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Table Tennis and Its Secrets

In the summer, as a high school student,

I used to go on weekends to the countryside:
a dozen or so kilometers from the capital of the land of 1000 lakes.
I was speeding on my moped along rows of trees
on an asphalt route (winding in the hills amid cereals, rapeseed or corn)
passing canals, brooks and lakes shimmering in the sun.

After half an hour I was greeting my school colleagues; they lived there
surrounded by fruit orchards (practically each of them had
demijohns with light sparkling wine).

We were spending the day on an oblong morainal lake

encircled by pine trees, fishing, talking or swimming longer distances.
In the evening we were going to a local school
where their parents were teachers.
There was a ping-pong table inside.

Everyone knows that it is quite a monotonous game -

something like politics or journalism.
The effects of a long exchange of ball
are mainly determined by the nuances: rotation,
vigorous hitting at a low angle towards the edge of the table,
and finally the quality of the racket.


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