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Research Plan

What I need to Research…

- Medium
- What is the topic?
- Videos describing what makes a documentary
- Analysation of similar topic documentaries

- Genera
- Codes and conventions for documentaries
- Legalities of the subject
- Ethics of the subject
- Examples of similar videos from the same Genera
- Analyse

- Practical Tasks
- Camera work
- Camera angles used in documentaries
- Interview etiquette
- Rules and Regulations
- Locations
- Sailing Clubs
- Sea side
- Interview locations
- Professional analysis
- 2 documentary’s analysed
- Survey of documentaries
- Content
- Interviews
- Olympians
- Sport organisers
- Young Sailors
- Demonstrations
- Footage of people racing/sailing

- Platforms
- Focus Group
- Online streaming vs TV

- Characters
- Possible Presenter’s
- Presenters background on the topic
- Interviewee
- Emails of Interview requests
- Interviewer

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