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Kaledo for textile design

Innovative textile designs are fundamental to creating apparel that maintains a brand’s
unique positioning in the marketplace. The latest trends and colors must be adapted so
that they conform to a brand’s identity, appeal to target consumers and, of course, meet
production constraints. In a saturated marketplace, unique printed, woven and knitted
fabrics help differentiate a product or brand from the competition.

The cost of purchasing or developing numerous samples, the difficulty of ensuring color
consistency and the human resources necessary to bring new textile designs to market
have made this aspect of the fashion business a real challenge.

Textile designers need solutions specifically targeted to their needs to reduce time to market.
Having a vast selection of textile designs and colorways means that brand and collection
managers can fine tune collections to support brand identity and spark sales.

Kaledo Suite provides tools not only to improve day-to-day output, but it also introduces
process benefits that result in an increase in the quantity and quality of designs. Textile
design is a significant financial outlay and it is crucial to get the maximum possible return
on this investment.

With Kaledo, designers can easily create original concepts or adapt existing ideas for prints,
weaves and knits. While it is possible to use Kaledo Print, Weave and Knit as standalone
units, they are part of a global solution, Kaledo Suite, which also includes modules targeted
to fashion design and color management. Kaledo is part of Lectra’s fashion range for
process integration and data sharing throughout the whole fashion creation, planning and
development lifecycle.

Colorways and color development

With Kaledo designers can manage an unlimited
number of colorways, and as this colorway
information is embedded in the textile file itself,
files are much easier to handle. Whenever a textile design is
modified, its colorways automatically follow suit, eliminating
the need to separately modify each color variation.

Kaledo is fully compatible with .ase, .aco and .act color

palette formats.

The entire Kaledo Suite includes built-in features for the

automatic generation of industry standard reports and
detailed textile-specific information such as pitch sheets
(complete with callouts), technical palette data, weave/
knit structural information, construction details and yarn
Create market-right and cost effective prints from scanned fabrics, original artwork or from scratch. Kaledo Print is
specifically targeted for textile print development work and so it offers a powerful, efficient toolset, free from extraneous
distractions. Kaledo Print also generates technical information to facilitate the production of printed fabrics.

Kaledo Print groups related functions into studios for easy access to relevant tools and a reduced learning curve. However,
designers are not restricted to working in any specific order. They may color reduce at any time, if at all, clean-up stray
pixels before or after a design is in repeat, work in tonal or flat color, experiment with motifs and adjust the repeat at any
time. They are free to adapt their working methods to the job at hand.

Design creative prints Kaledo Print benefits

™ HXVcZm^hi^c\Vgildg`VcYegZk^ZlgZYjXZYXdadggZhjaih ™ @VaZYdEg^ciZcVWaZhiZmi^aZYZh^\cZghidiZhiVcjca^b^iZY
with flat colors or half-tones. number of print designs, coordinates and colorways.

™ 9gVl!bdY^[nVcYXaZVc"jeYZh^\chl^i]Vgi^hi^XiddahVcY ™ 9Zh^\cZgh XgZViZ YZh^\ch l^i] egdYjXi^dc XdchigV^cih

effects including customizable brushes. in mind but without technical barriers that could inhibit
the flow of creative ideas.
™ 9ZkZade XddgY^cViZh ZVh^an! l^i] i]Z jhZ d[ V edlZg[ja
motif clipboard. ™ Pitch sheets contain clear and accurate information
enabling the smooth communication of design
™ JhZi]Zjc^fjZYgde$ha^YZ[ZVijgZ[dgVaa"dkZgVcYidhhZY
specifications to textile manufacturers.
repeats. Create virtually any repeat pattern (straight repeat,
drops in the vertical or horizontal direction). ™ All color information is shared throughout the entire
Kaledo Suite - seasonal color palettes are easily
™ Ldg`l]^aZegZk^Zl^c\bVcngZeZVii^aZhidhZZi]Z\adWVa
accessed, and prints can be coordinated with other
effect of a design.
textiles, such as weaves and knits. Kaledo supports
™ 8gZViZ! ZkVajViZ VcY XdbeVgZ Vc jca^b^iZY cjbWZg d[ spectral color data.
colorways with simple color substitutions via drag and
drop, even for tonal prints.

Control costs and production constraints

™ JhZ Xdadg gZYjXi^dc iddah id Xdcigda i]Z cjbWZg d[
screens/colors needed to produce a print design, thereby
making it possible to virtually sample various alternatives
to find the best cost/quality ratios.

™ Take advantage of color grouping and tonal tools to

visualize complex color combinations and control the
number of screens or colors used.

™ 8dcigda gZeZVi h^oZ VcY Ygde id bViX] egdYjXi^dc VcY

sourcing requirements.
Tailor-made specifically for woven textile designers, Kaledo Weave offers a targeted, efficient toolset for creating and developing

Kaledo Weave’s sophisticated yarn generator coupled with a powerful color toolset encourages designers to explore
the effects of fibers, twist, diameter and weave pattern with colored and textured yarns. Colored yarn options
^cXajYZ heVXZ YnZh! ]ZVi]Zgh VcY _Vhe‚h0 iZmijgZ dei^dch ^cXajYZ cjWh VcY nVgc hbddi]cZhh Z[[ZXih# 9Zh^\cZgh
can be truly innovative while also reducing development costs by previewing realistic simulations before producing samples.
Visual and technical information necessary for production can be easily generated to reduce communication difficulties and

Surface and structural design Kaledo Weave benefits

™ ;VX^a^iViZ i]Z YZkZadebZci d[ hjg[VXZ Z[[ZXih hjX] Vh ™ @VaZYd LZVkZ ZcVWaZh iZmi^aZ YZh^\cZgh id iZhi Vc
colors, stripes, repeats and mirrored patterns to create unlimited number of woven designs and colorways.
checks, plaids, stripes, solids and other designs with a
™ 9Zh^\cZghVgZ[gZZidZmeZg^bZcil^i]nVgcXdbedcZcih!
weave-specific toolset.
weave structure, yarn color and surface design to create
™ Ldg` ^c k^hjVa dg iZX]c^XVa bdYZ! dg V XdbW^cVi^dc innovative wovens.
of both. Enter warp and weft color sequences via the
™ LZVkZ gZedgih XdciV^c XaZVg! VXXjgViZ ^c[dgbVi^dc
keyboard in alpha-numeric form.
allowing for smooth communication of design
™ 8]Vc\Z ldkZc higjXijgZh ^ciZgVXi^kZan# Ldg` ^c specifications to textile manufacturers.
flat color or simulation mode. Also copy color sequences
™ JhZVjidbViZYgZedgi^c\[jcXi^dchl^i]kVg^djhdei^dch
by stripe measurement, number of yarns, etc.
for the automatic layout of the weave pattern, colorways,
™ IgVXZdkZghXVccZY[VWg^XhidgZXdchigjXidggZ"Zc\^cZZg palette data information, yarns, number of harnesses
existing fabric swatches. Create, evaluate and compare needed, etc.
an unlimited number of colorways via drag and drop
color substitution.

Yarn and weave libraries

™ 9ZkZade gZVa^hi^X h^bjaVi^dch! ZkZc l^i] [VcXn XdadgZY
yarns such as heathers, jaspés, space dyes and nubs
using the custom yarn generator.

™ 8dcigdanVgcYZiV^ahYdlcidi]ZÒWZgXdciZci!h^oZVcY
twist level. Control fabric density.

™ 6XXZhh Vc ZmiZch^kZ lZVkZ a^WgVgn dg\Vc^oZY Wn lZVkZ

structure type: plain weave and variations, twills (simple
and complex twills, herringbones, chevrons and fancies),
geometrics, diamonds, etc. including jacquard effects
for dobby looms.

™ 8gZViZ dg^\^cVa lZVkZ eViiZgch Wn hiVgi^c\ l^i] V WVh^X

structure and customizing it.
Realistic knit simulations help designers visualize unlimited combinations of color, texture and structure. The interplay
of these three variables can yield surprising results. Kaledo Knit’s comprehensive yarn library provides a foundation for
designers to either begin creating from scratch, or to fine-tune fiber content, twist, density, strands and other technical
parameters in order to develop a custom yarn. Colors can be chosen and changed at any time and, as Kaledo supports
bjai^Xdadjg VcY [VcXn Z[[ZXih! YZh^\cZgh VgZ [gZZ id ZmeZg^bZci# 9Zh^\cZgh XVc \d WZndcY h^beaZ hi^iX] eaVXZbZci
and surface design to use the color/structure combination of yarns and stitches to create innovative and eye-catching

tool for knit development as designers can preview and error-check complex combinations of multi-color yarns and
structured knits such as cables and arans.

Jacquard and structured knits Kaledo Knit benefits

™ 8dckZgi W^ibVe ^bV\Zh id `c^ih l]^aZ Xdcigdaa^c\ ™ IZmi^aZ YZh^\cZgh XVc iZhi Vc jca^b^iZY cjbWZg d[
technical parameters. knit designs and colorways. Colorways are integrated
into the original knit file to avoid cumbersome file
™ JhZ YgVl^c\ iddah id Òaa! b^ggdg VcY gZeZVi bdi^[h#
™ 8dbedhZcZl_VXfjVgY`c^iYZh^\chl^i]iZmi^aZ"heZX^ÒX
™ GZVa^hi^X h^bjaVi^dch gZYjXZ i]Z cZZY [dg egdYjXi^dc
geometric tools.
™ 6XXZhh Vc ZmiZch^kZ a^WgVgn d[ `c^i hi^iX]Zh! ^cXajY^c\
™ 9Zh^\cZgh XVc ZmeZg^bZci l^i] `c^i"heZX^ÒX iddah i]Vi
jerseys, arans, cables, laces, misses and tucks.
allow them to master complex effects quickly and easily.
™ 8gZViZ! ZkVajViZ VcY XdbeVgZ Vc jca^b^iZY cjbWZg d[ Technical parameters guide but do not inhibit creativity.

colorways with simple color substitutions via drag and
™ @c^igZedgihXdciV^cXaZVgVcYVXXjgViZ^c[dgbVi^dci]Vi
enable smooth communication of design specifications
™ JhZ VjidbVi^X XdggZXi^dc [ZVijgZh [dg a^c`^c\ Zggdgh to textile manufacturers.
between stitches.
Hardware Specifications
™ IV`Z VYkVciV\Z d[ eVcZa X]VgVXiZg^hi^Xh! ^cXajY^c\ Kaledo Print, Weave and Knit* require the following minimum hardware
tension and gauge which may be saved as a template for configuration:
reuse.  ™L^cYdlhMEHE'l^i]>ciZa8dgZ'9jddgWZiiZg
 ™9K9 $"GLYg^kZ
Simple and complex yarns  ™-%<W]VgYY^h`dgbdgZ
™ 8dcigda h^oZ! il^hi VcY cjbWZg d[ Xdadgh l^i] i]Z nVgc  ™HXgZZc&'-%m&%')b^c^bjb
generator. *Kaledo Knit requires a standard graphic card supporting Pixel Shader
™ 8gZViZbjai^"XdadgnVgchhjX]Vh]ZVi]ZghVcY_Vhe‚h#

© 2009 Lectra. All rights reserved.

About Lectra
Lectra is the world leader in integrated technology solutions that automate, streamline, and accelerate product design, development,
and manufacturing processes for industries using soft materials. Lectra develops the most advanced specialized software and cutting
systems and provides associated services to a broad array of markets including fashion (apparel, accessories, footwear), automotive (car
seats and interiors, airbags), furniture, as well as a wide variety of other market sectors, such as the aeronautical and marine industries,
wind power, personal protective equipment. Lectra serves 23,000 customers in more than 100 countries with 1,500 employees and $292
million in 2008 revenues. The company is listed on Euronext Paris.
For more information visit

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