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Shape & Value

Drawing with Shape and Value
What will we learn & use?
• Composition
• The “Keys to Composition:”
• Size
• View
• Placement
• Line, shape, value, and form
• Line - a point extended in both directions
• Shape - lines combined to create an enclosed space
• Value - the lightness or darkness of something
• Form - combining shape and value to create the
illusion of three dimensions on a flat surface
So, how are we going to use this?

Avoiding LINES

To create FORMS


What is a VALUE?
Find the big shapes
Lightest values, middle values, darkest values
Work in layers: back, middle, and front
Giorgio Morandi

“Nothing is more abstract than reality.”

Drawing with Shapes and Values
Step 1: Fill in the Value Scale below with your pencil. Make sure that the first box is left white, and
! the last box is completely filled in, as dark as you can get it (try pushing harder on your pencil
to make the value darker). Then, gradually fill in the boxes ranging from very light, to very
! dark, so there is a gradation from the first white box to the last very dark box.

Step 2: Choose seven different colored markers, then outline each of the squares below in a
! different color and number them consecutively from 1 to 7.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Step 3: Outline shapes of value in the drawing below with the marker that corresponds to the value
! it represents.

Shane Henderson, Art 1, 2008

Try to draw the objects in front of you
WITHOUT using lines!

Instead - identify SHAPES and VALUES in what

you see, and draw those.

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