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Yasinta Kartono (operator)1), Novrianto Albertino (ass. operator)1), Ayu Herawati

(anest)1), Rr. Soesatyoratih 2)
Veterinary Medical Profession Educational Program (PPDH)
Surgery & Radiology section, Clinical, Reproduction & Pathology Department, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine (FKH), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)


Abdominal hernia is one of the type of hernia that occured in cat. Abdominal
hernia is caused by the weakness of abdominal muscle or presence of an opening
hole or ring in the muscle that leads to the protrusion of abdominal content.
Therefore, the contents of the abdomen may exit from the opening hole or ring due
to intraabdominal pressure which resemble a swelling under the skin. The purpoe
of abdominal hernia operation is to train the skills and ability of PPDH students in
the field of veterinary surgery by performing a good, righteous and ‘lege artis’ of

Key words: Abdominal hernia, ASA


Population of domestic wild cat in necessary to pay attention to animal medical

environment increase as day passed and this records through signalment, anamnesis and
leads an increasing number of illness cases. clincal examination. Radiography and blood
Diseases that often suffered by the wild test are the diagnose tests to support the
domestic cats are usually scabies, fracture and occurence of hernia.
hernia. Hernia is a condition where the tissue
or particular organ exit to the body part where
it is not supposed to be because of muscle Case
structure weakness. Based on the location of
hernia, it is divided to abdominal hernia Anamnesis, the cat is found in the Perumdos
(ventralis, paracostral, umbilical and inguinal IPB area with the presence of potrusion in the
hernia), diaphragmatic hernia, perianal hernia midline ventral part of abdomen. This may be
and scrotal hernia (Hines 2012). Hernia can due to a breakdown of stitches at abdomen of
occured congenitally or hereditary. Hernia previous operation.
cases always occured because of blunt object
Signalement, a domestic breed male cat
traumatization. Other than that, it will caused
named Kimi, aged ± 2 years old with a body
an sudden increase of abdominal cavity
weight of 3.84 kg.
pressure (Ramadhan and Abdin 2001). The
signs of hernia are the presence of hernia sac, Status present, the condition of the cat is good
hernia ring and contents of the hernia. generally with the temperature of 38.1oC,
Diagnose of hernia can be done by performing respiration rate of 32 times/minutes, and heart
inspection and palpation on the protrude area
to search for the hernia ring. Furthermore, it is
rate 124 times/minutes. The health condition of that was shaved will be covered with surgical
the cat is well and normal. drape and fixate it by using towel clamp.

Diagnosis, the cat does not experienced of any Operation, operational method for abdominal
impaired body function and systemic disease. hernia using incision on medline laparotomy.
It will be undergoing an abdominal hernia Animal that was placed on the surgical table
operation. was being covered by surgical drape and fixate
by using towel clamp so that orientated area is
Prognosis, very good fixated. Incision of skin is done along 3 – 6 cm.
Slow incision on skin, fascia continue to
Diagnosis tests, examination of blood tests muscle. Exploration was done and reposition
and x-ray are done. of the exposed hernia organ back in abdominal
cavity. Observe well if there is attachment
Therapy, operation of abdominal hernia was between organ such as intestine to the
begun with: abdominal wall. Skin was fixate to the lateral
Pre-operation, animal that will be operated direction after incision was done to facilitate
should do a health status examination to the exploration in abdominal cavity. Clean it if
determine whether it is feasible to undergo there is any attachment. Reposition the
surgery. Examination is done to avoid the exposed hernia organ into abdominal cavity
possibility of the animal’s state getting worse and ensure there will no change position before
because there are certain requirements to be reposition. Antibiotic was given after
fulfilled along with the operating procedure in reposition and continue with the sequence of
operation. Preparation of animal before stitches from hernia ring, muscle to skin.
operation was begun with physical Fusion of cat gut 3/0 amd silk gut 3/0 were
examination which included monitoring of used to stitch hernia ring and muscle. The
temperature, respiratory rate (time/minute), stitches wound was applied with iodium
pulses (time/minute), body weight (kg), tincture afterwards. Stitches area was cover by
mucous membrane, and diameter of pupil gauze and bandaged. Patient was being
(cm). It was done to facilitate the evaluation of monitored for every 15 minutes included
animal monitoring result during the operation. temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate and
Further examination needed to be done to find mucous membrane.
out more the condition of the animal before the
operation procedure under performance. Post operation, post operation treatment was
Further examination can be done by using x- given with Ringer Lactate infusion, vitamin B
ray, USG or hematologi method. complex, ad libitum food, cefadroxil as
Animal was prepared first before antibiotic, vitamin K, antiinflammation agent
operation procedure under performance. dexamethasone. Antibiotic cefadroxil was
Animal was handled well to prevent additional given 3 ml per oral for 5 days continously.
stress. Animal should weigh beforehand to Removal of stitches was done after 7 days.
identify the body weight in order to calculate During postoperative care,
the dosage of medicine. Administration of observation of temperature, pulsus, respiration,
atropin subcutaneously was done after the urine, mucous membrane and defecation and
body weight was identified, afterwards, wait wound after removal of stitches were cleaned
for 10 minutes. Injection of anesthetic with rivanol twice a day and change of bandage
medicine using ketamine and xylazine were to enhance to healing process and to prevent
done after administration of premedication the possibility of hernia recur.
drug. Shave the area where incisions will be
made when the animal was in deep sleep. DISCUSSION
When the shaving was done cleanly, continue
it by applying iodine tincture sufficiently, the The cat was experienced with abdominal
cat will then place it on the surgical table. Part hernia because it was suspected that stitches
breakdown of the previous operation leads
omentum to fill the empty cavity. This cat was Hematocrit (%) 20.90 30-47
suspected of having tumor, abses, hematoma Hemoglobin (g/DL) 9.8 9-15
and cyst before the diagnose was confirmed Dif. Leukosit (%)
with series of tests. It was suspected as a tumor - Neutrophil 69 35-37
- Lymphocyte 27 20-55
because the position of the protrusion is under - Monocyte
the skin. According to Berata et al. (2011) skin 2 1-4
- Eosinophil
2 2-12
tumor is a tumor cell that spread to skin tissue
or soft tissue below skin until it leads to
uncontrolled growth. Skin tumor normally is Results of blood tests showed that value
followed by other abnormalities such as of RBC, and hemoglobin was still in the
pustule, itchiness, hematoma, cyst, blister, normal range. This indicated the patient does
abcess, lick granulomas and skin tags. not undergo of any dehydration by showing
However, there were no such abnormalities good skin turgor. According to Cowell et al
after examination. Furthermore, this cat was (2006) dehydrated condition can resulted from
suspected with abcess because soft protrusion. high RBC, WBC, total protein, hematocrit and
Next, general examination was done to hemoglobin. WBC value was above the normal
understand the health condition of the cat. range. It was suspected the patient was infected
Palpation was done at the protrusion area and by other sick cats during the boarding period in
it found to be a cavity. It was suspected to be a RSHP. Kimmi was suspected to experienced
hernia ring. To support the confirmation of the inflammation due to disease spreading by other
diagnose, x-ray was performed. Results from cats. In the other hand, stress condition can
radiography for ventrodorsal and laterolateral increase the value of WBC as well. Results
view showed there was an enlargement at from blood tests showed the patient was in a
abdomen containing omentum. Results from good health condition and was approve to be
radiography showed there was a protrusion, operated. According to laboratorium tests by
this support the presence of abnormality at the American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA)
abdominal area, likely hernia. The purpose of in Jeff et al. (2013), patient was categorized in
examination by using x-ray was to assist in ASA 1, in which the patient still in a good
diagnose of location and content of hernia health condition that need to be operated.
therefore, to facilitate in reposition of hernia. Next, premedication drugs such as
Hematology test was done before atropin was administered to the patient to
operation was performed. Volume of 3 ml prevent vomiting from anesthesia effect.
blood sample was sent to Mandapa Atropin was administered subcutaneously and
Laboratorium Clinic for hematology test. wait for 10 minutes. Atropin is one of an
Purpose of hematology test is to examine the antimuscarinic agent which work to decrease
blood condition of the patient and to the contraction of smooth muscle, so, it is
understand the history of the patient. From the always used as a premedication drug to prevent
result of blood test, this can help in anticipation or decrease the mucous secretion of respiratory
if the blood test result is abnormal and affects tract and vomit effect. The patient was induced
patient during and after surgery. This test was using the combination of xylazine and
done to as one of the supporting decision to ketamine after 10 minutes. The combination of
perform surgery. Blood test result can be seen anesthetic medicine that frequently used was
on Table 1. Other diagnostic tests such as ketamine and xylazine.
radiography and ultrasonography (USG) was Ketamine is one of the strong anesthetic
not perform because it was very clear that the agent. Ketamine has long sedative effect
hernia ring was palpated at the abdominal area. between 20 to 30 minutes. Ketamine is one of
the anesthethic type of medicine that is able for
Tabel 1 Results of blood tests all types of animals. However, without
Type of tests Results Normal intensive observation, ketamine can cause
Value death. Ketamine can cause dangerous adverse
Total RBC (106/µl) 6.69 5.8-10.7 effect such as tachycardia, hypersalivation,
Total WBC (103/µl) 29.95 5.5-19.5 increase the muscle stiffness, sore at injection
site and extreme overdose can cause slow
recovery and even dangerous. The use of
xylazine can reduce secretion of saliva and
increase the blood pressure that caused by
ketamine. Xylazine is one of the muscle
relaxant that caused the muscle to become
more relax. Xylazine often combinated with
ketamine which works to support each other
function. The use of combination of ketamine
and xylazine as general anesthesia has a lot of
advantages such as, easy to administer, e f
economy, fast induction and recovery, good
relaxant and less likely to cause clinical
complication (Jones et al. 1997).
Surgery is one of treatment to overcome
the hernia problem in cats. Surgery was
performed using laparotomy technique,
incision was done from the side of hernia ring.
If the hernia is progress for long period, it will
attach strongly to the abdominal muscle.
Exploration of abdominal cavity through g h
hernia ring was done after incision, seperate
the fat and omentum which attached to the
abdominal muscle. Make sure there were no
attachment between intestine before
reposition. Penicilin was given and suture
using cat gut 3/0.
Suture was begun by closing the muscle
from hernia ring using simple interrupted
Diagram 1 Operation procedure (a) Preparation, (b)
pattern. Afterwards suture skin and fascia Incision, (c) Searching for hernia ring (d)
using silk gut 3/0. There was small size of Insertion of organ, (e) Make sure of no
second hernia ring appear after the suture of the other hernia ring,, (f) Subcutan suture, (g,
first hernia ring. Same suture pattern was done (h), (i) Skin suture
on second hernia ring. Iodine tincture was
applied on the suture skin area after the hernia Heart rate of the cat after being induced
ring was covered. From all series of operations, by ketamine was still in normal range which
applied operation technique was based on was 120 time/minute. Heart rate was decreased
American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA), to 104 time/minute and lower during the first
and categorized as ASA II, where the animal 15 minutes of operation while increase again to
experienced abnormalities or light systemic 112 time/minute at 60 minutes of operation.
infection. Operation procedure can be seen in Anesthethic agent that used was ketamine
diagram 1. while muscle relaxant that used was xylazine.
According to Plumb (2005), the effect of
ketamine lead to overstimulation of CNS that
a b caused to cataleptic stage where happened the
increase of emotional respond, muscle tone
and heart rate. Ketamine is not advisable for
use in single in major operation because caused
increase in muscle tone. Therefore, ketamine is
always combine with transquilizer such as
xylazine. Xylazine will stimulate the α2
receptor in neuron that release norepinephrine

as a result cause depression and decrease the Lumb WV, Jones EW. 1996. Veterinary
ability of stimulus respond. Decrease in Anesthesia. Ed ke-3. Philadelphia: Lea
temperature caused by the administration of and Febiger.
ketamine. Administration of ketamine can Plumb DC. 2005. Veterinary Drug Handbook
decrease at the average temperature of 1.06° C. Ed-5.Iowa: Blackwelll Pr.
Selection of anesthesia is done based on the Ramadhan RO, Abdin MR. Abdominal and
hematology result of the cat where the result is inguinal hernias in camel (Camelus
still in normal range and in absence of systemic dromedaries) in Saudi Arabia. 2001. J
diseases. Agric Sci, 13: 57-61.
Monitoring of post operation was done
for 7 days by checking the pulse, respiration,
temperature, appetite and ability to drink,
defecation, urination and side of suture.
Condition of the patient improved as day
passed. This is because operated cats was
infuse with ringer lactate during operation.
Appetite of Kimi was getting better and better,
good stool condition. Antiobiotic was given 2
ml orally once a day during recovery period.


Treatment of hernia can only done by

operation. Prognosis is based on the width of
hernia ring, condition of organ that exited from
the hernia ring and with or without attachment.


Berata IK, Winaya IBO, Adi A M, Adyana

IBW, Kardena IM. 2011. Patologi
Veteriner Umum. Bali (ID): FKH UNUD.
Hines. 2015. Hernias in Dog and Cats
Umbilical, Inguinal, Perineal, And
Diphragmatic Hernias. [terhubung
berkala]. [22
Juni 2016].
Jeff KC, Inoue T, Fauber AE, Krimis RA,
Lucroy MD, Weil AB. 2013. Small
Animal Anesthesia and Pain
Management: Praneshetic Medication
Drugs and Dosages. CRC Press.
Internasional Standar Book Number-
Jones LM., Booth NH, McDonald LE. 1997.
Veterinary Pharmacology and
Therapeutics. New Delhiz; Oxford and

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