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Galileo Galilei was bom in Pisa, Italy in 1564. Galileo made original
contributions to the science of motion through an innovative combination of
experiment and mathematics. He was one of the first modem thinkers to
clearly state that the laws of nature are mathematical. Galileo proposed the
concept of acceleration. Galileo had dropped balls of the same material, but
different masses, from the leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that their
time of descent was independent of their mass. This was contrary to what
Aristotle has taught: that heavy objects fall faster than lighter ones. Galileo’s
discoveries in astronomy were revolutionary. He designed his own telescope
and used it to make a number of observations on the surface of moon; dark
spots on the sun; the moons of jupiter and the phases of venus.

3.1 Introduction 3.6 Acceleration

3.2 fram e o f reference 3.7 Relative velocity
3.3 Position, p aid length and displacement
3.8 ‘K inematic equations fo r uniformly accelerated
3.4 Instantaneous speed, average speed
3 .5 Instantaneous velocity, average velocity

3.1 INTRODUCTION said to be in straight line m otion. Here, the

reference point about which the position of the
Motion is common to everything in the universe.
particle is located is called origin.
We walk, run and ride a car. The leaves are falling
from the trees and water is flowing in rivers. The 3.2.1 FRAME OF REFERENCE
earth rotates about its axis and revolves around the We know that motion is change in position of
sun. The sun itself is in motion in the Milky Way. an object with time. In order to specify position, we
Motion is the change in position of the object with need to use a reference point and a set of axes. It is
time. In this chapter we shall learn the concepts of convenient to choose a rectangular coordinate system
velocity and acceleration and we shall confine to consisting of three mutually perpendicular axes,
the study o f motion of objects along straight line, labelled X-Y, and Z-axes. The point of intersection
also known as rectilinear motion. of these three axes is called origin (O) and serves as
The objects in motion shall be treated as point the reference point. The coordinates (x,y,z) of an
objects and this approximation is valid so far as the object describe the position of the object with respect
size of the object is very much smaller compared to :; to this coordinate system. To measure time, we
the distance travelled by it in a reasonable duration * position a clock in this system. This coordinate
of time. L system along with a clock constitutes a frame of
The study o f m otion o f bodies w ithout reference.
con sid erin g the cause o f m otion is called If one or more coordinates of an object change
Kinematics. In the universe every object moves, with time, we say that the object is in motion.
though some objects appear to be stationary. The Otherwise, the object is said to be at rest with respect
terms motion and rest are relative. We begin this to this frame of reference.
chapter with motion along a straight line, i.e. motion
in one dimension. Later, we look into motion in a 3.2.2 REST, MOTION
plane, i.e. two-dimensional motion. If a particle’s position does not change either
When a particle is in motion, if the line joining with respect to a fixed point and with respect to time,
the successive positions is a straight line then it is then it is said to be at rest.


If a particle’s position is continuously changing For example, for motion o f the car from O to P,
with respect to a fixed point and with respect to time, the path length is +360 m and the displacement is
then it is said to be in motion. +360 m. In this case, the magnitude of displacement
3.3.1 POSITION, PATH LENGTH (360 m) is equal to the path length (360 m)J
But consider the motion of the car from O to P and
The coordinates o f a coordinate system
back to Q. In this case, the path length = (+360 m)
describes the position o f an object with respect
+ (+120 m) = + 480 m. However, the displacement
to the origin of the system.
= (+240 m) - (0 m) = + 240 m.
“Length o f actual path between initial and Thus, the magnitude of displacement (240 m) is not
final positions is called distance or path length”. equal to the path length (480 m).
M Application-3.1:
“The shortest straight line distance directed Consider a particle moving from A to B along a
from initial position to final position irrespective curve as shown.
o f th e path is ca lled d isp lacem en t”, (or)
displacement is the change in position.
Let Xj and x2 be the positions of an object at the
instants t, and t2 respectively then displacement is The distance travelled is equal to the length of
Ax = x2 - Xy in the time interval At = t2 - tx. the curve AB, whereas the m agnitude of the
displacement is equal to the length of the straight
The ‘distance or path length’ and ‘displace­ line AB.
ment’ are two different quantities. Distance has just
a magnitude (numerical value) and no direction,
whereas, the displacement has magnitude as well as A pplication-3.2:
direction. Such quantities are represented as vectors.
Here distance is scalar and displacement is vector. If a person walks from A to B and then from B
D to C as shown,
7 C) t3 I
Path length travelled = AB + BC= 7m
1 1 1 1 1 1 Displacement = AC = 5m
-160 -120 0 240 360 400 m
-X A pplication-3.3:

A particle moves over an arc P Q , of a circle of

For example, displacement of the car in moving from ■.
radius R, subtending an angle 0 at the centre .
O to P is : Ik = x 2 - x, =(+360m )- 0m = +360m *
The displacement has a magnitude of 360 m and is !;
directed in the positive x direction as indicated
by the + sign.
Similarly, the displacement of the car from P to Q is
a) distance travelled = arc PQ = R 0
240 m - 360 m = - 120 m.
The negative sign indicates the direction o f b) displacement= straight line PQ = 2R sinf -
displacement. u ,
We should rem em ber T he m agn itu d e o f Note 3 .1 : If a particle starts from a point and reaches the
same point at the end o f its journey, then displacment is zero.
displacement may or may not be equal to the path
However distance covered is not zero. Therefore, a particle
length traversed by an object. can travel som e distance without displacement.



34 .1 SPEED Where Xj and x2 are the positions of an object at the

instants tj and t2 respectively.
■ The distance travelled by a body in unit time
is called it’s speed. If Sj, s2, s3..... sn are the distances travelled by a
.«, It is a scalar quantity. particle in die time intervals t3, tj, t, respectively
CGS unit is cm's-1 and SI unit is ms-1.
Average Speed = s‘ +S2
3.4.2 UNIFORM M OTION t i + t 2 + t 3.

If an object moving along the straight line 3.4.5 INSTANTANEOUS SPEED

covers equal displacement in equal intervals of time,
The speed of a particle at a particular instant of
it is said to be in uniform motion along a straight
time is called it’s instantaneous speed, (or)
line. The following Fig. shows the position time e
It is also defined as the lim it o f average speed
graph of such a motion.
as the time interval ( A/) becomes infinitesim ally
If Ax is the distance travelled by a particle in a
time interval At then
If the time interval At is chosen to be very small,
i.e., as At —»0, then the corresponding speed is called
34.2.1 U N IFORM SPEED instantaneous speed.
• - If a particle moving along a straight line (say , Ax dx .
Lt — = — = instantaneous speed.
x-axis) travels equal distances in equal intervals of At-*) At dt
time however small the intervals may be, then the A pplication-3.4:
particle is moving with uniform speed.
3.4.3 NON - UNIFORM SPEED O R traveles first half of the distance with speed v t and
VARIABLE SPEED the next half of the distance with speed v2 The
If a particle moving along a straight line travels 2^2
average speed of total motion is
unequal distances in equal intervals of time or equal Vi+V2
distances in unequal intervals of time, then it is said Let x be the total distance between two positions.
to be moving with non-uniform speed. Let tj be the time for first half and ^ be the time
E g : i) Motion o f a freely falling body. for the next half of the distance
E g : ii) M otion o f a body thrown vertically upwards. Total distance
Avg. speed =
Total time
3.4.4 AVERAGE SPEED s s = 2V1V2
For a particle in motion (uniform or non- ll + t 2 S
S V, + V ,
uniform), the ratio of total distance travelled to the 2Vj 2v2
total time of motion is called average speed. Application-3.5:
A body is travelling between two positions A,
Total distance travelled
Average speed = B. It travelles from A to B with speed Vj and then
Total time
from B to A in the same path with speed v2. The
x2 - x i 2 v .v 2
average speed of total motion is
U -U Vi+V2

A pplicatioh-3.6: where x is the position coordinate of the particle, i

A body is travelling between two positions. The t is the time, v and b are certain constante;jIn this
total distance'is divided into n equal parts. These equation position is a linear function of time. Hence
parts are travelled with speed y p v2, the position - time graph is a straight line, the slope
respectively. The average speed of total motion is of which is a constant (v) and is equal to uniform
such that ......
n 1 1 1 1 velocity of particle.
•= — + — + —
Average speed
A body travelling betw een two positions
traveles with speed Vj for time tj and then with speed
v2 for time t2. For the total motion,
Position tim e graph o f an object in uniform
Average Speed = Vltl
ti+ t2 motion.

A pplication-3.8: When t = 0, the above equation can be written as

A body travelling between two positions travels x0= b
first half of the time with speed and the next half Where x0 indicates the initial position of the
of the time with speed v2. The average speed of total particle from the origin.
motion is
If a body has equal displacements in unequal
intervals of time or unequal displacements in equal
A body travelling between two positions travels intervals of time then it is said to be moving with.
for the time intervals t p t2, with speeds Non-Uniform Velocity.
Vj, V2, V3, respectively Note 3.2: The displacement variation m ay be due to change i
in magnitude or change in direction o f motion or both.
total distance
Avg. speed =
total time 3.5.4 AVERAGE VELOCITY

V lt l + V 2t 2 + V 3t 3 + ..................V n For a particle in m otion (uniform or non*

tj + t 2 + t 3 + uniform), the ratio of total displacement to the total'
time interval is called Average velocity.
The displacem ent o f a body in unit time is Total displacement
Average velocity =
called it’s Velocity. Total time
It is a vector quantity. Suppose a particle displaces from Pj to P2 in-a
CGS unit is cms*1 SI unit is ms-1. time interval At. If xt is initial position and x2 is
final position then
If a body has equal displacements in equal Average velocity = (v) =
intervals of time however small the intervals may be
then it is said to be moving with uniform velocity. Consider the motion of the car in the below Fig. The
This motion is expressed by an equation of the form. portion of the x-t graph between t = 0 s and t = 8 s is
x = vt+b blown up and shown in Fig.

AKASH NEC SERIES j - --------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 1~83

Note 3 .4 : Since distance is always greater than or equal to
displacement, the average speed is greater than (or) equal to
average velocity over a given interval o f time.
Note 3.5 : A particle travelling between two positions A, B
travels from A to B with velocity v ( and returns from B to A
with velocity v2. N ow average velocity o f total motion is
zero since the net displacement o f the particle is zero.
Note 3 .6 : In variable motion, the average velocity depends
on the interval o f the tim e during which the velocity is
Note 3.7: In uniform motion, the average velocity is a constant
and is same for all the intervals o f time during which the
As seen from the plot, the average velocity of the
value is calculated.
'-"tar between time t = 5 s and t = 7 s is
Note 3.8: The magnitude o f average velocity is equal to the
X2 " X^ (27,4- 10.0)m -i
= 8.7ms average speed for motion along a straight line and it is a
rnsj>: t2 - q (7 - 5)s
scalar quantity.
' Geometrically, this is the slope of the straight line Note 3.9: In uniform motion, the instantaneous velocity o f a
PjP2 connecting the initial position P, to the final body is equal to the average velocity.
(position P2 as shown in Fig.
3.5.5 INSTANTANEOUS VELOCITY If the velocity of a particle is changing as it
The velocity of a particle at a particular instant moves then it is said to be moving with acceleration.
' df time is called it’s instantaneous velocity, (or) The acceleration measures how rapidly the velocity
It is also defined as the lim it o f average is changing.
Velocity as the tim e in terval ( At ) becom es Acceleration is defined as the rate o f change
... infinitesimally small. of velocity.
t- >a If AS is the displacement by a particle in a time Let Vl,V2 be the velocities of a particle at instants
r.»interval At then tp t2 respectively. Now,
„ AS
Velocity = V = — change in velocity
At Acceleration =-
1 1' If the time interval At is chosen to be very small,
i.e., as At -» 0 , the corresponding velocity is called *
. v2-v,
.. a = — — -
t 2 - tj At
_ instantaneous velocity.
The average accelaration is defined as the ratio
,v. ' T AS dS .
Lt — = — = instantaneous velocity of change in velocity over a time interval to the time
At-*o At dt
( The instantaneous velocity is rate of change of
It is a vector. It is in the direction o f change
position with time.
in velocity.
- The velocity at a particular instant is equal to
,'rlh e slope of the tangent drawn on position time graph S.I. Unit is ms-2, dimensional formula is [L1T-2]
.. at that instant. Note 3.10 : The velocity variation may be due to change in
magnitude o f velocity (speed) or change in direction o f
ds S2 *2
Note 3.3: v = — ; } d s = J v d t velocity. Hence acceleration may be due to either o f the
dt s, t, above reasons or both.


Eg 1 : For a car going on a straight road if the speed is ’
in creasin g, then the acceleration is due to ch an ge in
magnitude o f velocity If the average acceleration over any tube interval
Eg 2 : For a stone whirled in a horizontal circle with equals the instantaneous acceleration at any instant
constant speed, the acceleration is due to change in direction
of time then the acceleration is said to be uniform or
o f velocity.
constant. It does not vary with time. The velocity
Eg 3 : For a stone whirled in a vertical circle with a
changing speed, the acceleration is due to change in both either increases or decreases a t the same rate
magnitude and direction o f velocity. throughout the motion, (or)
Note 3.11 : The acceleration o f a moving particle may be I f a body has equal changes in velocities in
positive or negative. If the speed o f particle is increasing
equal intervals o f time however small the intervals
with time then acceleration is positive and if the speed is B
decreasing with time then acceleration is negative. « may be, then it is set to move it uniform acceleration.
This statement is independent o f the choise o f reference

Note 3.12: For positive acceleration the velocity vector and Suppose two trains are travelling in the same
acceleration vector are in the same direction. But for negative directions on two parallel tracks and one of them
acceleration, the velo city and acceleration vectors are
overtakes other. The observer in the fast moving train
feels that it overtakes the second one with less've­
3.6.2 INSTANTANEOUS ACCELERATION locity, where as an observer on the ground feels that
The acceleration of a particle at a particular the velocity of the over taking train is more than that
instant of time is called it’s instantaneous acceleration. by observer in the train.To understand such obser­
It is also defined as the lim it o f average vations the concept of relative velocity was intro­
accelaration as the tim e interval (A/ ) becomes duced.
infinitesimally small. Consider two objects A and B moving uni­
If the time interval At is chosen to be very small, formly with average velocities vA and vB in one
i.e., as At —>0 , the corresponding accelaration dimension, say along x-axis. (Unless otherwise
is called instantaneous accelaration. specified, the velocities mentioned in this chapter
T AV c N are measured with reference to the ground). Let x A
L t ---- = — = Instantaneous acceleration
At dt (0) and xB (0) are positions of objects A and B,
Note 3.13 : Instantaneous accelaration respectively at time t=0. Their positions x A(t) and
E xB(t) at time t are given by:
dv cPs v2 tj
a =— | dv=J adt L x A{t) = xA(0) + vA t xB(t) = xB(0) + vB t
dt dt2; Vi tl
dv ds dv Then, the displacement from object A to
Note 3.14: a = — ; a = v.—
ds dt ds object B is given by x BA(t) = x B( t ) - x A(t)
| ads = J vdv =[xB(0)-xA(0)] + (vB- vA)t = xBA(0) + (vB-v A)

3.6.3 DECELERATION OR RETARDATION It tells us that as seen from object A, object B

If the speed is decreasing with time then has a velocity v B - vA because the displacement
acceleration is negative. from A to B changes steadily by the amount vB- vA
The negative acceleration is called decelera in each unit of time. We say that the velocity of .ob­
tion or retardation. ject B relative to object A is vBA = vB —vA


MOTION IN a STRAIGHT LINE | ---------- -------------------------------------------- -------------- — | PHYSICS - I A

' Similarly, velocity of object A relative to object " x B(t) - x A(t) = x B- x A+(vB- v A)t
B iS : =VA~Vb 0 = (40 - 10) + (-10)r => r = 3s ' ‘
Now we Consider some special casds : They meet after t = 3 sec »
(a) If vB — v4 then - vA - 0- At this in stan t they are both ,at a p o sitio n
Now the equation x B( t ) - x A(t) = x B( 0 ) - x A(0) ■ x A(t) = x B(t) = 1 0 m . Thus, objec^nA overtakes-
Therefore, the two objects stay at a constant distance object B at this time.
(x B(0) - x A(0)) apart, and their position-time graphs
(c) Suppose vA and v B are moving in opposite
ar^ straight lines parallel to each other as shown in
; directions then they have opposite signs. Now
Fig. The relative velocity vAB or vBA is zero in this
m velocity of B with respect A is vA + vB


(b) If two objects are movng in same directions and

vA> vB then vB- vA is negative. One graph is steeper
than the other and they meet at a common point.

For example, if in the above example object A is

moving with 20 m s'1 starting at xA(0) = 10m and
:: object B is moving with -10 m s'N tarting at
w *g(0) = 4 0 m , the two objects meet at t=l s.
" The velocity of B relative to A,
vBA = [-10 - (20)]m s-1 = -3 0 m s-1 = - v Afl. In this
case, the magnitude of vBA or vAB (=30 m s '1) is
greater than the magnitude of velocity of A or that
t(s) of B. If the objects under consideration are two trains,
then for a person sitting on either of the two, the
For exam ple, suppose vA= 20ms-1 and other train seems to go very fast. ■
x A(0) = 10m; and vB = 10ms-1, xg(0) = 4 0 m ; Note that the equations are valid even if vAand
vba ~ vb ~ va = 1 0 -2 0 = - 1 0 m / s ,, vB represent instantaneous velocities.

~66~i--------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------1 AKASH NEO SERIES


3.8.1 KINEMATICAL EQUATIONS OF it is independent) and the other variable is along
MOVING ALONG A STRAIGHT LINE In many problems either slope or area or both,
WITH UNIFORM ACCELERATION has to be determined to explain or understand the
K inem atical equations are useful to solve motion of a particle. Slope of a straight line is
problems in one dimensional motion of a particle determined by two methods.
with constant acceleration. In first method, the straight line whose slope has
Consider a particle with initial position xi . to be determined is extended. The angle made by
Suppose it starts with initial velocity ‘u ’ and moves 1 the line with X-axis is noted. The tangent to that
with uniform acceleration ‘a’ and V is its final velocity * angle gives slope of straight line. v '
after t seconds with x-{ as final position. :,
If 0 is the angle made by extended line with
Now the equations of motion are as follows.
X-axis as shown below then slope, m = tanG
1) Velocity as a function o f tim e v = u + at
2) Displacement as a function o f time

S = xf -X: = u t+ —at2
f 1 2
3) Position as a function o f time
1 2
xf = x ; + u t+ —at
f 1 2
4) Velocity as a function o f displacement
v2—u2 = 2as
In second method, any two points on the line’1
5) Displacem ent in n’h second o f motion perpendiculars are drawn on to both X and Y-axes"
The respective coordinates (foot of perpendiculars)
Sn = u + a
are noted. The ratio of difference of y-coordinates
to x-coordinates gives the slope of this straight line.
6) Displacem ent = (Average velocity)tim e
Let A and B are two points on the straight line.
S= Perpendiculars are dropped onto both axes and
respective X and Y coordinates are shown below.
3.8.2 MOTION CURVES ___ y2 - y i
Then the slope of straight line m ~ x _
Graphical analysis is a convenient method of
studying the motion of a particle. It can be effectively
applied to analyse the motion situation of a particle.
For graphical representation, we require two
coordiate axes. The usual practice is to take the
independent variable along X-axis and the dependent
variable along Y-axis. In a context, with time as one
of the variables, it is usually taken along x-axis (since


Graphs are drawn with time along x-axis and Position ( displacement with respect to origin) along y-axis
significance: i) The slope of the tangent at any point gives the instantaneous velocity.
ii) The slope of the chord between two points gives average velocity.




Graphs are drawn with time al.gng x-axis and velocity along y-axis

i) The slope of the tangent at any point gives the instantaneous acceleration.
ii) The slope of the chord between two positions gives average acceleration.
iii) The area of the figure bounded by the graph, the time axis and the ordinates drawn at the initial and
final positions on the time axis gives the displacement in the bounded time interval.

Context Shape o f graph C om m ent on shape o f graph

V A s v = 0, the graph is a straight line
1) Particle at rest
along x-axis
2) Particle with Uniform velocity (u) V i) A straight line parallel to x-axis
The equation o f motion is u ii) slope = 0 , acceleration = 0
V = constant = u iii) y intercept = initial velocity = u
c -------------------►
3) Particle with uniform acceleration, 4
with velocity = 0 at t = 0 i) A straight line with positive slope
The equation o f motion is ii) Slope = acceleration = constant
V = at / X
0 t-*- *

4) Particle with uniform acceleration, * y /

V i) A straight line with positive slope
with velocity = u at t = 0
ii) Intercept on y - axis = u
The equation o f motion is u iii) Slope = acceleration = constant
V = u + at X

5) Particle with uniform retardation, u

with velocity = u at t = 0 4 i) A straight line with negative slope
The equation o f motion is ii) Slope = retardation = constant
V = u + at where a is negative SS^ S^S X
ii y i) A straight line with negative slope.
u ii) The net area bounded by the curve
6) Particle projected vertically I is zero.
upwards V iii) Net displacement in the time of
The equation o f motion is o flight = 0 .
V = u - gt — x\— 1^ iv) OA = time o f ascent = u/g.
\ 1
AB = time o f descent = u / g.
u OB = time o f flight = 2u / g.


-llPlOTION IN A STRAIGHT U N E l ----------------------------------------------------------------------- — | PHYSICS - 1A

13.8.2(c)! ACCELERATION - TIME GRAPHS (a - 1 GRAPHS) [ ~ ~

Graphs are drawn with time along x-axis and acceleration along y-axis
Significance i) The slope of thfe tangent at any point gives instantaneous jerk.
ii) The area under the graph with x - axis (time axis) gives the change in velocity in the
bounded time interval (v - u)

Context Shape o f graph Comment on shape o f graph

t. The graph is a straight line parallel to
1) The particle is with constant 1 «
a x-axis
acceleration ao Y intercept = acceleration = a0

0 t + * X

2) Particle with non-uniform al
acceleration and The graph is with variable slope
with a = 0 at t = 0


2) To Show that S = u t + —a t 2
MOTION OF A BODY WITH The area under the velocity time graph with
UNIFORM ACCELERATION X -axis (time axis) gives the displacement in the
Consider a particle moving with initial velocity bounded time interval. Here the area bounded by
‘u ’ and uniform acceleration ‘a’. Suppose V is its the line AB with x-axis gives the displacement
velocity after ‘f seconds. Let ‘S’ be its displacement .•. S = Area of rectangle OACD+ Area of triangle
in the time interval t. The velocity time graph is a ABC
straight line with positive slope. The graph is given .-.S = (O A )(O D )+ i(A C )(C B )
by the line AB.

= W M + | ( 0 ( v - m)

= ut -1---- {t){at) [v a = - ——
2 ' 1
1 2
. . S — ut H— at
1 2
Note 3.15: G eneral M ethod to show that $ ~ u t+ ^ at
1) To show that v = u + at When the particle is m oving with uniform acceleration,
The slope o f velocity time graph gives the u+v
A verage V elo city = —- —
acceleration of the particle.
Displacement = (Average Velocity) (time)
BC v -u
Here, slope = tan0 ^u + v^
AC" t .-. S = (0
/. v - u = at(or) v = u + a t V 2 J



Note 3.18: For tw o bodies in motion for same time internal
.-. s (») (v V = u + at) w e can use equation o f motion in the relative. Edflu stich. as
y vr = u r + a rt ''U
1 2 I
v .,S = ut + ^ a t Sr —u t + —a t
Note 3.16: To show that v 2- i f = 2aS and v? : 2a, s.

.V =; u + at v - u = at - - ( 1)
Note 3.19: In applying kinematic equations, the origin and
2S positive direction o f an axis are a matter o f choice. One
s - f u+v .v+u =— — ( 2)
s i ,2 > - t should first specify the choice before assigning o f signs to
Using (1), (2) the quantities like displacement, velocity and acceleration.
2S" Note 3.20: The definitions o f instantaneous velocity an;d
( v - u ) (v + u) = (at) = 2aS
t , instantaneous acceleration are exact and always correct,
v 2 - u 2 =2aS but kinematics equations ,

Note 3.17: ( v = u + af,s = ut + —a t 2; v2 —u2 = 2a s ) are true for only

To O btain equations o f motion for constant acceleration uniformly accelerated motion.
using method o f calculus.
a= — =>dv=adt
dt « p-
Problem -3 .1 : A particle is a tx = + 5 m a t t = 0, x = - 7 m
Integrating both sides
a tt = 6 ft and x = + 2 m a tt - 10s. Find the average velocity
l dv = Jo a dt = a Jo dt (a is constant) o f the particle during the intervals
(a) t = 0 t o t = 6s (b) t = 6s to t = 10s,
v - Vq = at => v = v0 + at (c) t = 0 to t = 10 s.
dx Sol. From the definition o f average velocity
Further, ,v :
dt _ Ax _ x2 - xx
dx = v dt
At t2 11
Integrating both sides
(a) The average velocity between the times t = 0 to t = 6§
l j x = !ov = lo (v« +at)c/r x, =+5m, tx = 0 , x2 = —lm t 2 = 6 s
1 2 ... Xn—x, -7 -5
x - x 0 = v0t + —at Hence vi = - 2 ms
t2 - tx 6 -0
1 2 (b) The average velocity between the times
x = x0 + v0t + —a t
t2 = 6 s to t3 = 10 s is
W e can w rite i z i = M - 7 ) = 9 =225mj. 1
dv dv dx dv / „, t3- t 2 1 0 -6 4
a = — = -------- = v — (or) v dv = adx
dt dx dt dx
(c) The average velocity between times t = 0 to t3=10 s is
Integrating both sides,
x, - x 2 -5
", 2 2 ■= -0.3m s 1
f v dv,= f a dx
V -v 0
= a ( x - x 0) h h 1 0 -0
JVn *
2 2 Problem - 3.2 : A particle traversed half o f the distance
v = v0 + 2 a(x —x0 )
with a veloicty o f Vir The remaining parts o f the distance
The advantage o f this method is that it was covered with velocity Y p fo r half o f the time and with
can be used for motion with non-uniform V2fo r other half o f the time. Find the mean velocity o f the
acceleration also. particle averaged and the whole time o f motion


S/2 S/2 +
Sol <---- v,v2 Problem - 3.5 : I f Sn = 2+0.4n fin d intial velocity and
1 ' i
2 2 acceleration
Average velocity for the second half distance = Sol. S = 2 + 0.4n
t t
v, —+- v , — Sn = 2 + 0.4 n - — + —
‘2 22 V i+ v 2 " 2 2
t t =
2+ 2 = 2 .2 + 0.4 n -

Average velocity for the first h alf distance = = v 0 ' 1

Compairing it with Sn - u + a n —
it is constant) V 2
U = 2.2 units a = 0.4 units
Average velocity for total path -S 8
e Problem - 3.6 : A body starts from rest and moves with
2 v.
i- uniform acceleration o f 5 m s2fo r 8 seconds. From that time
2____ 2 V o (v ,+ v )
v,+v2 v , + v 2 + 2v 0 the acceleration ceases. Find the distance covered in 12s
vn +
starting from rest.
*-------------------------------------------------------- Sol. The velocity after 8 seconds v = 0 + 5 x 8 = 4 0 m /s
Problem -3.3 : Two parallel rail tracks run north-south.
Distance covered in 8 seconds
Train A moves north with a speed o f 54 km It1, and train B
moves south with a speed o f 90km hr1. What is the sn = 0 + — x 5 x 6 4 = 160 m
0 2
(a) velocity o fB with respect to A?
After 8s the body m oves with uniform velocity and
(b) velocity o f ground with respect to B?. and distance covered in 4s with uniform velocity
(c) velocity o f a monkey running on the roof o f the train A v = vt = 40 x 4 = 160 m
against its motion (with a velocity o f 18 km The distance covered in 1 2 s = 1 6 0 + 1 6 0 = 320 m.
h 1 with respect to the train A) as observed by a man
standing on the ground? Problem -3 .7 : The two ends o f a train moving with uniform
acceleration pass a certain point with velocity u and v.
yA = +54 km h~] = 15 m s "1
Find the velocity with which the middle point o f the train
vB = - 9 0 km hr' = - 2 5 ms"' passes the same point.
Relative velocity o f B with respect to

A = vb —va = - 4 0 m s"1, i.e. the train B appears to A to Sol. h +

s/2 s/2
m ove with a speed o f 40 m s from north to south.
v 12 - n 2 = 2a s /2
Relative velocity o f ground with respect to
v2 - v 12 = la s 12
B = 0 —vb = 25 m s"1
In (c), let the velocity o f the m onkey with respect to = > v12- k2 = v 2 - v 12

ground be vM. Relative velocity o f the monkey with respect 2 v 12 = v 2 + v 2

to A v
«2 + v 2
vM = vM- vA = -l&kmh~' = - 5 ms~'. v! =
Therefore, vM = ( 1 5 - 5 ) m s _1 = 10m.v“' .
SHS- Problem -3 .8 : A scooter can produce a maximum accelera­
Problem - 3 .4 : The displacement x o f a particle at the in­ tion o f 5m s'2 . Its brakes can produce a maximum retarda­
stant when its velocity v is given by v - V 3 jc+ 1 6 * tion o f 10 ms'2 . The minimum time in which it can cover a
acceleration and intial velocity distance o f 1.5 km is ?
Sol. If v is the maximum velocity attained,
SoL v = f i x + 16 or v 2 = 3 jc+ 16 dr v2 - 1 6 = 3jcComparing
then v 2 - O 2 = 2 x 5 x S r
with v2 - «2 = 2 aS, w e get, u = 4 units, 2 a= 3 or a = 1.5 units
sra<—*------------------------------------------------------- A lso, O 2 - v 2 = 2 x 10 x


5, = — ,S 2 = — SoL 100 = 2uH— a.4 - ;n>/
10 2 20 2
3v 2
S = S , + S2 = M 50O = , + , = — or 228 = 6 u+ ^ a . 36 -> (2 )

v 2 = 1 5 0 0 x 2 0 = 10q00 o r v = 1 0 0 m s -i (l)x 3 -(2 )g iv e s

72 = - 1 2 a
100= 20
v = a t => t = ----- „„sec a = - 6 cm/s 2
1 1 5
- 100 1A 100 = 2 u ——x 6 x 4
v = pt„ =>L = ----- = lOsec 2
2 2 10 2u= 112 u = 56cm /s
Total time = 20+10 - 30 sec. V = u+ at = 56 -6 x 8
V = 8 c m /s
Problem - 3 .9 : The speed o f a train is reduced from
----------------------------------------------------------------------------s e
60 km/h, to 15 km/h, whilst it travels a distance o f450 m. If
Problem - 3.12 : A car is moving with a velocity o f 20 nt/s.
the retrardation is uniform, find how much further it will
The driver sees a stationary truck ahead at a distance o f
travel before coming to rest ?
100 m. After some reaction time A t the brakes are applied
SoL Here u — 6 0 x — = — m ls producing a retardation o f 4 m/s2. What is the maximum
18 3 reaction time to avoid collision ? “"v' ‘
Sol. The car before coming to rest
;15x — = m is r (
18 v2 = m2 + 2as covers distance s
Using vd2
2—= ..2 + las, w e get
u1 , \ 0 = 20 2 —2 x 4 i
50 r2 5 400= 50
: .s = ----- ™m
+ 2xax450
3 6 8
The car covers 50 m
or a = — -m is To avoid the clash, the remaining distance
100 - 50 = 50 m must be covered by the car with uniform
If s 1 is the further distance travelled before coming to
velocity 20 m/s during the reaction time t <
, j v 2 25 2 5 x 3 6 x 1 2
rest, then s = — = — x ---------------- = 30 m
la 6 6x2x125 , — = 20
--------------------------------------------------- At
50 „ r
Problem - 3.10: A rifle bullet loses l/20th o f its velocity in : .Aa t = — = 2 .5 i
passing through a plank. What will be the least number o f
such planks required to ju st stop the bullet ? .-. The maximum reaction time A t = 2.5 s
Sol. f— j - v2 = lax 0 2 - v 2 = 2anx Problem - 3.13 : Velocity o f a particle moving in a straight
line varies with its displacement as v = ^-\/4 + 4sj| m/S. ^
D iv id in g , n Displacement o f particle at time t = 0 is s =6. Find displace-' -
^V -V 2 1- 1® ment o f particle at time
20 J 120
20 x 20 t = 2s. •'
■= ^ = 10.3 -.
(20 + 1 9 )(2 0 -1 9 ) 39 Sol. Squaring the given equation, w e get v 2.= 4 + 4s
Now, comparing it with v 2 = u 2 + 2as
^11 planks so, the bullet shall stop in 11 th plank.
We get, u = 2 m/s and a = 2 m/s2
, D isolacem ent at t = 2s i s . .
Problem -3.11 : A body covers 100cm infirst 2seconds and
128cm in the next fou r seconds moving with constant 1 2
s —ut H— at or s = ( 2X 2> + ^ ( 2)( 2)2
acceleration. Find the velocity o f the body at the end o f
s = Sm
8sec ?


Sff- -M5 ds
For s to be maximum, — = 0 or u —at = 0 v ‘'
Problem - 3.14 : A driver can stop his car from the red dt ' ■'
signal at a distance o f 20m when he is driving at 36 kmph it 40
or t ——= ----= 10s . v. • V..
and 41.25m when he is driving at 54kmph. Find his reaction a 4 - ■« ... . =
time. Maximum Distance , ■■

Sol. s = ut + u* 7 = 4 0 x l 0 - ^ x 4 x ( ! 0 ) 2 = 4 0 O - 2 0 0 = 2Q0m .
' 2a
20 = lOt + x2.25 Problem - 3.17: Two trains one travelling at 54 kmph and
the other at 72 kmph are headed towards one another along
225 a straight track. When they are — km apart, both drivers
41.25 = 15t + Z
2a simultaneously see the other train and apply their brakes. If
3.75 = 7.5t each train is decelerated at the rate o f 1 ms'2, will there be
collision ?
t = 0.5s
Sol. Distance travelled by the first train before com ing to
8S'- ~'S£5
Problem - 3.15 : A car starts from rest and moves with u2 5 , 400
=— = 72x — i 2 x 1= ------= 200 m
uniform acceleration 'a'. At the same instantfrom the same 2a 18 2
point a bike crosses with a uniform velocity When and •225
= 122.5 m
where will they meet ? what is the velocity o f car with respect
to the bike at the time o f meeting? Distance travelled by the second train before com ing to
1 2
S ol Sr= urt + ~ a rt 72 x — ^ / 2 x l = — = 200 m
18 2
Total distance travelled by the two trains before coming
:ut ~ 2 at to rest = Sj + s 2=122.5 + 200 = 322.5 m
Because the initial distance o f separation is 500 m which

t= - is greater than 322.5 m, there will be no Collision between
2u 2u 2if the trains.
Sbike ~
a a
V = at = 2u Problem ■3.18: In a car race, car A takes time t less than
V w.r. t. bike at the time o f meeting = 2u - u car B and passes the finishing point with a velocity v more
than the velocity with which car B passes the point. Assuming
V* = u that the cars start from rest and travel with constant
Problem - 3.16 : Two bodies start moving in the same accelerations Uj and a2, show that —- k/«i «2 •
straight line at the same instant o f timefrom the same origin. Sol Let s be the distance covered by each car. Let the times
Thefirst body moves with a constant velocity o f 40 m/s, and taken by the two cars to complete the journey be t, and t2,
the second starts from rest with a constant acceleration o f and their v elocities at the finishing point be v, and v 2
4 m/s2. Find the time that elapses before the second, catches respectively.
the first body. Find also the greatest distance between then According to the given problem, ,
prior to it and the time at which this occurs. Vj - v 2 = v and t 2 - t , = t

Sol When the second body catches the f ir s t , the distance ^/2a,s - ^ 2a2s
travelled by each is the same. Now,
t2 t, 2s
.\4 0 t = i ( 4 ) f 2 or t = 20 S
s /^ - s /a T . V=
N o w , the distance s between the two bodies at any time
1 2
t is S = ut ——at


Sa>------------------------- ;---------------------- :------------:--------------
(b) Displacement = area under the v-t graph
*Problem - 3.19 : A particle moving along a straight line •*
= area o f A OAB
with initial velocity u and acceleration a continues its
motion fo r n seconds. What is the distdhce covered by it in
= ]-{base){height) = ~ t v ^
the last n* second ?

Hint S = ut + at^ 1 f apt 1 a p t1 N

_ —t
. . . 1 ~ 2 Ka + P y _ 2 l a + P )
Displacement in n seconds = un + —an2
Displacement in (n - 1 ) seconds
Problem - 3.21 : Figure shows the motion o f a particle
= u ( n - l ) + ^ a ( n - l )2 along a straight line. Find the average velocity o f the
particle during the intervals
Displacement in n* second = Displacement in n seconds
(a) A to E; (b )B to E ; (c)C to E;
- displacement in (n - 1) seconds.
(d )D to E ; (e)C toD .
, S„ = u + a \ n —
sw- x cm »


Problem • 3.20: A bus accelerates from rest at a constant
rate a fo r some time, after which it decelerates at a constant
rate P to come to rest. I f the total time elapsed is t seconds
then, evaluate.
(a) the maximum velocity achieved and
(a) A s the particle m oves from A to E, A is the initial
(b) the total distance travelled graphically. point and E is the final point.
SoL(a) Let t, be the tim e o f acceleration and t 2 that o f The slope o f the line drawn from A to E
deceleration o f the bus.
The total time is t = f, + 12. i.e., — gives the average velocity during that interval
Let be them axim um velocity.
o f time.
A s the acceleration and deceleration are constants the
The displacement Ax is
v elo city tim e graph is a straight lin e a s show n in the
xE- x A= 10 c m - O c m = +10 cm
figure.with + ve slope for acceleration and -ve slope for
deceleration. The time interval A tEA= t,, - tA= 10s.
From the graph, During this interval average velocity
the slope o f the line OA gives the acceleration a . _ Ax +10cm
• = +1cms
At 10s
a = slope o f the line OA = - a s - => h - _5SiL
f, a (b) During the interval B to E, the displacement
the slope o f A B gives the deceleration p Ax = xE - xB = 10cm - 4cm = 6 cm and
At = tE - t B = 10s - 3s = 7s.
: . p = slope o f A B = => t2
P Average velocity v = — = '''
At Is
= + 0 .8 5 7 cms -1 = 0.86cm s _1
(c ) D urin g the in terval C to E ,th e d isp la cem en t
Ax = xe - xc = 10cm -12cm = 2cm and

A t = tE- t c 10s —5s == 5s

Ax —2 cm
,\ v = - - = —0.4cms
At 5s


MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE | - 4 p h y s ic s -Ta
(d) D uring the interval D to E, the d isp lacem en t (ii) V c m /S j,
Ax = xE - xD = 10 cm -12cm - -2 cm 5
and the time interval At = tE - tD = 10s - 85 = 2s
_ Ax —2 cm
:.v = - = -1 cms
At 2s 1. I I 1
(e) D uring the in terval C to D ,th e d isp la cem en t B 5 10 t seconds
Ax = xD - xc = 12 cm - 1 2 cm = 0
and the time interval At = t D - tc = 8.s - 5s = 3s Sol. T he m otion show n by the tw o graphs are not sam e.
_ Ax 0m _i i) In the given s - 1 graph OA, is a uniform retardation
The average velocity v = — - —0 ms
(The particle has reached the same position during these Here, displacement = (average velocity) x (tim e)
3s. The average velocity is zero because the displacement is
u+ 0
zero). 10 2
«6c^- -*8
*Problem - 3.22 : Velocity-time graph for the motion o f a u = 5ms -1
certain body is shown in Fig. Explain the nature o f this
using - u2 = 2as
motion. Find the initial velocity and acceleration and write
the equation fo r the variation o f displacement with time. 0 - 5 2 = 2a(10)
What happens to the moving body at point B ? How does
a - - 1.25 m s - 2
the body move after this moment ?
V m/s ii) In the given V - 1graph, OA is a uniform retardation of
m otion
OA —4 ms
a = slope o f the line = — ■= —1ms
F OB 4s
Thus the two graphs even though represent uniform
retardation motions, the magnitudes are not equal.
The velocity - time graph is a straight line w ith-ve slope. *Problem • 3.24 : A body starts from rest and travels a
The motion is uniformly retarding upto point B and there distance S with uniform acceleration, then moves uniformly
after uniformly accelerated upto C. a distance 2S andfinally comes to rest after movingfurther
At point B the body stops and then its direction o f 5S under uniform retardation. Find the ratio o f average
velocity reversed. velocity to maximum velocity :
The initial velocity at point A is v 0 = 7 ms-1. SoL G raphically: Area o f (V -t) curve represent dispalcement
vf - v 0 0 —7ms”1 - 7 _2
• a = —------ ■■= ------------- = — ms = 0.64m s2
At 1 Is 11
The equation o f m otion for this body w hich g iv es
variation o f displacement with time is

S = l t ---- 0.64 12 :7 t-0 .3 2 t2.

*Problem - 3.23 : The graphs in (i) and (ii) show the S-t
1 2S 2S
graph and V - t graph o f a body. S = 2 Vmaxt\ 2 S = V max t2 OTh =
'max max
Are the motions shown in the graphs represented by
OAB the same ? explain
„ 1„ 10s
5S= 2 V^ ° rt^ V ~

w _ Total displacement l7 _ 5 + 2 5 + 55
flV" Total time ; flV" 2 5 .-----------------j-
2 5 . _105
r max V
'max V


VL 8S 4 8 ft- 'ftK
Problem - 3 .2 7 : velocity-time graph o f a body moving
145 ~ 7 (0 R )
in a straight line is shown in Fig. Mntbtbetii&plaieement and
distance travelled by the body in lOsee.
Vav _ Total displacement
V total displacement ( Displacement
r max . 2 duringacceleration ■HDuring uniform
andretardqton ^ ( velocity

V■Utv _ 8S _ 8 _4
■• $ 2 (S + 5 S )+ 2 S 14 7
8 ft- -ws
Problem - 3.25: Figure given here shows the displacement H in t : The area enclosed by velocity-tim e graph with time
time graphfo r a particle. Is itpractically possible? Explain. axis measures the displacement travelled in the given time.
Ans. S = 60 m, distance = 80 m
Problem - 3.28: S - t group ofaparticle moving an a straight
line is as shown. On which part the force acting is zero.
Sol. v = — = constant in the part be . . a = 0
SoL From the graph, it is evident that, at any instant o f time
the particle possesses two displacements, which is impossible.
------------------------ :--------------------------------- ‘sus
Problem - .3 i2 d : Figure given here shows the variation o f
velocity ofaparticle with time.

=$■F = 0 in the part be

Problem - 3.29 : The displacement - time graphs o f two

particles P and Q are as shown in the figure. The ratio o f
their velocities Vp and Vq will be
i) Displacement during the time intervals,
a) 0 t o 2 sec. b) 2 to 4 sec. and c) 4 to 7 sec
ii) Accelerations at
a ) t - l s e c , b ) t = 3 s e c .a n d c) t = 6 sec.
SoL The velocity o f a particle is equal to the slope o f time ■
iii) Average acceleration dispalcement straight line.
a) between t = 0 t o t = 4 s e c . 1
b) between t = 0 to t = 7 sec.
v VF tan3 0 ° ^3 _ , . 3
E VQ tan 60° ^3
iv) Average velocity during the motion. M
l 8 ft- -* !5
Hint: ^displacement = Area enclosed between v - 1 graph
Problem - 3.30: The a - 1graphis shown in the figure. The
and time aids.
maximum velocity attained by the body will be
ii) Acceleration = slope of, v - 1 curve
_ Total change in velocity
iii) Average acceleration =
Total time
Total displacement I
iv) Average velocity =
Total time

A n s ,(i)a ) 8m b) 16 m c) 12m Sol. Maximum velocity = at

_2 = Area between v-t graph and t-axis
u )a )4 m a b )0 c )-2 /3 m s
36 = ix llx l0 = 5 5 «
iii) a) 2 »h/s2 b) 0 iv) — ms 2
8 ®- -^sms 8® - -^tMs
Problem - 3.31 : Figure shows the x-t p lo t o f one­ Problem - 3.33: A particle moves according to the equation
dimensional motion o f a particle. Is it correct to say from
t = \[x + 3, where will be the particle come to the rest fo r
the graph that the particle moves in a straight line fo r t < 0
and on a parabolic path fo r t> 0 ?Ifnott suggest a suitable the first time
physical context fo r this graph. Sol. x = ( t - 3 ) 2
x= f-6t +9
v = — = 2 t —6
0-2t -6

t = 3s
E 8 ® --------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -SMS
Sol. It is not correct to say that the particle m oves in a
l Problem - 3.34 : The velocity o f a particle moving in the
straight line for t < 0 (i.e., -ve) and on a parabolic path for
positive direction o f the X-axis varies as V = K J s where K
t > 0 (i.e., +ve) because the x-t graph can not show the path
o f the particle. is a positive constant. D r a w V - t graph.
For the graph, a suitable physical context can be the Sol. y = K>/s
particle thrown from the top o f a tower at the instant t = 0 . dS_ s dS '
s® — ---------- — -sms K^S J -/g = J Kdt
dt 0
8® -'SMS 2V s = Kt and S = - K ¥
Problem • 3.32 : The motion o f a particle along a straight
line is described by the function s - 6 + 4 f - t 4 in S I units. = — = —K z 2t = —K 2f
Find the velocity, acceleration, at t=2s, and the average dt 4 2
velocity during 3rd second. .-.V ocf 1
Sol.s = 6 + 4? - t 4 The V - 1 graph is a striaght Une passing through the
Velocity = — = 8 / —4 /3 when t — 2 8®--------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMS
P roblem -3.35 : A p o in t moves rectilin early with
Velocity = 8 x 2 -4 x 2? deceleration whose modulus depends on the velocity v o f
Velocity = -16 m/s the particle as a - kyfv, where k is a positive constant. At
d s _ ._2 the initial moment the velocity o f the point is equal to Vff
Acceleration a —— T = 8 —12 1 when t=2
dt What distance will it take to cover that distance?
acc = 8-12 x 2 2 = - 4 0 Sol. Let t0 be the time in which it com es to a stop.
acc = -40 m/s 2
V Given that — —= k\fv
displacement in 2 seconds £ dt
Sj = 6 + 4 . 2 2- 2 4 = 6 m L

displacement in 3 seconds n vv
s 2= 6 + 4 . 3 2 - 3 4 = -39 m
2 i—

displacement during 3 1x1second kt0 = 2 V^V • ■^0 — ^ V v0

= s2- st = - 3 9 - 6 - - 4 5 m N ow to find the distance covered before stopping,

Average velocity during 3rd second dv dv ds dv dv , r~

— = -------- = v — But, — = - W V ;
dt ds dt ds dt
=- 4 5 m /s
1 ., v^ = _*V v . . Vvdv = —kds
-ve sign indicates that the body is moving in opposite 0
direction to the initial direction o f motion. ..J Vvdv = —J kds=^s = ^ V ^
8 ®--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 ®- - 4M5



3.8.4 ACCELERATION DUE TO GRAVITY(g) (ii) S =ut +—at2

The uniform accleration o f a freely falling 2 x s~ x 2

body towards the centre o f earth due to earth’s (iii) v2 - u 2 = 2aS > = 2 gS
gravitational force is called acceleration due to
(iv) Sn = u + a\ n
i) It is denoted by ‘g’ Note 3.21: For a freely falling body, the ratio o f distances
ii) Its value is constant for all bodies at a given travelled in 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 se co n d s,.... = 1:4:9:16...
place. It is independent of size, shape, material, so on

constitution(hollow or solid), nature of the body. If Note 3.22 : For a freely falling body, the ratio o f distances
air resistance is ignored, all the bodies as light as a travelled in successive seconds = on

fe a th er to a heavy m etal sphere, dropped Note 3.23: The fraction o f distance fallen in n*11second is
simultaneously from the same height hit the floor at Sn _ (2n-l)
the same time because all the bodies have same
acceleration due to gravity. Note3. 24:S„ = u + y ( 2 n - 1). Sm- u + ^ ( 2 m - l )

iii) Its value changes from place to place on the S .-S .

surface of the earth. Sn—Sm=a(n —m) :.a —
n —m
iv) It has maximum (greatest) value at the poles of L etn = m + l then Sm+1 - S m = a { m Jr \ - m ) = a
the earth. The value is nearly 9.83 m/s2. (or) Sm :Sm+ o
It has minimum (least) vlaue at the equator of In uniform acceleration motion, the distance travelled in ev­
the earth. The value is nearly 9.78 m/s2. ery second increases by an amount equal to the magnitude o f
v) The average value of g on earth’s surface is 9.8 m/s2.
A p p lication -3.10:
vi) On the surface of moon, g =1.61 ml s1 = A body dropped freely from a multistored
On the surface of sun, g = 274 m/s2 building can reach the ground in t3sec. It is stopped
in its path after t2sec and again dropped freely from
vii) The acceleration due to gravity of a body is
the point. Find the further time taken by it to reach
always directed downwards towards the centre of
the ground.
the earth, whether a body is projected upwards or
downwards. H-
viii) When a body is falling towards the earth, its h.

velocity increases, g is positve.

We know that H j=H2+H3
ix) When a body is projected upwards, its velocity
decreases, g is negative.
x) The acceleration due to gravity at the centre of
earth is zero. 1 7 1 7 1 7
3.8.5 EQUATIONS OF MOTION FOR FREELY 2 * = 2 g ‘l + 2 Sh
FALLING BODY t 2 = t 2 -\-t2
l\ ^2 ' *3 *
Motion o f all the dropped bodies falling
towards the Earth when air resistance is ignored is 3.8.6 EQUATIONS OF MOTION FOR
For a freely falling body, u = 0, a = +g For a body projected vertically upwards, a=-g
.-. (i)..v = u + at => v = gt (since velocity, acceleration vectors are opposite)

AKASH NEO SERIES ------------------------------CM3


, (i) \ = u + a t =>\ = u - g t Expression : Let a body be projected verti­

1 , 1 , cally upwards with velocity u.
(ii) S =u t + —at => S =u t — g r
2 «
2 Step 1 ): For upward motion
(iii) v2 - u 2 = 2aS => v2 - u 2 = 2 (-g )S 0 - « 2 = 2 ( - g ) H max ^ = °

(iv) Sn =u + a [ n ~ =>Sn = u - g ^ n - ^ // =-
u* t
PROJECTED VERTICALLY UPWARDS Step 2 ): For downward motion
i) Maximum height (Hmax) : E S = ut + - g t 2
“For a body projected vertically upwards, the L
maximum vertical displacement from ground about
which its velocity is zero is called its maximum initial velocity = 0, a = + g , t = td, 5 = H n
••• = ° + f S 'J
E xpression:
u2 1 2
Let a body be projected vertically upwards with Ts - 2 ^
initial velocity u. 2 U ^ =
We know that, v2- u2 = 2as •‘ - 7
here a = -g , s = Hmax, v = 0 Note 3.25: For a body projected vertically upwards,
0 - u2 = 2 ( - g) H Time o f ascent ( t ) = Time o f descent (t )= —
- u2 = - 2gH
o max iv) Time o f flight ( tf ):
“For a body projected vertically upwards the
sum of time of ascent and time of descent is called
(ii) Time of ascent (ta) : time of flight (tf)” It is the total time for which the
body remains in air
“For a body projected upwards the time to reach
the maximum height is called time of ascent” Time of flight = Time of ascent + Time of descent
E xpression: tf = t a + t d
u u 2u 2u
Let a body be projected vertically upwards with v •'•tf = —+ —- — tf =
initial velocity u. “ 8 8 8 8

We know that, v = u + at v) Velocity o f the body on reaching the point

o f projection (Vstriking)
Here a = - g, t = ta, v = 0
0 =u~gta u = gta Let a body be projected vertically upwards with
initial velocity u.
ta = ~ • The body reaches the point of projection once
8 again after the time of flight (tf)
(iii) Time o f descent (td) : We know that, V = u + at
“For a body projected upwards the time to Here,
travel from maximum height to the point of projec­ 2u
a = -g , t=t V = V striking
tion on ground is called time of descent” 8
1Q0~fc--------------------------------------------------------------------- -M AKASH NEO SERIES

3 w
••• V stnki„g = U ' g = -« Note 3.33: Velocity at —th o f maximum height = —

Sol. using the equation v 2-u 2=2as, ' .
^striking ^ . 3„ 3 k2
w e have a = -g , s = —H = -------, w e get
4 4 2g
The body reaches the point of projection with
the same speed of projection but in opposite direction. V2 - U2 :2(_ g)x^ v>_„=
Note 3.26: For a body projected vertically upwards s - t , v-t, -3 m2
a-t graphs are as follow s :

Note 3.34: Distance covered by a body projected vertically
x c rs 1 V■
V up in the 1st second o f its upward journey = Distance covered
u2 t £
M g
28 L by it in the last second o f its entire journey = u ——
X .
l : U \ -8
Sol. w e know that for a body projected vertically up,
u 2u
' lj
8 8 ■u - g n —-

Note 3.27: For a freely falling body s - t , v - t , a-t g raphs are 8

Substituting n = 1 gives st = u - — (clearly, the distance
as fo llo w s: travelled in last second is same as that o f 1st se co n d )

Note 3.35: Distance covered by a body projected vertically

up in the last one second o f its upward journey = Distance
tan0=g covered by it in the 1st second o f its downward journey = —
t 1 2
Sol. For a body falling downwards, w e know that s = —gt
Note 3.28 : In the case o f a vertically projected body,
velocity is maximum at projection point, velocity goes on Substituting t= l gives us * = — (clearly, the distance
decreasing and minimum (zero) at highest point
travelled in 1st second in the downward journey is same as
Note 3.29 : A body can have zero velocity and non zero that o f last second o f upward journey )
acceleration at an instant. For example, at highest point o f
Note 3.36 : Time taken by vertically projected up body to
vertically projected body the velocity vector is null vector
but acceleration vector is vertically downwards.
3 ta
reach —th o f maximum height = y
Note 3.30: Velocity at any point dining the upward journey
= velocity at the same point during the downward journey Sol. w e know that, for a body projected vertically up
(numerically) v = u -g t
Thus projection velocity = Striking velocity (numeri­
cally). 3 «
(since at—th o f maximum height, velocity = —)
Note 3.31: Change in velocity in the entire journey = 4 2
u u 1
= > £ / = - = ► * = ---- = M = - X / „
2u { ( A v = vf —v, = u —(—u) = 2m } 2 2g 2 *
Note 3.32: Velocity at half maximum height = Note 3.37 : A body projected vertically up takes a time

Sol. u sin g the eq u ation v 2-u 2= 2 a s, w e h ave a = -g , 1

t= L to reach half o f maximum h eigh t.
l1 V2j
1 „ 1 m2
s = - H = ------- , w e get
2 2 2g Sol. w e know that, for a body projected vertically up
V = u-gt. = > - r z = u - 8 t
v2 —u2 = 2(—g)> ■V2 —U2 = ----
~ U

V u
(since at half o f maximum h eig h t, velocity = ~j^)
U =>• V= u
=>■V22 = -r- u u J j
U-----r = gf => t = — •t = t 1-
72 \2 gl V2j V2
Note : 3.38 : For a Vertically thrown up body, maximum - both the balls fall sim ulateneously in the same
height H = - g T 2 where T is the time o f flight tune
8 _ iii) If m is same R is less for smaller body; a = g-R /m is
Sol. We know that time o f flight T = — => « = more for smaller body
. ♦ * 2
i r \2 =>• smaller body falls first
' „2 1 9
• Maximum height H = — = -— — = - gT2 A pplication-3.11:
2g 2g 8 Body 1 is released from the top of a tower. At
Similarly the same formula is applicable even in the the same instant, body 2 is projected vertically up
as shown then
case o f a projectile, and stone after ‘t’ sec is s = ^ ( g + a)t 2
I u=0
N ote: 3.39: When air resistance is taken into account
i) Time o f ascent is less than that in vacuum “
ii) Time o f ascent is less than time o f descent
iii) The speed o f the body when it reaches the point o f
projection is less than the speed o f projection
a) height at which they meet is t =
Sol. Let the two meet after a tim e't' seconds then
the in this the distance covered by both must be equal
to height of true
mg j R
i.e, Sj+S2= h
1 2 1 2 h
F = mg + R F = mg - R — gt+ ut —gt = h, ut = h t=-
2 2 u
a= g+— a1= g - y m b) the time after which their velocities are
0-u-at v = 0 +alt. equal is t — -

% f mR ] ta Sol. Let the velocities be equal after a tim e't'


= ^ = v 2
=> g t = U — g t = 7> U = > t = -----
h = l g+ - |t ; = - g - ~ 2g
2 m| 2 m
c) Ratio o f distances covered when the
t. _ 8 /m v magnitudes o f their velocities are equal is
S , : S2 = 1 : 3

8+ % u
Sol. From above, velocities are equal after a time
_ u
t— in this time
1 u 1 U2 ■ u2
For dropped bodies S, —x g x — T , = —
2 4g2 1 8g
i) Same resistance force R

=>a = g —RIm / N (M
1 , u 1
If m is more a is more
=^> heavier body falls first
= ut — gt
2 U^J 28 IS,

3u 2
ii) If R is proportional to m then acceleration is same
S t : S2 = 1 : 3
for both 2g 8g 8g
A pplication-3.12: Here,
A body falls freely from a height 'H'. After t a = - g, S = - H, u = u, t = t + XJ i

seconds of fall, gravity casses to act. Find the time „ 1 2 )

o u=o - H = u t— g t
of flight 2&
Sol. Let the total time taken be T „ 1 2 H -H
H = —gt - u t
Let gravity cease at P 2

i,e . at P, g = 0 =>- v = cons tan t Note: 3.40

Step a) D istance converd in t second is This is a quadratic equation in time.

Comparing with the standard quadratic equation
1 2
-g t = X
, , „ . u ± J u 2+ 2gH
axz + bx + c = 0 w e get t = — -------- —
remaining distance PQ is to be convered by the g
body w ith constant velocity for which have A pplication-3.13:
SpQ= Vp x f A baloon is rising up vertically. A stone is
dropped from the baloon, when the velocity baloon
Step b) Velocity at P is Vp = gt is ‘u \ A the instant, the stone velocity is also ‘u ’
Step c) S ^ = Vp x t' (t'=time taken to cover the vertically upwards. So the stone moves upwards
distance PQ) until its velocity becomes zero and again fall down
to ground i n ‘t’ sec, just like a body projected from
H —x
the top of a tower.

H ~ \ St 2 H_ t_
,t =
gt gt 2

H t
iv) total time of fall is T = t + t ’ t “1----------
gt 2


/ / r t > /
The height of thebaloon from the ground when
Consider a tower of height H. Suppose a body
y 1 2
is projected upwards vertically with initial velocity e stone is dropped, is h = - u t + —gt
u from the top of tower. Suppose it reaches to a dis- l
placement x above the tower and there after reaches The stone is a freely falling body with respect
the foot of the tower. Let t be the total time of travel. to baloon.

Now, considering the total path of the body, The height of baloon from the ground when
the motion parameters are as follows.
the stone reaches the ground is hl = gt2
Initial velocity of the body = u
Net displacement of body = S= + x-x-H = -H N ote: 3.41: If the baloon is rising with upward acceleration
‘a’ the distance between baloon and stone after ‘t’ sec is
Time of travel = t
we know that, S = u t — a t 2 s = ^ { g + a)t2
A pplication-3.14: two instants of time t, and t, (both being measured
Three bodies are projected from towers of same from the instant of projection) Now
height as shown. 1st one is projected vertically up
a ) h = | g ( t Jt 2)
with a velocity 'u'. The second otje is thrown down
vertically with the same velocity and the third one
b) Velocity of projection = u = —g (t 2 + 12)
is dropped as a freely falling body. If t p t2, t3 are the
times taken by them to reach ground, then,
c J) H max = ^Qg (vt , + t 2)2

a) velocity o f projection is u — g (t, — t 2 )

d) A body dropped from height h takes time
t f 2 to reach the ground
l Problem - 3.36 : A body is projected vertically up with
h n
velocity u from a tower. It reaches the ground with velocity

w |UJ i u2
nu. The height o f the tower is H = — {n~ ~ 1 ]

Sol. v2-u 2=2as

Sol. Clearly the extra time taken by the 1st body Here u = u, v = nu, a = - g, s = - H
(tj-t2) is equal to the time of flight of 1st body above
(n uf —u2 = 2 gH
the tower. \ 2 :.H = — U - l )
l) u2 = 2gH 2 }
2u 1 \
i.e, h h ~~ — ^ u = -g tj-t2
8 2 Problem - 3.37 : Two bodies begin to fall freely from the
1 same height. The second body begins to fall ‘ t ’ s after the
b) height o f the tower is ‘h — —g t f 2
first. After what time from the begining o f first body dose
Sol. We know that, for a vertically projected up body the distance between the bodies equals to f ?
1 2
s — u t ----- gt Sol. Let the time of fall of the 1st body be t seconds. Time of
2 fall of second body = t - r .
1 1 1 Distances of free fall of the bodies in the above time
=* h = utl ~ - gt,2 = - g (f, - 12) t, - - gt,2
intervals respectively are
,, - S ' 1.,, s(l-rf
h = ^gM 2
1 I t
c) The time taken free fall in the 3rd case Therefore f = H x - H 2 = g t f ~ —gT --t- \~—
2 8^ ^
is given by t = J t f ~ &&------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- <§&
l Problem - 3.3S : For a freely falling body, Find the ratio o f
for a falling body, t = the times taken to fa ll successive equal distances.
Ans. Ratio of times taken to fall equal distances is
1 2h
but, h = ~ 8ht2 =►t f 2 = — = C (VT-Vd):(V 2 - V i ) : ( ^ - ^ ) : ....... I)
2 g
|2h Hint, use t =
^■free —-v/tjt2

Problem - 3.39 : I f a freely falling body covers half o f Us

A pplication-3.15: total distance in the last second o f its journey, Find its time
A body projected vertically upwards from o f fall.
ground is at the same height h from the ground at Sol. Suppose t is the time of free fall.

1041------------------------ --------------------------------------------- | AKASH NEO SERIES

Stage II : To find further time o f ascent after 5 seconds.
h= -g r •d) 0 = 2 0 - g t AB
h 1 / , \2
•( 2) '-t. - — = 2seconds
2 = 2 * < '-') 10
Solving 1, 2 Here, the total vertical displacement o f stage (i) and
stage (ii) is
t = { 2 + 42)s = a rea o fO A B = - ( 7 ) ( 2 0 ) = 70m .
since 2 - V2 is not acceptable.
asr-------------------------- --------------------------
Problem - 3 .4 0 : A balloon starts from rest, moves vertically
upwards with an acceleration g/8 ms'2. A stone falls from
the ballon after 8s from the start. Find the time taken by the
stone to reach the ground (g = 9.8ms 2) Stage —i i i : If tBC is time o f descent then
Sol. Step-1 : To find the distance o f the stone above the
ground about which it begins to fall from the balloon. 7 0 = \ (10) BC tj3c — >/l4 —3.7s

S = ut + —a t2 Sc’SSf-
2 Note 4.42: tOABC = 7 + 3.7 = 10.7s
here, s = h, u = 0 , a = g /8
Note 4.43: SOA = area under v - 1graph
■(5)(20) = 50m

Step-2 : The velocity o f the balloon at this height can

Problem - 3.42 A ball is thrown upward with an initial
be obtained from v = u + at
velocity o f 100 m s 1. After how much time will it return ?
Draw velocity - time graph fo r the ball and fin d from the
V =0 + 8=g graph (i) the maximum height attained by the ball and
(ii) height o f the ball after 15 s. Take g = 10 ms'2.
This becomes the intital velocity (u1) o f the stone as the
stone falls from the balloon at the height h. v(m /s)

, 1 2
Step-3 : For the total motion of the stone h — —gt ■u t

Here, h = 4 g , u! = g, t = time o f travel o f stone.

. 1 2
-4 g = g t - ~ g r r - 2t - 8 = 0
solving for ‘t’ we get t = 4 and - 2s. Ignoring negative Here, u = 100 ms'1, g = -10 ms'2
value o f time, t = 4 s At highest point, v = 0
99,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- « 8
As v = u + gt /. 0 = 100 -10 x t
Problem - 3.41: A rocket is fired upwards vertically with a 100
net acceleration o f 4m/s2 and initial velocity zero. After Time taken to reach highest point, t = = 10s
5 seconds its fuel is finished and it decelerates with g. A t the The ball w ill return to the ground at t = 20 s
highest point its velocity becomes zero. There after it Corresponding velocity- time graph o f the ball is shown in
accelerates downwards with acceleration g and return back (i) Maxmum height attained the ball = Area o f A AOB
to ground.
= ^ x lO x lO O = 5 0 0 m
i) Plot velocity - time graph for complete journey
(ii) Height attained after 15 s =
ii) Displacement-time graph fo r the complete journey.
(Take g = 10 m/s2.) Area of A AOB + Area of A BCD

Sol. Stage I : To find velocity o f rocket after 5 seconds = 500 + 1 (15 - 1 0 ) X ( - 5 0 ) = 500-125 = 375 m
VA —0 + at0A = (4)(5) = 20m s ” 1 SH^-
net---------------------------- 1----------------------------------------------- -a* w r---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Problem - 3.43 iA stone is allowed to fa ll from the top o f a Problem - 3.46: Two balls are dropped to the ground from
tower 300 m heigh and at the same time another stone is different heights. One ball is dropped 2s after the other, but
projected vertically up from the grotmd with a velocity both strike the ground at the same time 5s after the 1st is
100 ms . Find when and where the two stones meet ? dropped.
Sol. Suppose the two stones meet at a height x from ground a) What is the difference in the heights from which they
after t seconds. were dropped ?
x —lOOf — gt2 .....(l) 3 0 0 - x = 0 + ^ - g f 2 ....... (2 ) b) From what height was the first ball dropped?
Sol. a) For the first ball s = h1? u = 0, t = 5 s
Solve 1, 2 t = 3 sec, x = 255.9m
K = 0 x 5 + ^ 9 .8 x 5 2 = 122.5m
Problem - 3.44: Ball A is droppedfrom the top o f a building
and at the same instant that a ball B is thrown vertically e For the second ball s = h„, u = 0, t = 3s
upward from the ground. When the balls collide, they are M 1 1
moving in opposite directions and the speed o f A is twice L :.h , = —g t 1 = —x 9 .8 x 9 = 4 .9 x 9 = 44.1m
n 2 2
the speed ofB. A t whatfraction o f the height o f the building
did the collision occur ? Difference in heights

SoL Given VA = 2V B h = hl - h i = 122.5 -4 4 .1 = 78.4m

Let hxand h 2are the distances travelled by the two balls b) The first ball was dropped from a height o f
h, = 122.5m
: . ^ h , = 2 ^ u 2- 2 g h 2 '• K + * K = ^ - ........(1)
If they m eet after t seconds, for the condition V = 2V Problem - 3.47 : Drops o f water fall at regular intervals
from the roof o f a building o f height H = 16m, the first drop
0 + gt = 2 (u - gt)
striking the ground at the same moment as the fifth drop
.'. gt = 2u - 2gt => 2u = 3 gt
detaches from the roof. Find the distance between the
.'. t = 2ul3g successive drops. 5

A lso h1+h2 = i g t 2+ f u t - | g t 2J = ut SoL Step - i : Time taken by the first

• 4
drop to touch the ground = t = —
r 2u'' 2u
■, 1\ +1^ =ut = u ..(2) • 3
v 3# y 3g [2 U
Forh = 16m, t = —.
2 m2 4n
Solving (1) & (2) w e get ht = ------\h2 =- Time interval between two drops is
9g 9g
t.interval t=
. K 2u2 !9g _ 1 [n —Ij
" K 4 m2 l l g ~ 2 W here n = num ber o f drops.
Problem - 3.45: An objectfalls from a bridge which is 45 m Step - ii :
above the water. It falls directly into a small row - boat Distance between first and second drops
moving with constant velocity that was 12m from the point
o f impact when the object was released. What was the speed = 5 1- 5 2 - l g t 2nt_ 4 4 2 - 3 2] = 7m.
o f the boat ?
Distance between second and third drops
Sol. Velocity o f boat = V = —
t = S2 - S 3 = ~ g t L r Val{31 - 2 2\ = 5m.
Here, s = 12m
t = time o f fall o f object from bridge Distance between third and fourth drops

2x45 - S 3- S 4 - ~ gtIMm,al [2 - 1 j = 3m
= 3s
Distance between fourth and fivfth drops.

: .V = — = 4ms~' = S4 - S s = ^ g t 2aten,al\li —0 | = lm .
H9r- -S S -4?8


9 6 i- 961- -Vg
Problem - 3.48: I f an object reaches a maximum vertical Probelem - 3.51 : A parachutist drops, freely from an
height o f 23.0 m when thrown vertically upward on earth aeroplane fo r 10 seconds before the parachute opens out.
how high would it travel on the moon where the acceleration Then he descends with a net retardation o f 2 m/sec2. His
velocity when he reaches the ground is 8 m/sec. Find the
due to gravity is about one sixth that on the earth ? Assume
that initial velocity is the same. height at which he gets out o f the aeroplane ?
SoL Distance he falls before the parachute opens
Hint. H oc —
is ^ £ x l 00 = 4 9 0 m
Ans. 138m
SS,------------------------------------------------------------------- » s Then his velocity = gt=98.0 m/s - u
Problem - 3.49 : An elevator ascends with an upward
Velocity on reaching ground = 8 = $
accleration o f 0.2m/s2. A t the instant its upward speed is v retardation - 2
3m/sec a loose bolt 5m high from the floor drops from the M
3 2 - u2 = la s
celing o f the elevator. Find the time untill the bolt strikes L
the floor and the displacement it has fallen 82 - (9 8 )2 = 2 x ( - 2 ) S

SoL Intial velocity o f bolt relative to the floor o f n 106x90 „ „ „

.’. S = ------------= 2385 m
type elevator = 0 4
acceleration o f bolt relative to the Total distance = 2385 + 490
floor o f the elevator = (9.8 + 0.2) = 10ms 2 = 2875 m = height o f aeroplane
1 2 Problem - 3.52 : A stone is dropped into a well and the
If t is time o f the descent then 5 = —x 10 x t
sound o f splash is heard after 5.3 sec. I f the water is at a
t = ' l second depth o f 122.5 m from the ground, the velocity o f sound in
air is
If s is the displacement then
1 2 -ut. SoL If t, is the time taken by stone to reach the ground and ^
:2 g r ' the time taken by sound to go up, then t, + t, = 5.33

s = 1.9 m 1 2
Since s = u t + — at
9 6 i- -vs
Problem - 3.5 0 : A body falls freely from a height o f 25m 1 2
122.5 = 0 t + —x 9 .8 x r
(g=10m/s2) after 2sec gravity ceases to act Find the time 2
taken by it to reach the ground? _ 245 = 2450 = 25
:.t. = 5 s
Sol. 1) Distance covered in 2s under gravity 9.8 98

sl = ^ g t 2 = ^ ( l 0 ) 2 2 ^20m t2 —0 .3 3 s
displacement 122.5
Velocity o f sound = ------------------- = — = 367 m is
velocity at the end o f 2 s time 0.33
961- -f»S
V = gt = (10)2 = 20m/s. Problem - 3.53: A body is thrown vertically up with a veloc­
N ow at this instant gravity ceases to act ity o f 100 m/s and another one is thrown 4 sec after the first
one. How long after the first one is thrown will they meet?
==> velocity by here after becom es constant.
SoL Let them m eet after t sec.
The remaining distance w hich is 1 2 5 -2 0 =105 m is
covered by the body with constant velocity o f 20m/s. 5, = l W t - ^ g t 2 and S2 = 1 0 0 ( / - 4 ) - i g ( t - 4 )2

Time taken to cover 105 m with constant velocity is

• .'. 1 0 0 r - ^ g t2 = 1 0 0 ( i - 4 ) “ g (t-4 )2
given by,

•■400 1 | > - ( t - 4 ) 2] * 4 (2 f- 4 )
t , = - =>f, = — = 5.25s
1 V 20
Hence total time taken to reach the ground : . 2 t - 4 = :^ - = 20, if g = 10 m / s 2
44 g
= 2 + 5.25 = 7.25 s
/.f = 12 sec
SW^- 29,- -m
?B? T
Problem - 3.54: A ball is thrown vertically upward with a : y I
velocity 'u' from the balloon descending with velocity v.
After what time, the ball will pass by the balloon ?

Sol. S = u t + —a t 2 ■
0 = (v+ u )t~ gt2

2 (v+«)
Problem - 3.55 : A ball dropped from the 9th storey o f a V
multi - storeyed budding reaches the ground in 3 second. In m SoL (a) Let us take the y-axis in the vertically upward direc-
the first second o f its free fall, it passes through n storeys, L tion with zero at the ground, as shown in Fig.
where n is equal to ( Take g = 10m sr2) N ow v0 = + 2 0 ms~l , a = - g = - \ 0 m s ~ 2, v = 0
If the ball rises to height y from the point o f launch, then
SoL 9 y = —x l O x 3 x 3 o ry = 5 m
using the equation

A gain , n x 5 = - i x l 0 x l x l = 5 orn = 1 v2 = Vg + 2 as
- iSM5 0 = ( 20)2 + 2 ( - 10) y
Problem - 3.56: A stone is dropped into waterfrom a bridge On solving, w e get, y= 20 m.
44.1 m above the water. Another stone is thrown vertically
(b) The total time taken can also be calculated by not­
downward 1 s later. Both strike the water simultaneously.
ing the coordinates o f initial and final positions o f the ball
What was the initial speed o f the second stone ?
with respect to the origin chosen and using equation
2X44.1 rr „ 1 2
SoL t = . — — — s = V9 s = 3s,
9.8 y = yo + v + j 0 *
44 1 = v x 2H—
x9.8x2x2 N ow y0 = 2 5 m y = 0m
v0 = 20ms~‘, a = —l0ms~2, r = ?
or2v = 44.1-4.9 x 4 = 24.5
24.5 0 = 25 + 2 0 t + ( l / 2 ) ( - 1 0 ) f 2
or v = - ms = 1 2 .2 5 m s -1
Or, 5t 2 - 20t - 2 5 = 0
Solving this quadratic equaltion for t, w e get t = 5s
Problem - 3.57: A ball is droppedfrom the top o f a building. SWfr- -8 8
It takes 0.5s to fa ll past the 3m length o f a window some Problem - 3.59: A balloon starts from restfrom the ground
distance from the top o f the building. I f the velocity o f the and moves with uniform acceleration g/8. When it reaches
ball at the top and at the bottom o f the window are VTand a height h a ball is dropped from it the time^taken by the
VBrespectively thenVT+VB= ? e ball to reach the ground is
u+ v} L
SoL v =
2gh Jgh
'9 n
vT + v B
X -h = vt — gt

VT +Vo = 12m / s

2 2
Problem - 3.58: A baU is thrown vertically upwards with 1 2 Jgh
t-h = 0
a velocity o f 20 m v ' from the top o f a multistorey I * '
builiding. The height o f the point from where the ball is S im p lifin g and taking o n ly the p o sitiv e v a lu e as
thrown is 25.0 mfrom the ground, (a) How high will the ball
rise ? and (b) how long will it be before the ball hits the negative value o f t is not acceptable w e get t —
ground? Take g=10 m s2.


[a p p e n d ix ] This means that tan 9 approaches the slope of
the tangent at P, denoted by m :1
We can easily define velocity and acceleration, ,. Ay (y + Ay)-nty
m = lim — = lim --------- ------
using the concept of ‘differential coefficient’ or ‘de­ Ar->°Ax a*-*0 Ax
rivative’. The concept of derivative is introduced in The lim it o f the ratio Ay/Ax as Ax
brief so as to facilitate its uses in describing physical
approaches zero is called the derivative of y with
quantities involved in motion.
respect to x and is written as dy/dx.
Suppose we have a quantity y whose value
It represents the slope of the tangent line to the
depends upon a single variable x, and is expressed
curve y=/fx) at the point P(x,y).
by an equation defining y as some specific function
of x. i.e, y =f(x) y Since y=/(x) and y + Ay = f ( x + Ax), we can
L write the definition of the derivative a s :
This relationship can be visualised by drawing
a graph of function y = f(x) regarding y and x as lim A y _ , i m / ( x + A x ) - / ( x )
Cartesian coordinates, as shown in Fig. dx dx Ax Ax
Derivatives o f some common functions.
Some elementary formulae for derivatives of
functions are given below. In these u(x) and v(x)
represent arbitrary functions of x, and a and b
denote constant quantities that are independent of x.
d(au) du du du dx
—i— L —a —
dx dx dt dx dt
d (uv) _ dv du
Consider two points P and Q on the curve y=f(x) = u ---- 1-v—
dx dx dx
whose coordinates are (x,y) ( x + Ax, y + Ay) respec­
tively. d(u/v) l du 1 dv i f vdu udv^
— -------- L = -------------- T ---- X « = ----------- --
The slope of the line joining P and Q is given by: dx v dx v dx y dx dx
du du / dx
an e = ^ J y-+Ay)~y- dv dv / dx
Ax Ax
Suppose now that the point Q moves along the curve
— (sinx) = cosx : — (cos x) = - s in x
towards P. In this process, Ay and Ax decrease and , dxK ’ dxy ’
Ay l
approach zero; but their ratio — will not necessar- m
Ax l — (tanx) = sec2 x : — (cotx) = -c o s ec
ily vanish. dxK ’ dxX ’
As Ay —>0, Ax —» 0 , the line PQ becomes a — (sec x) = tan x sec x
tangent to the curve at point P as shown in fig (b). dxX }

— (cos ec2x) = - cot x cos ec x

dxy ’
d / \n n i du d [Inu)
(J x = —
— (w) = nu — : —
dx dx du u

duy ’


In terms of derivatives, instantaneous velocity really matter, since then the strip will be so thin that
and acceleration are defined as the difference between F(x.) and F(x.4) is vanish­
Ax dx ingly small. The total area under the curve then is:
u = hm —-+=
A(->0At dt
A= X AA = X F h ) Ax
Av dv d 2x i=l /=!
a = hm — =
A/->0 A/ dt dt2 The limit of this sum as y\y —» °° is known as
B) INTEGRAL CALCULUS the integral of F(x) over x from a to b. It is given a
special symbol as shown below:
We are familiar with the notion of area. The o
formulae for areas of simple geometrical figures like . = | F(x)dx
rectangle, triangle etc, are also known to us. But it is
difficult to determine the area of an irregular figure The integral sign J looks like an elongated
by simple formulae. So the mathematical notion of S, reminding us that it basically is the lim it o f the
integral is necessary in connection with such prob­ sum of an infinite number of terms.
An integral with lower and upper limits is
Let us consider a concrete example. Suppose a known as a definite integral. It is a number. Indefi­
variable force/(x) acts on a particle in its motion nite integral has no limits; it is a function.
along x-axis from x=a to x=b. This problem is to
A fundamental theorem of mathematics states
. determine the work done (W) by the force on the
particle during the motion. o
Fig. shows the variation of F(x) with x. If the J f( x )d x = [g (x)J = g(b) - g(a)
force were constant, work would be simply the area
F (b-a) as shown in Fig. But in the general case, Clearly, to evaluate definite integrals, we need
force is varying. to know the corresponding indefinite integrals.
Some common indefinite integrals are

F(x) j x ndx = ( n * ~ 1)

if n=l,J^—^jdx = l n( x) = 2.302 logj0x ( x > 0 )

0 a

To calculate the area under this curve, divide Jsinxd!x = -co sx Jsinxt£c = sinx
the interval on x-axis from a to b into a large num­
J ex dx = ex
ber (N) of small intervals; x Q(=a) to x, to x2: x2to x3,
............. xN to x j= b ). The area under the curve is This introduction to differential and integral cal­
thus divide into N strips. Since the variation of F(x) culus is not rigorous and is intended to convey to
over a strip is negligible, each strip is approximately
you the basic notions of calculus.
a rectangle. The area of the i* strip shown is then
approximately. Note 3.44 : suppose ftx)=x2 and w e wish to determine the
value o f the definite integral from x = 2 to x = 3. The funciton
M = F (xj) (x, - x,_,) = F (x,.) Ax g(x) w hose derivative is x2 is
jc7 3 . Therefore,
Where Ax is the width of the strip which we
have taken to be the same for all the strips. If we VT_27_8_19
jx 2dx =
take N to be very very large (N —>°°), it does not 3 ~ 3 3~ 3


Note 3.45 : A m ost significant mathematical fact is that
integration is, in a sense, an inverse o f differentiation.
Suppose w e have a function g(x) w hose derivative is Can the equations of Kinematics be used when
the acceleration varies with time? If not, what
fix), i.e. f { x ) = form would these equations take?
ax ■
The function g(x) is known as the indefinite integral A particle moves in a straight line with uniform
of fix) and is denoted as: acceleration. Its velocity at time t=0 is v, and
g(x) = j f ( x ) d x time t = t is v2. The average velocity of the
particle in this time interval is (v, + v2) / 2. Is
this correct? Substantiate your answer.
Can the velocity of an object be in a direction
VERY SHO R T ANSWER QUESTIONS other than the direction of acceleration of the
object? If so, give an example.
1. The states of motion and rest are relative.
Explain. A parachutist flying in an aeroplane jumps when
it is at a height of 3 km above ground. He opens
2. How is average velocity different from his parachute when he is about 1 km above
instantaneous velocity ? ground. Describe his motion.
3. Give an example where the velocity of an object 5. A bird holds a fruit in its beak and flies parallel
is zero but its acceleration is not zero. to the ground. It lets go of the fruit at some
height. Describe the trajectory of the fruit as it
4. A vehicle travels half the distance L with speed
falls to the ground as seen by (a) the bird (b) a
Vj and the other half with speed V2. What is
person on the ground.
the average speed ?
8. A ball is dropped from a building and
6. A uniformly moving cricket ball is hit with a
simultaneously another ball is projected upward
bat for a very short time and is turned back. with some velocity. Describe the change in
Show the variation of its acceleration with time relative velocities of the balls as a function of
taking the acceleration in the backward direction time.
as positive.
A typical raindrop is about 4 mm in diameter.
7. Give an example of one-dimensional motion If a raindrop falls from a cloud which is at 1 km
where a particle moving along the positive above the ground, estimate its momentum when
x-direction comes to rest periodically and moves ., velocities of the balls as a function of time.
forward. e in
M 1 v. A man walks on a straight road from his home

8. An object falling through a fluid is observed to to a market 2.5 km away with a speed of 5 km
have an acceleration given by a = g - bv where h '1. Finding the market closed, he instantly
turns and walks back home with a speed of 7.5
g is the gravitational acceleration and b is a
km h"1. What is the (a) magnitude of average
constant. After a long time it is observed to fall
velocity and (b) average speed of the man over
with a constant velocity. What would be the
the time interval 0 to 50 min.
value of this constant velocity ?
11 . A hunter aims a gun at a monkey hanging from
10. A spring with one end attached to a mass and a tree some distance away. The monkey drops
the other to a rigid support is stretched and from the branch at the moment he fires the gun
released. When is the magnitude of acceleration hoping to avoid the bullet. Explain why the
a maximum ? monkey made a wrong move.

AKASH NEO SERIES § ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 111


d ASSESS YO U R SELF D direction of velocity changes from point to point

along the trajectory.
1. A body is under constant acceleration. In its
journey can the body move opposite to the 6. If the distance travelled by a particle moving
direction of acceleration ? Give an example. with uniform acceleration along a straight line
A. Yes, A body projected vertically upwards is proportional to the square of the time taken,
what is its initial velocity?
2. Under what conditions a heavy metal ball and
A. Zero
a feather, fall simultaneously, when they are
dropped freely. 7. Can a body have uniform speed and still variable
A. In the absence of resistive forces in vacuum velocity ?
Ex: In vacuum V A. Yes, in case of uniform circular motion, the
M magnitude of velocity is constant, but its
3. Under what conditions is the magnitude of the L
direction changes from point to point.
average velocity of a particle moving in one
dimension smaller than the average speed over 8. Can an object accelerate if its velocity is
same time interval ? constant ?
A. If the particle moves along a line without A. No, if the velocity is constant, there is no change
changing the direction, the magnitude of in the velocity hence acceleration is zero.
average velocity and average speed are the 9. Can a particle have a constant velocity and
same. When change in the direction occurs varying speed ?
displacement would be smaller than the distance, A. No, if velocity is constant, the magnitude of the
hence average velocity would be smaller than instantaneous velocity, i.e., speed, is constant.
the average speed.
10 . What is the nature of a velocity - time graph
4. The acceleration due to gravity is always for a body projected vertically upwards ?
downward i.e., along the negative y direction.
Can we choose this direction as the positive
direction for the acceleration due to gravity ?
A. Yes, the direction can be taken positive for the
'g' when the case is free fall of a body.
11. When is the average velocity of a body equal
5. Can an object accelerate if its speed is constant? to its instantaneous velocity ?
A. Yes, an object moving along a curved path with A. When the body moves with -uniform velocity
constant speed has varying velocity because its




j S Y N O P S IS 1 iii) s —ut H—1 at 2 v2 = u2 + 2as

1. Rest and motion are relative. v) sn = u + a n —
2 Formulae related to motion
13. For a particle starting from rest and travelling
„ . Distance with uniform acceleration along a straight line.
i) Speed= -----------
time i) V = at or V a t
, . — ds
n) Velocity V = — ii) S = 1/2 at2 (or) S a t 2
Total distance iii) V2 = 2as (or) V a Vs
iii) Average speed =
time V
E \
, , INet displacement) M iv ) sn or sn °c (2 n -l)
iv) |Average velocity! = —--------;------------1 L 2)
14. For a particle moving with uniform velocity,
v) If a body moving along a straight line suffers
its acceleration is zero (a = 0)
displacements in time tv s2 in time t2...... sn in S = ut or S at
Si+s2 + - . + sn 15. For a particle moving with uniform retardation
time tn, then < V > - -
+ lt2, +............
ll T ....+ tn M along a straight line distance travelled before
Acceleration The rate of change of velocity coming to rest (V=0) is
is known as acceleration a = S=- S a u2
At 2a
3. A body moving with uniform velocity has to 16. If a particle starts from rest and moves with
travel along a straight line. uniform acceleration 'a' such that it travels
4. For a body moving with uniform velocity, distances sm and sn in the mth and nth sec then
average speed and average velocity are same.
For a body moving with uniform velocity d„ _- ---------
Sm Sn
m -n
instantaneous velocity is same along its motion.
17. A particle starts from rest and moves along a
6. Direction of velocity and acceleration need not straight line with uniform acceleration. If 's' is
be same.
the distance travelled in n seconds and sn is
7. If velocity increases with time, the body has the distance travelled in the nth second then
sn (2n - 1)
8. If velocity decreases with time, the body has
retardation. s n2
18. Moving with uniform acceleration, a body
>. A body can have constant acceleration though crosses a point 'x' with a velocity 'u' and
its velocity changes both in magnitude and another point ‘y’ with a velocity V . Then it
direction. will cross the mid point of ‘x’ and ‘y’ with
10. A body can have zero velocity and non zero
acceleration. v2 + u 2
velocity of
11. A body can. have non zero velocity and zero V z
acceleration. 19. If a bullet looses (l/n)111 of its velocity while
passing through a plank, then the no. of such
12. Equations of motion for a body moving with
planks required to just stop the bullet is
constant acceleration along a straight line.
u + v' n2 n
---------- »
i) V = u + at ii) s - 1 : It 2n-1 2


MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE j - ------------------------------------------ 1 PHYSICS - I A
20. The velocity of a body becomes of its 1. If a particle is dropped from a certain height h.
a = +g and u = 0
initial velocity after a displacement of ‘x’, then
a) Velocity attained after falling for a time t is
it will come to rest after a further displacement
V = gt
of 1 ,
n -1 b) Distance fallen in a time ‘t’ is h = —gtz
21. Starting from rest a body travels with an
acceleration ‘a’ for some time and then with c) lime taken to fall a distance h is t =
deceleration ‘b’ and finally comes to rest. If
the total time of journey is ‘t ’, then the d) Velocity attained after falling a distance h is
maximum velocity and displacement and *
average velocity are respectively L V=V2ih
e) Distance travelled in the nth sec, is
apt apt2
i) ^max ii) s -
a +p’ 2(a + P) Sn= |(2 n -1 )
\ f) Ratio of distances fallen in successive equal
y max
iii) average velocity = intervals of time is 1: 3 : 5 : 7 ......(2n-l)
g) Ratio of distances fallen in Is, 2s, 3 s ........ns
is 1 : 4 : 9 .........n2.
h) Ratio of the time taken to fall successive
equal distances is
1: (V2 -1 ): (>/3 - -v/2): (-v/4 - -y/3)....
i) Distances fallen in every second get
increased by “g” units.
22. A body is describing uniform circular motion j) Velocity is increased by g units every
with a speed V . When it describes an angle second.
‘ 0 ’ at the center then the change in velocity is k) When there is no air resistance, equations
A v = 2vsin ( 0 12) of motion are independent of mass of the
/) If a body falls under the influence of air
resistance, as long as the velocity is increasing
i) a < g
ii) acceleration decreases with time
B. VERTICAL MOTION m) In the above case, the body after some time
If a particle is thrown vertically downwards has no acceleration, and subsequently falls
with a velocity u, the equations of motion can with a constant velocity called terminal
be written as velocity.
i ) V = u 4- gt i i ) v2- u2 = 2gh A freely falling body passes through two points
A and B in time intervals of ty and t2 from the
m ) h = u t + -1g t 92 start, then the distance between the two points

i v ) S n = u + |(2 n -l) A and B is - ^ - t 2)

114 ||-------------------------------------------------------------:— 1 AKASH NEO SERIES

3. A freely falling body passes through two points f) The change in velocity over the complete
A and B at distances h, and h2 from the start, journey is 2u (downwards)
then the time taken by it to moves from A to B g) The height reached in the first second of
ascent is equal to the height of fall in the last
second of descent.
h) Irrespective of velocity of projection, all the
4. A stone is dropped into a well of depth 'h', the
sound of splash is heard after a time of bodies pass through a height — in the last
second of ascent.
A body is projected vertically up with a velocity
5. If two bodies are held one above the other of ‘u’ from ground in the presence of constant
seperated by a distance S and released ^ air resistance ‘R’. If it reaches the ground with
simultaneously, the distance of seperation a velocity ‘V’, then
between them remains S through out their
i) Height of ascent = Height of descent
D. VERTICALLY PROJECTED BODY ii) Time of ascent ta
mg + R
1. If a particle is projected vertically up with a
velocity u, acceleration is a = - g mV
a) Equations of motion are
1 .
i)v = u-gt u)h = u t - - g t 2

Img + R
iii) v2 - u2 = -2gh iv) Sn = u- ^ (2n-1)
vi) For a body projected vertically up under air
b) i) velocity at the highest point is zero. resistance, retardation during motion is > g
ii) velocity and acceleration are in opposite vii) If air resistance is considered, time of ascent
directions. decreases and time of descent increases

iii) Maximum Height Hmax = ~

3. A body projected vertically upwards from the
iv) Time of ascent, ta = u/g ground is at the same height h from the ground
v) Time of flight, T = 2 u/g as two instants of time tj and t2 (both measured
from the instant of projection) Then
vi) time of ascent = time of descent
i) h = -g t, t2
viii) Speed at any point in ascent = speed at ii) Velocity of projection u = ^(t, + t 2)
same point in descent
iii) The maximum height reached by the body
c) If body rises through a height 'h' in nth
second, then in (n - l ) th sec it will rise 1 , \2
= gg(ti + h )
through a height (h + g) and in (n + l ) lh
second it will rise through a height (h - g). 4. An elevator is accelerating upwards with an
d) If velocity of body in nth second is V then acceleration a. If a person inside the elevator
in (n - l)th second it is (v + g) and that in throws a particle vertically up with a velocity u
(n + l)s it is (v - g) while ascending, relative to the elevator, time of flight is
e) velocity of the particle one second before 2u
t = ------
reaching the highest point is 9.8 m/s. g +a
AKASH NEO SERIES j ------------------------ —jlis
MOTION IN A STRAIGHT L lN E > ---------------------------------------- - j PHYSICS - 1A

5. In the above case if elevator accelerates down, 1

c) height of the tower is h = —g t ^
_ 2u
time of flight is 1=
E. PROJECTION FROM THE TOP OF A d) Velocity of projection is u = —(tj-tj)
TOWER: r--i A body projected vertically up crosses a point
' i
1. If a body is projected P at a height 'h’ above the ground at time ‘t ’
vertically up from the seconds and at time t seconds to same point
top of a tower of height h
with a velocity u and takes h
r i while coming down. Then total time of its
flight T = tj + 12
Vseconds to reach the , 1
a) Height of P is h - —gtjt2
ground then height of tower
, 1 „
h = -ut + —gt2
V 1 1h
2. If an object is dropped from a balloon rising up H p »/
with a velocity u at a height h.
a) Equation of motion relative to earth is /
1 b) Maximum height reached above the ground
h = u t+ - g t 2
b) Equation of motion relative to balloon is H = i g ( t1+ t2)
h = “ gt2 c) Magnitude of velocity while crossing P is
c) Relative to earth body goes up and then falls. g(t2~ti)
d) Relative to the balloon it falls vertically 2
downward. /
3. Distance between the object and balloon after a & E X E R C IS E -1 %

time of ti, after drop is X = (h = ut) = —gt2 A particle has a velocity u towards east at
t = 0. Its acceleration is towartds west and is
4. If a body is projected vertically up with a constant. Let jca and xB be the magnitude of
velocity u from a tower and it reaches the ground
displacements in the first 10 seconds and the
with a velocity nu., then the height of the tower
next 10 seconds
is h = — (n2 -1)
2g ! ) XA< XB 2K = * B 3 ) *A>*B

5. A particle projected vertically up from the top 4) the information is insufficient to decide the
of a tower takes tjS to reach the ground. Another relation of xA with xB
particle thrown downwards with the same
A person travelling on a straight line moves
velocity from the top of the tower takes. t2
with a uniform velocity vl for a distace x and
seconds to reach the ground.
with a uniform velocity v2 for the next equal
a) In the first and second case body reaches
distance. The average velocity v is given by
the ground with the same velocity
b) If the particle is dropped from the top of the 1) v — 2 .. 2) v = yfvlv2
tower, then time taken by it to reach the
ground is t = J t,t2 2 11 1 1 1
' v v, v2 V V1 V2


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