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Saints Project

Step 1. Choose a Saint

Step 2. Read that Saint’s Book
Step 3. Start Project 40 points total
 Early Life of Saint (2 points)
o What was their childhood like?
o What was their family like?
o Did they have any interests?

 How Catholicism first impacted their life (4 points)

o Did they have a conversion?
o Were they always devout?
o How old were they when Catholicism first impacted them?

 What hardships did they face in their life? (4 points)

o Were they persecuted for their Faith?
o If they were converted, what hardships did they struggle with beforehand? After?

 What miracles are associated with their sainthood? (2 points)

o Two miracles are required for the Catholic Church to recognize somebody as a

 Death of your saint (2 points)

o How did they die? /How old were they?

 Choose a national or global issue you care about. (10 points)

o Explain how your saint would have helped solve the problem.
o How can you follow in your saint’s footsteps to help solve the issue?

 Why did you choose this saint? (12 points)

o What do you admire most about this saint?
o How can you use them as a role model to be more saintly in your everyday life?

 Presentation (3 points)
o You’ve taken a lot of time and put in a lot of work to research your saint, show it!

 Sources (1 point)
o Site the book
o Site any websites or books outside of the given book

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