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Cardiac Imaging and

Henry Jung
Ken Young Lin
Patricia Challender Come

C r
Cardiac s
te s
Pulmona e
ry s
Manifes s
tations m
of Heart e
e Coronary
n Artery
t Disease
r Cardiom
i yopathy
u Disease
AR This chapter C I
DIA presents an overview a M
C of im- aging studies as l A
CAT they are used to assess c G
the cardiovascular u I
disorders described later l N
in this book. On first
reading, it would be
TIO i s
beneficial to familiarize
N o
yourself with the s
Me n
information, e
asur o s
eme f s
nt m
of V e
Pre a n
s t
e u o
Me l f
asur a
eme r
nt y
of o
Blo s c
od i a
Flo s r
w t d
a i
n a
c l

I maging plays a o
central role in the n
assess- ment of cardiac t
r f
function and pathology. u
Tra- ditional modalities s
such as chest t i
radiography, o
echocardiography A n
(echo), cardiac n
catheteriza- tion with g R
angiography, and i a
nuclear imaging are o d
fundamental in the g
diagnosis and manage- r
ment of cardiovascular a
p n
diseases. These proce- u
dures are being y c
increasingly l
supplemented by i
newer techniques, C d
including computed L e
tomog- raphy (CT) and E
magnetic resonance A V
imaging R e
ntriculogra A
phy R
Assessmen DI
t of A
Myocardial C
IMAGI The extent of
NG penetration of x-rays
through the body is
inversely proportional
to tissue density. Air-
filled tissues, such as
the lung, absorb few
x-rays and expose the
underlying film (or
electronic recording
sensor), causing it to
but not to memorize appear black. In
the details. This contrast, dense
chapter is meant as a materials, such as
reference for diagnosis bone, absorb more
of condi- tions that radiation and ap- pear
will be explained in white, or radiopaque.
more detail in For a boundary to
subsequent chapters. show between two
structures, they must

Chapter 3 Cardiac Imaging and Catheterization

allowing for an accurate assessment of size.

In the standard lateral view, the patient’s left
side is placed against the film plate and the
x-rays pass through the body from right to left.
The frontal radiograph is particularly useful
for assessing the size of the left ventricle, left
atrial appendage, pulmonary artery, aorta, and
superior vena cava; the lateral view evaluates
right ventricular size, posterior borders of the
left atrium and ventricle, and the anteroposte-
rior diameter of the thorax.

Cardiac Silhouette
Chest radiographs are useful to evaluate the
size of heart chambers and the pulmonary
consequences of cardiac disease. Alterations
in chamber size are reflected by changes in
the cardiac silhouette. In the frontal view of
adults, an enlarged heart is identified by a car-
diothoracic ratio (the maximum width of the
heart divided by the maximum internal diam-
eter of the thoracic cage) of greater than 50%.
Figure 3.1. Posteroanterior (A and B) and lateral (C In certain situations, the cardiac silhouette
and D) chest radiographs of a person without inaccurately reflects heart size. For example,
cardiopulmo- nary disease, illustrating cardiac
chambers and valves. AO, aorta; AV, azygos vein; IVC, an elevated diaphragm, or narrow chest an-
inferior vena cava; LA, left atrium; LAA, left atrial teroposterior diameter, may cause the silhou-
appendage; LPA, left pulmonary artery; LV, left ventricle; ette to expand transversely such that the heart
MPA, main pulmonary artery; MV, mitral valve; RA, right
atrium; RPA, right pulmonary artery; RV, right ventricle; appears larger than its actual dimensions.
SVC, superior vena cava; TV, tricuspid valve. (Reprinted Therefore, the chest anteroposterior diameter
with permission from Come PC, ed. Diag- nostic Cardiology: should be assessed on the lateral view before
Noninvasive Imaging Techniques. Philadel- phia, PA: J.B.
Lippincott; 1985.) concluding the heart is truly enlarged. The
presence of a pericardial effusion around the
heart can also widen the cardiac silhouette be-
in density. Myocardium, valves, and other cause fluid and myocardial tissue affect x-ray
intracardiac structures have densities similar penetration similarly.
to that of adjacent blood; consequently, radio- Radiographs can depict dilatation of indi-
graphy cannot delineate these structures unless vidual cardiac chambers. Ventricular hyper-
they happen to be calcified. Conversely, heart trophy alone (i.e., without dilatation) may not
borders adjacent to a lung are depicted clearly result in radiographic abnormalities, because
because the heart and an air-filled lung have it generally occurs at the expense of the cav-
different densities. ity’s internal volume and produces little or no
Frontal and lateral radiographs are routinely change in overall cardiac size. Major causes
used to assess the heart and lungs (Fig. 3.1). of chamber and great vessel dilatation include
The frontal view is usually a posterior–anterior heart failure, valvular lesions, abnormal in-
image in which the x-rays are transmitted from tracardiac and extracardiac communications
behind (i.e., posterior to) the patient, pass (shunts), and certain pulmonary disorders.
through the body, and are then captured by Because dilatation takes time to develop, re-
the film (or electronic sensor) placed against cent lesions, such as acute mitral valve insuffi-
the anterior chest. This positioning places the ciency, may present without apparent cardiac
heart close to the x-ray recording film plate enlargement.
so that its image is only minimally distorted,

1 1
Figure 3.2. Posteroanterior chest radiograph of a patient with severe
mitral stenosis and secondary pulmonary vascular congestion. The radio-
graph shows a prominent left atrial appendage (arrowheads) with consequent
straightening of the left-heart border and suggestion of a double-density right
cardiac border (arrows) produced by the enlarged left atrium. The aortic silhou-
ette is small, which suggests chronic low cardiac output. Radiographic signs of
pulmonary vascular congestion include increased caliber of upper-zone pulmo-
nary vessel markings and decreased caliber of lower-zone vessels.

The pattern of chamber enlargement may cause increased pulmonary blood flow, and in
suggest specific disease entities. For exam- those with pulmonary hypertension of diverse
ple, dilatation of the left atrium and right causes (see Fig. 3.3). Isolated enlargement of
ventricle, accompanied by signs of pulmo- the proximal left pulmonary artery is seen in
nary hypertension, suggests mitral steno- some patients with pulmonic stenosis.
sis (Fig. 3.2). In contrast, dilatation of the
pulmonary artery and right heart chambers,
but without enlargement of the left-sided Pulmonary Manifestations of Heart
heart dimensions, suggests pulmonary vas- Disease
cular obstruction or increased pulmonary ar- The appearance of the pulmonary vasculature
tery blood flow (e.g., due to an atrial septal reflects abnormalities of pulmonary arterial
defect; Fig. 3.3). and venous pressures and pulmonary blood
Chest radiographs can also detect dilata- flow. Increased pulmonary venous pressure,
tion of the aorta and pulmonary artery. Causes as occurs in left-heart failure, causes increased
of aortic enlargement include aneurysm, dis- vascular markings, redistribution of blood
section, and aortic valve disease (Fig. 3.4). flow from the bases to the apices of the lungs
Normal aging and atherosclerosis may also (termed cephalization of vessels), pulmonary
cause the aorta to become dilated and tortu- edema, and pleural effusions (Fig. 3.5). Blood
ous. The pulmonary artery may be enlarged flow redistribution appears as an increase in the
in patients with left-to-right shunts, which number or width of vascular markings at the
Figure 3.3. Posteroanterior chest ra-
diograph of a patient with pulmonary
hypertension secondary to an atrial
septal defect. Radiographic signs of pul-
monary hypertension include pulmonary
artery dilatation (black arrows; compare
with the appearance of left atrial ap-
pendage dilatation in Fig. 3.2) and large
central pulmonary arteries (white arrows)
associated with small peripheral vessels
(a pattern known as peripheral pruning).

Figure 3.4. Posteroanterior chest radiograph

of a patient with aortic stenosis and
insufficiency secondary to a bicuspid aortic
valve. In addition to dilatation of the ascend-
ing aorta (black arrows), the transverse aorta
(white arrow) is prominent.

Figure 3.5. Radiographs of patients

with congestive heart failure. These are
anteroposterior views (which may exag-
gerate the size of the heart because it is
further from the x-ray film), taken with
portable x-ray machines at the bedside.
A. Mild congestive heart failure. Pulmo-
nary congestion is indicated by vascular
redistribution from the bases to the api-
ces of the lungs. The white spots labeled
“L” are electrocardiographic leads on the
patient’s chest. B: Severe congestive
heart failure. Increased pulmonary vas-
cular markings are present throughout
the lung fields, along with peribronchio-
lar cuffing (black arrow) and pleural ef-
fusion, which is indicated by blunting of
the costodiaphragmatic angle and track-
ing up the right lateral hemithorax (black
arrowheads). The presence of interstitial
and alveolar edema produces perihilar
haziness and air bronchograms (open ar-
rows), which occur when the radiolucent
bronchial tree is contrasted with opaque
edematous lung tissue.
Table 3.1. Chest Radiography of Common Cardiac Disorders

Disorder Findings

Congestive heart failure • Vascular redistribution from bases to apices of the

• Interstitial and alveolar edema
• Air bronchograms
• Pleural effusions
Pulmonic valve stenosis • Poststenotic dilatation of pulmonary artery
Aortic valve stenosis • Poststenotic dilatation of ascending aorta
Aortic regurgitation • Left ventricular enlargement
• Dilated aorta
Mitral stenosis • Enlarged left atrium
• Signs of pulmonary venous congestion
Mitral regurgitation • Left atrial dilatation
• Left ventricular dilatation

apex. Interstitial and alveolar forms of pulmo- generated by a piezoelectric element travel
nary edema produce opacity radiating from the through the body and are reflected at interfaces
hilar region bilaterally (known as a “butterfly” where there are differences in the acoustic im-
pattern) and air bronchograms, respectively pedance of adjacent tissues. The reflected waves
(Fig. 3.5B). Kerley B lines (short horizontal return to the transducer and are recorded. The
parallel lines at the periphery of the lungs adja- machine measures the time elapsed between
cent to the pleura, most often at the lung bases) the initiation and reception of the sound waves,
depict fluid in interlobular spaces that results allowing it to calculate the distance between the
from interstitial edema. Pleural effusions cause transducer and each anatomic reflecting sur-
blunting of the costodiaphragmatic angles. face. Images are then constructed from these
Changes in pulmonary blood flow may also calculations.
alter the appearance of the pulmonary vessels. Three types of imaging are routinely performed
For example, focal oligemia (reduction in the during an echocardiographic examination: M-
size of blood vessels due to decreased blood mode, two-dimensional (2D), and Doppler. Each
flow) is occasionally observed distal to a pul- type of imaging can be performed from various
monary embolism (termed the Westermark body locations. Most commonly, transthoracic
sign). The finding of enlarged central pul- studies are performed, in which images are ob-
monary arteries, but small peripheral vessels tained by placing the transducer on the surface
(termed peripheral pruning), suggests pulmo- of the chest. When greater structural detail is re-
nary hypertension (see Fig. 3.3). quired, transesophageal imaging is performed.
Table 3.1 summarizes the major radio- M-mode echocardiography, the oldest form
graphic findings in common forms of cardiac of cardiac ultrasonography, provides data from
disease. only one ultrasonic beam and is now rarely
used by itself. It supplements the other modali-
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY ties to provide accurate measurements of wall
thicknesses and timing of valve movements.
Echocardiography plays an essential role in the In 2D echocardiography, multiple ultra-
diagnosis and serial evaluation of many cardiac sonic beams are transmitted from the trans-
disorders. It is safe, noninvasive, and relatively ducer through a wide arc. The returning
inexpensive. High-frequency (ultrasonic) waves signals are integrated to produce 2D images of
the heart on a video monitor. As a result, this three-chamber (also known as apical long axis),
technique depicts anatomic relationships and and subcostal views. The parasternal long axis
defines the movement of cardiac structures view is recorded with the transducer in the third
relative to one another. Wall and valve motion or fourth intercostal space to the left of the ster-
abnormalities, and many types of intracardiac num. This view is particularly useful for evalua-
masses (e.g., vegetations, thrombi, tumors), tion of the left atrium, mitral valve, left ventricle,
can be depicted. and left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT), which
Each 2D plane (Fig. 3.6) delineates only part includes the aortic valve and adjacent interven-
of a given cardiac structure. Optimal evaluation tricular septum. To obtain parasternal short axis
of the entire heart is achieved by using combi- views, the transducer is rotated 90° from its
nations of views. In transthoracic echocardiog- position for the long axis view. The short axis
raphy (TTE), in which the transducer is placed images depict transverse planes of the heart.
against the patient’s skin, these include the Several different levels are imaged to assess the
parasternal long axis, parasternal short axis, api- aortic valve, mitral valve, and left ventricular
cal four-chamber, apical two-chamber, apical wall motion.

Interventricular septum

LV valve
LV posterior wall


Tricuspid valve

Figure 3.6. Transthoracic two-dimensional echocardiographic views. A. Paraster-

nal long axis view. B. Parasternal short axis view. Notice that the left ventricle
appears circular in this view, while the right ventricle is crescent shaped. C. Apical
four-chamber view. Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV,
right ventricle. (Modified from Sahn DJ, Anderson F. Two-Dimensional Anatomy of the
Heart. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; 1982.)
Apical TTE views are produced when the
transducer is placed at the point of maximal
apical impulse. The apical four-chamber view
evaluates the mitral and tricuspid valves as
well as the atrial and ventricular chambers,
including the motion of the lateral, septal, and
apical left ventricular walls. The apical two-
chamber view shows only the left side of the
heart, and it depicts movement of the anterior,
inferior, and apical walls.
In some patients, such as those with ob-
structive airways disease, the parasternal and
apical views do not adequately show cardiac
structures because the excessive underlying
air attenuates the acoustic signal. In such pa-
tients, the subcostal view, in which the trans-
ducer is placed inferior to the rib cage, may
provide a better ultrasonic window.
Doppler imaging depicts blood flow direction
and velocity, and identifies regions of vascular
turbulence. Additionally, it permits estimation Figure 3.7. Doppler color flow mapping (reproduced in
gray tones) of mitral regurgitation (MR). The Doppler
of pressure gradients within the heart and great image, recorded in systole, is superimposed on an apical
vessels. Doppler studies are based on the physi- view of the left ventricle (LV), left atrium (LA), and mitral
cal principle that waves reflected from a mov- valve (short arrow). The retrograde flow of MR into the LA
is indicated by the long arrow.
ing object undergo a frequency shift according
to the moving object’s velocity relative to the
source of the waves. Color flow mapping con-
verts the Doppler signals to a scale of colors that Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
represent direction, velocity, and turbulence of uses a miniaturized transducer mounted at
blood flow in a semiquantitative way. The col- the end of a modified endoscope to transmit
ors are superimposed on 2D images and show and receive ultrasound waves from within the
the location of stenotic and regurgitant valvular esophagus, thus producing very clear images of
lesions and of abnormal communications the neighboring cardiac structures (Fig. 3.8) and
within the heart and great vessels. For much of the thoracic aorta. Modern probes per-
example, Dop- pler echocardiography in a mit multiplanar imaging and Doppler interroga-
patient with mitral regurgitation shows a jet of tion. TEE is particularly helpful in the
retrograde flow into the left atrium during assessment of aortic and atrial abnormalities,
systole (Fig. 3.7). conditions that are less well visualized by
Sound frequency shifts are converted by the conventional trans- thoracic echo imaging. For
echo machine into blood flow velocity mea- example, TEE is more sensitive than
surements by the following relationship: transthoracic echo for the detec- tion of
thrombus within the left atrial append- age
fs c (Fig. 3.9). The proximity of the esophagus to
2f O(cos ) the heart makes TEE imaging particularly ad-
vantageous in patients for whom transthoracic
where v equals the blood flow velocity echo images are unsatisfactory (e.g., those with
(m/sec); fs, the Doppler frequency shift (kHz); chronic obstructive lung disease).
c, the velocity of sound in body tissue (m/sec); TEE is also advantageous in the evalua-
fO, the frequency of the sound pulse emitted tion of patients with prosthetic heart valves.
from the transducer (MHz); and , the angle During standard transthoracic imaging, artifi-
between the transmitted sound pulse and the cial mechanical valves reflect a large portion
mean axis of blood flow. of ultrasound waves, thus interfering with
A. Cross-sectional
LA view of aortic
Esophagus valve

C. Short axis view
of left venticle

B. Long axis view
of cardiac


Figure 3.8. Transesophageal echocardiographic views. LA, left atrium; LV, left ven-
tricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle; N, noncoronary cusp of aortic valve; L, left
coronary cusp of aortic valve; R, right coronary cusp of aortic valve.

visualization of more posterior structures unexplained etiology, because it can identify

(termed acoustic shadowing). TEE aids visu- cardiovascular sources of embolism with high
alization in such patients and is therefore the sensitivity. These etiologies include intracar-
most sensitive noninvasive technique for eval- diac thrombi or tumors, atherosclerotic debris
uating perivalvular leaks. within the aorta, and valvular vegetations.
TEE is commonly used to evaluate patients TEE is also highly sensitive and specific for the
with cerebral ischemic events (i.e., strokes) of detection of aortic dissection.




Figure 3.9. Echocardiographic imaging of an intracardiac thrombus. A. Transesophageal echocardio-
graphic image demonstrates thrombus within the left atrial appendage. (Courtesy of Scott Streckenbach,
MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.) B. Schematic drawing of same image. LA, left atrium;
LAA, left atrial appendage.
In the operating room, TEE permits imme- of contrast will appear in the left-sided cham-
diate evaluation after surgical repair of cardiac bers as well. Newer perfluorocarbon-based
lesions. In addition, imaging of ventricular contrast agents have been developed with
wall motion can identify periods of myocardial sufficiently small particle size to intentionally
ischemia during surgery. pass through the pulmonary circulation. These
The newest ultrasound imaging modality in agents are used to opacify the left ventricular
development, and entering clinical usage, is 3D cavity and, via the coronary arteries, the myo-
echocardiography. The spatial reconstructions cardium, enabling superior assessment of LV
afforded by this technique are of particular contraction and myocardial perfusion.
prom- ise in the assessment of valvular defects, Echocardiographic techniques can identify
intracar- diac masses, and congenital valvular lesions, complications of coronary ar-
malformations. tery disease (CAD), septal defects, intracardiac
Contrast echocardiography is sometimes masses, cardiomyopathy, ventricular hyper-
used to supplement standard imaging to evalu- trophy, pericardial disease, aortic disease, and
ate for abnormal intracardiac shunts. In this congenital heart disease. Typical evaluation
technique, often called a “bubble study,” an includes assessment of cardiac chamber sizes,
echocardiographic contrast agent (e.g., agitated wall thicknesses, wall motion, valvular func-
saline) is rapidly injected into a peripheral vein. tion, blood flow, and intracardiac hemodynam-
Using standard imaging, the contrast can be vi- ics. A few of these topics are highlighted here.
sualized passing through the cardiac chambers.
Normally, there is rapid opacification of the
right-sided chambers, but because the contrast Ventricular Assessment
is filtered out (harmlessly) in the lungs, it does Echocardiography allows measurement of ven-
not reach the left-sided chambers. Conversely, tricular wall thickness and mass (Fig. 3.10), and
in the presence of an intracardiac shunt with calculation of the ejection fraction, a measure of
abnormal right-to-left heart blood flow, or in the contractile function (see Chapter 9). Furthermore,
presence of an intrapulmonary shunt, bubbles

Figure 3.10. Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Notice that
the interventricular septum (S) is thicker and more echogenic than the posterior wall (P). A. Before ventricular
contraction, the LVOT is only slightly narrowed. B. During contraction, the rapidly flowing blood through the
LVOT incites a Venturi effect and abnormally draws the mitral valve apparatus anteriorly toward the hypertrophied
septum (arrow), creating a functional obstruction. LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle.
2D echocardiography depicts regional ventricular
1 2
wall motion abnormalities, a sign of CAD, and
displays right ventricular function qualitatively.
Diastolic dysfunction (e.g., caused by isch-
emic disease, ventricular hypertrophy, or re-
strictive cardiomyopathy; see Chapter 9) can V1 V2
be evaluated by Doppler techniques. For ex-
ample, Doppler tissue imaging is a modality
A1 A2
that can readily record the maximum veloc-
ity of mitral annular movement in early dias- A1 x V1 = A2 x V2
tole, an indicator of the left ventricle’s ability Figure 3.11. The continuity equation. Within a closed
to relax normally. Doppler measurement of flow stream, the volume rate of flow at any point (calcu-
flow velocity across the mitral valve in early, lated as the cross-sectional area at that site multiplied by
the maximum flow velocity at the same location) is equal
compared with late, diastole also provides to the volume rate of flow at sequential points. Thus, cross-
information about diastolic function. sectional area and velocity at any location are inversely
proportional to one another. Here, location 2 is narrower
than location 1. Therefore, the velocity at location 2 must
Valvular Lesions be greater for the same volume to pass per unit time.

Echocardiography can determine underlying

causes of valvular abnormalities, and Dop- The cross-sectional area of the LVOT (ALVOT) is
pler imaging quantitates the degree of valvular calculated simply as (d/2)2, where d represents
stenosis and regurgitation. The pressure gradi- the LVOT diameter, measured from the paraster-
ent across a stenotic valve can be calculated nal long axis view. The velocities (VLVOT and VAV)
from the maximum blood flow velocity (v) are measured by Doppler interrogation, from
measured distal to the valve, using the simpli- the apical four-chamber view. The equation can
fied Bernoulli equation: then be solved for the aortic valve area (AAV):
Pressure gradient 4 v2 AAV
As an example, if the peak velocity recorded Color Doppler analysis provides a qualita-
distal to a stenotic aortic valve is 5 m/sec, then tive assessment of the severity of regurgitant
the calculated peak pressure gradient across valve lesions. In mitral regurgitation (see
the valve 4 52 100 mm Hg. Fig. 3.7), for example, the ratio of the regur-
Other calculations permit noninvasive gitant jet color Doppler area to the entire left
determination of the cross-sectional area atrial area has traditionally been used to clas-
of stenotic valves. The continuity equation sify the regurgitation as mild, moderate, or
is often used to calculate aortic valve area. severe. More quantitative evaluation of mitral
This equation assumes that blood flow (F, regurgitation can now be performed by what is
expressed in cc/sec) is the same at the aortic known as the proximal isovelocity surface area
valve orifice (AV) as at a neighboring position (PISA) method. This technique uses advanced
along the flow stream (e.g., in the LVOT): color Doppler techniques to calculate the regur-
FLVOT FAV gitant volume and effective regurgitant orifice
area, two values that predict clinical outcomes
As shown in Figure 3.11, blood flow at any in patients with chronic mitral regurgitation.
position along a flow stream can also be ex-
pressed as the product of the Doppler velocity
(V, in cm/sec) and cross-sectional area (A, in Coronary Artery Disease
cm2) at that level. If location 1 in Figure 3.11 Echocardiography demonstrates ventricular
represents a position in the LVOT and location wall motion abnormalities associated with in-
2 represents the aortic valve, then farcted or ischemic myocardium. The location
and degree of abnormal systolic contraction
ALVOT VLVOT AAV VAV and decreased systolic wall thickening indicate
the extent of an infarction and implicate the and restrictive (see Chapter 10). Echocardiog-
responsible coronary artery. Echocardiography raphy can distinguish these and permits assess-
also detects complications of infarction includ- ment of the severity of systolic and diastolic
ing thrombus formation, papillary muscle rup- dysfunction. For example, Figure 3.10 depicts
ture, ventricular septal rupture, and aneurysm. the asymmetrically thickened ventricular walls
Although echocardiography can depict of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
those consequences of CAD, transthoracic
echo resolution in adults is insufficient to
satisfactorily image the coronary arteries
Pericardial Disease
themselves. However, stress echocardio-
graphy is a technique that aids in the di- 2D echocardiography can identify abnormali-
agnosis of CAD. This technique produces ties in the pericardial cavity (e.g., excessive
transient left ventricular regional wall mo- pericardial fluid and tumor). Tamponade
tion abnormalities after exercise or with the and constrictive pericarditis, the main con-
infusion of specific pharmacologic agents sequences of pericardial disease (see Chapter
(e.g., dobutamine), as a sign of inducible 14), are associated with particular echocardio-
myocardial ischemia (see Chapter 6). graphic abnormalities. In tamponade, the in-
creased intrapericardial pressure compresses
Cardiomyopathy the cardiac chambers and results in diastolic
“collapse” of the right atrium and right ven-
Cardiomyopathies are heart muscle disorders tricle (Fig. 3.12). Constrictive pericarditis is
that occur in three forms: dilated, hypertrophic, associated with increased thickness of the



Figure 3.12. Echocardiogram of a patient with a pericardial effusion causing cardiac tamponade. A. Parasternal long
axis image showing a large pericardial effusion (PE) surrounding the heart. This frame was obtained in systole and shows
normal appearance of the left (LV) and right (RV) ventricles during that phase. B. Same image as A, but this frame was
obtained in early diastole and shows collapse of the RV free wall (arrow) due to compression by the effusion. C.
Subcostal view, obtained in systole, demonstrating the PE surrounding the right atrium (RA), RV, left atrium (LA), and
LV. D. Same image as C, obtained during diastole, showing inward collapse of the RA (arrow).
Table 3.2. Echocardiography in Common Cardiac Disorders

Disorder Findings

Valvular lesions
Mitral stenosis • Enlarged left atrium
• Thickened mitral valve leaflets
• Decreased movement and separation of mitral valve
• Decreased mitral valve orifice
Mitral regurgitation • Enlarged left atrium (if chronic)
• Enlarged left ventricle (if chronic)
• Systolic flow from left ventricle into left atrium by
Aortic stenosis • Thickened aortic valve cusps
• Decreased valve orifice
• Increased left ventricular wall thickness

Aortic regurgitation • Enlarged left ventricle

• Abnormalities of aortic valve or aortic root

Left ventricular function

Myocardial infarction and complications • Abnormal regional ventricular wall motion
• Thrombus within left ventricle
• Aneurysm of ventricular wall
• Septal rupture (abnormal Doppler flow)
• Papillary muscle rupture
Dilated • Enlarged ventricular chamber sizes
• Decreased systolic contraction
Hypertrophic • Normal or decreased ventricular chamber sizes
• Increased ventricular wall thickness
• Diastolic dysfunction (assessed by Doppler)
Restrictive • Normal or decreased ventricular chamber sizes
• Increased ventricular wall thickness
• Ventricular contractile function often normal
• Diastolic dysfunction (assessed by Doppler)
• Enlarged atria

pericardial echo, abnormal patterns of dia-

stolic left ventricular wall motion, alterations CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION
in pulmonary and hepatic venous flow pat- To diagnose many cardiovascular abnormali-
terns, and exaggerated changes in mitral ties, intravascular catheters are inserted to
and tricuspid valve inflow velocities during measure pressures in the heart chambers, to
respiration. determine cardiac output and vascular resis-
Table 3.2 summarizes the echocardio- tances, and to inject radiopaque material to
graphic features of common cardiac diseases. examine heart structures and blood flow. In
1929, Werner Forssmann performed the first in the blood vessel, the catheter is guided by
cardiac catheterization, on himself, thus usher- fluoroscopy (continuous x-ray images) to the
ing in the era of invasive cardiology. Much of area of study, where pressure measurements
what is known about the pathophysiology of are made. Figure 3.13 depicts normal intracar-
valvular heart disease and congestive heart fail- diac and intravascular pressures.
ure comes from decades of subsequent hemo- The measurement of right-heart pressures
dynamic research in the cardiac catheteriza- is performed with a specialized balloon-tipped
tion laboratory. catheter (a common version of which is known
as the Swan–Ganz catheter) that is advanced
Measurement of Pressure through the right side of the heart with the aid
of normal blood flow, and into the pulmonary
Before catheterization of an artery or vein, the artery. As it travels through the right side of the
patient is mildly sedated, and a local anesthetic heart, recorded pressure measurements iden-
is used to numb the skin site of catheter entry. tify the catheter tip’s position (see Box 3.1).
The catheter, attached to a pressure transducer
outside the body, is then introduced into the
appropriate blood vessel. To measure pressures
Right Atrial Pressure
in the right atrium, right ventricle, and pulmo- Right atrial pressure is equal to the central ve-
nary artery, a catheter is inserted into a nous pressure (estimated by the jugular venous
femoral, brachial, or jugular vein. Pressures in pressure on physical examination) because no
the aorta and left ventricle are measured via obstructing valves impede blood return from
catheters inserted into a brachial or femoral the veins into the right atrium. Similarly, right
artery. Once

100–140 2–10

RV 3–12

Lungs Aorta
2–8 15–30 15–30 PCW 100–140 100–140
2–8 4–12 2–10 3–12 60–90

Figure 3.13. Diagrams indicating normal pressures in the cardiac chambers and
great vessels. The top figure shows the normal anatomic relationship of the cardiac
chambers and great vessels, whereas the figure on the bottom shows a simplified sche-
matic to clarify the pressure relationships. Numbers indicate pressures in mm Hg. LA,
left atrial mean pressure; LV, left ventricular pressure; PA, pulmonary artery pressure;
PCW, pulmonary capillary wedge mean pressure; RA, right atrial mean pressure; RV, right
ventricular pressure.
BOX 3.1 Intracardiac Pressure Tracings

When a catheter is inserted into a systemic vein and advanced into the right side of the heart, each
cardiac chamber produces a characteristic pressure curve. It is important to distinguish these record-
ings from one another to localize the position of the catheter tip and to derive appropriate physiologic


Right ventricle Pulmonary artery

es 20
su Pulmonary capillary wedge
re a v
(m 10
m Right atrium
H x y

The normal right atrial (RA) pressure demonstrates three positive deflections (see the figure in Box
2.1 for an enlarged view): the a wave reflects RA contraction at the end of diastole, the c wave results
from bulging of the tricuspid valve toward the right atrium as it closes in early systole, and the v wave
represents passive filling of the right atrium from the systemic veins during systole, when the tricuspid
valve is closed. The downward deflection that follows the c wave is known as the x descent, and the
downward deflection after the v wave is called the y descent. Often the a and c waves merge so that
only two major positive deflections are seen. In patients with atrial fibrillation, the a wave is absent
because there is no organized left atrial contraction.
As the catheter is advanced into the right ventricle (RV), a dramatic increase in systolic pressure is
seen. The RV systolic waveform is characterized by a rapid upstroke and downstroke. In diastole, there
is a gradual continuous increase in RV pressure as the chamber fills with blood.
As the catheter is moved forward into the pulmonary artery (PA), the systolic pressure remains the
same as that in the RV (as long as there is no obstruction to RV outflow, such as pulmonic valve steno-
sis). However, three characteristics of the recording indicate entry into the pulmonary artery: (1) the
PA diastolic pressure is higher than that of the RV; (2) the descending systolic portion of the PA tracing
inscribes a dicrotic wave, a small transient pressure increase that occurs after the systolic peak and is
related to pulmonic valve closure; and (3) the diastolic portion of the PA tracing is downsloping com-
pared with the upsloping RV diastolic pressure.
Further advancement of the catheter into a branch of the pulmonary artery results in the
pulmonary capillary wedge (PCW) tracing, which reflects the left atrial pressure (see Fig. 3.14). Its
characteristic shape is similar to the RA tracing, but the pressure values are usually higher and the
tracing is often less clear (with the c wave not observed) because of damped transmission through the
capillary vessels.

atrial pressure normally equals right ven- the cardiac chambers are surrounded by high-
tricular pressure during diastole because the pressure pericardial fluid; see Chapter 14).
right heart functions as a “common chamber” Certain abnormalities cause characteristic
when the tricuspid valve is open. The mean changes in individual components of the right
right atrial pressure is reduced when there is atrial (and therefore jugular venous) pressure
intravascular volume depletion. It is elevated (Table 3.3). For example, a prominent a wave
in right ventricular failure, right-sided valvu- is seen in tricuspid stenosis and right ven-
lar disease, and cardiac tamponade (in which tricular hypertrophy. In these conditions, the
Table 3.3. Causes of Increased Intracardiac Pressures

Chamber and Measurement Causes

Right atrial pressure • Right ventricular failure

• Cardiac tamponade
a wave • Tricuspid stenosis
• Right ventricular hypertrophy
• Atrioventricular dissociation
v wave • Tricuspid regurgitation

Right ventricular pressure

Systolic • Pulmonic stenosis
• Right ventricular failure
• Pulmonary hypertension
Diastolic • Right ventricular failure
• Cardiac tamponade
• Right ventricular hypertrophy

Pulmonary artery pressure

Systolic and diastolic • Pulmonary hypertension
• Left-sided heart failure
• Chronic lung disease
• Pulmonary vascular disease
Systolic only • Increased flow (left-to-right shunt)

Pulmonary artery wedge pressure • Left-sided heart failure

• Mitral stenosis or regurgitation
• Cardiac tamponade
a wave • Left ventricular hypertrophy
v wave • Mitral regurgitation
• Ventricular septal defect

right atrium contracts vigorously against the hypertension. Right ventricular diastolic pres-
obstructing tricuspid valve or stiffened right sure increases when the right ventricle is sub-
ventricle, respectively, generating a promi- jected to pressure or volume overload and may
nent pressure wave. Similarly, amplified “can- be a sign of right-heart failure.
non” a waves may be produced by conditions
of atrioventricular dissociation (see Chapter
12), when the right atrium contracts against Pulmonary Artery Pressure
a closed tricuspid valve. A prominent v wave Elevation of systolic and diastolic pulmonary
is observed in tricuspid regurgitation because artery pressures occurs in three conditions:
normal right atrial filling is augmented by the (1) left-sided heart failure; (2) parenchymal
regurgitated blood in systole. lung disease (e.g., chronic bronchitis or end-
stage emphysema); and (3) pulmonary vascu-
Right Ventricular Pressure lar disease (e.g., pulmonary embolism, primary
pulmonary hypertension, or acute respiratory
Right ventricular systolic pressure is increased distress syndrome). Normally, the pulmonary
by pulmonic valve stenosis or pulmonary artery diastolic pressure is equivalent to the left
atrial pressure because of the low resistance and closely matches the left atrial pressure in
of the pulmonary vasculature that separates most individuals. Furthermore, while the mi-
them. If the left atrial pressure rises because tral valve is open during diastole, the pulmo-
of left-sided heart failure, both systolic and nary venous bed, left atrium, and left ventricle
diastolic pulmonary artery pressures increase normally share the same pressures. Thus, the
in an obligatory manner to maintain forward PCW can be used to estimate the left ventricu-
flow through the lungs. This situation leads to lar diastolic pressure, a measurement of ven-
“passive” pulmonary hypertension. tricular preload (see Chapter 9). As a result,
In certain conditions, however, pulmonary measurement of PCW may be useful in man-
vascular resistance becomes abnormally high, aging certain critically ill patients in the inten-
causing pulmonary artery diastolic pressure to sive care unit.
be elevated compared with left atrial pressure. Elevation of the mean PCW is seen in left-
For example, pulmonary vascular obstructive sided heart failure and in mitral stenosis or
dis- ease may develop as a complication of a regurgitation. The individual components of
chronic left-to-right cardiac shunt, such as an the PCW tracing can also become abnormally
atrial or ventricular septal defect (see Chapter high. The a wave may be increased in condi-
16). tions of decreased left ventricular compliance,
such as left ventricular hypertrophy or acute
Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure myocardial ischemia. The v wave is greater
than normal when there is increased left atrial
If a catheter is advanced into the right or left filling during ventricular contraction, as in mi-
pulmonary artery, its tip will ultimately reach tral regurgitation.
one of the small pulmonary artery branches
and temporarily occlude forward blood flow
beyond it. During that time, a column of stag- Measurement of Blood Flow
nant blood stands between the catheter tip Cardiac output is measured by either the ther-
and the portions of the pulmonary capillary modilution method or the Fick technique. In
and pulmonary venous segments distal to it the thermodilution method, saline of a known
(Fig. 3.14). That column of blood acts as an temperature is injected rapidly through a cath-
extension of the catheter, and the pressure eter side port into the right side of the heart,
recorded through the catheter reflects that at a specific distance from the distal tip of the
of the downstream chamber—namely, the catheter. The catheter tip, positioned in the
left atrium. Such a pressure measurement is pulmonary artery, contains a thermistor that
termed the pulmonary artery wedge pressure registers the change in temperature induced
or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCW)


artery catheter A pulmonary

Catheter tip Shaded area represents

occludes branch “column of blood” between
of pulmonary artery catheter tip and LA

Figure 3.14. Diagram of a pulmonary artery catheter inserted into a branch of the pulmo-
nary artery (PA). Flow is occluded in the arterial, arteriolar, and capillary vessels beyond the
catheter; thus, these vessels act as a conduit that transmits the left atrial (LA) pressure to the
catheter tip.
by the injected saline. The cardiac output is Because the normal range of cardiac out-
proportional to the rate of the temperature put varies with a patient’s size, it is common
change and is automatically calculated by the to report the cardiac index, which is equal
equipment. to the cardiac output divided by the patient’s
The Fick method relies on the principle that body surface area (normal range of cardiac
the quantity of oxygen consumed by tissues is index 2.6–4.2 L/min/m2).
related to the amount of O2 content removed
from blood as it flows through the tissue capil-
lary bed:
Calculation of Vascular Resistance
Once pressures and cardiac output have been
O2 consumption O2 content removed Flow determined, pulmonary and systemic vascu-
mL O mL O lar resistances can be calculated, based on

min ) ( mL blood ) ( min ) the principle that the pressure difference

mL blood
across a vascular bed is proportional to the
( 2 2

Or, in more applicable terms: product of flow and resistance. The calcula-
tions are:
O2 consumption
AVO2 difference Cardiac output PVR MPAP LAP 80
where the arteriovenous O2 (AVO2) differ-
PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance (dynes-
ence equals the difference in oxygen content
between the arterial and venous compart-
MPAP, mean pulmonary artery pressure
ments. Total body oxygen consumption can be
(mm Hg)
determined by analyzing expired air from the
lungs, and arterial and venous O2 content is LAP, mean left atrial pressure (mm Hg)
measured in blood samples. By rearranging the CO, cardiac output (L/min)
terms, the cardiac output can be calculated:
O2 consumption
Cardiac output
AVO2 difference SVR, systemic vascular resistance (dynes-
For example, if the arterial blood in a normal MAP, mean arterial pressure (mm Hg)
adult contains 190 mL of O2 per liter and the
RAP, mean right atrial pressure (mm Hg)
venous blood contains 150 mL of O2 per liter,
CO, cardiac output (L/min)
the arteriovenous difference is 40 mL of O2 per
liter. If this patient has a measured O2 con- The normal PVR ranges from 20 to 130
sumption of 200 mL/min, the calculated car- dynes-sec-cm–5. The normal SVR is 700 to
diac output is 5 L/min. 1,600 dynes-sec-cm–5.
In many forms of heart disease, the cardiac
output is lower than normal. In that situation,
Contrast Angiography
the total body oxygen consumption does not
change significantly; however, a greater per- This technique uses radiopaque contrast to vi-
centage of O2 is extracted per volume of cir- sualize regions of the cardiovascular system.
culating blood by the metabolizing tissues. A catheter is introduced into an appropriate
The result is a lower-than-normal venous O2 vessel and guided under fluoroscopy to the
content and therefore an increased AVO2 dif- site of injection. Following administration
ference. In our example, if the patient’s venous of the contrast agent, x-rays are transmitted
blood O2 content fell to 100 mL/L, the AVO2 through the area of interest. A continuous se-
difference would increase to 90 mL/L and the ries of x-ray exposures is recorded to produce
calculated cardiac output would be reduced to a motion picture cineangiogram (often simply
2.2 L/min. called a “cine,” or “angiogram”).
Figure 3.15. Left ventriculogram, in diastole (A) and systole (B) in the right anterior oblique projection,
from a patient with normal ventricular contractility. A catheter (arrow) is used to inject contrast into the left
ventricle (LV). The catheter can also be seen in the descending aorta (arrowhead). AO, aortic root.

Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is and conduction blocks, damage to vessel walls,
commonly used in vascular imaging. Electronic hemorrhage, dislodgement of atherosclerotic
processing of digitalized x-ray images subtracts plaques, pericardial tamponade (see Chapter 14),
the background of soft tissue and bone, thus and infection. The contrast medium itself can
enhancing the blood vessel or chamber into cause anaphylaxis and renal toxicity.
which contrast was injected. DSA has advan- Table 3.4 summarizes the catheterization
tages over conventional angiography: smaller findings in common cardiac abnormalities.
catheters may be used, the amount of contrast Therapeutic interventional catheterization tech-
agent required may be lower, and better image niques are described in Chapter 6.
quality is usually achieved.
Selective injection of contrast into specific
heart chambers can be used to identify valvu- NUCLEAR IMAGING
lar insufficiency, intracardiac shunts, thrombi Heart function can be evaluated using in-
within the heart, and congenital malforma- jected, radioactively labeled tracers and
tions, and is also used to measure ventricular γ-camera detectors. The resulting images re-
contractile function (Fig. 3.15). flect the distribution of the tracers within the
A widespread application of contrast injec- cardiovascular system. Nuclear techniques
tion is coronary artery angiography, to ex- are used to assess myocardial perfusion, to
amine the location and severity of coronary image blood passing through the heart and
atherosclerotic lesions. To maximize the test’s great vessels, to localize and quantify myo-
sensitivity and reproducibility, each patient cardial ischemia and infarction, and to assess
is imaged in several standard views. When myocardial metabolism.
necessary, angioplasty and stent placement
can be performed (Figs. 3.16 and 3.17; see
Chapter 6). Assessment of Myocardial Perfusion
A small risk is associated with catheteriza- Ischemia and infarction resulting from CAD
tion and contrast angiography. Complications can be detected by myocardial perfusion im-
are uncommon but include myocardial perfora- aging using various radioisotopes, including
tion by the catheter, precipitation of compounds labeled with thallium-201 (201Tl)


LAD branch



Figure 3.16. Cardiac catheterization and stenting of a proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD) stenosis,
shown in an anteroposterior cranial projection. A. When contrast agent is injected into the left main coronary
artery (LM), the left circumflex artery (LCX) fills normally but the LAD is almost completely occluded at its origin
(white arrow). B. After the stenosis is successfully stented, the LAD and its branches fill robustly.

and technetium-99m (99mTc). Of the latter, cur- 99m

Tc-labeled agents provide better image qual-
rently 99mTc-sestamibi and 99mTc-tetrofosmin ity and are superior for detailed single photon
are widely used. Both 201Tl- and 99mTc-labeled emission computed tomography (SPECT, as in
compounds are sensitive for the detection of Fig. 3.18). Conversely, enhanced detection of
ischemic or scarred myocardium, but each myocardial cellular viability is possible with
has distinct advantages. For example, the 201
Tl imaging.


Figure 3.17. Cardiac catheterization and stenting of right coronary artery (RCA) stenoses. Both images are obtained in
the left anterior oblique (LAO) projection. A. The stenotic segment is located between the white arrows. B. After stenting,
the caliber of the vessel and flow have improved.
Table 3.4. Cardiac Catheterization and Angiography in Cardiac Disorders

Disorder Finding

Coronary artery disease • Identification of atherosclerotic lesions

Mitral regurgitation • Large systolic v wave in left atrial pressure tracing
Mitral stenosis • Abnormally high pressure gradient between left atrium and left
ventricle in diastole
Tricuspid insufficiency • Large systolic v wave in the right atrial pressure tracing Aortic
stenosis • Systolic pressure gradient between left ventricle and aorta Congestive
heart failure • Reduced ejection fraction (see Chapter 9) if systolic dysfunction
• Elevated diastolic pressure with normal ejection fraction if diastolic

B Anterior




C Apex



Figure 3.18. Stress and rest myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography images (using
Tc-tetrofosmin) of a patient with a high-grade stenosis within the proximal left anterior descending coronary
artery. A. Miniaturized reproduction of the complete scan showing tomographic images in each of the three views.
The first, third, and fifth rows demonstrate images during stress, and the second, fourth, and sixth rows are matching
images acquired at rest. B,C. Enlarged selected panels from A showing stress and rest images in the short axis and
horizontal long axis views. The arrows indicate regions of decreased perfusion during stress but normal perfusion on
the matching resting scans, consistent with inducible ischemia. Lat, lateral wall of the LV; Sep, septal wall. (Courtesy
of Marcelo Di Carli, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.)
In the case of 201Tl imaging, the radio- demonstrate diminished contractile func-
isotope is injected intravenously while the tion owing to chronic reduction of coronary
patient is exercising on a treadmill or station- blood flow (see Chapter 6). This viable state
ary bicycle. Because thallium is a potassium (in which the affected cells can be predicted
analogue, it enters normal myocytes, a pro- to regain function following coronary revas-
cess thought to be partially governed by the cularization) can often be differentiated
sodium–potassium ATPase pump. The intra- from irreversibly scarred myocardium by
cellular concentration of thallium, estimated repeat imaging at rest after the injection of
by the density of the image, depends on vas- additional 201Tl to enhance uptake by viable
cular supply (perfusion) and membrane func- cells.
tion (tissue viability). In the normal heart, 99m
Tc-sestamibi (commonly referred to as
the radionuclide scan shows a homogenous MIBI) is the most widely used 99mTc-labeled
distribution of thallium in the myocardial compound. This agent is a large lipophilic
tissue. Conversely, myocardial regions that molecule that, like thallium, is taken up in
are scarred (by previous infarction) or have the myocardium in proportion to blood flow.
reduced perfusion during exercise (i.e., tran- The uptake mechanism differs in that the
sient myocardial ischemia) do not accumulate compound crosses the myocyte membrane
as much thallium as normal heart muscle. passively, driven by the negative membrane
Consequently, these areas will appear on the potential. Once inside the cell, it further ac-
thallium scan as light or “cold” spots. cumulates in mitochondria, driven by that
When evaluating for myocardial ischemia, organelle’s even more negative membrane
an initial set of images is taken right after potential. The myocardial distribution of MIBI
exercise and 201Tl injection. Well-perfused reflects perfusion at the moment of injection,
myocardium will take up more tracer than and in contrast to thallium, it remains fixed
ischemic or infarcted myocardium at this time. intracellularly, that is, it does not redistribute
Delayed images are acquired several hours over time. Consequently, performing a MIBI
later, because 201Tl accumulation does not re- procedure is more flexible, as images can be
main fixed in myocytes. Rather, continuous obtained up to 4 to 6 hours after injection and
redistribution of the isotope occurs across the repeated as necessary. A MIBI study is usu-
cell membrane. After 3 to 4 hours of redistri- ally performed as a 1-day protocol in which
bution, when additional images are obtained, an initial injection of a small tracer dose and
all viable myocytes will have equal concen- imaging are performed at rest. Later, a larger
trations of 201Tl. Consequently, any uptake tracer dose is given after exercise, and imaging
abnormalities on the initial exercise scan that is repeated.
were caused by myocardial ischemia will Stress nuclear imaging studies with ei-
have resolved (i.e., filled in) on the delayed ther 201Tl- or 99mTc-labeled compounds have
scan (and are therefore termed “reversible” greater sensitivity and specificity than stan-
defects), and those representing infarcted or dard exercise electrocardiography for the de-
scarred myocardium will persist as cold spots tection of ischemia but are more expensive
(“fixed” defects). and should be ordered judiciously. Nuclear
Of note, some myocardial segments that imaging is particularly appropriate for patients
demonstrate persistent 201Tl defects on both with certain baseline electrocardiogram (ECG)
stress and redistribution imaging are falsely abnormalities of the ST segment that preclude
characterized as nonviable, scarred tissue. accurate interpretation of a standard exercise
Sometimes these areas represent ischemic, test. Examples include patients with electronic
noncontractile, but metabolically active pacemaker rhythms, those with left bundle
areas that have the potential to regain func- branch block, those with ST abnormalities
tion if an adequate blood supply is restored. due to left ventricular hypertrophy, and those
For example, such areas may represent who take certain medications that alter the ST
hibernating myocardium, segments that segment, such as digoxin. Nuclear scans also
provide more accurate anatomic localization RVG is commonly used to assess baseline
of the ischemic segment(s) and quantification cardiac function in patients scheduled to un-
of the extent of ischemia compared with stan- dergo potentially cardiotoxic chemotherapy
dard exercise testing. In addition, electronic (e.g., doxorubicin) and to follow cardiac func-
synchronizing (gating) of nuclear images to tion over time in such patients. In addition,
the ECG cycle permits wall motion analysis. first-pass imaging permits recognition and
Patients with orthopedic or neurologic con- quantification of cardiac and vascular shunts
ditions, as well as those with severe physical (described in Chapter 16).
deconditioning or chronic lung disease, may
be unable to perform an adequate exercise
test on a treadmill or bicycle. In such pa- Assessment of Myocardial Metabolism
tients, stress images can be obtained instead Positron emission tomography (PET) is a spe-
by administering pharmacologic agents, such cialized nuclear imaging technique used to as-
as adenosine or dipyridamole. These agents sess myocardial perfusion and viability. PET
induce diffuse coronary vasodilation, aug- imaging employs positron-emitting isotopes
menting blood flow to myocardium perfused (e.g., rubidium-82, nitrogen-13, and fluorine-18)
by healthy coronary arteries. Since ischemic attached to metabolic or flow tracers. Sensitive
regions are already maximally dilated (be- detectors measure positron emission from the
cause of local metabolite accumulation), the tracer molecules.
drug-induced vasodilation causes a “steal” Myocardial perfusion is commonly as-
phenomenon, reducing isotope uptake in re- sessed using nitrogen-13–labeled ammonia or
gions distal to significant coronary stenoses rubidium-82. Both are taken up by myocytes
(see Chapter 6). Alternatively, dobutamine in proportion to blood flow. Myocardial vi-
(see Chapter 17) can be infused intravenously ability can be determined by PET by studying
to increase myocardial oxygen demand as a glucose utilization in myocardial tissue. In nor-
means to assess for ischemia. mal myocardium under fasting conditions, glu-
cose is used for approximately 20% of energy
Radionuclide Ventriculography production, with free fatty acids providing the
remaining 80%. In ischemic conditions, how-
Radionuclide ventriculography (RVG, also ever, metabolism shifts toward glucose use,
known as blood pool imaging) is used to and the more ischemic the myocardial tissue,
analyze right and left ventricular function. A the stronger the reliance on glucose. Fluoro-18
radioisotope (usually 99mTc) is bound to red deoxyglucose (18FDG), created by substituting
blood cells or to human serum albumin and fluorine-18 for hydrogen in 2-deoxyglucose, is
then injected as a bolus. Nuclear images are used to study glucose uptake. This substance
obtained at fixed time intervals as the labeled competes with glucose both for transport into
material passes through the heart and great myocytes and for subsequent phosphorylation.
vessels. Multiple images are displayed sequen- Unlike glucose, however, 18FDG is not metabo-
tially to produce a dynamic picture of blood lized and becomes trapped within the myocyte.
flow. Calculations, such as determination of Combined evaluation of perfusion and
the ejection fraction, are based on the differ- 18
FDG metabolism allows assessment of both
ence between radioactive counts present in regional blood flow and glucose uptake, re-
the ventricle at end diastole and at end sys- spectively. PET scanning thus helps determine
tole. Therefore, measurements are largely in- whether areas of ventricular contractile dys-
dependent of any assumptions of ventricular function with decreased flow represent irre-
geometry and are highly reproducible. Studies versibly damaged scar tissue, or whether the
suggest that RVG and echocardiography pro- region is still viable (e.g., hibernating myocar-
vide similar left ventricular ejection fraction dium). In scar tissue, both blood flow to the
values, but unlike echocardiography, RVG can affected area and 18FDG uptake are decreased.
also calculate an accurate right ventricular Because the myocytes in this region are per-
ejection fraction. manently damaged, such tissue is not likely
Table 3.5. Nuclear Imaging in Cardiac Disorders

Disorder Findings

Myocardial ischemia
Stress-delayed reinjection 201
Tl • Low uptake during stress with complete or partial
fill-in with delayed or reinjection images
Rest–stress Tc-labeled compounds
• Normal uptake at rest with decreased uptake
during stress
PET (N-13 ammonia/ FDG)18
• Decreased flow with normal or increased 18FDG
uptake during stress

Myocardial infarction
Stress-delayed reinjection 201
Tl • Low uptake during stress and low uptake after
Rest–stress Tc-labeled compounds
• Low uptake in rest and stress images
PET (N-13 ammonia/18FDG) • Decreased flow and decreased 18FDG uptake at rest

Hibernating myocardium
Rest-delayed 201Tl • Complete or partial fill-in of defects after reinjec-
PET (N-13 ammonia/18FDG) • Decreased flow and normal or increased 18FDG up-
take at rest

Assessment of ventricular function

Tc RBC-gated radionuclide ventriculography • Assessment of global left and right ventricular
18 99m 201
FDG, fluoro-18 deoxyglucose; N-13, nitrogen-13; PET, positron emission tomography; RBC, red blood cell; Tc, technetium-99m; Tl,

to benefit from revascularization. Hibernat- from neighboring soft tissue structures (e.g.,
ing myocardium, in contrast, shows decreased myocardium).
blood flow but normal or elevated 18FDG up- Applications of CT in cardiac imaging
take. Such tissue may benefit from revascular- include assessment of the great vessels,
ization procedures (see Chapter 6). pericardium, myocardium, and coronary
Table 3.5 summarizes the radionuclide- arteries. CT is used to diagnose aortic
imaging abnormalities associated with com- dissections and aneurysms (Fig. 3.19). It can
mon cardiac conditions. identify abnormal pericardial fluid, thickening,
and calcification. Myocardial abnormalities,
COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY such as regional hypertrophy or ventricular
aneurysms, and intracardiac throm- bus
CT uses thin x-ray beams to obtain a large se- formation can be distinctly visualized by CT.
ries of axial plane images. An x-ray tube is pro- A limitation of conventional CT techniques is
grammed to rotate around the body, and the the artifact generated by patient motion (i.e.,
generated beams are partially absorbed by body breathing) during image acquisition. Modern
tissues. The remaining beams emerge and are spiral CT imaging allows more rapid image ac-
captured by electronic detectors, which relay quisition, often during a single breath-hold, at
information to a computer for image compo- relatively lower radiation doses than conven-
sition. CT scanning typically requires admin- tional CT. Spiral CT is particularly important in
istration of an intravenous contrast agent to the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. When
distinguish intravascular contents (i.e., blood) an intravenous iodine-based contrast agent is
administered, emboli create the appearance of




Liver LK



Figure 3.19. Computed tomography (CT) imaging of aortic dissection. A,B. Axial images demonstrate an intimal flap
(colored arrowheads) separating the true and false lumens of the descending thoracic and abdominal aorta. C. CT angiog-
raphy (CTA) with three-dimensional reconstructions. In this left anterior oblique view, the origin of the dissection (colored
arrowhead) is apparent in the distal portion of the aortic arch. The dissection continues to the level of the renal arteries
(white arrowhead) and beyond. D. In this CTA left posterior oblique view, the dissection extends to the infrarenal aorta
(white arrowhead) and involves the left common and external iliac arteries (colored arrowhead). AA, ascending aorta; LCI,
left common iliac artery; LEI, left external iliac artery; LK, left kidney; PA, main pulmonary artery; RCI, right common iliac
artery; RK, right kidney. (Courtesy of Suhny Abbara, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.)

“filling defects” in otherwise contrast-enhanced Newer CT technology can characterize ath-

pulmonary vessels (Fig. 3.20). erosclerotic stenoses in great detail. Current
Electron beam computed tomography multidetector row CT scanners acquire as
(EBCT) uses a direct electron beam to acquire many as 320 anatomic sections with each ro-
images in a matter of milliseconds. Rapid suc- tation, providing excellent spatial resolution.
cession of images depicts cardiac structures at Administration of intravenous contrast and
multiple times during a single cardiac cycle. computer reformatting allows visualization
Displaying these images in a cine format can of the arterial lumen and regions of coro-
provide estimates of left ventricular volumes nary narrowings (Fig. 3.21). Because image
and ejection fraction. Capable of detecting cor- acquisition is timed with the cardiac cycle,
onary artery calcification, EBCT has been used a relatively low heart rate is desirable, such
primarily to screen for CAD. Because calcified that a -blocker is often administered prior to
coronary artery plaques have a radiodensity scanning.
similar to that of bone, they appear attenuated CT is not as sensitive as conventional
(white) on CT. The Agatson score, a measure angiography for the detection of coronary
of total coronary artery calcium, correlates lesions, and it cannot adequately evaluate
well with atherosclerotic plaque burden, and stenosis within coronary artery stents. In
predicts the risk of coronary events, indepen- addition, this technique results in significant
dently of other cardiac risk factors. radiation exposure. However, CT is rapid,
Figure 3.20. Spiral computed tomography image demonstrating a massive pulmonary
embolism. The white arrows point to a large thrombus within the right pulmonary artery.
It appears as a filling defect within the otherwise contrast-enhanced pulmonary vascu-
lature. AA, ascending aorta; DA, descending aorta; LPA, left pulmonary artery; PA, main
pulmonary artery; RPA, right pulmonary artery; SVC, superior vena cava.

relatively inexpensive, and significantly less based contrast allows further characterization of
invasive than conventional angiography. Its cardiac structures and tissues.
role in assessing patients with symptoms The detail of soft tissue structures is often
suggestive of CAD and for following the pro- exquisitely demonstrated in magnetic reso-
gression of known coronary disease is under nance images (Fig. 3.22). Cardiac MRI has an
active evaluation. established role in evaluating congenital anom-
alies, such as shunts, and diseases of the aorta,
including aneurysm and dissection. It is also
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING used to assess left and right ventricular mass
and volume, intravascular thrombus, cardio-
MRI uses a powerful magnetic field to obtain myopathies, and neoplastic disease (Fig. 3.23).
detailed images of internal structures. This tech- ECG-gated and cine MRI techniques capture
nique is based on the magnetic polarity of hy- images at discrete times in the cardiac cycle,
drogen nuclei, which align themselves with an and permit evaluation of valvular and ventricu-
applied magnetic field. Radio frequency excita- lar function.
tion causes the nuclei to move out of alignment Two applications of cardiac MRI deserve
momentarily. As they return to their resting special mention. Coronary magnetic reso-
states, the nuclei emit signals that are translated nance angiography (coronary MRA) is a non-
into computer-generated images. Therefore, MRI invasive, contrast-free angiographic imaging
requires no ionized radiation. Among all the modality. Laminar blood flow appears as bright
imaging modalities, MRI is best at differentiating signal intensity, whereas turbulent blood flow,
tissue contrasts (blood, fluid, fat, and myocar- at the site of stenosis, results in less bright or ab-
dium) and can often do so even without the use sent signal intensity. This technique has shown
of contrast agents. The addition of gadolinium- high sensitivity and accuracy for the detection





Figure 3.21. Computed tomography (CT) coronary angiography. After a

patient is imaged in a high-resolution axial CT scanner, three-dimensional
reconstructions (termed volume renderings) are generated by a computer.
A. Volume rendering of a normal CT angiogram. B. Volume rendering of a CT
angiogram that demonstrates diffuse coronary artery disease. Notice that
the caliber of each vessel is irregular along its length. C. This curved refor-
mat of the left anterior descending artery (LAD) depicts the entire course
of the vessel in a single, flat image, making it easier to detect stenoses.
None are present here. Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; LCX, left circumflex ar-
tery; LM, left main coronary artery; LV, left ventricle; PA, pulmonary artery;
RA, right atrium; RCA, right coronary artery; RV, right ventricle. (Courtesy C
of Suhny Abbara, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,

of important CAD in the left main coronary In contrast-enhanced MRI, a gadolinium-

artery and in the proximal and midportions based agent is administered intravenously to
of the three major coronary vessels. Coronary identify infarcted (irreversibly damaged) myo-
MRA is also useful in delineating coronary cardium and to differentiate it from impaired
artery congenital anomalies. (but viable) muscle segments. This technique
Figure 3.22. Cardiac magnetic resonance images of a normal person. A. Three-chamber long axis
view of the heart in diastole and systole showing the left ventricle (LV), right ventricle (RV), and
left atrium (LA). The mitral valve (MV), aortic valve (AV), ascending aorta (AAO), and descending
aorta (DA) are also imaged. B. Midventricular short axis view demonstrating the LV, RV, and left
ventricular papillary muscles (PMs). PW, posterior wall; S, septum. (Courtesy of Raymond Y. Kwong,
MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.)

is based on the fact that gadolinium is ex- studies, gadolinium MRI, or dobutamine
cluded from viable cells with intact cell mem- echocardiography.
branes but can permeate and concentrate in Determining the single best test for any given
infarcted zones, producing “hyperenhance- patient depends on a number of factors. One is
ment” on the image (Fig. 3.24). In addition, the ease by which images may be obtained. In
the transmural extent of myocardial scar can a critically ill patient, bedside echocardiography
be depicted, and infarcting tissue can also be provides a readily acquired measure of left ven-
differentiated from acute myocarditis, a con- tricular systolic function. Conversely, obtaining
dition that may present with similar clinical similar information from a nuclear or magnetic
features (see Chapter 10). resonance study would require a trip to the re-
spective scanner. Another factor to consider is
SUMMARY the degree of invasiveness of a given imaging
technique. Expense, available equipment, and
This chapter has presented an overview of im- institutional expertise also play roles in select-
aging and catheterization techniques available ing an imaging approach. When used appropri-
to assess cardiac structure and function. Many ately, each of these tools can provide important
of these tools are expensive and yield similar information to guide the diagnosis and manage-
information. For example, estimates of ven- ment of cardiovascular disorders.
tricular contractile function can be made by Table 3.6 summarizes common uses of the
echocardiography, nuclear imaging, contrast imaging techniques. The listed clinical condi-
angiography, gated CT, or MRI. Myocardial vi- tions are described in greater detail in subse-
ability can be assessed using nuclear imaging quent chapters.





Figure 3.23. Magnetic resonance imaging of an intracardiac mass. Both images are apical four-chamber views. A. Before
a gadolinium-based contrast agent is administered, an abnormal left atrial mass (indicated by the oval) demonstrates di-
minished signal relative to the surrounding tissue. In this respect, it resembles a nonvascular thrombus. B. After contrast
injection, the mass enhances similar to the surrounding tissue, indicating that it is vascularized. Biopsy revealed a spindle-
cell carcinoma. LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. (Courtesy of Raymond Y. Kwong, MD,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.)


Figure 3.24. Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance images dem-
onstrating a region of nonviable myocardium. Both images are short
axis views. A. Imaging before administration of gadolinium demonstrates
thinning of the anterior and anteroseptal myocardium (colored arrow)
suggestive of infarcted tissue. B. After contrast injection, the anterior
and anteroseptal segments of the left ventricle selectively enhance (white
arrows), indicating that scar tissue is present. Because more than half
the thickness of the ventricular wall is scarred, coronary revascularization
would have a low likelihood of improving contractile function of these
myocardial segments. LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle. (Courtesy of
Raymond Y. Kwong, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.)
Table 3.6. Summary of Cardiac Imaging Techniques

Imaging Technique Findings Examples of Clinical Uses

Chest radiography • Cardiac and mediastinal • Detect chamber dilatation

contours • Identify consequences of stenotic and
• Pulmonary vascular regurgitant valve lesions and intracardiac
markings shunts
• Visualize pulmonary signs of heart failure
• Wall thickness, chamber • Assess global and segmental ventricular
dimensions contraction
• Anatomic relationships and • Identify valvular abnormalities and
motion of cardiac structures vegetations
• Flow direction, turbulence, • Diagnose consequences of myocardial infarction
and velocity measurements (e.g., ventricular aneurysm, papillary muscle
• Echo contrast studies rupture, intraventricular thrombus)
• Stress echocardiography • Identify myocardial, pericardial, and
congenital abnormalities
• Similar to TTE but higher • Visualize intracardiac thrombus
resolution • Evaluate prosthetic valves and perivalvular
• Identify valvular vegetations and myocardial
abscess in endocarditis
• Diagnose aortic dissection
• Pressure measurement • Evaluate intracardiac pressures (e.g., in valvular
• Contrast angiography disease, heart failure, pericardial disease)
• Visualize ventricular contractile function,
regurgitant valve lesions
• Identify coronary anatomy and severity of
Nuclear SPECT imaging
• Regional • Detect, quantify, and localize myocardial
(using 99mTc-labeled
myocardial ischemia
compounds or 201Tl)
perfusion • Perform stress testing in patients with
• Myocardial viability baseline ECG abnormalities
• Distinguish viable myocardium from scar
• Calculate ventricular ejection fraction and
• Ventricular contractile quantitate intracardiac shunts
Positron emission function
• Evaluate contractile function
tomography (PET)
• Myocardial perfusion and • Distinguish viable myocardium from scar
metabolism tissue
Computed tomography
• Diagnose disease of the great vessels (aortic
• Anatomy and structural dissection, pulmonary embolism)
relationships • Assess pericardial disease and myocardial
• Detect coronary artery calcification and
Magnetic resonance
• Assess myocardial structure and function (e.g.,
imaging (MRI)
• Detailed soft tissue ventricular mass and volume, neoplastic disease,
anatomy intracardiac thrombus, cardiomyopathies)
• Diagnose aortic and pericardial disease
ECG, electrocardiogram; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography; 99mTc, technetium-99m; 201
Tl, thallium-201.
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Sharmila Dorbala, MD; Raymond Y. Kwong, MD;
Hendel RC, Berman DS, Di Carli MF, et al. ACCF/
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appropriate use criteria for cardiac radionuclide
were Nicole Martin, MD; Deborah Bucino, MD;
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Sharon Horesh, MD; Shona Pendse, MD; Albert S.
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