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McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

Revised August 2015

Teacher: Miss Brammer Date: 3/2/18

Title of Lesson: Measurement Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Heustis

Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic
Student Population
Fifth Grade
12 Boys
10 Girls
Gifted Cluster
Learning Objectives
Students will know how to convert customary units of length.
Students will know how to convert metric units of length.
Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills (SOL)
5.8 The student will
c) identify equivalent measurements within the metric system
d) estimate and then measure to solve problems, using U.S. Customary and metric units
e) choose an appropriate unit of measure for a given situation involving measurement
using U.S. Customary and metric units
VDOE Technology Standards
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
Teacher’s Math Textbook – page 553
Diagrams to show how to remember the order of the seven metric units (Kilo, hector, deka, m, deci,
centi, and milli.)
Diagram that shows how to convert from each of the seven metric units. (divide by ten going up
and multiply by ten going down. Or just move the decimal over however many times. Going from
mm to m move the decimal to the left three times.)
Slates for each student and teacher (small white boards)
Dry erase marker
High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)

Check if Used
Strategy Return
Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
Homework & Practice 28%
Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
 Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%
Check if Strategy Return
McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
 Practice by Doing 75%
 Discussion 50%
 Demonstration 30%
Audio Visual 20%
Reading 10%
Lecture 05%
Safety (if applicable)

(min.) Process Components
5 *Anticipatory Set
Students and teacher will go over the math morning work.
Students will get into their math groups
The first group of students will come to the back table (group 4)
The other three groups will work on their math google slides, their exemplar from two
weeks ago, tenmarks, or math games.
*State the Objectives (grade-level terms)
I can convert customary measurements to other customary measurements
25-30 *Instructional Input or Procedure
Students will start into metric units. I will show them both of my diagrams and then give
them a couple of practice problems. 30cm = __300__ mm, 2564mm = __2.564__m, 6km
= __6000__m
.5 *Modeling
The teacher will take a white board and write the diagrams that are described in the
materials section.
3 *Check for Understanding
TTW call on students to tell her what the order of the metric units are. (K,H,D,M,D,C,Mm)
2 *Guided Practice
The group will do one or two problems together depending on if they get it.
9000m=__9__km 3219cm = __32.19__ m
*Independent Practice
The teacher will give practice problems from the math textbook page 555
The teacher will watch as students answer the questions to see who is understanding the
process and who will need more help later on.
The teacher will give two problems for students as an exit ticket.
765 inches = ___21__ yards __9__ inches
27 feet = ___325___ inches
6km = __600,000__cm
.23 meters = __230__ mm
Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).
C.E.C. & O.B. have been having difficulties remember the order of the different metric units. I found
an acronym to remember it and I’m gonna see if it helps them (King Henry Died Making Dark
Chocolate Milk = Kilo, Hecto, Deka, M, Deci, Centi, Milli)
Classroom Management Issues (optional)
When the students are at the back table, the teacher will keep them on task by talking to students
who try to get everyone off task. She may send students back to their desk if they get too out of
McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
hand. For students who are talking while supposed to be working, they will have to go back to their
seats or they will get checks if they are at their desks. If they are playing games then they will lose
Chromebook privileges.
Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

Intern Signature Cooperating Teacher Signature Date

McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015

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