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December 17, 2015

1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543

-John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas.- Supreme Court.

Dear Justice Roberts, Justice Scalia, and Justice Thomas:

I am a Chicago Student who is writing to the three of you to talk about gay marriage and
the acceptance of it. I have read a few articles and noticed that you three men are pretty much
against it, even though the law has been past already. Marriage should be accepted by
everyone even if it means same sex marriage.

In an article online, ​Why Four Justices Were Against the Supreme Court’s Huge
Gay-Marriage Decision, I read that the three of you, and Justice Alito, are against gay marriage.
Justice Roberts you stated, “Steal​ing this is​sue from the people will for many cast a cloud over
same-sex mar​riage, mak​ing a dra​mat​ic so​cial change that much more dif​fi​cult to ac​cept.” Being
against something that makes many people happy isn’t a right thing to do. Many people who are
to be feeling finally free actually are even more scared then they were before because many
people never wanted this law to be past because of how they felt. In my opinion all you should
do is accept a person as they are. Justice Scalia in the online article you stated, “Un​til the courts
put a stop to it, pub​lic de​bate over same-sex mar​riage dis​played Amer​ic​an demo​cracy at its
best, but the Court ends this de​bate, in an opin​ion lack​ing even a thin ven​eer of law.” Many
people want it to be accepted, so why can’t the people who make the laws and vote upon them
agree to things that make people happy? Obviously what you are pushing for is for the people
who are against it to get what they want, but isn’t that still taking things from the people? Aren’t
you, Justice Roberts, for the people? You two men are for the people, yet you are only for the
people who are against the ones who got what they needed. Justice Thomas, the article said
that Justice Scalia wanted to write a dissent saying “to call at​ten​tion to this Court’s threat to
Amer​ic​an demo​cracy.” Thomas joined Scalia in the dis​sent. You joined him in this dissent and
you two think that because it was accepted that it’s a threat. Justice Thomas you also said
“Pe​ti​tion​ers can​not claim, un​der the most plaus​ible defin​i​tion of ‘liberty,’ that they have been
im​prisoned or phys​ic​ally re​strained by the States for par​ti​cip​at​ing in same-sex re​la​tion​ships.”
You are basically trying to say that “how would they know if they never went through it” but
really they are for gay marriage because they have acceptance for people who love one
For example, in the past many people wanted slavery to continue but they got out voted
and now it’s taken away. No one suffers that anymore, but just like you men voted against gay
marriage ,it’s like you men voting for slavery. They also allowed marijuana in some states and
many people didn’t want that but that’s not an issue right? Things are changing day by day.
Many people are getting what they want and some aren’t, but for you three men to not be for
someone loving someone just because they are the same sex and it may not look nor seem
right to you, it is a problem. Many people walk around and say that people are marry same sex
are for “satan” but love is love isn’t it? So for the people but can’t even accept people to be
happy together. Isn’t that what you guys want, people to be happy?

Some people are against gay marriage because it looks weird to them seeing two girls walking
around holding hands and kissing and two men walking around doing the same. Many people
may feel uncomfortable because of it, but what is the difference between that and a man and
woman doing these things? People accept them, right? If you’re going to say you’re for the
people, actually be for the people. Make these protestors accept the passed law and even if
they don’t, three others people accepting it would be pushing closer to all, especially three men
from the Supreme Court.

Kianni D.
Chicago Academy High School.

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