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Food Research International 38 (2005) 111–119

Rheological properties of selected gum solutions

E.I. Yaseen, T.J. Herald *, F.M. Aramouni, S. Alavi
Food Science Institute, Kansas State University, 201 Shellenberger Hall, Manhattan,
KS 66506, USA

Received 18 January 2004; accepted 19 January 2004


Gums are integral ingredients in fluid foods used for controlling viscosity and mouthfeel. Advances in rheological instrumenta-
tions permits enhanced evaluations of the viscoelastic properties of fluids. Rheological properties of twelve gum solutions were
investigated at concentrations of 0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.5%. The viscous (g00 ) and elastic (g00 ) components of the complex viscosity
g*, elastic yield stress, and tan d were measured as functions of oscillatory shear. Konjac exhibited the highest g 0 and g00 components
among all gums at 0.5% and 50 s1. Gum Arabic, methylcellulose and pectin, exhibited the least g 0 and no g00 component under the
same conditions. Konjac exhibited greatest elastic yield stress, whereas microcrystallinecellulose had the least. Modeling results
showed that rheological properties of CMC were characterized by an exponential relationship, whereas riota-carrageenan and xan-
than were described by a power type relationship. A substantial increase in tan d was observed for most 0.5% gums solutions at shear
rates beyond 10 s1, indicating a shift from a visco-elastic regime to a purely viscous one. For gums that showed substantial visco-
elasticity, peak tan d values ranged from 5.7 to 68.3.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gums; Hydrocolloids; Rheology; Elasticity; Viscosity

1. Introduction in selecting the appropriate gums for the required proc-

ess or storage conditions. To a lesser extent research
Gums are used in foods primarily as thickeners and publications do exist that have evaluated gums in solu-
gelling agents as a result of their ability to alter the rhe- tion (Casas & Garcia-Ochoa, 1999; Cuvelier & Launay,
ological properties of the solvent in which they are dis- 1986; Goycoolea, Morris, & Gidley, 1995) and their
solved. The change in viscosity occurs as a result of interactions with ions (Lai & Chiang, 2002; Launay,
the high molecular weight polymeric nature of the gums Cuvelier, & Martinez-Reyes, 1997) and pH dependency
and the interactions between polymer chains when gums (Sanderson, 1982; Wang, Ellis, & Ross-Murphy, 2000)
are dissolved or dispersed. These properties have been most of this research was performed using the Ubbe-
exploited for their functionality in food systems includ- lohde viscometry or rotational viscometers. Advance-
ing textural attributes and mouthfeel. ments in capillary rheometry now permit reliable
There are many papers published on the gelling prop- assessment of the visco-elastic properties under a wide
erties of gums and their inherent visco-elastic properties. range of rheological conditions.
Data from the research has assisted food manufacturers Oscillatory capillary rheometry is a sensitive method
that measures the internal macromolecular configura-
tion (Breidis, Moutrrie, & Palmer, 1980; Chmiel, Ana-
Corresponding author. Current address: 216 Call Hall, Kansas
dere, & Walitza, 1990). Thurston (1960) described the
State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA. Tel.: +1 785 532 1221;
fax: +1 785 532 5681. theory of oscillation of a visco-elastic fluid in a circular
E-mail address: (T.J. Herald). tube. Over the years, Thurston (1972), Thurston and

0963-9969/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
112 E.I. Yaseen et al. / Food Research International 38 (2005) 111–119

Pope (1981) and Chmiel et al. (1990) studied visco-elas- high performance conditions. Thus, no further pH
tic properties of fluids (blood and xanthan gum) using adjustments were incorporated into the final solution
the oscillatory capillary rheometer. preparation and no evaluations of residual ions were
Expanding the database on the visco-elastic proper- made. Three concentrations of gum solutions (0.05%,
ties of solutions is critical to the food processor for 0.1%, and 0.5%) in the range frequently used in food sys-
adjusting processing parameters, monitoring consist- tems were prepared by mixing the desired amount of dry
ency, and predicting stability of fluid food systems. Be- sample with deionized water, while continuously dis-
cause of difference in gum structure and extrinsic persing the gum in solution with a magnetic stirrer at
conditions within the fluid food system the rheological ambient temperature. The solutions were tempered
behavior is quite different from one gum solution to an- overnight at 4 °C prior to performing rheological
other. Due to the diversity of gums and their modified measurements. Three additional concentrations (0.2%,
derivatives, food companies may have a difficult time 0.3%, and 0.4% wt/v) of carboxymethylcellulose
making decisions regarding the choice of gums for addi- (CMC), i-carrageenan, and xanthan gums prepared in
tion to their fluid food formulations. Comparative visco- the same fashion as above were prepared for modeling
elastic properties of gums in solution are not readily purposes. Prior to rheological studies the pH of each
available in the scientific literature for true comparison gum solution was measured at ambient temperature
under similar rheological conditions. using a Fisher Accumet 25 with automatic temperature
The researchers hypothesized that a more sophisti- compensation (Fisher Scientific, St. Louis, MO).
cated rheological instrumentation will allow for im-
proved reproducible and possible observation of 2.3. Density
unique rheological characteristics (elastic component)
that have not been reported with an Ubbelohde viscom- The gum solution densities were determined using a
eter or rotational viscometers. The objective of the re- standardized 10 mL pycnometer (Bradly, 1998). The
search was to use an oscillatory tube flow visco-elastic mass of the solution was calculated from the difference
analyzer to evaluate the rheological properties in a wide between the empty pycnometer (KmaxÒ, Kimble Glass
range of gums at concentrations that are a challenge to Inc, Vineland, NJ) and the filled vessel. The pycnometer
analyze with a rotational viscometer. filled with each respective gum solution was incubated at
4 °C for 1 h to equilibrate the sample (Equatherm, Lab-
Line Instrument Inc., Melrose Park, IL) prior to density
2. Materials and methods determination.

2.1. Raw materials 2.4. Rheological properties

The gums studied were kindly donated by their The elastic and viscous components of each gum
respective companies. j-Carrageenan (SeaKem CM solution were measured as a function of oscillating shear
611), i-carrageenan (Viscarine SD 389), k-Carrageenan rate using an oscillating capillary rheometer (Viscoelas-
(Viscarine GP 209F), microcrystallinecellulose (Avicel ticity Analyzer, Vilastic 3, Vilastic Scientific, Inc, Austin,
cellulose gel), and konjac (Nutricol XP 3464) were ob- TX). This rheometer is specifically engineered to meas-
tained from FMC BioPolymer (Philadelphia, Pennsylva- ure the dynamic viscosity of fluids.
nia). Gum arabic (TIC PRETESTEDÒ Gum Arabic FT The Vilastic instrument is based on the principles of
Powder), carboxymethylcellulose (TIC PRETESTEDÒ the test fluid generating oscillatory flow at a selected fre-
Pre-hydratedÒ TICALOSEÒ CMC 2500 Powder), and quency within a cylindrical tube. The fluid in the tube is
xanthan gum (TIC PRETESTEDÒ TICAXANÒ) were forced into oscillatory flow during which the pressure
obtained from TIC Gums Inc. (Belcamp, Maryland). gradient and volume flow are monitored by sensors
Locust bean gum (23566) and guar gum (23337) were and the resulting waveforms were used to calculate the
obtained from CNI (Colloides Naturels Inc., Bridge- complex viscosity (Thurston, 1972, 1996). The complex
water, NJ). Pectin gum (GrindstedÒ Pectin AMD 780, viscosity (g*) consists of a viscous (g 0 ) and elastic (g00 )
high ester pectin, DE > 70) was obtained from Danisco components. The g 0 and g00 components in this study
Cultor USA, Inc. (New Century, Kansas) and methyl- were determined at a frequency of 2 Hz within a shear
cellulose gum (Methocel A15) from the Dow Chemical rate range of 0.1–1000 s1.
Company (Midland, Michigan).
g ¼ g0  ig00 ; ð1Þ
2.2. Preparation of solutions where i is an imaginary number.
The ratio between g 0 and g00 is the tangent of the
Gums were prepared according to the manufacturersÕ phase angle d (tan d) (Van Der Reijden, Veerman, &
specifications in order for all gums to be evaluated under Amerongen, 1993)
E.I. Yaseen et al. / Food Research International 38 (2005) 111–119 113

g0 =g00 ¼ tan d: ð2Þ g 0 to g00 ratio (tan d) patterns. The tan was low in the
The instrument measures the rheological properties case of CMC (g 0 was lower than the g00 ), whereas the
at the wall by exactly measuring the shear stress and tan was higher in xanthan gum (g 0 was higher than the
shear rate at the wall. Measurements in the linear vis- g00 ) at low shear rate. The tan of i-carrageenan was more
co-elastic region are not required when measuring the representative of the other gums than the tan for CMC
shear rate dependence of a fluid. In fact, if measure- and xanthan. Microsoft Excel 97 (Microsoft Corpora-
ments where confined to the linear region only the qui- tion, Seattle, WA) was used to analyze the concentration
escent character of the fluid is revealed. By increasing effect on the g 0 and g00 of selected gum solutions. Regres-
the shear rate, one can observe the effects of shear rate sion coefficient values were obtained to assess the best
on the structure of the fluid and thus obtain a full rheo- model (either exponential or power type relationship)
logical characterization. All measurements were carried to describe the effect of concentration.
out at 4 °C by holding samples in a temperature control-
led water bath. The rheological instrument was cali- 2.5. Statistical analysis
brated with deionized water at 4 °C. Verification was
completed to further ensure that the rheometer was The statistical model was a two-way factorial classifi-
operating at optimum conditions. The verification of cation in complete randomized design (CRD) for study
the rheometer was based on a water reference. The ver- of rheological properties. For elastic yield stress
ification process evaluated the system performance, determination, the statistical model was one-way
comparing the accuracy of measurement of the water classification in a CRD. Three replications with two
viscosity (reference) and the precise resolution of elastic- sub-samples per replication were analyzed using Statisti-
ity (important in resolving a very small elastic compo- cal Analysis System software (version 8.2, SAS Institute
nent in a test sample) (see Table 3). Verification results Inc., Cary, NC). Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and
showed less than 1% difference between the measured separation of means were conducted by the general lin-
and the reference value. ear models procedure (Proc GLM). Comparisons
The instrument considers a detectable g00 , when the g00 among treatments were analyzed using Fishers least sig-
component to g 0 ratio is greater than 1:100 (Vilastic Sci- nificant difference (LSD). Treatment means were consid-
entific Inc., 1999). Wood (1968) reported that the stim- ered significantly different at P < 0.05.
ulus associated with oral assessment was the g 0
determined at a shear rate of 50 s1. Thus, all g 0 and
g00 values were statistically compared at 50 s1. 3. Results and discussion
Elastic yield stress values were obtained by plotting
the strain versus viscous and elastic stress of 0.5% gum 3.1. pH of gum solutions
solutions (Fig. 1). The elastic yield stress represents the
limit at which the molecular structure can sustain the The pH of the gum solutions ranged from 2.48 (pec-
imposed stress in stored elastic energy without disrup- tin) to 6.52 (j-carrageenan) (Table 1). This range of pH
tion. The elastic yield stress was difficult to determine is consistent with manufacturer specifications for each
at 0.05% and 0.1% concentrations because either the respective gum. The diversity of gum application (low
strain was not enough or there was too much noise to acid to high acid foods) is evident by the wide pH range.
discern the presence of an elastic stress.
A power model or an exponential model character-
ized the concentration effect of CMC, i-carrageenan,
and xanthan. The CMC, i-carrageenan, and xanthan Table 1
were chosen because they represent a wide range of their The pH of selected gum solutionsa measured at 4 °C
Type of gums pH
Carboxymethylcellulose 5.90 ± .01
100 j-Carrageenan 6.52 ± .02
Viscous and Elastic

Viscous Stress i-Carrageenan 5.34 ± .02

10 Elastic Yield Stress
Stress (mPa)

k-Carrageenan 5.67 ± .01

1 Guar 2.76 ± .02
Elastic Stress Gum Arabic 5.22 ± .03
Konjac 5.11 ± .04
0.01 Locust Bean 2.48 ± .01
Methylcellulose 3.78 ± .01
Microcrystallinecellulose 5.68 ± .01
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Pectin 2.80 ± .04
Xanthan 4.24 ± .03
Fig. 1. Representative elastic yield stress of a gum solution. Solutions prepared according to manufacturer recommendations.
114 E.I. Yaseen et al. / Food Research International 38 (2005) 111–119

3.2. Rheological properties of gum solutions significantly higher g 0 compared to the all other gums
at 0.5%.
The gums, CMC, k-carrageenan, i-carrageenan and No significant change in g00 as a function of concen-
xanthan, exhibited a proportional increased in g 0 within tration was exhibited for MC, MCC, pectin and gum
the concentration range of 0.5–5% (Table 2). The g 0 Arabic. Low viscosity is not always a detrimental attri-
of the aforementioned gums were significantly higher bute for gums. Gums are not only added to build vis-
than the other gum solutions at 0.05% and 0.1% but cosity, but may be added to function as a flavor
not 0.5%. This was because j-carrageenan, guar, gum carrier or emulsifier.
konjac, locust bean gum exhibited an exponential in- The g 0 of the 12 gum solutions at 0.5% is shown in
crease (at least 20-fold), in g 0 only after 0.1%. For exam- Fig. 2. Gum Arabic, pectin, MCC and methylcellulose
ple there was not a significant difference in g 0 for konjac exhibited Newtonian behavior. The other gums exhib-
gum at 0.05% and 0.1% (4.99 mPa s) but at 0.5% konjac ited pseudoplastic behavior at shear rate >10 s1. Our
(513.61 mPa s) was approximately 100-fold greater com- g 0 results were similar to those reported in literature.
pared to the 0.1% konjac solution. Konjac exhibited a Krumel and Sarkar (1975) reported that guar gum

Table 2
The comparison of the viscous component (g 0 )A of selected gum solutions measured at 4 °C and 50 s1
Type of gums g00 (mPa s)
0.05% 0.1% 0.5%
m lm
Konjac 2.88 ± 0.12 4.99 ± 0.30 513.61a ± 20.70
Carboxymethyl-cellulose 19.07j ± 0.82 32.13i ± 0.84 264.23b ± 6.46
Guar 2.51m ± 0.07 3.73lm ± 0.11 133.86c ± 4.49
j-Carrageenan 2.10m ± 0.06 2.99m ± 0.14 127.44d ± 6.12
k-Carrageenan 16.13jk ± 1.35 19.90j ± 1.40 99.14e ± 2.88
Xanthan 16.62jk ± 1.02 29.03i ± 0.84 92.59f ± 4.32
Locust Bean 2.36m ± 0.06 3.14m ± 0.25 63.01g ± 4.22
i-Carrageenan 7.39l ± 0.51 12.46k ± 1.15 39.87h ± 1.12
Pectin 1.84m ± 0.02 2.13m ± 0.04 6.09lm ± 0.41
Microcrystalline-cellulose 1.82m ± 0.01 2.07m ± 0.04 4.21lm ± 0.06
Methylcellulose 1.74m ± 0.02 1.89m ± 0.02 3.25lm ± 0.12
Gum Arabic 1.61m ± 0.01 1.64m ± 0.01 1.75m ± 0.02
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
Results are expressed as the means ± SD for three replications.


Viscous Component

100 Xanthan


0.1 1 10 100 1000
Shear Rate (1/s)
Fig. 2. Comparison of the viscous component of 12 gum solutions at 0.5% and 4 °C.
E.I. Yaseen et al. / Food Research International 38 (2005) 111–119 115

exhibited higher steady shear viscosity than locust No other g00 values were found in literature for gum
bean gum between 1 and 1000 s1 at 0.2% and 25 solutions.
°C. In contrast, Elfak, Pass, Phillips, and Morley Fig. 3 depicts the g00 of the nine gum solutions as a
(1977) reported that the steady shear viscosities of function of shear rate. By definition fluids that do not
guar gum and locust bean gum (approximately 3 contain a g00 are considered purely viscous. Gum Arabic,
mPa s) at 25 °C were not significantly different at zero pectin and methylcellulose gums showed no g00 at the
shear rate. The steady shear viscosity of 0.2% sodium measured concentrations. All other gums were consid-
carboxymethylcellulose and 0.2% j-carrageenan (El- ered visco-elastic at all concentrations. Generally, the
fak, Pass, & Phillips, 1978) were 11.2 and 4.3 mPa s, g00 of the gums decreased at higher shear rates. Addition-
respectively at 2620 s1. Thurston (1996) reported ally, g00 was concentration dependent for some gums.
slightly lower g 0 values for a 0.05% xanthan solution j-carrageenan and locust bean gums did not show g00
(6 mPa s) using an oscillatory flow method. Rao and at 0.05% and 0.1%, but exhibited g00 at 0.5%.
Kenny (1975) and Swiderski, Waszkiewicz-Robak, The tan d over the range of shear rate varied with
and Postrach (1993) reported similar trends as found gum type and concentration (Figs. 4 and 5). MC,
in our study. Rheological data from the literature were MCC, pectin and gum Arabic exhibited negligible vis-
not available for all gums evaluated in this study. The cosity for all concentrations. A substantial increase in
research that was reported did not always compare tan d was observed for most 0.5% gums solutions
gums under similar conditions (concentration, pH, studied at shear rates > 10 s1, indicating a shift from
shear rate and temperature) and in some cases differ- a visco-elastic regime to a purely viscous one. For gums
ent rheological methods were used. that showed substantial visco-elasticity, peak tan d
A proportional increased in g00 was only exhibited for values ranged from 5.7 to 68.3.
xanthan from 0.05% to 0.5%. The g00 of Xanthan was Tan d, in general, decreased with increasing concen-
significantly higher than the other gum solutions at tration. The g00 in some gums was higher than the g00 ,
0.05% and 0.1% but not 0.5% (Table 3). This was be- as observed with carrageenan and xanthan gums at
cause CMC and konjac gum exhibited an exponential 0.5% and low shear rate. At approximately 4 and
increase (at least 30-fold), in g00 only after 0.1%. For 12 s1for j-carrageenan and xanthan gums, respectively,
example there was not significant different in g00 of kon- a crossover between the viscous and elastic component
jac gum at 0.05 and 0.1% but 0.5% konjac (276 mPa s) occurred. Thurston and Pope (1981) suggested that the
was approximately 200-fold greater compared to the decrease in the g00 at high shear rate reflects loss of the
0.1% konjac solution. Konjac exhibited a significantly ability of compounds to store elastic energy in the shear
higher g00 compared to the other gums at 0.5%. Pectin, deformation process.
MCC, gum Arabic, MC and locust bean gum did not ex- The elastic yield stress values of all gums at 0.5% level
hibit a g00 as a function of concentration. Thurston are shown in Table 4. The elastic yield stress represents
(1996) reported that the g00 of 0.05% xanthan gum was the limit at which the molecule structure can sustain
about 1.25 mPa s using the oscillatory flow method. the imposed stress in stored elastic energy without

Table 3
The comparison of the elastic component (g00 )A of selected gum solutions measured at 4 °C and 50 s1
Type of gums g00 (mPa s)
0.05% 0.1% 0.5%
Konjac 0.030h ± 0.002 0.102h ± 0.004 276.038a ± 14.087
Carboxymethyl-cellulose 2.927gh ± 0.173 5.424g ± 0.232 142.657b ± 4.417
Guar 0.041h ± 0.003 0.125h ± 0.004 41.047c ± 2.654
Xanthan 5.850g ± 0.437 12.381f ± 0.578 35.635d ± 1.461
j-Carrageenan *** *** 26.918e ± 2.029
h h
k-Carrageenan 2.249 ± 0.171 2.450 ± 0.060 24.795e ± 1.935
Locust Bean *** *** 5.633g ± 0.388
i-Carrageenan 0.387h ± 0.024 0.779h ± 0.052 2.464h ± 0.124
Microcrystalline-cellulose 0.027h ± 0.001 0.030h ± 0.002 0.082h ± 0.004
Methylcellulose *** *** ***

Gum Arabic *** *** ***

Pectin *** *** ***

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
Results are expressed as the means ± SD for three replications.
*** Considered not detectable elasticity.
116 E.I. Yaseen et al. / Food Research International 38 (2005) 111–119



Elastic Component CMC




0.1 1 10 100 1000

Shear Rate (1/s)

Fig. 3. Comparison of the elastic component of 12 gum solutions at 0.5% and 4 °C.

iota carrageenan



tan delta



lambda carrageenan


10 Carboxymethyl

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Shear rate (s-1)

Fig. 4. Tan d versus shear rate for different 0.5% gum solutions (CMC, Xanthan, i-Carrageenan, and k-Carrageenan) at 4 °C.

disruption of structure. Konjac exhibited the highest 3.3. Effect of concentration on rheological properties as
elastic yield stress value (2287.88 mPa) and MCC the determined by modeling
lowest (3.55 mPa). Gum Arabic, pectin and methylcellu-
lose gums did not exhibit g00 and thus, no elastic yield As inferred from the rheological data, gums exhibited
stress was present. a significantly different g00 as a function of concentration.
E.I. Yaseen et al. / Food Research International 38 (2005) 111–119 117




tan delta

locust bean
kappa carrageenan


10 konjac

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Shear rate (s-1)

Fig. 5. Tan d versus shear rate for different 0.5% gum solutions (kappa, konjac and locust) at 4 °C.

Table 4 120
Elastic yield stress value of selected 0.5% gum solutions measured at
4 °C and 50 s1
Viscous and Elastic Components (mPa.s)

Type of gums Elastic stress value (mPa)
Carboxymethylcellulose 2127.25b ± 11.76 Viscous component, ' = 158.57 x0.744
j-Carrageenan 1388.21d ± 66.46 80
i-Carrageenan 156.35g ± 11.98
k-Carrageenan 685.32e ± 21.86
Guar 1846.52c ± 30 60
Gum Arabic ***

Konjac 2287.88a ± 110.64

Locust Bean 320.48f ± 16.77 40
Methylcellulose ***

Microcrystallinecellulose 3.55h ± 0.18

Pectin *** 20 Elastic component, '' = 66.298
Xanthan 2062.02b ± 22.94
Results are expressed as the means ± SD for three replications. 0
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55
(P < 0.05). Concentration (%)
*** Considered not detectable elasticity.

Fig. 7. Comparison of i-Carrageenan concentration on the rheological

properties 4 °C and 50 s1.
Components (mPa.s)
Viscous and Elastic

40 Thus, models were fit to help describe the function of

Viscous component, ' = 60.984 x0.7034 concentration on the rheological behavior of the gums.
CMC, i-carrageenan and xathan gums were selected to
evaluate the concentration dependency. CMC was char-
Elastic component, '' = 3.5842 x0.7245
acterized by the exponential relationship (Fig. 6),
whereas, i-carrageenan (Fig. 7) and xathan (Fig. 8) were
0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 described by a power type relationship.
Concentration (%)
The viscosity of guar (Rao & Kenny, 1975), xan-
Fig. 6. Comparison of carboxymethlycellulose concentration on the than (Thurston, 1996) and locust bean gum (Swiderski
rheological properties at 4 °C and 50 s1. et al., 1993) solutions were concentration dependent as
118 E.I. Yaseen et al. / Food Research International 38 (2005) 111–119
Viscous and Elastic Components

1000 3.4. Practical applications for dynamic rheological data of

Viscous component, ' = 17.423 e
5.4565x gum solutions

As discussed earlier at shear rates >10 s1, tan d

10 values exhibited a substantial increase, with the g00
Elastic component, '' = 2.2064 e
7.7135x component becoming predominant (Figs. 3 and 4).
Higher shear rates are typical of conditions existing
0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 in processing plants where fluids are mixed in agitators
Concentration (%) or pumped in pipes between or during various unit
Fig. 8. Comparison of xanthan concentration on the rheological operations. Therefore, the gum solutions may be
properties at 4 °C and 50 s1. approximated as viscous fluids under processing condi-
tions. Fitting the viscous component (g 0 ) versus shear
determined by the Falling Ball and rotational viscom- rate data to the power law model, the corresponding
eters. Speers and Tung (1986) reported that the effect consistency coefficient (K) and flow behavior index
of concentration on the viscosity of xanthan gum was (n) were calculated (Fig. 9). Using the K and n, the
described by power type relationship. Conversely, power required to pump these gum solutions through
Thurston (1996) reported that the effect of concentra- a pipe, can be easily calculated using standard equa-
tion on the g 0 and g00 of xanthan was characterized by tions for non-Newtonian viscous fluids (Geankoplis,
the exponential relationship. Marcotte, Hoshahili, and 1993). For example, using the above relations it was
Ramaswamy (2001) used three models (power, expo- found that the 0.5% solution of CMC will require up
nential, and polynomial) to evaluate the concentration to two times more power for pumping then xanthan
effect on apparent g 0 of carrageenan and xanthan or i-carrageenan solutions.
gums. They found a linear and quadratic effect of con- At shear rates < 10 s1, all 0.5% gum solutions be-
centration on apparent viscosity of carrageenan. The have as visco-elastic fluids, the elastic component being
exponential relationship best described the relationship substantial as reflected by the relatively lower tan values
at high temperatures (>40 °C) with R2 > 0.97. The ef- (Figs. 3 and 4). Shear rates lower than 10 s1 are more
fect of concentration on the g 0 of xanthan gum was representative of those found during swallowing of flu-
described by power type and exponential relationships, ids by human subjects, therefore comparison of visco-
and was temperature dependent. elastic properties of different gum solutions at low shear


y = 1.5527x-0.5961
R2 = 0.9238
0.3 K = 1552.7
n = 0.40
Viscous component ( ') (Pa.s)

y = 0.795x-0.5792
0.2 R2 = 0.9888
K = 795.0
CMC n = 0.42
Iota Carrageenan
iota carrageenan y = 0.0752x-0.1856
0.1 R2 = 0.8231
K = 75.2
n = 0.81

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Shear rate (s-1)

Fig. 9. Viscous component (g 0 ) versus shear rate for various 0.5% gum solutions for shear rates higher than 10 s1 at 4 °C. The fitted parameters K
and n represent the consistency coefficient and flow behavior index, respectively, of the gum solutions.
E.I. Yaseen et al. / Food Research International 38 (2005) 111–119 119

rates may facilitate relative assessment of their Ômouth- added sugars. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (28),
feelÕ and help in formulating the right product for a 895–899.
Elfak, A., Pass, G., & Phillips, G. (1978). The viscosity of dilute
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elastic fluids, the shear viscosity gs can be calculated as Geankoplis, C. J. (1993). Transport processes and unit operations.
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hydrate Polymers, 28, 351–358.
4. Conclusion Krumel, K., & Sarkar, N. (1975). Flow properties of gums useful to the
food industry. Food Technology, 29(4), 36–44.
Gums are an integral ingredient in fluid systems. Lai, L., & Chiang, H-R. (2002). Rheology of decolorized hsian-tsao
Thus, characterizing rheological behavior is instrumen- gum in the dilute domain. Food hydrocolloids, 16, 427–440.
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