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Gross Sample Description

Characteristic Colors
Color Pathologic Process
Golden yellow and hemorrhagic Renal cell carcinoma (clear type)
Orange-yellow Normal adrenal or adrenal cortical lesions
Yellow Xanthogranulomatous inflammation
Yellow Cirrhosis
Often pale or bright yellow Steroid producing tumors
Green Chloroma or any purulent exudate; Prior hemorrhage with
oxidation of blood
Black or Brown Ochronosis
Brown Endometriotic cyst
Black Melanoma, black mucosa, black
Dark blue/black Blue dome cysts of the breast
Chalky white Gout or chondrocalcinosis
White to tan Pheochromocytoma

Descriptive Terms for Fluids

Descriptive Terms Quality of Fluid
Viscous Thick
Serosanguinous Serum tinged with blood (also spelled serosanguineous)
Serous Like serum – watery
Mucinous Thick and sticky or gelatinous
Tacky Sticky (e.g. silicone gel)
Suppurative Green thick exudate
Description of Texture and Shape
Shape or Texture Examples
Well-circumscribed or pushing borders Fibroadenoma, mixed tumor, hamartoma
Irregular or speculated borders Invasive carcinoma, surgical scars
Jagged or notched borders Cutaneous melanoma
Serpiginous borders (winding, snake-like) Mucosal shape of colon carcinoma
Smoothly lobulated Lipoma
Bosselated (rounded protuberances) Bone in degenerative joint disease
Verrucous (wart-like) Cutaneous condyloma
Papillary Bladder tumors, papillary renal cell carcinoma
Villous (slender projection) Villous adenoma of the colon
Eburnated (like ivory) Exposed polished one surface after loss of cartilage in
degenerative joint disease
Velvety Normal gallbladder mucosa
Pedunculated (with a stalk) Some colon polyps, achrocordon
Sessile (borad-based) Some colon polyps
Macule (flat lesion) Lentigo, café-au-lait spot
Papule (raised lesion) Mole
Friable (soft and falling apart and crumbly) Papillary renal cell carcinoma, necrotic tumors
Excrescence (an irregular outgrowth) Carcinoma invading through skin
Fimbriated (fringe-like) The normal end of the fallopian tube
Exophytic (projecting out from a surface) A papilloma in a duct
Endophyic (projecting within a space) Inverted papilloma
Scabrous (covered with small projections Pleural plaque
and rough to the touch)
Papyraceous (like parchment or paper Fetus papyraceous – a fetus found within the placental
membranes of a twin

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