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A. Complete the sentences with the connectors below. (9)

nevertheless • in addition to • as long as •despite • as well as • whereas • also • although • furthermore •
1. John was hungry. He ate my sandwiches........................ his own
2. The twins aren't identical. Sam has got red hair, .................... Joe is blond.
3. We enjoyed our holiday ........................ the bad weather.
4. We arrived late ........................ we got up very early.
5. You can borrow my car return it tomorrow.

Now circle the correct connectors.

6. She didn’t study hard enough for the exam, (whereas / nevertheless / therefore) her
results were poor.
7. (Since / As a result of / Moreover) they came late, they were not allowed into the game.
8. (Furthermore / Unlike / In addition to) paying the rent, she also has to buy furniture.
9. I would like to live close to the city (even if / besides / in spite of) the noise of the traffic.

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