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typically, high birth rates are associated with health problems, low life expectancy, low living

standards, low social status for women and low educational levels. Demographic transition theory
postulates that as a country undergoes economic development and social change its population
growth declines, with birth rates serving as an indicator.

Gaining literacy through schooling helps formation of human capital and improving the quality of
workforce augmenting productivity. Productivity increases are expected to be correlated with higher
wages. Quality of life is reflected through improvement in life expectancy as a result of enhanced
access to adequate nutrition intakes and improved healthcare services. Improvement in human
capital and longer longevity of people are conjectured to contribute to larger output

Although studies that have examined the impact of CO2 emissions on the well-being are relatively
rare, economic activity generates necessarily the accumulation of the CO2 emissions and as
consequence, this will lead to environmental degradation and decreased the social-welfare.

Appropriateness of physician workforce greatly influences the quality of healthcare. Better

healthcare results better life expectany

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