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19 July 2017

1 week

26 July 2017

Tajuk Jurnal


Isu yang difokuskan

Teaching 5 Arif class was a great challenge for me every time I entered their class. It was
also a big challenge even for the teachers in the school if they need to teach 5 Arif. Their
behaviours were unexpected. The pupils could behave or misbehave anytime. It was quite
hard to make the pupils to stop talking and listen to teacher’s instructions in the classroom
especially when they do not understand English language quite well. There are 34 mixed-
ability pupils in 5 Arif. Each of them has different English language proficiency level.

Analisis yang difokuskan (Punca dan kesan isu)

The activities conducted in the classroom were boring. Since the pupils did not understand
English very well, so they tended to give up easily without even trying to find the meaning in
the dictionary or asking the teacher if they did not understand anything. Most of them did not
even have any dictionary. That was one of the reasons why the pupils did not listen to
teacher’s instruction in the classroom especially during the practice and production stage.

Kajian Lampau (Literature Review) Terhadap Isu (Pengalaman atau Kajian Lepas)

Based on the DAWN Media Group in one of its articles (2011), it would be better if teachers
try to integrate online activities, videos, graphs, databases, templates, articles and
presentations in their everyday lesson plans to make their explanations clear and interesting.

Cadangan dan Idea Penyelesaian Masalah

There are a few alternatives that I would like to suggest in order to solve this problem. The
alternatives are:

a) Integrate the use of technology (online games, search engine, videos) in the
b) Give the pupils time to talk (1 minute)
c) Provide opportunity for the pupils to move their bodies for good reasons (role play)

Tindakan Susulan

I would like to try showing the pupils a video that could trigger their attention in learning. The
video must be related to the topic on that day. I would also like to conduct an activity that
involves the pupils to move their bodies. For example, the teacher could guide the pupils to
do the role play in front of the classroom because I believe the pupils would remember the
knowledge easily when they did it themselves. There were also certain pupils who like to
stand and present in front. These pupils love their other friends to listen and look at them.

Keberkesanan Langkah Yang Dicadangkan

The pupils enjoyed the lesson. Everyone payed attention to their friends in front who were
presenting the role plays. Some of them were even volunteer themselves to do the role play
even though only selected pupils were needed to present in front based on the draw they
had made before. During the set induction, I played a video. The pupils were very focus
watching the video. I could not believe their class could be so quite. I was so happy for them
for their enjoyable learning on that day.

Kesimpulan / Refleksi (Kesan Tindakan (Perlu) dan Halangan (Jika Ada)

I should continue this activity in the next classes. The use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) could be such a great help in drawing the pupils attention towards
learning. After the class, the pupils were also asking for more videos that they could watch
but as a teacher, I need to think creatively to integrate what the pupils want into English
teaching and learning session.


DAWN Media Group. (2011). Technology in the classroom : Incorporating ICT in education.

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