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In past few weeks, we covered a wide range of research methods and methodologies. While in-

depth of any of the methodology could not be possible, brief study of wide range of methodologies

has helped me to become curious about methodologies I was not previously interested about.

To be more specific, we started with reviewing past researches published in different selected top

journals of the field. Then we moved on to experience based sampling methods. The third method

covered in the class was simulations. After simulations we discussed how to develop scale and

then finally we covered survey methods.

Session 2: Survey of trends in entrepreneurship research methods:

In the second session we conducted a survey of the articles published in the top journals of the

field. All the students of ENT5587C selected one of the journals from a list and attempted to survey

all the articles published within last five years in that particular journal. The focus of surveying

the articles was to observe the research design, research question, sources of data etc. While we

studied the articles published, we observed the dominant, emerging, and least used research

methods in the journal. Additionally, we analyzed the design limitations noted by the authors.

During this session, I observed that survey was still one of the most common methods of data

collection. The limitations of survey design is widely discussed within the limitation section of

many articles, but it is still one of the most prevalent method for data collection. Additionally, I

observed that many studies included a single study. With the frequentist statistics limitation, how

do we rule out the possibility of spurious results with a single study?

On a practical note, covering more than 200 articles (in some cases more than 400) in a span of

five and a half days was almost impossible.

Session 3: Experience Sampling Methodology

In the third week, we were required to design and execute a research based on experience sampling

method. Experience sampling method involves collecting data while the subject is still

experiencing the focal phenomena. In other words, it is collecting data as it happens.

The first group collected data on how ‘cultural differences in cognitive process’ occurs. Based on

data collected through ESM, they demonstrated that one culture focuses on overall aspect,

whereas, another culture focuses merely on analytical aspect. At the end of the discussion, one

limitation of the research was its inability to explain why such difference occurs.

The second group collected data on how feedback affects opportunity revaluation. The study

showed how the type of feedback affects opportunity refinement. When the subjects seek feedback

themselves, they were more likely to refine their ideas. One of the limitations of this study was

that the data collected from this study did not provide the result expected within the discussion


During the week, I realized that ESM was a strong data collection method. The data collected using

ESM was rich and valid. However, I am not able to understand why is it called ‘Experience

Sampling Method’. Based on what was discussed in class, I perceive ESM as a data collection

method, not sampling method. Yet the name Experience Sampling Method.

Session 4: Simulations

Wikipedia defines simulation as imitation of the operation of a real-world process system. The two

teams developed/used different simulation games to provide support to two different research

questions. The first group discussed how experience affects actions taken by an entrepreneur and

how it ultimately related to bottom-line results. The other group discussed on how risk-taking

results to bottom line results.

While the first team discussed on entrepreneurship related activities, the second group discussed

on a phenomenon/ behavior that entrepreneurs exhibit. The limitation of the first study was that, it

was prepared by a third party and the ‘under the hood’ equations was not presented. The limitation

of the second group was that it was a game of chance that illustrated a law like phenomenon.

Simulations are difficult to develop. We learnt during class discussions that simulations could be

very expensive to rent from third party vendors as well. However, developing your own simulation

game required huge capital and intellectual investments.

There are different advantages and disadvantages of simulation-based studies. Some of the major

advantages of simulation-base studies is that is can forecast under uncertain conditions.

Additionally, simulation-based studies can collect large amount of data. However, validation of

such data collected could be difficult. Simulation based studies collect data mostly based on

hypothetical scenarios and validation of such method is difficult. This has caused many reviewers

to skeptically view such researches.

Session 5: Survey- development of measurement scale

Surveys were the most commonly used research tools used across almost all the journals surveyed

in the first week. An important aspect of surveys is measurement scale for a construct. The fifth

session required us to develop a measurement scale. Measurement scales are a collection of set of

indicators (items/question) used to collect primary data on a given topic.

A well-developed measurement scale is the best tool for any research to collect primary data.

However, developing a reliable measurement scale for a construct that is valid globally is an

enormous challenge. While developing a measurement scale for a construct, the researchers have

carefully observe how the new scale correlates with similar scale in past. A new measurement

scale is expected to have a strong positive relationship with similar scale and weak correlation with

an unrelated scale. This establishes the convergent and divergent validity of a research.

One of the groups attempted to develop a scale for entrepreneurial motivation, whereas, another

attempted to develop a scale for entrepreneurial pivot. The first group argued classifying

entrepreneurial motivation as ‘opportunity motivated entrepreneurship’ and ‘necessity motivated

entrepreneurship’ is incorrected and a general scale has to be developed to measure entrepreneurial

motivation. The other group argued that ‘pivot’ is a common phenomenon within entrepreneurial

domain but is not covered as much as it should be.

During the week, it was clear that developing a measurement scale is a gigantic task. On one hand,

the quantitative tools required is sophisticated, and on the other hand, validity of the scale is

difficult to attain. However, if a proper measurement scale is developed, it could increase the

number of citations.

Session 6: Survey method

For the sixth session, the participants of the course were required to test the construct developed.

Both the groups used convenience sampling to collect data in order test the reliability of the

measurement scales. Testing a measurement tool is important because it helps to legitimize a

measurement scale and provides external validity.

One particular phenomena that I observed across all the different sessions and different groups is

that lack of sample has severely jeopardized the validity of the research method used. Most of the

times, any generalizability cannot be done because of the extreme low level of sample size. This

is an important lesson. Sample size is crucial in any research.

One thing that I would do differently was to convert these projects into individual projects.

Additionally, I would remove the page limitation. Additionally, I believe that I am not comfortable

working entirely with survey data. All the methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, I believe a mixed method approach could help establish validity and reliability.

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