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Go beyond ‘management systems’

to achieve operational excellence
Improve communications by engaging your team members.

By Alfonsius Ariawan he concept of implementing a man- when asset reliability is a key OMS element
DuPont Sustainable Solutions agement system to enhance business with clearly defined expectations. Simi-
performance is not foreign to most larly, DSS has often seen inconsistencies in
organizations. Many have designed how operations are being managed within
and implemented a system that outlines an organization, resulting in various opera-
how their operations are managed—at least tional wastes, contrary to the intent of the
on paper. It typically contains several ele- OMS. Most often, these developments are
ments, complete with standards and poli- a reflection of weak execution discipline.
cies intended to guide personnel through There are certain aspects of management
their daily tasks. systems and execution variables that are
Recently, many organizations are adopt- critical in enabling the pathway toward
ing a more integrated, overarching man- operational excellence.
agement system that covers the broader
aspects of operations including safety, These aspects include:
health, and environment; asset and risk • Organizational capabilities
management; supply chain and continu- • O p e r at i on a l c u ltu re / m i n d s e t an d
ous improvement. This shift reflects the behavior
recognition that the protection of assets • Leadership and managing processes.
and the extraction and creation of value
are intertwined and need to be a part of Together, these form an integrated execu-
an overall management system (OMS) that tion model (see Figure 1) that has been
enables operational excellence. shown to be effective in delivering busi-
Figure 1: Execution frame- DuPont Sustainable Solutions (DSS) ness results.
work for business excel- has seen many organizations fail to ben-
lence. All images courtesy: efit from implementation of an OMS. For Find the ‘right’ system
DuPont Sustainable Solu- example, process safety incidents still occur Before discussing these three execution
tions due to poor maintenance practices even variables, it is worthwhile to note that PLANT ENGINEERING May 2016 • 45

there is no right or wrong OMS. Manage- ally a training-related element within the
ment systems provide a useful framework OMS; however, capability building is not
for how businesses operate and are, there- all about training. Rather, it is about learn-
fore, specific to each organization. The ing—and learning happens through both
OMS needs to be appropriate for the risks formal interactions and informal expe-
that the business is attempting to manage. riences. By focusing on learning and on
Given all the elements of a manage- improving learning effectiveness, invest-
ment system, an organization needs to ments in capability building will be opti-
ask whether or not each one of those ele- mized and will yield more valuable returns.
ments will result in risk reduction. If an Consider an example of organizational
organization creates an OMS that does capability in the context of operational risk
not reduce risks, the system is more of management, specifically process safety.
an administrative burden than a benefit An operator new to a task is usually pro-
to the business. vided with classroom training sessions. All
Even when companies have a world-class may be well until a few months later when
system in place, if it is poorly executed, the operator takes a shortcut, resulting in
it is worthless. People drive operational a near-miss event or an incident.
excellence. To receive maximum perfor- In t his example, t he organizat ion’s
mance, organizations need to engage, reaction is typically to increase training
develop and focus on their personnel to efforts, but the solutions to preventing
crystallize a culture that enables the system future occurrences may not necessar-
to be self-improving and self-sustaining. ily include additional training sessions.
Instead, there may be learning variables
Organizational capability that need to be addressed including:
Because people drive performance, it is
not unreasonable to say that organiza- • The trainer’s capability
tional capability is a critical execution • Tr a i n i n g c o n t e n t s a n d d e l i v e r y
variable. Personnel need to be function- methods
ally capable of performing their tasks • Timing of training
well. But how is this accomplished? • Supervisor or peer influence
In regards to capability building, train- • Awareness of previous incidents.
ing usually comes to mind. There is usu-

Figure 2: Risk-based deci-

sion-making for leaders.

46 • May 2016 plant engineering

“Capability building is not all about training. Rather,
it is about learning—and learning happens through both
formal interactions and informal experiences. ”
Organizations that invest in workforce prioritizing the use of the organization’s
capability will improve the organization’s limited resources to invest in growth or
operations. To build capability effectively, prevent losses.
organizations have to focus on personnel To guide these decisions and allocate
learning versus simply training. resources effectively, it is important that
a leader understands his or her company’s
Mindset and behavior financial and operational risks (see Figure
To a c h i e v e a h e a l t hy c u l t u r e t h a t 2). Surprisingly, while leaders are gen-
achieves positive outcomes, employees erally aware of the organization’s finan-
need to understand the importance of cial risks, they are less familiar with the
performing well and that they are per- operational risks. Leaders need to know
forming tasks not simply because they what layers of protection exist to manage
are required to do so. Other wise, the operational risks and ensure that these
organization risks delivering “check the layers of protection function.
box” results, where tasks are completed The best way for leaders to gain this
as expected but inefficiencies and inci- understanding is to become familiar with
dents still happen. site activities. Leaders need to spend time
One way to enable a strong operational at sites regularly, asking and learning
culture is to engage personnel and con- about the risks in a humble and open man-
sider their input during the design and ner from front-line workers. In the pro-
execution of an OMS. A two-way com- cess, leaders must demonstrate effective
munication process could be established leadership, as previously discussed, and
to facilitate this. While communication adopt a style that appeals to employees.
is a to ol t hat has b e e n us e d by many Managing processes also need to be estab-
organizations in t heir jour ne y toward lished to ensure the disciplined execution
excellence, simply establishing a com- of OMS, talent management, capability
munication flow is insufficient. building and cultural strength.
To achie ve t he next le vel of p er for- An integrated OMS can be helpful for
mance, the right kind of communication an organization as it strives to achieve
needs to flow in addition to the proper operational excellence, but an OMS by
deliver y method. Data and information itself is insufficient. To achieve optimal
need to be presented in a way that has performance, companies need to estab-
an emotional impact on the employee. lish a risk culture within the organiza-
Reaching the hearts of the organization tion, place an emphasis on learning versus
facilitates cultural change, resulting in training and enable leadership to make
more sustainable safety and, therefore, decisions based on a clear understanding
improvements in operations. of top operational risks.
In short, to achieve true, sustainable
Leadership and managing processes excellence, a company’s approach needs
Leadership plays a key role in the success to appeal to the heads, hands and hearts
of a company by setting the tone for the of the organization. PE
organization, establishing expectations,
monitoring performance and guiding the Alfonsius Ariawan is a global solution
company toward its goal (facilitated by architect with DuPont Sustainable Solu-
data-based managing processes). A lead- tions (DSS), specializing in operational risk
er’s primary task can be boiled down to management. plant engineering May 2016 • 47

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