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Replenishment Sources of the

Alluvial Aquifers of the Peruvian Coast

by Yaakov Gilboa a Discussion open until December 1, 1971.
coast is covered in many parts by eolic sands which
invade elevated hills more than 1,000 m above MSL
ABSTRACT as in La Joya, Arequipa (Finkel, 1959) and Nazca (Gay
Ground water in the arid coastal area of Peru occurs in more
than fifty alluvial aquifers. The aquifers are limited to river valleys and Parker, 1962).
to nearby sedimentary plains. A low coastal range of Precambrian-Paleozoic
The coast is rainless and the river valleys serve as the age, with a peak of 1,700 m (as compared to peaks
drainage outlet of the western slopes of the Andes. The coastal of more than 6,000 m in the Andes) extends from
alluvial aquifers are located below the lower limit of the active Paracas (Department of Ica) to Rio Sama in the
catchment areas, and are not recharged directly by
precipitation. Department of Tacna. The coastal range is intruded
The long igneous batholith and the volcanic formations of by the Cretaceous batholith between Yauca and
the Andean Cordillera form an impermeable barrier which Ocoöa (Figure 1).
prevents the replenishment of the aquifers by underflow from
the Andes.
The main source of replenishment of the aquifers in the
Peruvian coastal zone is river water. The water infiltrates
through the river beds and irrigation canals and migrates
laterally within the alluvial deposits. Another important source
of recharge is return flow from irrigation. Water also enters
the aquifers through boundary faults.

The replenishment or natural recharge of aquifers in
arid zones can generally be derived from several sources,
such as direct precipitation (including dew), infiltration
from river flows, seepage from irrigation canals, return
flows from irrigation, underflow from the mountains, and
flow through fault zones.
The 2,200 km long coastal strip of Peru, which forms
the main part of the South American coastal desert, is on
the whole uniform as to the sources and means of
replenishment. This is due mainly to its uniform
geological structure and the meteorological conditions
prevailing in the area. ilicaca
The coastal desert of Peru is bounded on the west WATER
by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the great barrier INTRUSIVE
of the Andes Cordilleras. The western flank of the Andes COASTAL
is composed of igneous rocks, of which a great part, at PALEOZOIC AND
least 1,500 km long, is an intrusive batholith of Late VOLCANIC SEQUENCES.
Cretaceous-Early Eocene age (Bellido and Narvaez, 1956; COASTAL
100 2m 300Km.

Jenks, 1956).
Where the batholith or the intruded DIRECTION OF
volcanicsedimentary forma tions of Jurassic-Cretaceous
age do not reach the sea, the coastal strip is built of Fig. l. The coastal aquifers within the geological framework
extensive elevated plains (pampas), river valleys and low of Peru.
hills. The existence of several staged river terraces, of The intermontane basin, between the Andes
deep erosion in the young pampas built mainly of and this coastal range, is filled with marine Tertiary
piedmont sediments, and different marine terraces (Gulf sediments and Quaternary unconsolidated
of San Juan) indicate a very labile area. The deposits, extending from Caöete to Nazca (Rüegg,
1956, 1964).
Senior Hydrogeologist, Tahal Consulting Engineers Ltd.,
54 Ibn Gvirol St., Tel Aviv, Israel.

The fifty-two main transversal river valleys in 3. THE AQUIFERS
the coastal area are distributed as indicated below The continental water divide represents also the
(Figure 2). ground-water divide (Figure l). The Pacific Ocean serves
a. Between Tumbes and Trujillo (Paleozoic as the drainage basin of the western catchment areas.
to Cretaceous formations in the western Andean The ground water flows through the formations directly
Cordillera) — 13 river valleys. towards the Ocean or evaporates in areas of high water
table or, less frequently, overflows through springs
b. Between Trujillo and Ocoöa (continuous
(Chorillos, Lima area). Only a few aquifers, located in
Andean batholith) — 31 river valleys.
elevated valleys and basins, are drained
c. Between Ocoöa and Tacna (young
volcanic cover of the Cordillera Occidental, vast
pampas and coastal range) —8 river valleys.

Fig. 2. Generat location map of Peru showing the continental water divide and most of the coastal rivers.
indirectly through narrow gorges that lead to the Ocean lower reaches. Only six rivers (Tumbes, Chira, Santa,
(Figure 1). Rimac, Ocofia and Maj es) are perennial, the others
The aquifers of the coastal area of Peru consist of at being intermittent (Servicio de agrometeorologia e
Hidrologia - SAH 1962-1966).
least 52 separate hydrological units and, except for the
area north of Piura, are composed of Quaternary 6. GROUND-WATER
alluvium. Only a few of them are connected, e.g. La REPLENISHMENT IN THE
Leche and Chancay (Lambayeque) and Ica-VilIacuri (Ica). COASTAL AREA OF PERU
The extent of the aquifers ranges from 10 to more The possible sources of replenishment to the
than 500 sq km; of these about 50 percent are smaller coastal Peruvian aquifers are discussed below.
than 50 sq km. In total, the aquifers underlie more than
7,000 sq km, or about 5 percent of the Peruvian coastal (a) Rainfall
area. The thickness of the alluvial aquifers ranges from As stated above, the rainfall on the
20 to 150 m, sequences of greater thickness being rare. aquiferous plains is almost nil, varying between
The alluvial aquifers form the upper, relatively thin cover 0 and 40 mm per year, all along the Peruvian
of deep sedimentary basins of tectonic origin, and are Coast except for two locations (Tumbes to Chira
bounded mostly by igneous mountains or piedmont 100-128 mm/yr, and Lomas de Lachay 190
terraces. These aquifers overlie unconformably the mm/yr (see SAH, 1962-1966).
igneous bedrock or Tertiary silty argillaceous formations. In Tumbes, where the climatic conditions
differ from the other parts of the coast because
4. CLIMATE of the Nifio current, the small amount of rainfall
Because of two factors, the cold Humbolt current registered hardly enters the subsurface because
and the high Andean mountains, the long Pacific coast of of the high rates of evaporation, especially
Peru is a desert. The cold currents prevent condensation during the rainy season. Direct rainfall makes, in
of rain clouds at a sufficient altitude. The mountains also fact, no contribution to the ground water in the
act as a barrier preventing the passage of rain clouds coastal aquifers.
from the continent to the coast. The rainfall on the coast
is thus almost nil except for the Tumbes area in the north (b) Garua
where the warm Nifio current causes rain on the sea The Garua or coastal dew, discussed
shore (Solignac, 1959; SAH, 1962-1966). previously is regarded by some investigators as
During winter the cold coastal winds, failing to bring a possible source of ground-water recharge.
rain, cause fog and low clouds — neblina or Garua, The meteorological investigation of this
between May and November. Most of the coast phenomenon has not yet been completed, but it
becomes covered by these low clouds at elevations of is known that the contribution from this source
between 100 and 750 m, varying according to their is limited or almost negligible (less •than 40 mm
latitude and distance from the sea. yr) excluding the zone of Lomas de Lachay (south
The humidity of the Garua in winter supplies of Rio Huaura). In Lomas de Lachay where a low
moisture to some parts of the elevated plains. cover of grass is supported by the Garua, always
The climate of the Peruvian coast is almost uniform, less than 200 mm/yr, the amount of water
becoming cooler to the south, with only small annual and reaching the subsurface is very small.
local temperature differences. On the whole, because of the short duration
of the heavy Garua along the coast, even though
5. THE COASTAL RIVERS OF PERU it occurs when the number of sun hours is
The catchment areas of the rivers that drain the minimal and the evaporation rate at its lowest,
western slopes of the Andes reach elevations of between it has no practical value as far as the
4,000 and more than 6,000 m. The rainfall is controlled replenishment of ground water is concerned.
orographically and the line of its lower limit varies from
an elevation of a few hundred metres in Tumbes to more (c) Underflow from the Andes
than 2, 500 m in the south. The coastal aquifers of Peru (1) Recharge by Underflow
are located below the lower limit of the active catchment The possibility of underflow from the upper
areas. The morphological pattern of the rivers is parts of the catchments, through conductive
governed by the geological structure, i.e. by E-W and NE- formations, was studied in many areas, such a
SW oriented faults, as well as by late uplifting and phenomenon being well known elsewhere. The
submerging movements. author is familiar with such recharge mechanism
The rivers are supplied by rains, lakes and snow in the Cenomanian-Turonian aquifers in Israel
melt, and their regime is torrential during the summer and has described a similar possibility for
(usually January-April). During the winter their flow is recharge in the Azua Valley of the Dominican
reduced and most of the rivers become dry in their Republic (Gilboa, 1966).
(2) Underflow Through the Western Flanks o/ tb e Andes possibility is not great and, if it exists at all, is
The geological and the meteorological limited to the upper parts of the western
conditions in the Peruvian coast do not favour catchment which drain downstream through the
underflow through the Andes. For a distance of river valleys and their surroundings (Figure 3). 1





x X

x x
x x

Fig. 3. Schematic cross section showing relationship between eastern and western watersheds, Peru.
1,200 km, the continuous batholith forms a most Of the 800 km-long stretch that is not
effective barrier, 20-50 km wide and 2,000-4 000 bounded on the east by the continuous elevated
m high, to such lateral migration (Figure I). Rain batholith, the
falls mainly on the eastern flanks of this batholith
and the rain that falls on the western side,
always at altitudes above those of the aquifers,
is drained only through the canyons of the rivers.
That a ground-water divide exists far to the
east of the continental water divide appears
unlikely (Figure 2). There is a possibility that a
certain amount of water from the eastern
catchments is drained in the highlands into the
subsurface of the western catchment. However, southern part, 400 km long, in the Departments of
since vertical flow even through faults along the Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna, is covered by thick
batholith is almost nil, and its likelihood near the volcanic formations. These sequences, apart from
other impervious strata is rather doubtful — this
A visit paid to the uppermost part of the Caplina River nearby naked peaks, springs continue to flow through the
(Department of Tacna) revealed the mechanism of the alluvial and glacial deposits. Many humidity stains
surface-water flows in the elevated ridges of the Andes. encountered at this elevation (3, 500-4, 500 m), indicate
The surface water, supplied by rainfall or snowmelt, is running water below the surface. But already, at this
drained through the many small cracks in the active part of height, the water is drained through the impermeable
the catchment area. In dry seasons, the scarce snowy canyon of the river, bounded on both sides by several
peaks continue to discharge water by melting and in the small granodioritic stocks.
forming a barrier themselves, overlie remnants of the series of dry years ending in 1966, the area obtained
batholith which are well exposed in many river canyons no surface recharge. Serious overpumping has
(Caplina, Maj es, Ocoöa and others). The northernmost caused depletion of the aquifer, thus demonstrating
400 km stretch of the coastal area is bounded on the east the lack of recharge by underflow through the
by impermeable Paleozoic slates and schist, by huge granodioritic barrier. To meet the most urgent water
volcanic sequences and by displaced quartzite and needs a desalination plant was installed here.
limestone formations. All the intensive tectonic Added to other evidence, this situation leads to
movements that occurred in the region have produced a the conclusion that recharge of the aquifers along the
block structure pattern. This framework prevents a Peruvian coast by underflow through the Andes is
continuous underflow between the dislocated minimal.
impervious formations.
The limestone in this arid area does not develop the (d) Infiltration from River Flows and Seepage
karstic characteristics which are well known in the main Losses from Canals
aquifers in Israel and other Mediterranean countries. 1 (1) Rainfall and Runoff
Therefore, limestone is regarded here as an
impermeable rock, apart from the fact that it is exposed
only in small isolated blocks.
The only place where some underflow is possible,
from the western part of the Andean Cordillera only, is
the area between Tumbes and Piura. In that area, the
Tertiary formations that lie to the east of the aquifers are
recharged by precipitation and river flows on their
(3) Underflow Through the Coastal Range
The improbability of underflow through the
Precambrian-Paleozoic igneous coastal range was
confirmed by the author in a study in the Carhua and San
Juan bays (Department of Ica) and in 110 (Department of
Moquegua). In the three locations, water supply for
domestic and industrial use was needed and therefore
every effort was made to locate ground-water resources.
The 30-50 km wide coastal range or cordillera
approaches the coast between Paracas and Lomas
(Departments of Ica and Arequipa) and prevents the
development of large sandy beaches. The small Carhua
beach is surrounded by the impermeable igneous rocks of
the coastal block that separates it from the aquifers (Ica,
Villacuri) on the eastern side of the intermontane basin
(Figure 4). This most effective barrier prevents any
ground water from reaching the Carhua beach. Dry shafts
and negative results of a geoelectric survey are evidence
of ground-water resources being unlikely in this area.
Similar conditions, where the coastal range barrier
cuts off the shore from the ground-water resources of the
Nazca basin, are encountered further south in San Juan
bay (Marcona). Here, the earlier solution to the water-
supply problem, by transporting water in trucks from
Nazca and by ship from Panama, was recently replaced
by the conveyance of water from the Jaguay Valley
through a 27 km pipeline. An aquifer in this valley,
located on the eastern side of the coastal range, is
connected directly to an active catchment area.
In 110 the narrow, small aquifer is supplied by
intermittent flows through a narrow canyon
(Osmora) that crosses intrusive rocks. In the recent

The presence of karstic conditions in Peru was, however,
reported in the rainy zones of Cajamarca and in the surroundings
of the Titicaca Lake in the Department of Pun o.
The geological situation prevents water from
reaching the coast from the rainy areas of the
cordillera, except through the many canyons of the










Fig. 4. Transversal schematic hydrogeological cross section in the Ica Department.

valleys. These valleys and their tributaries are the and its temperature is also lower, sometimes by as
drainage outlets of the catchment areas on the much as 20-40 C, as in the Ica Valley (Gilboa, 1969).
western narrow and steep slopes of the Andes. 44
Analysis of meteorological and hydrological Seepage losses in the irrigation canals can be
data, such as isohyetal curves, evaporation rates and included in the same category. Both primary and
river flows, carried out by J. Bonné (Tahal, 1966- secondary irrigation canals, together with the main river
1969) shows that the infiltrating fraction of the river courses, form a dispersed network of feeding channels
flow above the gauging stations is very small. This is that replenish the aquifers. This network is, of course,
illustrated by the following example. In the Chicama limited to river valleys and to irrigated lands (Pampa de
Valley (La Libertad) the runoff is represented mainly Noco in the Department of Ica, Pampa de Joya in the
by flash floods and inundations (a common feature of Department of Arequipa).
the Peruvian Coastal rivers), whereby about 50 The irrigation canals play an important role, since the
percent of the precipitation on the catchment area has more permeable river beds mostly carry water for only a short
been shown to drain through the main river course. part of the year, while the canals conduct water from upstream
On the other hand, evaporation rates during the rainy diversions almost all the year round.
season were about 50 p e r c en t of the total Tests carried out in canals in the Lambayeque region
precipitation (Bonné — Tahal, 1966). (Tahal, 1964) showed seepage losses of 1.25 percent per
From a general water budget formula applied to km run, which is not far from the results of tests in the
the Pi sco River (Department of Ica), R = P — É nearby Taymi Canal (Salzgitter, 1963). Other canal
(where R = runoff in mm, P = adjusted precipitation sections in that region indicate losses as high as 3-4
over the catchment area above the gauging station, percent per km run of canal. In the Nazca area, an
and E evaporation rates above the gauging station), infiltration test near the river showed a rate of loss of 9.6
the calculated runoff (682 mm) is in fair agreement mm/ h (Tahal, 1966). On the other hand, there are
with measured runoff (795 mm). The discrepancy of indications that in the small and narrow canals the
10-15 percent can be attributed to unrepresentative deposition of clay on the walls reduces seepage losses.
climatological data and to over-estimated flows All these contributing canals and river beds are supplied
(Bonné — Tahal, 1969). Similar results were by the water drained through the canyons of the rivers. In most
obtained for the San Juan and Ica Rivers. of them the water flows are visible and measurable. However,
in several valleys that approach but do not fully reach the
A longer observation period and careful study active catchment areas, minor amounts of water infiltrate
are likely to confirm these conclusions and the immediately into the subsurface to be exploited downstream.
situation can similarly be reasoned for the other Such is the case in the Salas Valley (north of Lambayeque),
catchment areas along the coast. Las Zorras —in quebrada Parafiin (250 km north of Lima) and
in quebradas Socos and Chauchilla in the Nazca region.

(2) Indications o/ Water Losses

Close study of the river courses, mainly in their (e) Return Flow from Irrigation
upper or eastern reaches, reveals that they are Another main contributor to the subsurface,
composed of coarse gravels that enable the depending directly on river flow, is that of return flows
percolation of water and its lateral migration within from irrigation. Since the amount of irrigation water
the alluvial aquifers. Towards the west the river bed usually supplied in Peru is more than is needed to cover
materials become finer and the infiltration rates the field capacity, and in most cases the fields are almost
decrease accordingly. The coarseness of the river inundated in an attempt to utilize the short period of
deposits is a function of the distance and the velocity floods, the quantities that enter the subsurface are very
of the river. great.
Most of the rivers in active or temporarily active Values of 10 to 35 percent of the amounts of
courses lose water through infiltration into the irrigation water, after deducting evaporation, are
subsurface. This is illustrated by the ground-water reported to reach the aquifer (International Engineering,
contours which curve outwards across the mam 1966). Some observers think that this source is of much
streams and canals (Figure 5). Furthermore, greater importance than the seepage losses in channels
according to information given by farmers and the (Jean Claude Henri of FAO, personal communication).
author's own observations, the water table in nearby The direct and most impressive consequences of the
vertical shafts immediately responds to increased return flows are demonstrated by the considerable
flows in the rivers. In Nazca Valley the yield of the infiltration in La Joya and Bella Union Irrigation
puquios" face galleries that convey water by Schemes (Department of Arequipa). In the first example,
gravitation like the ghanats of Iran), all constructed which is much more conspicuous, a short time after the
near the river courses, responds to the intermittent beginning of irrigation springs appeared on the canyon
flows. Another indication supporting the assumption wall just 50 m below the plateau surface (Gil boa, 1969).
is the fact that ground water near streams has a lower
mineral content than that encountered further away,
76 0 76·00•

DE PA R T M E N T 0 F A 一 PE R U
TA 80 L E G E N D. - D | R E C O N 0 F G R 0 U NDWAT ER F LOW 一
DE MORA, GR 0 U N OWAT E R C 0 N 0 UR S ( i n m , t s
0 b OV m n 20 eve |


N Chico





2 02 0
13 5'

2 7 02 7 0

1 30

2 60

76·05' 000 '

Fig. 5· Isopiezometric map, Chincha Valley, Department of Ica, Peru

Because of the complexity of the problem and the values used elsewhere, as they might not be
cumbersome surveys needed no attempts have been applicable to all the coastal area of Peru.
made yet to determine the rates of recharge. The
contradicting evidence calls for caution in employing
(f) Recharge Through Faults igneous framework of the valley which is filled with
(1) The Tectonic Origin o/ the Aqui/erous Basins Tertiary-Quaternary sediments (Gilboa, 1969).
As indicated above, the main drainage outlets of
the active catchment area of the western slopes in Peru 7. CONCLUSIONS
are the river valleys. All these valleys are of tectonic The evaluation of possible sources of recharge
origin, formed by the Peruvian cross-fault system. The shows that the main source of aquifer replenishment in
fault lines are the longest transversal faults (trending the arid coast of Peru is river water, recharged by way
mainly NE-SW and E-W) to be detected in the Andean of infiltration from river beds and irrigation canals and
batholith and in the thick volcanics edimentary supplemented by water moving through nearby
formations. In between those major structural boundary faults. Another important source of recharge
alignments many shorter and less intensive faults is represented by return flows from irrigation.
complete the tectonic framework. The tectolineal zones Precipitation over the area and underflow from the
and other features (joints, intrusive contacts) might Andes are excluded as sources of alimentation of the
conduct a certain amount of water to the alluvial fill in aquifers.
the valleys or in the bordering pl ain s.

(2) Areas with Faults Conducting Water

Among the many areas on the Peruvian coast some REFERENCES
examples exist of possible water flow through faults. Bellido, E. , and Simons F. Narvaez. 1956. Mapa ge016gico
del Peru (escala approx. 1:2,000,000). Sociedad
As indicated by a geoelectric survey made in the geo16gica del Peru.
Nazca area (Tahal, 1966), the thickness of the alluvial Conk ling, H. 1938. Explotaci6n de aguas subterraneas en la
fill is more than 50 m in the upper reaches of the narrow costa del Peru. Lima Soc. Nacional Agraria.
valley. Boundary faults might discharge water into the Finkel, H. J 1959. The barchans of southern Peru. Jour.
different layers of the fill. An abandoned mine located Geology. T. 67, 616-647.
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permeability there is not high, these shattered areas coastal area of Peru. Ph. D. Thesis, Hebrew University
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permit the circulation of ground water, whereas the International Engineering and Chavez Diaz. 1966. Estudio
nearby argillaceous formations reduce it. Alluvium de factibilidad para el proyecto de choclococha
thicknesses of 50 m and more were found also in the desarrollada. Instituto Nacional de Planificacion y
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