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of Pediatric Dentistry
Volume6 Number3

Evaluation of an autopolymerizing fissure sealant as a vehicle for slow

release of fluoride

Michael W. Roberts, DDS, MScD

Roald J. Shern, DDS John B. Kennedy,BS
Abstract its clearance from the oral cavity is prolonged. Sys-
The purposeof this study was to investigate the rate of tems have been developed for providing ambient
fluoride release from an autopolymerizingfissure sealant fluoride, e.g., varnishes containing--or used with--
containing various proportions of sodiumfluoride. In the fluoride compour~ds, fissure sealants containing fluo-
first phase, cured resin discs containing 0.00%, 0.1%, ride, or fluoride-releasing devices. Varnishes contain-
0.25%, 1.0%, and 2.5% sodium fluoride were evaluated ing fluoride have provided marked protection to the
over a 180-dayperiod. The second phase studied the tooth even though the varnish layer lasts only a few
release from the fissure sealant containing 2.5%sodium days. 4"6 A device that would provide a slow, contin-
fluoride whenbondedto the occlusal surfaces of ual release of fluoride should provide even greater
noncarious premolars and molars. Determinations were
madeat the end of 7 and 30 days. The pattern of fluoride benefit. 7 However, they are not yet available for gen-
release was similar for all experimental groupswith eral use.
considerablefluoride being leached during the first day It would be useful if an existing sealant could be
but decreasingrapidly thereafter. The surge of fluoride modified in order to provide protracted low levels of
released after one day apparently was due to sodium fluoride. Attempts to combine the benefits of ex-
fluoride on the surface of the cured sealant resin which tended topical fluoride application with occlusion of
quickly went into solution. The fluoride released from caries-susceptible fissures have been made in the
samples containing 2.5% sodium fluoride was past. 8,9 Recently, E1-Mehdawiet al. presented data
significantly greater than that released fromthe other test which suggested that a hard, nonflexible, ultraviolet
specimens from days 31 to 90. However, there was no
light-cured, bis-GMAfissure sealant ~ could be used
significant difference in fluoride release from the resins
containing 1.0%and 2.5% sodium fluoride during the 91 as a vehicle for extended fluoride release. They re-
to 180-daytest period. Over 96%of the total ported that fluoride ion release increased over the
incorporated fluoride remainedboundat the end of the duration of the in vitro study and with the level of
test period. In conclusion, a bis-GMAfissure sealant 1°
sodium fluoride in the resin.
would not appear to be an appropriate vehicle for The present study investigated the rate of fluoride
delivering fluoride to the oral cavity. release from mixtures containing various proportions
of sodium fluoride in an autopolymerizing fissure
The cariostatic effects of fluoride are well known.
However, these benefits are limited primarily to the Methods and Materials
smooth surfaces of teeth. Approximately 80% of the The stock for these mixtures was formed by adding
dental caries experienced by children are of the pit sodium fluoride powder to bottles of universal seal-
and fissure variety. 1 Several methods have been pro- ant resin, b bThese mixtures when added to a catalyst
posed to provide protection to these areas by using (1:1) formed a plastic containing various concentra-
sealants. Investigations by Buonocore and others led tions of fluoride. Five experimental groups were pre-
to the developmentof the first effective and clinically pared:
practical occlusal fissure sealant which was an ultra-
violet light-cured reaction product of bisphenol A and Nuva Seal; L.D. Caulk Co., Milford, DE.
glycidyl methacrylate (bis-GMA). Delton Pit and Fissure Sealant (Batch #2M402); Johnson & John-
The protective effects of fluoride are enhanced if son Products, Inc., East Windsor, NJ.

PEDIATRICDENTISTRY:September 1984/Vol. 6 No. 3 145

Group A Table 1. Total Microgramsof Fluoride Released During Time
(control) --0.00% sodium fluoride Intervals
Group B --0.1% sodium fluoride
2-7 8-30 31-90 91-180
Group C --0.25% sodium fluoride
Group 1 Da~j Days Days Days Days
GroUp D --1.0% sodium fluoride
Group E --2.5% sodium fluoride A(control) 0.601 0.501 0.201 0.551 0.55
B 4.751 0.901 0.SS
I 1.30110I .80
The study was divided into two phases. In the first C 13.051 2.401 1.251 2.1011 1.401
phase, six resin discs, or specimens, were made for D 61.351 6.901 3.10| 4.95 | 3.20~
each of the five groups. Each specimen was trans- E 95.551 11.451 5.701 19.95~ 3.65l
ferred to a plastic tube containing 5 ml of distilled
Means connected by a solid line are not significantly different (p
water which was replaced after each extraction pe- < 0.05). Tukey’s "t". A break in the line denotes a significant
riod. The extraction, periods were 0-1, 2-7, 8-30, 31- difference. The mean coefficient of variance (cv) for each time pe-
90, and 91-180 days. A 1 ml aliquot of each extract riod ranged from 0.24 to 0.31.
was mixed with an equal volume of total ionic strength
adjustor (TISABIIc). Fluoride levels of the resultant Table 2. Microgramsof Fluoride Released Per Day
mixtures were measured using a fluoride-specific ion
2-7 8-30 31-90 91-180
electrode and meter, c The electrode was allowed to
Group 1 Day Days Days Days Days
equilibrate for one minute in each sample before re-
cording the results. Data from each time period were
analyzed with a one-way ANOVA.Mean differences C
A(control) 0.601 0.0701
13.051 0.3451
0.0101 0.010 I 0.005

were tested using Tukey’s method. D 61.35’1 0.9851 0.1501 0.085 I 0.035~
In the second phase of the study four extracted E 95.551 1.635| 0.2701 0.330 | 0.0401
noncarious mandibular permanent molars and four
maxillary premolars were selected and washed with Means connected by a solid line are not significantly different (p
a toothbrush and distilled water. The autopoIymer- < 0.05). Tukey’s "t". A break in the line denotes a significant
izing fissure sealant containing 2.5% sodium fluoride difference.

was placed on the ocdusal surface of the teeth ac-

cording to the manufacturer’s instructions. Each tooth tracted period of release, more than 96%of the total
was placed in an individual plastic test tube along incorporated fluoride remained bound in all the resin
with 5 ml of distilled water. Fluoride release was de- discs at the end of the test period.
termined at the end of days 7 and 30 using the same The rate of fluoride release from the sealed surfaces
methods described earlier. of the premolars and molars was approximately 10%
that of the unattached discs. The discharge of fluoride
Results from the discs appears to simulate the fluoride release
into the oral cavity if approximately 10 posterior teeth
The mean weight of the sealant samples was sim-
were sealed.
ilar for each of the five groups in phase one (204.72 +_
3.53 mg) and the coefficient of variation for the groups Discussion
was low (0.09 + 0.03). The pattern of fluoride release
The surge of fluoride release observed after one
was similar for all experimental groups with consid-
day in all experimental groups apparently was due
erable fluoride being leached during the first day but
to the sodium fluoride on the surface of the cured
decreasing rapidly thereafter. However, fluoride re-
sealant resin which quickly went into solution. The
lease remained relatively stable from the specimens
resin containing 2.5% sodium fluoride released sign-
containing 2.5% sodium fluoride through the 8 to 30-
ficantly more fluoride per day than the other groups
and 31 to 90-day test periods. The released rate of
throughout all test periods except 91-180 days.
specimens from three of the groups (containing 0.00%,
Nevertheless, when the dilution factor of average daily
0.1%, and 0.25% sodium fluoride) was statistically
saliva secretion (1,500-2,000 rnl/day) is considered, the
equivalent during each test period. Only the fluoride
fluoride level which would be present drops below
released from the samples contaning 2.5% sodium 12,13
any knownlevel of physiological significance.
fluoride was significantly different from the other
groups from 31 to 90 days. However, the total fluo- An autopolymerizing sealant was used in this study
ride leached from 91. to 180 days from the specimens rather than an ultraviolent light-cured type as em-
containing 1.0% and 2.5% sodium fluoride was not ployed by E1-Mahdawiet al. ~° However, the present
significantly different (Tables 1 &2). Despite the pro- investigation supports their findings that fluoride in-
corporated in a bis-GMAfissure sealant is released at
c TISABII; Orion 94-09 Fluoride Electrode; Orion 901 Ionalyzer; a level directly related to the quantity of sodium fluo-
Orion Research Inc., Cambridge, MA. ride added to the resin. However, observations by

Roberts et al.
the authors of this study indicate that the fluoride is 1. Jackson D: Caries experience in English children and young
released at very low levels and would not be clinically adults during the years 1947-1972.Br Dent J 137:91-98,1974.
2. BuonocoreMG:A simple method of increasing the adhesion
of acrylic filling materialsto enamelsurfaces. J DentRes34:849-
Theoretically, a fissure sealant that could store and 53, 1955.
release approximately 0.5 mg of fluoride per day for 3. BuonocoreMG:Adhesivesealing of pits and fissures for car-
ies prevention, with use of ultraviolet light. JADA 80:324-28,
a protracted period of time would be an excellent 1970.
caries prevention device. However, the bis-GMA res- 4. Riethe P, Weinmann K: Caries inhibition with fluoride gel
ins are apparently too rigid and hydrophobic to pro- and fluoride varnish in rats. Caries Res 4:63-68, 1970.
vide this vehicle. One also could speculate that the 5, Heuser H, Schmidt HFM:Deep impregnation of dental en-
protective effects of the sealant actually may be com- amel with a fluorine lacquer for prophylaxisof dental caries.
promised by the addition of sodium fluoride. Inspec- Stoma21:91-100, 1968.
6. Heuser H, Schmidt HFM,WienmannJ: Inwieweit beeinflusst
tion of the discs under a dissection microscope (15x) eine kurze An~itzung des Zahnschmelzesdie Wirkungeiner
revealed that the specimens which contained fluoride Touchierungder Z~ihne mit Fluorlack: II. Dtsch Zahn Mund
exhibited greater surface roughness than did the un- Kerferheilkd 55:266-73,1970.
adulterated plastic. The rougher surface could pro- 7. Mirth DB,Shern RJ, Emilson CG,Adderly DD,Li SH, Gomez
vide a more secure attachment for microorganisms IM, BowenWH:Clinical evaluation of an intraoral device for
the controlled release of fluoride. JADA 105:791-97,1982.
and a niche for harboring food residues. Further- 8. Lee H, OcumpaughDE, Swartz ML: Sealing of develop-
more, the sodium fluoride crystals may weaken the mentalpits andfissures. II. Fluoride release fromflexible fis-
plastic and its attachment to the tooth. sure sealants. J DentRes 51:183-90,1972.
9. RoydhouseRH:Prevention of occlusal fissure caries by use
Conclusions of a sealant: a pilot study. J Dent Child35:253-62,1968.
10. EloMehdawiSM,RappR, Draus F, Zullo T: In vitro study of
Based on the results of this study and the foregoing addition of sodiumfluoride to ultraviolet-cured sealant as
speculations, the authors consider the bis-GMA fis- evaluatedby fluoride ion release. J DentRes (abstract) 62:204,
sure sealant as an inappropriate vehiclefor delivering 1983.
fluoride to the oral cavity. 11. WinerBJ: Statistical Principles of ExperimentalDesign. New
York; McGraw Hill, 1962 pp 79.
12. MandelID: Sialochemistryin diseases and clinical situations
Dr. Robertsis in the Clinical Investigationsand Patient CareBranch,
affecting salivary glands. Critical RevClin LabSci 12:321-66,
Building 10--Room1B20,National Institute of Dental Research,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD20205. Dr. Shern and
Mr. Kennedyare with the National Caries Program, NIDR.Reprint 13. Ingrain G, Nash PF: A mechanism for the anticaries action of
requests should be sent to Dr. Roberts. fluoride. Caries Res 14:298-303,1980.

Attention Authors
Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pedodontics cannot assume responsibility for manu-
scripts, photos, or any other articles for publication which may be lost in the mail. All authors should retain
copies of their manuscripts and illustrations for their own files.

PEDIATRICDENTISTRY:September 1984/Vol. 6 No. 3 147

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