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Wat. Res. Vol. 33, No. 11, pp.

2545±2554, 1999
# 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0043-1354(98)00490-4 0043-1354/99/$ - see front matter


Lehrstuhl fuÈr Technologie der Kohlenhydrate, Technical University of Braunschweig, Langer Kamp 5,
38106 Brunswick, Germany

(First received February 1998; accepted in revised form November 1998)

AbstractÐIn batch-experiments (in lab-scale ¯uidized bed reactors) the inhibition of acetate- and pro-
pionate-degradation by propionate (substrate inhibition) and the inhibition of propionate degradation
by acetate (product inhibition) was studied. Various models were compared by ®tting them to the ex-
perimental data. The importance of independent variation of the acid concentrations and the pH for
the experimental design is discussed.
The substrate inhibition was best described by a model of inhibition by undissociated acid with an ad-
ditional independent pH in¯uence. The inhibition by propionic acid was only slight in the practically rel-
evant range of concentrations. However, the propionate degrading bacteria were sensitive against low pH.
The product inhibition was best described with the model of competitive inhibition. The inhibition
already occurred from an acetate/propionate-ratio of 1 upwards. A complete standstill of the propionate
degradation at high acetate/propionate-ratios, as expected because of the proximity to the thermodynamic
equilibrium, was not observed. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Key wordsÐanaerobic digestion, kinetics, substrate inhibition, product inhibition, pH

NOMENCLATURE S substrate concentration (mglÿ1)

Ace total acetate concentration (disso- w2 chi square (see equation 14)
ciated and undissociated) (mglÿ1) s standard deviation (mglÿ1)
cmeas measured concentration (mglÿ1)
cmod modelled concentration (mglÿ1) INTRODUCTION
COD chemical oxygen demand (mglÿ1)
HI, HPro, HS concentration of undissociated acids High concentrations of organic acids can inhibit an-
(mglÿ1) aerobic digestion. Normally acetate and propionate
I inhibitor concentration (mglÿ1) are the predominating organic acids found in the
KC modi®ed constant of competitive in- out¯ow of methane reactors. Thus the e€ects of
hibition (mgmgÿ1) acetate and propionate on their own degradation
KEq equilibrium constant (Pa3mollÿ1) and the interactions between both acids regarding
KI constant of inhibition by organic their degradation are most important.
acid (mglÿ1) In pilot tests the substrate inhibition of acetate
KI,pH1 constant of inhibition by low pH degradation was very weak (MoÈsche, 1998). This is
KP conventional constant of competi- in accordance with other authors (Witty and MaÈrkl,
tive inhibition (mglÿ1) 1986; Aguilar et al., 1995). Propionate, on the con-
KS saturation constant (mglÿ1) trary, is frequently regarded as a stronger inhibitor
K0 product inhibition constant in (Andrews, 1969; Witty and MaÈrkl, 1986; Barredo
equation 11 (mgmgÿ1) and Evison, 1991). Thus the investigation of sub-
P product concentration (mglÿ1) strate inhibition concentrates on the substrate inhi-
P(F) F probability distribution bition of propionate degradation and the inhibition
pKA negative logarithm of the ionization of acetate degradation by propionate, which has
constant been described with a similar kinetic model (Witty
Pro total propionate concentration and MaÈrkl, 1986).
(mglÿ1) The other case of interaction between both acids,
r reaction rate (glÿ1dÿ1) the inhibition of propionate degradation by acetate,
is an example of product inhibition. In contrast to
the often-mentioned product inhibition by hydrogen
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. comparatively few studies have been done on this
[Tel.: +49-531-3800950; fax: +49-531-3800988; e-mail: subject (Kaspar and Wuhrmann, 1978; Gorris et]. al., 1989; Alonso, 1992).
2546 Marek MoÈsche and Hans-Joachim JoÈrdening

In this study we compare several kinetic models Product inhibition

of substrate and product inhibition in order to ®nd Most authors investigating product inhibition in
out which one describes the experimental data best. anaerobic digestion either use the model of non-
For a signi®cant discrimination of the kinetic competitive inhibition (equation 7, Fukuzaki et al.,
models a careful experimental design and a statisti- 1990a; Kus and Wiesmann, 1995) or give boundary
cal evaluation of the results are necessary. concentrations of acetate, above which a product
inhibition occurs (Kaspar and Wuhrmann, 1978;
Gorris et al., 1989; Alonso, 1992). Both are based
on the assumption that the decrease of the reaction
Substrate inhibition rate is only dependent on the product concen-
The substrate inhibition of microbial reactions
can be described by rmax
rˆ …7†
…1 ‡ KS =S †  …1 ‡ P=KI †
dS rmax
ˆrˆ …1† In contrast to that in enzyme kinetics the competi-
dt …1 ‡ KS =S †  …1 ‡ S=KI †
tive inhibition model (equation 8) is used to
Considering that propionate can inhibit both acet- describe product inhibition.
ate and propionate degradation, equation 1 must be
rewritten more generally: rmax
rˆ …8†
1 ‡ …KS =S †  …1 ‡ P=KP †
rˆ …2† equation 8 can be rewritten in such a way, that the
…1 ‡ KS =S †  …1 ‡ I=KI †
direct dependence of the reaction rate on the pro-
The substrate S is either acetate or propionate, the duct/substrate-ratio is made clear:
inhibitor I is propionate in both cases.
Andrews (1969) proposed to consider only the rmax
rˆ …9†
undissociated acid as inhibiting agent (equation 3). 1 ‡ …KS =S † ‡ …P=S  KC †
The concentration of undissociated acid increases with KP/KS=KC.
with the total acid concentration as well as with The modi®ed competitive inhibition constant KC
falling pH (equation 4). is equivalent to the product/substrate-ratio, at
rmax which the reaction rate is half-maximum (when the
rˆ …3† substrate limitation is neglected).
…1 ‡ KS =HS†  …1 ‡ HI=KI †
It is known that the acetogenic propionate degra-
with dation occurs close to the thermodynamic equili-
S brium (Kaspar and Wuhrmann, 1978). Hoh and
HS ˆ and Cord-Ruwisch (1996) presented a model of product
1 ‡ 10…pHÿpKA †
…4† inhibition in anaerobic propionate degradation that
I considers both the thermodynamic equilibrium and
HI ˆ
1 ‡ 10…pHÿpKA † the continuous transition to the Michaelis±Menten
Although the Andrews model is widely accepted, it kinetics far from the thermodynamic equilibrium:
has not yet been tested in comparison with other
rmax  …1 ÿ …P=S  KEq ††
models that include an independent pH in¯uence. rˆ …10†
This is now done with this study. One alternative 1 ‡ …KS =S † ‡ …P=S  KEq †
model is a combination of an inhibition by the total Since the hydrogen degradation was not rate limit-
organic acid and an independent pH in¯uence ing under the experimental conditions (see next sec-
through a non-competitive inhibition by H+ and tion), the partial pressure of hydrogen can be
OHÿ-ions (equation 5). The equation becomes more assumed to be low and not to cause an additional
graphic, if the pH±inhibition-constants KI,pH indi- product inhibition. The same applies to formate as
cate the pH, at which the reaction rate is reduced a possible alternative electron donator. For that
to half of the maximum (equation 5a).

rˆ …5†
…1 ‡ KS =S †  …1 ‡ I=KI †  …1 ‡ H‡ =KH‡ †  …1 ‡ OHÿ =KOHÿ †

rˆ …5a†
…1 ‡ KS =S †  …1 ‡ I=KI †  …1 ‡ 10…KI,pH1 ÿpH† †  …1 ‡ 10…pHÿKI,pH2 † †
In a third model the above mentioned independent pH in¯uence is combined with a substrate inhibition by
the undissociated organic acid:
rˆ …6†
…1 ‡ KS =HS†  …1 ‡ HI=KI †  …1 ‡ 10…KI,pH1 ÿpH† †  …1 ‡ 10…pHÿKI,pH2 † †
Substrate and product inhibition 2547

reason equation 10 was simpli®ed in such a way, that Because of this experimental design di€erent shapes of the
only the e€ect of the acetate/propionate-ratio was slope of the reaction rate, as plotted in Fig. 1, could be
considered and the e€ects of the hydrogen, formate
and bicarbonate concentrations were neglected. Product inhibition

rmax  …1 ÿ …Ace=Pro  K0 †† The product inhibition of propionate degradation by

rˆ …11† acetate was also investigated by simultaneous degradation
1 ‡ …KS =S † ‡ …Ace=Pro  K0 † of acetate and propionate in batch experiments. To dis-
criminate the models of non-competitive (equation 7) and
Equation 11 resembles equation 9 for the competitive competitive inhibition (equation 9) the propionate and
inhibition except the parentheses in the numerator, acetate concentrations had to be varied independently.
which allows the reaction rate to equal zero at a ®nite This requirement was not ful®lled in those studies, which
acetate/propionate-ratio when the thermodynamical described the product inhibition with the non-competitive
model (Fukuzaki et al., 1990a; Kus and Wiesmann, 1995).
equilibrium is reached. This ratio is given by the con- To discriminate the models of competitive inhibition
stant K0. (equation 9) and the equilibrium based model
(equation 11) the acetate/propionate-ratio had to be varied
Applicability to propionate degradation over a wide range.
These conditions were realized in a series of experiments
All the models of substrate and product inhi-
with di€erent levels of propionate concentration. During
bition relate to one-step reactions. However, also each of the experiments the acetate concentration was var-
the propionate degradation, which is a multi-step ied in the same way, but the acetate/propionate-ratios
reaction, can be described in that way, if the aceto- were di€erent.
genic propionate degradation, and neither the acet-
ate nor the hydrogen degradation, is rate limiting.
Since the used mixed culture was adapted to the
simultaneous degradation of acetate, propionate,
butyrate and lactate, the maximum degradation Microorganisms
rates of acetate and hydrogen were substantially Biomass covered granular pumice (0.1±0.4 mm diam-
higher than their production rates from propionate eter) from a 10 m3-¯uidized bed reactor for anaerobic
degradation. Thus, under the experimental con- puri®cation of sugar factory wastewater was used (OLR:
ditions, where propionate degradation was the only <30 kg mÿ3 dÿ1; HRT: >12 h; pH: 6.75±7.1; CODin:
7500 mg lÿ1; CODout: 750 mg lÿ1) (MoÈsche, 1998). The or-
acetogenic reaction, neither the acetate nor the ganic dry matter content was 32 kgmÿ3. Electron micro-
hydrogen degradation was rate limiting. scopic analysis of the bio®lm revealed mainly ®lamentous
and rod shaped bacteria resembling Methanothrix sp.
(MoÈsche, 1998).
Substrate inhibition Fluidized bed reactors with a total volume of 0.84 l and
For the three models of substrate inhibition the di€erent an inner diameter of 59 mm were used. 0.3±0.4 l of the
dependence of the inhibition on the total acid concen- carrier was ®lled into the reactors. The super®cial velocity
tration and the pH is shown in contour plots (Fig. 1). All was adjusted in that way that the ¯uidized bed expanded
the models display a slope of the reaction rate in the direc- by factor 1.5. The temperature was maintained at
tion of higher acid concentration and lower pH. The only 37.020.28C by pumping warm water through a heating
di€erence is the shape of this slope. The e€ect of substrate jacket.
limitation is neglected in these plots, because the satur-
ation constants KS of the investigated mixed culture are Batch experiments
very low (<12 mg Acelÿ1; <3 mg Prolÿ1; MoÈsche and Substrate inhibition. Three series, each consisting of four
JoÈrdening, 1998) and the experiments were conducted at single batch experiments, were conducted. In each single ex-
substantially higher concentrations. periment a pulse of acetic acid (start concentra-
In most of the studies concerning substrate inhibition tion1 400 mglÿ1) and propionic acid (start concentration
the acid concentration and the pH are not varied indepen- varied) was fed to the reactor.
dently of each other. Either only the acid concentration is
varied (Bolle et al., 1986) or only the pH (Kus and No. 1: four experiments at di€erent pH-values (7.0,
Wiesmann, 1995) or both at the same time (Duarte and 6.6, 6.2, 5.8) and low propionate start concentrations
Anderson, 1982). Di€erent shapes of the slope of the reac- (100±200 mglÿ1).
tion rate (Fig. 1) cannot be discriminated in that way. No. 2: four experiments at pH 7.0 and di€erent pro-
pionate start concentrations (1200, 600, 1100 and
Only Fukuzaki et al. (1990a,b) varied the pH and acid
1500 mglÿ1).
concentration independently. They showed that the sub-
strate inhibition was caused by undissociated propionic No. 3: four experiments at decreasing pH-values (7.0,
and acetic acid. However, it was not analyzed whether 6.6, 6.2, 5.8) and increasing propionate start concen-
there was an additional independent pH in¯uence. trations (1200, 700, 1200 and 1700 mglÿ1).
In this study the simultaneous degradation of acetate In the single experiments the degradation of acetate and
and propionate in batch-experiments was followed, in propionate was followed until most of the acetate was
order to investigate both the substrate inhibition of pro- used up (approximately 1±1.5 h). During that time 6
pionate degradation and the inhibition of acetate degra- samples were taken. When the propionate concentration
dation by propionate. In one series of batch experiments was above 1250 mglÿ1, double determinations were con-
only the pH was varied. In another series only the propio- ducted. Altogether, 84 acetate and 84 propionate concen-
nate start concentration was varied. In a third series both trations were recorded and evaluated. The pH was kept
pH and propionate start concentration were varied. constant (20.05) by dosage of H3PO4.
2548 Marek MoÈsche and Hans-Joachim JoÈrdening

Fig. 1. Inhibition by organic acid and pH (lines of equal degradation rate as a function of total acid
concentration and pH) according to the three models of substrate inhibition (equations 3, 5a and 6).

Product inhibition. Three experiments with di€erent Analytical methods

start concentrations of propionate (No. 1: 150 mglÿ1, No. The organic acids were separated by a 300 mm anion
2: 500 mglÿ1, No. 3: 1400 mglÿ1) were conducted. First exclusion column and detected by UV absorption at
the propionate degradation was followed in the absence of 210 nm.
acetate (1maximum reaction rate). Then the consumed
amount of propionate was replaced and a pulse of Evaluation methods
2500 mglÿ1 acetate was added. So the acetate concen-
trations in the reactors were the same but the acetate/pro- The set of di€erential equations for the simultaneous
pionate-ratios di€ered. Since the acetate degradation degradation of acetate and propionate
subsequently was much faster than the propionate degra- dPro
dation, the acetate/propionate-ratio changed during that ˆ ÿrPro …Ace, Pro† …12†
phase of the experiment.
During the experiment the pH was maintained at 7.0 by dAce
dosage of H3PO4. In each experiment 14 samples were ˆ ÿrAce …Ace, Pro† ‡ rPro …Ace, Pro†  YAce=Pro …13†
analyzed for acetate and propionate concentrations, so dt
that altogether 42 acetate and 42 propionate concen- was integrated numerically (Runge±Kutta procedure). For
trations were recorded and evaluated. rAce and rPro the various model equations were inserted
Substrate and product inhibition 2549

(substrate inhibition experiments: equation 3, equation 5a did not a€ect the degradation rate. However, the
or equation 6, product inhibition experiments: equation 7,
inhibition by the decrease of the pH was rather
equation 9 or equation 11).
Parameters, that had only negligible in¯uence on the ®t strong.
of the models, were set to ®xed values: KS,Ace=6 mglÿ1, In the case of propionate degradation (Fig. 3)
KS,Pro=1 mglÿ1, KI,pH2=14.4 ÿ KI,pH1 (pH-optimum: 7.2), there are noticeable deviations between the predic-
YAce/Pro=0.811 mgmgÿ1=1 molmolÿ1. tions of the best ®tted model and the degradation
The inhibition parameters were ®tted to the experimen-
tal data with the Nelder±Mead simplex algorithm. rates determined from the single experiments. This
Thereby the w2 as sum of normalized error squares, was is caused by the worse signal/noise ratio. In com-
minimized in order to consider both the relative and the parison with acetate, the degradation rate is low
absolute portion of the analytical error: and the higher concentrations cause a higher scatter
Xn   of the measured data. This primarily a€ects the cal-
ci,meas ÿ ci,mod 2
w2 ˆ …14† culation of the propionate degradation rates from
s…cmeas †
the single experiments. In the parameter ®t of the
with s(cmeas) = 0.012cmeas+0.95 mg/l (experimentally various models the higher number of data compen-
sates this scatter.
To ascertain, whether the di€erences between the w2 are
signi®cant, an F-test was conducted. The obtained values The decision, whether the postulated additional
of the F probability distribution P(F) represent the prob- pH-in¯uence is really signi®cant, has to be made on
ability that a poorer ®tted model describes the data better a statistical basis considering the number of
than the best ®tted model. measured data as well as the goodness of ®t and the
In Figs 2 and 3 the relative degradation rates are given.
These are the mean degradation rates in each single exper- number of parameters of the various models. This
iment normalized to rmax obtained from the ®t of was done with the F-test. It is shown that both of
equation 6 to all data. the inferior models are very unlikely to describe the
experimental data better than equation 6.
The result, that the model of inhibition by undis-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION sociated acid with an additional independent pH-in-
¯uence is the most adequate, is trivial as well as
Substrate inhibition: model discrimination revolutionary: on the one hand the additional e€ect
The model of inhibition by undissociated acid by pH can simply be explained with the pH optima
and pH (equation 6) describes the measured data of the involved microorganisms. On the other hand
best: the w2 (normalized error sum of squares) is the this e€ect has been neglected up to the present in
smallest (Table 1). The model of inhibition by most of the mathematical models of anaerobic
undissociated acid without independent pH in¯u- digestion.
ence (equation 3) is second best and the model of
inhibition by the total acid gives the poorest ®t Quanti®cation of substrate inhibition
despite the consideration of an additional pH-in¯u- The inhibition constants for the model of inhi-
ence (equation 5a). bition by undissociated acid and pH are given in
All the concentration curves of the 12 single ex- Table 1. According to that model the inhibition of
periments cannot be plotted here, to illustrate the acetate degradation is very slight in the practically
di€erent ®ts of the models. However, in Figs 2 and relevant range (ProR 800 mglÿ1, pHr 6.5; see
3 the two best ®tted models (inhibition by undisso- Fig. 2(B)), whereas a certain inhibition of propio-
ciated acid with and without independent pH-in¯u- nate degradation can be expected at low pH (R6.6;
ence) are compared with the mean degradation see Fig. 3(B)).
rates in each single experiment. The calculated inhibition parameters, except
Regarding the inhibition of acetate degradation KI,pH (Pro), are outside the studied concentration-
(Fig. 2) the predictions of both models look similar and pH-range. A more exact determination of the
over a wide range. This is because of the little ad- parameters would have been possible, if even more
ditional pH-in¯uence in equation 6 (KI,pH=4.7). drastic conditions would have been applied with
Nevertheless it can be seen that the decrease of the accordingly stronger resulting inhibition. However,
pH to 5.8 at low propionate concentration actually on the other hand it was the main aim to investi-
lowered the degradation rate down to 89%, whereas gate the inhibition in, or at least near, the practi-
the increase of the propionate concentration at pH cally relevant range.
7.0 did not a€ect the degradation rate signi®cantly. The inhibition constants KI for inhibition by pro-
According to the model without additional pH-in- pionic acid are high in comparison with some litera-
¯uence (equation 3) both should have had approxi- ture data (Table 2). These cited values were
mately the same e€ect. obtained with suspended microorganisms.
Regarding the inhibition of propionate degra- Immobilized biomass, as used in this study, is often
dation (Fig. 3) the di€erences between both models considered to be more resistant against inhibition.
are more distinct because of the stronger additional This was attributed either to mass transport limi-
pH-in¯uence in equation 6 (KI,pH=5.9). Again the tation (Duarte and Anderson, 1982) or di€erent mi-
increase of the propionate concentration at pH 7.0 crobial composition (Morvai and Hollo, 1992). The
2550 Marek MoÈsche and Hans-Joachim JoÈrdening

Fig. 2. Inhibition of acetate degradation by propionate according to the models of inhibition by undis-
sociated acid (A) and with an additional pH-in¯uence (B), both ®tted to the experimental data. The ex-
perimental conditions of the single experiments (pH, start concentration and ®nal concentration of
propionate) are shown by the fat bars (q). The percentages indicate the relative degradation rates in
the single experiments.

former explanation does not apply to the biomass been attributed to some species of Methanosarcina
used in this study: it was theoretically assessed that but not to Methanothrix sp. (Holt et al., 1994).
the di€erence of the inner and outer concentrations The propionate degrading bacteria of the studied
of the bio®lm were below 40 mglÿ1 total acid mixed culture were more sensitive to low pH
(MoÈsche, 1998). This was con®rmed by very low (KI,pH=5.9). Heyes and Hall (1983) enriched two
saturation constants (MoÈsche and JoÈrdening, 1998). subpopulations of propionate degrading bacteria:
Regarding the microbial composition the bacteria one quickly growing acid tolerant group with high
were predominantly rod-shaped or ®lamentous like KS and one slowly growing acid sensitive group
Methanothrix sp. This is in accordance with the ob- with low KS. The growth rate and KS of the propio-
servations of Morvai and Hollo (1992), who found nate degrading bacteria of our mixed culture rather
Methanothrix sp. in granular sludges, which were correspond to the second acid sensitive group.
less sensitive to substrate inhibition. On the other Considering the cited literature, it can be said
hand the observed resistance to low pH has rather that there are various kinds of bacteria, sensitive as
Substrate and product inhibition 2551

Fig. 3. Substrate inhibition of propionate degradation according to the models of inhibition by undisso-
ciated acid (A) and with an additional pH-in¯uence (B), both ®tted to the experimental data. The ex-
perimental conditions of the single experiments (pH, start concentration and ®nal concentration of
propionate) are shown by the fat bars (q). The percentages indicate the degradation rates in the single

well as insensitive to inhibition by organic acid and determined experimentally, taking into account
low pH. The kinetic data for each mixed culture the independent in¯uences of undissociated acid
are dicult to predict, so that they have to be and pH.

Table 1. Substrate inhibition models: Inhibition constants, w2 (normalized error sum of squares) and F-test (probability)

Inhibition by equation Undissociated acid (equation 3) pH and total acid (equation 5a) pH and undissociated acid (equation 6)

KI (Ace) 185 mg HProlÿ1 6600 mg Prolÿ1 290 mg HProlÿ1

KI (Pro) 27 mg HProlÿ1 1020 mg Prolÿ1 260 mg HProlÿ1
KI,pH1 (Ace) ÿ 5.5 4.7
KI,pH1 (Pro) ÿ 6.1 5.9

w2 505 621 299

P(F) 0.0014 0.00001 ÿ

(Ace): e€ect on the acetate degradation; (Pro): e€ect on the propionate degradation.
2552 Marek MoÈsche and Hans-Joachim JoÈrdening

Table 2. Inhibition by undissociated propionic acid. Comparison 52%; No. 3: 77% of the initial degradation rate).
of literature data and the results of this investigation
This leads to the conclusion that not the acetate
Target of inhibition KI (mg Prolÿ1) Refs. concentration, but the acetate/propionate-ratio is
relevant for the inhibition. This corresponds with
Acetate degradation >10000 Aguilar et al. (1995)
Acetate degradation 730 Jarrell et al. (1987)
the model of competitive inhibition. This model
Propionate degradation 59 Fukuzaki et al. (1990a) also describes the subsequent acceleration of pro-
Methane formation 72 Witty and MaÈrkl (1986) pionate degradation because of the decreasing acet-
Total process 40 Andrews (1969)
Acetate degradation 290 this investigation ate concentration more correctly.
Propionate degradation 260 this investigation The equilibrium based model also postulates an
inhibition dependent on the acetate/propionate-
Product inhibition: model discrimination ratio. However, the higher w2 (Table 3) and the sys-
The model of competitive inhibition gives the tematic course of the residuals (Fig. 5) show that
best description of the measured data (least w2 see this model gives an inferior description of the
Table 3). The model of non-competitive inhibition, measured data compared with the model of com-
although it is the most frequently used, gives the petitive inhibition. The signi®cance of this statement
poorest ®t. The reason can be seen from the con- is con®rmed by the F-test (Table 3).
centration curves in the three experiments (Fig. 4). At ®rst sight this result is surprising, because the
The propionate degradation is slowed down due to thermodynamical basis of the equilibrium based
the acetate pulse. The slowdown is less, the higher model cannot be wrong. However, the reason is
the propionate concentration is (No. 1: 22%; No. 2: that only the acetate/propionate-ratio was con-

Table 3. Product inhibition models: inhibition constants, w2 (normalized error sum of squares) and F-test (probability)

Inhibition equation Non-competitive (equation 7) Competitive (equation 9) Equilibrium-based (equation 11)

Inhibition constants KI=900 mglÿ1 KC=4.7 mgmgÿ1 K0=28 mgmgÿ1

w2 3200 170 400
P(F) 10ÿ23 ÿ 0.0006

Fig. 4. Acetate (above) and propionate (below) concentrations in the product inhibition experiments.
Measured concentrations (symbols) and model calculations (lines). (No. 1±No. 3: various experiments
with di€erent initial propionate concentration).
Substrate and product inhibition 2553

sidered and a constant hydrogen partial pressure half maximum at an acetate/propionate-ratio of

was assumed. However, this assumption is wrong: 4.7 mgmgÿ1 and 82% of the maximum at an acet-
the more the propionate degradation is slowed ate/propionate-ratio of 1 mgmgÿ1. A ratio of
down by a high acetate/propionate-ratio, the less 1 mgmgÿ1 or more is quite common in many an-
hydrogen is formed. Thus the hydrogen partial aerobic digesters. Denac (1986) reported an even
pressure decreases and the thermodynamic equili- stronger competitive inhibition of propionate degra-
brium is in¯uenced positively, so that the inhibition dation by acetate (KC=0.5±1.4 mgmgÿ1). These
due to the acetate/propionate-ratio is partially com- results show, that the product inhibition of propio-
pensated. A complete inhibition cannot be reached, nate degradation by acetate is relevant even in nor-
since the hydrogen partial pressure would then mal operation of digesters and should neither be
approach zero. neglected in mathematical models of anaerobic
So an inhibition, qualitatively similar to the com- digestion nor in the interpretation of experimental
petitive inhibition, would result from the equili- data.
brium correlated model if the hydrogen partial The practical relevance of product inhibition by
pressure was considered. However, model calcu- acetate is not a€ected by the still open question of
lations with simulated hydrogen partial pressure the exact in¯uence of hydrogen via the thermodyn-
gave a too slight inhibition at high acetate/propio- amic equilibrium: the hydrogen partial pressure was
nate-ratios (MoÈsche, 1998). To clear up the e€ect of supposed to be very low in the experiments.
the thermodynamic equilibrium on the product inhi- Therefore, the product inhibition would even be
bition kinetics de®nitely further experiments includ- stronger under practical conditions, when the degra-
ing the measurement of very low hydrogen partial dation of further hydrogen sources (e.g. butyrate)
pressures and formate concentrations are necessary. causes an elevated hydrogen partial pressure.

Quanti®cation of product inhibition

The product inhibition by acetate was well CONCLUSIONS
described with a modi®ed competitive inhibition
constant (KC) of 4.7 mgmgÿ1 (Table 3). That . The Andrews model of inhibition by the undisso-
means that the propionate degradation rate was ciated acid was not sucient to describe the sub-

Fig. 5. Deviation between modelled and measured propionate concentrations in the product inhibition
experiments. (No. 1±No. 3: various experiments with di€erent initial propionate concentration).
2554 Marek MoÈsche and Hans-Joachim JoÈrdening

strate inhibition at various pH values. An inde- Denac M. (1986) Anaerober Abbau geloÈster organischer
pendent pH-in¯uence had to be added to that Sto€e in Festbett- und Wirbelschichtreaktoren,
Dissertation, ETH, Zurich.
model. Duarte A. C. and Anderson G. K. (1982) Inhibition mod-
. The acetate degradation was only slightly inhib- elling in anaerobic digestion. Water Sci. Technol. 14,
ited in the practically relevant range of propio- 749±763.
nate concentrations and pH values. However, the Fukuzaki S., Nishio N., Shobayashi M. and Nagai S.
(1990a) Inhibition of the fermentation of propionate to
propionate degrading bacteria were sensitive methane by hydrogen, acetate and propionate. Appl.
against low pH. Environ. Microbiol. 56, 719±723.
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