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 16 tiger prawns

 1/2 bar butter

Shell and devein. Butterpoach prawns in seasoned liquid.

 16 eggs

Sous vide egg at 60C for 1 hour.

 12 oysters
 1250g heavy cream
 5g agar agar
 2 egg yolks
 25g sugar
 7g cornstarch

Simmer oysters, liquor, cream medium low. Strain. Place a bowl over ice and add agar agar to oyster cream,
mix. Simmer and whisk constantly.

In another bowl, mix yolks, sugar, cornstarch, salt. Slowly whisk in cream to temper. Then return to oyster
cream and simmer till it bubbles and thickens. Transfer and set over ice water. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Blend
after and strain. Transfer to squeeze bottle and refrigerate.

 1 bunch chives

1 bunch chives
250g ice water
5g salt
15g simple syrup

Blanch, shock, squeeze, blend, strain.

 Caviar
 1/4 kg sea grapes

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