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Appendix G



Student Teacher: Emanuela Giblin Semester: Spring 2018

Cooperating Teacher: Christopher Brown School: Bishop Guilfoyle Catholic High School

Grade/Subject English 8 – 11 Date: May 2, 2018

Narrative Evaluation Describing Student Teacher’s Experiences and Competencies

For the past fifteen weeks, Ms. Giblin has striven daily to grow as an educator. Her
careful reflection, determination and enthusiasm have helped her to be successful in all of the
challenges that she has encountered throughout the semester thus far. Ms. Giblin’s final unit
required her to plan daily lessons for William Golding’s Lord of the Flies for English 10 and
Honors English 10. The text contains some challenging themes for and a challenging style, but
Ms. Giblin worked effectively to find and develop an appropriate set of resources and concluded
the unit with an engaging project that required students to both use the knowledge and skills that
they had accumulated and also work creatively.

More significantly, Ms. Giblin has formed strong connections with each of her students.
Throughout the final weeks of her time with us, it was clearly evident that the students she taught
were eager to come to class each day and motivated to master the course content. They sincerely
and valued all that Ms. Giblin did for them and such an ability to reach students is a rare and
excellent quality for a teacher to possess.

Ms. Giblin has been a true asset to the classroom and her fresh ideas and enthusiasm for
the profession have enriched the experience of our students. I hope that she will keep up the
excellent work as the semester continues!

Evaluator’s Name (please print) Student Teacher’s Signature Date

Evaluator’s Title Evaluator’s Signature Date

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