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Color codes:

green=materials needed for activity

blue=group discussion
purple=I am collecting for grading
pink=DO NOW activity
red=when I walk around and observe-assess, clip board of names

Lesson Plans 8-10 days

Day 1 (90 minutes)

I Need​:
class list printed (9)
Smart board access, speakers
Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up, places to hang the chart paper
If no chart paper holder, have students earn 2 points extra credit transferring the
smartboard notes onto poster paper during study hall
Binder paper, pencils
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Exit slip: Colored paper and cut out squares of primary sources
Students​ need: journal, textbooks, glue sticks, scissors, exit ticket sources, blank paper
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT determine the reliability of different sources.

Introduction​: (2 minutes)
What they can expect from me​: little lecturing, a few writing assignments, lots of partner work,
lots of discussions, to occasionally stop discussions to faciltate.
-for grades: I will keep track of people participating and that will go toward you classwork grade
for the day.
-Every day there will be a “Do Now” to begin class, I will put it up on the board and you will
begin when you get into class. It’s a short activity.
-short lecture, hopefully just 20 minutes
-partner work with reading and writing
-group discussion
-individual writing
-I will grade on the amount of effort in your writing and participating in discussions*

What I expect from them​:

-effort in either participating in discussions (minimum once a day) or writing responses.
-When I say “can I have your attention in 1,2 3” you stop talking. I will say it and then I will move
seats. (Like Ms. Gellar)
-I want you to take notes on the lectures
-everyday you will need your journal and pencils and be prepared before our “DO NOW”
activity=class starting
-​Can I have someone be like my assistant ​to help me with materials or technology? You need to
know how to work the smart board, be respectful while passing out papers?
Classroom rules for safety & respect:
Create as a class on chart paper----hang up
Discussion expectations
Respectfully listening
Bathroom Pass
My consequences for disruptions/disrespect 1) warning 2) Move seats with another student 3)
OFFLIMIT WORDS​=consequence #3: Fag/Faggot, retard, swear words, slut, whore,

I. Power point Sourcing Practice (40 minutes)

A. DO NOW: ​(5 minutes)

B. Powerpoint 8 slides from Kate’s S. S. class

1. Partner work​-->write reasoning for why one source is more reliable, (25


a) MODEL 1ST Slide

2. Discuss as a group​ (3 people share per slide) (15 minutes)

*keep track of participants

3. Compile a list ​of what to look for while sourcing on poster paper

4. Collect partner work​ for participation grade

5. Create a list for sourcing

II. K_W_L Chart about the Industrial Revolution (20 minutes)

A. As a class: ​write KWL chart (copy in s.s. journal)

B. Pass out textbooks by row

C. Independent work: textbook reading, fill out the L section

D. Textbook ​World Cultures: Georgraphy​ pg. 108 A defintion of Industrial

Revolution, Labor Force, Capitalism.
1. In notes: define bold terms
Walk around, take observation/classwork assessment
D. Pass out materials (glue sticks, scissors, exit ticket, blank paper)

Exit slip​: students ​groups of 3-​put in order of reliability a list of primary sources about the

Industrial Revolution (10 minutes)

1. Middle School textbok

2. News article on Facebook

3. A trusted adult’s words

4. Picture taken during the time period

5. A diary entry from a child living during that time period

Share & discuss as a class

Turn in

III. pack up/clean up (5 minutes)

Day 2 (90 minutes)

I Need​:
class list printed
Smart board access, speakers
Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up, places to hang the chart paper
Binder paper, pencils
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Paper clips and hole puncher
Students​ need: markers, strip of paper, printed list of quotes on each desk, journal, binder

OBJECTIVE: SWBAT understand when & how the Industrial Revolution in America began.

I. Do Now: Conflict Resolution Activity ​(20 minutes)

A. Pass out materials before class markers, strip of paper, printed list of quotes on

each desk

B. Students will write quotes into their own words on a strip of paper with colored

market. ​They will share out loud ​one by one the quote they chose. Option to read

their quote.


C. I will ​collect​ and make a chain form of the paper and hang outside the classroom

II. Introduction of Industrial Revolution (25 minutes)

A. Timeline

1. Define what century is and how to use it

B. Who, what, where of 18th century Industrial Revolution

1. New technologies

C. American Industrial Revolution

1. New technologies

D. Summary video:

I. Analyze source: picture (Observe, Reflect, Question) (30 minutes)

A. Group work (3 people) fill out chart in their social studies journals

B. Share with the group, they keep

II. Introduction to American Industrial Revolution (20 minutes)

A. what/who

B. Vocab:
1. What’s the word for when people “come to our country” (Immigration)
2. What’s the word for when people “leave the country” (emigration)
3. What’s the word for when people move from one part of the country to
another? (mirgration)
4. Industrialists: a person involved in the ownership and management of
C. Andrew Carnegie
III. Exit ticket: Predict what the impact on the social classes of the US (10 minutes)
A. Turn-and-talk partner,​ pass out binder paper
B. Group discussion share
C. Turn in

IV. Pack up (5 minutes)

Day 3: (90 minutes)

I Need​:
class list printed
Smart board access, speakers
Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up, places to hang the chart paper
Sticky notes
Binder paper, pencils
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Paper clips and hole puncher
Students​ need: journal, binder paper, textbooks, printed DBQ packets
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT determine the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution using

different sources.

I. Do now: Write a letter to yourself to open on 8th grade graduation day. (10 minutes)

A. If not^^^ what do they need right now poster and sticky notes

B. Pass out materials (DBQ packets)

II. Take notes for background knowledge of effects (20 minutes)

A. Powerpoint

a. Causes

b. Effects: middle class, technology, speed

c. Comparing sources AND answering CHQ

III. Reading Primary sources (50 minutes)

1. *MODEL sourcing an image (1) I do, 2) we do, 3) you do)




3. Work with a partner

4. Compare source validity

Walk around a check classwork assessment

5. Decide whether this evidence supports a POSITIVE effect of the Industrial

Revolution or a NEGATIVE effect of the Industrial Revolution

6. create a thesis statement (main idea) that answers: According to the

documents, were the effects of the Industrial Revolution positive or


Turn in packet

IV. Pack up (5 minutes)

Day 4: (90 minutes)

I Need​:
class list printed
Smart board access, speakers
Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up, places to hang the chart paper
If no chart paper holder, have students earn 2 points extra credit transferring the
smartboard notes onto poster paper during study hall
Binder paper, pencils
Computers for each student
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Paper clips and hole puncher, staples
Students need​: journal, binder paper, packets (from day 3), Print sources
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT distinguish among facts, opinions, and reasoned judgment in a text.

I. DO NOW: ​(15 minutes)

Think about and ​prepare to share:

Which historical figure (alive or dead) would you most like to invite to dinner? Why?

C. Pass out materials (DBQ packets for absent people)

II. Review powerpoint from DAY 3 (15 minutes)

A. Define progress

1. Historical knowledge of slavery, women’s roles, children’s role during


III. start ​Ongoing Assessment: students write a brief paper ​addressing the following questions
CHQ: For whom did the Industrial Revolution represent progress, and in what repeats? For

whom was it damaging?

A. Working conditions during the Industrial Revoltuion (50 minutes)

1. Reading sources about: PRINT ​use notes and readings to answer prompt

a. Working conditions:


a. Women:

b. Children:

PRIMARY SOURCE: working conditions, child labor:​ ​(Mr. Matthew Crabtree, called in; and


B. Group work (3 people) Write comparisons of what they notice.

-use packet, notes from day 3, textbooks, binder paper, print out outline

1st paragraph: What do we mean by Progress?

2nd paragraph: In what ways does the Industrial Revolution represent progress to you?

Use examples of who experienced progress.

3rd paragraph: In what ways does it not?

Use examples of who DID NOT experienced progress.

-​collect papers​ and hold till the end of the unit—>students can use them to assess the

development of their understanding

Walk around a check classwork assessment

IV. Pack up (5 minutes)

Day 5: (90 minutes)

I Need​:
class list printed
Smart board access, speakers
10 pieces of Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up, places to hang the chart paper
Colored post-its
Binder paper, pencils
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Paper clips and hole puncher
Students​ need: journal, binder paper, pens, print outs of pro & con for child labor, jigsaw

OBJECTIVE: SWBAT identify how the employer-employee relationship has changed over time

and where they would go to find out.

I. Do now​: ​Gallery Walk ​(30 minutes)

Personal connection for students: What jobs have they had? What was the job? What was

rewarding about the work? What made it difficult? Who did they work for? What was their

relationship with that person? How did they feel about their employer?

1. Gallery walk:​ each poster is a question. They put post-it answers on each

a) Certain amount of time at each poster

(1) If they can’t participate profressional they will have to sit

down and answer the questions indepently

(2) Write on a post-it and post on poster

b) Write notes about each poster: theme, most common words

(1) On binder paper as they are walking around

Walk around observing participation-assessment

2.​ Pass out materials print outs of pro & con for child labor, jigsaw prompt
3. Discussion: ​How had the employer-employee relationship changed over time? Where

would they go to find out? Who could they ask? (10 minutes)

II. Powerpoint: employment conditions during the revolution (30 minutes)

A. Personal connection (then vs now activity). Read independently

2. Example of people against child labor and why:
3. Examples of arugments pro child labor:
B. Create Pro and Con chart

1. Should children work? Pros & Cons using evidence from source

2. Why don’t we have child labor anymore?

Keep track of participants

IV. Introduce Jigsaw Project (25 minutes)

A. Go over prompt

B. Questions

C. Assign groups---decide which technology they want to research, no repeats

V. assign homework & pack up (5 minutes)

*​Homework ​DUE MONDAY: Interview parents or grandparents (historical relationships)

C. What about their parents’ experience with work, and their grandparents?

D. Were their grandmothers experiences different from their grandfathers?

E. Write on piece of binder paper notes from interview, with 3 specific quotes

1. The interviee chooses which job they’d like to talk about

Day 6: (90 minutes)

I Need​:
class list printed
Smart board access
Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up, places to hang the chart paper
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Students​ ​need​: pens, journal, binder paper for response, debate instructions, sources printed,
jigsaw prompt, poster paper for jigsaw
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT debate if the employment conditions during the industrial revolution is a

fair comparison to undocumented immigrant’s working conditions today.

I. DO NOW: (5 minutes) ​Share notes from interview ​(10 minutes)

A. Pass out materials (binder paper for response, debate instructions, sources
printed, jigsaw prompt-for absent)
II. Introduce debate topic: CHQ: Is it fair or accurate to compare the employment conditions
during the Industrial Revolution to the Undocumented immigrants employment conditions
today? (20 minutes)
1. Disucssion on sources---do the first source together=model

-How does the language used help us understand who the author is?

-Why would the author write this?

-How does the author show their biases?

-what makes an interpretation a good one?

Keep track of participation

B. Assign sides (split class)

1. Team A will argue: It is fair to compare employment conditions during the
Industrial Revolution to undocumented immigrants’ employment
conditions today.
2. II. Team B will argue: It is NOT fair to compare employment conditions
during the Industrial Revolution to undocumented immigrants’
employment conditions today.

III. Students prepare as a group their side’s arugment (30 minutes)

A. Find five pieces of evidence which support your side. Write them in your Graphic
B. Model finding evidence for each side. Write on good doc
Walk around assessing participation/effort/focus

IV. Students work on jigsaw project (25 minutes) day 1

A. Students should be researching their topics on computers

Walk around assessing participation/effort/focus

VII. pack up (5 minutes)

Day 7: (90 minutes)

I Need​:
class list printed
Smart board access, speakers
Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up, places to hang the chart paper
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Students​ ​need​: pens, journal, binder paper for response, jigsaw prompt, poster paper for jigsaw
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT debate if the employment conditions during the industrial revolution is a
fair comparison to undocumented immigrant’s working conditions today.
I. Do Now: Write about three realistic goals you would like to achieve in your lifetime​ (20
A. In their journal
B. Share with partner, then share your partner’s goal to the class
C. GO OVER ANNOUNCEMENTS: jigsaw presentation due 3/2
D. Pass out materials (binder paper for response, jigsaw prompt & Packet--absent)
II. Finish debate: Students pair up with opposite side’s (20 minutes)

CHQ: Is is fair or accurate to compare the employment conditions during the Industrial
Revolution to the Undocument immigrants employment conditions today?

A. Share their notes with each other​-->other side must write notes for opposite team
B. MODEL: sharing notes, writing notes, and how to repeat back the notes
after team finishes sharing.
III. As a group, discuss/debate the answer ​based on our evidence (15 minutes)

Keep track of participation

IV. Students write their own response ​to the CHQ using evidence (1 paragraph) (10
V. Work on Jigsaw project (15 minutes) day 2
A. Students should be researching their topic and writing on their chart paper
VI. Pack up (5 minutes)

Day 8: 90 minutes

I Need​:
class list printed
Smart board access, speakers
Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up, places to hang the chart paper
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Students​ ​need​: pens, journal, binder paper for exit ticket/response, jigsaw poster paper

OBJECTIVE: SWBAT understand the Industrial Revolutions’s new manufactoring processes

and their impacts on the environment.
I. Do Now: ​What do you need right now? ​(5 minutes)
A. GO OVER ANNOUNCEMENTS: jigsaw presentations due 3/2

II. Powerpoint: Industrial Revolution’s enviornmental impacts (10 minutes)

A. Examples of new technology’s cause & effect

III. Read about their own community: ​

(30 minutes)

B. ^Impacts and examples of Industry on their own Philadelphia community and

C. Define what Industrial is

IV. ​Exit ticket:​ What Industrial Impacts do you see in your own community today (10 minutes)

-pass out binder paper

V. Work on jigsaw project (35 minutes)

D. Students should be preparing their ​poster​ and notes for presentation

Day 9: (90 minutes) Science

I Need​:
class list printed
Smart board access, speakers
Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Printed vocab list & video questions
Students​ ​need​: pens, journal, binder paper, printed out poem, vocab of steam engine list, video
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT build and understand the mechanics of a steam engine.

I. Do Now: read Poem The Express by Stephen Spender:​ ​(10 minutes) ​put paper on desk

before class ​

A. GO OVER ANNOUNCEMENTS: jigsaw presentation due 3/2

B. Pass out materials (binder paper, vocab of steam engine list, video questions)
II. KWL chart​: what is a steam engine? (10 minutes) in their science journal

III. How a steam engine works (20 minutes)

A. Pass out vocab list

B. Pass out handout with video questions

1. Watch video: (5


IV. instructions to make a steam engine (45 minutes)

A. Creating a steam boat project for science: 3 boats race at a time, studying how
the valves work*
B. ½ class: Work on their initial Progress papers in light of the work they had done
(half class races boats, half does this)
1. share with peer for revision

2. Turn in

C. ½ class: races their boats

D. Free time: work on jigsaw poster

Day 10: (90 minutes)

I Need​:
class list printed
Smart board access, speakers
Chart/poster paper, something to hold the post up
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Students​ ​need​: pens, journal, binder paper, textbooks
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT ​explain the basic tenets of capitalism & summarize the benefits of operating

as an employee or as a business owner in a capitalist system.

I. DO NOW:​ If you were to be a teacher as your career, what would you teach? ​(10


A. GO OVER ANNOUNCEMENTS: jigsaw presentation due 3/2

B. Pass out materials

II. Mini Lesson On Captialism: powerpoint (15 minutes)

A. Timeline during the Industrial Revolution opened a big gap between the rich and

the poor. Business leaders believed that governments should stay out of

business and economic affairs. Reformers felt that governments needed to play

an active role to improve conditions for the poor.

B. Mercantilism (​Mercantilism is a national economic policy designed to maximize

the trade of a nation and, historically, to maximize the accumulation of gold and

silver. Mercantilism was dominant in modernized parts of Europe from the 16th to

the 18th centuries)

C. Capitalism:


D. Read textbook paragraph pg. 108

III. Gallery Walk: Groups research and present theorist (50 minutes)

1. Adam Smith: believed economic liberty, guaranteed economic progress, therefore

government should not interfere

2. Thomas Malthus: believed that natural laws governed economic life

3. David Ricardo: believed that natural laws governed economic life

4. Capitalism: economic system in which the factors of production are privately owned and

money is investors in business ventures to make a profit.

IV. Exit ticket: write response: (15 minutes)

“What is an example of Capitalism you’ve seen today? Or can you make up a scenario of how

Capitalism works?”

Day 11: (90 minutes)

I Need​:
class list printed
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Printed out quiz
Students​ ​need​: pens, journal, binder paper
OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to describe what the Industrial Revolution is and who the

players are.

I. Present jigsaw (60 minutes)

A. Students take notes on each technology for written response at the end

B. Written response:

a. pick a technology(can’t be your own): do you see this technology today?

b. How has it impacted our lives? Positive or negative?

II. Quiz(short answer): (30 minutes)

A. What is the industrial revolution? (5points)

B. Who are the players? (5 points)

C. For whom did the Industrial Revolution represent progress? For whom was it

damaging? (5 points)

Projects: research the inventions/inventors--​jigsaw experts and then Gallery Walk

1. Oliver Evans's automated flour mills
2. The Sewing Machine
3. Cyrus McCormick's Mechanical Reaper
4. Samuel F. B. Morse's Telegraph
5. Samuel Slater ​"Father of the American Factory System”
6. Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin
7. Francis Cabot Lowell’s textile mill
8. Robert Fulton’s Steamboats
9. Eletrical telegraph
10. McCormick’s Reaper

Rubric​: 35 points total

Jigsaw Poster: 20 points

-group work, group members grade each other on effort, participation, teamwork

Presentation: graded by peers during Gallery Walk (5 points)

-peers write a grade on how well they understand the technology product

Writing Assignment: 10 points

-write short response to prompt

Extra Activities:
-finish ​Ongoing assessment: ​students write a brief paper (3 paragraphs minmum) addressing
the following questions: (30 minutes)
1st paragraph: What do we mean by Progress?
2nd paragraph: In what ways does the Industrial Revolution represent progress to you?
Use examples of who experienced progress.
3rd paragraph: In what ways does it not?
Use examples of who DID NOT experienced progress.
-(EXTRA CREDIT) Analyze pictures (Observe, Reflect, Question) (20 minutes)
Child Labor: ​
-Work on Jigsaw project
-Finish DBQ packet--lesson 3
-writing Prompts:
Complete this thought: “I wish I had paid more attention when…”
Do you have any dreams that recur? What is it? Why do you think you continue to have that
-CHQ: is this a fair (or accurate) comparison?
Articles: DBQ


Absent: PRINT ​

-summary day 2
-timeline day 2
-working conditions day 4
-child labor day 5
-women during the I.R.
-work with individually the day their back during jigsaw project time

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