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3/29/2018 SAP e-book

Unit 7: SAP Gateway Hub Functionalities

Gateway→ OData Channel→ Configuration→ Connection Settings→ SAP

NetWeaver→ SAP Gateway→ Manage SAP System Alias (transaction SPRO).

These customizing settings are called direct settings. They can be adjusted
without the need to change system settings. Consequently, these settings can be
changed in a production system.
Other examples of direct settings are exchange rates that customers must be able
to update in their productive systems.

System Alias Properties

Figure 163: System Alias Properties

In the SAP System Alias field, specify a meaningful logical name, such as ERP_EMEA or SRM.
In the description field, an additional description can be maintained. The flags Local GW and
Local App must be set based on the deployment scenario that has been chosen or the
backend system.
The RFC Destination field should contain the name of the RFC destination that points to the
backend system. The Software Version field usually contains the value Default. In specific
scenarios where services have been generated using the Service Builder, a specific software
version must be specified to reflect changes in the generated coding. For example, the
generation of services based on SPI objects.
Although maintaining the SystemID and Client fields is not mandatory, it is strongly
recommended that you complete those fields, as the system ID and client are used to retrieve
the list of system aliases a developer can choose from when registering the service on the hub
from within SEGW.
You are not required to maintain the WS provider system field. This information was only
applicable to some deprecated integration scenarios.

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