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Program Studi Teknologi Industri Pertanian

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian

Universitas Jember
• An agroindustry is an enterprise that
processes material of plant or animal origin
• Processing involves transformation and
preservation through physical or chemical
alteration, storage, packaging and distribution
(Austin 1992)


Seaweed Market
Production &
Expansion Chipping &
(Family-Based) Storage Processing
(Food & Pet Grade)

Primary Value Distribution

R&D Production & Adding & Marketing
Processing Processing Transportation
• Teknologi (dari yang sederhana sampai canggih) mempunyai peran
sangat penting dalam transformasi suatu bahan mentah atau bahan
baku menjadi suatu produk dengan nilai tinggi (lihat pengertian
• Dalam kegiatan agribisnis dan agroindustri, teknologi (pertanian)
diperlukan sejak penyiapan lahan, penyediaan pupuk, produksi,
pemanenan, penanganan pasca panen, pengolahan, pengemasan,
distribusi dan pengangkutan, sampai pemasaran.
• Teknologi merupakan salah satu input produksi (lihat konsep 5M =
man, material, method, machine, money)
(1) Tombol on / off Spesifikasi:
(2) Pintu pemasukan - Power : 1,5 PK
(3) Pintu pengeluaran - Kapasitas : 35 – 45 mtr/mnt
(4) Baut pengatur tebal tipisnya bahan - Hasil serutan : customized
Alat Perajang Tembakau Konvensional
Proses perajangan daun tembakau
secara konvensional
1. Proses perajangan membutuhkan waktu
yang lama
2. Tidak ergonomis dan melelahkan
3. Hasil rajangan tidak seragam
Alat Perajang Daun Tembakau
(1) Pintu pemasukan
(2) Hendel penekan bahan
(3) Pengatur tebal tipisnya
bahan yang dipotong
(4) Tombol on/off

- Power : 300 watt
- Kapasitas : 100 – 200 kg/jam
- Hasil rajangan : customized
1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm
Teknologi Tepat Guna
Pembuatan Unit Pemeras
Sari Kedelai Tahu
Teknologi Tepat Guna
Pembuatan Unit Pengolah
Media Tanam Jamur Tiram
bahan baku

Pengemasan PROSES Pengupasan,

PEMBUATAN pencucian

Fermentasi Pengukusan

1. Pengawetan
bertujuan meningkatkan daya simpan, sehingga dapat
meningkatkan nilai tambah produk pada saat terjadi
kelangkaan pasokan atau mengurangi laju penurunan nilai
produk akibat kerusakan/kebusukan
2. Pemisahan
bertujuan memperoleh nilai tambah produk melalui
pengambilan komponen dalam bahan pertanian yang
memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi

(Brown 1994)
• Pengeringan cabe, ikan, dan daging
• Pembekuan ikan dan karkas
• Pelapisan dengan lilin (wax) buah-buahan
• Perendaman dalam larutan asam (pickle) atau garam
• Penyimpanan dengan pendinginan (cooler) atau
kondisi atmosfir terkendali (CAS) pada produk
• Pemerasan dan penyaringan untuk produksi sari buah dan
minyak masak
• Pemisahan dengan pelarut untuk produksi oleoresin
• Destilasi senyawa mudah menguap (volatile), misalnya
produksi minyak atsiri
• Penghancuran, pelarutan dan pengendapan/sentrifugasi
dalam produksi tapioka.
Teknologi diterapkan untuk menghasilkan produk dengan
spesifikasi tertentu, misalnya:
• Tingkat kemurnian (minyak goreng jernih)
• Keseragaman (ukuran dan tingkat kematangan buah)
• Kandungan gizi (telor omega-3)
• Rendah kalori (sugar free-soft drink)
• Memberikan kenyamanan konsumennya (makanan siap saji,
set bumbu dan sayuran siap masak)
Teknologi Agroindustri

• Teknologi (proses) pada agroindustri merupakan proses

transformasi hasil pertanian (bahan baku) menjadi produk
dengan nilai ekonomi yang lebih tinggi (produk agroindustri)
baik secara fisika, kimia, dan/atau biokimia.
• Produk agroindustri dapat merupakan produk akhir yang siap
dikonsumsi atau digunakan oleh manusia ataupun produk
yang merupakan bahan baku industri lain.
• Proses transformasi diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 (empat), yaitu
Level I, II, III, dan IV (Austin 1981).
Categories of Agroindustry
Processing Activity
Cleaning Ginning Cooking Chemical alteration
Grading Milling Pasteurization Texturization
Cutting Canning
Mixing Dehydration
Illustrative Products
Fresh fruits Cereal grains Dairy products Instant foods
Fresh vegetables Meats Fruits & vegetables Textured vegetables
Eggs Animal feeds Meats products
Jute Sauces Tires
Cotton Textile & garments
Lumber Oils
Rubber Sugar
The Typical Technology on Its Production Stages
• Raw material receiving and storage
• Raw material conditioning
• Core processes
• Packaging
• Storage and shipping operations Shipping

(Brown 1994)

Seaweed Market
Production &
Expansion Chipping &
(Family-Based) Storage Processing
(Food & Pet Grade)

Primary Value Distribution

R&D Production & Adding & Marketing
Processing Processing Transportation
Raw Material Receiving and Storage
The design of the receiving facility must take into account the volume,
form, and quality of raw material that is to be received, each factor
has technological implications !
• Volume of raw material  seasonality and perishable of raw
material affect to fixed cost of processing and handling
• Form of deliveries  small deliveries vs bulk deliveries, depend on
the relative cost of capital and labor
• Quality of deliveries  simply inspection or need sampling
equipment and laboratory facilities

Technical options:
• Unloading, Weighing, Grading, Storage
Raw Material Conditioning
• Mechanical preparation
• Temperature adjustment
• Moisture adjustment
• Addition or removal of agents
Core Processes
• Separation (location, texture, size or shape,
density, state, color, solubility)
• Concentration (the application of heat,
pressure, or combination)
• Mixing (enable to liquid form)
• Stabilization (drying with heat or pressure,
cooling, freezing, freeze-drying, heat
sterilization, irradiation)
The factors of concern in evaluating the materials and
technologies available:
• The cost of packing material in relation to total product cost
• Price trends among alternative materials
• Availability
• Ease of use
• Recycling
• The capacity of packaging equipment
• The precision of packaging equipment
• Damage rate on throughput
Storage and Shipping Operations
Designing storage and shipping facilities:
• How to maintain product stability
 Protect product from moisture
 Protect product from insect, rodent, and bird
damage and pilferage
• What storage capacity is required
 Depend on the difference between the
production cycle and the marketing cycle
Tugas #2
• Sebutkan jenis-jenis teknologi atau alat yang
digunakan pada masing-masing tahapan produksi
pada industri yang direncanakan
• Jenis-jenis teknologi dirinci berdasarkan:
 Raw material receiving and storage
 Raw material conditioning
 Core processes
 Packaging
 Storage and shipping operations
Selection of Processing Technology
• Qualitative requirements
• Process requirements
• Use of capacity
• Management capability
(Austin 1981)
Qualitative Requirements
• The processing technology to be selected for the agroindustry should be
tailored to meet the market's requirements for product quality
• Because consumers' preferences for quality vary, there is a range of
technological options that will yield varying levels of desired quality in the
agroindustrial end products.
• The firm can avoid unnecessary investments and maximize revenue by
modulating its processing technology to the requirements of its selected
market segments.
Processing Requirements
The constraints of process requirements to select the technology that
will minimize costs or scarcity of resources
• Labor versus capital
appropriate technology, labor is viewed as abundant and capital as
scarce; therefore, labor- rather than capital-intensive technology
should be used, low opportunity costs?
• Energy
the agroindustrial firm should assess the supply and price of
alternative fuels and the energy usage of various technologies
• Raw material
technology which makes most efficient use of the raw material
Use of Capacity
• One of the common problems facing agroindustries is the
under-use of capacity because of the seasonality of raw
material availability and market demand for the product
• Capacity used for agroindustry depend on availability and
continuity of raw material and market demand for the
• The kind of technology selected can reduce idle time caused
by seasonal factors.
• Adjusting the technology to handle a broader range of
Management Capability
• The fit of the technology with the enterprise's managerial
resources is another criterion for technology selection
• Managerial talent is often scarce in developing countries,
particularly at the supervisory level.
• Skilled technicians are also scarce, and so the maintenance
and repair requirements of equipment must be carefully
• Highly sophisticated agroindustrial equipment has often
ended up idle because of a plant's deficient maintenance
Selecting Technology
• Selecting technology involve alternatives of
technology that will be chosen and criterions that
will be used to judge for choosing the alternatives
• Selection of technology related to decision making
• The method of decision making for selecting
technology can use some kind of tools, i.e. Bayes,
… for your attention …

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