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WARRANT OF ARREST AND DETENTION DALLAS Coury, Texas CASE NUMBER: oet6r018 WARRANT NUMBER: ARREST NUMER: FELONY Ba amounts 250, 090 OF TERA ME OF THE STATE OF TEXAS TO ANY SHERIFF OR OTHER PEACE OFFICER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS — GREETINGS: ‘YOU ARE HERE BY COMMANDED TO TAKE THE BODY oF: HOWARD, DAMON FERRO SO GALED THE ACCUSED, AND HIM SAFELY KEEP SO THAT HE MAY BE DEALT WiTH SERRRING TO LAW: AND 10 HOLD THE ACCUSED TO ANSWER TO THE STATE Crater Tt (OFFENSE AGAINST TiE LAWS OF THE SAID STATE, NAMELY: MURDER, FIRST DEGREE FELONY (19.02) PRESET ETRNSE HE IS ACCUSED BY WRITTEN COMPLAIN, MADE UNDER OATH THAT HAS BEEN PRESENTED TO ME AND THAT IS BY THIS REFERENCE INCORPORATED HEREM For aie Wieoooe WITNESS MY SIGNATURE Tits Hien ‘ADMINISTRATIVE DATA STATEOF TEXAS VS: HOWARD, DABON [ARREST STATUS: AT LARGE. RACED XM DORM GTS) Wrz, AIRCoLon Hone EVES COLOR: BROWRESIDENCE ADDRESS36%6 W. REDDIRD LANE aD civ: palaas STATE: TEXAS 21: 75157 BUSINESS ADDRESS: WA BUSINESS NAME: WAY CCoMPLAMNANT:CHASTTY WILLIAMS DATEOF OFFENSE: 3.232018 ARREST WARRANT ISSUEDTO:DPDDSO DRIVER'S LICENSES: Stave cve FEES oe OPA THE a OALOF gyAD20 ANDEXECUTEDTHE DAY OF AD, 20 BY ARRESTING AND DETAINING ABOVE NAMED AND ACCUSED AD By: ‘STATUE OF LIMITATIONS DATE IS: WA. Cases (61161-2018 Page| of 2 ‘STATE OF TEXAS, ‘AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT ‘COUNTY OF DaLLas BEFORE ME he undersigned autoriy, on his day personally appeared the undersigned fant who, afer being Dall Coun m,n ott sted: My name is Frank Sera #10031 and Iam a peace officer ofthe City of Dalen Pails County, Texas. I the afin, have good eason and do believe that on or about the 3rd day of Money 2018-one Daimon Hovard BIM SMM, di ten and therein the City of Dale, Dalas Coun, Terese mnie {he offense of Murder, a violation of Section 19.02 ofthe Texas Penal Code a First Deget Felony, Avis bles bast open the flowing fad information which Aan erived fom: ‘X__sstaors penonlinvesigain ofthis alleged ose. = flo pace ose fe City of Das, Das Coy, Tex, who prea pact nthe avesigation otis lege fee, proving ts intormation to Ant, and whos informatica Affiantbelevesie berate Cedar 25,2018, a abou 12:59PM, suspect Damon Howard commited the offense of Mrdes, 8 volton ofthe Tesas Pees Code (18.02) F/, aguas vei, Chasity Wiliams, at 3636 W. Redbird Lane Dll, Dles County Tones ‘The facts ofthe case rea follows: Oe Mach 23, 2018, Dalls Police Officer responded to shooting cll located st 1636 W. Redhind Less. Upon ania FrDoming ofr lost suspect, Damon Howard, matching the descpion of the spec BIM, aveage heighy hearse, wearing & white fo the call shee. The complainant wae found deceased inside the Eeiom with mukipl gunshot wounds. Dallas Police Homicide Detective D. Chaney #7830 respnded tote eine sears er vestiznion Detective Sera #10031 responded to Dallas Police Headquates snd interviewed wines Witness SEER sited that the victim and the suspect, wo he Koows as “Cabbage” were arguing about what time the suspect came home, The witness then let the lotion fe, ‘pproximately 20 minutes to take his nephew to School. Once the witness arrived back at the offense location he ovetiend {he viel and surpect arguing in ther bedroom, The witness overheard the dor to the bedrooms open and slew cheer {Ens ing te door slang and re-opening, the witness head the vc el he aspect, “Move ou ofthe way! Mea! Geo of me!” The witness sted that he got upto leave the apartment goto a fiends house fo pot sn tn eee he ‘ented orotet te vit ad his sel because the uspet is known to cay & weapon. The wines: gt fo he Ent dene of Seno alk back tovarts the back bedroom whea he head severl more gunshots and saw wha he deibed area, Ti wines then ran out ofthe sprtment to et elp The wines obsered he suspet, who was wearing whi Si andre basketball shor, the ste clang that he obseried him in ror othe offense, walking ote ot exe of ibe apanment complex. The witness observed s gun in the commoa area of the apatment complex, just oot ing ‘sparment unit, When the witness tered the apartment, he observed agin magazine on the iving roo Neo Z_ ma WHEREFORE, Aan qu tt nar wart ed AFFORNT ‘for the above accused individual in accordagce with the lew. sunscafsep aN swoR To BEFORE ME on be Balok dayot _MAR 23 20180 MAR ATE, IN AND FOR DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS INGISTRATES DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CHISE tine Mb 23 2008 erty wee the ae cuneate tok. ‘cenit pote Gaus ta fe et Ce terra bra TixChSTRATE, BAND FOR DALLAS COUNT TAT a jee wun Page 2082 ‘The witness thea observed the victim laying on the bedroom lor and he began to shake the visi in an ale to wake hee up but he was onsuecessful. The witness then ran out of the apartment complex, picked up the gun which he held for ‘spproximately 20 seconds before puting the gun back down when nearby neighbors tated ty hed called for poice, The ines seed tat he only individuals inside the apartment were him, the vit an the suet. The witness, though he calyInows the suspect a a nckname of Cabbage, has own th suspect fr about 2 years ue tothe suspect dating snd "ving together withthe vietin. The witess confirmed the ett ofthe suspect with ingle entfable pa, Detective Sea #10031 iteriewed the suspect where he waived his rights and agreed to give a satement The suspect stated that he was arguing with the victim, who was his geiend, inthe bedroom ofthe aparment unt. The vucpet steed | tat they were arguing about his drug usage end that he shot her an unknown mount of times and killed hes The suspect sisted that he dropped the gun prior to lsing the scene. WHEREFORE, Aint cequest tha an anest warrant be sued 3ED AND SWORNTO BEFORE ME oa the forthe abe cused in eardance with the lew, ayor MAR 2 3 2018 20 mee EALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS | ACISTRATES DETERMIN STON OF FROPABCECHTSE cnsiste MABZ3 20 treny arse Te toe camel te oyig tsle et atook, Sel pe tae tak he tees warrant forthe individu aeneed therein "MAGISTRATE, IN AND FOR DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS |

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