they’re real or not real in
the US and as well overseas. In fact its kind of crazy not to. Now, there’s this sort of
reflexive vilification of anyone speculating about that because they become a conspiracy

…Now that its legal to propagandize the US it doesn’t surprise me that there’s more and
more products coming up in popular culture and events showing up in the news streams
that appear to be subsidized. – Naomi Wolf, Bestselling author, ‘The End of America:
Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot.’

“All that is necessary for success of “false flag” or “black ops” events is for the government
to have its story ready and to have a reliable and compliant media. Once an official story is
in place, thought and investigation are precluded…Any formal inquiry that is convened
serves to buttress the already provided explanation.” Paul Craig Roberts, American
Economist, Journalist and former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
for Economic Policy under President Reagan in 1981.
Today we see how some groups of the Cabal act like annihilating Alien Invaders and even
have the audacity to believe and call themselves ‘The Chosen Ones,’ and refer to “Others”
and/or “Gentiles” as “Goyim,” (a term meaning “Cattle”). Such Ziocons continue to
rationalize the colonization (settlement building) within the Palestinian territories. With an
indifferent disdain these humanoid-like-people treat Palestinian men, women and children
with a monstrous cruelty that is likened to how our US Government once committed
genocide on some Sixty Million Native Americans.
“Ah the settlers…teaching the kids
how to do it.”
Israeli lobbyist Patrick Clawson, on September 26, 2012 at the Washington
Institute for Near East Policy, said that we should create a ‘False Flag’ to create a
war with Iran:

“I frankly think that crisis initiation is really tough. And its very hard for me to see
how the US or President can get us to war with Iran. Which leads me to conclude
that if in fact compromise is not coming ….that the traditional way America gets to
war is what would be best for US interests.

Some people might think that Mr. Roosevelt wanted to get us into WWII (as
another referenced speaker David had mentioned)you may recall we had to wait
for Pearl Harbor. Some people might think that Mr. Wilson wanted to get us into
War I but he had to wait for the Lusitania episode.

Some people think that Mr. Johnson wanted to send troops to Vietnam but he had
to wait for the Gulf of Tonkin episode. We (the US) didn’t go to war with Spain
until the USS Maine exploded.

And may I point out Mr. Lincoln did not feel he could call out the Federal army until
Fort Sumter was attached which is why he ordered the commander of Fort Sumter
to do exactly that thing that the South Carolinians had said would cause an attack.
So, if the Iranians are not going to compromise it would be best if someone else
started the war. One can combine means of other pressure with sanctions I
mentioned that explosion on August 17 we could step up the pressure.

I mean look people Iranian submarines periodically go down. Someday one of

them might not come up. Who would know why? We can do a variety of things if
we wish to increase pressure. I’m not advocating that…I’m just suggesting that
this is not and either or proposition. Just sanctions have to succeed or other
things. W are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians. We could
get nastier.”

In truth of one history’s most grand and arrogant of false flag events, 9/11, ultimately
served as a massive PSYOPs and False Flag Operation to flip the collective American
psychology from that of “the Government is accountable to its people” to one of “the People
now accountable to its Government.” The formation of the Patriot Act served to brainwash
the public into a compliance of Big Brother ultimately serving their best interest.

The 9/11 operation also served to strategically camouflage the US’s and NWO’s plans to re-
brand non-cooperating and compliant Middle East countries like: Libya, Iraq, Syria and Iran
as being defining the new “Axis of Evil.”

Coincidently, the leadership of these same countries had proclaimed that they would no
longer be financial slaves to the US Petro dollar system and Rothschild’s Central Banking
System. In turn, these countries declared that they would create their own sovereign
currency and that it would be backed by their country’s own gold supplies. This old “Axis of
Evil” branding narrative routine, promoted through a media and its false esteem of integrity,
was ultimately used to enroll the US public, time and time again, to support a US lead
military operations that ultimately instigate and force political regime changes.

With a long history of “evil labeling campaigns” the US lead the charge of blaming,
scapegoating and vilifying Saddam Hussein and Iraq for the 9/11 event. Regardless of the
facts that neither he nor his country had zero involvement with the event, there was a
planned invasion in motion and it had to be justified to the American public. The US
Government and its military figureheads (lead by a compromised Four Star General named
Colin Powell) along with the mainstream media lick-boot lackeys lied about both Hussein
having and/or preparing to use weapons of mass destruction.
All this compounding rhetoric was strategically used to create, what was thought to be, a
series of unimpeachable lies that would serve as a psychologically foil and enroll the US
public in supporting a retaliatory false-flag military response to cover-up and accomplish
multiple strategic agendas:

1. Create an immediate monetary infusion into the Military Industrial Complex (some
Two Trillion Dollars).
2. Stop Saddam Hussein from breaking away from the NWO Central Banking model
(we call this the “Federal Reserve”).
3. Stop Saddam Hussein from establishing Iraq’s independent gold-backed sovereign
4. Stop Saddam Hussein from disengaging from the US Petro Dollar model. In- other-
word, not be forced to buy, sell or trade petroleum with the US Petro Dollar.
5. Steal 100’s of tons of Iraqi Gold bullion. In the war that followed, over 1,000,000
Iraqi civilians were left dead.

The US and its people were sold another major lie and lead into the war by the story of a
15-year-old Kuwaiti girl only known by and named “Nayirah.” There, before the esteemed
US Congressional caucus on Human Rights, Nayirah tearfully testified that: “Iraqi soldiers
had removed scores of babies from incubators and left them to die.” Nayirah’s story, that
was later discovered to be a fabricated lie also revealed that she was actually thedaughter
of Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait’s Ambassador to the United States and Canada.

The New York Times, January 15, 1992 investigative reports, also revealed that the
Washington D.C PR firm of Hill & Knowlton had coached Nayirah to deliver this propaganda
lie. Later it was coincidently found that Mr. Lantos and Mr. Porter, who headed the
Congressional Human Rights Foundation, rented space from Hill & Knowlton’s Washington
DC headquarters at a reduced rate.

The same Citizens for a Free Kuwait, who produced the mysterious Nayirah also gave
$50,000 to the foundation sometime after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. The foundation has
financed caucus travel, including trips by Mr. Lantos and his wife” according to the article in
the New York Times.

This authoritative power of naming and controlling the story narrative is the lever of
influence that manipulates “Group Thought” so as to herd the masses (the pawns of given
society who naively support and/or bend to the rule of the elite who define themselves as
ordained and righteous leaders), to take up violent or military actions against any named
“Boogie Man.”

The labeling of others as the personification of evil itself and the elite’s false story narratives
serve to hide, in plain sight, a strategy of deception used to enroll a society to tactically
battle and go to war on behalf of the ruling class.

The end goal of the elite or New World Order (NWO) is to usurp from any sovereign entity
(person, government or country) a desired and valued geopolitical chest board piece such
as; strategic land territories, water, agriculture territories or produce, precious minerals
and/or human labor (slaves). The result of such labeling and usurping actions always result
in oppression, genocide and colonialism.

The horrors of such philosophies and actions trace back to the “Doctrine of Discovery”
issued by Pope Alexander VI in 1493. This doctrine, in essence, described the protocols
by which Christian explorers were to conduct themselves when landing on foreign land/soil.
The rules were as follows:

1. If occupied by fellow Christians they were to leave the land in their procession or
equitably divide the land.
2. If not occupied by anyone. Dibs it’s yours to claim.
3. if occupied by non-Christians two choices: murder or enslave the people.
The Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny, Colonialism, We’re THE CHOSEN ONES, We
found THE WAY… is the implied foundation from which all manner of horrors are justifiably
inflicted on others. Laughably, this mentality is light years away from the fictional Star Trek
TV show and the guiding philosophies of the Federation, its’ governing body, called the
‘Prime Directives’: “Relative to all civilizations which are below a certain threshold of
technological, scientific and cultural development; Starship crews are prevented from using
their superior technology to impose their own values or ideals on them.”

America proclaims itself to be the “land of the free and home of the brave.” Christian
Pilgrims who first landed (invaded) North American soil, were literally saved by the survival
training of the Native Americans. Later, the supposed group of civilized Christians would
express their gratitude (we annually celebrate “Thanksgiving” to commemorate this) by
systematically genociding and colonizing America under what was now to be called “Manifest
Destiny,” their version of the Pope’s “Doctrine of Discovery. This doctrine, which translated
into “We’re the Chosen Ones and You aren’t,” justifiably guided the White Man to commit a
monstrously murder some 60 million Native American inhabitants.

These people, naturalized to North American, were no match for combination of

psychological cruelty and technologic savagery that would be unleashed on them as a means
of methodically exterminating and/or then relegated the survivors to the “Concentration
Camps,” later and presently call “Reservations.” The Native Americans who naturally
resisted and fought back against our invasion and territorial genocide were labeled and
demonized as “Savages,” a means of downgrading and defining them as a group of
subhuman people so as to justifiably inflict inhuman treatment of them…be-headings and
worst were common. It’s unconscionable to ever imagine labeling the Native Americans, a
people who sacredly honored all living creatures and nature itself as “Holy,” as Savages.

Respectively, religious doctrines of superiority always precede a rationalized indifference

towards people who are defined to be “The Others” and/or occupy landmasses that are
discovered to possess strategic resources that a militarized and colonizing power deem
profitable. Britain, Spain, France. Belgium and the United States have all played lead roles in
colonizing other countries for such purposes. To date the U.S. maintains almost 1000
military bases worldwide. The Super Power of Russia, interestingly enough, maintains 5
military bases worldwide, four of which reside in the former USSR.
Dark Secret of the Wizards of Oz and
Your Hero With (Part 4 of 4)

Part IV: Witches and Warlocks of Controlled Opposition, PSYOP and

False Flag Deceptions.

A Braveheart article

This is an important conversation about how you and the rest of humanity are lied to, kept
in a sleeping spell and are thus strategically controlled. More importantly it is a conversation
that will ultimately empower you to protect yourself, steer clear of this drama, live your life
mission of goodness and respectively join humanity in creating a world of loving peace.

First, let us address the challenging part of the mass deception that humanity is under and
more about the specific implications of this. As discussed in my prior three articles, the
Cabal organizes its trap liken to that of a spider’s web. This layered web is cleverly and
transparently placed in clear and plan sight of anything oncoming so that the unsuspecting
who travels within the path of an intersecting trajectory will not be able to recognize this
until it is both stuck and the victim of it.

Once ensnared, the victim becomes quickly aware that each strand of the web is
strategically designed to signal the web’s creator about anyone who might dare to free
themselves from the trap. These escape signals bring the quick, subduing and lethal
attention of the spider.

In this larger trap of deception, it is important to know and understand that the Cabal knows
how to strategically exploit the slightest of psychological weaknesses so as to bring moral
integrity to compromise, the courageous leadership to shame and the wise counsel to
ridicule. Its dark agenda agents can appear from any shadowy side of life. They can offer
seduction and pleasures of the flesh, the temptation of money or the false promise of fame
and/or power … all of this and more as a means to bait and lure the naive into the web’s
circle control.

As you read ahead please know that I work with many Jewish people who I consider very
close friends and who are some of the most wonderful, kind and loving people I
know. Jewish people and those of this faith, differ profoundly from Zionism and/or Zionists
who represent a political ideology that believes in the development and protection of a
Jewish nation in what is now Israel. With this in mind please consider the following:

“The wealthy Jews rule the world; the fate of the governments lies in their hands.
They start wars between countries, and when they wish, the governments make
peace. When the wealthy Jews sing, the nations and their leaders dance along, and
meanwhile the Jews get richer!” Theodor Herzl, founder of Zionism (as Published
by Herzl in a German newspaper)

In the global scheme of things it is interesting to note that the Kol Nidre, a Jewish prayer
considered to be the most holy, is also a prayer that is repeated several times on Yom
Kippur, the Day of Atonement. In essence it means that “all vows” are dismissed and
disregarded for the coming year. And YES, it’s like making a promise to someone as a small
child and then behind your back you knowingly cross your fingers so as to negate and cancel
the promise just made.
The Kol Nidre, which is sung in cantor in a synagogue goes like this: “All vows, obligations,
oaths or anathemas, pledges of all names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted, or bound
ourselves to, from this day of atonement, until the next day of atonement (whose arrival we
hope for in happiness) we repent, aforehand, of them all, they shall all be deemed absolved,
forgiven, annulled, void and made of no effect; they shall not be binding, nor have any
power; the vows shall not be reckoned as vows, the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor
the oaths considered as oaths.”

Again, and for those of you who’ve not yet read my part II of this same series of
articles its important to emphasize what Zionist scripture says to reiterate the
serious nature of conviction behind the Kol Nidre (this hyperlink provides a
connection to the full series of quotes)

“Respectively, most Christians and people of other faiths know little or nothing about the
mind controlling prison that the Zionist philosophies have locked them behind. Firstly, it will
become an eye opener for Gentiles to learn that the Talmud, the holy book of the Zionists,
refers to them and other non-Jews as “Goyim,” a term inferred to mean “cattle.”

The Talmud is the holy book of the Zionists. According to it: “The decisions of the Talmud
are words of the living God. Jehovah himself asks the opinions of earthly rabbis when there
are difficult affairs in heaven. Rabbi Menachen, Comments for the Fifth Book: “Jehovah
himself in heaven studies the Talmud, standing: he has such respect for that book.”

Be forewarned, as you read further you will come face to face with a horrifying and painful
reality of how Zionist teachings and propaganda have brought both past and present day
Christians to turn against Jesus, their faith and themselves. One can only shake their head
in utter disbelief at the foolishness of how Christians, knowing what you’re about to learn,
could ever bow to the belief of proclaiming the Zionists as somehow being God’s Chosen

At the forefront of this herculean deception you’ll find the San Antonio Texas Evangelical
Christian minister John Hagee of Cornerstone Church. Hagee, aware or not, has
successfully misrepresented the Bible’s teachings and seduced his congregation into drinking
the Israeli cool aide of the Jewish Zionists somehow being designated as “the chosen one’s”
and then financially supporting the expulsion of Palestinians and apartheid through his
church’s funding of Israeli settlements.
John Hagee is known for having bamboozled his congregation into giving Israel tens of
millions of dollars while contributing virtually nothing to his hometown of San Antonio (a
good reason in general to deny his church and/or any other such church who follows in
these footsteps, their tax exemption status).

All this said, please prepare yourself for what Talmudic Rabbis say about Mother
Mary, Jesus and Christian Gentiles. And yes, this will comes across as blatant
insanity and blasphemous…and that is, because it is.

A special thanks to and for the following references:


Insults Against Blessed Mary, Sanhedrin 106a: Says Jesus’ mother was a whore: “She who
was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters.” Also in
footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the “uncensored” text of the Talmud it is
written that Jesus mother, “Miriam the hairdresser,” had sex with many men.

“Jesus was a bastard born of adultery.” (Yebamoth 49b, p.324).

“Mary was a whore: Jesus (Balaam) was an evil man.” (Sanhedrin 106a &b, p.725).

“Jesus was a magician and a fool. Mary was an adulteress”. (Shabbath 104b, p.504).
Gittin 56b-57a: [Onkelos Bar Kalonikus] called up Balaam (JESUS) from the
dead. [Onkelos] asked: Who is honored in that world? [Balaam] replied: Israel. [Onkelos
asked:] What about joining them? [Balaam] replied: (Deut. 23:7) “You shall not seek their
peace or welfare all your days.” [Onkelos] asked: What is your punishment? [Balaam
answered]: In boiling semen.

[Onkelos] called up Yeshu (another name for JESUS) from the dead. [Onkelos] asked: Who
is honored in that world? [Yeshu] replied: Israel. [Onkelos asked:] What about joining
them? [Yeshu] replied: Seek their good. Do not seek their bad. Whoever touches them is
as if he touched the pupil of his eye. [Onkelos] asked: What is your punishment? [Yeshu
answered]: In boiling excrement. As the mast said: Whoever mocks the words of the sages
in punished in boiling excrement.

Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in “hot excrement.”


Yalkut 245c: Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth: Tob shebbe goyyim harog – Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles)
should be killed.

Sanhedrin 59a: To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be
equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would
kill us openly.

Libbre David 37: A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our
books contain anything against them.

Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b: When the (Jewish) Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: Resh Lakish said: He who is observant of fringes will be
privileged to be served by two thousand eight hundred slaves, for it is said, Thus saith the
Lord of hosts: In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all
the languages of the nations shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying,
We will go with you, etc.

Mas. Shabbath 31b: On the house of the Goy [Goy means unclean, and is the disparaging
term for a non-Jew] one looks as on the fold of cattle.

Tosefta, Tractate Erubin VIII: When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go
to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be
ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first
Jew that passes has full right to seize it.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: If it can be proven that someone has given the
money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe
him off the face of the earth.

Choschen Hamm 388, 15: Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be
He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: “Their work is but
vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in
His wrath.” At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the
Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: “The Lord alone will
appear great on that day!…

Zohar, Vayshlah 177b: That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all
the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is
entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe
principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if
profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him,
otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.

Sanhedrin 58b: [In other words, if a non-Jew kills a Jew, the non-Jew can be killed.
Punching an Israelite is akin to assaulting God. (But killing a non-Jew is NOT like assaulting
God.] If a goy killed a goy or a Jew he is responsible, but if a Jew killed a goy he is not


Sanhedrin 54b: Raba said. It means this: When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little
girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this [three years old], it is as if one puts the
finger into the eye; but when a small boy has intercourse with a grown-up woman he makes
her as ‘a girl who is injured by a piece of wood.’…

Schulchan Oruch, Orach Chaim 14, 20, 32, 33, 39: A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he
can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.

Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: A Jew may violate but not
marry a non-Jewish girl.

Gad. Shas. 2:2: A boy-goy after nine years and one day old, and a girl after three years
and one day old, are considered filthy.

Pereferkowicz, Talmud t.v., p. 11: Raba stated: With reference to the Rabbinical statement
that [legally] an Egyptian [Gentile] has no father, it must not be imagined that this is due to
[the Egyptians’] excessive indulgence in carnal gratification, owing to which it is not known
[who the father was], but that if this were known it is to be taken into consideration; but
[the fact is] that even if this is known it is not taken into consideration…. Thus it may be
inferred that the All Merciful declared their children to be legally fatherless, for [so indeed it
is also] written, Whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of

Avodah Zarah 36b: They decreed in connection with a heathen child that it should cause
defilement by seminal emission so that an Israelite child should not become accustomed to
commit pederasty with him…. It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen girl
[communicates defilement] from the age of three years and one day, for inasmuch as she is
then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux. This is obvious!

Avodah Zarah 36b-37a: Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day
may be acquired in marriage by coition [intercourse], and if her deceased husband’s brother
cohabits with her, she becomes his. The penalty of adultery may be incurred through her; [if
a niddah] she defiles him who has connection with her, so that he in turn defiles that upon
which he lies, as a garment which has lain upon [a person afflicted with gonorrhoea].

Sanhedrin 55b: Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as
pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is
not treated as with a child above that.24 (24) I.e., Rab makes nine years the minimum; but
if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three
the minimum.


John 8:44: Jesus says to the Jews, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because
there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh if his own, for he is a liar and
the father of it”.

Revelation 3:9: “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are
Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet,
and to know that I have loved thee.””

Now, beyond the face of what you’ve just read and most considered to be an insane level of
thinking, know that these philosophical underpinning are strategically woven into every
tactic of deception that is part of the Cabal. You see, to the witches and warlocks of the
NWO, the goal of all deception is to render humanity into a sleeping state where confusion is
normal and there is an indiscernible reality between what is a true and what is a lie.

Now, add to this the tactic the delivery vehicle of the mass media that also serves as both a
herculean parent-like authority figure and a propaganda machine through which deceptions
are readily decimated and intentionally impregnated into the subconscious of the
masses. Anyone familiar with military brainwashing techniques know that using various
images, words, symbols, music and high-speed repetition of overlaid images, word patterns
and music frequencies are the standard protocols by which manipulative commands are
delivered to the unconscious mind so that they are readily absorbed, embedded and then
systematically acted upon liken to the Pavlovian dog effect or a triggered Manchurian
Various Secret Societies are able to attract people of great intellect, social stature and
wealth through the offerings of exclusive information and intriguing rituals that are
suggested to both yield and leverage special powers. Few who enter these realms of occult
seduction will have the awareness to understand the darker nature behind which such rituals
are designed to unconsciously subjugate a person’s inner most loving power to certain
objects and false idols of black magic.

These occult rituals appear and are initially presented as innocent role playing exercises that
are designed to engage a person’s imagination within the context of a special story which
yields secretive meaning. These secretive groups and the hidden mind control messages
that they promulgate are all ultimately designed to weaken one’s inner resolve toward
truth. In such a compromised state, the mind becomes increasingly susceptible and
conditioned to follow psychological/spiritual misdirects. Eventually, and as enough of these
belief systems form around such mistruths, consciousness is predictably broken from the
heart-centered connection of the true inner source of power, that of a person’s truest sense
of intuition and communion with the Divine relationship with their God-Self.

Thus so states the creed of the Israeli Mossad: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”

This carefully crafted process is designed to slowly blur and poison the VISION of the SOUL
and so that it becomes the corrupted perception of the ego-self. As a metaphorical
example, imagine if you will you are looking at a clock that have both the hour and minutes
hands of the dial pointing at 12. Lets call this truth and true north. As various ideas battle
for your awareness and actions, lets say the compromised and unclear part of your mind,
the ego mind that is governed by fearful perceptions, differing from that of the VISION of
your loving God Self, begins an inner dialog of deception as the minute hand now strikes
12:05. Interesting, says the ego mind, it appears that 12:05 seems very similar to 12 noon
or true north, won’t you agree? Simultaneously, the ego responds to its own question
with…Why yes, this is very close to true north.

As time now progresses the minute hand eventually strikes at the time of 12:15 and the
same ego mind says well won’t you agree that 12:15 is close to 12 noon and true
north. And again the same compromised voice of misdirection quickly responds….well Yes,
I can see that. Eventually as the process progresses and the minute hand of the clock is
now poised at 12:30 and the ego mind again states…well what about this 12:30 position
isn’t this close to the 12 noon and true north position? And again it quickly whispers the
suggestion… Yes, I can sort of see how this is a representation of 12 noon and true north…
At this point and unfortunately your ego based perception has successfully seduced you into
rationalizing that 12:30 is one and the same as 12 noon. Thus your false self has trained
your true self into backwards for the truth. In essence, this analogy makes clearer how the
ego mind, easily controlled by the psychological tactics of the Cabal, always looks to
compromise our true inner VISION and convert this into confused perception. As such, this
is also metaphorically similar to taking the word LIVE and then noting that when it is spelled
backwards you have the word, EVIL.

The process and methodology of Controlled Opposition works very similar to the
aforementioned shifting of perception. The Cabal regularly sets up phony organizations
and/or individuals who appear to support a righteous and/or some noble humanitarian
cause. The purpose of such organizations or individuals are to deflect heated attention and
critical scrutiny away from a blatantly corrupt action or inhumanity that can potentially
create public blowback and/or legal incrimination for such an injustice. To the Cabal
unwanted attention and blowback spells out a disruption and/or a major setback in a long
planned tactical agenda of control. Ultimately, this could also end funding and support for a
particular mission.

As an example, some major Jewish organizations who purport to support Palestine rights
and/or a Two State solution, from my personal experience, are highly suspect. Other
organizations and/or agents like these which appear to present a legitimate concerns for
another humanitarian and/or environmental causes can project the facade of good intent or
altruism, however with truth digging they reveal themselves as a shill / front organization
who used by the Cabal to camouflage a dark agenda, confuse an issue, slow or stop down
public engagement and/or preclude criminal/prosecutorial blowback. The challenge,
however, in discerning these campaigns for what they are, comes at the price of separating
the heart touching rhetoric that proposes a caring and do good facade, from the reality of
what the organization actually has done and accomplished. The old adage, Actions speak
louder than words, clearly applies.

Controlled Opposition organizations and their campaigns ultimately serve like the chess
board strategy of sacrificing various pawns (or protector/shields of the ruling class) to gain
a better position on the battlefield when capturing your opponents most valuable/important
chessboard pieces. In similar such way, the Cabal cleverly harvests the financial, volunteer
support, time and attention of the pawns who pursue noble causes whilst at the same time
it strategically and paradoxically Jui Jitsu’s this loyalty to the demise of the very cause most
cared about. Ultimately, controlled opposition campaigns work like the analogy of a wolf
wearing a sheep clothing. In this way the predator easily mixes and appears to be one of
the flock and then as now so trusted, the wolf turns to its prey to attack, kill and eat it.

“By way of deception, thou shalt do war.” Creed of the Israeli Mossad

Suppression of dissent occurs when an individual or group which is more powerful than
another tries to directly or indirectly censor, persecute or otherwise oppress the other party,
rather than engage with and constructively respond to or accommodate the other
party’s arguments or viewpoint. When dissent is perceived as a threat, action may be taken
to prevent continuing dissent or penalize dissidents. Government or industry[1] may often act
in this way.

The Cabal uses PSYOP and False Flag operations as tactical means by which they
are able to name and label others (especially those who will not bend to their
exploitive control) as “enemies,” “boogieman” and/or “terrorists”.

The term PSYOP is an acronym for “Psychological Operations (PSYOP). It is defined by: “a
plan to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions,
motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments,
organizations, groups, and individuals.”

For those living within the US and aware of the Oklahoma Bombing here is a real eye
operation about what and why it occurred:

In truth, the 9/11 event ultimately served as a massive PSYOPs and False Flag Operation to
camouflage the beginning of the US’s and NWO’s plans to create a broad scale rebranding
campaign of non- cooperating Middle East countries like Libya, Iraq, Syria and Iran
(countries done with being forced to use the US Petro dollar and the Central Banking
Systems, ultimately controlled by the NWO worldwide banking cartel) as being defined as
the new “Axis of Evil.”

The following video does a great job of narrating the history of the United States creating
false flag incidents so as to fabricate the pretext for going to war:
This, in turn, was used to establish and justify a US lead military operation that would
initiate and force regime changes. The NWO and controlling elite understand that once
someone or something is defined as evil it is de facto deemed as dangerous and
threatening. The controlling elite use the psychological foundation of the fight or flight
survival mechanism to trigger Pavlovian, archetypal and religious reactions within the Group
Thought of Pawns to righteously provoke them into a protection and fight mode to ensure

This insane psychological paradigm of dysfunctional reasoning works like this: I believe in
the Right God and therefore, you, “the Other,” don’t. Therefore, I must be Good and you,
‘”the Other,” must be Bad. Therefore, I must be Righteous and you, “the Other,” must be
Evil. Once “the Other” is defined as “Evil” the Righteous Ones (“We’re the Chosen Ones,” or
“We found THE WAY (rather than A WAY…etc.) can justifiably go into villages and murder
men, rape women, kill babies and then burn down or blowup villages to the ground…all in
the name of God.

In the US public now faces an entirely new and very aggressive police force. Daily news
reports and privately released videos show a new Paramilitary Police whose consciousness
appears to act like that of a monstrously reactive rabbit dog. The most minor and
unprovoked of civilian encounters with police appear to immediately escalate into a physical
encounter that leaves members of the public severely injured or dead. Where did this
normalized brutality and combative tactic of crowd control originate? According to an August
25, 2016 in Amnesty International article entitled “With Whom are Many U.S. Police
Departments Training? Written by Edith Garwood it reads:

“When the U.S. Department of Justice published a report Aug. 10 that documented
“widespread constitutional violations, discriminatory enforcement, and culture of retaliation”
within the Baltimore Police Department (BPD), there was rightly a general reaction of

…But what hasn’t received as much attention is where Baltimore police received training on
crowd control, use of force and surveillance: Israel’s national police, military and intelligence

…Baltimore law enforcement officials, along with hundreds of others from Florida, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, North
Carolina, Georgia, Washington state as well as the DC Capitol police have all traveled to
Israel for training. Thousands of others have received training from Israeli officials here in
the U.S.”

Today, some people who act like annihilating Alien Invaders, have used the audacity of
believing and calling themselves ‘The Chosen Ones,’ and referring to “Others” and/or
“Gentiles” as “Goyim,” (again, a term meaning “cattle”), continue to justifiably colonize and
build settlements within Palestinian territorial land.

These invaders treat Palestinian population of men, women and children with a monstrous
indifference and cruelty, likened to how the US once treated the Native Americans. This fact
bares witness to why the US Legislative body, comprised of some 40 US citizens who are
coincidently also dual citizens of Israel, financially and militarily support Israel.

Relative to an example of the Cabal’s longest standing 50 year militarily invasion and
occupation of a defenseless country Palestine there is a clear agenda to displace the land’s
original inhabitants and then methodically pilfer their natural resources. Some might suggest
its a coincident that Gaza sits on some one and half trillion metric feet of natural gas (worth
a fortune) and that Palestine in general sits on the largest water aquifers within the
Palestinian/Israeli region.

Not surprising is the reality that Foreign Oil/Gas Conglomerates/Exploiters want this Natural
gas and Israel expressly prohibits Palestinian’s from accessing and/or selling rights to their
own natural gas reserves. Furthermore, the Palestinians are prohibited from drilling into,
accessing and using their own water resources by Israel and must depend on water being
trucked into their territories. It’s a monstrous reality and unfortunately, not a joke.

All Palestinian Private Sector businesses operate under the oppressive financial boot of
Israel. Companies within the region, like those within the US, are required to pay taxes.
However, the taxes which are levied by the Palestinian Authority (PA) from these businesses
are then transferred to Israeli banking system for vetting, and then in turn returned back to
the PA in order for the Government to pay for and operate the civic infrastructure (hospitals,
schools/teachers, government employees, roads maintenance, public assistance programs,
etc.) within the region.
This system can and does work until such time that Israel, under any deemed
circumstance… like that of favorable UN votes on behalf of Palestine, decides that it will
withhold these levied tax dollars and not return them for months to the PA. In an already
depressed economy, this financial pinch-point results in crippling the basic living conditions
and weekly pay schedules of all forms of Palestinian workers like: doctors, teachers,
government employees, etc, who now must go without paychecks.

This type of dominating financial control over Palestine, or any such country, serves as yet
another mechanism by which the equation of Apartheid exacts psychological humiliation, the
denial of basic human rights on a given population and monetary constraints which break
the back of an economy.
According to one account from a recent July 19, 2017 New York Magazine article by Eric
Levitz entitled “43 Senators Want to Make It a Federal Crime to Boycott Israeli Settlements”
he states: “The state of Israel maintains a military occupation of territories that were
assigned to Palestinians by international law. Palestinian residents of the occupied West
Bank are subjected to the discriminatory rule of a foreign army, while their Israeli neighbors
enjoy the full rights of citizenship — a situation that many former Israeli officials have
likened to South African apartheid. (see this link)

The United Nations has repeatedly held that Israel’s maintenance — and expansion — of
settlements in the occupied West Bank constitutes a violation of international law.
Nevertheless, the occupation persists, as it has for half a century. At present, there is no
discernible, diplomatic path for bringing it to an end.”

In truth, the BDS movement arose as a last ditch effort to address Israel’s continual
thumbing of its nose to international law and various UN resolutions that have addressed
four major issues:

1. Israel’s illegal military occupation of Palestinian territories.

2. Israel’s continued expansion settlements that are now home to more than 600,000
illegal Israeli settlers.
3. Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem, the historical and lawful capital of Palestine.
4. Palestinian’s Right of Return.

Regarding the fourth item, the Palestinian Right of Return, there are some 5 million
Palestinians that have been permanently displaced from their homes and forced to escape
and live in refugee camps that are based in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. These
refugees have never been allowed to return to their homes and the UN, through its
formation of the Palestinian Refugee program UNRWA, maintains a sum of $1.4 billion
annual budget to provide for basic food, clothing, shelter, medical treatment, education and
more for this long-standing refugee program.

Therefore, the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement emerged to exert
worldwide economic and cultural pressure on the state of Israel because of its’ 50 year
occupation and Apartheid oppression of Palestine. The result of the BDS movement has been
to bring light to these gross humanitarian violations and the various products and
agricultural produce that originate from Israel.
Thus, consumers are informed and empowered to use their good conscience and purchasing
power to vote for a better world through how they spend. From a cultural perspective the
BDS movement has encouraged many high-profile musicians like that of Roger Waters of
Pink Floyd and world-class thinkers like that of physicist Stephen Hawking to boycott events
they’ve been invited to attend within Israel.

The success logically sought by the BDS movement, found both in its’ reasoning and hoped
for results stem from the historical precedence of the actions taken by the newly formed
United Nations (UN) in 1946. At this time the UN began taking actions to eliminate the
South African system of legalized racial discrimination from which was defined and known by
the term “apartheid”.

To place a historical bearing on the colossal undertaking that occurred to finally overturn
South Africa’s Apartheid, that ultimately resulted in the country’s first democratic election of
the once imprisoned Nelson Mandela as President on October 3, 1994, this article gratefully
acknowledges the following research of Enuga S. Reddy, Former UN Assistant Secretary-
General, Principal Secretary, UN Special Committee Against Apartheid and Director, UN
Centre Against Apartheid:

“On 22 June 1946 the Indian government requested that the discriminatory treatment of
Indians in the Union of South Africa be included on the agenda of the very first session of
the General Assembly.

In the decades that followed the world body would contribute to the global struggle against
apartheid by drawing world attention to the inhumanity of the system, legitimizing popular
resistance, promoting anti-apartheid actions by governmental and non-governmental
organizations, instituting an arms embargo, and supporting an oil embargo and boycotts of
apartheid in many fields.
Key dates in the UN campaign against apartheid:

2 December 1950 — The General Assembly declared that “a policy of ‘racial segregation’
(apartheid) is necessarily based on doctrines of racial discrimination”. (Resolution 395(V))

1 April 1960 — The Security Council, in its first action on South Africa, adopted Resolution
134 deploring the policies and actions of the South African government in the wake of the
killing of 69 peaceful African protesters in Sharpeville by the police on 21 March. The Council
called upon the government to abandon its policies of apartheid and racial discrimination.

2 April 1963 — First meeting of the Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the
Government of the Republic of South Africa, It was later renamed the “Special Committee
against Apartheid”.

7 August 1963 — The Security Council adopted Resolution 181 calling upon all States to
cease the sale and shipment of arms, ammunition and military vehicles to South Africa. The
arms embargo was made mandatory on 4 November 1977.

13 November 1963 — The General Assembly, in Resolution 1899 (XVIII) on the question
of Namibia, urged all States to refrain from supplying petroleum to South Africa. It was the
first of many efforts by the UN to enact effective oil sanctions against apartheid.

23 August-4 September 1966 — International Seminar on Apartheid, Brasilia, organised

by the UN Division of Human Rights, the Special Committee against Apartheid and the
government of Brazil – the first of scores of conferences and seminars on apartheid
organised or co-sponsored by the United Nations.

2 December 1968 — The General Assembly requested all States and organisations “to
suspend cultural, educational, sporting and other exchanges with the racist regime and with
organizations or institutions in South Africa which practice apartheid.

30 November 1973 — International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the

Crime of Apartheid approved by the General Assembly (Resolution 3068(XXVIII)). The
convention came into force on 18 July 1976.

12 November 1974 — The General Assembly suspended South Africa from participating in
its work, due to international opposition to the policy of apartheid. South Africa was re-
admitted to the UN in 1994 following its transition into a democracy.

1 January 1976 — The UN Centre Against Apartheid was established.

17 August 1984 — In Resolution 554 the Security Council declared null and void the new
racist constitution of South Africa.

16-20 June 1986 — World Conference on Sanctions against Racist South Africa, organised
by the United Nations in cooperation with the OAU and the Movement of Non-aligned

14 December 1989 — The General Assembly adopted by consensus the “Declaration on

Apartheid and its Destructive Consequences in Southern Africa,” calling for negotiations to
end apartheid and establish a non-racial democracy (Resolution A/RES/S-16/1).

22 June 1990 — Nelson Mandela addressed the Special Committee against Apartheid in
New York — his first appearance before the Organization.

30 July 1992 — With political violence escalating and negotiations at risk, Nelson Mandela
requested the United Nations to send observers to South Africa. On the following day the
Secretary-General announced that he would send a small group of UN monitors. The United
Nations Observer Mission in South Africa was established by the Security Council on 17
August 1992.
8 October 1993 — The General Assembly requested States to restore economic relations
with South Africa immediately, and terminate the oil embargo when the Transitional
Executive Council in South Africa became operational (Resolution 48/1).

10 May 1994 — South Africa’s first democratically elected non-racial government took
office following the general elections of 26-29 April.

23 June 1994 — The General Assembly approved the credentials of the South African
delegation and removed the item of apartheid from its agenda. The Security Council
removed the question of South Africa from its agenda on 27 June.

3 October 1994 — The first democratically elected president of South Africa, Nelson
Mandela, addresses the General Assembly.”

Presently and by an unlikely coincidence, there are 43 Senators (29 Republicans and 14
Democrats) within the 115th US Congress (all of whom are US citizens and also dual citizens
of Israel) who are attempting to pass legislative bill S.720, the Israeli Anti-Boycott Act. This
bill, spearheaded by one of Capitol Hill’s most powerful lobbying groups, The American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), seeks to criminalize and threaten the very foundation of
our US Constitution’s 1st Amendment rights of Freedom of Speech. For the record the two
primary sponsors of the bill are Democrat Ben Cardin of Maryland and Republican Rob
Portman of Ohio.

Shockingly and according to the proposed bill S.720, anyone found guilty of violating the
prohibitions of the Israeli Anti-Boycott Act will face a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and
a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and face 20 years in prison. If passed, this bill
serves as falling ax above the head of any person of good conscious who seeks to exert their
support of basic human rights from a Gandhi-like and Nelson Mandela perspective.

Should the public allow Congress and AIPAC to ever pass such a bill then Israel will have
clearly and successfully broken the will and the back of our America’s people, its’ Congress
and our US Constitution. If this ever occurs, it will clearly open the door to have foreign
country control the US legislative process and make Israel, rather than America, great
At present, a great deal is at stake for the people of America and US our constitution. For
some perplexing reason the US and the world have allowed themselves to be knowingly
and/or unknowingly bullied by the Cabal and the small country of Israel which seems to be
at the helm of worldwide banking cartels.

The long list of American Presidents and politicians who have heroically addressed and
confronted the historical agenda of the Cabal is perhaps best summarized by America’s
4th President, James Madison (1751-1836) in his quote: “History records that the
money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent
means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money
and it’s issuance.”

Could it be that the US, UN and other countries invisibly bend to the herculean financial
leverage that is exercised by the Cabal and the NWO whom may find both a safe haven and
headquarters in Israel? More importantly the question is, will our world and humanity allow
a few manically insane people to control the many for their personal agendas of power,
greed and the extermination of all personal freedoms?

In the closing scenes of the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy has secured the magical shoes that are
capable of transporting her back home, to her true and most empowered self. However, she
still remains unclear about how the shoes can get her there.
In this moment Glenda, the good witch, appears and reminds Dorothy that, “you had the
power all along, my dear” to get back home. With this final awareness Dorothy, who now
wears the shoes, knowingly clicks the shoes heels together and immediately finds herself
back in her Kansas farm home and surrounded by her loving family.

Respectively, this grand metaphorical and metaphysical story about Dorothy ultimately
finding her way back home to the truth begs a profound and game-changing question:
Will Humanity awaken from a cowardice dream that presently allows misguided
bullies to imprison, victimize us, our world and our families or will we rise-up to
realize and express our great hero within and be known as the warriors of loving
truth who acted in turn, as we were destined to be?

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