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Dissolved Oxygen and pH Modeling of a Periphyton Dominated, Nutrient Enriched River Daniel F. Turner'; Gregory J. Pelletier’; and Brian Kasper* Abstract: Nutrient enrichment of the South Umpqua River, Oregon was linked co periphyton growth and large diel fluctuations in dissolved oxygen and hydrogen ion (pH) concentrations using the water quality model QUAL2Kw. The available data provide @ good ease study for the relatively new water quality model. QUAL2Kw simulates a dynamic diel heat budget and water quality kinetics for a one-dimensional, steady-flow system and is part of a family of models meant to serve as an update to the widely used QUAL2E. The ‘model was used to quantify nonpoint source loading, determine the pollutant of concern, estimate natural conditions, and calculate a phosphorus total maximum daily load during summer, low-flow conditions, Control of both nonpoint and point sources is required to Achieve the low instream phosphorus concentrations necessary fo mect water quality criteria, To our knowledge, this is the fist paper that ‘reports on the application of a model for computing the maximum allowable load necessary to manage the del vatiation in pli DOI: 10.1061/(ASCB) J0733-9372(2009)135:8(645) CE Database subject headings: Water quality; Rivers; Mathematical models; Phosphonis; Wasteload allocation; pH¥; Dissolved oxygen; Nutrients; Oregon, Introduction The State of Oregon's water quality standards for dissolved oxy- gen (DO) and hydrogen ion (pH), which are meant to protect the health of salmon and other aquatic life, are not currently being met in the South Umpqua River. Photosynthesis and respiration by attached algae, or periphyton, are responsible for these water (quality impairments during the summer (Tanner and Anderson 1996). Tanner and Anderson (1996) conclude that large nuttient inputs from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are associated with, and largely responsible for, dense growths of periphyton that contribute to DO and pH impairments. A mathematical model is used to quantifably link nutrient and periphyton to impairments and determine the total maximum daily load (TMDL) that will achieve water quality objectives for DO and pH, ‘Computer models are used extensively to aid in management of water quality in rivers and streams (for eviews see Thomann ‘and Mueller 1987; Chapra 1997). A scientifically justifiable TMDL needs to quantify the link between sources of a pollutent and the water quality target. A water quality model provides a feasible framework by simulating the important physical, chemi cal, and biological processes (For discussion see Chapra 2003). In this application, phosphorus is quantifibly linked to periphyton {growth and to DO and pH impairments using the recently devel- "Water Quality Analyst, Oregon Dept of Environmental Quality, 811 SW Sixth Ave, Portland, OR. 97204-1390 (corresponding. author), Esl: cumerdaniel @doq state orut “Environmental Engineer, Washington State Dept, of Ecology, RO. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, Water Quality Analyst, Watershe Porthnd, OR 97208 [Note: This manuscript was submitted on September 13, 2006: ap proved on Marc 31,2008; published online on Sly 15, 2009: Discussion etiod open unt January 1, 2010; separate discussions mst be submited for individual papers. This paper is part ofthe Journal ef Environmental Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 8, August 1, 2009, ©ASCE, ISSN 0733- ‘9372/20007%-645-6521825.00, Sciences Inc, 529 SW Third Ave, ‘oped water quality modeling framework QUAL2Kw (Pelletier et al, 2006), This paper reports on a relatively new tool for water quality management, and, to our knowledge, ths is the first paper that reports on the application of a model for computing the maxi- ‘mum allowable load necessary to manage the diel variation in pH. ‘The South Umpqua River flows from mainly forested and ‘mountainous uplands into a lower gradient, wider valley bottom Where agriculture and urban development dominate the landscape Fig. 1), Annual flows typically range between 3 and 3,000 m/s (100-10,000 m*/s). The climate is generally mild and typified by Wet winters and dry summers. During the summer, the river is clear with nearly all of the photosynthetially available radiation passing through the top 0.6 m of the water column (Anderson et al, 1994). Under low-flow conditions, the average wetted width of the river is approximately 55m and the depth is 0.5 m. A large portion of the siver's substrate consists of bedrock and cobbles which can provide suitable habitat for periphyton, In the South ‘Umpqua River, periphyton concentrations tend to increase in the downstream direction, and near the mouth, Jarge mats of attached filamentous green algac are pervasive, at places covering neatly 100% of the river bed (Tanner and Anderson 1996) During the summer, there are seven WWTPS that can dis- charge into the South Umpqua River and Cow Creek, @ major tributary (Fig. 1). Four of the WWTPs are within the model teach, ‘Urban areas are progressively larger in the downstream ditection, ‘There is one major reservoir in the system located on Cow Creek Which provides up to 50% of the flow to the South Umpqua River dring the summer Modeling Framework QUAL2Kw provides the framework forthe South Umpaua River water quality model (Pelletier et al, 2006). The QUAI.2Kw mod: eling framework is closely related to QUAL2K (Chapra et al 2006) which the Environmental Protection Ageney is currently distributing as a modernized version of widely used QUAL2E. ‘JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / AUGUST 2009 /645 Se, — Fig. 4. South Umpqua River subbasin with wastewater weamet Frm aes and locos (parentheses inde either iver ko of south Umnpaa River or receiving steam name) South Umpqua River of seceiving SSN (Brown and Barnwell 1987). The QUALIKW and QUAL2 roy cats are bath based on the orginal work by Chapa et a (Gogg) bo QUAL2KGy and QUALZK the hyalina P> 208 ae one dimensional and steady while calculations are stp fr the diet heat budget and water-quality Kneis, et ome pats can be represented as point oF disibuted fonds ang wats, Most important for this application, Oe QUAT2Ko and QUALZK frameworks ationally simile PE Seat and pt (based on alain and toe inorganic) QUALI als inlaes clelation of hyporhsic processes a8 erg algorithms, and iackudes a genetic algorithm to focal sation making ian atractive too! 0 characterize shallow rattan dominated vers that ae common in IKE WEST Peeeygites, QUALZK and QUALZKw have previously Deen suid to ystems with DO and nate impairments (Kanel et al. 2007). 2. exis sepresented as a one-dimensional channel with sonore steady flow, QUAL2Kw simulates the anspor and panna tempera, two forms of carbonaceous biochemical OX)- ta onan, disoived oxygen alaliniy, ttl inorganic cash at phytoplankton, ptiyton, organic ntogen, ammonia ne Pie ntogen, organic phosphors, and inorganic Ps gs Changes are simulated within the day eye. The aaonats capability of simulating hyporteic exchange and pore ‘Meter quality was not ulized for this application re QUALIK heat balance accounts for heat wansfers frm ance reaches, los, abstractions, the atmosphere and Ne 5 see implying assumption is that all shortwave slat r- ra fat ener te water column through he water surface i cane inthe water eotomn (Adams and Sullivan 1989; CP acre gy) To shallow and clear streams, solar radiation cow ree bed bythe sttean-bod surface, However once the rin: ve asotdes te bed the high difosivity of the water eatve von ra pl eectively transfer most of energy into the wats trough rae of wansfer would essen wit hekesing of Antousoundary yer on the water side, given the trbulen ta fae sytem, this is @Teasonable first assumption If dis eruption neglected «major sures of het transfer, would Be aasvely that the model woold be able to represent temperate with fess than 1°C error (Table 2)- se ework implements the following general mass ale ance Tova constituent concentaion (ci he water ctor of reach se JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / AUGUST 2002 Discharge ms) anon Tat st io 820 8190 ate sow measurements preceding calibration days Oars, Fie, 0) + Hemi ~ Bde Mou e+ y(n ° siraction); Vj=volume (m'); Et wy operon eoscint botween reach {and +1 (a /day) er Toadng the constituent to reach i (Bilay or mea), i cor aid sinks of the constituent duc to reactions and Wr and ares ieansfer mechanisms (g/m"/day or mg/m’/day). The tans, Mt and Toading terms are nt incloded for peiphyion, The pores and sinks term encapsulates a large number of parameters darn rae variable. A detailed description of the QUAL2K tor eh vathematcal basis is provided elsewhere (Pelletier and ‘Chapra 2006). Model Configuration ‘Acsitical assumption of this effort is thatthe system can De a proximated by steady low and foading as represented W> CO aan August 20, 1991 and Augest 12, 2004, This assumption ie tappomed by the steady dectising Hows prior 0 the mode! Haye (Ge, 2), Intensive sampling ofthe point sources during AvBte {985 sepports the steady Toading assumption with an aversss Treated orthophosphate loading from point sowrees of Sp rg/day with a coeticint of variation of 08. Further tre a data in 1991 shows similar snus diet Setuations °F pil ia the time period surrounding the model day (Fe. 3) OO aeage in Fig, 3 with pH not exceeding 8.5 (August 7, 1991 and ‘August 9, 1991) there was cloud cover which reduced ti incon ipeBSolar radiation measurements. Therefore, based onthe Spore 1 ent it appears that the system ean be approximated Py 1 ‘sumption of steady flow and loading. Tn rver-was represented from its mouth at the confivesce swith the Nowth Umpgus River to 500:m upstream ofthe cont rane ith Day's Creck in 92 unique, 1,000 m long reaches. Re- Fig. 3. pH measurements prveding 1991 caibaton day oie, 008 G Data, 207] Model, 1991.6 Data, 19 Org g Pa 2 0 ° stance form moi (a) Fig. 4. Flow measurements and model results for two calibration days sults of predicted daily maximum temperature, maximum pH, and ‘minimum DO using distance steps of 500 and 1,000 m were com- pared and found to be similar {mean difference=-0.01°C, 0.01 (standard units of pH) (S.U.) and ~0,02 mg/L, and absolute mean slfference=0.22°C, 0.08 S.U., and 0.18 mg/L, respectively. This refinement of the model grid shows thatthe model isnot sensitive ‘o decreases in dispersion and there was no further calibration of this parameter, The model was run with a 56 min time step using Fuler’s numetical integration method, The model was run for 25 repeating days; so that the initial conditions were sufficiently fushed out and the model reached equilibrium with the assumed boundary conditions (maximum predicted travel time was 1B days). Channel properties were derived from a combination of field ‘measurements, remote sensing, and geographical information sys- tem (GIS) analysis, GIS data forthe model were based on a finer resolution riparian vegetation analysis completed for the South ‘Umpqua River temperature TMDL. The general methodology is presented by Boyd and Kasper (2003). Field measurements at five sites were used to corroborate the derived estimates of shade and channel properties, Meteorology inputs utilized measurements from nearby weather stations. Wind speeds were reduced to provide for tem Prature calibration, Reduction of wind speed data is reasonable Considering the effect of riparian vegetation compared with more ‘pen conditions at the weather stations, The solar radiation model Was validated with field measurements from Anderson et al, (1994). The model headwater and major tributary inflow is based On field measurements and gauging stations, Minor tributary and diffuse inflow and outfow was adjusted to match instream flows ‘and conductivity (Fig. 4), The time of travel and reaeration rates predicted by the model for the 1991 scenario were compared with measurements. by Laenen and Woo (1994). The flow daring their study was 3.65 m/s. as compared «© 3.79 m/s during the 1991 model, Manning's roughness coefiicients from 0.2 to 0.4 provided for general agreement between predicted and measured travel times (Fig. 5). The poot-riffle reaeration method was chosen based on comparison of eight possible methods within QUAL2Kw and ‘measurements by Laenen and Woo (1994) (Melching and Flores 1999) (Fig. 6). No adjustment to the channel properties were made based on this comparison Water quality of the tributaries and headwater was based on ‘Measurements when available, Estimates for other tributaries and inputs were based on monitoring from a different time period or ‘monitoring from similar tributaries. Monthly average flow, tem- Perature, and nutrient concentrations were used to represent point source inputs Two WWTPS discharge into Cow Creek, a tributary to the Travel Tine (hours) Distance rom mous rn) Fig. 5. Results from time of travel study compared to model predic South Umpqua River. Cow Creek was examined through a sepa rate but similar modeling and TMDL exercise not presented here (Turner et al. 2006). Observed data from Cow Creek were used for boundary conditions of 1991/2004 synoptic surveys, and simulated conditions in Cow Creek were used for evaluation of alternative loading strategies. The one WWIP upstream of the ‘model reach is small (discharge at 0.001 m°/s) and likely has litle downstream impact, ‘The stoichiometry of the algae was 100:28.5:2.804 (dry Weight:carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus) which was based on an aver. ‘age of 21 measurements by Anderson etal, (1994). Chlorophyll a in periphyton was not measured and assumed to be 100:1 (dry Weight: chlorophyll a) which is within the range suggested by Chapra (1997), Model Calibration The model was calibrated to observed conditions on August 20, 1991 and August 12, 2004. The 1991 model was calibrated to nine sites with continuous DO, pH, and temperature mesure ‘ments along with eight sites with grab samples with moraing and Afternoon field measurements. At ten sites, alkalinity, nitrite ‘titrate, ammonia, emmonia+ total oxganie nitrogen, total phos phorus, and dissolved ortho-phosphorus were also analyzed. The 2004 model was calibrated to 11 sites with morning, (6:00-9:00 4m) and aftemoon (2:30-S:00 p.m.) field measurements and chemical analysis. Dissolved omtho-phosphorus was used to est ‘mate the model state variable inorganic phosphorus. Organic Phosphorus was estimated by subtracting ortho-phosphorus from, o» © © mm 9 stance tom moth (im) Fig, 6. Comparison of measured reaeeation rates and model results HOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE/ AUGUST 2009 /647 ‘abe 1, Sette Parameters om Mods Calaton Suggest Range fom Peis tl 7008) Sugeeed Parameter ‘alue Ange Units Nation dynamics Detritus dssottion rate os os say eats setting velocity ' os rmiday Organi nivogen hydrolysis 03 os say Nititication 2 10 Keay Denitrifation L 02 sexy ‘Organic phosphorus hydrolysis 1s os aay oto alee! “Maximum vnfimited growth 500 0-500 mga s?/day Respiration 0.05 0-05 ay Bxeretion of nutrients 0.95 00s ay Death rate 0.06 0-05 aay Bxtera nitrogen balfsatraion 1s 0-200 pg/L Extemal phosphorus half saturation 10 0-100 gb IL Subsistence quota for nitrogen 28 0.0072-1.2 mgNig A Subsistence quota foe phospions os 0001-1 imgbimg A Maximum optake rate for nitrogen 28. 1-500 ngNing Alay ‘Maximum uptake rte for phosphorus oa 1-300) mgP/ng Alay total phosphonus. Onznic nitrogen was estimated by subtracting ‘tea plus mite and ammonia from total nitrogen. “Tncuodel was alfred fo observed water quality conditions by adjsting parameters that control aint and periphyton dy- eons parameters generally fell within or were close 10 the Maggs ange Cable 1) The parameters were adjusted t min aaa between observed ahd predicted temperature, DO and Ti able 2) For comparison the highest eve of temperature Bo. and pH data at Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ope) mst have a precision of fess than 15°C, 0.3 mg/L, and 03 8, respectively (ODEQ 20048). The mean daily maximum oo ps seasured temperature was 274°C with a mean diel range osc. There was no apparent Tongitadinal trend in tempers: race the model is generally able to reproduce the fongitudinal fatter of dissolved oxygen and pHi with increases in the oct ange downstream ofthe WWTP (Figs 7 and 8). Sinilary, the range goneraly reproduces the trends in nuient eoacentations Fg. 9). ‘Although periphyton biomass measurements were not col- rected during either ofthe model calibration periods, when com pared to daa collected in Augest 1982, model results ae similar Peagnitade and have a similar trend of increased Biomass com. vranations from dhe model headwaters 1 reaches downstream of Te WWIPs (Eig, 10) Two possible explanations forthe disparity omveen model resus are: (1) the model was configured for 2 Uhterent year than the perpyton data were collected; and (2) the snl wae not configured to represent spatially variable substrate Tiitation, Unfortunately, there are 0 chlorophyll a measure vrata which are a more accurate representation algal biomass {Stevenson 1994). The calibrated model prediets « Yongitudina, corer periphyton concentration of 226mg chlorophyll a/m aaa eneations of approximately 1,000 mg chlorophyll a/re Uectly downstream of the WWTPs. These values exceed the seetophie - eutrophic boundary of 200 mg chloropky afm? Suggested by Dodds et al, (1998), Altiough not useful for cf Tadton. the literature values indicate the predicted periphyton able 2 or Statins for 1991 Sou npg Water Quality Model Comparing Model PESTO 30 min and lourly Measurements “Temperature Dissolved oxyeen| pit co) (elt) eu) Root Root Root Absolute mean Absolute mean Absolute mean River rey | wim square =“ Mean mean gare co) Count error enor femor_——_ 0 esos oreo ror error 65 a “05 05 06 oa 08 09 00 02, 02 o a 07 os, 09 06 09 MW 00 02 02 381 a 0 08. os uM 1 LI oa oa as, 34 45 os 08 09, oa 04 os os oa oa 53 a 00 06 7 02 08 09 02 02 03 335. 4 oa 04 05, 10 13 16 oo oa oa 324 a 05 05 05 La a 18 04 05, os 30d ” 06 06 o7 os 12 ey oa oa os 99 uw 03 os 06 06 uM 12 09 09 09. ‘Average 00 06 on os. 10 12 03, os oa «548 / JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / AUGUST 2009 © Minimum ‘maximum data ‘ode! Results © distance rom mouth mn) 40 stance fom mouth (km) Fig, 7. Comparison of dissolved oxygen measurements with model results ‘concentrations are within a range in which one would expect 10 find water quality degradation, Alkalinity was relatively constant with 1991 measurements ranging between 49 and 60 mg/L. as CaCO, and 2004 measure- ment between 44 and $5 mg/L as CaCOy, There was no phy- toplankton data collected during these water quality surveys, however the model was calibrated to match the mean summer phytoplankton concentrations in this reach which peak near the ‘mouth at 5 ug chlorophyll a/L. Given the relatively low concen- tration of phytoplankton, periphyton dynamics appear to domi nate the water quality response. In the 2004 dataset, an inerease in organic nitrogen and ot- ganic phosphorus concentrations in the downstream direction was observed between samples at river km 60.2 and 53.2 that could not be reproduced given measured boundary conditions and the physical / biological processes modeled. The data were deter ‘mined to be of the highest quality by the ODEQ laboratory ind cating adherence to quality assurance and quality control plans. Field sheets were double checked and the field crew was intr viewed, and n0 inconsistencies were found, The model was used to back calculate that amount of diffuse loading necessary to re- produce instream measurements: 3.5 kg/day of organic phos- phorus (4% of total phosphorus loading) and 87 kg/day of ‘organic nitrogen (38% ofthe total nitrogen load), Possible sources of nutrients along this reach include inrigated agriculture and fail ing onsite wastewater treatment systems associated with residents (or a recreational vehicle park. Other water quality surveys indi- ceate different areas of nonpoint source loading (Tanner and Anderson 1996); however the locations have not been consistent, ‘Additional water quality surveys are being used to investigate this reach, ‘This application took advantage of the genetic calibration al- ‘gorithm for guidance; however final calibration involved adjust ments by the user and was based on minimizing error and ‘capturing general spatial and temporal patterns, The summary stx- lisies and qualitative comparison of trends show that the model is a reasonable representation of the system. The uncertainy of the ‘model calibration is compensated for by the conservative alloca tions which are computed for a critical, low-flow period. Application for TMDL Development Once calibrated, the model was used to quantify the source as- sessment and determine the TMDL. Scenarios were based on the flow and meteorological conditions used in the 2004 calibration, ‘Three scenarios were developed: background loading, nonpoint soutce loading only and compliance loading, The model predicts that phosphorus is limiting the growth of petiphyton upstream of each treatment plant. Therefore, control of phosphorus loadi ‘was considered to be the best strategy (0 achieve water quality objectives. The three WWTPS discharging in 2004 contribute 96% of the inorganic phosphorus load and 87% of total phos: phorus load while contributing 5% of the flow. ‘Water quality targets were determined from state water quality standards (ODEQ 2004b). The policy decision to define the crti- cal flow condition to the lowest stream flow that occurs over 14 consecutive days and has a 3 year recurrence interval (14Q3) was determined through discussions with the TMDL technical advi sory committe. The observed flow for the 2004 model is 2% less than the computed critical flow, and therefore the 2004 flow re- sgime was used as the critical Now. The pH target was not to exceed 8,8 standatd pH units (S.U) or not more than a 0.3 $.U, increase from predicted natural conditions. The DO target was ‘greater than an 8,0 mg/L. daily average and 6.0 mg/L as a daily ‘minimum, Greater reductions in loading are required to meet the pH target than the DO target and therefore, the discussion below is based on meeting the pH target. Background conditions were determined by changing model boundary conditions to reflect our best understanding of natural conditions. Background nutrient concentrations were determined ‘© Minimum maximum data ‘Model Rosia Py © stance trom mouth (kn) 80 40 lstance fom mouth (cm) Fig. 8. Comparison of pH measurements with model results in standand units JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / AUGUST 2009/649 essed — Wore Rea) 150 100 oP 40 ygPhL 2 dren d Se, mo © ammonia, 1991 ° 00 00d 50 ob gers 20 0 ; Nitrate, 1994} 2m 08 80 0 ° 800 organic W, 1981} = ooo af 2 400 oe) = * f ° ol _—* % 6 distance fom ath) iat, 204 wo} 0 ° obo ee e6-e 2 “0 ° se a} ——— 1200 ‘00 600 ( Setee alesis 20 © gatance fom mouth (kn) Fig, 9. Comparison of measutements snd model results for select nutrients by taking average concentrations from the mouths of tribu- faties with no known anthropogenic sources of nutrients (nine ‘samples from thre sites). Background concentrations for tributat- ies were set to organie nitrogen=216 weN/L. (micrograms of ni twogen per liter), ammonia=18 ugN/L, nitrate=23 weN! organic phosphorus=9 gP/L (micrograms of phosphorus per Titer), and inorganic phosphorus=5 jgP/L when less than current conditions. Boundary condition DO and pH were Kept at the ob- served concentrations from the 2004 synoptie survey. The point Sources effluent was not included in the estimate of background ‘conditions, The background loading scenario also incorporated restored riparian shade estimates that were developed forthe te perature TMDL, Given the wide river channel and existing ripar- jan vegetation, the predicted temperature and solar radiation under backgeound conditions was not significantly different thant ceurvent conditions, ‘The model predicts that under the background loading see nario, pH would exceed the 88 SU. target only in the upper portions the model reach (Fig. 10). Therefore, the pH target for oo 0 0 2 0 Aistnee fom meth (m) Fig. 10. Comparison between measurements of periphyton biomass (asheftee dry weight from August 1992 and model results from Aur fst 1991, Similar magnitudes and spatial patterns were simulated for ‘August 2004, 6650 / JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / AUGUST 2000 ‘Table 8. Allocations to South Umpqua River to Address DO and pit Water Quality Limitations Tnorgane "Tosa Tnonganic "Total Location Discharge Phosphorus phosphonis phosphorus phosphorus Source name. (am) (ais) (usP/L) (ugPiLy pity) glday) Canyonville (1 812 0.009 ‘S10 856 oa 06 Myrtle Creek 2) o19 0.026 400 480 09 1 ‘Winston-Green (3) 33 oo8r 250 259 Lo 10 Roseburg (4) 122 0135 150 165 Le 19 Nonpoint Various Various Various Various Lo 29 Cow Cree 48, 13 3 u 03, 12 is reach is 0.3 $,U. greater than the predicted natural pE1. Under background conditions, periphyton dominates primary produetiv- ity and phosphorus is. predicted to be the limiting nutrient for periphyton production. “The nonpoint source only scenario was based on current con- ditions except for point source effluent. The model predicts 16 km reach where the pH target will not be achieved even if all point sources were not discharging (Fig, 10) "The TMDL, or compliance loading, was determined by assum- ing background concentrations for nonpoint sources and itera- tively reducing point souree phosphorus concentrations from current conditions until the pH target was achieved (Table 3 and Fig, 11), The instream concentration of inorganic phosphorus nec essary to meet the pH target is low, less than 6 wgP/L, and is spatially variable (Fig. 12). Spatial differences in loading capacity are in part due to the ammonia and alkalinity in the effluent re- ducing the impact on daily maximum pH along with upstream conditions, flow, and channel variability. In order not to exceed ——= Girrent Gonaiion ~ Background Loading] <-NPS Loading Only = Compiance Loading i090 Daily maximum pH 80 eo 40 2 ° stance from mouth (kr) Fig. 14. Predicted daily maximum pH concentrations for three soe- narios (NPS=nonpoint source) == Background Loading =-=----NPS Loading Only | 80 6 «0 20 0 stance trom mouth (hm) Fig, 12, Predicted daly average inorganic phosphorus (P) concent tions for 3 scenarios. Refer to Table three for treatment plant (TP) information, (NPS=nonpoint source) the loading capacity, necessary treatment plant effluent concentra tions of total Prange from 130 to 750 jgP/L (Table 3) ‘Summary and Conclusions ‘This paper presents a steady-flow hydraulic model with dynamic ‘water quality for the South Umpqua River, Oregon, The model provided a sufficient framework t0 account for nutrient and per iphyton impacts on DO and pH under summer, low-flow condi tions. Similar efforts in the state of Oregon have involved using separate models (© determine DO and pH or more complex hydrodynamic models, The writers believe that QUAL2Kw pro- vided a user-friendly interface and fast computation speed while capturing the dominant processes which impact water quality in the South Umpqua River. The shade algorithms, calculation of hhyporheic process and auto-calibration feature make the mode! attractive choice for application to periphyton dominated river systems that are common in the western United States. ‘To our knowledge, this is the first paper that reports on the pplication of a model for computing the maximum allowable load necessary to manage the diel variation in pH. Although hy- raulic and nutrient requirements for model development are similar to DO studies, water column alkalinity measurements are necessary to characterize pH. Using « steady-flow and loading model imposes some limita- tions its application, For example, the model cannot be used to estimate the impact of variable loading from WWTPs leading to ‘uncertainty in translating daily loads into monthly permit limits. Furthermore, the impact of greater loading in the spring on the carly summer Water quality cannot be quantified. Lastly, « steady. flow model cannot be utilized to estimate the impact of storm events on periphyton and water quality. “The model allowed for the quantification of nonpoint sources, determination of limiting nutrient, prediction of natural condition, and the allocation of phosphorus to sources, Low instream phos: _, |——omeanes toed | ots connate nest fit pthyo wth i g (Soorote teed Eder to meet te pH and DO water quality targets, Conols of g ‘both point and nonpoint sources are necessary. This result has A Significant mpiatons Tor pollution contol or vers houpboot : the United States. 5 i Acknowledgments Funding for part of this TMDL study was provided through a grant from EPA 319, The writers would like to thank Peter Leinenbach and Ben Cope of EPA and the Umpqua TMDL Tech- nical Committee for review and suggestions. Special thanks go to Paul Heberling, Bobbi Lindberg, Dave Gilbey, and Larry Marxer JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / AUGUST 2009/ 651 of Oregon DEQ for data collection and environmental efforts throughout the basin, Much of the data used for this effort were Catlested by US. Geological Survey in cooperation with Douglas County. References ‘Adams, Nee and Sallivan, K. (2989). “The physics of forest stream Tring: w simple model” Weyerhaewser Research Rep Rep. No MaWiwig3-90.007, Washington State, Dept, of Natral Resources, Olympia, Was. Andean G, We, Tanner, D. Q., and Lee, D. B. 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