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BSE Resolution No. 03, s. lggg
Adoption of New Syllabifor the Subjects
in the Sanitary
Engineering Licensure Examination

Sanitary Chemistry:


Wgl:,.1d analysis; standard solution; turbidity and

:e:l/age color;
acidity alkarinity; chemicar coaguration
of water; hardness; ph; residuar
chlorine and chlorine demand; water sofrening;
nitrogen; fluoride;
chlorides; iron; manganese; solids; dissolvedi'xygen;
.xygen demand; surfates; voratire acids; phosphoious
anu phosphates;
phenolic substance, radioactive
such as detergent; oit anO grease; ;nd'
persistent pesticide; other chemicars; gas
anaiysis; raboratJry .oniror ot
water purification processes.

Contaminants in l{ater
Where Do Ctrem[aageoattamimamts Gonne

A. There are four generat sources of chemicar


'wastewater that is discharged from induskiar

facirities, wastewater
treatment plants and household direcfly
into localwatenivays.

'Runoff from agricultural land.

'storm water runoff from cities, towns and buird-up

areas. storm water
picks up oil, pesticides and other
chemicals as it tiows across yards,
roads and parking rots and into nearby
streams and storm orains. mis
type of pollution is significant and difficult

'Air pollution from factories, power prants, auto emissions,

lawn tools and other emitting sources.
Contaminants in Water
Contaminants in Water
Where Do ChemicalContanninants Come Fronn?
"New generation,, pesticides

B. Other sources of chemical contaminants

Post world war ll pesticides are caled "new generation" pesticides
which are
predominantly insecticides and herbicides. common "new
.Occurring naturally in the environment generation,,
and in raw water. insecticides, such as organophosphates, carbamates, and pyrenthoids,
neurotoxins that function by inhibiting nervous system acetylcholinesterase
'Some inorganic chemicals are present in drinking water as a result of (AChE), causing the constant firing of
nerve. Thlse pesticides have found their
leaching out of piping or plumbing materials such as lead, copper, way to the surface and ground water sources,
asbestos, nickel and cadmium. Some or these chemicals are known or
suspected carcinogens.

'Organic chemicals come from various sources such as decomposition of

organic debris, domestic, agricultural and industrial contamination that
occur during water treatment (coagulation, chlorination, ozonation) and

Contaminants in Water
How would drinking water be acceptabre to consumers?
How Are Chemical Contaminants a Pressure on the Surface Water?
consumers would not know if the drinking water is contaminated
'Many chemical contaminants, including mercury, PCBs and PAHs, do chemicals or not. They will rely on the physical quality of water
not break down easily; instead, they bind to sediments and persist in the which is the aesthetic quality ( taste, odor, turbidity,
color). However, it
environment for many years. The wildlife and aquatic life are affected is the obligation of every water supplier to serve them
with water that is
when toxic chemicals move through the food web in a process called complying with the water quality standard required by law.
'Small, bottom-dwelling aquatic organisms take up contaminants while The water muld be contaminated from:
feeding or through skin contact.
'Larger fish accumulate toxins in their tissues when they eat 'Water source, or
contaminated organisms.
'Distribution system, or
'ln turn, birds and other wildlife eat the contaminated fish. 'Storage facilities, or
'Chemical contaminants do not just impact wildlife. Humans can also 'Treatment process and handling, or
experience negative health effects from eating contaminated fish. The
'Plumbing system
DENR and BFAR should issue fish consumption advisories to prevent
'All of the above
people from unknowingly eating fish that could be contaminated.
Whal uc prrllculates ln the water supply?
wirl,r rrray r ,rrr;ri, suspended finely divided solids
and colloids, clay,
silt, rrlrrrrrr" rrrrrstirnces and arso riving organisms. l,Fasten the sampling
This particl.sare.t
the a..illr,'llr: quality of water and may no-t cable to the hole in
be acceptable to the
consur'rs. ln some instance, these could be considered the lip of the sample
as health
concent os these particles may contain toxic cup by means of the
clip on the end of the
cable. Make sure the
clip is closed and

Wh3t are the procedure for water sampling

for chemical
and physicalanalysis?

3.Pump the well (new and old)sufficienfly

to ensure that the samples
represent the quality of groundwater that 2. lf necessary, increase the length of the cable by attaching a rope or
feeds the weil.
string to the sample cable. Take care not to lose the sample cup.
What are the procedure for water sampling for chemical
3. Lower the sterile sample cup into the well or tank, taking care and physicalanalysis?
not to allow the cup to touch
lr B. SURFACE WATER SOURCE (River, Streann)
the walls of the
[ 3, Take composite samples from three (3) depths (top,
middle, bottom).
"n1l 4,ln this way, the sample becomes representative.
S.lf only a grab or catch sample can be collected, it is best to
take it in
a depth
il the middle of the stream and at mid-depth.
possible keep
fingers clear of the cable or

water body.

4. Lift the sample cup

carefullv and olace

What are the prccedure for water sampling for chemical

and physicalanalysis?

PREpARE THE BOTTLE: With a piece ol6king attach a stone ATTACH BOTTLE TO STRING: Take a 20 m length of
clean string rolled arcuod a stick end tie on to the
boltle. open the bottle.
3.where naturally subjected to considerabre variations from normar
causes, the choice of location, depth, and frequency of sampling will
depend on the local conditions and the purpose of the invesiigation.

RASE"fHE BOTTLE: Once the borte is FILL THE BOTILE: the botue
judged to be filled, rewind tho gtring round LoyJER THE EoITLEi Lower the botfle,
completely in the water and lower lt lo wolghted down by the stone, into {he
the stick lo bring up tho botfl€. lf ths botfls lhe bottom otthe wlll well, unwir,ding ih6 sking slowly. Oo ho(
i! completely filt, discerd some water to
allow the botile to touch ihe sides of thE
provide an air space. Stopper or cap the
What are the procedure for water sampling for chemical Explain the€tep procedure in the waterline
and physicalanalysis? flushing.

g.RLsn the lines sufficiently 1. Location of Pump Unit

to ensure that the samples is representative . Locate unit as
of the supply, taking into account the diameter and length oithe pipe to . Ensure sufficientclose to pipe as possible;
unobstructed space for movement of rotating hose;
be flushed and the velocity of fl0w.. ' Ensure clear visibirity of work area for supervisor with remore contror;
' Ensure all personner keep 3 meters crear of rotating hoses and high-pressure
pump unit

2. Nozzle and hose entry into pipe

' clamp steel protection sleeve onto forward.reverse feed
mechanism at one
end and clamp onto pipe flange at entry point;
' lnsert nozzle into pipe for a distance of 2 times pipe
lnternar Diameter

Explaln the step-bystep procedure in the waterline

Explain the step.bystep proctdure ln the waterline
E. EquipntentSetup
1. Check Water Supply
. Supply flow rate of 180 to 200 liters per minute; 3. Equipment Start Up
. Supply pressure between 3 bars and g bars (booster pump ii below 3 bars); ' check ail hose connections are tightened. o+ings sears properry must be properry
. Water lemperature less than 3S0 degrees Celsius; installed.
. Water ftee of suspended particulates
. Check all air hose connections.
' Keep all non-essentiar personner away from high-pressure pump unit and hoses,
2. WorkArea both slationary
. Ensure settings and non-stationary
. Work area properly cordoned off by at least 3 meters; forengine speed and high pressure are both at zero.
. Non-essential personnel . Start up engine and idle for 5 minutes.
barred from entry into work area . Check for oil leaks and water leaks.
3. Personnel Protection Equipment (ppE)
4. Setting high pressure settings
Safety Shoes; . Press the "ON-OFF" button in the pLC to "ON"
Ear Protection; . Set the "deadman switch" to "ON* position.
Eye Goggles;
Hand Gloves:
' Slowly increase engine speed setting to 1200 rpm.
Long Sleeve Work Shirt (if required)
' Slowly increase high pressure setting to 200 bars,
' Check all hoses connections for leakage.
Explaln the step.bystep procedure in the waterline
flushlng. what Is tlre Mtsrlmurm Freque,rcy of $anrpling for Eninking
B. Equlpment Setup Waten Supply systems forphysical and Chemical
' set ihe roto-fan rotation into 2nd gear to produce high speed synchronize rotatron of Source and mode of- Mrnrmum Freguencyof-
the nozle. High speed rotation and angled nozzle orifice makes the water jets Supply Sampling
penetration on the wall very minimal with even overlaps..Bursting of pipes a. Level I
of any b, LeYel ll
materials are impossible and can withstand up to 1000 bars.
c. Level lll
' operating pressure will depend on type of incruslation. starting pressure for cleaning d. EmergencySuppiies of
Once a year

will be always at minimum pressure. Drinkinq Watsr

Press the "deadman' switch to "OFF" after test cleaning is done. e. waler ReTililn0 Stati0ns
I. Waler Vendino Machine Twice a year

5. Cleaning Operation
Set fonrard speed on Forward-Reverse feed mechanism to 10 mm feed per
'Chemical resistant glass (pyrex),
polyethylene, or hard rubbers. Volume of Sample :
.For samples
containing organics, avoid
.Three (3) liters
plastic containers except those made of
fluorinated polymers such as sample should suffice for
polytetrafluoroethylene (pTFE). physicaland chemical
'Volatile organics analysis.
- glass containers

Explaln the step.bystep proc-edure ln the waterline

E. Equipnrent Setup
t A)ffiutll 0.02
'Keep all personnel at least three (3) meters away from all hoses and pump Unit. GONTAMINANT LEVEL ARSENIG
' lf another hose connection is necessary, then stop the pump. connect another
hose, observing the same safety precautions and proceed. BAR]UM 0.70
6. Switching to another pipe
' Afterfinishing cleaning otone pipe, reverse out nozzle and hose ifnecessary. lfpipe CADM|Ul,l 0.003
is short, il is possible to pull out nozzle. SIGNIFICANCE
cHROilIUM (Iotat) 0.05
Manually. ln this case, stop high-pressure pump unit and pull out hose manually.
For cleaning of another pipe, follow the same openating procedure. CYANIDE (Total) 0.07

LEAD 0.0t
MERGURY(Total) 0.001


ANTEMffi@NqV Long-term exposure to arsenic via drinking-water causes cancer
of the
skin, lungs, urinary bladder, and kidney, as well as other skin changes
such as pigmentation changes and thickening (hyperkeratosis).
Antimony is a contaminant from pipe and fitting
materials. lncreased risks of lung and bladder cancer and of arsenic-associated
skin lesions have been observed at drinking-waler arsenic
Antimony is a metar found in naturar deposits
as ores containing other concentrations of less than 0.05 mg/1. lt harms the cenkal and
elements. Potentia[y cause the foflowing
hearth effects rn"n pJoptu ,r. peripheral nervous systems, as weil as heart and brood
exposed to it at levels above the McL for relatively vessels, and
short periods of tir., causes serious skin problems. lt also may cause birth defects
nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Long-Antimony and
has the potentiarto cause reproductive problems. Absorption of arsenic through the skin is
the{ollowing effects from a rifetime exposure
at revers above the MCL: minimal and thus hand-washing, bathing, laundry, etc. with water
AND/OR- Antimony is a (known/potential drinking
water) human containing arsenic do not pose human health risk. Exposure to
carcinogen. arsenic
via drinking-water has been shown to cause a severe disease
of blood
vessels leading to gangrene, known as 'black foot disease'.
Short-term heatth eftcts: nausea, vomiting and Nonrancer
diarrhea. Long_term: effects can include thickening and discoloration of the skin, stomach
own/potential d rinkin g water) h u ma n
og.n. pain, nausea, vomiting; diarrhea; numbness in hands and
feet; partial
paralysis; and blindness.

Arsenic is widely distributed throughout the
earth's crust. lt is introduced
into water through the dissorution of minerars
and ores (arsenic ricn roct<s Barium is a lustrous, machinable metal which exists in nature
which the water has firtered), and concentrations only-barium
in ores
in groundwater in some containing mixtures of elements. ln water, the more toxic soluble
areas are elevated as a resurt of erosion from
rocal rocks. lndustrial
effluents also conhibute arsenic to water in salts are likely to be converted to insoluble salts which precipitate.
some areas. rt may arso
Barium does not bind to most soils and may migrate to ground
occur because of mining or indushial pollution. water.
lt is also used
commercially e.g. in alloying agents and wood preservatives.
shorttenm: effects gaskointestinal disturbances and muscular weakness.
Efrects: rnorganic arsenic mosfly found as trivarent arsenite
fleglth l-ong-termn effeats: high blood pressure.
(As(lll)) or pentavarent arsenate (As (vi)
chronic arsenic poisoning, as
occurs after long-term exposure through
drinking- water is very diffe-rent
to acute poisoning' rmmediate symptoms on
anicute poisoning typicary
include vomiting, oesophageal and abdominal pain,
and blood/,,rice
water" diarrhea. cheration therapy may be
effective in acute poiroring
but should not be used against long-teim poisoning.
Boron is often found in the rocks and soir and srowry rereased
to the
ffiffiR@$Wffi&JM (Totafl) ffi
water. some boron also gets into the environment irom chromium is a metalfound in natural deposits as ores containing
manufacturing of other
commercial products or pesticides. elements.

Healh Eftcts: Boron can infect the stomach, liver, kidneys and brains Short-term health effects: skin irritation or ulceration.
and can eventually lead to death. when exposure to smail
amounts of
boron takes place irritation of the nose, throat or eyes may Long-term health effects: damage to liver, kidney circuratory and
occur. It takes nerve
5 g of boric acid to make a person ill and 20 grams or tissues; skin irritation.
more to put its life
in danger.

GYA&\$EffiH (tutaE}
cadmium is a metarfound in naturar deposits as ores containing
elements. cyanide is released to water from discharges from metar finishing
industries, iron and steel mills, and organii chemical industries.
Short-term heaith efhcts: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle to soil appear to be primarily from disposal of cyanide
cramps, wastes in landfills
salivation, sensory disturbances, liver injury, convulsions, and the use of cyanide-containing road salts. ihlorination
shock and treatment of
renalfailure. some wastewaters can produce cyanides as a by-product.
cyanides are
generally not persistent when released to water or
soil, and are not likely
Long-temr health efucts: kidney; liver, bone and blood damage. lo accumulate in aquatic life. They rapidly evaporate and are
down by microbes. They do not bind to soirs and may reach
to ground
water' Heaith effects: shortterm: rapid breathing, tremors
and other
neurological effects. Longterm: weight loss, thyroid effects,
FtEJ@RHMH Fluoride - A Historically Known Toxin

Prior to '1945 when communal water fluoridation took effect, fluoride was a known toxin.
For example, a 1936 issue otlie Journal of the Ameican DentalAssociatlon stated that
Fluoride is a common element found in minerals, rock and soil, lt naturally occurs fluoride at the 1 ppm (part per million) concenhation is as toxic as arsenic and lead.
in the earth's soil. Fluoride is used to fight tooth decay in children. The most The Journal of the American Medical Association stated in their Septenber 1g, 1943
recognized problem with the ingestion of too much fluoride is dental fluorosis. This issue, that "fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons that change the permeability of
condition is characterized by the failure of tooth enamel to crystallize properly in the cell membrane by certain enzymes." And, an editorial published in lhe Journat of the
permanent teeth. The effects range from chalky, opaque blotching of teeth to American Dental Associafion, Ociober 1, 1g44, stated,

severe, rust-colored stains, surface pitting and tooth brittleness.

"Drinking water containing as /lftle as 1.2 ppm fluoride will cause developmental
disturbances. we cannot run the isk of producing such serlous systemic disturbances.
Health Efiects: Fluoride is a cumulative poison. 0n average, only 50% of the The potentialities for harm outweigh those for gocd!,
fluoride people ingest each day is excreted through the kidneys. The remainder
accumulates in the bones, pineal gland, and other tissues. lf the kidney is More recently, christopher Bryson, award winning journalist and former producer at the
damaged, fluoride accumulation will increase, and with it, the likelihood of harm. BBC revealed the multi-tiered abuse of power by military and industry scientists and
Fluoride is very biologically active even at low concentrations. lt interferes with public health officials in his book The Fluoride Decepllon. ln it, he describes
intertwined interests that existed in the 1g40's and s0's between the aluminum industry,
hydrogen bonding. when complexed with aluminum, fluoride interferes with G-
the u.s. nuclearweapons program, and the dental industry, which resulted in fluoride
proteins. such interactions give aluminum-fluoride complexes the potentialto
being declared not only safe, but'beneficial to human health.,
interfere with many hormonal and some neurochemical sionals.

Fluoride has been shown to be mutagenic, cause chromosome damage and

interfere with the enzymes involved with DNA repair in a variety of celiand tissue The political back story of how fluoride was introduced into your drinking water reads like
studies Recent studies have also found a correlation between fluoride exposure a cross between a psychological thriller and mind-boggling science fiction.
and chromosome damage in humans. Read Bryson's book, and you'll never think offluoride the same again... Because the
bottom line is that when you swallow fluoride, it does nothing to decrease disease, it
Fluoride forms complexes with a large number of metal ions, which include metals merely accelerafes it. -
which are needed in the body (like calcium and magnesium) and metals (like lead
Do You Know What's REALLY in Your Water?
and aluminum) which are toxic to the body. This can cause a variety of pioblems.
For example, fluoride interferes with enzymes where magnesium is an important
what would you do if you suddenly found out thal "fluoride,' which advocates claim is an
co-factor, and it can help facilitate the uptake of aluminum and lead into tissues all-natural element that you ingest anpvay and is good for your teeth and bones, was not
where these metals wouldn't otherwise go. safe at all, but was actually a carcinogenic industrial waste?

skeletalfluorosis often results in abnormal bone hardening and thickening That's rightl The fluoride in your water supply is not what you think it is.
(osteosclerosis)with painful and impaired neck and spine mobility, spine
l-he natural form of mineral fluoride found both in nature and in your teeth and
curvature, and/or painful lower exkemities ultimately causing crippling and bones, is
r;alled A.patite (calcium fl uoro-chloro-hydroxyl phosphate).

lrrsrde your mouth, there is a natural equilibrlum between hydroxyl-apatite (calcium

Other health problems observed ranged from gastrointestinal disorders to mouth grlrosphate) dissolving and forming in your tooth enamel from substances
sores to rashes to headaches to forms of arthritis to more serious concerns such rrirturally in your saliva. Like everything else, your diet and various physical conditions
as cancers and neurological complaints. :,lrift this equilibrium back and forth constantly.
when you have more calcium phosphate dissolving than being adhered, you end up with
a demineralization condition called caries. This is when cavities form in your teeth. one such study, published in the september 2001 issue of lntemational Journal of
However, this has nothrng to do with fluoride or fluoridation, but a good fib must always Pediatic Dentistry, founci that South African
start with a kernel of truth, or else no one will listen to you. children who drank water containing high levels of natural fluoride (3 ppm),
had more
So when it comes to the so-called 'health benefits" of fluoride, it,s essential to tooth decay than children in other parts of south Africa who drank much'lower
understand what's real/y being added to your water and other products you use on concentrations (between 0.19 to 0.48 ppm).
regular basis, such as toothpaste. And fluoride-saturated American teenagers had twice the rate of cavities
as the south
African children drinking low levels of natural fluoride!
when "fluoride' is added to your drinking water, it's Nor the natural mineral. lnsteac, the
fluoride in question is another chemical fluoride compound - the toxic waste product The Many Health Dangers of Fluoride
from phosphate fertilizer plants.
According to information from its Material safety Data sheet (MSDS),
and from the
There are three basic compounds commonly used for fluoridating water supplies: National lnstitute of occupational safety and Health (NlosH), the pharmaceutical
Sodium fluoride (NaF) grade sodium fluoride is a dangerous toxin that can cause serious physical
Sodium silicofluoride The chemical targets your:
Hydrofluorosilicic acid
The last two, sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid, are the compounds Heart
used for water fluoridation, with Gaskointestinal syslem
hydrofluorosilicic acid being the most commonly used additive, according to the cDC. Bone and skeletal structures

These are chemical byproducts ofaluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear The MSDS for sodium fl,.ioride also states that fluoride compounds can induce:
weapons manufacturing. such fluoride is manmade, and in this form, fluoride has no Systemic toxic effects on your heart, liver, and kidney
nutrient value and no health beneflts whatsoever.
Depleted calcium levels in your body leading to hypocalcaemia and
But there's yet another tidbit that is not talked about openly, and that is the fact that
these hazardous industrial wastes - the fluoride compounds actually added to your It points out that the toxic effect of fluoride might be delayed, and
that laboratory
water - have NEVER been fully tested to ascertain their full potential health haiard. experiments have resulted in the development oftumors.
lnstead, the pharmaceutical grade 'sodium fluoride" (the first one on the list) is
used in
the majority of studies evaluating the risk to human health. ln order to understand the long{erm dangers offluoride, it's important
to realize that
lluoride is a cumulative poison.
Therefore, the real danger to your health may be far greater than any of the studies done
so far have shown, and numerous studies have already identified the pharmaceutical Ninety-eight percent of the fluoride you ingest in water is absorbed
into your blood through
grade sodium fluoride as a toxic agent, capable of doing irreparable harm
to your body, your gaslrointestinal tract. From there, it enters your body's
cellular tissues. on averagel
, rl reul 59 percent of the
fluoride you ingest each day gets excreted through your kidne-ys.
Fluoride May Actually CAUSE More Cavities Than it prevents! I lre remainder accumulates in your teeth and bones, pineal gland,
and other tissues, iuch
.r,, llre aorta.
studies have also shown that fluoride does not even help prevent cavities, which is the
number one reason for water fluoridation in the first place. I lrr: amounl deposited into your bones and teeth varies depending
on your age. ln children,
lnstead, studies have shown that consuming too much fluoride might actually cause r r rrrrt: than 50 percent of an ingested dose of fluoride is deposited
in bone, bui in adults
tooth decay. ,,rrly aboul 10 percent is stored there.
A:; with teeth, fluoride is deposited in bone by the ionic exchange
with hydroxyl-apatite as
nr(iltioned earlier, lt does dissolve from bone as well, but at a slower rate
than it is
h rl,r rsiled, so if your intake remains
constant, the level of fluoride in your bones increases
lrrrr,;rrly with a0e.
Therefore, if your kidneys are damaged, fluoride accumulation will increase, and with it,
likelihood of harm.
There are numerous health problems associated with the accumulation of fluoride
body, such as:
in your
Hyperactivity and/or lethargy
Arthritis Lead in drinking water results primarily from corrosion of materials containing lead
Dental fluorosis (staining and pitting of teeth)
installed in building plumbing such as lead solder, brass, bronze and other alloys
Lowered thyroid function
containing lead in contact with the water. The amount of lead attributable to
Lowered lQ, and dementia
corrosion by-products in the water depends on a number of factors, including the
Disrupted immune system
amount and age of lead bearing materials susceptible to corrosion, the way they
Fluoride also causes genetic damage and cell death, inactivates at least 62 were manufactured, how long the water is in contact with the lead-containing
enzymes in
your body, and accelerates the aging process. surfaces, and how corrosive the water is towards these materials. The corrosivity
of water is influenced by a number of factors, including acidity, alkalinity,
Overdosing is Easy dissolved solids and hardness. soft acidic waters are more corrosive to lead than
hard waters. Lead in drinking water can cause a variety of adverse health efiects.
when water fluoridation first began, the "optimal" levelof fluoride for dental benefit was Acute lead poisoning can cause severe brain damage and death. The effects of
said to be 1 mg/day for an adult male, based on the estimate that the average
adult male chronic, lowlevel exposure, however, are more subtle. The developing nervous
drank one liter of waler per day. However, even at that level, 10 percent of t-he population
(those in the high+isk group) was expected to gel fluorosis. systems of fetuses, infunts, and children are particularly vulnerable. Recent
But water is not the only source of added fluoride. studies show that lead exposure at a young age can cause permanent learning
disabilities and hyperactive behavior. Low{evel lead exposure also is associated
with elevated blood pressure, chronic anemia, and peripheral nerve damage.

Although you may not know it, you are exposed to fluoride from many sources oiher
the obvious lineup of toothpastes and mouth rinses.
Far less obvious sources of fluoride include:
Food and beverages processed with fluoridated water ffitufrERGMRV (Tota$)
Mechanically de-boned meat
Pesticide residue on food
Pharmaceutical drugs, especially ssRl antidepressants and fluoroquinolone antibiotics like Mercury is a liquid metalfound in natural deposits as ores containing
other elements. Naturally occurring mercury has been widely diskibuted
Soy baby formulas
lnstant tea
by natural processes such as volcanic activity. Mercury is or has been
used for the cathode in the electrolytic production of chlorine and caustic
A 1991 review by the U.s. Department of Health and Human Services shows just soda, in electrical appliances (lamps, arc rectifiers, mercury cells), in
drastic your overexposure might be when taking multiple sources into accouni.
induskial and control instruments (switches, thermometers, barometers),
in laboratory apparatus and as a raw materialfor various mercury
compounds. The latter are used as fungicides, antiseptics, preservatives,
pharmaceuticals, electrodes and reagents.
Mercury is unique among metals in that it can evaporate when released
to water or soil. Also, microbes can convert inorganic forms of mercury to
organic forms which can be accumulated by aquatic life. The solubility of NBTRATE
mercury compounds in water varies: elemental mercury vapor is
insoluble, mercury(ll) chloride is readily soluble, mercury(l)chloride is
Nitrates are a naturally occurring form of nihogen found in soil. Nitrogen is
much less soluble and mercury sulfide has a very low solubility.
essential to all life. Nihates form when microorganisms break down fertilizers,
Methylation of inorganic mercury is an important process in water and
decaying plants, manures or other organic residues. Usually plants take up these
occurs in both fresh water and seawater. Bacteria (pseudomonas spp.) nitrates, but sometimes rain or irrigation water can leach them into groundwater.
isolated from mucous material on the surface of fish and soil was able to Although nitrate occurs naturally in some groundwater, in most cases higher
methylate mercury under aerobic conditions. some anaerobic bacteria levels are thought to result from human activities. common sources of nitrate
that possess methane synthetase are also capable of mercury include: fertilizers and manure, animal feedlots, municipal wastewater and sludge,
methylation. Once methylmercuryl is released from microbes, it enters septic systems, and N-fixation from atmosphere by legumes, bacteria and
the food-chain as a consequence of rapid diffusion and tight binding to lightning.

proteins in aquatic biota. Environmental levels of methylmercury depend

High nitrate levels in water can cause methemoglobinemia or blue baby
on the balance between bacterial methylation and demethylation. Health
syndrome, a condition,found especially in infants under six months. The stomach
Effects: Short- or Long-term: kidney damage. acid of an infant is not as strong as in older children and adults. This causes an
increase in bacteria that can readily convert nitrate to nitrite (NOr). Do not let
infants drink water that exceeds 10 mg/l NO.-N. This includes formula

U Health Effects: Nitrite is absorbed in the blood, and hemoglobin (the oxygen-
carrying component of blood) is converted to methemoglobin. Methemoglobin
does not carry oxygen efficiently. This results in a reduced oxygen supply to vital
Nickel is very toxic and usually occurs in water supply as a result of nickel and nickel- tissues such as the brain. Methemoglobin in infant blood cannot change back to
plated plumbing components. hemoglobin, which normally occurs in adults. Severe methemoglobinemia can
result in brain damage and death. Pregnant women, adults with reduced stomach
Nickel is a naturally occurring metal that is silvery-white in color. some scientists acidity, and people deficient in the enzyme that changes methemoglobin back to
believe that the Earth's core is made up of nickel and metalljc iron. lt is combined with normal hemoglobin are all susceptible to nitrite-induced methemoglobinemia. The
other metals, such as iron, zinc, copper, and chromium to form alloys. most obvious symptom of methemoglobinemia is a bluish color of the skin,
It is used to make stainless steel, jewelry, coins, heat exchangers and valves. Nickel is particulady around the eyes and mouth. Other symptoms include headache,
also found in soil and when a volcano erupts, it emits nickel. This metal is also present dizziness, weakness or difficuity in breathing. Take babies with the above
on the ocean floor and has fallen from the sky in the form of meteorites, symptoms to the hospital emergency room immediately. lf recognized in time,
methemoglobinemia is treated easily with an injection of methvlene blue. Healthy
tlealth Effects: The symptoms of nickel poisoning are as follows: Headache , Nausea
, adults can consume fairly large amounts of nihate with few known health effects.
Vomiting, Dizziness , lrritability, Difficulty sleeping The items listed here are initial
This nitrate is readily absorbed and excreted in the urine. However, prolonged
symptoms of nickel poisoning; the infected person will experience another group of
intake of high levels of nikate is linked to gastric problems due to the formations
symptoms approximately 16 hours after the initial symptoms become apparent. This
of nitrosamines. N-nitrosamine compounds have been shown to cause cancer in
second group of symptoms will become more severe after a few days. Be on the
test animals.
lookout for the following: Chest Pains, Sweating , Rapid Heart Beat Dry Cough


Nitrites are nitrogen-oxygen chemical units which combine

with various
organic and inorganic compounds. once taken into the
body, nitrates are BENZENE
converted into nitrites. 0.01
Health efiects: short-term: Excessive levels of nihate in 1,2. D]GHLOROBENZENE lro
drinking water
have caused serious illness and sometimes death. The I,4. DICHLOROBENZENE
serious-illness in 0.30
infants is due to the conversion of nitrate to nitrite
by the body, which can I,2.DICHLOROEIHANE 003
interfere with the oxygen-carrying capacity of the child's
brood. This can l,I.DICHLOROETHENE
be an acute condition in which health deteriorates 0.03
rapidly over a period of
days. symptoms include shortness of breath and blueness l,2.DICHLOROETHENE 0.05
of the skin.
Long{erm: diuresis, increased starchy deposits and hemorrhaging DICHLOROMETHANE 0.02
of the



selenium is a metarfound in naturar deposits as ores containing

elements. The toxicity of serenium depends on whether
it is in the
biologically active oxidized form, which occurs in alkaline OT
soils. These
conditions can cause plant uptake of the metal to be increased. POLYNUCLEAR AROIIIATIC 0.0007
lt is
known that selenium accumulates in living tissues,
i'{ealh effieots: Short-term: hair and fingernail changes; damage TETRACHLOROETHENE 0.01
to the
peripheral nervous system; fatigue and irritability. TOLUENE
Long-term: iair and 0.7
fingernail loss; damage to kidney and river tissul, ahdlhe
nervous and TRICHLOROETHENE 0.07
circulatory systems.

Benzene is a colorress riquid with a sweet odor. DCBs are widely used in indusiry and in domestic products such as odor-

rt evaporates into the air
very quickly and dissolves slighfly in water.

Benzene may be introduced into water by induskial

effluents and
with most organic solvents. lt is a derivative of benzene, consisting of
atmospheric pollution due to vehicular emission.
two adjacent chlorine centers.
The benzene health concems of chronic or intermittent
exposure to
benzene is on the brood. rndustriar workers that 1,2-Dichlorobenzene is also used in softening and removing carbon-
make or use benzene
at risk for being exposed to high revers of this carcinogenic based contamination on metal surfaces.
Ta), ?e
Human Health

1,2-Dichlorobenzene has been shown to cause eye and respiratory

irritation in humans at exposure levels above 100 ppm. Skin irritation has
been observed following dermal application in humans and animals.

CARBON 1,2-Dichiorobenzene is absorbed via the oral route. Absorption via the

TETRAC H LO.RID E dermal or inhalation routes is poorly characterized. lnhalation is expected

to be the major route for human exposure. The available toxicological
data indicate that metabolic profiles and effects from 1,2-dichlorobenzene
From industrial discharges, carbon tetrachroride exposure are similar in rats, mice and humans.
revers in anaerobic
groundwater may remain elevated for
months or even years.
Animal studies with rats and mice have shown 1,2-dichlorobenzene to
carbon tetrachloride poisoning: inharation of vapors, ingestion, induce acute hepatotoxic effects. The LD50 for a single oral exposure to
or skin
1 ,2-dichlorobenzene for the rat ranges from 1 516 to 2138 mg/kg bw. The
absorption ofcarbon tetrachroride can depress
centrar nervous system
activity and cause degeneration of the liver and LCl 00 for the rat is 977 ppm (5.9 mg/L) for a 10 hour exposure. During
a 4 hour exposure, 1 of 20 rats died at 941 ppm (S.G mgll). ln humans,
the acute effects of 1,2-dichlorobenzene by ingestion or inhalation are
reported to be headache, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, malaise and
1,4-Dichlorobenzene is an organic compound. This colorless solid has a

1,1-Dichloroethene, commonlycalled 1,1-dichloroethylene

or 1,1-DCE, is an organochloride with the ",>=cl,l
C2H2C|2. lt is a colorless liquid with a sharp odor. Like
most chlorocarbons, it is poorly soluble in water, but soluble in organic
solvents. 1,1-DCE was the precursorto the original cling-wrap forfood,
but this application has been phased out.

Healh Effects. pDCB may reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen, The health effects from exposure to 1,1-DCE are primarily on the central
although there is no direct evidence. Animals given very high levels in nervous system, including symptoms of sedation, inebriation,
water developed liver and kidney tumors. convulsions, spasms, and unconsciousness at high concentrations.

1,2-dichloroethane, commonly known by its old name of
ethylene dichloride (EDC), is a chlorinated hydrocarbon,
1,2-DCE is used as a solvent for waxes, resins, polymers, fats, ,nd
mainly used to produce vinyl chloride monomer (VCM,
chloroethene), the major precursor for pVC production.
lacquers. lt is also used as an intermediate in the preparation of other -
chlorinated solvents.
It is a colorless liquid with a chloroform-like odor.
1,2-Dichloroethane is also used generally as an
The major heatth effect of inhalation of vapors of 1,2-DCE is narcosis; it
intermediate for other organic chemical compounds and as a solvent. lt
has been used in a combination with diethyl ether as an anesthetic. ln
forms azeotropes with many other solvents, including water and other
high concenhations, exposure to 1,2-DCE causes central nervous
system depression; in milder exposures, it can produce nausea,
vomiting, weakness, tremor, epigastric cramps, burning of the eyes and
1,2-dichloroethane is toxic (especially by inhalation due to its high vapor
pressure), corrosive, highly flammable, and possibly carcinogenic.
high solubility and S0-year half-life in anoxic aquifers make it a perennial
pollutant and health risk that is very expensive to treat conventionally,
requiring a method of bioremediation.
Dichloromethane (DCM or methylene chloride) is the organic compound with the
formula cHrcl. This colorless, volatile liquid with a moderately sweet aroma is ln industry, EDTA is mainly used to sequester metal ions in aqueous
widely used as a solvent. solution. ln the textile industry, it prevents metal ion impurities from
modifying colours of dyed products. ln the pulp and paper industry,
Also used in the garment printing industry for removal of healsealed garment
EDTA inhibits the ability of metal ions, especially Mn2', from catalyzing
transfers. usually sold in cans with methanol as the propellant gas. lti volatility
is the disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide, which is used in "chlorine-
exploited in novelty items
- drinking birds, bubble lights, and jukebox displayi.
free bleaching." ln similar manner, EDTA is added to some food as a
preservative or stabilizer to prevent catalytic oxidative decoloration,
Health Effects. Dichloromethane is the least toxic of the simple
chlorohydrocarbons, but it is not without its health risks as its high volatility which is catalyzed by metal ions.0 ln personal care products, it is added
makes it an acute inhalation hazard. Dichloromethane is also metabolized uy to cosmetics to improve their stability toward air. ln soft drinks containing
body to carbon monoxide potentially leading to carbon monoxide poisoning. ascorbic acid and sodium benzoate, EDTA mitigates formation of
Acute exposure by inhalation has resulted in optic neuropathyr antJ hepatitis. benzene (a carcinogen).
Prolonged skin contact can result in the dichloromethane dissolving some
of the
fatty tissues in skin, resulting in skin irritation or chemical burns


Ethylbenzene is a colorless liquid found in a number of products
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHp) is found in many ptastics. t
including gasoline and paints.

Fteatth Effects. Exposure to DEHP is generally very low. lncreased Effects on Flurnans: Breathing very high levels can cause dizziness and
exposures may come from intravenous fluids delivered through plastic throat and eye irritation. Breathing lower levels has resulted in hearing
tubing, and from ingesting contaminated foods or water. DEHp is not effects and kidney damage in animals.
toxic at the low levels usually present in the environment. In animals,
high levels of DEHP damaged the liver and kidney and affected the
ability to reproduce.
NIITI"RI toTffifiA#ETffi ,tr A,Su ffi (Nray

Used primarily in laundry detergents as a replacement Styrene is named after the styrax trees from whose sap
phosphates and in the treatment of boiler water prevent (benzoin resin) it can be extracted. Low levels of styrene occur naturally
accumulation of mineral scale. in plants as well as a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts,
beverages, and meats. The presence of the vinyl group allows styrene to
PotentialHealth Effucts: lnhalation: causes irritation to the respiratory polymerize. Commercially significant products include polystyrene, ABC,
tract. symptoms may incrude coughing, shortness of styrene-butadiene (SBR) rubber, styrene'butadiene latex, SIS (styrene-
breath. rngestion:'
Large_oraldoses may cause irritation to the gaskointestinar isoprene-styrene), S-EB-S (styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene), styrene-
skin contact: causes irritation to skin. symptoms incrude redness, divinylbenzene (S-DVB), and unsaturated polyesters. These materials
itching,.and pain. May be absorbed through ine are used in rubber, plastic, insulation, fiberglass, pipes, automobile and
skin with possible
systemiceffects. Eye Contact: Causes irritation, redness, and pain. boat parts, food containers, and carpet backing.
Ghronic Exposure: Repeated exposure to nitrilohiacetic
acid may
cause kidney damage and alter genetic material. Styrene is only weakly toxic, with an LD50 of 500-5000 mg/kg (rats).
The US EPA has described styrene as "a suspected carcinogen" and "a
suspected toxin to the gastrointestinal, kidney, and respiratory systems,
among others.

P,OIYN U.# TEAffi Arcffi M ATH,ffi

HYffi R,S trARtffi ,ffi rru S (pAffi st Tetrachloroethylene is a manufactured chemical used for dry cleaning
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pAHs), also known a and metal degreasing.
poly-aromatic hydrocarbons or polynuclear
hydrocarbons are chemical compounds that consistof Health Effects. Exposure to very high concentrations of
fused aromatic rings and do not contain heteroEms tetrachloroethylene can cause dizziness, headaches, sleepiness,
0r carry substituents. PAHs occur in oir, coar, and tar deposits, confusion, nausea, difficulty in speaking and walking, unconsciousness,
and are
produced as byproducts of fuer burning (whether and death.
fossir fuer or biomass).

Health Effects. As a pollutant, they are of concern because some

compounds have been identified as carcinogenic, mutagenic,
teratogenic. PAHs are also found in foods. studies have shown
most food intake of PAHs comes from cereals, oils and fats.
intakes come from vegetables and cooked meats
It is an aromatic hydrocarbon. Toluene is a common solvent,

able to dissolve paint, paint thinners, silicone sealants, The chemical compound trichloroethylene is a chlorinated hydrocarbon
chemical reactants, rubber, printing ink, adhesives (glues), lacquers, commonly used as an industrial solvent. lt is a clear non-flammable liquid
leather tanners, and disinfectants. lt can also be used as a fullerene with a sweet smell.
indicator, and is a raw material for toluene disocyanate (used
in the
manufacfure of polyrethane foam) and rNT. lt is arso used Health Effects. lnhalation: Vapors can irritate the respiratory kact.
as a cement
for fine polystyrene kits (by dissolving and then fusing surfaces) Causes depression of the central nervous system with symptoms of
as it can
be applied very precisery by brush and contains none of the visual disturbances and mental confusion, incoordination, headache,
buik of an
adhesive. nausea, euphoria, and dizziness. lnhalation of high concentrations could
cause unconsciousness, heart effects, liver effects, kidney effects, and
Like other solvents, toluene is sometimes also abused as an death. lngestion: Cases irritation to gastrointestinal tract. May also
drug for its intoxicating properties; however, this causes severe cause effects similar to inhalation. May cause coughing, abdominal pain,
neurological harm. diarrhea, dizziness, pulmonary edema, unconsciousness, Kidney failure
can result in severe cases. Estimated fatal dose is 3-5 ml/kg.

Health Eftcts. lnhalation: lnhalation may cause irritation of the upper

respiratory tract. Symptoms of overexposure may include fatigue,
Skin Contact: Cause irritation, redness and pain. Can cause blistering.
confusion, headache, dizziness and drowsiness. peculiar skii Continued skin contact has a defatting action and can produce rough,
(e. g. pins and needles)or numbness may be produced.
Very high dry, red skin resulting in secondary infection. Eye Contact: Vapors may
concenhalions may cause unconsciousness and death. lngestion: cause severe irritation with redness and pain. Splashes may cause eye
swallowing may cause abdominar spasms and other sympioms damage. Chronic Exposure: Chronic exposures may cause liver,
parallel over-exposure from inhalation. Aspiration of
mateiial into the kidney, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system effects.
lungs can cause chemicar pneumonitis, which may be fatar.
skin contact: Workers chronically exposed may exhibit central nervous system
causes irritation. May be absorbed through skin. Eye contact: causes depression, intolerance to alcohol, and increased cardiac output. This
severe eye irritation with redness and pain. Ghronic Exposure: material is linked to mutagenic effects in humans. This material is also a
Reports of
chronic poisoning describe anemia, decreased blood cell count
and bone suspect carcinogen. Aggravation of Pre+xisting Conditions: Persons
marrow hypoplasia. Liver and kidney damage may occur. Repeated
or with pre-existing skin disorders, cardiovascular disorders, impaired liver
prolonged contact has a defatting action, causing
drying, redness, or kidney or respiratory function, or central or peripheral neryous system
dermatitis. Exposure to toluene may affect the developing fetus.
disorders may be more susceptible to the effects of the substance.
Aggravation of Pre-existing conditions: persons with prelexisting
disorders or impaired liver or kidney function may be more suscJptible
the effects of this substance. Alcohoric beverage consumption
enhance the toxic effects of this substance.

Poly(vinyl chloride) is the plastic known at the hardware store as pVC.

This is the PVC from which pipes are made, and pVC pipe is
everywhere. The plumbing in your house is probably pVC pipe, unless
it's an older house. PVC pipe is use to make goal posts for their football
fields. The "vinyl" siding used on houses is made of poly(vinyl chloride).
lnside the house, PVC is used to make linoleum for the floor. ln the
seventies, PVC was often used to make vinyl car tops.

Health Efiects. workers in PVC plants were often exposed to high levels
of VCM. Due to the carcinogenicity of VCM; many of those workers have
contracted and died from cancer. The hepatotoxicity of VCM has long
been established since the 1930's when the pVC industry was just in its
infant stages. ln the very first study about the dangers of Vinyl Chloride
(VC), it was disclosed that exposure of test animals to just a single short-
term high dose of VC caused liver damage



Toluene and xylene are powerful compounds thal :areround,',m

household and industrialsubstances. Toluene and xylene poisoning can
occur when someone swallows these substances, breathes in their
vapors, or when these substances touch the skin

Xylene exhibits neurological effects. High levels from exposure for acute
(14 days or less) or chronic periods (more than 1 year) can cause
headaches, lack of muscle coordination, dizziness, confusion, and
balance . Exposure of people to high levels of xylene for short periods
can also cause irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat, difficulty in
breathing and other problems with the lungs, delayed reaction time,
memory difficulties, stomach discomfort, and possibly adverse effects on
the liver and kidneys. lt can cause unconsciousness and even death at
very high levels. Xylene or products containing Xylene should not be
used indoors or around food. Xylene is not a controlled substance.


& Carbofuran usage has increased in recent years because it is one of Pl
Aldrin and dieldrin are insecticides with similar chemical structures.
few insecticides effective on soybean aphids.
Highly persistent orgnochlorine compounds.

Carbofuran has one of the highest acute toxicities to humans of any

They are chemicals that are made in the laboratorv and do not
occur insectieide widely used on field crops (only aldicarb and parathion are
naturally in the environment. Aldrin and dieldrin can still enter the
more toxic). A quarter teaspoon ( 1 mL) can be fatal. Most carbofuran is
environment from accidental spills or leaks from storage containers
at applied by commercial applicators using closed systems with engineered
waste sites. Aldrin and dieldrin are still present in the environment
from controls so there is no exposure to it in preparation. Since its toxic effects
past uses. sunlight and bacteria in the environment can
change aldrin to are due to its activity as a cholinesterase inhibitor it is considered a
neurotoxic pesticide.

People who intentionally or accidentally ingested large amounts

of aldrin
or dieldrin suffered convulsions and some died. Health effects may
occur after a longer period of exposure to smaller amounts becauie
these chemicals build up in the body.

Atrazine, 2-chloro4-(ethyramine)-6-(isopropyramine)-s{riazine, an organic
compound consisting of an s-triazine+ing is a widely used herbicide. lis Chlordane, or chlordan, is an organochlorine compound that was used
use is
controversial due to its effects on nontarget species, such as on
amphibians, and as a pesticide. This white solid was an insecticide for crops like corn and
because of widespread contamination of watenvays and drinking water
supplies. cihus and on lawns and domestic gardens.Chlordane is one so-called
It is still one of the most widely used herbicides in the world.
,rny cyclodiene pesticide, meaning that it is derived from
herbicides, it is sold under numerous trade names.
hexachlorocyclopentadiene. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene forms an adduct
Health Eftcts. one of the primary ways that atrazine can affect.your health with cyclopentadine, and chlorination of this adduct give two isomers, 0
is by
altering the way that the reproductive system works. Akazine hai and B. The mixture is called chlordane. The p isomer is more bioactive.
been shown to
cause changes in blood hormone levels in animals that affected the
ability to
reproduce. some of the speciflc effects observed in animals are
not like{ to occur l'{ealth Effects. Exposure to chlordane metabolites may be associated
in occur in humans because of biological differences between humans with testicular cancer. The incidence of seminoma in men with the
and thus.
types of animals. However, atrazine may affect the reproductive system highest blood levels of cis-nonachlor was almost double that of rnen with
humans by a different mechanism. Atrazine also caused liver, kidney,
and heart the lowest levels. Prostate cancer has been associated with frans-
damage in animals; it is possible that ahazine could cause these effecls
in nonachlor levels, a component of chlordane.
humans, although this has not been examined.



most well-known synthetic pesticides. lt is a chemical

with a long, unique,
AGID (2,4"Dy
and controversial history.
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyace,tic acid, more commonly referred to as 2,4_D,
one of the most widely used herbicides throughout the world. It effectively
Heath Effects. Potential mechanisms of DDT on humans are genotoxicity
controls unwanted and invasive weeds across agriculturalfields, lawns,
and endoccrine disruption. DDT may have direct genotoxicityiut
may public parks, lakes and more.
also induce enzymes that produce other genotoxic intermediat.,
DNA adducts. lt is an endocrine disruptor; The DDT metabolite
DDT acts Health Eftcts. Toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity,
as an antiandrogen (but not as an estrogen). o,p'-DDT,
a minor reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute
component in commercial DDT has weak estrogenic activity. toxicity.
p,p'-DDT, the main component of DDT, has litfle
or no androgenic or
estrogenic activity

GH LOROPR@PAN E (DBGP['- Endrin is an organochloride that was primarily used as an insecticide. lt is
1,2'D_ibromo'3'chloropropane, (dibromochroropropane) colorless odorless solid, although commercial samples are often off-white.
better known lt is
also a rodenticide. This compound became infamous as persistent
as DBCP, is the active ingredient in the namaticides Nemagon, organic
also pollutant and for this reason is banned in many countries.
known as Fumazone. lt is a soilfumigant.

F[ealth Effeots. Endrin is toxic with an LD50 is 17.8 and 7.5 mg/kg (orar,
ln mammals it causes mare steririty. After discovery rat).
of its deleterious Acute endrin poisoning in humans affects primarily the nervous
system. Food
health effects on humans, the compound was banned contaminated wlth endrin caused several clusters of poisonings worldwide,
especially affecting children. orally ingested endrin is eliminated mostly
in feces.
It is very toxic to aquatic organisms, namery fish, aquatic invertebrates,
phytoplankon. The U.s. EPA has set a freshwater acute criterion of
and a chronic criterion of 0.036ug/1. ln saltwater, the numbers are acute
and chronic 0.0023u9/1. Human health contaminate criterion for water plus
organism is 0,059u9/1. Drinking water limits (maximum contaminant level (mcl))
is set to 2 ppb.
n u%"DlBRO MO ETHAN E (EthY[@m@ Lindane is an organochlorine insecticide that is still in relatively widespread use in

df,bnomnfidc) developed nations as well as in the third world. Many other organochlorines which
over the years have been linked to major health and environmental problems
have been banned or are no longer used. lncluded in this catalogue are aldrin,
1,2-Dibromoethane, also known as ethylene dibromide (EDB)' is the chemical
dieldrin and endrin which have virtually disappeared, and DDT, heptachlor and
compound with the formula BrCH2CH2Br. Although trace amounts occurs
toxaphene which have been banned in many countries but are still used quite
naturally in the ocean, where it is formed probably by algae and kelp, it is mainly a
extensively particularly in some developing countries.
synthetic. This a colorless liquid with a sweet odor, detectable at 10 ppm, is a
widely used and sometimes controversial fumigant.
Health Effects. Exposure to large amounts of lindane can harm the nervous
system, producing a range of symptoms from headache and dizziness to
Health Effects. The effects on people of breathing high levels are not known, but
seizures, convulsions and more rarely death. Lindane has not been shown to
animal studies with short-term exposures to high levels caused depression and
affect the immune system in humans and, it is not considered to be genotoxic.
collapse, indicating effects on the brain. Redness and inflammation, including skin
Prenatal exposure to B-HCH, an isomer of lindane and production byproduct, has
blisters and moth and stomach ulcers, can occur if large amounts are swallowed.
been associated with altered thyroid hormone levels and could affect brain
Some male workers had reproductive effects including damage to their sperm.
,2-dibromoethane, and birth defects were observed in the young of animals
were exposed while pregnant. 1,2-Dibromoethane is not known to cause birth
defects in humans.


MGPA [4'',(4METHYL" djrl
EPOXIDE (eomnbf,ncd)
Heptachlor is a chlorinated cyclodiene insecticide. Heptachlor epoxide is an
oxidation product of heptachlor. Heptachlor was used for about 30 years as a MCPA or 2-methyl4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid is a powerful, selective, widely-
contact insecticide, mainly in the control of termites and soil insects. All uses of used phenoxy herbicide. The pure compound is a brown-colored powder.
existing stocks oJ heptachlor were prohibited after April 15, 1988. Technical grade The LDro determined in an acute toxicity rat study is 63g mg/kg. single oral doses
heptachlor consists of about 73% heptachlor and22o/o trans-chlordane, and has
of 5 and 30 mg/kg body weight did not cause any acute toxic effects in human
low water solubility. Heptachlor epoxide is more stable than heptachlor and only
volunteers. This chemical has been observed to increase the risk of Amyotrophic
slightly water-soluble . Both compounds are persistent and bioconcentrate in the
lateral sclerosis (ALS).

The amine salt formulations can cause irreversible eye damage (blindness); ester
Animal studies in rats and mice provide sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity
formulations are considered non-irritating to the eyes.
of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide. From a quantitative assessment viewpoint t)ne study found that occupational exposure lo 2,4-D caused male reproductive
these studies are mostly limited to liver tumors in mice. Data from human
lrroblems, including dead and malformed sperm.
epidemiological studies are fragmentary and insufficient to supporl quantitative
assessment. The U.S. EPA has classified heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide as
probable human carcinogens.
Pendimethalin is a preemergent herbicide used to prevent crabgrass from
germinating. lt inhibits cell division and cellelongation. lt must be "watered in" so
that the chemical reaches the seeds deep in the soil.

By 24 hours after the administration of 37 mg/kg of radio-labeled pendimethalin to

rats, 90.3% of the dose was recovered in the feces and urine. After 96 hours'
95.8% of the dose was recovered in the urine (20.9%) and feces (74.9%). When a
lower dose was administered (7.3 mg/kg), 99.8% was recovered in the urine
(21.8%) and feces (78.0%) after 12 hours. After 96 hours, residues were less than
0.3 ppm in all body tissues except fat, which had 0.9 ppm. This study indicates
that ingested pendimethalin is largely unabsorbed by the bloodstream and
excreted through the feces. Pendimethalin which does become absorbed into the
bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract is rapidly metabolized in the kidneys
and liver and is then excreted in the urine.


found in two forms: PCP itself or as the sodium salt of PCP, which dissolves
easily in water. ln the past, it has been used as a herbicide, insecticide, fungicide,
al6aecide, disinfectant and as an ingredient in antifouling paint. Some applications
were in agricultural seeds (for nonfood uses), leather, masonry, wood
preservatlon, cooling tower water, rope and paper mill system.
6,5 - 8.5
Health Effects/ PCP is quickly absorbed through the gatrointestinal track following
5 - 7 for products water that
ingestion. Accumulation is not common, but if it does occur, the major sites are
undergone R0 or dlstlllatlon
the liver, kidneys, plasma protein, spleen and fat. Unless kidney and liver
functions are impaired, PCP is quickly eliminated from tissues and blood, and is
excreted, mainly unchanged or in conjugated form via the urine. Single doses of
PCP have half-lives in blood of 30 to 50 hours in humans. Biomagnification of
PCP in the food chain is not thought to be significant due to the fairly rapid
metabolism of the compound by exposed organisms.
! r,.,'=:it.',1 w;rt,r r.,lr
lrlso be subject to agricultural or industrial pollution which
MDffiUM CONTAIIINANT LEVEL FOR PHYSICAL AND CHETTICAL FOi !!'=, +r,r., I t=r'.1. lrr r:,rrtrnunities with water sources downstream from major
c,i',. F', ',f ,:rt, lt ( (,nl;lnlinants, the treatment process reduces the rawwater
ts€rri-E,ri. lrr qalti Irvr]l:i, bUt taSte may femain.

i i..- 1411,1 tro;rlrrrrrrl

l)rocess itself uses and may create chemicals which can
.€.;== l.i,'trr Wirtll r,,y[1ls[ rcsides in pipes for long periods of time
through lack
J r=* , "stale" taste . A "stale" water condition may occur in dead
'rrr l
TOTAL DISSOLVED 6+*t= irr ttru ,krltvnly :;ystem. Water conditions are more likely to occur in
souDs (rDA s*:,*,-, *r,Er lrl,llrtr trlnrperatures cause the disinfectant (which remains in the
<10 fior product water that l4<, lrl vrr y loriy l'rvglli mandated by DOH regulations) tO disSipate mOre
undergone RO or distillatlon ?,E [!r - t,rt,"
1,1,,111111 wittcr can indicate a lack of disinfectant,
ft+ler ir11l;r11111.1 l,l,rlr,rrr; with ion-exchange water softeners may notice a "salty"
l*;r= i,, 1;,,,1, w,rlrr llri:; COnleS frOm the Salt USed tO "eXChange" minerals that
t+Fr;e I rtrlrrn....

tE1,r=<.,,rrrr t,r..l,!,, ur rlrirrking water may also indicate unsafe plumbing,r i,. , ,rll',r l ( to,;ti-conneCtiOnS.

lhEe =ilr,rll,,
:lrrrttlrl lrc unobjectionable. The odor is normally a result of organic
Taste of water should be unobjectionable. lt may be due to the prosonr;e ol trrffi -E#c r,v6n ,ionlo lxlsticides in the water supply. Even very low amounts can
and manganese in the water which is indicated by a metallic taste. Otlrer cqmri '*
I*x*r' u lnploitiilnl odors into the water. Water can picks up odor from the
of the taste is the groMh of algae during warm months. The cause of tlro
ilt6 * ql l,r"'-,'rrl in llro ;rir.
unpleasant taste could also be due to 2-methylisoborneal (MlB) and gooarnlrr
The compounds are produced from the growth of certain atgae in froshwelan
Typically, MIB and geosmin levels increase in summer months whon llrrr wems
't+k ,,,t,,, r,,rrr:,r:tl by ciecaying waste in the drains causing waterdrawn at
weather accelerates the groMh of algae. People with sensitive palalos r:orr
klL. nr,,,,, r,r,.r,r,lt kr havc the Same odor.
detect MIB and geosmin in water at levels as low as 5 parts-per-trillion
f)€rrt,,; ,,r,l,rnr, nr,rlorirl, such as dead leaves or aquatic plants and algae,
Algae occur naturally in rivers and lakes, the source of water of sonro trl llra
ilB, .=,,,,* ".rw;rrillry," "gras=y," "woody" or "septic" odors. Water which
Water Districts. Decaying organic material, such as dead leaves 0r 0(1tntk !k'. tt,r,iF tyl'(J:, rrl r;herrricals is usually described as having a "phenolic,"
,,t Iryrlt1r.,trltttn,"
$*u.,,,, Of "plastic" OdOf.
plants and algae, often cause "swampy," "grassy," "woody" or ''septic" lnolal
Metallic taste in some water systems has a high mineral concentratkrrr gtvlrE lE kr ," rr,trrrtu,rl :,rrl;lls are normally a result of organic matter or even some
consumer a salty or soda taste. peU". trr ll,rr w,rlrrr :rupply- Even very low amounts can introduce Unpleasant
J)r= r,t,, llrrr w,rtrrr I rrrpcntirre odor can be a result of MTBE contamination

Blue or Green Color - A green or blue color is generalty a result of copper in
Disinfected water may also retain a faint "bleachy" odor. Generally this occurs your water supply, or copper pipes and corrosive water. The copper can cause
when the water is treated at the water treatment plant to disinfect it. The addition staining of the fixtures and laundry. copper is regulated in drinking water by the
of chlorine is used to kill off bacteria and other harmful microorganisms PNSDW at 1.0 ppm. Copper can become a problem and the effects are
diarrhea, and general gastrointestinal distress.
The Rotten egg odor is usually a result of decaying organic deposits
underground. As water flows through these areas, hydrogen sulfide gas is cloudy white or Foamy - cloudy water is usually due to turbidity. Turbidity is
picked up, and when this water reaches the surface or comes out of the faucet, caused by finely divided particles in the water, When light hits the water, it is
the gas is released into the air, Hydrogen sulflde gas produces the rotten egg scattered, giving a cloudy look to the water. The particles may be of either
odor, can be corrosive to plumbing at high concentrations, and can tarnish silver organic or inorganic nature. Neither one causes any harmful effects to the body,
rapidly. although they can cause abrasions to pipes, or possible staining of sinks.

Turbidity is the lack of clarity or brilliance in water. Water may have a
"Clean" water should be clear with no noticeable color deposits. The PNSDW
great deal of color - it may even be dark brown - and still be clear and
2007 regulated a 5 CU (true) and 10 CU (apparent)for color in drinking water.
without suspended matter.
Common colors include:
Turbidity and suspended matter are not synonymous terms. Suspended
Red or Brown Color - A red, brown or rusty color is generally indicative of matter is that material which can be removed from water through
imn or manganesa in your water. Disadvantages to iron in your water include filtration or the coagulation*filtration process.
stains in sinks, or discolored laundry.

TurBidity, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of light

Yellow Color - This coloration occurs in regions where the water has passed
scattered and absorbed by water because of the suspended matter in
through marshlands and then moved through peat soils. lt is more commonly
the water.
found in surface water supplies and shallow wells. Although the yellow color may
be displeasing, it presents no health hazard, as it is only small particles
suspended in the water.

When water has a large amount of such suspended particles, we lose
our zest for it. While it may be safe to drink, it seems offensive. The Chloride is always present in groundwater in varying amounts. ln
PNSDW 2007 Regulations recommend that turbidity of potable water be addition to chloride entering the groundwater from leaching of
less than 5 NTU. The suspended particles clouding the water may be sedimentary rock and salt deposits, other sources of contamination are
due to such inorganic substances as clay, rock flour, silt, calcium sewage and industrial discharges, Ieachate from dumps and landfiils,
carbonate, silica, iron, manganese, sulfur, or industrial wastes. Again, and saltwater intrusion. while a sudden increase in the chloride content
the clouding may be caused by organic substances such as various of a water supply may not dramatically affect the water quality, the
microorganisms, finely divided vegetable or animal matter, grease, fat, increase may indicate a connection with a source of contamination and
oil, and others. the increasing chloride levels. Needless to say that the possibility of
contamination of the water from the service pipes passing seepage from
While turbidity may be due to a single foreign substance in water, septic tank effluents is a possibility plus natural occurrences such as
chances are it is probably due to a mixture of several or many earth tremors and earth movements where the service pipes are laid.
substances. These particles may range in size from fine colloidal chloride in drinking water is generally not harmful to human beings until
materials to coarse grains of sand that remain in suspension only as high concentrations are reached, although it may be harmful to some
long as the water is agitated. Those particles which quickly sink to the people suffering from heart or kidney disease. Restrictions on chloride
bottom are usually called sediment. concentrations in drinking water are generally based on palatability
requirements rather than on health.

Copper is a reddish metal that occurs naturally in rock, soil, water,
Aluminum, although relatively non-toxic in healthy individuals, there is now
sediment, and air. High levels of copper occur if corrosive water comes
abundant evidence that it may cause adverse effects on the nervous system if
in contact with copper plumbing and copper-containing fixtures in the
present in the drinking water. Kidney disease patients, who are exposed to high
levels of aluminum in dialysis fluids and medications, develop dialysis
water distribution system. lf corrosive water remains motionless in the
encephalopathy, a progressive form of dementia characterized by speech and plumbing system for six hours or more, copper levels rnsy exceed 1,000
behavioral changes, tremors, convulsions, and psychosis. Most experts agree ug/|. The level of copper in drinking water increases with the corrosivity
that high levels of aluminum in dialysis fluids and medications are responsible of the water and the length of time it remains in contact with the
for the dementia, and controlling these levels of aluminum significantly reduces plumbing. lmmediate effects from drinking water which contains
the incidence of this disease. Aluminum has also been associated with severe elevated levels of copper include vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps
diseases ofthe nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease, amyokophic and nausea. The seriousness ofthese effects can be expected to
lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), and Alzheimer's disease. An unusually
increase with increased copper levels or length of exposure. Children
high incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson's dementia
under one year of age are more sensitive to copper than adults. Long-
suggest a possible correlation with local environmental conditions, which include
term exposure (more than 14 days)to copper in drinking water which is
high levels of aluminum and low levels of calcium and magnesium in soil and
food. Humans with these disorders tend to have high levels of aluminum in much higher than 1,000 ug/l has been found to cause kidney and liver
some areas of their brains. lntake of large amounts of aluminum can also cause clamage in infants. Other persons who are highly susceptible to copper
anemia, osteomalacia (brittle or soft bones), glucose intolerance, and cardiac toxicity include people with liver damage or Wilson's disease.
arrest in humans.
lron is mainly present in water in two forms: either the soluble ferrous iron or the
The hardness is caused by calcium and magnesium in water. lron may insoluble ferric iron. Water may contain ferrous iron which is clear and colorless
also contribute in the hardness of water. Hard water may cause soap since the iron is completely dissolved. But when the water was exposed to air, the
scum in sinks and bathtubs, bathtub rings, spots on dishes or shower water turns cloudy and a reddish brown substance begins to form. This sediment is
the oxidized or ferric form of iron that will not dissolve in water. lron is not hazardous
doors, reduced foaming and cleaning abilities of soaps and detergents,
to health, but it is considered an aesthetic contaminant. The water has a
dingy and yellowed clothes with soapy residues that require extra disagreeable taste. When the iron combines with tea, coffee and other beverages, it
rinsing to remove, clogged pipes from buildup of minerals, and possible produces an inky, black appearance and a harsh, unacceptable taste,
skin infections from bacteria happed in pores underneath soap scum. Concentrations of iron will leave reddish brown stains on fixtures, tableware and
Calcium is sometimes refened to as lime. Although it is essentialfor a laundry that are very hard to remove. When these deposits break loose from water
piping, rusty water will flow through the faucet. When iron exists along with certain
human health, excess of this, according to medical findings, may lead to
kinds of bacteria, problems can become even worse. To survive, the bacteria utilize
the development of kidney stones and sclerosis of kidneys and blood
the iron, leaving behind a reddish brown or yellow slime that can clog plumbing and
vessels. The presence of calcium was confirmed by the presence of cause an offensive odor. This slime or sludge is noticeable in the toilet tank when the
crystalline lime deposits in the base of the kettle used for heating water. lid is removed. The complication is when iron combines with different naturally
occuning organic materials; it may also exist as an organic contplex. The
combination of naturally occurring organic material and iron can be found in the
source deep well water. This type of iron is usually yellow or brown but may be


Manganese is a mineral that naturally occurs in rocks and soil.
Hydrogen sulfide although is almost always at hand in warm water
Exposure to high concenkations of manganese over the course of years
supply source. lt is formed by sulfur bacteria that may occur naturally in
has been associated with toxicity to the nervous system, producing a
water. These bacteria use the sulfur in decaying plants, rocks, or soil as
syndrome that resembles Parkinsonism and increase in neurologic
theirfood or energy source and as a by-product produce hydrogen
effects such as weakness and fatigue, disturbances in gait, and
sulfide. The sulfur bacteria do not cause disease, but their presence in
neuromuscular effects. This type of effect may be more likely to occur
water does give water a nuisance "rotten egg" smell and taste.
in the elderly. Manganese is unlikely to produce other types of toxicity
such as cancer or reproductive damage. Certain baby formulas contain
manganese, and if prepared with water that also contains manganese;
the infant may get a higher dose than the rest of the family. ln addition,
young children appear to absorb more manganese than older age
groups but excrete less. This adds up to a greater potential for
exposure in the very young. Pregnant women and young children shall
not be allowed to drink water containing excess manganese,

Sodium can be present in the water as sodium chloride (salt in
pH or Potential Hydrogen (The potential of electric for positive groundwater due to natural salt deposits, induskial processesr
Hydrogen ions) effluent, and water softener backwash). persons suffering from
hypertension or congestive failure may require a sodium-restricted
pH can be important for a variety of reasons, especially for guessing diet in which case the intake of sodium from drinking water may be
electrolytic properties. significant. Heart associations recommend reduced intake of sodium in
water as it contributes to high blood pressure. The danger of high blood
Basically, the pH value determines whether water is hard or soft. The pressure is possible damage to the heart and arteries, which
mly result
pH of pure water is 7. ln general, water with a pH lower than 7 is in heart attack, stroke, or possible damage to other body organs.
considered acidic, and with a pH greater than 7, basic. The normal
range for pH in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5 and for groundwater
systems 6 to 8.5. Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of the water to
resist a change in pH that would tend to make the water more acidic.
The measurement of alkalinity and pH is needed to determine the
corrosiveness of the water.

Water with a low pH (< 6.5) could be acidic, soft, and corrosive. The
water could contain metal ions such as iron, manganese, copper, lead,
and zinc. ..0r, on other words, elevated levels of toxic metals. This can sulfate is a substance that occurs naturally in drinking water. Diarrhea
cause premature damage to metal piping, and have associated and dehydration are health concern with the ingestion of water
aesthetic problems such as a metallic or sour taste, staining of laundry, containing high levels of sulfate. lt is due to the laxative effects of sulfate
and the characteristic "blue-green" staining of sinks and drains. More when people experience an abrupt change from drinking water with low
importantly, there is health risks associated with these toxins. sulfate concentrations to drinking water with high sulfate concentrations.
lnfants are more sensitive than adults. High sulfate content in drinking
Water with a pH > 8.5 could indicate that the water is hard. Hard water water would give off a medicinal taste and may render the water
does not pose a health risk, but can cause aesthetic problems. These unpleasant to drink. High sulfate levels may also corrode plumbing,
problems include an alkali taste to the water, formation of a deposit on particularly copper piping. ln areas with high sulfate levels, plumbing
dishes, utensils, and laundry basins, difficulty in getting soaps and materials more resistant to corrosion, such as plastic pipe, are
detergents to lather, and formation of insoluble precipitates on clothing. commonly used.

According to a Wilkes University study, the pH value of the water is not

a measure of the strength of the acidic or basic solution, and alone
cannot provide a full picture of the characteristics or limitations with the
water supply. li became academic that only a sanitary engineer could
determine this.
TOTAL DTSSOtVED SOtIDS (TDS) @xndatflon-Rcduetnon
Potemtuafi on @RF (Redox)
Total dissolved solids (TDS) refers to the total amount of mobile
charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in a given oRP stands for "oxygen reduction potential." This is a scale which
volume of water. The TDS is directly related to the purity and quality of the ability of water to reduce or oxidize toxins. A positive ORp
means the water
water and water purification systems and affects everything that can't oxidize toxins. A negative oRp means the water can. The
one that gains
consumes lives in or uses water, whether organic or inorganic. Most an electron is said to be "reduced." In picking up that extra electron,
it lose-s the
often, high levels of TDS are caused by the presence of potassium, electrical energy that makes it "hungry,'for more electrons.

chlorides and sodium. These ions have little or no shorl{erm effects,

The process of oxidation "steais" erectrons from the surface being
but toxic ions such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, nitrate and others may oxidized.
when measuring something's oxidizing potentiar, it is expressed in *gpp.n6
also be dissolved in the water. ln agricultural areas, the water may
measures the concenhation of 0H+ ions or oxidizing agents. when
contain organic sources such as leaves, silt, plankton, and industrial measuring
something's oxidation reduction potential, it is expressed in terms
of -oRp ani
waste and sewage and a larger possibility of fertilizers and pesticides measures the concentration of oH- ions or reducing agents. ln its
most basic
used on farms. Water may also pick up metals such as lead or copper form a reducing agent is an'antioxidant,,- reducing oxidation.
as they travel through pipes used to distribute water to consumers. ln
addition, the best water purification systems on the market require
monitoring for TDS to ensure the filters and/or membranes are
effectively removing unwanted particles and bacteria from the water.

Water containing high negative ORp (-1S0 to -350 mV or higher negative

Z[NG values), low dissolved oxygen (DO), extremely high dissolved moleiular
hydrogen (DH), the body is detoxifled, hydrated and fed with oxygen (abitity
neutralize oxygen free radicals). This leads to better digestion,-nettei
Zinc is one of the most common elements in the earth's crust. lt is found metabolism, less stress, more energy, etc. Note that the high pH is
in air, soil, and water, and is present in all foods. Some is released into accidental corollary mainly due to the concentration of mineralalkaline
ions not
the environment by natural processes, but most comes from human inextricably linked to concentration of negative hydrogen ions. lt is
not the basis
activities like mining, steel production, coal burning, and burning of for healthy ionized "reduced" water as commonly advertized by botfled
waste. lt attaches to soil, sediments, and dust particles in the air. Rain which are being marketed in convenient stores nationwide. Most
of this
"alkaline" water has added minerals on them
remove zinc dust particles from the air. Depending on the type of soil, but with positive oRp. The oRp of
most tap water in the Philippines is between +200 to +600 mV and
some zinc compounds can move into the groundwater and into lakes, therefore is
an oxidizing agent. Most botiled waters are very acidic (low pH)and
streams, and rivers. Most of the zinc in soil stays bound to soil particles also have
higher ORPs (over +400mv).
and does not dissolve in water. lt builds up in fish and other organisms,
but it does not build up in plants. Harmful effects of zinc are when
ingested in large doses even for a short time can cause stomach
cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Taken longer, it can cause anemia and
decrease the levels of the good cholesterol. High levels of zinc may
affect reproduction in humans and rats that were fed large amounts of
zinc became infertile.

Some Asian countries have attempted to market ceramic balls or pellets called DISINFECTION and DIS|NFECT|ON BY.PRODUCTS
antioxidative ceramics, sometimes in powder forms of several gemstones
including tourmaline and jade, and sometimes some powdered metals which
only produced small drop in ORP and containing slow+elease sulfur compounds
as preservatives to help reduce overgroMh of undesirable microbes when these
ceramic balls are incorporated in water filters. A number of Asian companies
also offers various plastic-shelled "water sticks", which, when immersed in a
bottle of spring water or in a pitcher of water, will lower the ORP of the water.
The plastic-shelled sticks, of course, contain small ceramic balls or pellet which
exhibit reducing properties, much as described above. These water sticks are
usually marketed as "active hydrogen" or "hydrogen+ich'water sticks, and the
vendors claim that they will reduce the ORP of a one-half liter bottle of spring
water by anywhere from 50 mV to 400 mV over a period of 12 lo 24 hours after
the immersible stick has been placed in contact with the water. All of these
products have not proven to be a true "reduce/'.

The design of the complete water purification system producing high negative
ORP is largely technological proprietary by some advanced-level sanitary
engineers in the Philippines.




0.3 MIN - detected at the hrthest polnt


1.5 MN( detected at any point in the

Bromate is formed when ozone used to disinfect drinking water reacts
Acrylamide is a chemicalthat is used to make polyacrylamide materials.
with naturally occurring bromide found in source water. Bromate
Polyacrylamide is used in the treatment of drinking-water and waste
formation in disinfected drinking water is infruenced by factors such as
water where it is used to remove particles and other impurities. lt is also
bromide ion concentration, pH of the source water, the amount of ozone
used to make glues, paper and cosmetics. Polyacrylamide materials
and the reaction time used to disinfect the water.
contain very small amounts of acrylamide. Residual acrylamide
monomer occurs in the use of anionic, cationic and non-ionic
Health lssues. Bromate in drinking water is undesirable because it is a
polyacrylamide coagulant aids.
suspected human carcinogen. lts presence in Coca Cola,s Dasani
bottled water forced a recall of that product in the UK. proposals to
Acrylamide induces gene mutations and has been found in animal tests
reduce bromate formation include switching to enclosed atmospheric
to cause benign and malignant stomach tumors.
tank contact systems, lowering the water pH to between 5.g - 6.3, and
It is also known to cause damage to the central and peripheral nervous
limiting the doses of ozone.


chlorine dioxide is a yellow to reddish-yellow manufactured gas. lt does
Epichlorohydrin is used for the manufacture of glycerol, unmodified
not occur naturally in the environment. When added to water, chlorine
epoxy resins and water tretment resin.
dioxide forms chlorite ion, which is also a very reactive chemical.

Health Effects. Epichlorohydrin vapor is irritating to the mucous

l-lealth lssues. Both chlorine dioxide and chlorite react quickly in water
membranes of the respiratory tract. Lung injury, which may be delayed,
or moist body tissues. Breathing air containing chlorine dioxide gas may
can result from inhalation of epichlorohydrin vapor. Liver and kidney
cause nose, throat, and lung irritation. Eating or drinking large amounts
injury can result from respiratory exposure or prolonged skin contact.
of chlorite salts may cause irritation in the mouth, esophagus, or
stomach. There is no evidence that chlorine dioxide or chlorite affect
reproduction in humans.

Studies in animals exposed to high amounts of chlorine dioxide or

chlorite have shown effects similar to those seen in exposed people.
Chlorates are relatively toxic, though they form generally harmless
Halogenated acetonitriles are not produced on an industrial scale.
halogenated acetonitriles have been detected in chlorinated drinking-water
chlorides upon reduction. in a
number of countries as a consequence of the reaction of bromine
w'ith natural
organic substances (and chlorine in the case of chlorinated acetonitriles) presenl
Health lssues. As sodium or potassium chlorate, one of the original in untreated water. The only known route of human exposure is through
chemical herbicides but now largely superseded. Animals may be chlorinated drinking-water .

poisoned if they eat pasture or plant contaminated by the spray or the

dry powder. lt may also be administered accidentally because of its Potential Health Effects: Eye: May cause eye irritation. Lachrymator
similarity to sodium chloride. Causes gastroenteritis with dianhea, nitrite (substance which increases the flow of tears). skin: May cause
skin irritation.
poisoning with anoxia and intravascular hemolysis resulting in anemic lngestion: Harmful if swallowed. May cause irritation of the digestive tract. The
toxicological properties of this substance have not been fully investigated.
lnhalation: May cause respiratory hact irritation. The toxicologicd
froperties of
this substance have not been fully investigated. chronic: No information

DrcHrORoAcETrc A0rE)
(trEehloroacetaldehyde) --I Dichloroacetic acid is produced as a by-product during chlorination of
water containing humic substances. Consequentty, it may occur in
Chloral hydrate is a sedative and hypnotic drug as well as a chemical reagent drinkingwater after chlorine-based disinfection of raw waters containing
and precursor. natural organic substances and in swimming pools

Chloral hydrate is soluble in both water and alcohol, readily forming Fotemt$a8 Hea[th Effeats: lnhalation: Burning sensation, sore throat,
concentrated solutions. A solution ofchloral hydrate in alcohol called "knockout coughing, heavy breathing/shortness of breath, Skin/Dermal: clry r;kirr
drops" was used to prepare a Mickey Finn. More reputable uses of chloral
hydrate include its use as a clearing agent of chitin (and fibers) and as a key
and localized redness, Eyes:r edness and pain, lngestion: ahr -,-{ _
pain, diarrhea, cough, dizziness, nausea
ingredient of Hoyer's mounting medium, which is used for slide-mounted
observation of organisms under the microscope. lt is, together with chloroform, a
minor by-product of the chlorination of water (when organic residues are present
in the water). ,

Health lssues. Long-term use of chloral hydrate is associated with a rapid

development of tolerance to its effects as well as adverse effects including
rashes, gastric discomfort and hepatic failure.
Halogenated acetonitriles are produced during water chlorination or
chlorinated acetic acids are formed from organic material ouring
chlorination. monochloroacetic acid is present in surface water
distribution systems al<2-82 pg/litre, with a mean concenkation of 2.1
chloramination from naturally occurring substances, including algae,
pg/litre. ln groundwater distribution systems, monochloroacetic
fulvic acid and proteinaceous material. ln general, increasing acid is
present at <2-59 pg/litre, with a mean concentration of 1.5 pg/litre.
temperature and/or decreasing pH have been associated with increasing
concentrations of halogenated acetonltriles. Ambient bromide
Acute/Chronic Hazards: lngestion of MCA produces corrosive damage
levels appear to in.uence, to some degree, the speciation of
and systemic poisoning The sodium salt (Na-MCA) is also absorbed and
halogenated acetonitrile compounds. Dichloroacetonitrile is by far the
causes poisoning.
most predominant halogenated acetonitrile species detected in drinking-

Acute/Chronic Hazards: When heated to decomposition

Dichloroacetonitrile emits toxic fumes of chlorine, cyanides and nitrogen

Formaldehyde in drinking-water arises mainly from the oxidation of
chlorinated acetic acids are formed from organic material during water
chlorination. Chlorine's potent oxidizing power causes it to reaci

with naturally occurring organic material in raw water to produce

natural organic (humic) matter during ozonation and chlorination. lt also
hundreds of chlorinated organic compounds, referred to generically as
enters drinking-water via leaching from polyacetal plastic fittings in
chlorination disinfection by-products (CBps).
which the protective coating has been broken.

Acute/Ghnonio Hazands: Cough. Sore throat, skin and eyes Redness,

Acute/0hronic Hazards: Large formaldehyde exposures, for example
Pain. Trichloroacetate induced hepatic tumors only in mice. lt act as
from drinking formaldehyde solutions, are potentially deadly.
tumor promoters, but likely via different mechanisms: trichloroacetate
Formaldehyde is converted to formic acid in the body, leading to a rise in
has been shown to be a peroxisome proliferator,
blood acidity (acidosis), rapid, shallow breathing, blurred vision or
complete blindness, hypothermia, and, in the most severe cases, coma
or death. People who have ingested formaldehyde require immediate
medical attention.
2,&,6=TRI e H L0 R0 PH E f,l 0 tH
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol, also known as TCP, phenaclor, Dowicide 25,
Dowcide 25, omal, is a chlorinated phenolthat has been used as a
fl ffi :,'#J:ffi [il:i',.:#ffi :::i:li i:il;r,::; ::: ffi:
retardant and as an intermediate in chemicars manuiacturing.
Today it is used
fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, antiseptic, defoilant and glue only as a laboratory reagent. smail quantities of dibromochroromethane
preervative. lt is a yellow solid with a strong, sweet odor. lt decomposes produced in ocean by algae.
on heating to produce toxic and corrosive fumes including hydrogen and
chlorine. Chlorophenols are present in drinking water as a result of the Potential Health Effects: Eye: causes eye irritation. skin: causes
skin irritation,
chlorination of phenols, as by-products of the hypochlorite with phenolic May be harmful if absorbed through the skin. lngestion: Harmful
if swallowed.
May cause irritation of the digestive kact. May ciuse effects
acid. similar to those of
acute inhalation. lnhalation: lnhalation of high concentrations
may cause central
nervous system effects characterized by nausea, headache,
Oral exposure to 2,4,6{richlorophenol in rats and mice resulted in an dizziness,
unconsciousness and coma. Causes respiratory tract initation.
increased incidence of lymphomas or leukemias and hepatocellular Methemoglobinemia is characterized by dizziness, drowsiness, headache,
adenomas or carcinomas. shortness of breath, cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin due to
oxygenation of the blood), rapid heart rate and chocolate-brown blood.
May be
harmful if inhaled. May cause river damage. chronic: May cause
according to animal studies. prolonged exposure may produce
a narcotic effect.


Bromoform is produced naturally by phytoplankton and seaweeds in the
Bromodichloromethane is a kihalomethane with formula i I
ocean and this is thought to be the predominant source to the
It has been formerly used as a flame retardant, solvent for
fats anj
waxes and because of its high density for minerar separation. Now
it is only
environment However locally significant amounts of bromoform enter rrsed as a reagent or intermediate in organic chemistry.
the environment formed as disinfection byproducts known as the
trihalomethanes when chlorine is added to drinking water to kill bacteria. I he most llkely way people are exposed to bromodichroromethane
is by drinking
It is somewhat soluble in water and readily evaporates into the air. r:hlorinated water. You may breathe vapors released
:;wimming pool or in the home (cooking, washing dishes,
from chlorinated water in i
Bromoform is a confirmed animal carcinogen. bathing, etc.). Some
lrromodichloromethane may enter your body direcily through your
skin when
bathing or swimming. People who live near a waste site containing
Bromoform can be absorbed into the body by inhalation and through the
lrromodichloromethane could be exposed by drinklng contaminated groundwater
skin. The substance is irritating to the respiratory kact, the eyes and the
rrr breathing vapors released to the air. people
who work at or live near a
skin and may cause effects on the central nervous system and liver,
l;rtroratory or factory that makes or uses this chemicar courd
be exposed by
resulting in impaired functions. lt is soluble in about 800 parts water and Irreathing bromodichloromethane in the air,
is miscible with alcohol, benzene, chloroform, ether, petroleum ether,
acetone, and oils. lts LDuo is 7.2 mmol/kg in mice, or 1.Bg/kg.
Health Effects. Animar studies indicate that the liver,
kidney, and central nervous
system are affected by exposure to bromodichroromethane.
The effects of high
doses on the centrar neryous system incrude sleepiness
and incoordination.
Longer exposure to rower doses causes damage
io the river and r,iuney.. inere
is some evidence from animal studies
that broiodichroromethane maf cause
birth defects at doses high enough to make the
mother sick. rt is not known ii
lower doses would cause birth defects.

There is evidence that eating or drinking bromodichroromethane

causes river,
kidney, and intestinar cancer in rats and mice.
Researches has determined that
bromodichloromethane is reasonabry anticipated
to be a human .rr.inog.n. Th.
PNSDW 2007 is 0.06 mg/l.

OHKOROFORM ffi ffi ffi ,$,S AtPiE{ A Arffi T[V$ TY

Alpha particles are a type of ionizing radiation ejected by the nuclei of some
Ghloroform is the ORGANrc coMpouND with formura
CHCI, THMs unstable atoms. They are large subatomic fragments consisting of 2 protons and
are formed by the reaction of free chrorine with naturar 2 neutrons.
organic matter
man-made organic matter or bromide. The NoM iesponsibre
Sgy), for
THMs consists of humic and furvic acids produced The health effects of alpha particles depend heavily upon how exposure takes
by decaying
maiter. chloroform is typically found at higher concentrations place.
in potabte
water than any other THM.
lf alpha emitters have been ingested (swallowed) or absorbed into the blood
stream, sensitive living tissue can be exposed to alpha radiation. The resulting
Health Effects, The major effect from acute (short-term)
exposure to chloroform is central nervous system
inharation biological damage increases the risk of cancer; in particular, alpha radiationii
depression. chronic known to cause lung cancer in humans when alpha emitters are inhaled.
(long-term)exposure to chroroform by inharition
in humans has resurted
in effects on the river, incruding hepa[itis and jaundice, The greatest exposures to alpha radiation for average citizens comes from the
and centrar
nervous system effects, such as depression and irritability. inhalation of radon and its decay products, several of which also emit potent
has been shown to be carcinogenic in animals alpha radiatlon.
after oral exposure,
resulting in an increase in kidney and liver tumors.
A,0T$V[T.'V KAffioN,es
Alpha particles are a type of ionizing radiation ejected by the nuclei
unslable atoms. rhey are large subatomic fragments consisting
of some
Radon is a gas that has no color, odor, or taste and con rrom,n. **ru
radioactive breakdown of uranium in the ground. You can be exposed to radon
of 2 protons and by two main sources:
2 neutrons.

(3)radon In the air in your home (frequently called "radon in indoor aii') and
The health effects of alpha particles depend heavily upon how exposure
takes (2) radon in drinking water.

Radon can get into the air your breathe and into the water you drink. Radon is
lf alpha emitters have been ingested (swailowed) or absorbed
into the brood
also found in small amounts in outdoor air.
stream, sensitive living tissue can be exposed to alpha radiation.
The resulting
biological damage increases the risk of cancer; in particurar, arpha
radiation is Only about 1-2 percent of radon in the air comes from drinking water. However
known to cause lung cancer in humans when arpha emitters are inhaled.
breathing radon released to air from tap water increases the risk of lung cancer
over the course of your lifetime. Some radon stays in the water; drinking water
The greatest exposures to alpha radiation for average citizens comes
from the containing radon also presents a risk of developing internal organ cancers,
inhalation of radon and its decay products, several of which also emit potent
primarily stomach cancer. However this risk is smaller than the risk of developing
alpha radiation.
lung cancer from radon released to air from tap water.

'GffiffiS' ffiIffiTA
Beta particles are subatomic particles ejected from the nucleus of
radioactive atoms. They are equivalent to electrons. rhe difference PROCESS
is that beta
particles originate in the nucleus and electrons originate (Sec. 4.4.1.b, SIRR of Chap. ll, P.D. 856)
outside the nucleus.
The health effects of alpha particles depend heavily upon how exposure
place. Shall be based on the following:

Beta radiation can cause both acute and chronic health effects. Acute 6.Characteristic of the source water;
are uncommon. contact with a strong beta source from an abandoned T.Availability of the appropriate purification technology;
instrument is the type of circumstance in which acute exposure could 8.Environmentally sound;
Chronic effects are much more common. 9.Ecologically safe;
'10.Cost efficient.

chronic effects result from fairly low-level exposures over a along period
of time.
They develop relatively srowry (5 to 30 years for exampre). The main
chronic The water treatmenUpurification system shall be design by a Registered
health effect from radiation is cancer. when taken internally beta emitters
can Sanitary Engineer trained by PSSEI (PRB Res. No. 02, s, 2004).
cause tissue damage and increase the risk of cancer. The
risk of cancer
increases with increasing dose.
ffimum*wffiffiwfirumffims ffimwwffiffiTnuwwmu
CoagulaUon/Filtration; Submicron Filtration; BENZENE Aerationi AC
RO; UF, Distillation
Chemical oxidation/Decontamination; CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Aeration; AC
R0; Distillation;
Coagulation/Filtration; Submicrcn Filtration;
Anion Exchanoe: 1,2. DICHLOROBENZENE Aenation; AC
Activated Atumina; RO; Distiltation; etectroOiatysis;
aC " '
BARIUM Cation Exchange; RO; distillation; Electrodialysis Aeration; AC


Electrocoagulation; Electrolytic Catalytic precipitation (ECp):
:x9ltalge; Multi Stage RO; Other Precipitation Methods; Cnemicat Aeration; AC
Oxidation; ElectroOhemical Tx; Electrodlalysis;
CADUIUM Coagulatiorr/Filtration; Submicmn Fittration;
RO; Distillation;
Electrodialysis DICHLOROMETHANE Aeration

CHROMIUM ftotal) Coagulatior/Filtration; Submicron Filtration: D(2.ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE AC

RO; Distillation;
Electrodialysis; Cation Exchange; Anion
Exchange EDETTC ACID (EDTA) Filtration; PCO process; H202; UV/Solar Light
CYANIDE ffotat) g!.Ti*! Oxidation/Decontamination
@ pH > 10;Anion Exchange; ETHYLBENZENE Aeration; AC
RO; Distillation; Electrodualysis
FLUORIDE Activated Alumina; Bone Chart R0; Distillation;
LEAD e'!Bn-sq (20%'90%); coagulatior/Filtration; submicron
Fiktratior/AC; RO; Distiilation; Elecirodialysis

ffi muroruwffi ffir,rluw wflNlxffi me rumm[nffiwffiwwffimffimH

Fittratior/M0; Cation Exchange (20%-90%); Chemical Oxidation/Ozonation; lon
!y!.1nicron RO;
Distillation; Electrodialysis; Anion Exchanie ExchangdDemineralization; Nitrifi catiorVDenitrifi cation
NICKEL Cation Exchange; RO; Distillation; Electrodialysis POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC AC
NITRIIE Ghemical Oxidatior/Decontaminatioq
Anion Exchange; R0;
Distillation; Electrodialysis SWRENE Aeratiou AC
NITRATE Distillation; Electrodialysis; RO (sensitive to pressure); TETRACHLOROETHENE
Anion Aeration; AC
TOLUENE Aeration; AC
SELENIUM Distillation; Electnodialysis;RO; Coagulation/Filtration;
Submicron TRICHLOROETHENE Aeration; AC
FiltraioniAO; Anion Exchange; Actiaied

XYLENE Aeration; AC
ffiwwffiwruwwms ffirumromnwffiwwm
ALDRIN and DIELDRIN (combined)



Coagulation/Filtration; Submicron Filttrtion; UF; RO; Cartridge Filtration

GACi matched to turbidity particle size; Distillation
t,2.DlBROi,lO.3.CHLOROPROpANE (DBCp) Cation Exchange; RO; Distillation; Electrodialysis

2,'IOICHLOROPHENOXYACET|C ACID (2,4.D) Electrodialysis; Anion Exchange; Distillation; RO

R0; Distillation; Cation Exchange (20%.90%)

ffimmmwffiffi$rTlmrmffiwffiffits rummruwffiwut$Immmffime

\-'rr''e'rs nqrduurr' AU Lime-Soda.Ash Tx; Cation Exchange; Filtration; Electromagnetic Water
dibfOmidel Conditionq RO;AC/GAC
I HFptanur no --r
HEpTACHLOR AC =------- --
.____,____-_=1 r

Filtration; Oxidizing Filter; Chlorination/potassium permanganate; AC;


Filtration (oxidizing filters); Cation Exchange; RO; pressure
Aeration/Fittration; Chlorination - precipitation/Filtration

AC; Ozonation, Membrane Filtration; UV; Advanced Electrodialysis; Filtration (oxidizing lilter:s); Cation Exchange; RO;
i-4!!!9!9!!EI9xY)19-EM{qE o.o.[.. i,r.l']'.s Pressure Aention/Filtration; Chlorination - precipitation/Filtration
' PENDIMETHALIN - Aeration;A0 (Aops)


peumcxlononurHor- pce) AC
WffiMUWffiffiNI}IWWM ffimmmruwffiwrroffimmmffiffiB
SODlUll Sodium Water Filter; RO; Distillation; lon Exchangel BROMATE GAC; lon Exchange Membrane Bioreactor (IEMB); RO;AC
SULFATE RO; Distillation;Anion Exchange; Elctrodialysis Bed Reactor
TorAL DlssoLVED Ro; Distiilation; Deionizarion by ron Exchange CHLORITE GAC; RO
lcarionrRnlon in two
SOLIDS bed or mixed bed); Electrodialysis
ZINC RO; Distillation; Cation Exchange; Elctrodialysis
CHLORAL HYDRATE Enhanced coagulation; Electrodialysis; RO; GRC


u0NocHL0RoAcETAE Advaned Oxidation;R0

ffi mromuwffiffiinl$ffirwffiwffime ffimmrurowffiwwwwffiwrffim

Contml of water treatment chemicals and surfams in
contact with water,

Contml of water treatment chemicals and surfaces in

contact with water.

DIBROMOCHLORO.METHAN E AC; Aeration; UF (20Y0-90%):RO (20%-90%)

GAC/Carbon Block; Chlorine Shower Filter; Reducing I BROMODICHLORO.ITETHANE AC; Aeration; UF (20%-90%);R0 (20%-90%)
Agents;Vitamin C AC; Aeration; UF (20%-90%);R0 (20%-90%)
Treatment method depends on the specific radionuclide

lon Exchange (mixed bed); RO; Dlstillation; Electrodlalpis

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