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(Name) Roll No.
2. (Signature) (In figures as per admission card)
(Name) Roll No.
(In words)
D0 5 1 5 PAPER - III
Time : 2½ hours] SOCIOLOGY [Maximum Marks : 150
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 32 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 75
Instructions for the Candidates ÂÚUèÿææçÍüØô¢ ·ð¤ çÜ° çÙÎðüàæ
1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of
this page.
1. §â ÂëDU ·ð¤ ª¤ÂÚU çÙØÌ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ¥ÂÙæ ÚUôÜU ِÕÚU çÜç¹°Ð
2. This paper consists of seventy five multiple-choice type of 2. §â ÂýàÙ-˜æ ×𢠿ãžæÚU Õãéçß·¤ËÂèØ ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð
questions. 3. ÂÚUèÿææ ÂýæڐUÖ ãôÙð ÂÚU, ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¥æ·¤ô Îð Îè ÁæØð»èÐ ÂãÜðU ÂUæ¡¿ ç×ÙÅU
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet ¥æ·¤ô ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¹ôÜÙð ÌÍæ ©â·¤è çِÙçÜç¹Ì Áæ¡¿ ·ð¤ çÜ° çÎØð
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discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a Üð¢Ð U §â·ð¤ çÜ° ¥æ·¤ô Âæ¡¿ ç×ÙÅU çÎØð ÁæØð¢»ðÐ ©â·ð¤ ÕæÎ Ù Ìô
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5. ÂýàÙæ𴠷𤠩žæÚU ·ð¤ßÜ ÂýàÙ ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ·ð¤ ¥‹ÎÚU çÎØð »Øð OMRU ˜淤 ÂÚU ãè
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English version will be taken as final. ×æÙæ Áæ°»æÐ

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 1 P.T.O.


Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All
questions are compulsory.

1. Who among the following has made use of the concepts, ‘indexicality’ and ‘reflexivity’ in his
theory ?
(1) Harold Garfinkel (2) Thomas Luckmann
(3) Alfred Schutz (4) Erving Goffman

2. Which of the following can be described as “a method in philosophy that begins with the
individual and his own conscious experience and tries to avoid prior assumptions, prejudices
and philosophical dogmas” ?
(1) Ecology (2) Phenomenology
(3) Ethnomethodology (4) Dramaturgy

3. Which of the following methods is not used by Garfinkel in his work on ethnomethodology ?
(1) Accounting Practices (2) Et Cetera Principle
(3) Documentary Method (4) Collecting Narratives

4. Match the following Lists :

List - I (Authors) List - II (Books)
(a) Alfred Schutz (i) Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
(b) Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann (ii) The Phenomenology of the Social World
(c) Harold Garfinkel (iii) The Social Construction of Reality
(d) Erving Goffman (iv) Studies in Ethnomethodology
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 2 Paper-III

ÂýàÙ˜æ - III

çÙÎðüàæ Ñ §â ÂýàÙ-˜æ ×ð´ ¿ãžæÚU (75) Õãé-çß·¤ËÂUèØ ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ Îô (2) ¥¢·¤ ãñ´Ð âÖè ÂýàÙ ¥çÙßæØü

1. çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âÙð ¥ÂÙð çâhæ´Ì ×ð´ ÒçÙÎðüàææˆ×·¤ÌæÓ ¥æñÚU ÒçÙÁßæ¿·¤ÌæÓ ·¤è ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ¥æð´ ·¤æ ÂýØæð» ç·¤Øæ ãñ?
(1) ãñÚUæðËÇU »æÚUçÈ´¤·¤Ü (2) Íæò×â Ü·¤×ñÙ
(3) ¥ËÈýð¤ÇU àæéÅ÷UÁ (4) §çßZ» »æòȤ×ñÙ

2. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âð çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ßç‡æüÌ ç·¤Øæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñ, ÒÒÎàæüÙàææS˜æ ·¤è °·¤ Âý‡ææÜè Áæð ÃØç€Ì ¥æñÚU
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(1) ÂæçÚUçSÍÌ·¤è (2) ƒæÅUÙæ ç·ý¤Øæ çߙææÙ
(3) ÙëÁæçÌ ÂhçÌ àææS˜æ (4) ÙæÅ÷UØ àææS˜æ

3. ÙëÁæçÌ ÂhçÌ àææS˜æ ÂÚU ¥ÂÙð ·¤æØü ×ð´ »æÚUçÈ´¤·¤Ü Ùð çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤â çßçÏ ·¤æ ÂýØæð» Ùãè´ ç·¤Øæ ãñ?
(1) Üð¹æ ÂÚUèÿææ ÂÚ´UÂÚUæØð´ (2) §ˆØæÎè (°ÅU âðÅþUæ) çâhæ´Ì
(3) ßëžæ 翘æ çßçÏ (4) â´»ýã‡æ ¥æUØæÙ

4. çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì âê¿è ·¤æð âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤Ú´ðU Ñ

âê¿è- I (Üð¹·¤) âê¿è-II (ÂéSÌ·¤)
(a) ¥ËÈðý¤ÇU àæéÅ÷UÁ (i) ÂýðÁð´ÅðUàæÙ ¥æòȤ âðËȤ §Ù °ßÚUèÇðU Üæ§üȤ
(b) ÂèÅUÚU Õ»üÚU ¥æñÚU Íæò×â Ü·¤×ñÙ (ii) Î çȤÙæð×ðÙæðÜæòÁè ¥æòȤ Î âæðàæÜ ßËÇüU
(c) ãñÚUæðËÇU »æÚUçÈ´¤·ð¤Ü (iii) Î âæðàæÜ ·´¤âÅþU€àæÙ ¥æòȤ çÚUØçÜÅUè
(d) §UçßZ» »æòȤ×ñÙ (iv) SÅUÇUè$Á §Ù °ÍÙæð×ðÍÇUæðÜæòÁè
çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè´ ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤Ú´ð Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 3 Paper-III

5. An approach to social analysis in which the theatre is the basis of an analogy with everyday
life is known as :
(1) Teleology (2) Dramaturgy (3) Theology (4) Gerontology

6. The key concepts of Berger and Luckmann’s theory described as moments of a dialectical
process are :
(1) Externalization, Objectivation, Internalization
(2) Objectivation, Internalization, Subjectivity
(3) Internalization, Subjectivity, Externalization
(4) Externalization, Incorporation, Internalization

7. Which of the following notions Louis Althusser has opposed ?

(1) Humanist movements within Marxism
(2) Humanist and Hegelian movements within Marxism
(3) Humanist - Labour movements within Marxism
(4) Labour - Hegelian movements within Marxism

8. According to Habermas’s view in modern societies science and technical rationality function
as :
(1) Raising fundamental questions about human ends
(2) Ideologies
(3) Reason against ignorance
(4) Reason against oppression

9. What are the three forms of scientific knowledge that Habermas seeks to identify ?
(a) Empirical - analytical
(b) Ethical - philosophical
(c) Hermeneutic inquiry
(d) Critical and emancipatory
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
(1) (a), (b), (c) (2) (b), (c), (d) (3) (a), (b), (d) (4) (a), (c), (d)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 4 Paper-III

5. âæ×æçÁ·¤ ×êËØæ´·¤Ù ·¤æ ßã ÎëçcÅU·¤æð‡æ çÁâ×ð´ ÙæÅ÷UØàææÜæ ÚUæðÁ×ÚUæü ·ð¤ ÁèßÙ âð °·¤ â×æÙÌæ ·¤æ ¥æÏæÚU ãæðÌè ãñ,
ç·¤â·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ÁæÙæ ÁæÌæ ãñ ?
(1) ÂýØæðÁÙßæÎ (2) ÙæÅ÷UØàææS˜æ (3) Ï×üàææS˜æ (4) ÁÚUæçߙææÙ

6. m´mÌæˆ×·¤ Âýç·ý¤Øæ ·ð¤ ÿæ‡ææð´ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ßç‡æüÌ Õ»üÚU ¥æñÚU Ü·¤×ñÙ ·ð¤ çâhæ´Ì ·¤è ×éØ ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææØð´ ãñ´ Ñ
(1) ÕçãÑ·¤ÚU‡æ, çßáØè·¤ÚU‡æ, ¥æØ´Ìè·¤ÚU‡æ
(2) çßáØè·¤ÚU‡æ, ¥æØ´Ìè·¤ÚU‡æ çßáØçÙcÆUÌæ
(3) ¥æØ´Ìè·¤ÚU‡æ, çßáØçÙcÆUÌæ, ÕçãÑ·¤ÚU‡æ
(4) ÕçãÑ·¤ÚU‡æ, â×æßðàæÙ, ¥æØ´Ìè·¤ÚU‡æ

7. Üé§ü ¥ËÍéÁÚ Ùð çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤Ù çß¿æÚUæð´ ·¤æ çßÚUæðÏ ç·¤Øæ ãñ?
(1) ×æ€âüßæÎ ·ð¤ ¥‹Ì»üÌ ×æÙßÌæßæÎè ¥æ´ÎæðÜÙ
(2) ×æ€âüßæÎ ·ð¤ ¥‹Ì»üÌ ×æÙßÌæßæÎè ¥æñÚU çã»ðÜßæÎè ¥æ´ÎæðÜÙ
(3) ×æ€âüßæÎ ·ð¤ ÖèÌÚU ×æÙßÌæßæÎè oýç×·¤ ¥æ´ÎæðÜÙ
(4) ×æ€âüßæÎ ·ð¤ ÖèÌÚU oýç×·¤-çã»ðÜßæÎè ¥æ´ÎæðÜÙ

8. ãðÕÚU×æòâ ·ð¤ çß¿æÚUæ𴠷𤠥ÙéâæÚU ¥æÏéçÙ·¤ â×æÁæð´ ×ð´ çߙææÙ ¥æñÚU Ì·¤Ùè·¤è Ìæç·ü¤·¤Ìæ çِ٠×ð´ âð ç·¤â·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ·¤æØü
·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ?
(1) ×æÙß ÜÿØæð´ ·ð¤ ÕæÚðU ×ð´ ×æñçÜ·¤ ÂýàÙ ©ÆUæÙæ
(2) çß¿æÚUÏæÚUæØð´
(3) ¥™ææÙÌæ ·ð¤ çßL¤h Ì·ü¤
(4) Î×Ù ·ð¤ çßL¤h Ì·ü¤

9. ãðÕÚU×æâ Ùð ßñ™ææçÙ·¤ ™ææÙ ·ð¤ ç·¤Ù ÌèÙ SßM¤Âæð´ ·¤è Âã¿æÙ ·¤è?
(a) ¥ÙéÖçß·¤ - çßàÜðá‡ææˆ×·¤
(b) ÙñçÌ·¤ - ÎæàæüçÙ·¤
(c) ã×ðü‹ØêçÅU·¤ ¥‹ßðá‡æ
(d) ¥æÜæð¿Ùæˆ×·¤ ¥æñÚU ×éç€ÌÎæØè
çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤Úð´U Ñ
(1) (a), (b), (c) (2) (b), (c), (d) (3) (a), (b), (d) (4) (a), (c), (d)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 5 Paper-III

10. According to L. Althusser the mode of production involves complex articulation of :
(1) only economic practices
(2) only political practices
(3) economic, political and ideological practices
(4) economic and political practices

11. Who has considered ‘modernity as an unfinished project’ ?

(1) J. Derrida (2) A. Giddens (3) L. Althusser (4) J. Habermass

12. Who popularised the conception of an ‘epistemological break’ between young Marx and the
mature Marx ?
(1) L. Althusser (2) J. Habermass (3) J.C. Alexander (4) R. Dahrendorf

13. Which among the following is not the work of Michel Foucault ?
(1) Forms of Talk (2) History of Sexuality
(3) Madness and Civilization (4) Discipline and Punish

14. Which one of the following concepts is not given by Derrida ?

(1) Cultural Capital (2) Logocentrism
(3) Deconstruction (4) Difference

15. Match the following Lists :

List - I (Author) List - II (Books)
(a) Anthony Giddens (i) For Marx
(b) Michel Foucault (ii) The Constitution of Society
(c) Jacques Derrida (iii) The Order of Things
(d) Louis Althusser (iv) Writing and Difference
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 6 Paper-III

10. °Ü. ¥ËÍê$ÁÚU ·ð¤ ¥ÙéâæÚU ÒÒ©ˆÂæÎÙ ·¤è çßçÏ ×ð´ âç×çÜÌ ãæðÌè ãñ´ ÁçÅUÜ ¥çÖÃØç€Ì ·¤è __________Ð
(1) ·ð¤ßÜ ¥æçÍü·¤ ÂçÚUÂæçÅUØæ¡
(2) ·ð¤ßÜ ÚUæÁÙñçÌ·¤ ÂçÚUÂæçÅUØæ¡
(3) ¥æçÍü·¤, ÚUæÁÙñçÌ·¤ ¥æñÚU çß¿æÚU ÏæÚUæˆ×·¤ ÂçÚUÂæçÅUØæ¡
(4) ¥æçÍü·¤ °ß´ ÚUæÁÙñçÌ·¤ ÂçÚUÂæçÅUØæ¡

11. ç·¤âÙð Ò¥æÏéçÙ·¤Ìæ ·¤æð °·¤ ¥â×æŒÌ ÂçÚUØæðÁÙæÓ ×æÙæ ãñ?

(1) Áð. ÎñÚUèÎæ (2) °. ç»ÇðU‹â (3) °Ü. ¥ËÍé$ÁÚU (4) Áð. ãðÕÚU×æòâ

12. Øéß·¤ ×æ€âü ¥æñÚU ÂçÚUÂ€ß ×æ€âü ·ð¤ ҙææÙ ×è×æ´âèØ ¥´ÌÚUæÜÓ ·¤è ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ·¤æð ç·¤âÙð Üæð·¤çÂýØ ÕÙæØæ?
(1) °Ü. ¥ËÍé$ÁÚ (2) Áð. ãðÕÚU×æòâ (3) Áð.âè. ¥Üð€Áð´ÇUÚU (4) ¥æÚU. ÇðUãÚðUÙÇUæòÈü¤

13. çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ ç×àæðÜ Èꤷ¤æð ·¤è ÚU¿Ùæ Ùãè´ ãñ?
(1) Ȥæ×ü÷â ¥æòȤ ÅUæò·¤ (2) çãSÅþUè ¥æòȤ âð€âé¥çÜÅUè
(3) ×ñÇUÙðâ °´ÇU çâçßÜæ§ÁðàæÙ (4) çÇUâèçŒÜÙ °´ÇU ÂçÙàæ

14. çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ âè ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ÎðÚUèÎæ Ùð Ùãè´ Îè ãñ?

(1) âæ´S·ë¤çÌ·¤ Âê´Áè (2) ÂÚUæßæ·¤ ©‹×é¹Ìæ
(3) çßâ´ÚU¿ÙæßæÎ (4) çßÖðÎ

15. çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì âê¿è ·¤æð âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤Ú´ðU Ñ

âê¿è - I (Üð¹·¤) âê¿è - II (ÂéSÌ·¤)
(a) °´ÍæðÙè ç»ÇðU‹â (i) ȤæòÚU ×æ€âü
(b) ç×àæðÜ Èꤷ¤æð (ii) Î ·¤æ´SÅUèÅKéàæÙ ¥æòȤ âæðâæ§ÅUè
(c) Áñ€â ÎñÚUèÎæ (iii) Î ¥æÇüUÚU ¥æòȤ çÍ´‚â
(d) Üé§üâ ¥ËÍé$ÁÚU (iv) ÚUæ§çÅ´U» °´ÇU çÇUȤÚð´Uâ
çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤ÚðU´ Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 7 Paper-III

16. Which of the following constitutes an important methodological component in Foucault’s
works ?

(1) Structuration Theory (2) Archaeology of Knowledge

(3) Phenomenological Perspective (4) Symbolic Interactionism

17. Which of the following concepts Giddens uses in his theory of structuration ?

(1) Dual Analysis (2) Dual Roles

(3) Duality of structure (4) Structural dualism

18. To whom, the sign, strictly speaking, must always stand ‘under erasure’, as necessary but
inadequate ?

(1) Louis Althusser (2) Michel Foucault

(3) Anthony Giddens (4) Jacques Derrida

19. Match the following Lists :

List - I List - II

(Books) (Authors)

(a) Hindu view of life (i) Jawaharlal Nehru

(b) Discovery of India (ii) S. Radhakrishnan

(c) Hindu Social Organisation (iii) D.G. Mandalbaum

(d) Society in India (iv) P.H. Prabhu

Codes :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(2) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)

(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 8 Paper-III

16. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ Èꤷ¤æð ·¤è ÚU¿Ùæ¥æð´ ×ð´ ×ãˆßÂê‡æü ÂhçÌàææS˜æèØ ¥ßØß ·¤æ çÙ×æü‡æ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ?
(1) â´ÚU¿Ùæ·¤ÚU‡æ çâhæ´Ì (2) ÂéÚUæÌˆß ™ææÙ
(3) âæ´ßëçÌ·¤ ÂçÚUÂðýÿØ (4) âæ´·ð¤UçÌ·¤ ¥‹Øæð‹Øç·ý¤ØæßæÎ

17. ç»ÇðU‹â â´ÚU¿Ùæ·¤ÚU‡æ ·ð¤ ¥ÂÙð çâhæ´Ì ×ð´ 緤⠥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ·¤æ ÂýØæð» ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ?
(1) mñÌ çßàÜðá‡æ ·¤æ (2) ÎæðãÚUè Öêç×·¤æ ·¤æ
(3) â´ÚU¿Ùæ mñÌ ·¤æ (4) â´ÚU¿Ùæˆ×·¤ mñÌßæÎ ·¤æ

18. ç·¤Ù·ð¤ çÜ°, âãè ¥Íü ×ð´ â´·ð¤Ì ·¤æð ¥çÙßæØüÌÑ ç·¤‹Ìé ¥ÂØæüŒÌ M¤Â âð ã×ðàææ ÒçßÜæðÂÙ ·ð¤ ¥ÏèÙÓ ãæðÙæ ¿æçã°?
(1) Üé§üâ ¥ËÍé$ÁÚU (2) ç×àæðÜ Èꤷ¤æð
(3) °‹ÍæðÙè ç»ÇðU‹â (4) Áñ€â ÎñçÚUÎæ

19. çِÙçÜç¹Ì âêç¿Øæð´ ·¤æð âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤Úð´U Ñ

âê¿è - I âê¿è - II
(ÂéSÌ·ð´¤) (Üð¹·¤)
(a) çã‹Îê ÃØê ¥æòȤ Üæ§È¤ (i) ÁßæãÚUÜæÜ ÙðãM¤
(b) çÇUS·¤ßÚUè ¥æòȤ §´çÇUØæ (ii) °â. ÚUæÏæ·ë¤c‡æÙ
(c) çã‹Îê âæðàæÜ ¥æò»ðüÙæ§ÁðàæÙ (iii) ÇUè.Áè. ×´ÇðUÜÕæ×
(d) âæðâæ§ÅUè §Ù §´çÇUØæ (iv) Âè.°¿. ÂýÖé
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(2) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)

(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 9 Paper-III

20. Which of the following is not the feature of caste system ?
(1) Hierarchy (2) Hereditary occupation
(3) Exogamous marriages (4) Untouchability

21. Which of the following Gunas (qualities) are believed to be the reason for the Indian social
hierarchy ?
(a) Sattva (b) Rajas (c) Tamas (d) Varna
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
(1) (a), (b), (d) (2) (a), (b), (c) (3) (a), (c), (d) (4) (a), (c)

22. “Caste is a Brahmanic child of Indo-Aryan culture craddled in the land of Ganges and thence
transferred to other parts of India”. Whose statement is this ?
(1) D.P. Mukherjee (2) M.N. Srinivas (3) G.S. Ghurye (4) L. Dumont

23. Who did extensive field work in North East Frontiers Agency of India for his research
work ?
(1) N.K. Bose (2) D. Hardiman (3) Surajit Sinha (4) D.P. Mukherji

24. Match the following :

List - I List - II
(Perspective) (Thinkers)
(a) Book - View (i) Surajit Sinha
(b) Field - View (ii) David Hardiman
(c) Civilizational View (iii) G. S. Ghurye
(d) Subaltern View (iv) S. C. Dube
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 10 Paper-III

20. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ ÁæçÌ ÃØßSÍæ ·¤è çßàæðáÌæ Ùãè´ ãñ?
(1) ÂÎæÙé·ý¤× (2) ß´àææ»Ì Âðàææ
(3) Õçãçßüßæã (4) ¥SÂëàØÌæ

21. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤Ù »é‡ææð´ ·¤æð ÖæÚUÌèØ âæ×æçÁ·¤ âæðÂæçÙ·¤è ·¤æ ·¤æÚU‡æ ×æÙæ ÁæÌæ ãñ?
(a) âˆß (b) ÚUÁ (c) Ì×â (d) ߇æü
çÙ¿ð çÎØð »Øð ·ê¤ÅU âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤è ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
(1) (a), (b), (d) (2) (a), (b), (c) (3) (a), (c), (d) (4) (a), (c)

22. ÒÒÁæçÌ »´»æ ·ð¤ ×ñÎæÙ ×ð´ ÂæðçáÌ ÖæÚUÌèØ-¥æØü â´S·ë¤çÌ ·¤æ Õýæræ‡æ ÕæÜ·¤ ãñ ¥æñÚU §âçÜ° ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ ¥‹Ø Öæ»æð´ ×ð´
¥‹ÌçÚUÌ ãñÓÓÐ Øã ·¤Í٠緤ⷤæ ãñ?
(1) ÇUè.Âè. ×é¹Áèü (2) °×.°Ù.oýèçÙßæâ (3) Áè.°â. ƒæéÚUØð (4) °Ü. Ç÷UØê×æð´ÅU

23. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âÙð ¥ÂÙð ¥Ùéâ´ÏæÙ ·¤æØü ·ð¤ çÜ° ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ ÂêßæðüžæÚU Èý´¤çÅUØÚU ¥çÖ·¤ÚU‡æ ×ð´ ÃØæ·¤ ÿæð˜æèØ ·¤æØü
(1) °Ù.·ð¤ Õæðâ (2) ÇUè. ãæÇUèü×Ù (3) âéÚUÁèÌ çâ‹ãæ (4) ÇUè.Âè. ×é¹Áèü

24. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·¤æð âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤Úð´U Ñ

âê¿è - I âê¿è - II
(ÂçÚUÂýðÿØ) (çß¿æÚU·¤)
(a) ÂéSÌ·¤ ÎëçcÅU (i) âéÚUÁèÌ çâ‹ãæ
(b) ÿæð˜æ ÎëçcÅU (ii) ÇðçßÇU ãæÇèü×Ù
(c) âØÌæˆ×·¤ ÎëçcÅU (iii) Áè.°â. ƒæêÚUØð
(d) ©ÂæçoýÌ ÎëçcÅU (iv) °â.âè. ÎêÕð
çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤Úð´U Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 11 Paper-III

25. Who did attributional and interactional analysis of caste system ?

(1) L. Dumont (2) Surajit Sinha (3) M. N. Srinivas (4) D. P. Mukherji

26. Who did field research among the Jwang tribes of Orissa ?

(1) G. S. Ghurye (2) N. K. Bose

(3) David Hardiman (4) Surajit Sinha

27. Ethnicity refers to :

(1) Achieved socio - cultural attributes

(2) Inherited socio - cultural attributes

(3) Inherited political position and achieved economic attributes

(4) Inherited and achieved socio - cultural attributes

28. The concept “Culture of Poverty” was introduced by :

(1) Oscar Lewis (2) Michal Harrington

(3) Walter B. Miller (4) Kenneth Little

29. Ashis Bose is well known for his concept of :

(1) Demographic Transition (2) Population Explosion

(3) BIMARU States (4) Sustainable Development

30. Which type of developmental projects displaced minimum number of persons ?

(1) Dams (2) Wildlife Sanctuaries and Parks

(3) Industrial establishment (4) Mines

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 12 Paper-III

25. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âÙð ÁæçÌ ÃØßSÍæ ·¤æ »é‡ææˆ×·¤ °ß´ ¥‹Øæð‹Øç·ý¤Øæˆ×·¤ çßàÜðá‡æ ç·¤Øæ?
(1) °Ü. Ç÷UØê×æð´ÅU (2) âéÚUÁèÌ çâ‹ãæ (3) °×.°Ù. oýèçÙßæâ (4) ÇUè.Âè.×é¹Áèü

26. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âÙð ©Ç¸èâæ ·¤è ’ßæ´» ÁÙÁæçÌØæð´ ·ð¤ Õè¿ ÿæð˜æ ¥Ùéâ´ÏæÙ ç·¤Øæ?
(1) Áè.°â. ƒæéÚUØð (2) °Ù.·ð¤. Õæðâ
(3) ÇðUçßÇU ãæÇUèü×Ù (4) âêÚUÁèÌ çâ‹ãæ

27. ÙëÁæÌèØÌæ âð ÌæˆÂØü ãñ Ñ

(1) ¥çÁüÌ âæ×æçÁ·¤-âæ´S·ë¤çÌ·¤ çßàæðáÌæ
(2) ß´àææ»Ì âæ×æçÁ·¤-âæ´S·ë¤çÌ·¤ çßàæðáÌæ
(3) ß´àææ»Ì ÚUæÁÙèçÌ·¤ çSÍçÌ °ß´ ¥çÁüÌ ¥æçÍü·¤ çßàæðáÌæ
(4) ß´àææ»Ì °ß´ ¥çÁüÌ âæ×æçÁ·¤-âæ´S·ë¤çÌ·¤ çßàæðáÌæ

28. ÒÒçÙÏüÙÌæ ·¤è â´S·ë¤çÌÓÓ ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ç·¤â·ð¤ mæÚUæ Üæ»ê ç·¤Øæ »Øæ?
(1) ¥æòS·¤ÚU Üðçßâ (2) ×槷¤Ü ãñçÚ´U»ÅUÙ
(3) ßæËÅUÚU Õè. ç×ÜÚU (4) ·ð¤ÙðÍ çÜÅ÷UÜ

29. ¥æàæèá Õæðâ ¥ÂÙè 緤⠥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ·ð¤ çÜ° âéÂýçâh ãñ´?
(1) ÁÙâæ´çØ·¤èØ â´·ý¤×‡æ (2) ÁÙⴁØæ çßSȤæðÅU
(3) çÕ×æM¤ ÚUæ’Ø (4) âÌ÷Ì çß·¤æâ

30. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤â Âý·¤æÚU ·¤è çß·¤æâæˆ×·¤ ÂçÚUØæðÁÙæ¥æð´ ×𴠋ØêÙÌ× â´Øæ ×ð´ ÃØç€ÌØæð´ ·¤æð çßSÍæçÂÌ ç·¤Øæ
(1) Õæ¡Ï (2) ߋØÁèß ¥ØæÚU‡Ø ¥æñÚU ©læÙ
(3) ¥æñlæðç»·¤ ÂýçÌcÆUæÙ (4) ¹æÙ

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 13 Paper-III

31. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is Reason

Assertion (A) : Gross Domestic Product (G. D. P.) growing at a higher rate is not a true
indication of social development.

Reason (R) : It only indicates growth in G. D. P but not its pattern of distribution among
various strata.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is true but (R) is false

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true

32. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as
Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Number of slumdwellers varies from agency to agency.

Reason (R) : Because all of them follow different definitions of slums.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is true but (R) is false

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true

33. Which among the ‘Special Category States’ has the highest growth rate in state domestic
products during 11th Five Year Plan ?

(1) Arunachal Pradesh (2) Sikkim

(3) Uttarakhand (4) Himachal Pradesh

34. Protection of women from Domestic Violence Act was passed in which year ?

(1) 1988 (2) 2001 (3) 2004 (4) 2005

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 14 Paper-III

31. Ùè¿ð çΰ »° Îæð ߀ÌÃØæð´ ×ð´ °·¤ ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU ÎêâÚUæ Ì·ü¤ (R) ãñÐ Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ
¿ØÙ ·¤ÚðU Ñ
¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : ©“æÌÚU ÎÚU ÂÚUU â·¤Ü ƒæÚðUÜê ©ˆÂæÎ (Áè.ÇUè.Âè.U) ·¤è ßëçh â×æçÁ·¤ çß·¤æâ ·¤æ °·¤ âãè â´·ð¤Ì
Ùãè´ ãñÐ
Ì·ü¤ (R) : Øã çâÈü¤ â·¤Ü ƒæÚðUÜê ©ˆÂæÎ (Áè.ÇUè.Âè.) ×ð´ ßëçh ·¤æ â´·ð¤Ì ÎðÌæ ãñ Üðç·¤Ù Øã çßç֋٠SÌÚUæð´
ÂÚU §â·ð¤ çßÌÚU‡æ ·¤æ ÂýçÌM¤Â Ùãè´ ãñÐ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) ÎæðÙæð´ (A) ¥æñÚU (R) âãè ãñ´ Üðç·¤Ù (R) (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ
(2) ÎæðÙæð´ (A) ¥æñÚU (R) âãè ãñ´ Üðç·¤Ù (R) (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ Üðç·¤Ù (R) $»ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) $»ÜÌ ãñ Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

32. Ùè¿ð Îæð ·¤ÍÙ çΰ »° ãñ´ çÁÙ×ð´ âð °·¤ ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU ÎêâÚUæ Ì·ü¤ (R) ãñÐ
¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : Ûæ邻è çÙßæçâØæð´ ·¤è ⴁØæ °·¤ ¥çÖ·¤ÚU‡æ âð ÎêâÚðU ¥çÖ·¤ÚU‡æ ·ð¤ ÎæñÚUæÙ ç֋٠ãæðÌè ãñÐ
Ì·ü¤ (R) : €Øæð´ç·¤ Øð âÖè Ûæé炻Øæð´ ·¤è ¥Ü»-¥Ü» ÂçÚUÖæáæ¥æð´ ·¤æ ¥ÙéâÚU‡æ ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´Ð
Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤ÚðU´ Ñ
(1) ÎæðÙæð´ (A) ¥æñÚU (R) âãè ãñ´ ¥æñÚU (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ
(2) ÎæðÙæð´ (A) ¥æñÚU (R) âãè ãñ´ Üðç·¤Ù (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ Üðç·¤Ù (R) $»ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) $»ÜÌ ãñ Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

33. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤â Òçßàæðá oðý‡æè ÚUæ’ØÓ ·¤è 11 ßè´ Â´¿ßáèüØ ØæðÁÙæ ·ð¤ ÎæñÚUæÙ ÚUæ’Ø ƒæÚðUÜê ©ˆÂæÎæð´ ×ð´ âßæüçÏ·¤
ßëçh ÎÚU ÚUãè ãñ ?
(1) ¥L¤‡ææ¿Ü ÂýÎðàæ (2) çâ瀷¤×
(3) ©žæÚUæ¹´ÇU (4) çã×æ¿Ü ÂýÎðàæ

34. ×çãÜæ¥æð´ ·¤æ ƒæÚðUÜê çã´âæ âð â´ÚUÿæ‡æ ¥çÏçÙØ× çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤â ßáü ×ð´ ÂæçÚUÌ ãé¥æ Íæ?
(1) 1988 (2) 2001 (3) 2004 (4) 2005

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 15 Paper-III

35. ‘Imitation Theory of deviance’ was propounded by :
(1) H. S. Becker (2) G. Tarde (3) E. Durkheim (4) S. Cohen

36. The key concept in labelling theory is that of :

(1) Acceptance (2) Stigma
(3) Motivation (4) Aspiration

37. ‘Nepotism, favouritism and misuse of power’ are all examples of :

(1) Social inequality (2) Corruption
(3) White collar crime (4) Conflict

38. Marxian perspective of poverty in capitalist society can be understood in terms of :

(a) The system of inequality generated by capitalist economy.
(b) Wealth in concentrated in the hands of those who own the means of production.
(c) The working class who own only their labour must sell for wages in the open market.
(d) Working class will get due wages for their work.
Mark the correct answer from the codes given below :
(1) (a), (b), (d) (2) (a), (b), (c)
(3) (a), (d), (c) (4) (b), (c), (d)

39. The following four pairs of writers which one is not associated with the study of crime and
deviance ?
(1) Sutherland and Cracy (2) Elliott and Merill
(3) Coser and Rosenberg (4) Berns and Teeter

40. “In India, caste associations, which are otherwise typical symbol of tradition, have increasingly
been found to serve the ends of political modernity” who calls this phenomenon as “modernity
of tradition” ?
(1) Edward Shils (2) M. Feather stone
(3) Lloyed I. Rudolph (4) Jameson Frederic

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 16 Paper-III

35. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð Òçßâæ×æ‹ØÌæ ·¤æ ¥Ùé·¤ÚU‡æ çâhæ´ÌUÓ ç·¤â·ð¤ mæÚUæ ÂýçÌÂæçÎÌ ç·¤Øæ »Øæ?
(1) °¿.°â. Õð·¤ÚU (2) Áè. ÅUæÇüU (3) §ü. Îé¹ü§ü× (4) °â. ·¤æðãðÙ

36. Ùæטæ‡æ çâhæ´Ì ×ð´ Âý×é¹ â´·¤ËÂÙæ ãñ Ñ

(1) Sßè·¤ÚU‡æ (Sßè·¤æÚUæðç€Ì) (2) ·¤Ü´·¤
(3) ÂðýÚU‡ææ (4) ¥æ·¤æ´ÿææ

37. SßÁÙ-ÂÿæÂæÌ, ÂÿæÂæÌ ¥æñÚU âˆÌæ ·¤æ ÎéM¤ÂØæð»Ó âÖè, çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð, ç·¤â·ð¤ ©ÎæãÚU‡æ ãñ´?
(1) âæ×æçÁ·¤ ¥â×æÙÌæ (2) ÖýcÅUæ¿æÚU
(3) âÈð¤Î Âæðàæ ¥ÂÚUæÏ (4) ⴃæáü

38. ×æ€âü ·ð¤ ÂçÚUÂýðÿØ ×ð´ Âê¡ÁèßæÎè â×æÁ ×ð´ $»ÚUèÕè ·¤æð çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤Ù â´ÎÖæðü ×ð´ â×Ûææ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñ?
(a) Âê¡ÁèßæÎè ¥ÍüÃØßSÍæ mæÚUæ ©ˆÂ‹Ù ¥â×æÙ ÃØßSÍæÐ
(b) ©ˆÂæÎÙ ·ð¤ âæÏÙæð´ âð Øé€Ì ÃØç€ÌØæð´ ·ð¤ ãæÍæð´ ×ð´ â´·ð¤ç‹ÎýÌ ÏÙ ÃØßSÍæÐ
(c) çâÈü¤ ¥ÂÙð oý× ÂÚU çÙÖüÚU ·¤æ×»æÚU ß»ü ·¤æð ¹éÜð Õæ$ÁæÚU ×ð´ ×$ÁÎêÚUè ·ð¤ çÜ° çß·ý¤Ø ÂÚU çÙÖüÚU ÚUãÙæ ¿æçã°Ð
(d) ·¤æ×»æÚU ß»ü ¥ÂÙð oý× ·¤è Õ·¤æØæ ×$ÁÎêÚUè ÂýæŒÌ ·¤ÚðU»æÐ
Ùè¿ð çÎØð »Øð ·ê¤ÅU âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
(1) (a), (b), (d) (2) (a), (b), (c)
(3) (a), (d), (c) (4) (b), (c), (d)

39. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Üð¹·¤æ𴠷𤠿æÚU Øé‚×æð´ ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ âæ °·¤ ¥ÂÚUæÏ ¥æñÚU çßâæ×æ‹ØÌæ ·ð¤ ¥ŠØØÙ âð âÕh Ùãè´ ãñ?
(1) âÎÚUÜñ´ÇU ¥æñÚU ·ðý¤âè (2) §´çÜØÅU ¥æñÚU ×ñçÚUÜ
(3) ·¤æðÁÚU ¥æñÚU ÚUæðÁÙÕ»ü (4) Ջâü ¥æñÚU ÅUèÅUÚU

40. ÒÒÖæÚUÌ ×ð´, ÂÚ´UÂÚUæ ·ð¤ çßçàæC ÂýÌè·¤, ÁæçÌ â´»ÆUÙ, Áæ𠥋ØÍæ ÂÚ´UÂÚUæ ·ð¤ çßàæðá ÂýÌè·¤ ã´ñ, ÚUæÁÙñçÌ·¤ ¥æÏéçÙ·¤Ìæ ·ð¤
ÜÿØ ÂýæŒÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ×ð´ âÈ¤Ü ÚUãð ã´ñÓÓ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âÙð ÒÂÚ´UÂÚUæ ·¤è ¥æÏéçÙ·¤ÌæÓ ·ð¤ §â Ì‰Ø ·¤æð ÕÌæØæ ãñ?
(1) °ÇUßÇüU çàæËâ (2) °×. ȤèÎÚU SÅUæðÙ
(3) ÜæòØæðÇU ¥æ§ü. M¤ÇUæðËȤ (4) ÁðâÙ Èýñ¤ÇUçÚU·¤

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 17 Paper-III

41. Who has said “Sanskritization in contextual form is a slow and non - spectacular process of
cultural mobility of caste” ?

(1) M. N. Srinivas (2) Yogendra Singh (3) S. C. Dube (4) D. Pocock

42. Amongst the following who has given a six fold classification of traditions in India to evaluate
changes in rural and urban - India ?

(1) M. N. Srinivas (2) S. C. Dube (3) Mckim Marriott (4) R. Redfield

43. Who amongst the following says that nationalism in India is a product of the material
conditions created by the British colonialism, and it did not exist in Pre-British India ?

(1) D. Narain (2) A. R. Desai (3) D. P. Mukherji (4) T. K. Oommen

44. Who has classified Indian family into twelve categories ?

(1) K. M. Kapadia (2) I.P. Desai (3) P. M. Kolenda (4) I. Karve

45. Amongst the following who has propagated that global marketization is the main driver of
globalization ?

(1) Held (2) Ohmae (3) Hirst (4) Thompson

46. Who is the author of the book ‘Mcdonaldization of society’ written in 1993 ?

(1) G. Ritzer (2) B. Smart (3) A. Giddens (4) I. Wallerstein

47. A process in which globalization also creates favourable condition for all forms of
particularization and localization is known as :

(1) Universalization (2) Parochialization

(3) Glocalization (4) Internationalization

48. Who has said that “globalization is inclusive of both modernity and post modernity” ?

(1) Wallerstein (2) Waters (3) Giddens (4) Robertson

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 18 Paper-III

41. ÒÒâæ´ÎçÖü·¤ M¤Â ×ð´ â´S·ë¤çÌ·¤ÚU‡æ ÁæçÌ ·¤è âæ´S·ë¤çÌ·¤ »çÌàæèÜÌæ ·¤è °·¤ Ïè×è ¥æñÚU »ñÚU-ÂýÖæßàææÜè Âýç·ý¤Øæ ãñÓÓ Øã
·¤Í٠緤ⷤæ ãñ?
(1) °×.°Ù. oýèçÙßæâ (2) Øæð»ð‹Îý çâ´ã (3) °â.âè. ÎéÕð (4) ÇUè.Âæð·¤æð·¤

42. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âÙð »ýæ×è‡æ ¥æñÚU àæãÚUè-ÖæÚUÌ ×ð´ ÂçÚUßÌüÙæð´ ·¤æð ×êËØæ´ç·¤Ì ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° ÖæÚUÌ ×ð´ ÂÚ´UÂÚUæ¥æð´ ·¤æ ÀUÑ
SÌÚUèØ ß»èü·¤ÚU‡æ çÎØæ ãñ?
(1) °×.°Ù. oýèçÙßæâ (2) °â.âè. ÎéÕð (3) ×ñç·¤× ×ñçÚUØÅU (4) ¥æÚU. ÚñUÇUȤèËÇU

43. ÒÖæÚUÌ ×ð´ ÚUæcÅþUßæÎ çÕýçÅUàæ ©ÂçÙßðàæßæÎ mæÚUæ âëçÁÌ ÖæñçÌ·¤ Îàææ¥æð´ ·¤æ °·¤ ©ˆÂæÎ ãñ ¥æñÚU çÕýçÅUàæ-Âêßü ·ð¤ ÖæÚUÌ ×ð´
§â·¤æ ¥çSÌˆß Ùãè´ ÍæÓ, Øã çِÙæ´ç·¤Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤â·¤æ ·¤ÍÙ ãñ?
(1) ÇUè. ÙæÚUæ؇æ (2) °.¥æÚU.Îðâæ§ü (3) ÇUè.Âè. ×é¹Áèü (4) ÅUè.·ð¤. ª¤×Ù

44. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âÙð ÖæÚUÌèØ ÂçÚUßæÚU ·¤æð ÕæÚUã oýðç‡æØæð´ ×ð´ ß»èü·ë¤Ì ç·¤Øæ ãñ?
(1) ·ð¤.°×. ·¤ÂæçǸØæ (2) ¥æ§ü.Âè. Îðâæ§ü (3) Âè.°×. ·¤æðÜð‹ÇUUæ (4) ¥æ§ü. ·¤æßðü

45. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ ç·¤âÙð ÂýçÌÂæçÎÌ ç·¤Øæ ç·¤ ßñçàß·¤ Õæ$ÁæÚUè·¤ÚU‡æ ßñàßè·¤ÚU‡æ ·¤æ ×éØ â´¿æÜ·¤ ãñ?
(1) ãñËÇU (2) ¥æðã×ð (3) ãSÅüU (4) ÍæòÂâÙ

46. ßáü 1993 ×ð´ çÜç¹Ì Ò×ñ€ÇUæðÙÜæ§ÁðàæÙ ¥æòȤ âæðâæØÅUèÓ ÂéSÌ·¤ ·ð¤ ÚU¿Ùæ·¤æÚU çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ ãñ´?
(1) Áè. çÚUÅU$ÁÚU (2) Õè. S×æÅüU (3) °. ç»ÇðU‹â (4) ¥æ§ü. ßæÜÚUSÅUèÙ

47. çÁâ Âýç·ý¤Øæ ×ð´ ßñàßè·¤ÚU‡æ, çßàæðáè·¤ÚU‡æ ÌÍæ SÍæÙè·¤ÚU‡æ ·ð¤ âÖè M¤Âæð´ ·ð¤ çÜ° ¥Ùé·ê¤Ü çSÍçÌ Öè âëçÁÌ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ,
©âð çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ð¤ Ùæ× âð ÁæÙæ ÁæÌæ ãñ Ñ
(1) âæßüÖæñç×·¤è·¤ÚU‡æ (2) â´·¤è‡æüÌæßæÎ (SÍæÙèØ·¤ÚU‡æ)
(3) ÖêׇÇUÜè·¤ÚU‡æ (ßñàßè·¤ÚU‡æ) (4) ¥‹ÌÚUæücÅþUèØ·¤ÚU‡æ

48. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âÙð Øã ·¤ãæ ãñ ç·¤ ÒÒßñàßè·¤ÚU‡æ ×ð´ ¥æÏéçÙ·¤Ìæ ¥æñÚU ©žæÚU-¥æÏéçÙ·¤Ìæ ÎæðÙæð´ âç×çÜÌ ãñ´ÓÓ?
(1) ßæÜÚUSÅUèÙ (2) ßæÅUâü (3) ç»ÇðU‹â (4) ÚUæòÕÅüUâÙ

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 19 Paper-III

49. The peasant society is characterised by :

(a) Homogeneity (b) Family labour

(c) Underdog position (d) Specific division of labour

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

(1) (a), (b), (c) (2) (a), (b), (d) (3) (b), (c), (d) (4) (d), (c), (a)

50. Which were the general land tenure systems prevalent in rural India before independence ?

(a) Jamindari System (b) Ryotwari System

(c) Mahalwari System (d) Sajhedari System

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

(1) (a), (b), (d) (2) (b), (d), (c) (3) (a), (b), (c) (4) (b), (d)

51. Which State of India was the first to pass Jamindari Abolition Act ?

(1) Bihar (2) Uttar Pradesh (3) Rajasthan (4) Karnataka

52. Who has argued that ‘in the wake of labour exploitation the Indian peasantry has really
taken a class character’ ?

(1) Rajendra Singh (2) Virginius XaXa (3) R. K. Jain (4) Utsa Patnaik

53. Who has studied the dynamics in the class structure of rural society of India by using historical
data and empirical data together ?

(1) S. C. Dube (2) Oscar Lewis

(3) Ram Krishna Mukherjee (4) A. R. Desai

54. Who had argued that ‘the attached labour in the post Green Revolution agrarian setting was
more like permanent employment in the organized sector’ ?

(1) Paul Brass (2) G. S. Bhalla (3) A. Rudra (4) J. Mohan Rao

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 20 Paper-III

49. ·ë¤á·¤ â×æÁ ·ð¤ Üÿæ‡æ ãæðÌð ãññ ´ Ñ
(a) â×ÁæÌèØÌæ (b) ÂæçÚUßæçÚU·¤ oý×
(c) ¥Ë ÚUæÁÙèçÌ·¤ ×êËØæ´·¤Ù (d) çßçàæcÅU oý×-çßÖæÁÙ
Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
(1) (a), (b), (c) (2) (a), (b), (d) (3) (b), (c), (d) (4) (d), (c), (a)

50. SßÌ´˜æÌæ âð Âêßü ÖæÚUÌ ×ð´ Âý¿çÜÌ âæ×æ‹Ø Â^ðÎæÚUè ÃØßSÍæ°¡ Íè Ñ

(a) Á×è´ÎæÚUè ÃØßSÍæ (b) ÚñUØÌßæǸè ÃØßSÍæ
(c) ×ãÜßæǸè ÃØßSÍæ (d) âæÛæðÎæÚUè ÃØßSÍæ
Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè´ ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
(1) (a), (b), (d) (2) (b), (d), (c) (3) (a), (b), (c) (4) (b), (d)

51. ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ ç·¤â ÚUæ’Ø ×ð´ âÕâð ÂãÜð Á×è´ÎæÚUè ÂýÍæ ©‹×êÜÙ ¥çÏçÙØ× ÂæçÚUÌ ç·¤Øæ »°?
(1) çÕãæÚU (2) ©žæÚU ÂýÎðàæ (3) ÚUæÁSÍæÙ (4) ·¤ÙæüÅU·¤

52. ç·¤âÙð Øã Ì·ü¤ çÎØæ ç·¤ Òoý× àææðá‡æ ·ð¤ ×Î÷Îð ÙÁÚU, ÖæÚUÌèØ ·ë¤á·¤ â×æÁ Ùð ßæSÌß ×ð´ ß»ü ¿çÚU˜æ ·¤æ M¤Â Üð çÜØæ
(1) ÚUæÁð‹Îý çâ´ã (2) ßÁèüçÙØâ ¹æ ¹æ (3) ¥æÚU.·ð¤. ÁñÙ (4) ©ˆâæ ÂÅUÙæØ·¤

53. °ðçÌãæçâ·¤ ¥æ¡·¤Ç¸æð´ ¥æñÚU ¥æÙéÖçß·¤ ¥æ¡·¤Ç¸æð´ ÎæðÙæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé°, ÖæÚUÌèØ »ýæ×è‡æ â×æÁ ·¤è ß»ü-â´ÚU¿Ùæ ×ð´
»çÌ·¤è ·¤æ ¥ŠØØÙ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âÙð ç·¤Øæ ?
(1) °â.âè. ÎéÕð (2) ¥æòS·¤ÚU Üé§üâ
(3) ÚUæ×·ë¤c‡æ ×é¹Áèü (4) °.¥æÚU. Îðâæ§ü

54. ç·¤âÙð Øã Ì·ü¤ çÎØæ Íæ ç·¤ ÒãçÚUÌ ·ý¤æ´çÌ ·ð¤ ÕæÎ ·ë¤çá ÃØßSÍæ ×ð´ âÕh oýç×·¤ ÕãéÌ ãÎ Ì·¤ â´»çÆUÌ ÿæð˜æ ·ð¤ SÍæØè
ÚUæðÁ»æÚU ·¤è ÌÚUã ãè ÍæÓ?
(1) ÂæòÜ Õýæâ (2) Áè.°â. ÖËÜæ (3) °. M¤Îýæ (4) Áð. ×æðãÙ ÚUæß

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 21 Paper-III

55. Trade union performs a wide variety of functions related to :

(1) Industrial organisation (2) Trade union activities

(3) Social welfare activities (4) All the above

56. Fatigue among the industrial workers can be minimised :

(1) By increasing the working hours

(2) By providing congenial atmosphere in work place

(3) Both (1) and (2)

(4) None of the above

57. The legal approval to collective bargaining in India has been granted under :

(1) The Industrial Disputes Act (2) The Indian Trade Unions Act

(3) The Factories Act (4) The Industrial Employment Act

58. Which one is not the part of World System Theory ?

(1) Core Countries (2) Peripheral Countries

(3) World Class City (4) Semi Peripheral Countries

59. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : According to wallerstein core counties are dominant capitalist countries.

Reason (R) : Because they exploit peripheral countries for cheap labour and raw material.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true.

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 22 Paper-III

55. ÅþðUÇU ØêçÙØÙ çßç֋٠Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ ·¤æØü ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ çÁÙ·¤æ â´Õ´Ï ãæðÌæ ãñ Ñ
(1) ¥æñlæðç»·¤ â´»ÆUÙ âð (2) ÅþðUÇU ØêçÙØÙ â´Õ´Ïè ·¤æØü·¤ÜæÂæð´ âð
(3) â×æÁ-·¤ËØæ‡æ â´Õ´Ïè ·¤æØü·¤ÜæÂæð´ âð (4) ©ÂØéü€Ì âÖè âð

56. ¥æñlæðç»·¤ ·¤æ×»æÚUæð´ ·¤è Í·¤æÙ ·¤æð ·¤× ç·¤Øæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñ Ñ

(1) ·¤æ× ·ð¤ ƒæ‡ÅUæð´ ·¤æð ÕÉ¸æ ·¤ÚU·ð¤
(2) ·¤æØüSÍÜ ÂÚU ¥Ùé·ê¤Ü ÂçÚUßðàæ ©ÂÜŽÏ ·¤ÚUæ·¤ÚU
(3) ©ÂØéü€Ì (1) ¥æñÚU (2) ÎæðÙæð´ ·ð¤ mæÚUæ
(4) ©ÂØéü€Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æð§ü Ùãè´

57. ÖæÚUÌ ×ð´ âæ×êçã·¤ âæñÎðÕæÁè ·¤æð ·¤æÙêÙè ×æ‹ØÌæ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤â·ð¤ ÌãÌ ÂýÎæÙ ·¤è »§ü?
(1) ¥æñlæðç»·¤ çßßæÎ ¥çÏçÙØ× (2) ÖæÚUÌèØ ÅðþUÇU ØêçÙØÙ ¥çÏçÙØ×
(3) ·¤æÚU¹æÙæ ¥çÏçÙØ× (4) ¥æñlæðç»·¤ ÚUæðÁ»æÚU ¥çÏçÙØ×

58. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ çßàß ÃØßSÍæ çâhæ‹Ì ·¤æ ¥´» Ùãè´ ãñ?
(1) âßüÂý×é¹ Îðàæ (2) ÂçÚUÏèØ Îðàæ
(3) çßàßSÌÚUèØ àæãÚU (4) ¥hü-ÂçÚUÏèØ Îðàæ

59. Ùè¿ð Îæð ·¤ÍÙ çΰ »° ãñ´ çÁÙ×ð´ âð °·¤ ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU ÎêâÚUæ Ì·ü¤ (R) ãñ Ñ
¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : ßæËÅUÚUSÅUèÙ ·ð¤ ¥ÙéâæÚU, Âý×é¹ Îðàæ ÂýÖæßè Âê´ÁèßæÎè Îðàæ ãñ´Ð
Ì·ü¤ (R) : €Øæð´ç·¤ ßð âSÌð oý× ¥æñÚU ·¤“æð ×æÜ ·ð¤ çÜ° ÂçÚUÏèØ Îðàææð´ ·¤æ àææðá‡æ ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´Ð
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ ¥æñÚU (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ
(2) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ Üðç·¤Ù (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ Üðç·¤Ù (R) »ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 23 Paper-III

60. Which one is not an indicator of Human Development Index ?

(1) Life expectancy (2) Education component

(3) National per capita income (4) Level of urbanization

61. Which one of the following is not a Millennium Developmental Goal ?

(1) Eradicate extreme poverty (2) Housing for the poor

(3) Reduce child mortality (4) Ensure environmental sustainability

62. Human Development Index was developed by :

(1) Mahbub ul Haq (2) Samir Amin

(3) A. G. Frank (4) I. Wallerstein

63. Life table is constructed with the help of :

(1) Infant mortality rates (2) Crude death rates

(3) Age - specific mortality rates (4) Age - sex pyramid

64. The Theory that relates population growth with development stages is known as :

(1) Wealth Flow Theory (2) Malthusian Theory

(3) Demographic Transition Theory (4) Social Capillarity Theory

65. The concept “ Beyond Family Planning” was introduced by :

(1) K. Davis (2) J. C. Caldwell

(3) D.J. Bogue (4) B. Berelson

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 24 Paper-III

60. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ ×æÙß çß·¤æâ âê¿·¤æ´·¤ ·¤æ â´·ð¤Ì·¤ Ùãè´ ãñ?

(1) ÁèßÙ ÂýˆØæàææ (2) çàæÿææ-ƒæÅU·¤

(3) ÂýçÌ ÃØç€Ì ÚUæçcÅþUØ ¥æØ (4) àæãÚUè·¤ÚU‡æ ·¤æ SÌÚU

61. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ âãâýæçŽÎ çß·¤æâ ÜÿØ (ç×ÜðçÙØ× ÇðUßÜÂ×ð‹Å »æðÜ) Ùãè´ ãñ?

(1) Öèá‡æ »ÚUèÕè ·¤æ ©‹×êÜÙ (2) »ÚUèÕè ·ð¤ çÜØð ¥æßæâ

(3) ÕæÜ ×ëˆØê ÎÚU ×ð´ ·¤×è (4) ÂØæüßÚU‡æ âÌÌÌæ âéçÙçà¿Ì ·¤ÚUÙæ

62. ×æÙß çß·¤æâ âê¿·¤æ´·¤ ·¤æ çß·¤æâ ç·¤â·ð¤ mæÚUæ ç·¤Øæ »Øæ Íæ?

(1) ×ãÕêÕ ©Ü ã·¤ (2) â×èÚU ¥×èÙ

(3) °.Áè. Èýñ´¤·¤ (4) ¥æ§ü. ßæÜÚUSÅUèÙ

63. ÁèßÙ âæÚU‡æè (Üæ§È¤ ÅðUÕÜ) ·¤æ çÙ×æü‡æ __________ ·¤è ×ÎÎ âð ç·¤Øæ ÁæÌæ ãñÐ

(1) çàæàæé ×ëˆØé ÎÚU (2) ¥ÂçÚUc·ë¤Ì ×ëˆØé ÎÚU

(3) ¥æØé-çßçàæcÅU ×ëˆØé ÎÚU (4) ¥æØé-çÜ´» çÂÚUæç×ÇU

64. ßã çâhæ‹Ì Áæð ÁÙⴁØæ ×ð´ ßëçh ·¤æð çß·¤æ⠷𤠿ÚU‡ææð´ âð ÁæðǸÌæ ãñ, __________ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ÁæÙæ ÁæÌæ ãñÐ

(1) ÏÙ ·¤æ Âýßæã çâhæ‹Ì (2) ×æËÍâ ·¤æ çâhæ‹Ì

(3) ÁÙⴁØæ â´·ý¤×‡æ ·¤æ çâhæ‹Ì (4) âæ×æçÁ·¤ ·¤æðçàæ·¤æ çâhæ‹Ì

65. ÒÂçÚUßæÚU çÙØæðÁÙ ·ð¤ ÂÚð´UÓ ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ·¤æ ÂýßÌüÙ çِ٠×ð´ âð ç·¤â·ð¤ mæÚUæ ç·¤Øæ »Øæ Íæ?

(1) ·ð¤. ÇðUçßâ (2) Áð.âè. ·¤æËÇUßðÜ

(3) ÇUè.Áð. Õæò» (4) Õè. ÕðÚðUÜòâÙ

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 25 Paper-III

66. Following are the various strategies adopted in the implementation of Family Planning
Programme :

(a) Extension approach (b) Clinical approach

(c) Integrated approach (d) Reproductive and child healthcare approach

Arrange the above in a sequential order and choose the correct answer from the codes given
below :

(1) (b), (a), (c), (d) (2) (a), (b), (c), (d)

(3) (b), (c), (a), (d) (4) (d), (a), (b), (c)

67. Match the List - I with List - II and mark the correct answer from the following codes :

List - I List - II

(Books) (Authors)

(a) Globalization (i) A. Giddens

(b) Global Culture (ii) I. Wallerstein

(c) Historical Capitalism (iii) M. Featherstone

(d) The Transformation of intimacy (iv) R. Robertson

(v) A. G. Frank

Codes :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (v) (ii) (iii) (i)

(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (v)

(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

68. Who introduced the concept step migration ?

(1) Ravenstein (2) D. J. Bogue (3) K. Davis (4) Asish Bose

69. Social Capillarity Theory was propounded by :

(1) L. Dumont (2) J. C. Caldwell (3) K. Davis (4) F. Notestein

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 26 Paper-III

66. ÂçÚUßæÚU çÙØæðÁÙ ·¤æØü·ý¤× ·¤æð Üæ»ê ·¤ÚUÙð ×ð´ çِÙçÜç¹Ì çßç֋٠·¤æØüÙèçÌØæ¡ ¥ÂÙæØè »Øè ãñ´ Ñ
(a) çßSÌæÚU ©Âæ»× (b) ÙñÎæçÙ·¤ ©Âæ»×
(c) â×ðç·¤Ì ©Âæ»× (d) ÂýÁÙÙ ÌÍæ çàæàæé SßæS‰Ø ÚUÿææ ©Âæ»×
©ÂØüé€Ì ¥Ùé·ý¤×æð´ ·¤æð ·ý¤× ×ð´ ÃØßçSÍÌ ·¤èçÁØð ÌÍæ Ùè¿ð çÎØð »Øð ·ê¤ÅU âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
(1) (b), (a), (c), (d) (2) (a), (b), (c), (d)
(3) (b), (c), (a), (d) (4) (d), (a), (b), (c)

67. âê¿è - I ·¤æð âê¿è - II âð âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤èçÁØð ÌÍæ Ùè¿ð çÎØð »Øð ·ê¤ÅU âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
âê¿è - I âê¿è - II
(ÂéSÌ·¤) (Üð¹·¤)
(a) ‚ÜæðÕÜæ§ÁðàæÙ (i) °. ç»Ç÷UÇðU‹â
(b) ‚ÜæðÕÜ ·¤Ë¿ÚU (ii) ¥æ§ü. ßæÜÚUSÅUèÙ
(c) çãSÅUæðçÚU·¤Ü ·ñ¤çÂÅUçÜ•× (iii) °×. Èð¤ÎÚUSÅUæðÙ
(d) Î ÅþUæ´âȤæ×ðüàæÙ ¥æòȤ §‹ÅUè×ðâè (iv) ¥æÚU. ÚUæÕÅüUÚUâÙ
(v) °.Áè. Èýñ´¤·¤
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (v) (ii) (iii) (i)
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (v)
(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

68. ç·¤âÙð ¿ÚU‡æ ¥Âýßæâ ·¤è ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ÂýæÚUÖ ·¤è?

(1) ÚUßð‹SÅðUÙ (2) ÇUè.Áð. Õæñ» (3) ·ð¤. ÇðUçßâ (4) ¥æàæèá Õæðâ

69. âæ×æçÁ·¤ ·¤æðçàæ·¤æ çâhæ‹Ì ·¤æ ÂýßÌüÙ ç·¤âÙð ç·¤Øæ ?

(1) °Ü. Ç÷Øê×æð´ÅU (2) Áð.âè. ·¤æËÇUßðÜ (3) ·ð¤. ÇðUçßâ (4) °È¤. ÙæðÅUSÅUèÙ

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 27 Paper-III

70. Who said “the overthrow of mother right was the world historic defeat of the female sex” ?

(1) Jean - Paul Satre (2) Nancy Chodorow

(3) Adam Smith (4) Fredrich Engels

71. When did the shift in the approach from ‘welfare to development’ of women took place in
India ?

(1) Second Five Year Plan (2) Fifth Five Year Plan

(3) Sixth Five Year Plan (4) Ninth Five Year Plan

72. Match the List - I with List - II :

List - I (Authors) List - II (Issues)

(a) Sharmila Rege (i) Women and Panchayati Raj

(b) Susheela Kaushik (ii) Dowry

(c) Madhu Kishwar (iii) Women and Kinship

(d) Leela Dube (iv) Dalit Women

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

(2) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

73. Who is the author of the book “The Female Eunuch” ?

(1) Simone de Beauvior (2) Germaine Greer

(3) Kate Millet (4) Betty Friedan

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 28 Paper-III

70. Øã ç·¤âÙð ·¤ãæ Íæ, ÒÒ×æÌë Ì´˜æ ·¤è â×æçŒÌ ×çãÜæ ÁæçÌ ·¤è ßñçàß·¤ °ðçÌãæçâ·¤ ÂÚUæÁØ ÍèÓÓ?
(1) ÁèÙ-ÂæòÜ âæ˜æð (2) Ùñ‹âè ¿æðÇUæðÚUæðß
(3) °ÇU× çS×Í (4) Èýð¤ÇUçÚU·¤ °‹ÁðËâ

71. ÖæÚUÌ ×ð´ ×çãÜæ ·ð¤ Ò·¤ËØæ‡æ âð çß·¤æâÓ ©Âæ»× ×ð´ ÂçÚUßÌüÙ ·¤Õ ãé¥æ?
(1) çmÌèØ Â´¿ßáèüØ ØæðÁÙæ ×ð´ (2) Âæ¡¿ßè´ Â´¿ßáèüØ ØæðÁÙæ ×ð´
(3) ÀUÆUè ´¿ßáèüØ ØæðÁÙæ ×ð´ (4) Ùæñßè´ Â´¿ßáèüØ ØæðÁÙæ ×ð´

72. âê¿è - I ·¤æð âê¿è - II âð âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤èçÁØð Ñ

âê¿è - I (Üð¹·¤) âê¿è - II (çßáØ)
(a) àæç×üÜæ ÚðU»ð (i) ×çãÜæ ÌÍæ ´¿æØÌè ÚUæÁ
(b) âéàæèÜæ ·¤æñçàæ·¤ (ii) ÎãðÁ
(c) ×Ïé ç·¤àßÚU (iii) ×çãÜæ ÌÍæ ÙæÌðÎæÚUè
(d) ÜèÜæ ÎéÕð (iv) ÎçÜÌ ×çãÜæ
Ùè¿ð çÎØð ·ê¤ÅU ·¤è âãæØÌæ âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

(2) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

73. ÂéSÌ·¤ ÒÒΠȤè×ðÜ ØêÙ·¤ÓÓ ·ð¤ Üð¹·¤ ·¤æñÙ ãñ´?

(1) çâ×æðÙ Î Õé¥æÚU (2) Á×ðüÙ »ýèÚU
(3) ·¤æÌð ç×ÜðÅU (4) ÕðÅ÷ÅUè Èý¤èÇðUÙ

D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 29 Paper-III

74. Which year was declared as the ‘Women’s Empowerment Year’ ?
(1) 1999 (2) 2001 (3) 2005 (4) 1998

75. Match the List - I with List - II :

List - I List - II
(Books) (Authors)
(a) Social framework of an industry (i) E. R. Ramaswamy
(b) Workers, factories and social change in India (ii) Jan Breman
(c) Footloose labour : working in India’s informal (iii) Richard D. Lambert
(d) Workers consciousness and Trade Union response (iv) N. R. Sheth
Mark the correct answer from the codes given below :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(2) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(4) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)


D-0515 !D-0515-PAPER-III! 30 Paper-III

74. ç·¤â ßáü ·¤æð¤ Ò×çãÜæ âàæç€Ì·¤ÚU‡æ ßáüÓ ƒææðçáÌ ç·¤Øæ »Øæ?
(1) 1999 (2) 2001 (3) 2005 (4) 1998

75. âê¿è - I ·¤æð âê¿è - II âð âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤èçÁØð Ñ

âê¿è - I (ÂéSÌ·¤) âê¿è - II (Üð¹·¤)
(a) âæðàæÜ Èýð¤×ß·ü¤ ¥æòȤ °Ù §‹ÇUSÅþUè (i) §ü.¥æÚU. ÚUæ×æSßæ×è
(b) ß·ü¤âü, Èñ¤€ÅþUèÁ °‡ÇU âæðàæÜ ¿ð´Á §Ù §´çÇUØæ (ii) ÁñÙ Õýè×ñÙ
(c) Èé¤ÅU ÜêÁ ÜðÕÚU Ñ ßç·Z¤» §Ù §´çÇUØæÁ §‹È¤æ×üÜ âð€ÅUÚU (iii) çÚU¿ÇüU ÇUè. ܐÕðÅüU
(d) ß·ü¤âü ·¤ç‹âØâÙðâ °‡ÇU ÅþðUÇU ØêçÙØÙ çÚUâÂæ´â (iv) °Ù.¥æÚU. âðÆU
Ùè¿ð çÎØð ·ê¤ÅU âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(2) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(4) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)


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Space For Rough Work

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